Pearl Jam Dating Service



  • I moved up here in March and its so beautiful. I do alot of hikes and its just amazing at every turn. Especially for West Texas man. Nah, my girlfriend finishes school in December, so she's going back home to stay. Its not a "long-term" relationship, no pressure like that. I'm sure we'll still be friends. And I will miss her, but its not that dramatic so there shouldn't be a "rebound". More like a "release back into the wild" ;)
    Oh, how sad! Good luck with that. Sometimes a long distance thing isnt a good choice- you end up not living the life that you should. Probably a very wise choice...
    I have seen sooo many amazing pics from Washington- cant wait to see it all firsthand. Cant imagine being exposed to so much beauty everywhere... :)

    I notice you are from Point. I'm graduating from UWSP this year. I figured I was the only one in this town that was crazy about PJ.[/quote]
    SHUT UP!!! I was certain that I was the only fan in the 100 mile radius!!!![/quote]

    Haha, tell me about it. My friends always say the've never seen anyone so passionate about a band before. They just don't understand my PJ thing. It about killed me that there was no way I was getting to those Philly shows. I think I sat on the board each of those nights waiting for the setlists. I'll tell you what, I was the first person to pick up (maybe the only one that day) Backspacer vinyl at Radio Kaos downtown. They had to pull it from the back. I also got a 10c copy but didn't want to wait to finally get it. haha, anyway have a good one! I'm just happy there are other people in the area that dig the band!
  • lockedlocked Posts: 4,038
    shekkie wrote:
    This is funny, my brother and I were at Philly and couldn't believe how many girls we saw there, and were singing every word to every song.... These were some smoking hot ladies too... On 10/31 there was a girl in the row behind us dressed in a Devil costume, drop dead gorgeous and knew every song....

    I just gotta find one in Pittsburgh now...

    "This here's a REQUEST!"
    EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
    10/25/13 Hartford
  • gorga14gorga14 Posts: 103
    Vedderwt wrote:
    I Don't know.....undecided. 50/50.....I guess show me a normal female, mean, cool PJ girl that is single and it may tip this logjam of a discussion.

    haha this is great! Yeah the 50/50 thing is a good call. Plus , you'll have to split up the kids (and by kids i mean POSTERS ) and that would SUCK.

    1. Every Christmas, Birthday, Valentine's, Labor Day etc....I would shamelessly gift her amazing seats and travel to where ever PJ was at that particular time.......and yes, I can act well enough to make them for her. - that alone makes you marriage material! A girl could get used to that shit![/quote]

    seriously haha stop saying these things bc now we'll expect this from every guy.. and disappointment is inevitable![/quote]

    Well, let me say this right here and now..... If anyone would be FULLY content to open something they know full well is meant just as much for me as it is for them, then I dont even need to kick the tires, just sign me up.... (let's not kid ourselves, if I knew you got as much joy out of it as I do, it would be FOR; US.......and there is nothing better than that...right>???? PLUS I would be the happiest man on earth knowing I made my girl the happiest girl on earth, plus I could now justify spending all that money to make me temporarily the happiest man on earth until the next show....basically....everything else would fall into place, right??? .....I think my head just exploded at how infinitely perfect that would be........until the breakup. Okay....back to 50/50. If it worked, it would be a perfect life. If it failed,.................just imagine if you showed up a year later and you and your new girl (who probably is the opposite now and loves flamenco dancing but is trying this out because PJ is important to me.....) sit in the front row, and you look over and your PJ obsessed ex (with her new boyfriend who is opposite of me - so that would be insanely stupid, insanely short, insanely insensitive, insanely booger eating, insanely smelly head, insanely not living 5 houses from the beach, insanely hates to travel south (what? to Mexico....), insanely hasnt been to 57 Pearl Jam shows and 10 EV solo shows, insanely not looking for a woman that is cool and hot that is normal and stable and laughs more than she breathes and that has a big heart that I (I mean he) falls in love with and that wants nothing more than a bond with a person that can grow until we are old and there for eachother until we let go knowing that every moment we (I mean they) had was everything life is about and that we never needed anything, not even a stupid band to unite us in that chemical connection that drives me (ooops, him) insanely alive just to be near the person,...... and to top it off, he is probably insanely against scissor legs in bed...... and has small hands.) um mmmmmmmm......where was I, the two new couples are there, you make eye contact and either 1. the show is ruined and you will forever look for them at each show you go to, or 2. You laugh inside, knowing that you really are bandgay because you dont care - nothing broke you up with your band........... My name is Matt, Im dating five guys....actually, I am on and off with a sixth, and I never know where or when he will show up with his keyboard.[/quote]

    haha i <3 this
  • red mosred mos Posts: 4,953
    I've met a few ladies on here due to this thread. Haven't hooked up yet. I keep trying and I think I'm just gonna leave it in God's hands.
    PJ: 10/14/00 06/09/03 10/4/09 11/15/13 11/16/13 10/08/14
    EV Solo: 7/11/11 11/12/12 11/13/12
  • while i didn't meet him on this thread, I did meet my guy on the Porch :-)
    Need a tour Travel Agent??? Pick me :-)

    Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
  • while i didn't meet him on this thread, I did meet my guy on the Porch :-)

    and you opened this thread because........ :?

  • while i didn't meet him on this thread, I did meet my guy on the Porch :-)

    and you opened this thread because........ :?


    Howd you get the name Gems and Rhinestones if you joined in May?
    Member Number: 437xxx

    Pearl Jam:
    Key Arena - Seattle, WA - Sep 21, 2009
    Pacific Coliseum - Vancouver, BC - Sep 25, 2011
    Key Arena - Seattle, WA - Dec 6, 2013

    Eddie Vedder Solo:
    Benaroya Hall - Seattle, WA - Jul 15, 2011
  • thefin190 wrote:
    Howd you get the name Gems and Rhinestones if you joined in May?

    i was in the studio when the recorded unthought known.
  • thefin190 wrote:
    Howd you get the name Gems and Rhinestones if you joined in May?

    i was in the studio when the recorded unthought known.

    Really? That would be amazing if that was true. Its an amazing song.
    Member Number: 437xxx

    Pearl Jam:
    Key Arena - Seattle, WA - Sep 21, 2009
    Pacific Coliseum - Vancouver, BC - Sep 25, 2011
    Key Arena - Seattle, WA - Dec 6, 2013

    Eddie Vedder Solo:
    Benaroya Hall - Seattle, WA - Jul 15, 2011
  • thefin190 wrote:
    thefin190 wrote:
    Howd you get the name Gems and Rhinestones if you joined in May?

    i was in the studio when the recorded unthought known.

    Really? That would be amazing if that was true. Its an amazing song.

    YES! I was also there with Ed when he stayed up all night with Catherine Keener and got the inspiration for the song.
  • thefin190 wrote:

    i was in the studio when the recorded unthought known.

    Really? That would be amazing if that was true. Its an amazing song.

    YES! I was also there with Ed when he stayed up all night with Catherine Keener and got the inspiration for the song.
    God dammit I am gullible. Seriously, howd you get the screen name?
    Member Number: 437xxx

    Pearl Jam:
    Key Arena - Seattle, WA - Sep 21, 2009
    Pacific Coliseum - Vancouver, BC - Sep 25, 2011
    Key Arena - Seattle, WA - Dec 6, 2013

    Eddie Vedder Solo:
    Benaroya Hall - Seattle, WA - Jul 15, 2011
  • thefin190 wrote:
    God dammit I am gullible. Seriously, howd you get the screen name?

    if i tell then the 10club will have me killed.
  • Dude- you can change your name anytime... yes! Its true!
  • Dude- you can change your name anytime... yes! Its true!

    you ruin all the fun! :(
  • Dude- you can change your name anytime... yes! Its true!

    you ruin all the fun! :(
    I felt bad for 'em... I suck! :|
  • edited December 2009
    Post edited by Gems and Rhinestones on
  • Dude- you can change your name anytime... yes! Its true!

  • while i didn't meet him on this thread, I did meet my guy on the Porch :-)

    and you opened this thread because........ :?


    LOL!! I wondered if there were other PJ board matches :-) (and it was in interesting read!!!!)
    Need a tour Travel Agent??? Pick me :-)

    Whatever you are, be a good one --Lincoln
  • So fn bored at work. Wish I were King, The King of Kong......

    Is there a PJ fans Facebook thread or something???? Something I can go to since it is 11:42 and I have about 5 hours and 18 minutes left at this desk,,,,.....
    Formally known as Tackalac before being formally known as Vedderwt,,,,....release my old name and posts....

    I saw a wino eating grapes, I said, "Dude, you have to wait"
  • NastasjaNastasja Posts: 9,668
    Vedderwt wrote:
    So fn bored at work. Wish I were King, The King of Kong......

    Is there a PJ fans Facebook thread or something???? Something I can go to since it is 11:42 and I have about 5 hours and 18 minutes left at this desk,,,,.....

    yes, there has been at least one....

    You can spend your time alone, re-digesting past regrets,
    Or you can come to terms and realize
    You're the only one who can't forgive yourself
  • Plenty of pretty woman in Adelaide.
    And saw many PJ couples.
    You guys are lucky, sharing your number 1 band together on tour!
    Adelaide 17/11/2009, Melbourne 20/11/2009, Sydney 22/11/2009, Melbourne (Big Day Out Festival) 24/01/2014
  • I feel like we are all at a 6th grade dance. All the girls are on that side, wearing really puffy dresses with floral patterns and socks under their shiny black shoes.......and all of me is standing here, cool as could fucking be, just waiting to pick which one of you I want. (okay, Im in the corner playing grab ass with myself, knots in my stomach and pretending that I dont like girls because I cant handle it.)

    Just please, dont be Alison P.....that one girl that always showed up and asked to dance right when the boy grew a pair and was going to ask Liz. Ah.....Liz. That hairsprayed hair. That pair of guess pants that cost 38 dollars back then....the pee-wee football cheerleader that went on in her early 20's to sleep her way to the top and eventually to do embarrassing things at a Christmas party (involved tic-tacs, a water weenie, four stamps and a snickers bar - or so the story goes...) Yes....Liz.....the one that ended up in a van, down by the frozen river...stealing fruit from the store and growing a herp on her lip the size of connecticut. the one that fired eight kids out by the time she was thirty, all with matching birthmarks on their lip......Ah Liz......I pushed Alison down after she cried when I said no...."matt, we are going out....why wont you dance with me..???" Because ALison...I see LIZ..... After making my way to my real life Gem from the Holograms, I asked her to dance....and the dirtskank said NO>............look at where you are now LIZ........last time I saw you, i had little to say. Small talk....."Hey liz, LIZ...look at me...with both eyes....over salad faced, bologna butt........I hardly smell you from here!! And, I have to say, I see the crotch crickets are doing very well. I see your HerpLip is nicely contained to the smaller half of your face...I see that your butt can longer land a jumbo jet on look great...I just cant look at you........okay..smell you later......" I turned to hide the tears......I walked away and back to my disease free life....but I am lying to everyone here.....

    You see, the truth is, I died inside that night. Liz is out there, perfect. No herpes. I made that up. No CC's. I made that up...I dont even know if she had crotch crickets....its all diverted energy. All pent up anger from rejection. I have no reason to hate her. IN fact, part of my heart still is out there, reserved for her. I sleep with the light on, in case she comes in my dreams. SHe would lean over my bed with the Herp above my head and she would ask if I had seen her ninth kid.

    The moral of this story......dont read anything I ever write again. It will make you more stupid and will do nothing but succeed in wasting your time.

    My name is Matt. I might have a butt worm.
    Formally known as Tackalac before being formally known as Vedderwt,,,,....release my old name and posts....

    I saw a wino eating grapes, I said, "Dude, you have to wait"
  • Matt, that is funny as hell!! I feel your pain ...granted I was laughing about most of it ;)
    Surreal Art that Entices the Mind
    - Russ McIntosh

  • Vedderwt wrote:
    I feel like we are all at a 6th grade dance. All the girls are on that side, wearing really puffy dresses with floral patterns and socks under their shiny black shoes.......and all of me is standing here, cool as could fucking be, just waiting to pick which one of you I want. (okay, Im in the corner playing grab ass with myself, knots in my stomach and pretending that I dont like girls because I cant handle it.)

    Just please, dont be Alison P.....that one girl that always showed up and asked to dance right when the boy grew a pair and was going to ask Liz. Ah.....Liz. That hairsprayed hair. That pair of guess pants that cost 38 dollars back then....the pee-wee football cheerleader that went on in her early 20's to sleep her way to the top and eventually to do embarrassing things at a Christmas party (involved tic-tacs, a water weenie, four stamps and a snickers bar - or so the story goes...) Yes....Liz.....the one that ended up in a van, down by the frozen river...stealing fruit from the store and growing a herp on her lip the size of connecticut. the one that fired eight kids out by the time she was thirty, all with matching birthmarks on their lip......Ah Liz......I pushed Alison down after she cried when I said no...."matt, we are going out....why wont you dance with me..???" Because ALison...I see LIZ..... After making my way to my real life Gem from the Holograms, I asked her to dance....and the dirtskank said NO>............look at where you are now LIZ........last time I saw you, i had little to say. Small talk....."Hey liz, LIZ...look at me...with both eyes....over salad faced, bologna butt........I hardly smell you from here!! And, I have to say, I see the crotch crickets are doing very well. I see your HerpLip is nicely contained to the smaller half of your face...I see that your butt can longer land a jumbo jet on look great...I just cant look at you........okay..smell you later......" I turned to hide the tears......I walked away and back to my disease free life....but I am lying to everyone here.....

    You see, the truth is, I died inside that night. Liz is out there, perfect. No herpes. I made that up. No CC's. I made that up...I dont even know if she had crotch crickets....its all diverted energy. All pent up anger from rejection. I have no reason to hate her. IN fact, part of my heart still is out there, reserved for her. I sleep with the light on, in case she comes in my dreams. SHe would lean over my bed with the Herp above my head and she would ask if I had seen her ninth kid.

    The moral of this story......dont read anything I ever write again. It will make you more stupid and will do nothing but succeed in wasting your time.

    My name is Matt. I might have a butt worm.

    That's some funny shit.... :lol:
  • Ernie VedderErnie Vedder Redlands, CA Posts: 2,245
    Vedderwt wrote:
    Yes....Liz.....the one that ended up in a van, down by the frozen river...

    Hey, You go that from Chris Farley...
  • You're a fucking riot!!!! :lol:
  • lockedlocked Posts: 4,038

    Any love matches made from this thread so far? .........

    My scorecard remains "Nadda"!

    "This here's a REQUEST!"
    EV intro to Chloe Dancer / Crown of Thorns
    10/25/13 Hartford
  • eeriepadaveeeriepadave West Chester, PA Posts: 41,752
    Interesting idea. Single male 35/suburbs of philly. Loves music and sports. :)
    8/28/98- Camden, NJ
    10/31/09- Philly
    5/21/10- NYC
    9/2/12- Philly, PA
    7/19/13- Wrigley
    10/19/13- Brooklyn, NY
    10/21/13- Philly, PA
    10/22/13- Philly, PA
    10/27/13- Baltimore, MD
    4/28/16- Philly, PA
    4/29/16- Philly, PA
    5/1/16- NYC
    5/2/16- NYC
    9/2/18- Boston, MA
    9/4/18- Boston, MA
    9/14/22- Camden, NJ
    9/7/24- Philly, PA
    9/9/24- Philly, PA
    Tres Mts.- 3/23/11- Philly. PA
    Eddie Vedder- 6/25/11- Philly, PA
    RNDM- 3/9/16- Philly, PA
  • Interesting idea. Single male 35/suburbs of philly. Loves music and sports. :)
    Single? Augh!

  • locked wrote:

    Any love matches made from this thread so far? .........

    My scorecard remains "Nadda"!

    Yeah I haven't met anyone from this, but its always fun to visit this thread
    Surreal Art that Entices the Mind
    - Russ McIntosh

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