Isobel Campbell, I have to plug her too. She used to be in Belle & Sebastian, shes put out one solo album, one collaboration with Mark Lanegan and is putting out an other solo album soon I think. She has an incredible sense of melody and her compositions and arrangements are lovely.
Female rock bands DON'T get the same deal as the fellas. You'd have to be blind to not to have noticed that in order to survive in the market you need to be pretty and pliable or overtly sexual. Those are the requirements for girls. THAT is what the record companies are bringing us. That is all that the current generation seems to want. Maybe because they aren't aware of anything else. Music is a boys club. Like most things in this world. I'd suggest THAT is why girl fronted rock bands don't seem to work. Oh and we have had plenty here in Oz. Which I must confess is interesting because MANY of our blokes are some of the biggest male chauvanist, mysoginists in the world.
And I really would like to hear what you have to say about Heart or at the very least please direct me to where you previously made comment.
Oooh, Jeans, big difference between chauvinist and misogynist !! GUys love chicks !!
I still maintain it's the whole "bands are essentially a bunch of mates" thing rather than an industry conspiracy which keeps the number of girls fronting rock bands down. I did see Susie DeMArchie a few years back, voice so big it was scary being in the same room !!
Oooh, Jeans, big difference between chauvinist and misogynist !! GUys love chicks !!
I still maintain it's the whole "bands are essentially a bunch of mates" thing rather than an industry conspiracy which keeps the number of girls fronting rock bands down. I did see Susie DeMArchie a few years back, voice so big it was scary being in the same room !!
I agree luce. But I did say some didn't I? Or did I say most? eh! Can't remember now! But yeah, I look for good blokes. It's like a personal quest!
To "protect me from the hooded claw, keep the vampires from my door"
I just think the music industry and the world in general is stacked against women.
But I am insanely jealous you got to see Suze! It must have been amazing!
I agree luce. But I did say some didn't I? Or did I say most? eh! Can't remember now! But yeah, I look for good blokes. It's like a personal quest!
To "protect me from the hooded claw, keep the vampires from my door"
I just think the music industry and the world in general is stacked against women.
But I am insanely jealouse you got to see Suze! It must have been amazing!
I know where you are coming from Miss Jeanie, from what you have said elsewhere. I really do. I see the bad in guys too, I'm just lucky in that I know mostly good guys, and I try to be one myself. I learnt manhood from a CRAZY friend who was the biggest root-rat you can imagine, but had so much respect and adoration for women, so it rubbed off on me, so I have trouble relating to the idea that heterosexual men actively oppress women. I am a lot of a drop-out really. I do my job, go home, and stay away from bad stuff. I never watch the news, read papers, hell I don't even check the mailbox.
Saw BAby Animals at a pub in BUndy in like 1994 or something, had never heard them cos I never listen to teh radio, but it was a great gig. Man, could she sing !!!!!You would have loved it !! Saw Divinyls once too, way too loud for teh venue, saw Oils a couple of times at teh same pubs, missed Chisel and teh Angels, wasn't paying attention. Did see Ian Moss in Bris once though, he was great !!!
Ok eclectic, then perhaps I should have been a bit clearer. Lucy started this thread as a positive and optimistic look at female singers. It was an opportunity to for people to come forward with female singers that they like and admire and was initially posted in direct response to negativity on other parts of the board. SO with that in mind, please point me to were you have made your previous negative comments about Heart as I feel this is not the forum for us to discuss your dislike. And seeing as how you don't particularly supportive or impressed with females singing then perhaps here is not the place for you.
And although I am not a Jagger or Tyler fan particularly I can see their efforts for the valuable contribution that they are. And as to Marilyn Manson, well I guess it just goes to show that we do not share the same opinions, so again I guess if you really want to go at this, why not post a thread somewhere and I will follow you there for the discussion.
I love Heart. I am all for putting forward positive ideas and discussion on women's voices and contribution to rock music. So I'm going to continue to do that here. And I hope you will take those comments in the spirit in which they were made.
Oh and just on Heart. Perhaps it might be an idea for you to ask around with other Seattle bands and see just how many of them where influenced by Heart. And how their contribution to Seattle music is not considered small.
Incidentally , I only posted on this thread as I think the initial post came as a direct response of a fairly lengthy chat I had with Lucylespian on the 'MOST OVERRATED BANDS' thread. I was simply trying to specify the context of my argument , that female fronted Rock bands are largely not that good and relatively unsuccessful. In addition to that to clarify , I am not anti-female singer across the board at all as that is patently untrue and would be absurd.I like and admire many female singers from Aretha Franklin to Joni Mitchell.I don't like Heart but Ifully respect that you clearly do and thats fine with me.
P.S - I just thought of another good(albeit brief)female frontperson.Siouxsie Sioux and her Banshees were very good from an original Punk rock perspective.I will now leave this thread and let positive female vocal feedback thrive!
'All the rusted signs,we ignore throughout our lives,
Choosing the shiny ones instead'
Well, for my opinion on this, Amy Lee. She's got a great voice, and a lot of inspiration songs, as well as having looks.. but yeah lol She's got a really great voice, my opinion of course lol
gwen stefani-gave young girls of the 90s someone to look up to in a postive way, till that crazy slut britney spears came along. gwen will always look hot to me
I like gwen better with no doubt. Her solo music sucks and frankly she's imo no better then britney now.
These cuts are leaving creases. Trace the scars to fit the pieces, to tell the story, you don't need to say a word.
I know where you are coming from Miss Jeanie, from what you have said elsewhere. I really do. I see the bad in guys too, I'm just lucky in that I know mostly good guys, and I try to be one myself. I learnt manhood from a CRAZY friend who was the biggest root-rat you can imagine, but had so much respect and adoration for women, so it rubbed off on me, so I have trouble relating to the idea that heterosexual men actively oppress women. I am a lot of a drop-out really. I do my job, go home, and stay away from bad stuff. I never watch the news, read papers, hell I don't even check the mailbox.
Saw BAby Animals at a pub in BUndy in like 1994 or something, had never heard them cos I never listen to teh radio, but it was a great gig. Man, could she sing !!!!!You would have loved it !! Saw Divinyls once too, way too loud for teh venue, saw Oils a couple of times at teh same pubs, missed Chisel and teh Angels, wasn't paying attention. Did see Ian Moss in Bris once though, he was great !!!
You know luce, in the course of speaking with you these last few months I reckon you've hit upon EVERY one of my nick names. Well except for the one my Daddo has for me but that's obscure and only available on MSN!
Luce my best defence against men that would perpertrate evil against me was to reinforce the positive. Soooo, instead of focusing on all the shit that happened, I looked for examples of good men, doing good things. And it works. Just as taking responsibility for my own poor choices requires me to understand why and to learn how to make better choices next time.
Believe me love, much as I have nothing against the root-rat! (can be a fun guy to be around as long as everybody knows the rules) there are men out there who are caught up in their own shit and the way they deal with that is to inflict their frustration on women. And there's plenty of them lucy. Of course I have an asshole magnet in my body so maybe I've seen a larger sample than the rest of the population! But I most definitely believe that there are more good men than bad. However when it comes to the music industry I believe, like most things in life at the moment, it's all geared toward men. And if women want to get anywhere they practically have to be porn stars. And it's sad but it's a fact.
And besides Luce, I don't expect that you would understand it because it's become apparent, to me at least, that you are one of the good guys, so it would be beyond your experience to understand shitty men and their motivations.
Anyway, back to tunes. I'm jealous!! Suze De Marchi is amazing so seeing her live would have been quite the experience. You're right I would have loved it!
Don't you hate when the sound mixer isn't doing their job? Really good shows have been ruined because the guy on the sound desk appears to be deaf and wants the rest of us to join him! I don't know if I'd have enjoyed the Divinyls back in their hey day. I really admire Chrissy now, but I think that's because I've come to know more about her and found things about her to admire.
Back then I liked the tunes but found her a bit skanky. I suppose in hindsight that she presented as she did is a good thing and needed to happen, but at the time I couldn't appreciate it.
I reckon I've seen the Oils at least 6 times over my life. Starting way back with my first concert, Stop The Drop at the Myer Music Bowl. That was just after 10,9,8,....was released. Gee I'm really showing my age now! Anyway, The Oils put on quite the show and had lost nothing of their fire as the years progressed. I just struggle with them now, given the new Petey. :(
I went to see Barnesy, way way back in the day. At Rod Laver or The Entertainment Centre, can't remember which. Anyway afterwards we all headed for Forrester's. Because Mossy had a gig on there that night. When we got to the door, the place was full as, and for some reason we had to wait to get in. Not normal for me, because I practically lived in the place.
Anyway, for whatever reason I got tired of the wait, and went home.
The next morning I discover that after his show Barnesy came down and joined Mossy on stage!!!! I WAS SOOOO PISSED!!!! I can't believe I missed it!
And friends still carry on about it to this day!!! It would have to be one of my big regrets!
I really Like Enya
Mazzy Star
Lorenna Mckennitt
Annie Lenox
and for some reason, I really dig Courtney Love when in a certain mood, I love the skank of her voice
Tristan Prettyman. Very chills. Like a female Jack Johnson kinda. Check out her album and her collaboration on G. Love's album Lemonada on the song Beautiful. Good stuff, great voice.
so many women can sing, compared to men. they are way more talented in general in that area, so it takes a lot for a chick to really impress me and it has to be the whole musical package. seems strange to me how some guys (& some girls) don't like female singers. well, i can't stand to hear a kid sing, but thats totally different.
beth gibbons - (portishead) "hauntingly beautiful"
natalie maines - "home" is an all time great album that crosses all genres for me
christy hynde - i've been a pretenders fan since atleast 5 years old
sarah mclachlan - she certainly knows how to display her voice
billie holliday - gourgeous music
mariah carey - range and her last album is her best
ann wilson - one of the most powerful rock singers ever
pj harvey - great use of melody
shirley manson - her voice is perfect for that band
sheryl crow - her self-produced, self-titled album is her darkest and best
gwen stefani - sweet sounding voice, but great use of it
mellisa etheridge - great voice that you can't help but sing along with
amy lee - don't really care for much of nu metal, but her voice is perfect for it, she's the ann wilson of today
I like gwen better with no doubt. Her solo music sucks and frankly she's imo no better then britney now.
apart form Dont Speak they hardly had anything, can vaguely recall hearing another of their tunes and being surprised at how bad it was................................that Holler Back girl is just amazingly annoying, but Ive heard others that are quite catchy, fine for radio if you know what I mean.
Jewel: her voice on the Pieces of You album is pretty luscious.
Shara Nelson: only know of her from massive attack but my favourite female vocalist of theirs.
Well, for my opinion on this, Amy Lee. She's got a great voice, and a lot of inspiration songs, as well as having looks.. but yeah lol She's got a really great voice, my opinion of course lol
amy lee is so 2004.. check out Christina from Lacuna Coil.. what a looker, and a better voice
BoyHitsCar Masked Street Team
Tammi Terrell: one of motowns finest.
Alison Goldfrapp: has had her moments.
Beth Gibbons: Portisheads Dummy is a fine album
Julieta Venegas: shes one sexy thing.
DO so love Cyndi. Favorite song would have to be Money Changes Everything. But Time after Time pretty cool too.
Good Call! I can't believe I forgot about Cyndi. I've seen her live a couple of times and she always amazes. Her voice is unreal. Definitely one of the most talented, underrated artists still workin' hard.
I "waved to all my friends" at:
Toronto 22/08/98 - Toronto 05/10/00 - Buffalo 02/05/03 - Toronto 28/06/03 - Montreal 29/06/03 - Kitchener 11/09/05 - London 12/09/05- Hamilton 13/09/05 - Montreal 15/09/05 - Ottawa 16/09/05 - Toronto 19/09/05 - Toronto 09/05/06 - Toronto 10/05/06 - Toronto 21/08/09
I can't believe no one has mentioned Patty Griffin?!?!?!?! She is amazing!! She's had her ups and downs but if your gonna check her out start with her first album "living with ghosts" it is haunting and theraputic very mellow.
-Fiona apple can do no wrong I totally have a girl crush on her.
-Emily Haines
-Gwen before she completely sold out!! Ughhghgh what the fuck?!
Haha,,, I did way back there! I love Patti Griffin!
Aretha Franklin!! I love that voice!
Patti Griffin, too. Not so much a trained voice, but a very passionate and expressive voice and a great songwriter.
Juana Molina from Argentina. Such a sweet voice and quirky great music with everything from guitars to dogs barking in time with the music. Her music always makes me smile!
Erykah Badu!! :cool:
Edit, looking for links.
Be kind, man
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
Neko Case
Sarah Harmer
Kathleen Edwards
Kate Fenner
Fiona Apple
Lucinda Williams
Julie Doiron
Chrissie Hynde
Joni Mitchell
Stevie Nicks
Natalie Maines (not a Dixie Chicks fan by any means, but damn that woman can sing!)
Sarah McLachlan
Aretha Franklin
Janis Joplin
"I try my best to chug, stomp, weep, whisper, moan, wheeze, scat, blurt, rage, whine, and seduce. With my voice I can sound like a girl, the boogieman, a Theremin, a cherry bomb, a clown, a doctor, a murderer. I can be tribal. Ironic. Or disturbed. My voice is really my instrument."
Good Call! I can't believe I forgot about Cyndi. I've seen her live a couple of times and she always amazes. Her voice is unreal. Definitely one of the most talented, underrated artists still workin' hard.
You've seen Cyndi LIVE???? **sigh** Soooo lucky!!! I miss so much!!!
There's never enough time, or money to see all the bands, singers and performers that I'd like to see. Cyndi is one hell of an artist. I just wish I'd seen her live.
And a voice soooo deceptively hard to emulate adequately, as I found out a few years back, when I had to attempt a passable rendition of Girls Just Wanna for a stage production.
She does? :eek: I'm clueless! Ask catefrances she'll tell ya!!
Guess I'm liking her already just based on that! So I'll have to hunt her up!
Thanks Blyss.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Oooh, Jeans, big difference between chauvinist and misogynist !! GUys love chicks !!
I still maintain it's the whole "bands are essentially a bunch of mates" thing rather than an industry conspiracy which keeps the number of girls fronting rock bands down. I did see Susie DeMArchie a few years back, voice so big it was scary being in the same room !!
I agree luce. But I did say some didn't I? Or did I say most? eh! Can't remember now! But yeah, I look for good blokes. It's like a personal quest!
To "protect me from the hooded claw, keep the vampires from my door"
I just think the music industry and the world in general is stacked against women.
But I am insanely jealous you got to see Suze! It must have been amazing!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
I know where you are coming from Miss Jeanie, from what you have said elsewhere. I really do. I see the bad in guys too, I'm just lucky in that I know mostly good guys, and I try to be one myself. I learnt manhood from a CRAZY friend who was the biggest root-rat you can imagine, but had so much respect and adoration for women, so it rubbed off on me, so I have trouble relating to the idea that heterosexual men actively oppress women. I am a lot of a drop-out really. I do my job, go home, and stay away from bad stuff. I never watch the news, read papers, hell I don't even check the mailbox.
Saw BAby Animals at a pub in BUndy in like 1994 or something, had never heard them cos I never listen to teh radio, but it was a great gig. Man, could she sing !!!!!You would have loved it !! Saw Divinyls once too, way too loud for teh venue, saw Oils a couple of times at teh same pubs, missed Chisel and teh Angels, wasn't paying attention. Did see Ian Moss in Bris once though, he was great !!!
Incidentally , I only posted on this thread as I think the initial post came as a direct response of a fairly lengthy chat I had with Lucylespian on the 'MOST OVERRATED BANDS' thread. I was simply trying to specify the context of my argument , that female fronted Rock bands are largely not that good and relatively unsuccessful. In addition to that to clarify , I am not anti-female singer across the board at all as that is patently untrue and would be absurd.I like and admire many female singers from Aretha Franklin to Joni Mitchell.I don't like Heart but Ifully respect that you clearly do and thats fine with me.
P.S - I just thought of another good(albeit brief)female frontperson.Siouxsie Sioux and her Banshees were very good from an original Punk rock perspective.I will now leave this thread and let positive female vocal feedback thrive!
Choosing the shiny ones instead'
Reading 06 - Torino 06 - Wembley 07
I like gwen better with no doubt. Her solo music sucks and frankly she's imo no better then britney now.
You know luce, in the course of speaking with you these last few months I reckon you've hit upon EVERY one of my nick names. Well except for the one my Daddo has for me but that's obscure and only available on MSN!
Luce my best defence against men that would perpertrate evil against me was to reinforce the positive. Soooo, instead of focusing on all the shit that happened, I looked for examples of good men, doing good things. And it works. Just as taking responsibility for my own poor choices requires me to understand why and to learn how to make better choices next time.
Believe me love, much as I have nothing against the root-rat! (can be a fun guy to be around as long as everybody knows the rules) there are men out there who are caught up in their own shit and the way they deal with that is to inflict their frustration on women. And there's plenty of them lucy. Of course I have an asshole magnet in my body so maybe I've seen a larger sample than the rest of the population!
And besides Luce, I don't expect that you would understand it because it's become apparent, to me at least, that you are one of the good guys, so it would be beyond your experience to understand shitty men and their motivations.
Anyway, back to tunes. I'm jealous!! Suze De Marchi is amazing so seeing her live would have been quite the experience. You're right I would have loved it!
Don't you hate when the sound mixer isn't doing their job? Really good shows have been ruined because the guy on the sound desk appears to be deaf and wants the rest of us to join him! I don't know if I'd have enjoyed the Divinyls back in their hey day. I really admire Chrissy now, but I think that's because I've come to know more about her and found things about her to admire.
Back then I liked the tunes but found her a bit skanky. I suppose in hindsight that she presented as she did is a good thing and needed to happen, but at the time I couldn't appreciate it.
I reckon I've seen the Oils at least 6 times over my life. Starting way back with my first concert, Stop The Drop at the Myer Music Bowl. That was just after 10,9,8,....was released. Gee I'm really showing my age now! Anyway, The Oils put on quite the show and had lost nothing of their fire as the years progressed. I just struggle with them now, given the new Petey. :(
I went to see Barnesy, way way back in the day. At Rod Laver or The Entertainment Centre, can't remember which. Anyway afterwards we all headed for Forrester's. Because Mossy had a gig on there that night. When we got to the door, the place was full as, and for some reason we had to wait to get in. Not normal for me, because I practically lived in the place.
Anyway, for whatever reason I got tired of the wait, and went home.
The next morning I discover that after his show Barnesy came down and joined Mossy on stage!!!! I WAS SOOOO PISSED!!!! I can't believe I missed it!
And friends still carry on about it to this day!!! It would have to be one of my big regrets!
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
Lucinda Williams
Gillian Welch
Alison Kraus
sheryl crow
correine bailey rae
all my family
dreamer in my dream
we got the guns
i love you,but im..............callin out.........callin out
Mazzy Star
Lorenna Mckennitt
Annie Lenox
and for some reason, I really dig Courtney Love when in a certain mood, I love the skank of her voice
beth gibbons - (portishead) "hauntingly beautiful"
natalie maines - "home" is an all time great album that crosses all genres for me
christy hynde - i've been a pretenders fan since atleast 5 years old
sarah mclachlan - she certainly knows how to display her voice
billie holliday - gourgeous music
mariah carey - range and her last album is her best
ann wilson - one of the most powerful rock singers ever
pj harvey - great use of melody
shirley manson - her voice is perfect for that band
sheryl crow - her self-produced, self-titled album is her darkest and best
gwen stefani - sweet sounding voice, but great use of it
mellisa etheridge - great voice that you can't help but sing along with
amy lee - don't really care for much of nu metal, but her voice is perfect for it, she's the ann wilson of today
Jewel: her voice on the Pieces of You album is pretty luscious.
Shara Nelson: only know of her from massive attack but my favourite female vocalist of theirs.
Upcoming boyhitscar concerts:
11/7/07 - Allentown Pa
11/11/07 - Hartford Ct
Good list. I'd agree for country/Folk singers and throw in Joni Mitchell
And that failure's no success at all."
"Don't ya think its sometimes wise not to grow up."
"Cause life ain't nothing but a good groove
A good mixed tape to put you in the right mood."
Amy Lee
Faith Hill
Tori Amos
Sarah McLachlan
Michelle Branch
Alison Goldfrapp: has had her moments.
Beth Gibbons: Portisheads Dummy is a fine album
Julieta Venegas: shes one sexy thing.
christine mcvie of the same band also had a smooth voice.
Take my hand, my child of love
Come step inside my tears
Swim the magic ocean,
I've been crying all these years
I'll put a vote in for Stevie also as greatest female singer. She still gives me chills with that voice.
karen o
siouxsie sioux
pj harvey
isobel campbell
patti smith
janis joplin
norah jones
kim deal
el oscuro me mantiene
cuando yo te vi
en la lluvia me prometiste tu sangre
Estrella de la mañana
Samael te persigo a ti
y si me quedo sin alas
ademas me muero por ti
Good Call! I can't believe I forgot about Cyndi. I've seen her live a couple of times and she always amazes. Her voice is unreal. Definitely one of the most talented, underrated artists still workin' hard.
Toronto 22/08/98 - Toronto 05/10/00 - Buffalo 02/05/03 - Toronto 28/06/03 - Montreal 29/06/03 - Kitchener 11/09/05 - London 12/09/05- Hamilton 13/09/05 - Montreal 15/09/05 - Ottawa 16/09/05 - Toronto 19/09/05 - Toronto 09/05/06 - Toronto 10/05/06 - Toronto 21/08/09
whitney houston
Yeah, good list. Lucinda is great, tons of emotion in her voice. I'm looking forward to seeing Gillian at Coachella.
Other ones I'd add are Bjork, Cat Power, Petra Haden, Jenny Lewis, Patti Smith, and Rita Lee from Os Mutantes.
Haha,,, I did way back there! I love Patti Griffin!
I have Patsy Cline on now, too!
Three other women woman I haven't seen here yet:
Marie Daulne or Zap Mama- Her and her accapella band are amazing. There is a series of 5 or 6 of these.
Juana Molina from Argentina. Such a sweet voice and quirky great music with everything from guitars to dogs barking in time with the music. Her music always makes me smile!
Erykah Badu!! :cool:
Edit, looking for links.
Don't be mankind. ~Captain Beefheart
Neko Case
Sarah Harmer
Kathleen Edwards
Kate Fenner
Fiona Apple
Lucinda Williams
Julie Doiron
Chrissie Hynde
Joni Mitchell
Stevie Nicks
Natalie Maines (not a Dixie Chicks fan by any means, but damn that woman can sing!)
Sarah McLachlan
Aretha Franklin
Janis Joplin
-Tom Waits
Oooh!!! I actually know who that is!!!
So yes I agree she does have an exceptional voice. I'm just not so much of a fan of their music.
I read somewhere a little while ago that Amy Lee and the Evanescence crew site Within Temptation as their inspirations and role models.
I have to say, whilst I don't mind Within Temptation, I'd much rather hear Evanescence.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift
You've seen Cyndi LIVE????
There's never enough time, or money to see all the bands, singers and performers that I'd like to see. Cyndi is one hell of an artist. I just wish I'd seen her live.
And a voice soooo deceptively hard to emulate adequately, as I found out a few years back, when I had to attempt a passable rendition of Girls Just Wanna for a stage production.
*~You're IT Bert!~*
Hold on to the thread
The currents will shift