10 Most Overated Rock bands / Performers



  • locked wrote:
    in order of outrageously excessive amount of praise:

    10: Radiohead
    (WTF do critics rave about these guys..? I'm not hearing it Besides "Creep"... I can't recall a good thing they've put out.. )

    07: The Beatles
    (I LOVE The Beatles but does Rolling Stone have to pick EVERY Album they made as the greatest of all time..?)

    01: Nirvana
    (bring it on folks ...but Kurt Cobain is not the voice of a generation... I think the Foo Fighters have produced better music than anything he put together before Courtney had him .. well.. you decide.. )

    I agree with everthing you have written...except the one's above.

    Radiohead: I too think they receive a little too much praise but in saying that I still think they're pretty good. OK Computer IMO is incredibly overated musically...conceptually it is brilliant though. Kid A and The Bends are their best.

    The Beatles: This band were the greatest...and today they are still a phenomenon that will most probably never be matched.

    Nivana: Overated but still pretty influentual and important. IMO they don't touch Pearl Jam and Alice Chains/Soundgarden probably outdo them as well. I must disagree about the Foo Fighters though...Nirvana beats the crap out of them!
    +--+-Official Upcoming Australasian Tour:Member #9-+--+
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    Yeah, my moniker is a bit confusing, but i am sure I mentioned a wife at some stage, of course my name could mean that you thought I was a lesbian, that's pretty funny, I am laughing quite a lot at this point in case you are sondering.
    I don't do much youtube cos of the download time too, but I did cehck out Het, it's been a long time since any fresh Tallica, and I'm starting to hang a bit.

    :D:D:D:D Exactly!! If only you knew the visual! :D:D:D:D:D
    And yes, I remember you talking about the wedding on my wedding song thread, but again, I wasn't sure, married on the beach guy & girl or girl & girl. You have been rather ambiguous up to this point! :D
    Glad you are laughing but! I reckon it's been pretty funny trying to work it out myself!! :D:D:D Even asked catefrances for opinions! Soooo didn't want to offend you! Bet your good lady wife will find it hysterical!! :D:D

    Did you buy the singles DVD from Metallica? I've been eyeing it off at JB.
    What's your favorite album?

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

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  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    Brainofdz wrote:
    Do you ladies really think this is the place for your uninteresting private back and forth conversation?

    Well we are talking about music Brainofdz. I mean I would welcome your opinions on the music we've discussed so far. Certainly weren't attempting to offend you. Maybe it's because we're girls that you think it's so uninteresting? ;)

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

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  • I never understand threads like this when people list bands like Good Charlotte & Nickleback. I thought the definition of overrated meant those that received critical acclaim. Last time I checked GC & Nickleback were getting panned by critics. You have to be rated first to be considered overrated. Sure they may sell a lot of albums but (for the most part) I don't take much stock in what the general public thinks when it comes to the arts.
  • lucylespianlucylespian Posts: 2,403
    Jeanie wrote:
    :D:D:D:D Exactly!! If only you knew the visual! :D:D:D:D:D
    And yes, I remember you talking about the wedding on my wedding song thread, but again, I wasn't sure, married on the beach guy & girl or girl & girl. You have been rather ambiguous up to this point! :D
    Glad you are laughing but! I reckon it's been pretty funny trying to work it out myself!! :D:D:D Even asked catefrances for opinions! Soooo didn't want to offend you! Bet your good lady wife will find it hysterical!! :D:D

    Did you buy the singles DVD from Metallica? I've been eyeing it off at JB.
    What's your favorite album?

    Ah now I am really laughing !! Actually got terh singles vid form 2 people for Xmas, had to return it to one, cos he bought it for me whe he didn't have it himself. How about I say Metallica are over-rated and you can argue wiht me, so we are still on topic ?? Metallica are over-rated!!
    There, now where were we ??
    Load, it was the first I had, I can play teh riff to every song and most of teh solos, teh lyrics are teh best, teh songs are great , what can I say, it is soooooooooooo over-rated, esp by me. I can put it on, get out teh KH-2 and rock out every night without getting sick of it.
    Music is not a competetion.
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    No, not really, but I don't think we are either offending anyone, or obstructing the thread, so if you aren't interested I'm OK with that.

    See girlie? ;) I'm not the only one!! :D

    But if you like pm me anytime. It's always good to chat to other Aussies on the board. :)

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    Ah now I am really laughing !! Actually got terh singles vid form 2 people for Xmas, had to return it to one, cos he bought it for me whe he didn't have it himself. How about I say Metallica are over-rated and you can argue wiht me, so we are still on topic ?? Metallica are over-rated!!
    There, now where were we ??
    Load, it was the first I had, I can play teh riff to every song and most of teh solos, teh lyrics are teh best, teh songs are great , what can I say, it is soooooooooooo over-rated, esp by me. I can put it on, get out teh KH-2 and rock out every night without getting sick of it.

    :D:D:D:D Thought you'd eventually find out and find this very funny, regardless of your gender!! :D:D:D:D
    You do realize that I'll be giving you shit over it for ever, right? ;):D

    So Metallica overated you say? Hmmmm.......well clearly I don't think so! ;)

    Yeah, so the singles DVD is worth the buy then? Load is an awesome album, although I'm pretty sure I don't have it. I suspect it left the building with the loser. I've got Black, obviously, I'm a girl! :D And S&M, which I love! And I'm pretty sure And Justice For All, but now that I'm looking I can't see it! FOUND IT!! And St Anger!!
    It would be sooo cool to be able to play them on the guitar! Although my air guitar is pretty impressive!! :D

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

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  • lucylespianlucylespian Posts: 2,403
    Jeanie wrote:
    See girlie? ;) I'm not the only one!! :D

    But if you like pm me anytime. It's always good to chat to other Aussies on the board. :)

    Cool, I might do that. It's been a good chat, I've just finished work, time to kick teh tyres adn light teh fires. It's raining her now, has been pouring for an hour or so, so it will be a misty mountain hop drive home.
    See ya Jeans !!
    Music is not a competetion.
  • parel jamparel jam Posts: 7,223
    Right now I think The Police are overrated...


  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Jeanie wrote:
    So how come you keep finding us and commenting then? ;)

    i beg to differ... you found me and interrupted an interesting discussion about over-rated bands and in only one hour managed to chat enough (as women are wont to do) to fill a whole page... which has taken days for the rest of us to accomplish.

    there are these cool things called pm's to keep your gossip private ;) not to be confused with pms, which will cause you to react angrily to this post and fault the most convenient man for being a jerk rather than accepting responsibility for your poor decisions ;)
  • lucylespianlucylespian Posts: 2,403
    Jeanie wrote:
    :D:D:D:D Thought you'd eventually find out and find this very funny, regardless of your gender!! :D:D:D:D
    You do realize that I'll be giving you shit over it for ever, right? ;):D

    So Metallica overated you say? Hmmmm.......well clearly I don't think so! ;)

    Yeah, so the singles DVD is worth the buy then? Load is an awesome album, although I'm pretty sure I don't have it. I suspect it left the building with the loser. I've got Black, obviously, I'm a girl! :D And S&M, which I love! And I'm pretty sure And Justice For All, but now that I'm looking I can't see it! FOUND IT!! And St Anger!!
    It would be sooo cool to be able to play them on the guitar! Although my air guitar is pretty impressive!! :D

    Have to answer this before I go. I love S&M, it is such a masterful blend of Michael Kamen's talent and Metallica. I think we really lost something when Micheal Kamen died, he was clearly an amazing and visionary man. Did you know he helped with teh intro to NEM? That was when they met him.
    If you wnat to learn guitar, there is no better way than working on Metallica songs. If you want, I can put together a learning guide. I have done that for several friends and got them wellon teh way to learning.
    Music is not a competetion.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    No, not really, but I don't think we are either offending anyone, or obstructing the thread, so if you aren't interested I'm OK with that.

    offending no, obstructing yes.
  • lucylespianlucylespian Posts: 2,403
    i beg to differ... you found me and interrupted an interesting discussion about over-rated bands and in only one hour managed to chat enough (as women are wont to do) to fill a whole page... which has taken days for the rest of us to accomplish.

    there are these cool things called pm's to keep your gossip private ;) not to be confused with pms, which will cause you to react angrily to this post and fault the most convenient man for being a jerk rather than accepting responsibility for your poor decisions ;)

    We did not interupt any thing, people were still free to chat, and if you think that we would respond by calling you a jerk, then that is your problem not ours.
    Music is not a competetion.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    We did not interupt any thing, people were still free to chat, and if you think that we would respond by calling you a jerk, then that is your problem not ours.

    yes, but people had to dig through 10 posts about you two swapping surfing and shopping notes to find the one post that was on topic. again, that's what the pm function is for.
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    Cool, I might do that. It's been a good chat, I've just finished work, time to kick teh tyres adn light teh fires. It's raining her now, has been pouring for an hour or so, so it will be a misty mountain hop drive home.
    See ya Jeans !!

    No worries lucy!! You take it easy on the drive home girlie! ;)
    Those mountains can be treacherous in the wet!!

    Send some of that water our way would ya? :D

    Like I said pm me anytime.

    Catch ya! :)

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    Have to answer this before I go. I love S&M, it is such a masterful blend of Michael Kamen's talent and Metallica. I think we really lost something when Micheal Kamen died, he was clearly an amazing and visionary man. Did you know he helped with teh intro to NEM? That was when they met him.
    If you wnat to learn guitar, there is no better way than working on Metallica songs. If you want, I can put together a learning guide. I have done that for several friends and got them wellon teh way to learning.

    I so love Nothing Else Matters on that album, and Hero! Actually might put em on now! Remind me again about Michael Kamen? He's done other stuff I think I know this.

    Learning guide sounds awesome lucy! Be very happy to give it a go if you don't mind of course! :)
    Thanks again

    Aaaah, there it is...................Hero.......................:)

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • Gary CarterGary Carter Posts: 14,067
    yes, but people had to dig through 10 posts about you two swapping surfing and shopping notes to find the one post that was on topic. again, that's what the pm function is for.
    what are u the board police now, like u havent gotten off topic in threads before
    Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
    Sammi: Wanna just break up?

  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    We did not interupt any thing, people were still free to chat, and if you think that we would respond by calling you a jerk, then that is your problem not ours.

    Oh no lucy!! Don't let soulsinging mozz you!! He's been giving me shit for days!! So I think those little comments were directed at me because of my misconstrued comments on another thread!! Is that right ss? :D

    Moving right along, Hero finished, going for NEM now!!

    I can't tell you how exciting it was at Melbourne 2004 when I heard the opening chords!! I was so sure they'd never play it and suddenly there it was!! :D AWESOME!! :D

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    what are u the board police now, like u havent gotten off topic in threads before

    when the thread goes, ill go with it. but i dont strike up personal conversations with people mid-thread. if im gonna just chat, ill do it elsewhere. plus, im insecure and here we were having a manly "my band is better than your band" pissing match and then there's all this girly gossip about having a case of the mondays... i felt my penis shrinking just reading it.
  • Gary CarterGary Carter Posts: 14,067
    when the thread goes, ill go with it. but i dont strike up personal conversations with people mid-thread. if im gonna just chat, ill do it elsewhere. plus, im insecure and here we were having a manly "my band is better than your band" pissing match and then there's all this girly gossip about having a case of the mondays... i felt my penis shrinking just reading it.
    well then if u had a problem with it u should have pm'ed kat or sea, thats what there here for
    Ron: I just don't feel like going out tonight
    Sammi: Wanna just break up?

  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    i beg to differ... you found me and interrupted an interesting discussion about over-rated bands and in only one hour managed to chat enough (as women are wont to do) to fill a whole page... which has taken days for the rest of us to accomplish.

    there are these cool things called pm's to keep your gossip private ;) not to be confused with pms, which will cause you to react angrily to this post and fault the most convenient man for being a jerk rather than accepting responsibility for your poor decisions ;)

    Now don't go getting poo pants ss! ;)
    I am reading the rest of the thread. Just haven't wanted to get into a pissing contest about what's good and what's not! It's always so subjective anyway! And if you've read it all then you'll know we were talking about music anyway!
    And as you are well aware I'm a chatty kinda girl! :) AND IF YOU REALLY HAD WADED THROUGH YOU'D REALIZE LUCY ISN'T A CHIC!! :D:D:D Too funny!!

    But fine, point taken (yes even one of yours! ;) ) it was difficult for you to wade through and we have a pm agreement in place now. So I'll go back to commenting more specifically about the tunes, if that will make you happy!
    And if you wanna crap on some more about women and PMS then you know which thread to take that to!! :D

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    well then if u had a problem with it u should have pm'ed kat or sea, thats what there here for

    i dont tattle. thought it would be easier to ask them to stop directly cos we're all adults who can handle our differences so. as you can see, it's all been resolved.

    back to the issue at hand: radiohead is horribly over-rated.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    Jeanie wrote:
    Now don't go getting poo pants ss! ;)
    I am reading the rest of the thread. Just haven't wanted to get into a pissing contest about what's good and what's not! It's always so subjective anyway! And if you've read it all then you'll know we were talking about music anyway!
    And as you are well aware I'm a chatty kinda girl! :) AND IF YOU REALLY HAD WADED THROUGH YOU'D REALIZE LUCY ISN'T A CHIC!! :D:D:D Too funny!!

    But fine, point taken (yes even one of yours! ;) ) it was difficult for you to wade through and we have a pm agreement in place now. So I'll go back to commenting more specifically about the tunes, if that will make you happy!
    And if you wanna crap on some more about women and PMS then you know which thread to take that to!! :D

    pissing contests are fun though!

    but fair enough, im taking my anti-pms crusade elsewhere.
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    I never understand threads like this when people list bands like Good Charlotte & Nickleback. I thought the definition of overrated meant those that received critical acclaim. Last time I checked GC & Nickleback were getting panned by critics. You have to be rated first to be considered overrated. Sure they may sell a lot of albums but (for the most part) I don't take much stock in what the general public thinks when it comes to the arts.

    I complety agree jane. :)

    So with that in mind, I put forward Nirvana as my number one overated band.

    Now don't start yelling you lot! ;)

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    i dont tattle. thought it would be easier to ask them to stop directly cos we're all adults who can handle our differences so. as you can see, it's all been resolved.

    back to the issue at hand: radiohead is horribly over-rated.

    Oh I agree!! Creep is the only song of theirs that I like! But then I don't have OK Computer. Only Pablo Honey. Crap album.

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • lucylespianlucylespian Posts: 2,403
    Jeanie wrote:
    Oh I agree!! Creep is the only song of theirs that I like! But then I don't have OK Computer. Only Pablo Honey. Crap album.

    It's funny, I was on a surfing trip in the Mentawai's a few years ago, and some guys on teh boat played OK Computer non-stop for two weeks and I really dug it. I went to buy it a while later, and it just didn't do it for me then, so never became a Radiohead fan, haven't listened to anything else by them.
    Hey jeanie, I'll start a thread in teh gearhedad section called learning guitar or something, so I can give you tips and chat without ticking anyone off.

    It's my thread and I'll cry if I want to, cry if I want to, talk shit if I want to.
    And hey, I am chic, not not chick !!
    Music is not a competetion.
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    It's funny, I was on a surfing trip in the Mentawai's a few years ago, and some guys on teh boat played OK Computer non-stop for two weeks and I really dug it. I went to buy it a while later, and it just didn't do it for me then, so never became a Radiohead fan, haven't listened to anything else by them.
    Hey jeanie, I'll start a thread in teh gearhedad section called learning guitar or something, so I can give you tips and chat without ticking anyone off.

    It's my thread and I'll cry if I want to, cry if I want to, talk shit if I want to.
    And hey, I am chic, not not chick !!

    Cool lucy! Meet you there!! :)

    And Pablo Honey's only redeeming feature is Creep. :)

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    pissing contests are fun though!

    but fair enough, im taking my anti-pms crusade elsewhere.

    Don't get me started on pissing contests here! :D

    So where did you take it ss? I looked! I was preparing for battle and everything and you just piked it on me! Whatsa matter? Chicken? ;)

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • JeanieJeanie Posts: 9,446
    when the thread goes, ill go with it. but i dont strike up personal conversations with people mid-thread. if im gonna just chat, ill do it elsewhere. plus, im insecure and here we were having a manly "my band is better than your band" pissing match and then there's all this girly gossip about having a case of the mondays... i felt my penis shrinking just reading it.

    :D:D:D: You are just feeling ornery because the girlie hasn't turned up yet right? ;)

    And eww!! I really don't need to know about what going on in your pants fella!! :eek:

    *~You're IT Bert!~*

    Hold on to the thread
    The currents will shift
  • solace23solace23 Posts: 704
    you cannot be serious about Bruce Springsteen being overrated!! he is one of the greatest performers ever!!
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