Anyone here tried this new thing called "jogging" ?



  • Spiritual_ChaosSpiritual_Chaos Posts: 30,055
    edited July 10
    I wanna do a VO2-test. There was talk about us at my department going together as a "team building exercise" or whatever... but hasn't happened. A bit expensive here to pay for it..
    "Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
  • NewfieintheUSANewfieintheUSA Posts: 2,414
    My surgery is coming up on Monday! I'll be glad to have this fixed and to be back to running late this year
  • iOnlyownMymindiOnlyownMymind Posts: 2,716
    How is everyone's summer running going?  Mine has ebbed and flowed but getting in some fun trail running lately.  
  • GlowGirlGlowGirl New York, NY Posts: 10,644
    How is everyone's summer running going?  Mine has ebbed and flowed but getting in some fun trail running lately.  
    Got a bit off schedule the past month with some traveling but managed a run today. It was raining so I did the treadmill at the gym. I actually don’t mind the treadmill that much. 
  • NewfieintheUSANewfieintheUSA Posts: 2,414
    My surgery went well. Probably another 7-10 weeks before I can start running, on crutches still until next Monday. Hopefully my hip feels good for the Indy concert 
  • GlowGirlGlowGirl New York, NY Posts: 10,644
    My surgery went well. Probably another 7-10 weeks before I can start running, on crutches still until next Monday. Hopefully my hip feels good for the Indy concert 
    Good luck with the recovery. I will see you in Indy!!
  • iOnlyownMymindiOnlyownMymind Posts: 2,716
    GlowGirl said:
    How is everyone's summer running going?  Mine has ebbed and flowed but getting in some fun trail running lately.  
    Got a bit off schedule the past month with some traveling but managed a run today. It was raining so I did the treadmill at the gym. I actually don’t mind the treadmill that much. 
    Sunday and yesterday I got in a couple of good hill workouts. I  have a hard time with the treadmill. Never have gotten very used to it. I just find it so darn boring, find myself just staring at the clock on it and feel like my running stride isn’t normal. If the weather sucks I usually just go lift weights. Wish I liked it more but a couple miles on it and I have to go do something else. 
  • GlowGirlGlowGirl New York, NY Posts: 10,644
    GlowGirl said:
    How is everyone's summer running going?  Mine has ebbed and flowed but getting in some fun trail running lately.  
    Got a bit off schedule the past month with some traveling but managed a run today. It was raining so I did the treadmill at the gym. I actually don’t mind the treadmill that much. 
    Sunday and yesterday I got in a couple of good hill workouts. I  have a hard time with the treadmill. Never have gotten very used to it. I just find it so darn boring, find myself just staring at the clock on it and feel like my running stride isn’t normal. If the weather sucks I usually just go lift weights. Wish I liked it more but a couple miles on it and I have to go do something else. 
    It can get boring on the treadmill. But part of the reason I like it is that I get to zone out a bit and listen to music. Running outside on the NYC sidewalks is like running an obstacle course. You always have to dodge people and pay really close attention to where you are going. I used to along the East River which was better in terms of pedestrian traffic - but it is a construction zone now for the next few years. 
  • SpunkieSpunkie I come from downtown. Posts: 6,386
    edited August 9
    I bought a treadmill for the kid. Her team thinks they should run 10 km a week. This is an awesome idea to throw out there during the high 30s summer weather. /Sarcasm emoji/🤣/roll eyes

     I mostly just let her play and swim and tube and water ski and water slide and stand up paddle board and toss the football around. I'm not a drill sergeant. Keeping activities fun!

    I mean this is a running thread and you all must like running but that is a last resort for me. If I cannot downhill ski or water ski I might break down and run alhough I did find myself enjoying it a couple years back when I started. it was all right running to "Running" last spring, too. but yeah I water ski ten to 20 miles a day five or six times a week.
    Post edited by Spunkie on
  • Spiritual_ChaosSpiritual_Chaos Posts: 30,055
    Haven’t really run all of summer. 

    But has signed up for a trail run (12km) on the 5th of october with some friends. So time to start running again
    "Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
  • PJ-CubsPJ-Cubs Posts: 3,316
    Summer running (and Chicago Marathon hopes) has been put on hold while I work through an injury.

    Starting to look for a Spring marathon.  Has anyone ever done Big Sur?  The elevation changes look brutal but the scenery is amazing.
  • Spiritual_ChaosSpiritual_Chaos Posts: 30,055
    edited August 24

    "Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
  • Spiritual_ChaosSpiritual_Chaos Posts: 30,055
    Signed up for next years "Göteborgsvarvet". Half marathon. Has been the biggest in the world. 
    "Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
  • SpunkieSpunkie I come from downtown. Posts: 6,386
    Signed up for next years "Göteborgsvarvet". Half marathon. Has been the biggest in the world. 
    Well done. I hope you have a good running weather (and no fatalities).

    I figured this week it would be better to run the dog than run on my treadmill.

    This morning while I was at my favorite creek run nearby, I saw a sign framed and nailed into a tree which said  "it was essential not to be recognized so I cut off my face", a captioned cartoon picturing a mummy and a couple skeletons.

    Suffice it to say, that puts a nail in the coffin of this season's running attempts.
  • beano.79beano.79 Posts: 735
    Hey guys!

    I'm 3 weeks away from running the Robin Hood 100 for the 2nd time. Training has gone really well and I cannot wait. I've totally forgotten how to run 100 miles but that just makes it more exciting!

    I'm currently away with the family for the week and my training has been on the Norfolk coastal path, beautiful but a little tough. Hope everyone is doing great.
  • iOnlyownMymindiOnlyownMymind Posts: 2,716
    Good luck beano and nice photos.  
  • GlowGirlGlowGirl New York, NY Posts: 10,644
    Wow Beano - that is beautiful and your upcoming run sounds incredible. Keep us posted. Good luck with the training. 
  • beano.79beano.79 Posts: 735

    Night time 20 miles with my cousin and race partner
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