


  • dead serious
    Run to the hills
    run for your life
  • aparently they are gonna be called black hole?
    Run to the hills
    run for your life
  • brainofPJbrainofPJ Posts: 2,361
    aparently they are gonna be called black hole?

    because they are going to suck.....hard

    Esther's here and she's sick?

    hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
  • yeah orginal joke there :P
    Run to the hills
    run for your life
  • brainofPJbrainofPJ Posts: 2,361
    yeah orginal joke there :P

    i thought i should jump on it.

    so this is like the whole deal with the show Living Color having to change to 'In Living Color'

    Esther's here and she's sick?

    hi Esther, now we are all going to be sick, thanks
  • yeah lol

    they can change it to supernovas
    Run to the hills
    run for your life
  • kdpjamkdpjam Posts: 2,303
    i bet my roommate $20.00 on the winner and i won. ;)
    lay down all thoughts; surrender to the void
    ~it is shining it is shining~
  • Tommy Lee, Gilby Clarke, and Jason Newsted?

    How could anyone actually be wanting to play with those hacks?

    Supershit is embarrasing for everyone involved.
  • So I'm calling "BULLSHIT" on the whole fucking thing.

    There was a nice little conspiracy theory going around out there that Luk-ASS was hand-picked by Tommy Lee, and that Tommy had ALL the power in this band and Jason and Gilby were just there. And that no doubt about it, Luk-ASS was going to win.

    Sure enough, despite the huge surge by Toby and despite the obvious fan-favorite Dilana, look who's standing at the end.

    Sadly, I probably would've gone to see a Supernova show with Toby as the fronter. With Lukas? No freaking chance.

    I'm actually surprised that they passed on Toby. Australia has a huge potential fan base for record sales and for ticket sales for tours -- and they'd have sold a bunch of records in Australia and sold out an entire tour with Toby as the frontman. Now? No way.

    So I think the whole thing was rigged from the beginning, and that's sad. I feel like I wasted my Tuesdays and Wednesdays all summer.

    "Tried to walk, found a severed ... Matt???"
  • I think it could be a great band..... Tommy has a bit of a mixed bag in the past, but it's reaosanbly unadevturous ballsy rock... so what is there to mess up...
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 16,680
    Lizard wrote:
    here's a Dilana video for ya'll to enjoy!! ;)
    Not very "Rock" star there was she?
    Trying to be acombination of Lisa Loeb (the glasses thing) and Shania Twain it appears.
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • Some name recommendations:

    My thought last night after hearing them perform was "Averagenova" or "Just Okay Nova" or "3 Dads and an Emo Kid"
    "If she don't love me no more, i know her sister will" Jimi Hendrix
  • zstillings wrote:
    What was up with Headspin being on that Survivor commercial in the middle of the episode?

    Yep, i think that was an Oops... Jackasses.
    "If she don't love me no more, i know her sister will" Jimi Hendrix
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 16,680
    I posted this on July 27:
    Poncier wrote:

    Still a 3 horse race in my opinion, Lukas, Toby and Dilana.(Lukas has already recorded songs with them, but don't tell anyone) Storm is a wildcard, but I think they'll go male but keep Dilana around the longest of the females.

    Now for some comments.
    Aside from knowing all along that Tommy (he and only he makes the decisions) hired Lukas long before the "show" aired. (This was all about creating a buzz, getting some press for the band, there was no actual competition, the other contestants are getrting paid in Hondas and the exposure and paycheck of being on the show and touring with SN and the House Band)...

    1. The way Toby was cut had me rolling on the couch in laughter (while the wife was upset wanting him to win and growing ever more pissed at me each week when after Lukas sang I would say "He already has the job", she believes me now). "Toby, you're great, get better every week, your voice is the only one that cuts through the band and guitars in all ranges" (Toby accepts a congratulatory comment from an audience member, looks like the rooster in the hen house, all proud and then...) "you're the next to go."
    Audience stunned (fools).

    2. No way Dilana "ripped" a calf muscle a week ago. I meant to comment on this yesterday. She possibly strained a muscle at most. No way in hell she's walking in a week on a torn calf let alone doing what she was doing the past 2 episodes.

    3. Lukas will be the best fit for the band if they want something unique, Toby was far too generic voice wise, T-Bone made a good selection last year when he found him at Hooters(Tommy goes for the wings not the waitress outfits, and if you believe that you also believed Toby, Magni, Ryan, Dilana, Kermit Logan or Mr. Storm Large had a shot at this gig) while the Crue was playing in Toronto. He needs only to work on stamina and the band needs to improve the songwriting. He has a unique look and a voice that you'll recognize (love it or hate it). Either way its a short term gig, maybe 2-3 years max, but likely one album, one tour, then back to Voivod, Motley and solo stuff respectively.

    4. As for the performances on the show, there are really 2 that stand out for me as far as vocal performance are concerned, Jill doing Evanescence and Patrice when she did Radiohead. Of course we'll never hear the names Jill Gioia or Patrice Pike again, unless Jill does a Penthouse spread.

    5. Good call whoever said Ryan would use the title "Dark Horse" for his album (tough to find on 52 pages, but someone said it when he got the boot, credit where credit is due).

    6. Next year will again not be Van Halen looking for a new lead singer on "Rockstar", so let me shoot that rumor down now, cause its gonna start up again soon.
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • Do you think Dilana hated Lukas so bad b/c she knew he was getting the job?
    "If she don't love me no more, i know her sister will" Jimi Hendrix
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 16,680
    moemoe6434 wrote:
    Do you think Dilana hated Lukas so bad b/c she knew he was getting the job?
    I think everything was staged, including Dilana's "interviews", and her miraculously disappeared injury, for dramatic effect.

    What we have all been watching folks is a carefully scripted television program. Notice how shocked the audience was when Toby got booted, but Toby didn't appear surprised at all.

    Kind of like when you found out Ozzy's show was scripted and they added sound effect like breaking glass when he threw the ham into the neighbor's yard (Unless the house was 3 feet from the fence, no way Ozzy puts a ham through a window.)
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • Poncier wrote:
    5. Good call whoever said Ryan would use the title "Dark Horse" for his album (tough to find on 52 pages, but someone said it when he got the boot, credit where credit is due).

    thank you, thank you very much.... :D:D:D
    ~~*~~ ...i surfaced and all of my being was enlightend... ~~*~~
  • thank you, thank you very much.... :D:D:D

    Are you a civil engineer?
    "If she don't love me no more, i know her sister will" Jimi Hendrix
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 16,680
    there's no doubt he'll put out an album.

    whaddaya wanna bet that it's called "Dark Horse"... :rolleyes: :D
    Ah yes, here's the quote...well played civ_eng_girl.
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • moemoe6434 wrote:
    Are you a civil engineer?

    yep, that's what i went to school for... but i don't work as a professional engineer.... i work for a construction company...
    ~~*~~ ...i surfaced and all of my being was enlightend... ~~*~~
  • moemoe6434 wrote:
    Some name recommendations:

    My thought last night after hearing them perform was "Averagenova" or "Just Okay Nova" or "3 Dads and an Emo Kid"

    this is hilarious, btw! :D:D
    ~~*~~ ...i surfaced and all of my being was enlightend... ~~*~~
  • but i don't work as a professional engineer.

    You're lucky. :)
    "If she don't love me no more, i know her sister will" Jimi Hendrix
  • Way to go Lukas !!!
    Oh dear dad
    Can you see me now
    I am myself
    Like you somehow
    I'll ride the wave
    Where it takes me
    I'll hold the pain
    Release me
  • They obviously did not go for the best vocalist....someone who actually might sound good on a record...
    I honestly thought they would go for Toby....lets face it, the chicks dig him. The chicks would flock to the concerts, followed by the guys, because guys wanna be where the girls are...
  • Way to go Lukas !!!

    do not encourage him
    "If she don't love me no more, i know her sister will" Jimi Hendrix
  • LUKAS was above and beyong THE only choice for the band from day happy they made the right choice!!
  • vedderwoodvedderwood Posts: 2,029
    Poncier wrote:
    Notice how shocked the audience was when Toby got booted, but Toby didn't appear surprised at all.

    Speaking of not being surprised....was it just me or did it look like Lukas showed no excitement/emotion when they announced that he won! He just stood there like someone just said "Welcome to McDonald's can I take your order?"! I don't like to think that things were already planned and set ahead of time, but when I saw that Lukas expressed no sign of surprise that's when I started to doubt things! I know Lukas is NOT one to be all giddy and do cartwheels to good news, but come on...he could have showed a little bit of shock and excitement!
    DC 6/14/98
    NJ 8/28 & 8/29/98
    NJ 9/1 & 9/2/00
    PA 4/28/03
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    NJ 9/30 & 10/1/05
    PA 10/3/05
    NJ 5/27 & 5/28/06
    DC 5/30/06
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  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 16,680
    It was old news to him (like 18 months old) and to all the other "Contestants".
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • PoncierPoncier Posts: 16,680
    yeah lol

    they can change it to supernovas
    They're gonna go with "The Lone Rangers".
    This weekend we rock Portland
  • vedderwoodvedderwood Posts: 2,029
    Poncier wrote:
    It was old news to him (like 18 months old) and to all the other "Contestants".

    Do you really think that the other contestants knew?
    DC 6/14/98
    NJ 8/28 & 8/29/98
    NJ 9/1 & 9/2/00
    PA 4/28/03
    NJ 7/5 & 7/6/03
    NY 7/8/03
    PA 7/12/03
    PA 10/1/04
    DC 10/11/04
    NJ 9/30 & 10/1/05
    PA 10/3/05
    NJ 5/27 & 5/28/06
    DC 5/30/06
    NJ 6/1 & 6/3/06
    WA 7/22 & 7/23/06
    IL 8/5/07
    NJ 6/19 & 6/20/08
    DC 6/22/08
    NY 6/24 & 6/25/08
    NY 7/1/08
    PA 10/27, 10/28, 10/30 & 10/31/09
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