And an example of what I just asked, so forget that. I guess it would help to see a lot more split like this -> there should be significantly more GA N1 and P1 N2 (or vice versa) examples that GA N1 and GA N2. I've noticed a lot more of the latter.
I've highlighted a key phrase.
The night before the Super Bowl, I went out and did karaoke with some friends. One of my friends performed "Ca plane pour moi." A few days later, I was watching a hockey game when I saw a Heineken commercial with that song in it that I'd never noticed before. I mentioned it to the friend. Shortly thereafter, he replied that he saw it on a different channel. The next night, we were at a bar and the commercial came on TV while we were there. I've seen it a few more times since then.
Did this commercial not exist until last week, or did we just not notice it until the song was top-of-mind after the karaoke performance? I looked it up, and it turns out the ad has been airing since January 9. We did karaoke on February 10. I noticed the commercial for the first time on February 13. So it's the second option (something sometimes called Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon).
With respect to the ticket lottery, it's something different. People are noticing things that fit the pattern they think they see and not noticing the things that don't. It is normal for humans to do this.
Also - people could be lying about their results.
There are huge variables at play here and it's quite interesting to see how people can think they are so sure of something when they basically know almost nothing.
Its an interesting world we live in. Why would someone lie? Is it a misunderstanding? Who knows, but its pretty rampant on social media. Its also really easy. See ticket pricing. Go to any facebook post about the tour and you are bound to find someone claiming tix cost thousands of dollars. Often times its people who take RESALE as retail pricing. Look at how many people still don't get the difference between verified fan and fanclub draw.....
Does anyone actually know the person claiming they won 9 GAs? Do they know the actual details? Receipts?
I know someone who won 9 GAs. And it wasn't something I got off social media. This person is a friend and texted directly with their results. I trust they are telling the truth. There would be no reason to lie to me.
And who knows you?
I do!
Hey!! How are you? Sorry about your lottery results. F2F, baby!!
It's all good! I'm a f2f pro so I'll make it work! So far I have Van N1 GA and Noblesville.
What shows are you hitting?
Also I think my latest shot is finally fixing my issue! Hopefully I'll be back to running in a few weeks!
I hope you are back to running soon. I am going to MSG2 and Baltimore. But hope to find tickets to Philly and Seattle as well. Good luck with F2F. We will need it!!
And an example of what I just asked, so forget that. I guess it would help to see a lot more split like this -> there should be significantly more GA N1 and P1 N2 (or vice versa) examples that GA N1 and GA N2. I've noticed a lot more of the latter.
I've highlighted a key phrase.
The night before the Super Bowl, I went out and did karaoke with some friends. One of my friends performed "Ca plane pour moi." A few days later, I was watching a hockey game when I saw a Heineken commercial with that song in it that I'd never noticed before. I mentioned it to the friend. Shortly thereafter, he replied that he saw it on a different channel. The next night, we were at a bar and the commercial came on TV while we were there. I've seen it a few more times since then.
Did this commercial not exist until last week, or did we just not notice it until the song was top-of-mind after the karaoke performance? I looked it up, and it turns out the ad has been airing since January 9. We did karaoke on February 10. I noticed the commercial for the first time on February 13. So it's the second option (something sometimes called Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon).
With respect to the ticket lottery, it's something different. People are noticing things that fit the pattern they think they see and not noticing the things that don't. It is normal for humans to do this.
Also - people could be lying about their results.
There are huge variables at play here and it's quite interesting to see how people can think they are so sure of something when they basically know almost nothing.
Based on some of the questions being asked...I would bet a lot of people entered TM Verified Fan and thought that was their 10c registration. So they are like oh i lost...when truthfully they never entered. Then there are also legit folks who know the drill and drew the short straw repeatedly.
I agree for the ones went 0/???
if you got at least one, you know you did it correctly.
I have confirmations of both 10C and TM. 0/5 on 10C. I agree some didn't read right and missed out, but don't assume that for everyone. I am one who knew the drill and drew the short straw repeatedly.
I put in for Fenway GA, N1, and N2. I got GA for N1 and N2. Woot!!
Good for you (I mean that sincerely, not sarcastic). But I got P1 for both and that's what I'm calling BS on. 95 pages and what I've learned is seniority matters, but only kinda-sorta, which is lame. It matters what row I'm in in the seats - yippee!
And an example of what I just asked, so forget that. I guess it would help to see a lot more split like this -> there should be significantly more GA N1 and P1 N2 (or vice versa) examples that GA N1 and GA N2. I've noticed a lot more of the latter.
I've highlighted a key phrase.
The night before the Super Bowl, I went out and did karaoke with some friends. One of my friends performed "Ca plane pour moi." A few days later, I was watching a hockey game when I saw a Heineken commercial with that song in it that I'd never noticed before. I mentioned it to the friend. Shortly thereafter, he replied that he saw it on a different channel. The next night, we were at a bar and the commercial came on TV while we were there. I've seen it a few more times since then.
Did this commercial not exist until last week, or did we just not notice it until the song was top-of-mind after the karaoke performance? I looked it up, and it turns out the ad has been airing since January 9. We did karaoke on February 10. I noticed the commercial for the first time on February 13. So it's the second option (something sometimes called Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon).
With respect to the ticket lottery, it's something different. People are noticing things that fit the pattern they think they see and not noticing the things that don't. It is normal for humans to do this.
Also - people could be lying about their results.
There are huge variables at play here and it's quite interesting to see how people can think they are so sure of something when they basically know almost nothing.
Based on some of the questions being asked...I would bet a lot of people entered TM Verified Fan and thought that was their 10c registration. So they are like oh i lost...when truthfully they never entered. Then there are also legit folks who know the drill and drew the short straw repeatedly.
I agree for the ones went 0/???
if you got at least one, you know you did it correctly.
I went 0/ and I have my request confirmation
There were 2 confirmations sent. One was for the 10c tix and another for verified fan. It is possible to mix those two up and think they got shut out, but didn’t even enter the 10c.
And an example of what I just asked, so forget that. I guess it would help to see a lot more split like this -> there should be significantly more GA N1 and P1 N2 (or vice versa) examples that GA N1 and GA N2. I've noticed a lot more of the latter.
I've highlighted a key phrase.
The night before the Super Bowl, I went out and did karaoke with some friends. One of my friends performed "Ca plane pour moi." A few days later, I was watching a hockey game when I saw a Heineken commercial with that song in it that I'd never noticed before. I mentioned it to the friend. Shortly thereafter, he replied that he saw it on a different channel. The next night, we were at a bar and the commercial came on TV while we were there. I've seen it a few more times since then.
Did this commercial not exist until last week, or did we just not notice it until the song was top-of-mind after the karaoke performance? I looked it up, and it turns out the ad has been airing since January 9. We did karaoke on February 10. I noticed the commercial for the first time on February 13. So it's the second option (something sometimes called Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon).
With respect to the ticket lottery, it's something different. People are noticing things that fit the pattern they think they see and not noticing the things that don't. It is normal for humans to do this.
Also - people could be lying about their results.
There are huge variables at play here and it's quite interesting to see how people can think they are so sure of something when they basically know almost nothing.
Based on some of the questions being asked...I would bet a lot of people entered TM Verified Fan and thought that was their 10c registration. So they are like oh i lost...when truthfully they never entered. Then there are also legit folks who know the drill and drew the short straw repeatedly.
I agree for the ones went 0/???
if you got at least one, you know you did it correctly.
I went 0/ and I have my request confirmation
There were 2 confirmations sent. One was for the 10c tix and another for verified fan. It is possible to mix those two up and think they got shut out, but didn’t even enter the 10c.
It's not even "Verified Fan" anymore. It's, "enter your name and you might have a chance to have a chance for tickets."
And an example of what I just asked, so forget that. I guess it would help to see a lot more split like this -> there should be significantly more GA N1 and P1 N2 (or vice versa) examples that GA N1 and GA N2. I've noticed a lot more of the latter.
I've highlighted a key phrase.
The night before the Super Bowl, I went out and did karaoke with some friends. One of my friends performed "Ca plane pour moi." A few days later, I was watching a hockey game when I saw a Heineken commercial with that song in it that I'd never noticed before. I mentioned it to the friend. Shortly thereafter, he replied that he saw it on a different channel. The next night, we were at a bar and the commercial came on TV while we were there. I've seen it a few more times since then.
Did this commercial not exist until last week, or did we just not notice it until the song was top-of-mind after the karaoke performance? I looked it up, and it turns out the ad has been airing since January 9. We did karaoke on February 10. I noticed the commercial for the first time on February 13. So it's the second option (something sometimes called Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon).
With respect to the ticket lottery, it's something different. People are noticing things that fit the pattern they think they see and not noticing the things that don't. It is normal for humans to do this.
Also - people could be lying about their results.
There are huge variables at play here and it's quite interesting to see how people can think they are so sure of something when they basically know almost nothing.
Based on some of the questions being asked...I would bet a lot of people entered TM Verified Fan and thought that was their 10c registration. So they are like oh i lost...when truthfully they never entered. Then there are also legit folks who know the drill and drew the short straw repeatedly.
I agree for the ones went 0/???
if you got at least one, you know you did it correctly.
I went 0/ and I have my request confirmation
There were 2 confirmations sent. One was for the 10c tix and another for verified fan. It is possible to mix those two up and think they got shut out, but didn’t even enter the 10c.
And an example of what I just asked, so forget that. I guess it would help to see a lot more split like this -> there should be significantly more GA N1 and P1 N2 (or vice versa) examples that GA N1 and GA N2. I've noticed a lot more of the latter.
I've highlighted a key phrase.
The night before the Super Bowl, I went out and did karaoke with some friends. One of my friends performed "Ca plane pour moi." A few days later, I was watching a hockey game when I saw a Heineken commercial with that song in it that I'd never noticed before. I mentioned it to the friend. Shortly thereafter, he replied that he saw it on a different channel. The next night, we were at a bar and the commercial came on TV while we were there. I've seen it a few more times since then.
Did this commercial not exist until last week, or did we just not notice it until the song was top-of-mind after the karaoke performance? I looked it up, and it turns out the ad has been airing since January 9. We did karaoke on February 10. I noticed the commercial for the first time on February 13. So it's the second option (something sometimes called Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon).
With respect to the ticket lottery, it's something different. People are noticing things that fit the pattern they think they see and not noticing the things that don't. It is normal for humans to do this.
Also - people could be lying about their results.
There are huge variables at play here and it's quite interesting to see how people can think they are so sure of something when they basically know almost nothing.
Based on some of the questions being asked...I would bet a lot of people entered TM Verified Fan and thought that was their 10c registration. So they are like oh i lost...when truthfully they never entered. Then there are also legit folks who know the drill and drew the short straw repeatedly.
I agree for the ones went 0/???
if you got at least one, you know you did it correctly.
I went 0/ and I have my request confirmation
There were 2 confirmations sent. One was for the 10c tix and another for verified fan. It is possible to mix those two up and think they got shut out, but didn’t even enter the 10c.
Ffs I know how to enter the TC lottery
You did not check both boxes?
192xxx 6/26+27/98, 10/8/00 (IB), 6/21/03, 9/3+4/11 (PJ20) - East Troy 6/29/98, 10/9/00, 6/18/03, 5/16+17/06, 8/23+24/09, 8/20+22/16, 8/18+20/18, 8/29+31/24 - Chicago 6/6/03 - Las Vegas 10/5/04, 9/18/22 - St. Louis 6/29/06, 10/20/14 - Milwaukee 11/19/13 - Phoenix 4/26/16 - Lexington
And an example of what I just asked, so forget that. I guess it would help to see a lot more split like this -> there should be significantly more GA N1 and P1 N2 (or vice versa) examples that GA N1 and GA N2. I've noticed a lot more of the latter.
I've highlighted a key phrase.
The night before the Super Bowl, I went out and did karaoke with some friends. One of my friends performed "Ca plane pour moi." A few days later, I was watching a hockey game when I saw a Heineken commercial with that song in it that I'd never noticed before. I mentioned it to the friend. Shortly thereafter, he replied that he saw it on a different channel. The next night, we were at a bar and the commercial came on TV while we were there. I've seen it a few more times since then.
Did this commercial not exist until last week, or did we just not notice it until the song was top-of-mind after the karaoke performance? I looked it up, and it turns out the ad has been airing since January 9. We did karaoke on February 10. I noticed the commercial for the first time on February 13. So it's the second option (something sometimes called Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon).
With respect to the ticket lottery, it's something different. People are noticing things that fit the pattern they think they see and not noticing the things that don't. It is normal for humans to do this.
Also - people could be lying about their results.
There are huge variables at play here and it's quite interesting to see how people can think they are so sure of something when they basically know almost nothing.
Based on some of the questions being asked...I would bet a lot of people entered TM Verified Fan and thought that was their 10c registration. So they are like oh i lost...when truthfully they never entered. Then there are also legit folks who know the drill and drew the short straw repeatedly.
I agree for the ones went 0/???
if you got at least one, you know you did it correctly.
I went 0/ and I have my request confirmation
There were 2 confirmations sent. One was for the 10c tix and another for verified fan. It is possible to mix those two up and think they got shut out, but didn’t even enter the 10c.
And an example of what I just asked, so forget that. I guess it would help to see a lot more split like this -> there should be significantly more GA N1 and P1 N2 (or vice versa) examples that GA N1 and GA N2. I've noticed a lot more of the latter.
I've highlighted a key phrase.
The night before the Super Bowl, I went out and did karaoke with some friends. One of my friends performed "Ca plane pour moi." A few days later, I was watching a hockey game when I saw a Heineken commercial with that song in it that I'd never noticed before. I mentioned it to the friend. Shortly thereafter, he replied that he saw it on a different channel. The next night, we were at a bar and the commercial came on TV while we were there. I've seen it a few more times since then.
Did this commercial not exist until last week, or did we just not notice it until the song was top-of-mind after the karaoke performance? I looked it up, and it turns out the ad has been airing since January 9. We did karaoke on February 10. I noticed the commercial for the first time on February 13. So it's the second option (something sometimes called Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon).
With respect to the ticket lottery, it's something different. People are noticing things that fit the pattern they think they see and not noticing the things that don't. It is normal for humans to do this.
Also - people could be lying about their results.
There are huge variables at play here and it's quite interesting to see how people can think they are so sure of something when they basically know almost nothing.
Based on some of the questions being asked...I would bet a lot of people entered TM Verified Fan and thought that was their 10c registration. So they are like oh i lost...when truthfully they never entered. Then there are also legit folks who know the drill and drew the short straw repeatedly.
I agree for the ones went 0/???
if you got at least one, you know you did it correctly.
I went 0/ and I have my request confirmation
There were 2 confirmations sent. One was for the 10c tix and another for verified fan. It is possible to mix those two up and think they got shut out, but didn’t even enter the 10c.
Ffs I know how to enter the TC lottery
Yup. People think that if we got shut out we fucked up.
And an example of what I just asked, so forget that. I guess it would help to see a lot more split like this -> there should be significantly more GA N1 and P1 N2 (or vice versa) examples that GA N1 and GA N2. I've noticed a lot more of the latter.
I've highlighted a key phrase.
The night before the Super Bowl, I went out and did karaoke with some friends. One of my friends performed "Ca plane pour moi." A few days later, I was watching a hockey game when I saw a Heineken commercial with that song in it that I'd never noticed before. I mentioned it to the friend. Shortly thereafter, he replied that he saw it on a different channel. The next night, we were at a bar and the commercial came on TV while we were there. I've seen it a few more times since then.
Did this commercial not exist until last week, or did we just not notice it until the song was top-of-mind after the karaoke performance? I looked it up, and it turns out the ad has been airing since January 9. We did karaoke on February 10. I noticed the commercial for the first time on February 13. So it's the second option (something sometimes called Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon).
With respect to the ticket lottery, it's something different. People are noticing things that fit the pattern they think they see and not noticing the things that don't. It is normal for humans to do this.
Also - people could be lying about their results.
There are huge variables at play here and it's quite interesting to see how people can think they are so sure of something when they basically know almost nothing.
Based on some of the questions being asked...I would bet a lot of people entered TM Verified Fan and thought that was their 10c registration. So they are like oh i lost...when truthfully they never entered. Then there are also legit folks who know the drill and drew the short straw repeatedly.
I agree for the ones went 0/???
if you got at least one, you know you did it correctly.
I went 0/ and I have my request confirmation
There were 2 confirmations sent. One was for the 10c tix and another for verified fan. It is possible to mix those two up and think they got shut out, but didn’t even enter the 10c.
It's not even "Verified Fan" anymore. It's, "enter your name and you might have a chance to have a chance for tickets."
and wouldn't you think if already in the Fan Club that you know we are a verified fan? never understood why we have to re-verify.
You selected GA and P1 for 2 of the most popular shows. It is a lottery.
Anyway, I am sure some didn’t register properly like you did.
I did it for 5 of the most popular shows. Getting one out of 5 isn't too far fetched when dozens of people on this thread won every single show I entered, GA or P1. The odds are astronomical against that happening.
I checked all boxes for both Philly shows and got nothing. I do think that checking all boxes increases chances, and I think this is how I got Baltimore. Being in the building was most important, GA or seat locations were icing on the cake (with a 460xxx number not too perfect but better than nothing).
Please, Pearl Jam, consider a Benaroya Hall vinyl reissue!
Didn’t you (maybe another member?) earlier say it wasn’t common to have multiple winners for high demand shows? ...
considering such low odds and how high demand these cities are, it seems very weird considering how many in northeast are completely shut out. I’ve seen ALOT of members here with this type of luck. Great for them , but very weird.
I have said that you would expect all possible outcomes. Some people will win everything, some will win nothing, some will win something. The lower the demand for the shows you request, the better your chances of winning everything. And, yes, there will be some people who get everything even among the high-demand shows.
If you go back through the 70 pages of this thread relevant to North America, you will see all varieties of outcomes. People are glossing over the mixed outcomes and paying special attention to the all-or-nothing outcomes.
For example, people have referred to lots of people going 10-for-10, but exactly two people in this thread (as of page 89) have reported going 10-for-10.
Can you show me a N1 P1 and N2 GA result from 2-show city from the same TC account? The one example highlighted a few pages back turned out not to be from the same account. I do agree that there were bound to be some of the 0-fer and all-fer outcomes, but there also seems to be some real oddities with the double GA's for one city.
Didn't you just point one out about two pages back? Not the one you're referring to here, but another one?
The only example, and I guess a second one by anecdote, have been for the Vancouver shows -> P1 N1 and GA N2. I haven't seen a US example with that. I have seen GA N1 and P1 N2 for US, but few and far between. I have mostly seen GA N1 and GA n2 results for the US shows.
To follow up in case anyone else was in same boat, it’s been over 24 hours since my fraud alert lost me MSG, and 10c has not attempted to re-run the request today. And I know it was for MSG as the charge was for 370.00 on the dot which is what MSG charges have been showing
So it looks like the US shows are not going to get the same courtesy that the AUS/Amex folks had. Oh well.
Post edited by Weston1283 on
2010: Cleveland 2012: Atlanta 2013: London ONT / Wrigley Field / Pittsburgh / Buffalo / San Diego / Los Angeles I / Los Angeles II 2014: Cincinnati / St. Louis / Tulsa / Lincoln / Detroit / Denver 2015: New York City 2016: Ft. Lauderdale / Miami / Jacksonville / Greenville / Hampton / Columbia / Lexington / Philly II / New York City II / Toronto II / Bonnaroo / Telluride / Fenway I / Wrigley I / Wrigley - II / TOTD - Philadelphia, San Francisco 2017: Ohana Fest (EV) 2018: Amsterdam I / Amsterdam II / Seattle I / Seattle II / Boston I / Boston II 2021: Asbury Park / Ohana Encore 1 / Ohana Encore 2 2022: Phoenix / LA I / LA II / Quebec City / Ottawa / New York City / Camden / Nashville / St. Louis / Denver 2023: St. Paul II 2024: Las Vegas I / Las Vegas II / New York City I / New York City II / Philly I / Philly II / Baltimore
And an example of what I just asked, so forget that. I guess it would help to see a lot more split like this -> there should be significantly more GA N1 and P1 N2 (or vice versa) examples that GA N1 and GA N2. I've noticed a lot more of the latter.
I've highlighted a key phrase.
The night before the Super Bowl, I went out and did karaoke with some friends. One of my friends performed "Ca plane pour moi." A few days later, I was watching a hockey game when I saw a Heineken commercial with that song in it that I'd never noticed before. I mentioned it to the friend. Shortly thereafter, he replied that he saw it on a different channel. The next night, we were at a bar and the commercial came on TV while we were there. I've seen it a few more times since then.
Did this commercial not exist until last week, or did we just not notice it until the song was top-of-mind after the karaoke performance? I looked it up, and it turns out the ad has been airing since January 9. We did karaoke on February 10. I noticed the commercial for the first time on February 13. So it's the second option (something sometimes called Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon).
With respect to the ticket lottery, it's something different. People are noticing things that fit the pattern they think they see and not noticing the things that don't. It is normal for humans to do this.
Also - people could be lying about their results.
There are huge variables at play here and it's quite interesting to see how people can think they are so sure of something when they basically know almost nothing.
Based on some of the questions being asked...I would bet a lot of people entered TM Verified Fan and thought that was their 10c registration. So they are like oh i lost...when truthfully they never entered. Then there are also legit folks who know the drill and drew the short straw repeatedly.
I agree for the ones went 0/???
if you got at least one, you know you did it correctly.
I went 0/ and I have my request confirmation
There were 2 confirmations sent. One was for the 10c tix and another for verified fan. It is possible to mix those two up and think they got shut out, but didn’t even enter the 10c.
It's not even "Verified Fan" anymore. It's, "enter your name and you might have a chance to have a chance for tickets."
and wouldn't you think if already in the Fan Club that you know we are a verified fan? never understood why we have to re-verify.
I thought it was verified as in you had to go through the Ten Club to register. Someone without a 10C membership couldn't just go to Ticketmaster and sign up for the verified fan sale.
the fact that selecting GA/P1 and P1 separately would increase your odds makes no sense at all
It doesn't.
To quote the 10C from Newsletter #8: "Please understand we have a lot of members and it is very hard to please everybody. If you are one of those unhappy people...please call 1-900-IDN-TCAR."
"Me knowing the truth, I can not concur."
1996: Toronto - 1998: Chicago, Montreal, Barrie - 2000: Montreal, Toronto - 2002: Seattle X2 (Key Arena) - 2003: Cleveland, Buffalo, Toronto, Montreal, Seattle (Benaroya Hall) - 2004: Reading, Toledo, Grand Rapids - 2005: Kitchener, London, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Quebec City - 2006: Toronto X2, Albany, Hartford, Grand Rapids, Cleveland - 2007: Chicago (Vic Theatre) - 2008: NYC X2, Hartford, Mansfield X2 - 2009: Toronto, Chicago X2, Seattle X2, Philadelphia X4 - 2010: Columbus, Noblesville, Cleveland, Buffalo, Hartford - 2011: Montreal, Toronto X2, Ottawa, Hamilton - 2012: Missoula - 2013: London, Chicago, Buffalo, Hartford - 2014: Detroit, Moline - 2015: NYC (Global Citizen Festival) - 2016: Greenville, Toronto X2, Chicago 1 - 2017: Brooklyn (RRHOF Induction) - 2018: Chicago 1, Boston 1 - 2022: Fresno, Ottawa, Hamilton, Toronto, NYC, Camden - 2023: St. Paul X2, Austin X2 - 2024: Vancouver X2, Portland, Sacramento, Missoula, Noblesville, Philadelphia X2, Baltimore - 2025: Hollywood X2, Atlanta 2, Nashville X2, Pittsburgh X2
Good for you (I mean that sincerely, not sarcastic). But I got P1 for both and that's what I'm calling BS on. 95 pages and what I've learned is seniority matters, but only kinda-sorta, which is lame. It matters what row I'm in in the seats - yippee!
Registered sale here I come.
6/26+27/98, 10/8/00 (IB), 6/21/03, 9/3+4/11 (PJ20) - East Troy
6/29/98, 10/9/00, 6/18/03, 5/16+17/06, 8/23+24/09, 8/20+22/16, 8/18+20/18, 8/29+31/24 - Chicago
6/6/03 - Las Vegas
10/5/04, 9/18/22 - St. Louis
6/29/06, 10/20/14 - Milwaukee
11/19/13 - Phoenix
4/26/16 - Lexington
Now it might be coming out. I wondered if the both boxes issue would play a role.
6/26+27/98, 10/8/00 (IB), 6/21/03, 9/3+4/11 (PJ20) - East Troy
6/29/98, 10/9/00, 6/18/03, 5/16+17/06, 8/23+24/09, 8/20+22/16, 8/18+20/18, 8/29+31/24 - Chicago
6/6/03 - Las Vegas
10/5/04, 9/18/22 - St. Louis
6/29/06, 10/20/14 - Milwaukee
11/19/13 - Phoenix
4/26/16 - Lexington
6/26+27/98, 10/8/00 (IB), 6/21/03, 9/3+4/11 (PJ20) - East Troy
6/29/98, 10/9/00, 6/18/03, 5/16+17/06, 8/23+24/09, 8/20+22/16, 8/18+20/18, 8/29+31/24 - Chicago
6/6/03 - Las Vegas
10/5/04, 9/18/22 - St. Louis
6/29/06, 10/20/14 - Milwaukee
11/19/13 - Phoenix
4/26/16 - Lexington
It's pretty effing annoying to see people who went like 5/5 with GA
2012: Atlanta
2013: London ONT / Wrigley Field / Pittsburgh / Buffalo / San Diego / Los Angeles I / Los Angeles II
2014: Cincinnati / St. Louis / Tulsa / Lincoln / Detroit / Denver
2015: New York City
2016: Ft. Lauderdale / Miami / Jacksonville / Greenville / Hampton / Columbia / Lexington / Philly II / New York City II / Toronto II / Bonnaroo / Telluride / Fenway I / Wrigley I / Wrigley - II / TOTD - Philadelphia, San Francisco
2017: Ohana Fest (EV)
2018: Amsterdam I / Amsterdam II / Seattle I / Seattle II / Boston I / Boston II
2021: Asbury Park / Ohana Encore 1 / Ohana Encore 2
2022: Phoenix / LA I / LA II / Quebec City / Ottawa / New York City / Camden / Nashville / St. Louis / Denver
2023: St. Paul II
2024: Las Vegas I / Las Vegas II / New York City I / New York City II / Philly I / Philly II / Baltimore
It doesn't.
"Me knowing the truth, I can not concur."
1996: Toronto - 1998: Chicago, Montreal, Barrie - 2000: Montreal, Toronto - 2002: Seattle X2 (Key Arena) - 2003: Cleveland, Buffalo, Toronto, Montreal, Seattle (Benaroya Hall) - 2004: Reading, Toledo, Grand Rapids - 2005: Kitchener, London, Hamilton, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto, Quebec City - 2006: Toronto X2, Albany, Hartford, Grand Rapids, Cleveland - 2007: Chicago (Vic Theatre) - 2008: NYC X2, Hartford, Mansfield X2 - 2009: Toronto, Chicago X2, Seattle X2, Philadelphia X4 - 2010: Columbus, Noblesville, Cleveland, Buffalo, Hartford - 2011: Montreal, Toronto X2, Ottawa, Hamilton - 2012: Missoula - 2013: London, Chicago, Buffalo, Hartford - 2014: Detroit, Moline - 2015: NYC (Global Citizen Festival) - 2016: Greenville, Toronto X2, Chicago 1 - 2017: Brooklyn (RRHOF Induction) - 2018: Chicago 1, Boston 1 - 2022: Fresno, Ottawa, Hamilton, Toronto, NYC, Camden - 2023: St. Paul X2, Austin X2 - 2024: Vancouver X2, Portland, Sacramento, Missoula, Noblesville, Philadelphia X2, Baltimore - 2025: Hollywood X2, Atlanta 2, Nashville X2, Pittsburgh X2