I'm just as bummed/pissed as anyone, but it's a really weak move to blame the government for their decisions. Just man up and own the calls you made. It just adds more dissent and anger to an already crappy situation.
Two paragraphs, right next to each other.
"We’ve worked hard with all our management and business associates to find other solutions or options but the levels of risk to our audience and their communities is simply too high for our comfort level. Add to that we also have a unique group of passionate fans who travel far and wide. We’ve always been humbled by this and respect their energies and devotion. However in this case, travel is something to avoid.
It certainly hasn’t helped that there’s been no clear messages from our government regarding people’s safety and our ability to go to work. Having no examples of our national health department’s ability to get ahead of this, we have no reason to believe that it will be under control in the coming weeks ahead. "
I disagree that they're "blaming the government", and I don't see how you can disagree with that portion of the statement even. Read that paragraph and tell me where it's false.
I feel for anyone who is losing money as a result, or may not be able to make the rescheduled dates. That sucks.
PJ is seeing firsthand what’s happening in Seattle... I trust their judgement.
Defensive Trump supporters should stfu, he’s bungled this every step of the way.
I get it, however, is there a refund for 10 club tickets or will the tix be good for the re scheduled shows. How about people who are traveling, and cant possibly get refunds for hotel or flights? That's money a lot of us cant afford to lose.
I’m almost positive cancellation policies went out the window. Confirm with your airline and hotel about a credit or refund due to the virus.
Agree 100% on this...I would boycott any company that tried to pull this shit.
criticize me all you want but this band never cancelled shows over people dying of cancer or drug overdoses which have killed more than this virus...im starting to think that some of us grew up and away from this band and started to think for ourselves
they announce 2 new festivals today but cancelled the spring tour??? Oh please tell me how that makes sense when festivals have a higher rate of virus transfers and supposedly during those festival times the rates of infection are supposed to be at a higher rate if you believe that farce???
Buehler? Buehler?
Hey Man - STOP with the trolling and comparing HIV, Drug Overdoses and Cancer deaths to concerts being postponed due to a virus that we're all still learning about. Get a grip you're offensive AF and your posts should be deleted by the mods.
i hate when they delete posts by idiots. gotta showcase the idiocy in all its glory for posterity.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Maybe they will still play the Apollo show and along with scanning our ticket they can scan our forehead for a fever. Just kidding. Is what it is, it’s just a concert (I have tix to QC) and will hopefully be free for new date.
Springfield 4/6/94, Boston 4/6/94, Hartford 10/2/96, New York 9/11/98, Hartford 9/13/98, Mansfield 8/30/00, Boston 9/28/04, Reading 10/1/04, Quebec City 9/20/05, Boston 5/24/06, Hartford 5/13/06, New York 6/25/08, Hartford 6/27/08 Philadelphia 10/31/09, Hartford 10/15/10, Boston 10/17/10, East Troy 9/3/11, East Troy 9/4/11, Missoula 9/30/12, Worcester 10/15/13, Hartford 10/25/13, Charlottesville 10/29/13, St. Paul 10/19/14, New York 9/26/15, Quebec City 5/5/16, Boston 8/5/16, Boston 9/2/18, Boston 9/4/18, Quebec City 9/1/22, Camden 9/14/22, Oklahoma City 9/20/22
It’s sad with some of the responses on here. The band made the right call. Some of you need to have your heads examined. It’s a concert, they will make it up. People’s safety should be #1. What happened to basic human compassion?
Gone. Some’s true colors are a lot...different...than what I thought.
I'm bummed, but I expected this announcement. I have my doubts that the rescheduled date will work for me. Hopefully they add more dates along with the rescheduled dates.
As a person with multiple health issues thanks for making that tough decision. I will miss having the energy recharge me, but glad the decision was taking out of my hands. Sorry for those who have made travel plans, but the weight of this health crisis is too heavy for the band to take on.
Great post! Many fans are in the same boat. Looking at the big picture makes it easier to see why it's the right choice.
"The heart and mind are the true lens of the camera." - Yusuf Karsh
I get it, however, is there a refund for 10 club tickets or will the tix be good for the re scheduled shows. How about people who are traveling, and cant possibly get refunds for hotel or flights? That's money a lot of us cant afford to lose.
I’m almost positive cancellation policies went out the window. Confirm with your airline and hotel about a credit or refund due to the virus.
Agree 100% on this...I would boycott any company that tried to pull this shit.
criticize me all you want but this band never cancelled shows over people dying of cancer or drug overdoses which have killed more than this virus...im starting to think that some of us grew up and away from this band and started to think for ourselves
they announce 2 new festivals today but cancelled the spring tour??? Oh please tell me how that makes sense when festivals have a higher rate of virus transfers and supposedly during those festival times the rates of infection are supposed to be at a higher rate if you believe that farce???
Buehler? Buehler?
Hey Man - STOP with the trolling and comparing HIV, Drug Overdoses and Cancer deaths to concerts being postponed due to a virus that we're all still learning about. Get a grip you're offensive AF and your posts should be deleted by the mods.
i hate when they delete posts by idiots. gotta showcase the idiocy in all its glory for posterity.
Many thanks to the band for what had to be a difficult decision. I know it was difficult for me to decide whether or not to travel and risk bringing home an illness that could kill my mom. Even though I've delayed and delayed making the final call, I knew in my gut I couldn't risk that and it was just a matter of time. I can't imagine the heavy spirit in the room when this decision was made. I hope the band and their families are and remain healthy.
Will see you soon. I just hope the new date coincides with another school holiday -- spring break was just perfect! -- but I doubt I will be that lucky next time. Oh well. I guess I'll have to feign an illness -- haha!
Answer me @PearlJam would you do this is Obama was in office...im done with this band and their propaganda
I can answer that one: if Mr. Obama was in office, he never would have gutted the epidemic response team, because he started the damn thing, he would not be on FOX News every other day talking out his ass about crap he knows nothing about and he would have responded proactively so there would be enough testing kits so people could receive proper treatment.
If you are done with the band and their propaganda, thats too bad. At least they believe in whats right and fair and they stand behind those beliefs. They have a conscience. And thats a fuck ton more than a lot of other bands can say.
"Tomorrow is not promised, make plans anyway." - Lin Manuel Miranda
It's really sad that this tour postponement announcement wasn't a sufficiently safe space for Trumpists. Why must the real world constantly pierce their bubble?
I'm just as bummed/pissed as anyone, but it's a really weak move to blame the government for their decisions. Just man up and own the calls you made. It just adds more dissent and anger to an already crappy situation.
Agreed...and just because a dozen old sick people died from this and schools and businesses closed...the sky is falling. Well, it might be...but I don't think it is. I think this will go down as the biggest example of overblown media-induced hysteria in the history of man. I hope I'm right...as sad as that would be it is better than the alternative. Still though...way too early for anyone not 70 and sick to worry about.
Nice to see you have a heart . . .pfft. Oh I wish I could be by your side when/if you turn 70 someday. Pretty sure your bad attitude will do you in by then. BTW, I have a niece and nephew with Cystic Fibrosis, they are both under 25, and this is something that could severely affect them. Anyone with a chronic illness. So screw you.
The band and everyone involved with the band has to hate this more than any of us.
People are pissed and emotional...I get it. We need to be willing to give a pass on this one for saying things they probably regret.
I will still get to see Pearl Jam and everything will be okay. That’s what my 7 year old son just told me.
Also, I like this part of the letter. It is well said.
“We are so sorry…
And deeply upset...
If anyone out there feels the same based on this news, we share that emotion with you.”
What Ed is trying to say is he is gutted.
Seeing visions of falling up somehow.
Pensacola '94 New Orleans '95 Birmingham '98 New Orleans '00 New Orleans '03 Tampa '08 New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest Fenway Park '18 St. Louis '22
everybody knows this is nowhere Posts: 7,641
edited March 2020
Absolutely the right call to make. It's good to see PJ putting the fans' safety first, even though they would have known that a minority would start stirring shit up on here with idiotic and ill informed comments.
Post edited by goldrush on
“Do not postpone happiness”
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
Also 100% appropriate to bring the government's response into this since a more capable administration and better preventative measures might have better mitigated the potential for this postponement. To anybody bringing transmission rates, recovery rates, growth rates from other countries into the equation, please look at the lengths those countries are going to, including-for starters-acknowledging the scale of the problem. What's happening in the US right now is an embarrassment and will unfortunately lead to a more sustained period of exponential growth. Nobody knows how bad this is in the States right now but it's nearly guaranteed to get much worse before it gets better.
I appreciate the band looking out for us. Cheers!
Thank you to EH14457 for contributing a clear, concise, apolitical response and to the other contributors who have tried to separate what the band wrote from what others have interpreted.
It’s sad with some of the responses on here. The band made the right call. Some of you need to have your heads examined. It’s a concert, they will make it up. People’s safety should be #1. What happened to basic human compassion?
Gone. Some’s true colors are a lot...different...than what I thought.
anyone in particular? i see a couple wackos and some others who have differing opinions.
i just personally believe this is very reactionary and unnecessary at this point in time. they made the call, it's fine, hopefully i can make the make up date. no need for such harsh character judgment.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I'm bummed. Damn. I get it but I'm still sad. It took a lot of planning, saving and long hours at work to make the show in Nashville happen. I'm still going. I have been looking forward to visiting Nashville and can't afford to cancel. I'm hoping I will be issued a refund rather than validating my tickets for an upcoming postponed show. There is no way I can make that happen.
my wife is wondering, if our flights can't be refunded, if we should still make the trip to ottawa. we won't be able to go twice, and if we already paid once.....she's at a conference in toronto right now, she says the place is a creep-fest with everyone wearing surgical masks.
I know. I will be so disapointed if I go to Nashville and the bars and streets are empty! That would suck.
I'm bummed. Damn. I get it but I'm still sad. It took a lot of planning, saving and long hours at work to make the show in Nashville happen. I'm still going. I have been looking forward to visiting Nashville and can't afford to cancel. I'm hoping I will be issued a refund rather than validating my tickets for an upcoming postponed show. There is no way I can make that happen.
my wife is wondering, if our flights can't be refunded, if we should still make the trip to ottawa. we won't be able to go twice, and if we already paid once.....she's at a conference in toronto right now, she says the place is a creep-fest with everyone wearing surgical masks.
I know. I will be so disapointed if I go to Nashville and the bars and streets are empty! That would suck.
Going to Nashville when it isn't overrun with tourists? Sounds wonderful. You'd have the city to yourself. Just you and the locals with no waiting at the bar!
Seattle 1992, Seattle 1992, Seattle 1993, Seattle 1995, Seattle 1996, Seattle 1998, Seattle 2001, Seattle 2002, Seattle 2005, Gorge 2006, Seattle 2009, Seattle 2013, Chicago 2016 x2, Seattle 2018 x2, San Diego 2022, Nashville 2022, Seattle 2022 - Eddie Vedder
this is absolutely upsetting for most on this board. While we might disagree with the decision. We can all agree that corduroy is the best song every made.
this is absolutely upsetting for most on this board. While we might disagree with the decision. We can all agree that corduroy is the best song every made.
I've been fortunate to have been a long time fan, joining the fan club in '98, only missing New England shows because of higher priority events, even after moving to Essentially Nowhere, New Hampshire 12 years ago. While it has been disappointing to miss I think 2 shows since '08, I was going to make the call to head to Quebec next week, and was highly leaning toward not attending (98%) before this notice, and would not have made had a heavy heart in making this decision. And this is despite going to Boston to see a show on 3/2.
My wife happens to work at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, the site where a medical intern presented as the first case of Covid-19 in New Hampshire. While this person was asked to self-isolate after returning from Italy, s/he (I'm really trying to be generous here, but details are out there) chose to attend an event and became the link to the next case or 2 in NH. This person should have known better, but selfishness or naivete got the better of this person. I can tell you the staff is livid. Again, this is a person that should have been educated enough to follow recommendation and not attend public events. I think we all know how the general population acts.
Most fans are going to want to go to a show regardless. I mean, QC 2016 was one of my favorite shows, and I have GA again. This is certainly a case where, until things personally affect you, the typical person will act as if nothing is wrong (Purell hoarding aside...). One always has a decision to make, whether it be the selfish one or the altruistic one.
Here's my worst case. I go to Quebec with 20,000 other fans, where even at this time I suspect someone is a carrier. Even though I choose to stand at the back of the GA section, arriving at 8:30, and leaving before the lights go out, I would still be in the vicinity of 500 people. If I can then get back across the border without quarantine, if I am a carrier, I am less concerned about my wife and kids, because we are generally healthy, than I am with any interaction with my in-laws, who have health problems. If I were a carrier I can guarantee that one of then has a >30% chance of dying from this. I don't really want that on my conscience, hence my gravitation toward eating the ticket.
I honestly did not expect a call on postponement to be made until the end of the week, and even then I thought cancellations in select cities (NYC in particular) may still have been on the table. While my costs are negligible compared to others traveling this tour, everyone needs to look at the bigger picture. There are still a lot of unknown unknowns with the spread of this virus. While it may very well be tapering in China, there currently is no way to tell what each generation of mutations may yield. Concerts/sports events are the easiest mechanism to spreading this virus further afield. I have seen enough through unofficial channels to state that Pearl Jam has made the right call, as difficult as it may have been for them.
There is still a chance that the medical system becomes overburdened by this virus. I read one tweetstorm showing how easily every available bed could be filled because of the virus, on top of current medical needs. Removing one possible source of vectors really is only a small step in containment. Small individual steps (soap!) help just the same, and while this source of so much joy has been taken away, we all have an album to help get us through. Stay well out there.
1996: Augusta 9/26 1998: Mansfield 9/15 Mansfield 9/16 2000: Jones Beach I 8/23 Mansfield I 8/29 Las Vegas 10/22 2003: Albany 4/29 Mansfield I 7/2 Mansfield II 7/3 MSG I 7/8 Mansfield III 7/11 2004: Boston I 9/28 Boston II 9/29 2006: Boston I 5/24 Boston II 5/25 2008: Hartford 6/27 2010: Boston 5/17 2013: Worcester I 10/15, Hartford 10/25 2016: Quebec City 5/5 Fenway 8/5, Fenway 8/7 2018: Fenway 9/2, Fenway 9/4 2024: Fenway 9/15, Fenway 9/17
I'm just as bummed/pissed as anyone, but it's a really weak move to blame the government for their decisions. Just man up and own the calls you made. It just adds more dissent and anger to an already crappy situation.
Two paragraphs, right next to each other.
"We’ve worked hard with all our management and business associates to find other solutions or options but the levels of risk to our audience and their communities is simply too high for our comfort level. Add to that we also have a unique group of passionate fans who travel far and wide. We’ve always been humbled by this and respect their energies and devotion. However in this case, travel is something to avoid.
It certainly hasn’t helped that there’s been no clear messages from our government regarding people’s safety and our ability to go to work. Having no examples of our national health department’s ability to get ahead of this, we have no reason to believe that it will be under control in the coming weeks ahead. "
I disagree that they're "blaming the government", and I don't see how you can disagree with that portion of the statement even. Read that paragraph and tell me where it's false.
I feel for anyone who is losing money as a result, or may not be able to make the rescheduled dates. That sucks.
PJ is seeing firsthand what’s happening in Seattle... I trust their judgement.
Defensive Trump supporters should stfu, he’s bungled this every step of the way.
Why does EVERYTHING some how boil down to L vs R, Trump supporters vs “snowflakes” and every other BS term that has managed to insert the Left vs Right paradigm into every facet of our lives?
I've been fortunate to have been a long time fan, joining the fan club in '98, only missing New England shows because of higher priority events, even after moving to Essentially Nowhere, New Hampshire 12 years ago. While it has been disappointing to miss I think 2 shows since '08, I was going to make the call to head to Quebec next week, and was highly leaning toward not attending (98%) before this notice, and would not have made had a heavy heart in making this decision. And this is despite going to Boston to see a show on 3/2.
My wife happens to work at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, the site where a medical intern presented as the first case of Covid-19 in New Hampshire. While this person was asked to self-isolate after returning from Italy, s/he (I'm really trying to be generous here, but details are out there) chose to attend an event and became the link to the next case or 2 in NH. This person should have known better, but selfishness or naivete got the better of this person. I can tell you the staff is livid. Again, this is a person that should have been educated enough to follow recommendation and not attend public events. I think we all know how the general population acts.
Most fans are going to want to go to a show regardless. I mean, QC 2016 was one of my favorite shows, and I have GA again. This is certainly a case where, until things personally affect you, the typical person will act as if nothing is wrong (Purell hoarding aside...). One always has a decision to make, whether it be the selfish one or the altruistic one.
Here's my worst case. I go to Quebec with 20,000 other fans, where even at this time I suspect someone is a carrier. Even though I choose to stand at the back of the GA section, arriving at 8:30, and leaving before the lights go out, I would still be in the vicinity of 500 people. If I can then get back across the border without quarantine, if I am a carrier, I am less concerned about my wife and kids, because we are generally healthy, than I am with any interaction with my in-laws, who have health problems. If I were a carrier I can guarantee that one of then has a >30% chance of dying from this. I don't really want that on my conscience, hence my gravitation toward eating the ticket.
I honestly did not expect a call on postponement to be made until the end of the week, and even then I thought cancellations in select cities (NYC in particular) may still have been on the table. While my costs are negligible compared to others traveling this tour, everyone needs to look at the bigger picture. There are still a lot of unknown unknowns with the spread of this virus. While it may very well be tapering in China, there currently is no way to tell what each generation of mutations may yield. Concerts/sports events are the easiest mechanism to spreading this virus further afield. I have seen enough through unofficial channels to state that Pearl Jam has made the right call, as difficult as it may have been for them.
There is still a chance that the medical system becomes overburdened by this virus. I read one tweetstorm showing how easily every available bed could be filled because of the virus, on top of current medical needs. Removing one possible source of vectors really is only a small step in containment. Small individual steps (soap!) help just the same, and while this source of so much joy has been taken away, we all have an album to help get us through. Stay well out there.
So we shouldn't go to work if we have the Virus like Mr. President says?
I feel for anyone who is losing money as a result, or may not be able to make the rescheduled dates. That sucks.
Defensive Trump supporters should stfu, he’s bungled this every step of the way.
-EV 8/14/93
Boston 10/17/10, East Troy 9/3/11, East Troy 9/4/11, Missoula 9/30/12, Worcester 10/15/13, Hartford 10/25/13, Charlottesville 10/29/13,
St. Paul 10/19/14, New York 9/26/15, Quebec City 5/5/16, Boston 8/5/16, Boston 9/2/18, Boston 9/4/18, Quebec City 9/1/22, Camden 9/14/22, Oklahoma City 9/20/22
Right on...
First PJ Show: March 20, 1994 | Ann Arbor | Crisler Arena
"A confidence man, but why so beleaguered?
He's not a leader, he's a Texas leaguer"
"How does he do it? How do they do it? Uncanny and immutable"
"Blackout weaves its way through the cities"
Will see you soon. I just hope the new date coincides with another school holiday -- spring break was just perfect! -- but I doubt I will be that lucky next time. Oh well. I guess I'll have to feign an illness -- haha!
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
“We are so sorry…
And deeply upset...
If anyone out there feels the same based on this news, we share that emotion with you.”
What Ed is trying to say is he is gutted.
Pensacola '94
New Orleans '95
Birmingham '98
New Orleans '00
New Orleans '03
Tampa '08
New Orleans '10 - Jazzfest
New Orleans '16 - Jazzfest
Fenway Park '18
St. Louis '22
(Jeff Tweedy, Sydney 2007)
“Put yer good money on the sunrise”
(Tim Rogers)
i just personally believe this is very reactionary and unnecessary at this point in time. they made the call, it's fine, hopefully i can make the make up date. no need for such harsh character judgment.
-EV 8/14/93
There are no kings inside the gates of eden
you americans don't wash your hands or what?
-EV 8/14/93
2003: Albany 4/29 Mansfield I 7/2 Mansfield II 7/3 MSG I 7/8 Mansfield III 7/11 2004: Boston I 9/28 Boston II 9/29
2006: Boston I 5/24 Boston II 5/25 2008: Hartford 6/27 2010: Boston 5/17
2013: Worcester I 10/15, Hartford 10/25 2016: Quebec City 5/5 Fenway 8/5, Fenway 8/7 2018: Fenway 9/2, Fenway 9/4 2024: Fenway 9/15, Fenway 9/17
and every other BS term that has managed to insert the Left vs Right paradigm into every facet of our lives?
Not everything needs to be politicized