Columbus area Pearl Jam fan gone missing...



  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    Is Brian Shaffer alive?
    Missing med student might be alive, attorney says; brother suspects best friend has knowledge of incident that happened three years ago
    By: Drew Sullivan
    OSU The Lantern
    Posted: 4/13/09
    An attorney believes that an Ohio State medical student who has been missing for more than three years is alive, he told a private investigator in an e-mail.

    Brian Shaffer has been missing since April 1, 2006. He was last seen on surveillance video outside the Ugly Tuna Saloona on the South Campus Gateway at 1:55 that morning. One of the last people to see Shaffer that night was William "Clint" Florence, one of Shaffer's best friends.

    Attorney Neil Rosenberg represents Florence, who has refused at least two requests to take polygraph tests during the investigation of Shaffer's disappearance. Florence is the only person who has refused to take a polygraph, said Kevin Miles, director of the Central Ohio Crime Stoppers.

    Private investigator Don Corbett, who has worked on the case for free for the Shaffer family, said Florence refused his request to take a polygraph as recently as last September. Corbett said Florence also refused a police request to take a polygraph soon after Shaffer went missing. The Columbus Division of Police did not respond to phone calls last week seeking comment about Florence's refusal to take a polygraph.

    In the e-mail he sent to Corbett on Sept. 22, 2008, Rosenberg said: "If Brian is alive, which is what I'm led to believe after speaking with the detective involved, then it is Brian, and not Clint who is causing his family pain and hardship. Brian should come forward and end this."

    Rosenberg said last week in a phone interview that as far as he is concerned the case is closed, and he declined to comment about the investigation or the e-mail he sent to Corbett.

    In an e-mail last week, Florence said: "While I appreciate any effort in trying to determine what happened to Brain [sic] that night, I must decline your request. ANY and ALL questions you have for me should be directed to my attorney, Neil Rosenberg."

    Florence, 32, works for the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the Vanderbilt University Medical School, where he is a postdoctoral fellow, according to a Vanderbilt Web site.

    Corbett said he doesn't know which detective Rosenberg was referring to in the e-mail. However, he believes it is one of three men at Columbus Police: detective Andre Edwards of the Physical Child Abuse Section, Sgt. John Hurst of the Physical Abuse Section and Deputy Chief Antone Lanata of the Investigative Subdivision.

    All three did not respond to repeated requests last week for an interview about whether they told Rosenberg they believe Shaffer is still alive.

    Rosenberg also said in his e-mail to Corbett that, "The only burning issue with the authorities remains Clint's refusal to be polygraphed. That decision was based on my recommendation and advise [sic] to Clint, not because he is, has been misleading or has something to hide, but that he simply has nothing new to tell and was totally up front and honest with them from the beginning. As far as Clint is concerned, this matter is closed."

    In a telephone interview Friday, Meredith Reed, a friend of both Shaffer and Florence who was with them that night, said she took and passed a polygraph about a month after Shaffer disappeared.

    She said she assumes the Columbus Police asked her to take the test.

    In fact, everyone who was asked to take a polygraph passed it, Miles said.

    But not everyone who knew Brian or who had seen him the night he went missing was asked to take a polygraph.

    The last time Shaffer was seen on surveillance video outside the Ugly Tuna Saloona he was with two women, Brightan Zatko and Amber Ruic. Ruic said in a phone interview Friday that she was never asked to take a polygraph.

    Brian's brother, Derek, is the last surviving member of the immediate family. His father, Randy, died on Sept. 14, 2008, when a tree limb fell on him outside his house during a windstorm. Derek's mother died of cancer three weeks before Brian went missing.

    In a phone interview last week, Derek Shaffer said he was not asked to take a polygraph but that his father took and passed one. Derek Shaffer also said he thinks it's odd that Clint has refused to take any polygraphs.

    "As soon as the detective started getting involved, that's when he pretty much had no contact with anybody," Derek Shaffer said. "I've always thought he definitely knows something - just won't come forward with it.

    "If Brian did take off somewhere, if that is the case, we just always had a strong feeling that Clint would possibly know that."

    Shaffer's girlfriend at the time, Alexis Waggoner, also thinks Florence knows something he doesn't want to tell. But her opinion regarding Shaffer's whereabouts now is different than Derek's.

    "I don't think he's alive," Waggoner said. "I can't imagine he would have just done that."

    Alexis Waggoner's father, Tom Waggoner, participated in the search for Shaffer in 2006. During that period he became acquainted with Florence.

    "The gist of my perspective on Clint Florence is that I think that basically all roads to making any progress on the case on Brian Shaffer lead through Clint Florence," Tom Waggoner said.

    There is still a $25,500 reward for information leading to Shaffer's whereabouts, Miles and Corbett said last week.

    Link to actual story:
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

    Wishlist Foundation-
  • mrshock13mrshock13 Posts: 472
    To keep things a little light-hearted, nobody go on to continually read The Lantern. Most of campus doesn't read the newspaper, mainly because it's a pile of bureaucratic one-sided drivel. Though, the headline today staring at me in the Chem building hallway was enough to get my attention for once, especially after reading about the paper on this site.
  • Heatherj43Heatherj43 Posts: 1,254
    Wow! That article is very interesting. Someone thinks they have gotten away with the perfect crime. Like that Florence guy. Even if Brian is missing on purpose, it is still perfect. I would never think that anyone could get away with just missing for this long, nor could someone kill someone and not be caught by now.
    Too bad they can't force that guy to take a polygraph. If he does know something, and it seems he does, it is so cruel to just stay quiet about it. Too many people have hurt from this.
    No way is this a perfect anything! Detectives need to look a little harder.
    Save room for dessert!
  • PJPixiePJPixie Posts: 3,026
    I still think about Brian all the time.
    The best use of Life is Love.
    The best expression of Love is Time.
    The best time to Love is Now.

    I'm never as good as when you're there.........
  • Lost In OhioLost In Ohio Posts: 7,067 ... now/14506/

    Video of a news story concerning the three-year "anniversary."

    In my mind, you can't have a murder without a body. Seeing as we don't have a body, a ransom note, or even personal items showing up, I think he's still alive. And I don't think the "smiley face killers" have anything to do with it. Here's what I think COULD have happened: Brian wanted to disappear for whatever reason. He told Clint that he was going, but also said to STFU about it. Is it a story like "Into The Wild?" Perhaps it could be, but I'm not so sure about that.
    Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    I have mixed feelings about this too. Was watching the morning show the other day, they were discussing the Smiley Face killers, but blew it off as grieving parents can't accept the facts about their sons death. Just so "oh well, they(killers) can't possible exist could they??? Wouldn't the police know more?? If they stayed their asses out of Krispy Kreme,maybe they could find more clues or at least some sort of closure regarding Brian.

    Video of a news story concerning the three-year "anniversary."

    In my mind, you can't have a murder without a body. Seeing as we don't have a body, a ransom note, or even personal items showing up, I think he's still alive. And I don't think the "smiley face killers" have anything to do with it. Here's what I think COULD have happened: Brian wanted to disappear for whatever reason. He told Clint that he was going, but also said to STFU about it. Is it a story like "Into The Wild?" Perhaps it could be, but I'm not so sure about that.
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

    Wishlist Foundation-
  • Heatherj43Heatherj43 Posts: 1,254
    I was watching some show about pschics and they showed a little bit about this case. It was basically about younger people that are just discovering their abilities and are taken to the spot Brian was last scene. I don't remember the show. It really wasn't about Brain as much as it was about these psychics.
    EDIT: It was an A & E special, "Paranormal" may have been the name.
    The psychics seemed to think that a girl with dirty dishwater haired blond color knows more than she is saying and that Brian was being watched, or something like that, from a balcony. The psychic felt something about a balcony you can see when outside the building. They seemed to act like Brian was being watched from afar via this balcony.
    Save room for dessert!
  • Heineken HelenHeineken Helen Posts: 18,095

    Video of a news story concerning the three-year "anniversary."

    In my mind, you can't have a murder without a body. Seeing as we don't have a body, a ransom note, or even personal items showing up, I think he's still alive. And I don't think the "smiley face killers" have anything to do with it. Here's what I think COULD have happened: Brian wanted to disappear for whatever reason. He told Clint that he was going, but also said to STFU about it. Is it a story like "Into The Wild?" Perhaps it could be, but I'm not so sure about that.
    I don't know... I still think there would come a point when there's no WAY you could let his family go through that. All Clint has to do is tell the police that Brian's alive and doesn't wanna be found and give some evidence to support that and, since Brian's an adult, that would be that.

    If a friend of mine wanted to disappear and asked me to cover it up, I could probably only do it for so long... but to see his dad and brother and gf suffer like that would break anyone. UNLESS there had been some bad family circumstances, which there is no point speculating on... or if he was in some kind of trouble... but that's the ONLY reason I would STILL keep quiet. BUT if he just wanted to vanish for his own reasons and let his family suffer like that... well that's just disgusting... but I'm not buying it.
    The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
    Verona??? it's all surmountable
    Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
    Wembley? We all believe!
    Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
    Chicago 07? And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you
  • It's sad, but I can't believe he's alive :( I think that any defendant's attorney will try to use that possibility to create reasonable doubt, though.

    We had a Marine here who faked his death to get out of going back to Iraq. He and his friend faked a climbing accident late at night in an area where there's known mountain lions. His friend went for help and when he brought help back there was just blood and no body. Anyway, long story short: the buddy cracked after only a few days. It's hard to imagine any friend of Brian's taking so much pressure for so long. His reputation is being trashed, as far as his future and job searches and what not. So I think he would've given Brian up already if he knew anything about an intentional disappearance.

    And I also agree with some other posters that if Brian did this himself, he would've contacted someone or been recognized by now.

    I hope someday they find out what happened to him. His family's story is so tragic :(
  • FahkaFahka Posts: 3,187
    PJPixie wrote:
    I still think about Brian all the time.

    yes! He couldn't have just vanished :( I just hope his surviving family and friends get some form of closure soon.
  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    New Article from the Columbus monthly.

    Reprinted from the April 2009 issue of Columbus Monthly ©.

    In the name of the father

    Randy Shaffer died in a freak accident last year before he could unravel the mystery that had consumed his life for nearly three years—the disappearance of his son. Now, a Columbus detective and loyal friends are carrying on the quest.

    by April Johnston

    The poster is still taped to the window in the sixth-floor lobby, where all who have business with the Special Victims Bureau can see it. In one photograph, Brian Shaffer is bearded. In another, cleanshaven. Detectives change the pictures every once in a while because, if Brian is still alive, it’s likely he’s changed, too.

    But what hasn’t changed, not in three long years, are the words: Missing. OSU medical student. Last seen at the Ugly Tuna Saloona on April 1, 2006. Reward. If the poster could speak, its pleas would be getting desperate, its voice higher pitched.

    The case always has been a tragic one, even for the detectives who are accustomed to investigating hardship. Brian’s mother, Renee, lost her battle with cancer only three weeks before he disappeared. The double loss sent her husband, Randy, into a tailspin. He spent the next two and a half years on a rabid, relentless search for his oldest son, sloshing along miles of riverbank, fielding phone calls from psychics and making pleading, public pitches for help, until a freak accident during a September 2008 windstorm took him, too.

    The only other surviving family member, Brian’s younger brother, Derek, has fallen mostly silent since Randy’s death. Friends say he needs a break from the pain and the overwhelming, and increasingly hopeless, task of finding Brian.

    But those who watched Randy fight—friends, detectives, volunteers and even sympathetic strangers—have a renewed fervor for the case. They want to find the answers for the father who never got them. They want an ending to this story, even if it’s not a happy one. Only, without Randy, they’re not quite sure what to do or where to begin.

    “It’s overwhelming,” says Lori Davis, who never knew Brian but felt drawn to the case and to Randy after seeing him interviewed on television. Three years after Brian’s disappearance and six months after Randy’s death, she still wears a Where is Brian Shaffer? button on her jacket and scours the Internet for clues most every evening. “I want to respect the family’s wishes [for privacy], but then I ask myself if Randy would want me to continue searching, and I know he would. I think we’re all kind of lost right now.”

    The details of that Friday night in 2006 have been reported and repeated, sifted and scrutinized, examined and reexamined by the family, the police and the web-based sleuths who love a good mystery.

    It goes something like this: Brian, 27, and his former roommate, Clint Florence, arrive at South Campus Gateway’s Ugly Tuna Saloona sometime after 9, determined to celebrate the beginning of spring break with a boys’ night out. Just before 10, Brian speaks briefly to his girlfriend, Alexis Waggoner, who, like him, is a second-year medical student at Ohio State. He tells her he loves her and hangs up. It is the last time she’ll talk to him. While Waggoner visits her parents’ home in Toledo, Brian and Florence barhop from Gateway to the Arena District to the Short North, where they meet Florence’s friend, Meredith Reed. By this time, Florence will later explain to police, they’ve had several shots and gladly take Reed up on her offer of a lift back to the Ugly Tuna.

    Surveillance cameras hidden in the ceilings and facades at Gateway catch the trio riding the escalator up to the second-floor bar and stepping inside. It’s 1:15. Just before 2, Brian is back in the camera’s view, speaking with two college-age women. He appears to say goodbye and walk away. He’s never seen again.

    Calls from Florence and Reed go unanswered that night. Calls from Waggoner and Randy go unanswered all weekend. But it isn’t until Monday morning, when Brian misses a long-scheduled flight to Florida, that his family is sure something is wrong. They call Columbus police.

    Sgt. John Hurst is a father. A sign that has the word “Daddy” scribbled in wavy, blue crayon hangs from the front of his desk, though his kids are years removed from making such things. So he understood right away Randy’s terror, his insistence that Brian would never have walked away on his own and his repeated pleas for the police to find his son. He would have done the same.

    But detectives, especially those who work on missing persons cases, are at the mercy of the clues left behind, and in the case of Brian Shaffer, there were precious few.

    Hurst and his detectives began their investigation where they believe Brian ended his night—at the Ugly Tuna. It’s one of those quintessential college bars, with a spring break attitude, plenty of drink specials and constant entertainment (think “Naughty School Girl” night). But it also was trendy enough to be located in Gateway, the city and Ohio State’s upscale answer to the increasingly dangerous and deteriorating south end of campus. That meant one thing to detectives: surveillance cameras. They are indispensable to investigations. The silent and often incontrovertible witnesses to crime can crack a case open faster and more reliably than humans, who are prone to faulty memories and misled loyalties.

    But the cameras at Ugly Tuna only caused more confusion, because while they caught Brian entering the bar that night, they never caught him actually leaving. Detectives were perplexed: If Brian left the way he arrived—on the escalator—he surely would have been taped by one of the cameras. But they soon learned there were other ways out. He might have changed his clothes or donned a hat and kept his head down and face obscured. He could have left through an exit that led directly to a construction site. It would have been difficult to navigate, especially if Brian were intoxicated, but not impossible. Or, the worst scenario of all—maybe the cameras simply missed him. One panned the area constantly; another operated manually. What if Brian had slipped out in the anonymous space between them?

    In those first few days, and on the heels of that theory, as many as 50 police officers searched for Brian at a time, scouring the streets, pawing through dumpsters and knocking on doors. They moved in an orderly, concentric pattern, beginning at the Ugly Tuna or Brian’s campus-area apartment and working their way out, marking distance in blocks and then miles. They questioned Brian’s friends and family and asked them all the hard questions you do when someone disappears, questions about drugs and enemies and difficult times. They checked hospitals and homeless shelters. They followed tips and hunches to landfills and riverbanks. They even persuaded the city to check nearby sewer lines. But no one found anything, not even the K-9 units.

    Police began to wonder if Brian’s disappearance was a crime or a setup. Maybe he was more distraught over his mother’s death than he had been letting on. It had been only 25 days since the funeral. Perhaps Brian’s disappearance was preconceived, a way for him to escape the pain of losing a parent for a while. If that were the case, they were sure he’d return.

    But Hurst had another theory, and it wasn’t good. It had been gnawing at him since that first day at the Ugly Tuna. Brian had missed his Monday morning flight—a plane ride that would have taken him to a sunny stretch of Florida and a possible proposal to his girlfriend. It seemed unlikely he would skip such a trip. When people disappear, they typically do it on the brink of desperation, not vacation.

    In those first few months of searching, Randy allowed bits of hope to freckle his pain. Friends say he seemed oddly buoyed when Brian’s apartment was burglarized, thinking there could be a connection. There wasn’t. He figured a good tip would come in after Pearl Jam’s lead singer Eddie Vedder took time out at a concert in Cincinnati to talk about the case. None did. And he and Waggoner prayed Brian had turned his cellphone on when, after months of going directly to voicemail, it began to ring. He hadn’t. It was a Cingular computer glitch.

    And soon, the earmarks of tragedy became more pronounced, splintering Randy’s optimism. A year into the search, no one had used Brian’s cellphone to make a call or his credit card to make a purchase. None of the hundreds of tips police and Crime Stoppers received had led to Brian or a body. His features should have distinguished him from all the other dark-haired, athletic twentysomethings—a dark fleck on his left iris, a Pearl Jam tattoo on his right bicep—but every so-called sighting proved erroneous.

    Still, Randy refused to give up. He figured the best way to find Brian was to remind the world that he was still missing, so he courted the media constantly, chatting openly with reporters and crying before the television cameras. He wallpapered the city with “Missing” posters and organized vigils and searches. He befriended the parents of other missing children, and, with their help and the assistance of Crime Stoppers president Kevin Miles, persuaded the Ohio legislature to pass a missing adults bill that established statewide protocol for detectives in cases such as Brian’s. Before the bill, each case was handled at the discretion of the detectives and, some families felt, haphazardly.

    Desperate for any link to his son, Randy even listened to the advice of psychics. One insisted Brian’s body was submerged in water, held down by the whirlpools that form at the base of concrete bridge posts. At the time of his disappearance, Brian lived in the 200 block of King Avenue, less than a mile from the Olentangy River. Randy and his brother bought fishing waders, called Kevin Miles and headed for the riverbank to roam.

    For hours, Randy splashed from bridge post to bridge post, kneeling and peering into the murky water for any sign of his son, while Miles looked on helplessly, sensing this particular search was futile. At one post, Randy’s feet slipped out from underneath him and the whirlpool that was supposed to be holding Brian yanked Randy toward the riverbed. His brother grabbed him just as he went under.

    Miles stood stunned by the scene and by Randy’s willingness to sacrifice so much for the faintest possibility of victory. He called in a silent wish. “This father shouldn’t be going through all of this,” he thought. “Please just let him find his son.”

    While Randy grieved, Columbus police continued their investigation. It was frustratingly slow. Because the detectives didn’t have one good clue to follow, they had to chase a slew of questionable ones. They searched empty fields and lonely patches of woods, followed up on possible sightings in Texas and Sweden. They administered lie detector tests (even to a willing Randy) and questioned the friends who had seen him last. They watched surveillance tapes until the scenes invaded their dreams, hoping to catch something they’d missed the time before. They even briefly considered the possibility of a serial killer—an idea that gripped Internet bloggers and sleuths. Some became convinced that Brian died at the hands of the Smiley Face Killer, who is said to prey on intoxicated, college-age men in the Midwest, murdering them and tossing their bodies into local rivers. Two retired New York City detectives have spent more than 10 years investigating the scenes of the 40 so-called drownings. They’ve found a smiley face spray painted along the riverbank at each one—except Brian’s.

    “Maybe they just haven’t found it yet,” one blogger suggested. But Hurst finds the whole idea unlikely. For one, they have no evidence that Brian’s body is in a river. They’re not even sure he’s dead. For another, the FBI conducted its own investigation into the drownings and doubts the existence of a Smiley Face Killer.

    Still, every scenario detectives can investigate and eliminate is a possible step toward the answers they need. So they’ve consistently refused to dismiss even the most outrageous tips. “We’ve got to keep our senses about us,” Hurst says. “But we don’t want to say, ‘There’s nothing to this.’ We might look at it at first and say, ‘Come on, you’ve got to be kidding me.’ But the ones we can follow up on, we do.”

    One of those tips came from a young woman who, on a drive through Michigan, had stopped to eat at a diner and was waited on by a man who looked suspiciously like Brian Shaffer. His name tag even read “Brian S.” She was afraid to ask the question, so she called police instead. When they tried to follow up, the restaurant owners were coy, claiming no one named Brian worked there.

    “We have to drive up there tonight,” Lori Davis insisted when Randy told her the news. She had become, to her family’s bewilderment, both the keeper of Brian’s website and Randy’s confidante.

    “I don’t know if I can,” he told her. He was scared to find out the truth, afraid, if it were his son, he’d hate him for everything he’d put the family through. But before Davis could convince Randy otherwise, they got the news. Police in Michigan confirmed it: The waiter wasn’t Brian.

    Randy seemed both deflated and relieved.

    In a radio interview 18 months after Brian disappeared, Randy told the host he never understood why Brian went out on the night he disappeared. Father and son had grabbed a steak dinner earlier that evening and Brian seemed exhausted after pulling all-nighters for a flurry of med school exams, and, though he wore a remarkably composed exterior, he was still reeling over his mother’s death. Renee was, Brian’s friends say, his confidante and his hero. She also was the center of the Shaffer universe, and losing her alternately unraveled tight family ties and thrust the men closer together.

    When she died, Randy was too distraught to sort through her things. He left them unmoved, untouched. He did the same when Brian disappeared a month later. By the fall of 2008, the reminders, memories and questions those items brought appeared to some to be choking and taunting Randy. He wrote frantic letters to Clint Florence and Meredith Reed, who he assumed last saw Brian, and asked them to come forward if they knew anything, even if they had promised Brian they wouldn’t. He started to call Davis several times a day—one afternoon, she counted 30—just to replay the scenarios.

    “He needed peace,” she says. “He was a lost soul on this earth.”

    The evening of Sept. 14, a windstorm ripped through Central Ohio and Randy’s backyard. He was, his friends believe, attempting to clean up debris when a violent gust cracked a limb from a nearby tree and hurled it in Randy’s direction. The impact killed him. A neighbor found his body the next morning. The family asked Crime Stoppers’ Kevin Miles to give the eulogy.

    “It haunts me,” Miles says, “that we still don’t know where Brian is.”

    Hurst believes in heaven. In the case of Brian Shaffer, it’s a critical consideration. Because, if there is a heaven, he can be sure that Randy is with Renee and that he has the answers he wanted about Brian. But it doesn’t stop Hurst from wishing he had been the one to provide them.

    Within weeks of Randy’s death, the detectives uncovered two clues in Brian’s case. One was a posting on Randy’s memorial website that read, “I miss u dad love brian.” The writer listed the Virgin Islands as his home. The other was a third-party tip, claiming Brian’s body could be found in a field, near a freeway and just outside of the city.

    With no evidence to dismiss either possibility, detectives investigated both. “We were looking for a deceased person and for someone who’s still amongst the living at the same time,” Hurst says. But in the end they found neither. The posting turned out to be a hoax, written on a public computer in Columbus, and the K-9 search of the field turned up nothing.

    Hurst was disappointed, but not surprised. Nothing about this case surprises him anymore. Brian Shaffer is not the first person who has disappeared without leaving any hint of his whereabouts behind, but, in many ways, he is the most frustrating. Even with a reward of $25,000—and even when that reward spiked to $100,000—there were no answers. No one came forward to say what they know. That doesn’t mean that person doesn’t exist. Hurst, for all he can’t say about the case, can say this for sure: “Someone out there knows something.”

    Lori Davis and Kevin Miles have their suspicions. They’re fairly certain Brian is dead, killed over some misunderstanding, and that his body is still somewhere in this city. If he were alive, they reason, he’d never let his brother navigate a world without parents alone.

    In some ways, they need to believe this. For Randy, and for themselves. Miles’s father was murdered in Washington, D.C., five years ago. The family still doesn’t know who committed the crime. They’ve never had anyone to blame. Miles needs to believe that they’ll find Brian just like he needs to believe they’ll find his father’s killer, so he can still count on justice.

    Davis has spent the better part of the past two years immersed in this case. Her husband doesn’t understand it. Her 13-year-old son has reluctantly accepted it. He took the photographs when she stopped at the Ugly Tuna Saloona to conduct her own investigation. He’s accompanied her to vigils and interviews. Davis needs to believe her family’s time hasn’t been wasted, that Brian, who she never knew, isn’t the type of person who would let his father die, and his brother live, without answers.

    For Randy’s sake, and on Brian’s behalf, Davis plans to keep searching. It’s what she’d want someone to do for her, what she’d want someone to do for her son. And though she hasn’t found the answers yet, she feels as if she’s made progress. Old Shaffer family acquaintances have contacted her with tips and ideas. A woman from Cleveland wants to form a volunteer task force, to share theories about the case. Strangers from as far away as Ecuador and Panama who saw Brian’s story featured on the A&E show “Psychic Kids” have signed the website guestbook and offered their prayers.

    “The Internet won’t let this case die,” Davis says. “People a lot more distant than even me want answers. This case haunts them. I think it’s because any of us could be in that situation. I have to fight against becoming so paranoid about it that I can’t live my life.”

    With that, Davis’s son, Kaleb, sighs. It’s his birthday and he’s in a Bob Evans, listening to his mother talk about Brian Shaffer, again. “I’m going to the bathroom,” he tells her.

    Her head snaps up.

    “If someone tries to take you, you scream,” she says.

    Kaleb rolls his eyes. “I know,” he says. He’s obviously heard this before. “A million times,” they agree. Then their eyes lock and they both start to chuckle.

    So much has changed in three years. Brian’s girlfriend, Waggoner, has graduated from medical school and gotten engaged. His brother, Derek, plans to marry his longtime girlfriend. The house where the Shaffer boys grew up is empty. Their mother and father are gone. Clint Florence, the last person believed to have seen Brian alive, moved to Tennessee. The apartment on King Avenue where Brian last lived has been rented, deserted, rented again. Winters have frozen and springs have thawed the Olentangy, where Randy once believed his son’s body could be found. The “Missing” posters that once wallpapered campus and beyond have weathered and worn and faded away.

    But, somehow, the tips keep coming. Sometimes months lapse between the calls. Sometimes only mere hours. Recently, the police received three in one week. They investigated. They found nothing. But they won’t stop. Not now.

    “I think it’s time,” Hurst says, “especially for Derek, to have the answers.”

    April Johnston is an associate editor for Columbus Monthly.
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

    Wishlist Foundation-
  • IamMineIamMine Posts: 2,743
    Thanks, LIsa - both for the post and the email.

    It's mind-blowing...
    JA: Why do I get the Ticketmaster question?
    EV: It's your band.
    ~Q Magazine

    "Kisses for the glow...kisses for the lease." - BDRII
  • HbudjrHbudjr Posts: 150
    I wish all the best in this very hard situation. It is very nice to see how so many people care. God bless all of the family!!!
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  • aNiMaLaNiMaL Posts: 7,117
    Is Lori Davis a poster on this board?

    Great article btw posted above.
  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    aNiMaL wrote:
    Is Lori Davis a poster on this board?

    Great article btw posted above.
    No she isn't, but we do discuss this board and what is said by all fans..
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

    Wishlist Foundation-
  • Lost In OhioLost In Ohio Posts: 7,067
    The website at isn't working right now, but should be back up soon.
    Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    Kat wrote:
    Do you know him or have any information to pass on?
    Page not found, sorry Kat..
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

    Wishlist Foundation-
  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    The website at isn't working right now, but should be back up soon.
    Still issues with payment for the site..we may need to take up a collection to keep it going..More details to come..
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

    Wishlist Foundation-
  • Lost In OhioLost In Ohio Posts: 7,067
    The site works for me as of this moment. does take down their articles as they get outdated. There are mentions of Brian's story on the website, but you have do a search for them.
    Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
  • pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,688
    still so sad to read about this. we can only hope to pray for closure soon.

    also a note of thanks to the Mods of this board for keeping this up here as a sticky and for caring.
  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    pjhawks wrote:
    still so sad to read about this. we can only hope to pray for closure soon.

    also a note of thanks to the Mods of this board for keeping this up here as a sticky and for caring.
    I totally agree with you. Thank you so much for keeping this a sticky all this time. Maybe someday we will have wonderful news, and have a sticky closing celebration for Brian..
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

    Wishlist Foundation-
  • Lost In OhioLost In Ohio Posts: 7,067
    There's so many hundreds of billions of people in the world. You figure there's several thousand missing people in the US at any one moment. I'm sure there's some ratio that figures out the likelyhood of any missing person being found.

    Look at all the friends. It shouldn't take you too long to notice a central theme. It's very, very depressing.

    In our situation (Brian's), we have no phone useage. No credit cards being used. No ransom note. No possessions turning up. No one hearing anything. No rumors. No gossip. No body.

    This is very, very confusing. I wish that Randy could give us a sign or a clue somehow...if only it was possible. :(
    Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    There's so many hundreds of billions of people in the world. You figure there's several thousand missing people in the US at any one moment. I'm sure there's some ratio that figures out the likelyhood of any missing person being found.

    Look at all the friends. It shouldn't take you too long to notice a central theme. It's very, very depressing.

    In our situation (Brian's), we have no phone useage. No credit cards being used. No ransom note. No possessions turning up. No one hearing anything. No rumors. No gossip. No body.

    This is very, very confusing. I wish that Randy could give us a sign or a clue somehow...if only it was possible. :(
    Total frustration! RIP Randy...
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

    Wishlist Foundation-
  • Lost In OhioLost In Ohio Posts: 7,067
    Find people you know on Facebook

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    Randall A. Shaffer
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    We have no mutual friends. I'm mystified. I did put a blog entry in there last year about Brian, and I do have Pearl Jam as a band I like, but other than that, I am stumped.
    Presidential Advice from President-Elect Mike McCready: "Are you getting something out of this all encompassing trip?"
  • LukinFanLukinFan Florida Posts: 29,077
    There's so many hundreds of billions of people in the world. You figure there's several thousand missing people in the US at any one moment. I'm sure there's some ratio that figures out the likelyhood of any missing person being found.

    Look at all the friends. It shouldn't take you too long to notice a central theme. It's very, very depressing.

    In our situation (Brian's), we have no phone useage. No credit cards being used. No ransom note. No possessions turning up. No one hearing anything. No rumors. No gossip. No body.

    This is very, very confusing. I wish that Randy could give us a sign or a clue somehow...if only it was possible. :(

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  • yahamitayahamita Posts: 1,514
    Before Randy passed, I sent and entire packet to America's Most Wanted, asking them to air Brians Story. After Randy passed, I sent a letter to update them as to the situation. Today I received a letter stating they would NOT be running Brians story. They said there are too many cases to broadcast them all, and this was one of them. I am completely bummed! They suggested I keep this in the local news, and I could post some info on their section titled My Story. They also referenced several agencies to contact that may be able to help.
    National Center for Missing Adults-800/
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    If anyone has any suggestion or comments or would like to help get the word out. Please PM me..
    I knew all the rules, but the rules did not know me...GUARANTEED!

    Hail Hail HIPPIEMOM

    Wishlist Foundation-
  • time to let go people.

    sorry for the loss but we must move on...............
  • KatKat Posts: 4,930
    You can consider this thread as a light in the window. Please just skip over it when you're looking for a discussion thread, thank you.
    Falling down,...not staying down
  • quelquefoisquelquefois Posts: 209
    MH80359 wrote:
    time to let go people.

    sorry for the loss but we must move on...............

    i want to say something very rude to you, but i won't.

    someone out there has to have information about this man, and the fact that this thread has such a prominent place on the board makes me not only proud to be a member of this community, but reassured that there are people out there who are effected enough by the tragedies of other's to go out of their way to help in any way that they can.
  • WaveCameCrashinWaveCameCrashin Posts: 2,929
    Never loose hope...
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