Chris Cornell - Long Gone



  • what in the fuck.
    "pick it up, pick it up, watch out!, now pick it up"

    this is embarassing. I truly hate these songs now. I tried so hard to like Carry On..but this is not going to happen. I'm sorry to post that for the first time I will not be buying a cd from Chris Cornell.

    Does he seriously ask if the speaker is on in the beginning of ground zero?
    I'm so upset.

    and the thing that's gonna be weird for me is that my friends will probably like this shit. It's like bizarro world from seinfeld.
    I am right by your side

    7/18/06 SF
    Bridge School night 2 2006
    12/9/06 Hawaii
    E.V. solo show in Santa Cruz
  • Them-BonesThem-Bones Posts: 518
    My God, here is a preview of 2 more songs. Who ever was wondering if they should cry or not listen to Ground Zero, it will indeed make you cry and vomit at the same time. Seriously, what the FUCK is going on....

    I'm sorry for posting this......

    Kim Thayil needs to beat his ass, fuck him and his jeans
    "If my thoughts, dreams, could be seen, they'd probably put my head, in a guillotine, but it's alright ma, it's life and life only."
  • Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334
    Them-Bones wrote:
    Kim Thayil needs to beat his ass, fuck him and his jeans
    i would seriously love to hear what matt thinks of this... if any seattlites run into him PLEASE ask him! im sure ed cant believe this shit either! kurt and layne are probably rolling in their graves... what the fuck?!?
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • Chris is just expanding his horizons. He is a multi genre artists and has proven so. I like that new track. It's not his usual but it's good.
  • Them-BonesThem-Bones Posts: 518
    Chris is just expanding his horizons. He is a multi genre artists and has proven so. I like that new track. It's not his usual but it's good.

    He just so happens to be expanding his horizons into music that sounds like it wouldn't be out of place on Top 40 stations. There's a difference between expanding your sound, and selling out.
    "If my thoughts, dreams, could be seen, they'd probably put my head, in a guillotine, but it's alright ma, it's life and life only."
  • deadmosquitodeadmosquito Posts: 729
    wow. i wish i could get back the time i wasted listening to these clips. this is utter garbage. and i even had an open mind going into it. just... wow.
  • Them-Bones wrote:
    He just so happens to be expanding his horizons into music that sounds like it wouldn't be out of place on Top 40 stations. There's a difference between expanding your sound, and selling out.

    Perception is reality. TO each there own. I can't help but think that those who claim the "Sell-Out" frame of mind simply cannot deal with change. No insult intended by any means as I can understand what you are saying but I totally disagree. It is my humble opinion like you have yours.
  • Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334
    Them-Bones wrote:
    He just so happens to be expanding his horizons into music that sounds like it wouldn't be out of place on Top 40 stations. There's a difference between expanding your sound, and selling out.
    agreed! enough of this ass kissing... i love the old chris cornell stuff more than anything (even PJ) and this stuff has forced me to realize just how radically things have changed... its disgraceful... and if i knew of a way to contact chris directly i would tell him to his face...

    and i take back any of the things i said before about timbaland having potential as a diverse producer... clearly hes a one trick pony
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • frusciante89frusciante89 Posts: 125
    Why He Is Making Songs To Timbalands Beats That Arnt Good Enough For The Next Justin Timberlake Record!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    He Is A Hard Legend!!!!!!!!!!what Is Happening!!
  • sgossard3 wrote:
    agreed! enough of this ass kissing... i love the old chris cornell stuff more than anything (even PJ) and this stuff has forced me to realize just how radically things have changed... its disgraceful... and if i knew of a way to contact chris directly i would tell him to his face...

    and i take back any of the things i said before about timbaland having potential as a diverse producer... clearly hes a one trick pony
    It reeks of an attempt to make easy money - Cornell by branching out to the Top 40 market, Timbaland by doing what he's been doing for the last while now. Any kind of adventurous musical ideas they had are clearly not what they're pushing to sell the album.

    I really, really hope it backfires. It's the most... I don't wanna say "cynical" move, but it's all that comes to mind. I can't see Cornell appealing to the "kidz", no matter how "good" his backing track is.
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • Them-BonesThem-Bones Posts: 518
    Perception is reality. TO each there own. I can't help but think that those who claim the "Sell-Out" frame of mind simply cannot deal with change. No insult intended by any means as I can understand what you are saying but I totally disagree. It is my humble opinion like you have yours.

    I'm a Mike Patton fan, trust me I can deal with change, I just have a problem with the quality of music going down to achieve a more mainstream sound. If Cornell could make a good record that sounds like this, I wouldn't have a problem, but these songs are cheesy and terrible.
    "If my thoughts, dreams, could be seen, they'd probably put my head, in a guillotine, but it's alright ma, it's life and life only."
  • Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334
    It reeks of an attempt to make easy money - Cornell by branching out to the Top 40 market, Timbaland by doing what he's been doing for the last while now. Any kind of adventurous musical ideas they had are clearly not what they're pushing to sell the album.

    I really, really hope it backfires. It's the most... I don't wanna say "cynical" move, but it's all that comes to mind. I can't see Cornell appealing to the "kidz", no matter how "good" his backing track is.
    oh it will... it will... i just hope his most die hard fans dont support this shit either... i would consider myself pretty die hard (only lukewarm to his solo career) and i absolutely hate it... but based on the number of people defending him ("oh his voice still sounds good" etc.) he may still sell enough albums to defend this decision... i dont even intend to see him live because of his linkin park thing... way to ruin both your studio AND live work! TOOL
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • ajedigeckoajedigecko \m/deplorable af \m/ Posts: 2,431
    it is better than "bugs"
    live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
  • Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334
    ajedigecko wrote:
    it is better than "bugs"
    lets compare apples to apples... chris is SERIOUS about this shit!
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • ajedigeckoajedigecko \m/deplorable af \m/ Posts: 2,431
    sgossard3 wrote:
    lets compare apples to apples... chris is SERIOUS about this shit!
    why do you think pj is not serious about this made on to cassette. :)
    live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
  • sgossard3 wrote:
    oh it will... it will... i just hope his most die hard fans dont support this shit either... i would consider myself pretty die hard (only lukewarm to his solo career) and i absolutely hate it... but based on the number of people defending him ("oh his voice still sounds good" etc.) he may still sell enough albums to defend this decision... i dont even intend to see him live because of his linkin park thing... way to ruin both your studio AND live work! TOOL
    I took a look over on his official forum... it seems the vast majority are kinda worried, but waiting for the album before judging it too harshly. A fair few are reacting like us - properly and rightly angry. :D And then there's the occasional "Chris can do no wrong in my starstruck eyes" post. The consensus is that he sounds great vocally, but the Timbaland shit ruins any kind of potential the songs have.
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • ajedigecko wrote:
    it is better than "bugs"
    Bugs was deeply allegorical, and far more daring creatively. :D
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • ajedigeckoajedigecko \m/deplorable af \m/ Posts: 2,431
    Bugs was deeply allegorical, and far more daring creatively. :D
    i beg to differ......given what cornell is capable of. i would say that this is testing new ground and as you say, "far more daring". :)

    and let the record show........i would still pay to see his show. i want to hear seasons, live.
    live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
  • Kilgore_TroutKilgore_Trout Posts: 7,334
    I took a look over on his official forum... it seems the vast majority are kinda worried, but waiting for the album before judging it too harshly. A fair few are reacting like us - properly and rightly angry. :D And then there's the occasional "Chris can do no wrong in my starstruck eyes" post. The consensus is that he sounds great vocally, but the Timbaland shit ruins any kind of potential the songs have.
    atleast he still has his modeling career to fall back on... or he can always play after the rodeo at the county fair :rolleyes:
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • ajedigeckoajedigecko \m/deplorable af \m/ Posts: 2,431
    sgossard3 wrote:
    atleast he still has his modeling career to fall back on... or he can always play after the rodeo at the county fair :rolleyes:
    well we do not get the big rodeo here in kansas.....but the state fair brings in some good talent.
    live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
  • ajedigecko wrote:
    i beg to differ......given what cornell is capable of. i would say that this is testing new ground and as you say, "far more daring". :)

    and let the record show........i would still pay to see his show. i want to hear seasons, live.
    I dunno - it's daring in that it might lose him a shitload of hardcore fans, I guess. But it's fairly safe in the context of modern chart music. Whereas Bugs was Ed butchering an accordion. Cornell is imitating Timberlake - Ed was imitating Waits.
    sgossard3 wrote:
    atleast he still has his modeling career to fall back on... or he can always play after the rodeo at the county fair
    Or go on the road supporting JT, once this Linkin Park slot's done. Really clinch that teenage girl demographic.
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • ajedigeckoajedigecko \m/deplorable af \m/ Posts: 2,431
    I dunno - it's daring in that it might lose him a shitload of hardcore fans, I guess. But it's fairly safe in the context of modern chart music. Whereas Bugs was Ed butchering an accordion. Cornell is imitating Timberlake - Ed was imitating Waits.

    Or go on the road supporting JT, once this Linkin Park slot's done. Really clinch that teenage girl demographic.
    i do not own any timberlake so i can only take your assessment that it is comparable.
    i like the song.......i could see spending some quality time with my wife, while having it on.....quality time.
    live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
  • Kim needs to crawl out from under those pizza boxs and kick his arse.

    After 'Out of Exile' Cornell said he was taking less time to 'edit' his songs (i.e no,longer craft them) and ever since that album it has just been the downard spiral as far as his musical output. Everything he has produced since than has been mediocre, forced and doesn't play to his strengths.

    I can't believe this guy was in one of the heaviest most baddest ass bands ever, he was the prince of darkness .............. and now this?
  • Them-BonesThem-Bones Posts: 518
    ajedigecko wrote:
    it is better than "bugs"

    If Chris's new album has songs that are as good as Immortality, Tremor Christ, Last Exit, Corduroy, Nothingman, and Not For You, I'll forgive him for these heaps of garbage.
    "If my thoughts, dreams, could be seen, they'd probably put my head, in a guillotine, but it's alright ma, it's life and life only."
  • Ugh. I listened again. Why did I listen again? Ben Shepherd must be turning in his grave.

    Assuming he sleeps in a grave.
    Smokey Robinson constantly looks like he's trying to act natural after being accused of farting.
  • ajedigeckoajedigecko \m/deplorable af \m/ Posts: 2,431
    Them-Bones wrote:
    If Chris's new album has songs that are as good as Immortality, Tremor Christ, Last Exit, Corduroy, Nothingman, and Not For You, I'll forgive him for these heaps of garbage.
    i like your logic and i am being truthful.....also,it is still better than bugs and i will also put in foxymophandlemama.
    live and let live...unless it violates the pearligious doctrine.
  • mfc22mfc22 Posts: 106
    he needs to drop the rage agains the garden shit...
    ...if she's gone i can't go on feelin' 2 foot small...
  • ladygooddivaladygooddiva Posts: 4,169
    it is not bad something diffrent
  • IgottagoIgottago Posts: 483
    it is not bad something diffrent

    Lol...different from what? Justin Timberlake? Nelly Furtado? I don't think so. This is some of the shittiest music I've ever heard. Phil Collins would be proud. Congratulations on become a cheesey top 40 douchebag in your older age Chris...nice photos on the myspace page, by the way...did he take lessons from Celine Dion?

    Any of you trying to defend this are in serious denial.
  • muppetmuppet Posts: 980
    The outro to "Long Gone" sounds amazing, think it's a new song? I think this album was seen as a concept album, so they could be doing the whole "let's make all of the songs run into each other."
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