I'm glad you mention taking over Congress, everyone focuses on the Presidency when the win can come from somewhere else.
I'm serious. That's all it would take. Let the incumbants who's term comes up in 2010 that they WILL BE FIRED. Even the ones who people belive are doing a good job... such as me... i think Rep. Royce is doing a good job, as are Sen. Boxer and Feinstein. But, I'm sorry... you are part of the 12% class. You are Fired. And I'm voting for anyone else... Republican, Democrat, Independent.
If we, as voters can pull this off... it would let those fuckers know WHO this country is made for. Not lobbists, not special interests, not just the billionaires... This country belongs to YOU.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
I'm serious. That's all it would take. Let the incumbants who's term comes up in 2010 that they WILL BE FIRED. Even the ones who people belive are doing a good job... such as me... i think Rep. Royce is doing a good job, as are Sen. Boxer and Feinstein. But, I'm sorry... you are part of the 12% class. You are Fired. And I'm voting for anyone else... Republican, Democrat, Independent.
If we, as voters can pull this off... it would let those fuckers know WHO this country is made for. Not lobbists, not special interests, not just the billionaires... This country belongs to YOU.
Congress has done a shitty job and hasn't carried out the will of the people. Even though Congress does create legislation, unless there's a working, veto-proof majority and conflicting leadership (Democratic Congress & Republican president), gridlock will continue to exist. If the Dems had enough votes to rule out the specter of a veto and the status quo was the same, I could understand the shithouse approval rating. The 2006 election was a demand from the voters to get the fuck out of Iraq and that has yet to materialize which will probably dictate more Republicans losing their seats.
More independents in Congress is the recipe for improvement, imho ~ people who can vote on individual issues rather than along party lines.
Trading magic for fact, no tradebacks... So this is what it's like to be an adult...
Congress has done a shitty job and hasn't carried out the will of the people. Even though Congress does create legislation, unless there's a working, veto-proof majority and conflicting leadership (Democratic Congress & Republican president), gridlock will continue to exist. If the Dems had enough votes to rule out the specter of a veto and the status quo was the same, I could understand the shithouse approval rating. The 2006 election was a demand from the voters to get the fuck out of Iraq and that has yet to materialize which will probably dictate more Republicans losing their seats.
More independents in Congress is the recipe for improvement, imho ~ people who can vote on individual issues rather than along party lines.
Which is why I have a Republican Congressman and 2 Democratic Senators. I vote for the candidate, not the party.
The first step Americans need to take... this whole Red State vs. Blue State... is was generated by the 'news' media and has been on continual loop in cable television. We need to think independently, instead of followint the Red hoarde or the Blue horde... and FIRST and FOREMOST... those so-called 'experts' on Talk radio and Cable television... they are just asshole entertainment hosts with opinions. If you buy their opinions as your own... because you are too fucking lazy to look it up for yourself... then, do America a favor and stay at home on that Tuesday in November.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
Which is why I have a Republican Congressman and 2 Democratic Senators. I vote for the candidate, not the party.
The first step Americans need to take... this whole Red State vs. Blue State... is was generated by the 'news' media and has been on continual loop in cable television. We need to think independently, instead of followint the Red hoarde or the Blue horde... and FIRST and FOREMOST... those so-called 'experts' on Talk radio and Cable television... they are just asshole entertainment hosts with opinions. If you buy their opinions as your own... because you are too fucking lazy to look it up for yourself... then, do America a favor and stay at home on that Tuesday in November.
I vote for the individual as well, cosmo. I follow voting records and listen to the candidates. I read far more than I watch and choose to decide what is bullshit and what is relevant. You don't think I recognize the divide fed by the media??? And it's not just the media; too many sheep have been led to one side of the fence based on one or two specific issues that neither party will concede to. Evnetually people will flock to Keith Olberman because they're Dems or Rush Limbaugh because they're conservatives and nobody's willing to work in the middle for true progress.
Am I wrong in stating that there isn't a veto-proof majority which has more than likely caused inaction in Congress hence shitty favorability ratings?
By the way, if you were talking about people in general who buy the pundits' views as their own, my apologies. But, if you were implying that I regurgitate pundit opinion, you should go fuck yourself for making assumptions and KISS MY ASS.
Trading magic for fact, no tradebacks... So this is what it's like to be an adult...
Trust me... you'll have to look far and wide to find anyone that loves America more than me. And yes... America is flawed... and it's political system is a joke. But, right now... it's all we have. And yes, it's a choice between shit or crap... death by weed whacker or bolt cutters. But it comes down to who you believe will do the LEAST amount of harm to our nation. It's a terrible situation that we, as voters, help to perpetuate.
And the change doesn't come from the White House... it comes from Congress. What americans need to do is fire their Representatives. If I had a 12% job approval rating... I'd be out of a job. But, we keep hiring these fools.. then, we complain about them.
Voters need to send a message. Fire the incumbant... I don't care who is holding that seat... Senator Kennedy, Senator Feinstein, Senator McCain, Senator Clinton, Senator Obama and anyone currently in the House. Juist don't vote for any incumbant... vote for anyone else.
I can guarantee you... that if this ever happens... just once... where the American voter finally says, "YOU ARE FIRED!!! NOW, GET THE HELL OUT!!!"... that's all it would take to make those fuckers shake in their shoes and get shit done. and it would reverberate all the way through the White House.
I agree. We focus mostly on national level bc we are all from different states here and our media is geared that way, too. I say vote out all Dems ans Reps...whatever the level may be.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I vote for the individual as well, cosmo. I follow voting records and listen to the candidates. I read far more than I watch and choose to decide what is bullshit and what is relevant. You don't think I recognize the divide fed by the media??? And it's not just the media; too many sheep have been led to one side of the fence based on one or two specific issues that neither party will concede to. Evnetually people will flock to Keith Olberman because they're Dems or Rush Limbaugh because they're conservatives and nobody's willing to work in the middle for true progress.
Am I wrong in stating that there isn't a veto-proof majority which has more than likely caused inaction in Congress hence shitty favorability ratings?
By the way, if you were talking about people in general who buy the pundits' views as their own, my apologies. But, if you were implying that I regurgitate pundit opinion, you should go fuck yourself for making assumptions and KISS MY ASS.
Sorry... i think you mistook me message. It was not directed at you, personally... rather, the American voter, generally. I have a bad habit of hopping on the soapbox and ranting to the masses quite often... stick around, you'll get the hang of it.
The General voters DO listen to pundits... many will cast a vote simply because there is a (D) or an (R) next to the candidate's name. I would rather have the person who will cast a ballot the way Rush Limbaugh advises, stay home, than cast a second Limbaugh ballot.
And yes... when we send a message to Congress... we put the President on notice, too.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
That would be my only exception...not that he even seems like a Dem anyways. He'd have no problem whatsoever being embraced by the a third party like the Greens also.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Also, people have been saying for years...'We know the two parties are shit but this is the reality of the situation. We can't afford to vote third party this year maybe next time'
You gotta break the cycle at some point. I'm starting now...not 2 years from now and not 4.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Also, people have been saying for years...'We know the two parties are shit but this is the reality of the situation. We can't afford to vote third party this year maybe next time'
You gotta break the cycle at some point. I'm starting now...not 2 years from now and not 4.
I like your idealism... I really do.
But, realistically... we are trying to chop down one big... fat... old... diseased tree. We cannot do it with one mighty stroke. We need to hack away at it. Little by little until we can bring it down.
This upcoming Presidential Election... it's too late. Either a Democrat or Republican will win. That is a reality.
I believe if those Senators and Congressmen got fired for poor performance... by the time the 2012 Presidential election rolls around... your Third Party Candidate will have a real, honest to goodness chance at winning.
That is when you urge your friend... Citizen Kucinich to make a bid of the Presidency.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
I like your idealism... I really do.
But, realistically... we are trying to chop down one big... fat... old... diseased tree. We cannot do it with one mighty stroke. We need to hack away at it. Little by little until we can bring it down.
This upcoming Presidential Election... it's too late. Either a Democrat or Republican will win. That is a reality.
I believe if those Senators and Congressmen got fired for poor performance... by the time the 2012 Presidential election rolls around... your Third Party Candidate will have a real, honest to goodness chance at winning.
That is when you urge your friend... Citizen Kucinich to make a bid of the Presidency.
People have been saying that exact same thing for years now. Next time not now.
I'm sorry but I can't do something that helps keeps the diseased tree in place no matter if my hack at it knocks it down or not. This line of reasoning has done exactly that. The Dems are not owed my vote.
I'm perfectly fine and my conscience is at ease with taking small and big swings at the tree.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
People have been saying that exact same thing for years now. Next time not now.
I'm sorry but I can't do something that helps keeps the diseased tree in place no matter if my hack at it knocks it down or not. This line of reasoning has done exactly that. The Dems are not owed my vote.
I'm perfectly fine and my conscience is at ease with taking small and big swings at the tree.
Then, all you need is for others to join in and hack away, too.
Count me in... except, my protest vote is going to write-in candidate, Stephen Colbert.
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
I like your idealism... I really do.
But, realistically... we are trying to chop down one big... fat... old... diseased tree. We cannot do it with one mighty stroke. We need to hack away at it. Little by little until we can bring it down.
This upcoming Presidential Election... it's too late. Either a Democrat or Republican will win. That is a reality.
I believe if those Senators and Congressmen got fired for poor performance... by the time the 2012 Presidential election rolls around... your Third Party Candidate will have a real, honest to goodness chance at winning.
That is when you urge your friend... Citizen Kucinich to make a bid of the Presidency.
Do you guys not have a thing where small time federal parties get funding if they receive over a certain percentage of the vote? In Canada if you are a small time federal party and you get over I think 2% of the vote in a federal election you will get federal funding for the next election based on the number of votes you get. It is not huge but it allows for parties that are actually in it for the long term to get some cash and a chance to try and make a change. Then again our federal election campaigns last maybe 2 months, not 2+ years (the longer campaigns obviously favouring the people with the most cash and the best spin people, not necessarily the best ideas).
Then, all you need is for others to join in and hack away, too.
Count me in... except, my protest vote is going to write-in candidate, Stephen Colbert.
Believe me, Cos... I'm tryin' to recruit. And I've made some progress. The wave is building...
and that's an honorable protest vote in my eyes.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Do you guys not have a thing where small time federal parties get funding if they receive over a certain percentage of the vote. In Canada if you are a small time federal party and you get over I think 2% of the vote in a federal election you will get federal funding for the next election based on the number of votes you get. It is not huge but it allows for parties that are actually in it for the long term to get some cash and a chance to try and make a change.
I'm pretty sure you have to get 5% here. And that gets pretty hard with the media block out of all other parties.
I know it sounds crazy but I still keep encountering people who have never even heard of Ralph Nader but enjoy the things he's fought to bring us every day of their lives.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I'm pretty sure you have to get 5% here. And that gets pretty hard with the media block out of all other parties.
I know it sounds crazy but I still keep encountering people who have never even heard of Ralph Nader but enjoy the things he's fought to bring us every day of their lives.
I just looked it up and here it is either 2% of the entire national vote or 5% of the vote in the ridings you have people running in. How exactly does it work for you guys, since with our system you pretty much have to be in a party to do anything, but you can run for president on your own. I mean does a guy like Ralph Nader even belong to a real political party?
I like your idealism... I really do.
But, realistically... we are trying to chop down one big... fat... old... diseased tree. We cannot do it with one mighty stroke. We need to hack away at it. Little by little until we can bring it down.
This upcoming Presidential Election... it's too late. Either a Democrat or Republican will win. That is a reality.
I believe if those Senators and Congressmen got fired for poor performance... by the time the 2012 Presidential election rolls around... your Third Party Candidate will have a real, honest to goodness chance at winning.
That is when you urge your friend... Citizen Kucinich to make a bid of the Presidency.
Or, We are trying to eliminate a mortal threat. When police feel their lives are in danger they shoot to kill, not injure to later take to prison and teach them their lesson. - a flawed example I'm sure, but it's my way of saying that I feel our way of life is being threatened and that the threat needs to be eliminated.
I like your "You're FIRED!" post much better.
I'm saddened when people say "It's too late." Sudden turn arounds happen. (Hello, Patriot Act) I say, hope and WORK for the best. At this time, the three mainstream candidates are not addressing my concerns enough to earn my vote - not even close. I will always vote for the candidate I feel is best for the country. Even if my candidate does not win, I hope he has enough impact for those who are in office to take a look at his policies and consider adopting more of them.
You know, if we could all participate in a general strike, politicians and corporations alike would stop and listen. They ARE dependent upon us and we outnumber them.
Walking can be a real trip
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
Then, all you need is for others to join in and hack away, too.
Count me in... except, my protest vote is going to write-in candidate, Stephen Colbert.
That's more like it.
Walking can be a real trip
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
You know, if we could all participate in a general strike, politicians and corporations alike would stop and listen. They ARE dependent upon us and we outnumber them.
Who are the "we" in your idea? Most of the "we" who outnumber them are the the ones who put them there in the first place, unfortunately.
If "we" really want change "we" don't need to strike. "We" just need to quite electing Hillary, Obama and/or McCain and the rest of the status quo.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
I just looked it up and here it is either 2% of the entire national vote or 5% of the vote in the ridings you have people running in. How exactly does it work for you guys, since with our system you pretty much have to be in a party to do anything, but you can run for president on your own. I mean does a guy like Ralph Nader even belong to a real political party?
He has been a member of the Greens and Reform party. But this year is running as an Independent to tackle election reform and ballot access.
I'll have to look up the actual percentage it takes to get funding...
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Who are the "we" in your idea? Most of the "we" who outnumber them are the the ones who put them there in the first place, unfortunately.
If "we" really want change "we" don't need to strike. "We" just need to quite electing Hillary, Obama and/or McCain and the rest of the status quo.
Good point. I keep forgetting most people are not as pissed off as I am.
Not only that, but people hate taking responsibility for their mistakes. It's a wonder we've ever learned anything. :rolleyes:
Walking can be a real trip
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
He has been a member of the Greens and Reform party. But this year is running as an Independent to tackle election reform and ballot access.
If he keeps jumping around all over the place every election, how can he really expect to build up any momentum (or put any of the funding he got in previous years as part of a party to good use)?
Or, We are trying to eliminate a mortal threat. When police feel their lives are in danger they shoot to kill, not injure to later take to prison and teach them their lesson. - a flawed example I'm sure, but it's my way of saying that I feel our way of life is being threatened and that the threat needs to be eliminated.
I like your "You're FIRED!" post much better.
I'm saddened when people say "It's too late." Sudden turn arounds happen. (Hello, Patriot Act) I say, hope and WORK for the best. At this time, the three mainstream candidates are not addressing my concerns enough to earn my vote - not even close. I will always vote for the candidate I feel is best for the country. Even if my candidate does not win, I hope he has enough impact for those who are in office to take a look at his policies and consider adopting more of them.
You know, if we could all participate in a general strike, politicians and corporations alike would stop and listen. They ARE dependent upon us and we outnumber them.
What I meant to say... it is too late to be effective in this campaign. I mean, the General Election is only 6 months away.
In my opinion... to make an impact in the status quo, you need to get a running start at it. Create strategies and convert them into tactical plans that are executable. A feasible deadline of this November is not doable.
I think I'm going to start by letting my representatives know what I'm doing. and i'll submit comments to some of the political blogs. Those will be my initial baby steps. Maybe the word will get out... maybe it'll die... but, hopefully, by the 2010 mid-term elections... I won't be the only one.
I call it my 'One Vote Revolution' a.k.a. "I Can't Take This Shit Any Longer!!!"
Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
Hail, Hail!!!
If he keeps jumping around all over the place every election, how can he really expect to build up any momentum (or put any of the funding he got in previous years as part of a party to good use)?
Well, I like to think people are voting on the individual and not a party. That is another huge problem. Why does there even need to be political parties?
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I think I'm going to start by letting my representatives know what I'm doing. and i'll submit comments to some of the political blogs. Those will be my initial baby steps. Maybe the word will get out... maybe it'll die... but, hopefully, by the 2010 mid-term elections... I won't be the only one.
I call it my 'One Vote Revolution' a.k.a. "I Can't Take This Shit Any Longer!!!"
What an awesome idea. I've let Moveon.org know why I'm no longer interested in their emails, but I have not addressed some of my local media outlets in regards to their political biases and blatant exclusion of anything outside of the mainstream. I would expect that, at the very least, our most alternative paper here in Seattle to be open to people knowing all liberal options. However, it seems they are riding the Obama wagon. *sighs*
Anywho, thanks for the inspiration.
Walking can be a real trip
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
What an awesome idea. I've let Moveon.org know why I'm no longer interested in their emails, but I have not addressed some of my local media outlets in regards to their political biases and blatant exclusion of anything outside of the mainstream. I would expect that, at the very least, our most alternative paper here in Seattle to be open to people knowing all liberal options. However, it seems they are riding the Obama wagon. *sighs*
Anywho, thanks for the inspiration.
Me too! I told Moveon to fuck off and it felt so good.
And yeah, it is sad when the alternative outlets proposefully under report other campaigns because they have chosen to support Obama and have decided they think that's best for all of us. I thought these were the kinds of media outlets that championed choice over bias and claimed to be above steering the their coverage in only one direction. Sad really.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Well, I like to think people are voting on the individual and not a party. That is another huge problem. Why does there even need to be political parties?
It is true in your guy's case you are voting for the person. But at the same time I would have to think there would be an advantage to sticking with the same party for every election, in that it shows consistency and gives you better recognition. Plus I would think some people might think that if someone can't decide which party they want to be aligned with then maybe they might not be so good at making other important decisions.
Plus I would think that after one election with a certain party (say Nader with the Greens or whatever) you would have built up solid group of people campaign worker (both people who are there because they believe in the person and because they believe in the party). To me it would seem useful to go back to those people and build on what they had done in the past rather than ditching them and starting again with a whole new group.
What I meant to say... it is too late to be effective in this campaign. I mean, the General Election is only 6 months away.
In my opinion... to make an impact in the status quo, you need to get a running start at it. Create strategies and convert them into tactical plans that are executable. A feasible deadline of this November is not doable.
I think I'm going to start by letting my representatives know what I'm doing. and i'll submit comments to some of the political blogs. Those will be my initial baby steps. Maybe the word will get out... maybe it'll die... but, hopefully, by the 2010 mid-term elections... I won't be the only one.
I call it my 'One Vote Revolution' a.k.a. "I Can't Take This Shit Any Longer!!!"
I am not trying to tell you what to do here, but if you feel so strongly about a certain candidate have you ever thought about volunteering to work for their campaign? I would think getting involved with a campaign, at least at the local level would have a far greater effect than posting on political blogs. I don't know how it works for you guys, but here it is pretty easy to volunteer at the local level for a riding association during election time (usually the candidates are looking for people). I am not trying to single you or anyone out, but I do see a lot of people online making all these comments about how changes need to be made and I wonder if any of them have actually made any effort other than posting on a message board.
I'm serious. That's all it would take. Let the incumbants who's term comes up in 2010 that they WILL BE FIRED. Even the ones who people belive are doing a good job... such as me... i think Rep. Royce is doing a good job, as are Sen. Boxer and Feinstein. But, I'm sorry... you are part of the 12% class. You are Fired. And I'm voting for anyone else... Republican, Democrat, Independent.
If we, as voters can pull this off... it would let those fuckers know WHO this country is made for. Not lobbists, not special interests, not just the billionaires... This country belongs to YOU.
Hail, Hail!!!
Congress has done a shitty job and hasn't carried out the will of the people. Even though Congress does create legislation, unless there's a working, veto-proof majority and conflicting leadership (Democratic Congress & Republican president), gridlock will continue to exist. If the Dems had enough votes to rule out the specter of a veto and the status quo was the same, I could understand the shithouse approval rating. The 2006 election was a demand from the voters to get the fuck out of Iraq and that has yet to materialize which will probably dictate more Republicans losing their seats.
More independents in Congress is the recipe for improvement, imho ~ people who can vote on individual issues rather than along party lines.
Which is why I have a Republican Congressman and 2 Democratic Senators. I vote for the candidate, not the party.
The first step Americans need to take... this whole Red State vs. Blue State... is was generated by the 'news' media and has been on continual loop in cable television. We need to think independently, instead of followint the Red hoarde or the Blue horde... and FIRST and FOREMOST... those so-called 'experts' on Talk radio and Cable television... they are just asshole entertainment hosts with opinions. If you buy their opinions as your own... because you are too fucking lazy to look it up for yourself... then, do America a favor and stay at home on that Tuesday in November.
Hail, Hail!!!
I vote for the individual as well, cosmo. I follow voting records and listen to the candidates. I read far more than I watch and choose to decide what is bullshit and what is relevant. You don't think I recognize the divide fed by the media??? And it's not just the media; too many sheep have been led to one side of the fence based on one or two specific issues that neither party will concede to. Evnetually people will flock to Keith Olberman because they're Dems or Rush Limbaugh because they're conservatives and nobody's willing to work in the middle for true progress.
Am I wrong in stating that there isn't a veto-proof majority which has more than likely caused inaction in Congress hence shitty favorability ratings?
By the way, if you were talking about people in general who buy the pundits' views as their own, my apologies. But, if you were implying that I regurgitate pundit opinion, you should go fuck yourself for making assumptions and KISS MY ASS.
I agree. We focus mostly on national level bc we are all from different states here and our media is geared that way, too. I say vote out all Dems ans Reps...whatever the level may be.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
bye bye Kucinich?
Sorry... i think you mistook me message. It was not directed at you, personally... rather, the American voter, generally. I have a bad habit of hopping on the soapbox and ranting to the masses quite often... stick around, you'll get the hang of it.
The General voters DO listen to pundits... many will cast a vote simply because there is a (D) or an (R) next to the candidate's name. I would rather have the person who will cast a ballot the way Rush Limbaugh advises, stay home, than cast a second Limbaugh ballot.
And yes... when we send a message to Congress... we put the President on notice, too.
Hail, Hail!!!
That would be my only exception...not that he even seems like a Dem anyways. He'd have no problem whatsoever being embraced by the a third party like the Greens also.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I'm sorry... but... yes. Any and all seated representatives.
Consider it a revolution... and collateral damage for sitting in the 12% class.
Hail, Hail!!!
You gotta break the cycle at some point. I'm starting now...not 2 years from now and not 4.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I like your idealism... I really do.
But, realistically... we are trying to chop down one big... fat... old... diseased tree. We cannot do it with one mighty stroke. We need to hack away at it. Little by little until we can bring it down.
This upcoming Presidential Election... it's too late. Either a Democrat or Republican will win. That is a reality.
I believe if those Senators and Congressmen got fired for poor performance... by the time the 2012 Presidential election rolls around... your Third Party Candidate will have a real, honest to goodness chance at winning.
That is when you urge your friend... Citizen Kucinich to make a bid of the Presidency.
Hail, Hail!!!
People have been saying that exact same thing for years now. Next time not now.
I'm sorry but I can't do something that helps keeps the diseased tree in place no matter if my hack at it knocks it down or not. This line of reasoning has done exactly that. The Dems are not owed my vote.
I'm perfectly fine and my conscience is at ease with taking small and big swings at the tree.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Then, all you need is for others to join in and hack away, too.
Count me in... except, my protest vote is going to write-in candidate, Stephen Colbert.
Hail, Hail!!!
Do you guys not have a thing where small time federal parties get funding if they receive over a certain percentage of the vote? In Canada if you are a small time federal party and you get over I think 2% of the vote in a federal election you will get federal funding for the next election based on the number of votes you get. It is not huge but it allows for parties that are actually in it for the long term to get some cash and a chance to try and make a change. Then again our federal election campaigns last maybe 2 months, not 2+ years (the longer campaigns obviously favouring the people with the most cash and the best spin people, not necessarily the best ideas).
Believe me, Cos... I'm tryin' to recruit.
and that's an honorable protest vote in my eyes.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I'm pretty sure you have to get 5% here. And that gets pretty hard with the media block out of all other parties.
I know it sounds crazy but I still keep encountering people who have never even heard of Ralph Nader but enjoy the things he's fought to bring us every day of their lives.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I just looked it up and here it is either 2% of the entire national vote or 5% of the vote in the ridings you have people running in. How exactly does it work for you guys, since with our system you pretty much have to be in a party to do anything, but you can run for president on your own. I mean does a guy like Ralph Nader even belong to a real political party?
Or, We are trying to eliminate a mortal threat. When police feel their lives are in danger they shoot to kill, not injure to later take to prison and teach them their lesson. - a flawed example I'm sure, but it's my way of saying that I feel our way of life is being threatened and that the threat needs to be eliminated.
I like your "You're FIRED!" post much better.
I'm saddened when people say "It's too late." Sudden turn arounds happen. (Hello, Patriot Act) I say, hope and WORK for the best. At this time, the three mainstream candidates are not addressing my concerns enough to earn my vote - not even close. I will always vote for the candidate I feel is best for the country. Even if my candidate does not win, I hope he has enough impact for those who are in office to take a look at his policies and consider adopting more of them.
You know, if we could all participate in a general strike, politicians and corporations alike would stop and listen. They ARE dependent upon us and we outnumber them.
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
That's more like it.
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
Who are the "we" in your idea? Most of the "we" who outnumber them are the the ones who put them there in the first place, unfortunately.
If "we" really want change "we" don't need to strike. "We" just need to quite electing Hillary, Obama and/or McCain and the rest of the status quo.
He has been a member of the Greens and Reform party. But this year is running as an Independent to tackle election reform and ballot access.
I'll have to look up the actual percentage it takes to get funding...
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Good point. I keep forgetting most people are not as pissed off as I am.
Not only that, but people hate taking responsibility for their mistakes. It's a wonder we've ever learned anything. :rolleyes:
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
If he keeps jumping around all over the place every election, how can he really expect to build up any momentum (or put any of the funding he got in previous years as part of a party to good use)?
What I meant to say... it is too late to be effective in this campaign. I mean, the General Election is only 6 months away.
In my opinion... to make an impact in the status quo, you need to get a running start at it. Create strategies and convert them into tactical plans that are executable. A feasible deadline of this November is not doable.
I think I'm going to start by letting my representatives know what I'm doing. and i'll submit comments to some of the political blogs. Those will be my initial baby steps. Maybe the word will get out... maybe it'll die... but, hopefully, by the 2010 mid-term elections... I won't be the only one.
I call it my 'One Vote Revolution' a.k.a. "I Can't Take This Shit Any Longer!!!"
Hail, Hail!!!
Well, I like to think people are voting on the individual and not a party. That is another huge problem. Why does there even need to be political parties?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
It makes absolutely no sense to complain about a problem and keep contributing to it at the same time. Grrrrr that bugs the crap outta me!
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
What an awesome idea. I've let Moveon.org know why I'm no longer interested in their emails, but I have not addressed some of my local media outlets in regards to their political biases and blatant exclusion of anything outside of the mainstream. I would expect that, at the very least, our most alternative paper here in Seattle to be open to people knowing all liberal options. However, it seems they are riding the Obama wagon. *sighs*
Anywho, thanks for the inspiration.
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
Me too! I told Moveon to fuck off and it felt so good.
And yeah, it is sad when the alternative outlets proposefully under report other campaigns because they have chosen to support Obama and have decided they think that's best for all of us. I thought these were the kinds of media outlets that championed choice over bias and claimed to be above steering the their coverage in only one direction. Sad really.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
It is true in your guy's case you are voting for the person. But at the same time I would have to think there would be an advantage to sticking with the same party for every election, in that it shows consistency and gives you better recognition. Plus I would think some people might think that if someone can't decide which party they want to be aligned with then maybe they might not be so good at making other important decisions.
Plus I would think that after one election with a certain party (say Nader with the Greens or whatever) you would have built up solid group of people campaign worker (both people who are there because they believe in the person and because they believe in the party). To me it would seem useful to go back to those people and build on what they had done in the past rather than ditching them and starting again with a whole new group.
I am not trying to tell you what to do here, but if you feel so strongly about a certain candidate have you ever thought about volunteering to work for their campaign? I would think getting involved with a campaign, at least at the local level would have a far greater effect than posting on political blogs. I don't know how it works for you guys, but here it is pretty easy to volunteer at the local level for a riding association during election time (usually the candidates are looking for people). I am not trying to single you or anyone out, but I do see a lot of people online making all these comments about how changes need to be made and I wonder if any of them have actually made any effort other than posting on a message board.