"MRNA technology that continues to save millions of lives from Covid..."
How accurate is that?
Are you aware that MRNA technology has successfully been used in pigs to regenerate heart tissue after a heart attack, and is going to human trial next year? When a person has an MI, the heart tissue is damaged beyond repair, which leads to eventual heart failure. This will allow a 70 year old heart to beat with the strength of a 40 year old. Second, MRNA is also in late testing of using your DNA cells to completely build a new heart and eventually other organs too.
Just be sure your health choices are fully informed by your political inclinations. That's always the wise choice.
Gtfoh with Newsweek. That’s nothing but a deep state propaganda outlet.
That sounds so stupid and paranoid.
Let's try this a different way. Do you believe that parents that send their children to public schools should be mandated to have those children vaccinated against measles, mumps and polio?
Yes, b/c those vaccines’ development went through much more scrutiny and oversight than the supposed Covid vaccine did. The Covid vaccine was forced upon the populace by skipping over steps that were not skipped before in the development of those 3 vaccines. Big Pharma also hid data from vax trials from the public and still do to this day. One of Trump’s biggest missteps was Op warp speed. I wish he would admit that. So, back to your original question, yes I’m good with measles, mumps and polio vaxes. The clot shot is a different ball of wax. I don’t believe you can compare it with the vaccines you mentioned.
Gtfoh with Newsweek. That’s nothing but a deep state propaganda outlet.
That sounds so stupid and paranoid.
Let's try this a different way. Do you believe that parents that send their children to public schools should be mandated to have those children vaccinated against measles, mumps and polio?
Yes, b/c those vaccines’ development went through much more scrutiny and oversight than the supposed Covid vaccine did. The Covid vaccine was forced upon the populace by skipping over steps that were not skipped before in the development of those 3 vaccines. Big Pharma also hid data from vax trials from the public and still do to this day. One of Trump’s biggest missteps was Op warp speed. I wish he would admit that. So, back to your original question, yes I’m good with measles, mumps and polio vaxes. The clot shot is a different ball of wax. I don’t believe you can compare it with the vaccines you mentioned.
Just so you know, the Polio vaccine did not go through deep trials. It was licensed in 1955 and released the same year. And the vaccine was never more than 94% effective. It relies on herd immunity to be effective.
A grass shack nailed to a pinewood floor Posts: 1,235
Gtfoh with Newsweek. That’s nothing but a deep state propaganda outlet.
That sounds so stupid and paranoid.
Let's try this a different way. Do you believe that parents that send their children to public schools should be mandated to have those children vaccinated against measles, mumps and polio?
Yes, b/c those vaccines’ development went through much more scrutiny and oversight than the supposed Covid vaccine did. The Covid vaccine was forced upon the populace by skipping over steps that were not skipped before in the development of those 3 vaccines. Big Pharma also hid data from vax trials from the public and still do to this day. One of Trump’s biggest missteps was Op warp speed. I wish he would admit that. So, back to your original question, yes I’m good with measles, mumps and polio vaxes. The clot shot is a different ball of wax. I don’t believe you can compare it with the vaccines you mentioned.
Just so you know, the Polio vaccine did not go through deep trials. It was licensed in 1955 and released the same year. And the vaccine was never more than 94% effective. It relies on herd immunity to be effective.
I obviously didn’t know that. Thanks for the info.
But did the world have two years or even one year to do trials? Once the virus started to move through our cities specially here in NY the death toll was staggering!
jesus greets me looks just like me ....
A grass shack nailed to a pinewood floor Posts: 1,235
But did the world have two years or even one year to do trials? Once the virus started to move through our cities specially here in NY the death toll was staggering!
It was treatment protocols set by Fauci that did more harm to people than the actual virus. Also death tolls were so inflated that if someone died in a car accident but was Covid positive, that death went on the books as a Covid death.
Gtfoh with Newsweek. That’s nothing but a deep state propaganda outlet.
That sounds so stupid and paranoid.
Let's try this a different way. Do you believe that parents that send their children to public schools should be mandated to have those children vaccinated against measles, mumps and polio?
Yes, b/c those vaccines’ development went through much more scrutiny and oversight than the supposed Covid vaccine did. The Covid vaccine was forced upon the populace by skipping over steps that were not skipped before in the development of those 3 vaccines. Big Pharma also hid data from vax trials from the public and still do to this day. One of Trump’s biggest missteps was Op warp speed. I wish he would admit that. So, back to your original question, yes I’m good with measles, mumps and polio vaxes. The clot shot is a different ball of wax. I don’t believe you can compare it with the vaccines you mentioned.
Just so you know, the Polio vaccine did not go through deep trials. It was licensed in 1955 and released the same year. And the vaccine was never more than 94% effective. It relies on herd immunity to be effective.
I obviously didn’t know that. Thanks for the info.
No offense, but this is what is frustrating. When you're in a crisis, you can't go through the perfect level of testing and try to get something to 99.99% effective. From 48-55, the US was in the midst of another polio outbreak, so the gov't decided the risk was worth it. And it was. Same thing here. Now do we know whether the virus would have mutated enough to be the lower risk it is today if we didn't have the vaccine? Of course we don't. We will never know that answer and frankly we should not know such an answer, as it would mean setting up large scale test and control while the disease raged.
When in a crisis, you have to make tough decisions with imperfect information. That's what the Trump admin did in this case and I agree with their decision.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
But did the world have two years or even one year to do trials? Once the virus started to move through our cities specially here in NY the death toll was staggering!
It was treatment protocols set by Fauci that did more harm to people than the actual virus. Also death tolls were so inflated that if someone died in a car accident but was Covid positive, that death went on the books as a Covid death.
Ok some aspects of how the death count happened I’m sure wasn’t or isn’t a perfect system but I know that when it started to get bad the morgue at the hospital I worked at the time was being emptied at least 3 times a day the morgue holds 34 corpses! So yeah it was bad
Gtfoh with Newsweek. That’s nothing but a deep state propaganda outlet.
That sounds so stupid and paranoid.
Let's try this a different way. Do you believe that parents that send their children to public schools should be mandated to have those children vaccinated against measles, mumps and polio?
Yes, b/c those vaccines’ development went through much more scrutiny and oversight than the supposed Covid vaccine did. The Covid vaccine was forced upon the populace by skipping over steps that were not skipped before in the development of those 3 vaccines. Big Pharma also hid data from vax trials from the public and still do to this day. One of Trump’s biggest missteps was Op warp speed.
None of what you say here is true. The COVID vaccines went through full trials, and there have been billions of doses administered in the real world without any meaningful side effects. (Please don't tell me about myocarditis; rates of myocarditis are higher among those infected with COVID than among vaccine recipients.) The vaccines were not forced upon anyone. No one was forced to receive a COVID vaccine. There is a difference between forcing someone to do something and giving them an incentive to do something. Operation Warp Speed was one of the only things Trump deserves credit for.
Gtfoh with Newsweek. That’s nothing but a deep state propaganda outlet.
That sounds so stupid and paranoid.
Let's try this a different way. Do you believe that parents that send their children to public schools should be mandated to have those children vaccinated against measles, mumps and polio?
Yes, b/c those vaccines’ development went through much more scrutiny and oversight than the supposed Covid vaccine did. The Covid vaccine was forced upon the populace by skipping over steps that were not skipped before in the development of those 3 vaccines. Big Pharma also hid data from vax trials from the public and still do to this day. One of Trump’s biggest missteps was Op warp speed. I wish he would admit that. So, back to your original question, yes I’m good with measles, mumps and polio vaxes. The clot shot is a different ball of wax. I don’t believe you can compare it with the vaccines you mentioned.
Just so you know, the Polio vaccine did not go through deep trials. It was licensed in 1955 and released the same year. And the vaccine was never more than 94% effective. It relies on herd immunity to be effective.
I obviously didn’t know that. Thanks for the info.
Not only that, but when the polio vaccine was rolled out, there was a tainted batch that contained live virus and caused tens of thousands of polio cases and hundreds of deaths, but the public was informed and mature enough to understand that this was a mistake and that it did not mean that the vaccine was ineffective or dangerous when formulated and administered properly.
But did the world have two years or even one year to do trials? Once the virus started to move through our cities specially here in NY the death toll was staggering!
It was treatment protocols set by Fauci that did more harm to people than the actual virus. Also death tolls were so inflated that if someone died in a car accident but was Covid positive, that death went on the books as a Covid death.
A while back, I posted some responses to someone in another thread on some of the things being discussed here. I'm going to paste those here for anyone who cares to read them. The parts in bold are my responses to the original post, which is excerpted in regular text below.
I got the
first round of vaccines and got a booster. So I'm not an anti-vax person. My
opinion on why Covid is no longer taken seriously because, yet again, our
government lied to us. They said the vaccine would stop transmission, would
protect people and would be lessen the symptoms. It did none of that.
Testing in 2020 showed that the vaccines decreased transmission by 94-95
percent, depending on which vaccine was being studied. This was reported widely
in various media at the time-- before the vaccines were even approved for
emergency use. It was never expected that vaccination would eliminate
transmission, only that it would limit transmission, which it did. (Protection
wanes over time, but it doesn't go to zero.) All of the data show that those
who were vaccinated had less severe illness and lower rates of death. The
vaccines actually did protect people from severe illness and lessen their
symptoms. Breakthrough infections tend to be less severe and involve a smaller
viral load, which means that the infected person is contagious for a shorter
period of time, and less contagious during that period than without
vaccination/with a greater viral load, both of which limit transmission.
During Covid with the lockdowns, which also did nothing except destroy business
but somehow profits went up? More lies from those in charge.
You're jumbling things together. Profits went up for some businesses (e.g.,
online retailing) in the early days of the pandemic, and some businesses were
hit very hard (e.g., many restaurants). In the second quarter of 2020, when
restrictions were most onerous, U.S. GDP declined by 34 percent. Very few
companies were increasing profits during that period. Then, as restrictions were
loosened in the third quarter, GDP increased by 38 percent. There is no mystery
or conspiracy at work here. I'm not even sure what the lie you're referring to
is here. Every business was not similarly situated when the pandemic hit. Some
continued to lose money long after the initial months of the pandemic (e.g.,
movie theaters). Others rebounded quickly. Even before state and local
governments started imposing restrictions in late March 2020, large numbers of
customers had stopped going out to restaurants and movies, as evidenced by
credit-card transaction data. That change in behavior would have happened with
or without government restrictions. Incidentally, "lockdown" is a
misleading word. People were not locked down. People were free to leave their
homes. They were free to travel. Some businesses were forced to close, but that
does not make a lockdown. Look at how China handled COVID: those were actual
lockdowns. People were forced to stay in their homes.
Do you remember how people who didn't want to get vaccinated were ostracized by
the media who suggested a caste system of vaxxed and non vaxxed?
"The media" is a broad term doing a lot of work here. There were
plenty of media doing the exact opposite of what you're describing, including
the most-watched cable-news network. It's also a very vague claim to say that "the
media" suggested a "caste system" because there were individual
people advocating for differential treatment of the vaccinated and the
unvaccinated (while others in "the media" advocated for no such
differential treatment). An actual caste system differentiates people based on
nothing other than to whom they were born. What you're describing is not a
caste system; it's a system in which certain rewards are withheld from people
who refuse to participate in a particular public-health program. It's no
different than the largely uncontroversial system that has been in place in
every state for years whereby children cannot attend public school until they
prove that they are inoculated against several illnesses.
Now we have athletes dropping from heart attacks and other random things, I
don't recall super healthy people dropping like they have lately.
This is not a thing. I don't really know what else to say. Maybe you should
ask Hank Gathers about it.
If the vaccines were safe, why did Big Pharma get protection from lawsuits? The
whole thing is corrupt as hell.
The protection you're talking about was enacted in 2005. It had nothing to
do with COVID. The impetus for it was actually the "war on terror." Fear
of biological and chemical attacks by terrorists were prompting increased (and
increasingly hurried) research into medical interventions that might be
necessary on a wide scale on short notice, and drug companies capitalized on
that fear to push for greater protection for themselves. (Incidentally, of the
106 votes against the bill in the House, 89 were by Democrats. House
Republicans supported the bill 202-16. I cite these numbers not to make a
political point, just to demonstrate how disconnected the bill was from the
politics of the 2020s, where vaccine resistance has been a signature of the
Republicans, not the Democrats. And, of course, the bill was signed into law by
Republican President George W. Bush.)
There is plenty of available data regarding the testing of the COVID vaccines
that you are free to review. There is also three years of real-world data
involving over 13 billion administered doses that demonstrate the vaccines'
safety and efficacy.
I gather speed from you fucking with me.
A grass shack nailed to a pinewood floor Posts: 1,235
Here’s RFK Jr’s thoughts/views on vaccines in his own words. Good read.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
A grass shack nailed to a pinewood floor Posts: 1,235
More insight into RFK Jr and Trump plans for HHS. Clip is from Bill Maher show.
Gtfoh with Newsweek. That’s nothing but a deep state propaganda outlet.
That sounds so stupid and paranoid.
Let's try this a different way. Do you believe that parents that send their children to public schools should be mandated to have those children vaccinated against measles, mumps and polio?
Yes, b/c those vaccines’ development went through much more scrutiny and oversight than the supposed Covid vaccine did. The Covid vaccine was forced upon the populace by skipping over steps that were not skipped before in the development of those 3 vaccines. Big Pharma also hid data from vax trials from the public and still do to this day. One of Trump’s biggest missteps was Op warp speed.
None of what you say here is true. The COVID vaccines went through full trials, and there have been billions of doses administered in the real world without any meaningful side effects. (Please don't tell me about myocarditis; rates of myocarditis are higher among those infected with COVID than among vaccine recipients.) The vaccines were not forced upon anyone. No one was forced to receive a COVID vaccine. There is a difference between forcing someone to do something and giving them an incentive to do something. Operation Warp Speed was one of the only things Trump deserves credit for.
No one forced to receive the vaccine??.. you must be kidding, right??..
Athens 2006. Dusseldorf 2007. Berlin 2009. Venice 2010. Amsterdam 1 2012. Amsterdam 1+2 2014. Buenos Aires 2015. Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022 EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
But did the world have two years or even one year to do trials? Once the virus started to move through our cities specially here in NY the death toll was staggering!
It was treatment protocols set by Fauci that did more harm to people than the actual virus. Also death tolls were so inflated that if someone died in a car accident but was Covid positive, that death went on the books as a Covid death.
Again, none of this is true.
You are wrong..i know from personal experience how they listed many of deaths as from COVID when it was it from that..
Athens 2006. Dusseldorf 2007. Berlin 2009. Venice 2010. Amsterdam 1 2012. Amsterdam 1+2 2014. Buenos Aires 2015. Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022 EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
Gtfoh with Newsweek. That’s nothing but a deep state propaganda outlet.
That sounds so stupid and paranoid.
Let's try this a different way. Do you believe that parents that send their children to public schools should be mandated to have those children vaccinated against measles, mumps and polio?
Yes, b/c those vaccines’ development went through much more scrutiny and oversight than the supposed Covid vaccine did. The Covid vaccine was forced upon the populace by skipping over steps that were not skipped before in the development of those 3 vaccines. Big Pharma also hid data from vax trials from the public and still do to this day. One of Trump’s biggest missteps was Op warp speed.
None of what you say here is true. The COVID vaccines went through full trials, and there have been billions of doses administered in the real world without any meaningful side effects. (Please don't tell me about myocarditis; rates of myocarditis are higher among those infected with COVID than among vaccine recipients.) The vaccines were not forced upon anyone. No one was forced to receive a COVID vaccine. There is a difference between forcing someone to do something and giving them an incentive to do something. Operation Warp Speed was one of the only things Trump deserves credit for.
No one forced to receive the vaccine??.. you must be kidding, right??..
Gtfoh with Newsweek. That’s nothing but a deep state propaganda outlet.
That sounds so stupid and paranoid.
Let's try this a different way. Do you believe that parents that send their children to public schools should be mandated to have those children vaccinated against measles, mumps and polio?
Yes, b/c those vaccines’ development went through much more scrutiny and oversight than the supposed Covid vaccine did. The Covid vaccine was forced upon the populace by skipping over steps that were not skipped before in the development of those 3 vaccines. Big Pharma also hid data from vax trials from the public and still do to this day. One of Trump’s biggest missteps was Op warp speed.
None of what you say here is true. The COVID vaccines went through full trials, and there have been billions of doses administered in the real world without any meaningful side effects. (Please don't tell me about myocarditis; rates of myocarditis are higher among those infected with COVID than among vaccine recipients.) The vaccines were not forced upon anyone. No one was forced to receive a COVID vaccine. There is a difference between forcing someone to do something and giving them an incentive to do something. Operation Warp Speed was one of the only things Trump deserves credit for.
No one forced to receive the vaccine??.. you must be kidding, right??..
Please identify a single adult in the U.S. that was forced to receive the vaccine.
But did the world have two years or even one year to do trials? Once the virus started to move through our cities specially here in NY the death toll was staggering!
It was treatment protocols set by Fauci that did more harm to people than the actual virus. Also death tolls were so inflated that if someone died in a car accident but was Covid positive, that death went on the books as a Covid death.
Again, none of this is true.
You are wrong..i know from personal experience how they listed many of deaths as from COVID when it was it from that..
Please specify your personal experience in support of this claim.
Gtfoh with Newsweek. That’s nothing but a deep state propaganda outlet.
That sounds so stupid and paranoid.
Let's try this a different way. Do you believe that parents that send their children to public schools should be mandated to have those children vaccinated against measles, mumps and polio?
Yes, b/c those vaccines’ development went through much more scrutiny and oversight than the supposed Covid vaccine did. The Covid vaccine was forced upon the populace by skipping over steps that were not skipped before in the development of those 3 vaccines. Big Pharma also hid data from vax trials from the public and still do to this day. One of Trump’s biggest missteps was Op warp speed.
None of what you say here is true. The COVID vaccines went through full trials, and there have been billions of doses administered in the real world without any meaningful side effects. (Please don't tell me about myocarditis; rates of myocarditis are higher among those infected with COVID than among vaccine recipients.) The vaccines were not forced upon anyone. No one was forced to receive a COVID vaccine. There is a difference between forcing someone to do something and giving them an incentive to do something. Operation Warp Speed was one of the only things Trump deserves credit for.
No one forced to receive the vaccine??.. you must be kidding, right??..
Please identify a single adult in the U.S. that was forced to receive the vaccine.
just to clarify, his idea of "forced" is "you get it or you lose your job". To me that's not forced, that's still a choice you are given. To me, forced is being held down and administered a drug against your will.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Gtfoh with Newsweek. That’s nothing but a deep state propaganda outlet.
That sounds so stupid and paranoid.
Let's try this a different way. Do you believe that parents that send their children to public schools should be mandated to have those children vaccinated against measles, mumps and polio?
Yes, b/c those vaccines’ development went through much more scrutiny and oversight than the supposed Covid vaccine did. The Covid vaccine was forced upon the populace by skipping over steps that were not skipped before in the development of those 3 vaccines. Big Pharma also hid data from vax trials from the public and still do to this day. One of Trump’s biggest missteps was Op warp speed.
None of what you say here is true. The COVID vaccines went through full trials, and there have been billions of doses administered in the real world without any meaningful side effects. (Please don't tell me about myocarditis; rates of myocarditis are higher among those infected with COVID than among vaccine recipients.) The vaccines were not forced upon anyone. No one was forced to receive a COVID vaccine. There is a difference between forcing someone to do something and giving them an incentive to do something. Operation Warp Speed was one of the only things Trump deserves credit for.
No one forced to receive the vaccine??.. you must be kidding, right??..
Please identify a single adult in the U.S. that was forced to receive the vaccine.
just to clarify, his idea of "forced" is "you get it or you lose your job". To me that's not forced, that's still a choice you are given. To me, forced is being held down and administered a drug against your will.
I am def not on that posters side but taking away someone’s livelihood or career is as closed to forced as it gets.
Mine was also a condition of employment. Not forced. Just like when your kids have to get vaccines or they can't go to school. We've been over this. It's not forced. There are conditions all over the place. Just like the supermarket says you can't come in if you aren't wearing shoes. They aren't forcing you to wear shoes. Stay shoeless all you want. Just not here. It's a condition.
No one if forcing you to stop at a red light. But it's a condition of keeping your license/staying alive. And keeping others safe.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Mine was also a condition of employment. Not forced. Just like when your kids have to get vaccines or they can't go to school. We've been over this. It's not forced. There are conditions all over the place. Just like the supermarket says you can't come in if you aren't wearing shoes. They aren't forcing you to wear shoes. Stay shoeless all you want. Just not here. It's a condition.
No one if forcing you to stop at a red light. But it's a condition of keeping your license/staying alive. And keeping others safe.
I just don’t think taking away your livelihood or career is the same as those things.
"MRNA technology that continues to save millions of lives from Covid..."
How accurate is that?
Just be sure your health choices are fully informed by your political inclinations. That's always the wise choice.
When in a crisis, you have to make tough decisions with imperfect information. That's what the Trump admin did in this case and I agree with their decision.
well, I vax and am still alive, so theres one....
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
I got the first round of vaccines and got a booster. So I'm not an anti-vax person. My opinion on why Covid is no longer taken seriously because, yet again, our government lied to us. They said the vaccine would stop transmission, would protect people and would be lessen the symptoms. It did none of that.
Testing in 2020 showed that the vaccines decreased transmission by 94-95 percent, depending on which vaccine was being studied. This was reported widely in various media at the time-- before the vaccines were even approved for emergency use. It was never expected that vaccination would eliminate transmission, only that it would limit transmission, which it did. (Protection wanes over time, but it doesn't go to zero.) All of the data show that those who were vaccinated had less severe illness and lower rates of death. The vaccines actually did protect people from severe illness and lessen their symptoms. Breakthrough infections tend to be less severe and involve a smaller viral load, which means that the infected person is contagious for a shorter period of time, and less contagious during that period than without vaccination/with a greater viral load, both of which limit transmission.
During Covid with the lockdowns, which also did nothing except destroy business but somehow profits went up? More lies from those in charge.
You're jumbling things together. Profits went up for some businesses (e.g., online retailing) in the early days of the pandemic, and some businesses were hit very hard (e.g., many restaurants). In the second quarter of 2020, when restrictions were most onerous, U.S. GDP declined by 34 percent. Very few companies were increasing profits during that period. Then, as restrictions were loosened in the third quarter, GDP increased by 38 percent. There is no mystery or conspiracy at work here. I'm not even sure what the lie you're referring to is here. Every business was not similarly situated when the pandemic hit. Some continued to lose money long after the initial months of the pandemic (e.g., movie theaters). Others rebounded quickly. Even before state and local governments started imposing restrictions in late March 2020, large numbers of customers had stopped going out to restaurants and movies, as evidenced by credit-card transaction data. That change in behavior would have happened with or without government restrictions. Incidentally, "lockdown" is a misleading word. People were not locked down. People were free to leave their homes. They were free to travel. Some businesses were forced to close, but that does not make a lockdown. Look at how China handled COVID: those were actual lockdowns. People were forced to stay in their homes.
Do you remember how people who didn't want to get vaccinated were ostracized by the media who suggested a caste system of vaxxed and non vaxxed?
"The media" is a broad term doing a lot of work here. There were plenty of media doing the exact opposite of what you're describing, including the most-watched cable-news network. It's also a very vague claim to say that "the media" suggested a "caste system" because there were individual people advocating for differential treatment of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated (while others in "the media" advocated for no such differential treatment). An actual caste system differentiates people based on nothing other than to whom they were born. What you're describing is not a caste system; it's a system in which certain rewards are withheld from people who refuse to participate in a particular public-health program. It's no different than the largely uncontroversial system that has been in place in every state for years whereby children cannot attend public school until they prove that they are inoculated against several illnesses.
Now we have athletes dropping from heart attacks and other random things, I don't recall super healthy people dropping like they have lately.
This is not a thing. I don't really know what else to say. Maybe you should ask Hank Gathers about it.
If the vaccines were safe, why did Big Pharma get protection from lawsuits? The whole thing is corrupt as hell.
The protection you're talking about was enacted in 2005. It had nothing to do with COVID. The impetus for it was actually the "war on terror." Fear of biological and chemical attacks by terrorists were prompting increased (and increasingly hurried) research into medical interventions that might be necessary on a wide scale on short notice, and drug companies capitalized on that fear to push for greater protection for themselves. (Incidentally, of the 106 votes against the bill in the House, 89 were by Democrats. House Republicans supported the bill 202-16. I cite these numbers not to make a political point, just to demonstrate how disconnected the bill was from the politics of the 2020s, where vaccine resistance has been a signature of the Republicans, not the Democrats. And, of course, the bill was signed into law by Republican President George W. Bush.)
There is plenty of available data regarding the testing of the COVID vaccines that you are free to review. There is also three years of real-world data involving over 13 billion administered doses that demonstrate the vaccines' safety and efficacy.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
-EV 8/14/93
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
No one if forcing you to stop at a red light. But it's a condition of keeping your license/staying alive. And keeping others safe.
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93