Edit: The subject should say "Jet ARE a better band than Pearl Jam." My apologies to all grammatically offended. By the way, have yourself a Zima with a Jolly Rancher and shut the fuck up.
Anyway, Jet rock out, don't think they are the saviors of rock, and frankly don't give a fuck if you think that they're derivative of their influences, because what band isn't?
JET rule. A band of drunks a la Oasis who simply don't care what anyone (my guess this includes message board people) thinks and just do what they do.
An Oasis/Jet/Buckcherry bill would just slay. They could call it the "You're All A Bunch Of Bloody Fookin' Wankas!" tour. ANd I'd definitely go.
Smoke another doobie because you're really high. Jet blows. (No pun intended)
one foot in the door
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
Edit: The subject should say "Jet ARE a better band than Pearl Jam." My apologies to all grammatically offended. By the way, have yourself a Zima with a Jolly Rancher and shut the fuck up.
Anyway, Jet rock out, don't think they are the saviors of rock, and frankly don't give a fuck if you think that they're derivative of their influences, because what band isn't?
JET rule. A band of drunks a la Oasis who simply don't care what anyone (my guess this includes message board people) thinks and just do what they do.
An Oasis/Jet/Buckcherry bill would just slay. They could call it the "You're All A Bunch Of Bloody Fookin' Wankas!" tour. ANd I'd definitely go.
Edit: The subject should say "Jet ARE a better band than Pearl Jam." My apologies to all grammatically offended. By the way, have yourself a Zima with a Jolly Rancher and shut the fuck up.
Anyway, Jet rock out, don't think they are the saviors of rock, and frankly don't give a fuck if you think that they're derivative of their influences, because what band isn't?
JET rule. A band of drunks a la Oasis who simply don't care what anyone (my guess this includes message board people) thinks and just do what they do.
An Oasis/Jet/Buckcherry bill would just slay. They could call it the "You're All A Bunch Of Bloody Fookin' Wankas!" tour. ANd I'd definitely go.
What a ridiculous thread.
That being said, I've seen Jet twice this year. Enjoyed the hell out of them.
Why? Because they put on an entertaining show that consists of straightforward, riffy, Rolling Stones-esque, rock and roll 101. The brothers can sing, Nic is a good frontman who could easily pass for the Gallagher brothers better-looking and much less annoying cousin on their father's side, and who says music has to be deep and meaningful, anti-this or pro-that to give you a good time?
Sometimes you just want/need the music to be fun and to rock you. Jet fills that want/need.
That being said, I've seen Jet twice this year. Enjoyed the hell out of them.
Why? Because they put on an entertaining show that consists of straightforward, riffy, Rolling Stones-esque, rock and roll 101. The brothers can sing, Nic is a good frontman who could easily pass for the Gallagher brothers better-looking and much less annoying cousin on their father's side, and who says music has to be deep and meaningful, anti-this or pro-that to give you a good time?
Sometimes you just want/need the music to be fun and to rock you. Jet fills that want/need.
certainly not oasis, that's for sure.
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Jet has a magazine? How do they devote 50+ pages every week to Jet? They don't exactly have much "new stuff" going on.
JET Magazine has endless pages about how the band wishes that talented writer from the Synergy Message Pit would write a drunken review about GET BORN and SHINE ON.
JET Magazine has endless pages about how the band wishes that talented writer from the Synergy Message Pit would write a drunken review about GET BORN and SHINE ON.
Jet has a magazine? How do they devote 50+ pages every week to Jet? They don't exactly have much "new stuff" going on.
it's a picture magazine. it also contains a crossword, a find-a-word and a quiz where you can find out which member of JET is your perfect match. plus a blog by chris cester bitching from behind his kit about why his brother won't let him sing more songs
hear my name
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
"Call me Ishmael. Some years ago- never mind how long precisely- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world." Herman Melville : Moby Dick
Liam would poke Alex Coe in the eye and then bite him, all the while drinking a Carling.
It is time to admit that we used to rock like hurricanes. It is time to run for the hills and go round and round. It is time for us to shout at the devil. We've got the right to choose it, there ain't no way we'll lose it, and we're not gonna take it anymore.
- C. Klosterman
Jet is one of those bands that makes me want to throw up. They have absolutely nothing to contribute to music, and should simply go away. It is mindless cock-rock.
"I remember one night at Muzdalifa with nothing but the sky overhead, I lay awake amid sleeping Muslim brothers and I learned that pilgrims from every land — every colour, and class, and rank; high officials and the beggar alike — all snored in the same language"
Lollapalooza. 8.5.07 West Palm Beach. 6.11.08 Bonnaroo. 6.14.08
Hartford. Mansfield.
Smoke another doobie because you're really high. Jet blows. (No pun intended)
the other foot in the gutter
sweet smell that they adore
I think I'd rather smother
-The Replacements-
this man is totally out of his fucking mind
too many Ratt records will do that to a guy
sums it up
That being said, I've seen Jet twice this year. Enjoyed the hell out of them.
Why? Because they put on an entertaining show that consists of straightforward, riffy, Rolling Stones-esque, rock and roll 101. The brothers can sing, Nic is a good frontman who could easily pass for the Gallagher brothers better-looking and much less annoying cousin on their father's side, and who says music has to be deep and meaningful, anti-this or pro-that to give you a good time?
Sometimes you just want/need the music to be fun and to rock you. Jet fills that want/need.
...signed...the token black Pearl Jam fan.
certainly not oasis, that's for sure.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
theres a thought.............. the doobie brothers ..............
They kill Bob Dylan.
Summerfest 2006
"Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?" -Lisa Simpson
ah ha .
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
I saw Ratt twice last week (once in Cincy another in Cleveland) and Ratt RULED.
The question is: Did they open with "Round and Round"? I saw them open for Helix a couple of years ago.
Speaking of Helix:
Give me an "R" "O" "C" "K". What you got? Rock! And whatcha gonna do? Rock You!
Nuclear fission
See These Bones
Jet has a magazine? How do they devote 50+ pages every week to Jet? They don't exactly have much "new stuff" going on.
JET Magazine has endless pages about how the band wishes that talented writer from the Synergy Message Pit would write a drunken review about GET BORN and SHINE ON.
We don't have any talented writers here... do we?
it's a picture magazine. it also contains a crossword, a find-a-word and a quiz where you can find out which member of JET is your perfect match. plus a blog by chris cester bitching from behind his kit about why his brother won't let him sing more songs
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
They opened with "Sweet Cheater" from Ratt's EP debut. That's old school!
Winger does kick ass, I'll give you that.
Anyone who disagrees - Kip Winger will come and steal your girlfriend!
cutback - np, dude!
"Call me Ishmael. Some years ago- never mind how long precisely- having little or no money in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on shore, I thought I would sail about a little and see the watery part of the world." Herman Melville : Moby Dick
Oh man...that made my morning...As funny as the idea of Jet being a better band than Pearl Jam may be, THIS is 100 times as funny.
- C. Klosterman