All schools in an infected area should be closed. Those places are like petri dishes, kids sneezing and coughing. Ugh I was on edge last week.
Exactly. Anyone who thinks schools won’t help spread this must have been home schooled.
Literally the day before we closed I saw a girl dump her bag of chips on her desk and eat them straight off the desk, and of course sharing with others. Even without an outbreak this is disgusting, I bet less than half the students wash their hands after using the bathroom.
I never teach from my desk, I am always roaming around and interacting with the students. last week I was like, fuck that! I taught from my desk and set up a perimeter. lol
You snowflakes with your safe spaces :P
Edit: fully joking if unclear
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
All schools in an infected area should be closed. Those places are like petri dishes, kids sneezing and coughing. Ugh I was on edge last week.
Exactly. Anyone who thinks schools won’t help spread this must have been home schooled.
Literally the day before we closed I saw a girl dump her bag of chips on her desk and eat them straight off the desk, and of course sharing with others. Even without an outbreak this is disgusting, I bet less than half the students wash their hands after using the bathroom.
I never teach from my desk, I am always roaming around and interacting with the students. last week I was like, fuck that! I taught from my desk and set up a perimeter. lol
When the U.S. goes on full lock-down (I'm guessing the word "if" no longer applies), we will obviously be able to go to the grocery store for essentials. I wonder if there will be rations put in place. I would think certain items that everyone has been hoarding (TP, sanitizer, etc.), but what about food? Curious what others think.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
When the U.S. goes on full lock-down (I'm guessing the word "if" no longer applies), we will obviously be able to go to the grocery store for essentials. I wonder if there will be rations put in place. I would think certain items that everyone has been hoarding (TP, sanitizer, etc.), but what about food? Curious what others think.
I think there is a decent chance of this happening before Monday.
However, without the govt taking the stance of calling off all payments/collections for things this very well could be the death knell for small business as we know it.
A buddy who was the COO just facilitated a company-wide layoff, including himself. The only chance they have to survive and resume services after this all sugars out -- and the only way people can continue to function is if the govt takes some drastic steps.
Pretty sure the comfort question was asked and answered. Not sure why being antagonistic has to remain a part of your posts. Let it go.
Shit is awful for so many.
Who follows CA, today?
In the age of false flag trump it was very infuriating reading those posts here the past 36 hours. Especially because my life and death is contingent on you and everyone else being smart and intelligent.
Especially as I was sitting for the last four days in one of the top ICUs in the Northeast, speaking with top doctors about the current healthcare situation. Especially how I was quarantined for nearly 40 hours due to one similar symptom of a family member. Zero room for misdiagnosis in these troubled times. We for the most part knew our family health issue was a virus other than covid, still scary as shit? The tests take days to be certain of accuracy. Currently everyone healthy.
Especially reading how one long time poster was comforted because while walking their dog or something like that a doctor they know told them this is overblown. ID specialist completely updated? Who the FMe knows. And another long time poster was comforted by living in a Logan’s Run horror movie. Glad for that.
Make more sense now?
. .
I get where your coming from, but your anger is misdirected going after an individual poster you know nothing about. You got it completely wrong with your comfort rants.
So knock it off.
you are still personally attacking someone who was at ground zero of this pandemic this week. Message received.
Personally attacking? Not even close.
We all have our own situations to deal with, it doesn't excuse your behavior.
For typing the word comfort? That's a "rant?" Considering where I've been and what ive faced this week that could be taken as a personal attack. But I'm chilling. We are all facing stress. Most of us not from an ICU thankfully.
Misinformation and false sense of security is dangerous with a mostly asymptomatic & highly contagious disease. Apparently that factual statement needs to still be said. That's a rant?
One of the most dangerous rumors spreading currently is the " my friend is a doctor and he says this is overblown." Comments like those were rampant on this topic 36 hours ago. Am I ranting or stating facts?
The Logans Run scenario, also prevalent on this topic, is also very dangerous. Evidently the FL Republican governor agrees as he shut down the beaches that the young adults were packing this week. Are those rants or stating facts?
SARS Global deaths: 774; 15 percent mortality rate; no U.S. deaths
H1N1 Global deaths: over 284,000; 12,469 in the United States; death rate was .02 percent
Ebola Global deaths: 11,325 deaths; death rate was about 50 percent
Coronavirus 10,447 global deaths to date, 3.4% Mortality Rate estimate by the WHO as of March 3
I don't trust the corona virus mortality rate, because we have no idea how many people have it. I expect the numbers in the US to sky rocket once more testing becomes available.
That could be a double edged sword. The total cases will go up first as testing increases while the mortality rate declines. That could create false optimism as there is usually a 3 week window from positive test result to onset of severe symptoms.
We need to be extremely careful and scientific in how we try to understand this crisis.
When the U.S. goes on full lock-down (I'm guessing the word "if" no longer applies), we will obviously be able to go to the grocery store for essentials. I wonder if there will be rations put in place. I would think certain items that everyone has been hoarding (TP, sanitizer, etc.), but what about food? Curious what others think.
I think there is a decent chance of this happening before Monday.
However, without the govt taking the stance of calling off all payments/collections for things this very well could be the death knell for small business as we know it.
A buddy who was the COO just facilitated a company-wide layoff, including himself. The only chance they have to survive and resume services after this all sugars out -- and the only way people can continue to function is if the govt takes some drastic steps.
Buckle up, folks.
I hope I am wrong.
There has to be a moratorium put in place. It seems to be the only way to avoid a collapse on some level.
When the U.S. goes on full lock-down (I'm guessing the word "if" no longer applies), we will obviously be able to go to the grocery store for essentials. I wonder if there will be rations put in place. I would think certain items that everyone has been hoarding (TP, sanitizer, etc.), but what about food? Curious what others think.
At Costco we've already put a limit on some food. Rice, milk, eggs etc.
We limit how many people are in the warehouse at a time too but really we need to go to cardholder only. These groups of families coming in...jeesh. They bring all the kids and the grandparents. People here apparently just aren't understanding social distancing.
When the U.S. goes on full lock-down (I'm guessing the word "if" no longer applies), we will obviously be able to go to the grocery store for essentials. I wonder if there will be rations put in place. I would think certain items that everyone has been hoarding (TP, sanitizer, etc.), but what about food? Curious what others think.
I think there is a decent chance of this happening before Monday.
However, without the govt taking the stance of calling off all payments/collections for things this very well could be the death knell for small business as we know it.
A buddy who was the COO just facilitated a company-wide layoff, including himself. The only chance they have to survive and resume services after this all sugars out -- and the only way people can continue to function is if the govt takes some drastic steps.
Buckle up, folks.
I hope I am wrong.
First Merchants announced it is allowing 90 days of deferral, so hopefully they will do so on the business and property loan, that will help tremendously.
Are you guys still making visits to stores as necessary or trying to avoid them? My wife just ran to the store for some necessities and I feel like I'm sending her into battle, for lack of a better comparison. So much risk just walking into the damn store right now. Then you wait and hope no symptoms appear.
Are you guys still making visits to stores as necessary or trying to avoid them? My wife just ran to the store for some necessities and I feel like I'm sending her into battle, for lack of a better comparison. So much risk just walking into the damn store right now. Then you wait and hope no symptoms appear.
I stocked up the moment the first case was reported in California. I knew this would happen. I want nothing to do with going to any grocery stores. Total petri dishes at this point.
Are you guys still making visits to stores as necessary or trying to avoid them? My wife just ran to the store for some necessities and I feel like I'm sending her into battle, for lack of a better comparison. So much risk just walking into the damn store right now. Then you wait and hope no symptoms appear.
I stocked up the moment the first case was reported in California. I knew this would happen. I want nothing to do with going to any grocery stores. Total petri dishes at this point.
I‘ll be going out for fresh fruit at some point but other than that I‘ll avoid it as long as possible
Are you guys still making visits to stores as necessary or trying to avoid them? My wife just ran to the store for some necessities and I feel like I'm sending her into battle, for lack of a better comparison. So much risk just walking into the damn store right now. Then you wait and hope no symptoms appear.
I stocked up the moment the first case was reported in California. I knew this would happen. I want nothing to do with going to any grocery stores. Total petri dishes at this point.
We did the same with non-perishable foods, but we are in need of some other things at this point (fruits, veggies, etc.). Obviously we could live without them, but it's hard to go on full blown boxed/ canned/ frozen food eating. It sucks that making a "necessary" visit to the store for "essentials" carries such risk.
Are you guys still making visits to stores as necessary or trying to avoid them? My wife just ran to the store for some necessities and I feel like I'm sending her into battle, for lack of a better comparison. So much risk just walking into the damn store right now. Then you wait and hope no symptoms appear.
I stocked up the moment the first case was reported in California. I knew this would happen. I want nothing to do with going to any grocery stores. Total petri dishes at this point.
We did the same with non-perishable foods, but we are in need of some other things at this point (fruits, veggies, etc.). Obviously we could live without them, but it's hard to go on full blown boxed/ canned/ frozen food eating. It sucks that making a "necessary" visit to the store for "essentials" carries such risk.
Do you still have farmers markets on the weekend? Maybe that‘d be a better alternative?
Are you guys still making visits to stores as necessary or trying to avoid them? My wife just ran to the store for some necessities and I feel like I'm sending her into battle, for lack of a better comparison. So much risk just walking into the damn store right now. Then you wait and hope no symptoms appear.
I stocked up the moment the first case was reported in California. I knew this would happen. I want nothing to do with going to any grocery stores. Total petri dishes at this point.
We did the same with non-perishable foods, but we are in need of some other things at this point (fruits, veggies, etc.). Obviously we could live without them, but it's hard to go on full blown boxed/ canned/ frozen food eating. It sucks that making a "necessary" visit to the store for "essentials" carries such risk.
Do you still have farmers markets on the weekend? Maybe that‘d be a better alternative?
Good question. I have no idea in this current environment. Something to consider though. Either way, we're not going anywhere after this run today, so hopefully we're able to dodge it.
Are you guys still making visits to stores as necessary or trying to avoid them? My wife just ran to the store for some necessities and I feel like I'm sending her into battle, for lack of a better comparison. So much risk just walking into the damn store right now. Then you wait and hope no symptoms appear.
I stocked up the moment the first case was reported in California. I knew this would happen. I want nothing to do with going to any grocery stores. Total petri dishes at this point.
We did the same with non-perishable foods, but we are in need of some other things at this point (fruits, veggies, etc.). Obviously we could live without them, but it's hard to go on full blown boxed/ canned/ frozen food eating. It sucks that making a "necessary" visit to the store for "essentials" carries such risk.
Do you still have farmers markets on the weekend? Maybe that‘d be a better alternative?
Good question. I have no idea in this current environment. Something to consider though. Either way, we're not going anywhere after this run today, so hopefully we're able to dodge it.
I actually bought multivitamin tablets and juice in case fruit runs out and I don’t wanna go out. Doesn’t solve the eating fruit problem but at least I get the vitamin
Are you guys still making visits to stores as necessary or trying to avoid them? My wife just ran to the store for some necessities and I feel like I'm sending her into battle, for lack of a better comparison. So much risk just walking into the damn store right now. Then you wait and hope no symptoms appear.
I stocked up the moment the first case was reported in California. I knew this would happen. I want nothing to do with going to any grocery stores. Total petri dishes at this point.
We did the same with non-perishable foods, but we are in need of some other things at this point (fruits, veggies, etc.). Obviously we could live without them, but it's hard to go on full blown boxed/ canned/ frozen food eating. It sucks that making a "necessary" visit to the store for "essentials" carries such risk.
Do you still have farmers markets on the weekend? Maybe that‘d be a better alternative?
We have a local one, which will hopefully be open this weekend. Fortunately, I've had no problem getting fresh fruits and vegetables here. Local stores (within walking distance) are busy but not nuts...yet.
If/when I next go to the market, all I can do is be super careful, DON'T TOUCH MY FACE (damn, that one is tough), and wash the fuck out of my hands when I get home.
Are you guys still making visits to stores as necessary or trying to avoid them? My wife just ran to the store for some necessities and I feel like I'm sending her into battle, for lack of a better comparison. So much risk just walking into the damn store right now. Then you wait and hope no symptoms appear.
I stocked up the moment the first case was reported in California. I knew this would happen. I want nothing to do with going to any grocery stores. Total petri dishes at this point.
We did the same with non-perishable foods, but we are in need of some other things at this point (fruits, veggies, etc.). Obviously we could live without them, but it's hard to go on full blown boxed/ canned/ frozen food eating. It sucks that making a "necessary" visit to the store for "essentials" carries such risk.
Yeah I have a lot of canned food and stocked up on essentials like toothpaste, toilet paper, soap, etc. Basically the type of stuff that your run out of all the time and just run quickly to a CVS to buy.
Are you guys still making visits to stores as necessary or trying to avoid them? My wife just ran to the store for some necessities and I feel like I'm sending her into battle, for lack of a better comparison. So much risk just walking into the damn store right now. Then you wait and hope no symptoms appear.
I stocked up the moment the first case was reported in California. I knew this would happen. I want nothing to do with going to any grocery stores. Total petri dishes at this point.
We did the same with non-perishable foods, but we are in need of some other things at this point (fruits, veggies, etc.). Obviously we could live without them, but it's hard to go on full blown boxed/ canned/ frozen food eating. It sucks that making a "necessary" visit to the store for "essentials" carries such risk.
Do you still have farmers markets on the weekend? Maybe that‘d be a better alternative?
We have a local one, which will hopefully be open this weekend. Fortunately, I've had no problem getting fresh fruits and vegetables here. Local stores (within walking distance) are busy but not nuts...yet.
If/when I next go to the market, all I can do is be super careful, DON'T TOUCH MY FACE (damn, that one is tough), and wash the fuck out of my hands when I get home.
I actually have a job that is part of the infrastructure here so I can work at the office for a little while. It's closing out but after that I don't have anything...
Are you guys still making visits to stores as necessary or trying to avoid them? My wife just ran to the store for some necessities and I feel like I'm sending her into battle, for lack of a better comparison. So much risk just walking into the damn store right now. Then you wait and hope no symptoms appear.
I stocked up the moment the first case was reported in California. I knew this would happen. I want nothing to do with going to any grocery stores. Total petri dishes at this point.
We did the same with non-perishable foods, but we are in need of some other things at this point (fruits, veggies, etc.). Obviously we could live without them, but it's hard to go on full blown boxed/ canned/ frozen food eating. It sucks that making a "necessary" visit to the store for "essentials" carries such risk.
Do you still have farmers markets on the weekend? Maybe that‘d be a better alternative?
We have a local one, which will hopefully be open this weekend. Fortunately, I've had no problem getting fresh fruits and vegetables here. Local stores (within walking distance) are busy but not nuts...yet.
If/when I next go to the market, all I can do is be super careful, DON'T TOUCH MY FACE (damn, that one is tough), and wash the fuck out of my hands when I get home.
Happy happy, washy washy!
More like wishy washy
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,600
I actually have a job that is part of the infrastructure here so I can work at the office for a little while. It's closing out but after that I don't have anything...
Are you guys still making visits to stores as necessary or trying to avoid them? My wife just ran to the store for some necessities and I feel like I'm sending her into battle, for lack of a better comparison. So much risk just walking into the damn store right now. Then you wait and hope no symptoms appear.
I don’t believe in hoarding and just bought what the needed to begin with. Now nothing has been available, pasta, rice and most dry goods have been gone for over a week.
I’ve been going out more than I should probably, been going to Home Depot to stock up on supplies for projects I intend to do while in quarantine. I imagine at some point either those stores will close or it might get so bad I wont want to go out.
We have enough basics for about a week, if we can’t get toilet paper, dog food, and other food by then not sure what we’ll do. Order a bidet off amazon for starters.
All schools in an infected area should be closed. Those places are like petri dishes, kids sneezing and coughing. Ugh I was on edge last week.
Exactly. Anyone who thinks schools won’t help spread this must have been home schooled.
Literally the day before we closed I saw a girl dump her bag of chips on her desk and eat them straight off the desk, and of course sharing with others. Even without an outbreak this is disgusting, I bet less than half the students wash their hands after using the bathroom.
That's a pretty ignorant statement. Why even say such a thing? What does being home schooled have to do with illogical thinking? I think a better statement would have been, anyone who thinks schools won't help spread this must be a Trump supporter.
Edit: fully joking if unclear
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Don't take my word for any of this however, definitely do your own research!
Misinformation and false sense of security is dangerous with a mostly asymptomatic & highly contagious disease. Apparently that factual statement needs to still be said. That's a rant?
One of the most dangerous rumors spreading currently is the " my friend is a doctor and he says this is overblown." Comments like those were rampant on this topic 36 hours ago. Am I ranting or stating facts?
The Logans Run scenario, also prevalent on this topic, is also very dangerous. Evidently the FL Republican governor agrees as he shut down the beaches that the young adults were packing this week. Are those rants or stating facts?
That could be a double edged sword. The total cases will go up first as testing increases while the mortality rate declines. That could create false optimism as there is usually a 3 week window from positive test result to onset of severe symptoms.
We need to be extremely careful and scientific in how we try to understand this crisis.
There has to be a moratorium put in place. It seems to be the only way to avoid a collapse on some level.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
We did the same with non-perishable foods, but we are in need of some other things at this point (fruits, veggies, etc.). Obviously we could live without them, but it's hard to go on full blown boxed/ canned/ frozen food eating. It sucks that making a "necessary" visit to the store for "essentials" carries such risk.
Good question. I have no idea in this current environment. Something to consider though. Either way, we're not going anywhere after this run today, so hopefully we're able to dodge it.
If/when I next go to the market, all I can do is be super careful, DON'T TOUCH MY FACE (damn, that one is tough), and wash the fuck out of my hands when I get home.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Only essential workers needed.
I actually have a job that is part of the infrastructure here so I can work at the office for a little while. It's closing out but after that I don't have anything...
Good luck, Chris, and the rest of you in NY.