Anyone here tried this new thing called "jogging" ?



  • GlowGirlGlowGirl Posts: 10,787
    Never been a runner, never ran more than 5Ks here and there, and that's only because my job requires it. A few weeks ago, I was deployed and we were "quarantined" within a 3-mile fence along a dirt road; not allowed to leave base. Nothing to do within that fence. At all. Out of boredom one day, as I was ending a 12-hr overnight shift wired on Red Bull, I told a co-worker who is a huge runner, I think I have enough in me to run a half marathon. I was just bullshitting. He said, "Dude, you can't just decide to run a half marathon after work. You have to prep for that. Especially... Especially! if you've never done it." That just hit me the wrong way and I pretty much said, watch me. Got off work, ate a light breakfast, let the food settle, and the Red Bull die so I don't get a heart attack running, and I just went for it. Well.. my co-worker was right. Lol I didn't get to 13.1, I was slow as hell, but I've never felt so accomplished after running.

    Not to make excuses, but during my run, it went from 75° to 88° and the sun was out. I think even if it was just overcast, I would've made it. 1.6 miles left, I basically just decided there's a difference between being motivated and being stupid, because I started getting light-headed so I stopped and walked the rest (stopped my tracker though to not hurt the average Lol).

    Wow. That is great. It is good you listened to your body and stopped. You wouldn't want to pass out.

  • 1ThoughtKnown1ThoughtKnown Posts: 6,155
    Rolled my ankle this morning...luckily I was almost at the end of my run, so once I picked myself up off the ground from full wipe out mode, I was able to hobble back.  :lol:
    Looks and feels pretty crappy right now but as with most "ankles", the tell will be how it feels tomorrow.
    Slated for 11 miles on Saturday and I'm hoping worst case will be to push that a day and do my Sunday cross work on Saturday.
    The schedule gods demand sacrifice and commitment!

    Feel your pain. A little hint many people don’t know, a good chiropractor can significantly speed up ankle injury recovery through active release. I’ve rolled my ankles so many times in my life. According to my chiropractor, once it happens you are more susceptible to injury through life. 
  • Rolled my ankle this morning...luckily I was almost at the end of my run, so once I picked myself up off the ground from full wipe out mode, I was able to hobble back.  :lol:
    Looks and feels pretty crappy right now but as with most "ankles", the tell will be how it feels tomorrow.
    Slated for 11 miles on Saturday and I'm hoping worst case will be to push that a day and do my Sunday cross work on Saturday.
    The schedule gods demand sacrifice and commitment!

    Feel your pain. A little hint many people don’t know, a good chiropractor can significantly speed up ankle injury recovery through active release. I’ve rolled my ankles so many times in my life. According to my chiropractor, once it happens you are more susceptible to injury through life. 
    For sure on the reoccurrence.  For years I dealt with this but it had been kept at bay for a while.
    Still swollen and painful to walk.  Hoping tomorrow is better and I can run on Sunday.
    Will see.  If I need to hold off, I will.  (Very reluctantly.  I know I can power through a lot but I also know I have months of training on front of me.)
    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • oftenreadingoftenreading Posts: 12,845
    I am going to be in Vancouver this weekend visiting family. I am thinking about a run in Stanley Park tomorrow morning. I lived in Vancouver on and off for many years and was a runner during some of that time but I’ve never run there. I’m kind of excited about it. Might try a longer run if I have the time and inclination. 
    my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
  • GlowGirlGlowGirl Posts: 10,787
    Rolled my ankle this morning...luckily I was almost at the end of my run, so once I picked myself up off the ground from full wipe out mode, I was able to hobble back.  :lol:
    Looks and feels pretty crappy right now but as with most "ankles", the tell will be how it feels tomorrow.
    Slated for 11 miles on Saturday and I'm hoping worst case will be to push that a day and do my Sunday cross work on Saturday.
    The schedule gods demand sacrifice and commitment!

    Feel your pain. A little hint many people don’t know, a good chiropractor can significantly speed up ankle injury recovery through active release. I’ve rolled my ankles so many times in my life. According to my chiropractor, once it happens you are more susceptible to injury through life. 
    For sure on the reoccurrence.  For years I dealt with this but it had been kept at bay for a while.
    Still swollen and painful to walk.  Hoping tomorrow is better and I can run on Sunday.
    Will see.  If I need to hold off, I will.  (Very reluctantly.  I know I can power through a lot but I also know I have months of training on front of me.)
    I hope you feel better. I have had ankle injuries twice. Once on both ankles at the same time from bad running shoes. Definitely hard to walk. I think they are worse than knee injuries. Rest is the best.  

  • I am going to be in Vancouver this weekend visiting family. I am thinking about a run in Stanley Park tomorrow morning. I lived in Vancouver on and off for many years and was a runner during some of that time but I’ve never run there. I’m kind of excited about it. Might try a longer run if I have the time and inclination. 
    I would love to run that. We drove and walked around there when we visited.... beautiful!
    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • GlowGirl said:
    Rolled my ankle this morning...luckily I was almost at the end of my run, so once I picked myself up off the ground from full wipe out mode, I was able to hobble back.  :lol:
    Looks and feels pretty crappy right now but as with most "ankles", the tell will be how it feels tomorrow.
    Slated for 11 miles on Saturday and I'm hoping worst case will be to push that a day and do my Sunday cross work on Saturday.
    The schedule gods demand sacrifice and commitment!

    Feel your pain. A little hint many people don’t know, a good chiropractor can significantly speed up ankle injury recovery through active release. I’ve rolled my ankles so many times in my life. According to my chiropractor, once it happens you are more susceptible to injury through life. 
    For sure on the reoccurrence.  For years I dealt with this but it had been kept at bay for a while.
    Still swollen and painful to walk.  Hoping tomorrow is better and I can run on Sunday.
    Will see.  If I need to hold off, I will.  (Very reluctantly.  I know I can power through a lot but I also know I have months of training on front of me.)
    I hope you feel better. I have had ankle injuries twice. Once on both ankles at the same time from bad running shoes. Definitely hard to walk. I think they are worse than knee injuries. Rest is the best.  

    Thanks.  I'm not very good at rest.  Had to wait for three weeks earlier this year with what I believe were stress fractures in my foot.
    I hate wait!
    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • oftenreadingoftenreading Posts: 12,845
    I am going to be in Vancouver this weekend visiting family. I am thinking about a run in Stanley Park tomorrow morning. I lived in Vancouver on and off for many years and was a runner during some of that time but I’ve never run there. I’m kind of excited about it. Might try a longer run if I have the time and inclination. 
    I would love to run that. We drove and walked around there when we visited.... beautiful!
    Forced myself to go out and run 12 k from my hotel, around the sea wall, and back despite five and a half hours of sleep and yes, a bit hungover :lol:. Gorgeous day and the scenery kept me going. I’m sure glad I went. Might do a shorter run tomorrow morning before I head back home. 
    my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
  • Rock on!
    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • GlowGirlGlowGirl Posts: 10,787
    I am going to be in Vancouver this weekend visiting family. I am thinking about a run in Stanley Park tomorrow morning. I lived in Vancouver on and off for many years and was a runner during some of that time but I’ve never run there. I’m kind of excited about it. Might try a longer run if I have the time and inclination. 
    I would love to run that. We drove and walked around there when we visited.... beautiful!
    Forced myself to go out and run 12 k from my hotel, around the sea wall, and back despite five and a half hours of sleep and yes, a bit hungover :lol:. Gorgeous day and the scenery kept me going. I’m sure glad I went. Might do a shorter run tomorrow morning before I head back home. 
    That is awesome. Running in gorgeous scenery helps. Today was nice here as well. Hot - but much cooler than it has been. I managed 5 miles of running and then a 1.5 mile cool down walk. There was a nice breeze when I was walking. Almost completely dried my clothes by the time I got home. 
  • 24 degrees celcius. Still need to find a longer route

    "Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
  • lastexitlondonlastexitlondon Posts: 13,552
    edited August 2020
    Maybe do your route twice? I had a  route when i was younger  and i did  it twice in the end.
    brixton 93
    astoria 06
    albany 06
    hartford 06
    reading 06
    barcelona 06
    paris 06
    wembley 07
    dusseldorf 07
    nijmegen 07

    this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
  • How'd everyone do over the weekend? 

    @oftenreading, nice job on the 12K especially while a little hungover. 

    I'm holding off on running right now due to my inner thigh strain. I'm hoping it won't be more than 2 weeks. I am still walking, today felt better as I went along. I went from a 19 minute mile on Saturday, 17 minute mile for 2 miles yesterday, 14.5 minute miles for 2.75 miles today. 
  • Still tending to the ankle 
    Hoping I can run tomorrow but early returns are not looking good.  
    Like you, I should take a break, but I am loathe to consider that long away and to lose my spot in the training program progress.  If I can get going this week I can jump right in to where I left off on Thursday.
    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • PJNBPJNB Posts: 13,432
    edited August 2020
    Probably the right thing to do F Me In The Brain (lol how does one tag you) and @NewfieintheUSA. It is a hard thing to do when you are doing so well and being active but longterm it is definitely the right move. One thing though I would recommend is find out why you are injured and correct or add strength where needed. This is something I am extremely guilty of not doing then just quit out of frustration. Rinse and repeat. 

    I did a 10K yesterday after 8 days off and felt good. I might do a smaller faster run today then 7 days off again for me. I know if I just added one workout in while I am working it would help me out greatly but I am not getting much sleep on nightshift (3hrs tops) and 3 kids 5 and under to watch in the day before work has me beat. 
    Post edited by PJNB on
  • 3 kids under 5 is all the workout you need.  Might be tough to not just keep running....away.  :lol:

    I often times prove untaggable. ;)

    In my injury's case, I stepped on something or put my foot down wrong.  Unsure.  I do feel secure that it was not a no-reason-roll.  I know those well, though, from long ago.
    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • lastexitlondonlastexitlondon Posts: 13,552
    3 under 5. Hats off to you.
    brixton 93
    astoria 06
    albany 06
    hartford 06
    reading 06
    barcelona 06
    paris 06
    wembley 07
    dusseldorf 07
    nijmegen 07

    this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
  • Still tending to the ankle 
    Hoping I can run tomorrow but early returns are not looking good.  
    Like you, I should take a break, but I am loathe to consider that long away and to lose my spot in the training program progress.  If I can get going this week I can jump right in to where I left off on Thursday.
    I hate not running right now, I was doing 40-50 miles a week for the last few months. It's hard to not get back out running. I had a knee issue earlier this year early on in my training, I learned pretty quickly to not try to push through it. 

    My goal is to get through this quickly as I have a 15K race on Sept 20 and want to get back to training for it. 
  • Still tending to the ankle 
    Hoping I can run tomorrow but early returns are not looking good.  
    Like you, I should take a break, but I am loathe to consider that long away and to lose my spot in the training program progress.  If I can get going this week I can jump right in to where I left off on Thursday.
    I hate not running right now, I was doing 40-50 miles a week for the last few months. It's hard to not get back out running. I had a knee issue earlier this year early on in my training, I learned pretty quickly to not try to push through it. 

    My goal is to get through this quickly as I have a 15K race on Sept 20 and want to get back to training for it. 
    Same.  Had to stop for three weeks earlier in year as I trained for a 10 miler.
    With the 26 miles in November I feel like every day out is going to make it more challenging.  (I should just smile and know that challenges are why this is fun, right?!)
    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • GlowGirlGlowGirl Posts: 10,787
    3 kids under 5 is all the workout you need.  Might be tough to not just keep running....away.  :lol:

    I often times prove untaggable. ;)

    In my injury's case, I stepped on something or put my foot down wrong.  Unsure.  I do feel secure that it was not a no-reason-roll.  I know those well, though, from long ago.
    Resting your ankle for a few more days is probably the right thing to do. There is a stretch where I run on this path that is badly in need of repair - uneven, pot holes, missing chunks of blacktop. Luckily it is a short stretch, but I never take my eyes off the path when I am running. There are several spots where I have to sidestep around some small hazard.

    Last few days were good for me. Did 5 miles on Saturday, took yesterday off, and did 4.5 miles today. The weather was more pleasant so I was happy with my speed. I know you guys put on serious miles - but I am happy with my 4-5 miles. My goal in the fall is still a 10K, so hopefully that will happen in the next 2-3 months.

    F Me and Newfie - hope both your injuries heal up soon.

  • Thanks and good work!
    If you are comfortable running 4-5 miles now you will kill it in the 10k you are looking forward to.  Asks friend to time you or cheer you on somewhere along the way....that will help

    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • 1ThoughtKnown1ThoughtKnown Posts: 6,155
    Did my first 9 mile yesterday. Feel great today. Quickly learning how important the right socks are to avoid blisters. 

  • PJNBPJNB Posts: 13,432
    I just did an 8 mile. Was aiming for an average anywheres under 8min/mile and was able to get it. Ended up doing it 101:36. Now my next goal is to break 1hr. I do not think there is a need for me to go over 8 miles anytime soon. Its and hour long work out and I can change up the pace according if I get in better shape. 

    I have never got blisters while running. Is this a shoe size/quality issue more so than a sock issue? I got blisters all the time while hiking though I think that is due to more of the ups and downs. I always had great luck with breathable wool socks by Icebreaker while hiking and would imagine they would be great for runners with blisters too. 
  • oftenreadingoftenreading Posts: 12,845
    I haven’t had any blisters while running either, but I did buy several pairs of running-specific socks when I got my new shoes. 
    my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
  • GlowGirlGlowGirl Posts: 10,787
    Did my first 9 mile yesterday. Feel great today. Quickly learning how important the right socks are to avoid blisters. 

    My favorite running socks are Balega. I have several pairs in different lengths. They are a bit pricey, but are really comfy. They also seem pretty durable. No holes yet.

  • PJNBPJNB Posts: 13,432
    edited August 2020
    Since we are on topic of gear what does everyone use for shoes? I have always run in either Asic Nimbus or Cumulus. While fairly heavy they are very comfortable and fits my neutral pronation fairly well. 
  • GlowGirlGlowGirl Posts: 10,787
    I wear ASIC Cloud Nimbus as well. I am also neutral pronator. I have a narrow foot, and really liked the 20s since they were narrow - still have a pair of those in the box - I was hoarding them before the 21s came out. But I also bought the 22s and they remind me of the 20s, so I have been wearing those the past few months.
  • Socks....I only notice if I use shitty ones which are too tight.  Gave them all away.
    Good ones do feel very nice!

    Shoes - Brooks Ghost

    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • PJNB said:
    I just did an 8 mile. Was aiming for an average anywheres under 8min/mile and was able to get it. Ended up doing it 101:36. Now my next goal is to break 1hr. I do not think there is a need for me to go over 8 miles anytime soon. Its and hour long work out and I can change up the pace according if I get in better shape. 

    I have never got blisters while running. Is this a shoe size/quality issue more so than a sock issue? I got blisters all the time while hiking though I think that is due to more of the ups and downs. I always had great luck with breathable wool socks by Icebreaker while hiking and would imagine they would be great for runners with blisters too. 
    That is fast, nice work.  That is when I am going downhill, to run at 8 mph, or on the home stretch.  
    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • GlowGirlGlowGirl Posts: 10,787
    Did my first 9 mile yesterday. Feel great today. Quickly learning how important the right socks are to avoid blisters. 

    Excellent accomplishment!! Congrats :hang_loose:

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