This thread is stupid at this point. People posting shit from twitter, things opined about a year ago when we had little information, etc. It's so disingenuous. But seriously, keep fighting the fight that COVID isn't real. Maybe we'll re-do the election so Trump can win while we're at it.
Also characterized one person to another, without know shit about the other person, just because they have different opinions..
We're not talking about opinions about music or movies here. This is/ was a once in a lifetime health crisis. Uninformed and misrepresented opinions don't get credibility. Our president had a 'different opinion" about the risk of this disease and we have a half million dead. We're not debating the riff writing skills of CC Deville.
Not only did POOTWH have a different opinion but he knew the risks and severity and knowingly lied to the American people. Repeatedly. Criminally negligent. Imagine for a brief second if Obama or Hillary had been caught knowingly lying to the American public that resulted in 555,000 and counting American deaths.
Like Bart, i will write hundred times on chalkboard.. Politicians and Big companies care for me.. And the Bill Gates..
Well it just so happens that big companies are employed by real life humans. And real life humans have families too. And sometimes the interests of companies with real live humans coincide with the rest of society.
Since you seem to think differently, why are you here, engaging in society? Why aren't you off living on a desert island alone? Surely your interests and life expectancy would be longer without the scourge of the polio vaccine, mumps vaccine, hepatitis, hpv, measles, etc. Think about how much better you could be doing without those poisons in your body.
This thread is stupid at this point. People posting shit from twitter, things opined about a year ago when we had little information, etc. It's so disingenuous. But seriously, keep fighting the fight that COVID isn't real. Maybe we'll re-do the election so Trump can win while we're at it.
Also characterized one person to another, without know shit about the other person, just because they have different opinions..
Like Bart, i will write hundred times on chalkboard.. Politicians and Big companies care for me.. And the Bill Gates..
Well it just so happens that big companies are employed by real life humans. And real life humans have families too. And sometimes the interests of companies with real live humans coincide with the rest of society.
Since you seem to think differently, why are you here, engaging in society? Why aren't you off living on a desert island alone? Surely your interests and life expectancy would be longer without the scourge of the polio vaccine, mumps vaccine, hepatitis, hpv, measles, etc. Think about how much better you could be doing without those poisons in your body.
I have to live in a desert island cause i'm thinking otherwise??!!
Athens 2006. Dusseldorf 2007. Berlin 2009. Venice 2010. Amsterdam 1 2012. Amsterdam 1+2 2014. Buenos Aires 2015. Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022 EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
This thread is stupid at this point. People posting shit from twitter, things opined about a year ago when we had little information, etc. It's so disingenuous. But seriously, keep fighting the fight that COVID isn't real. Maybe we'll re-do the election so Trump can win while we're at it.
Also characterized one person to another, without know shit about the other person, just because they have different opinions..
Science is not an opinion.
Scientists have different opinions..
Athens 2006. Dusseldorf 2007. Berlin 2009. Venice 2010. Amsterdam 1 2012. Amsterdam 1+2 2014. Buenos Aires 2015. Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022 EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
Like Bart, i will write hundred times on chalkboard.. Politicians and Big companies care for me.. And the Bill Gates..
Well it just so happens that big companies are employed by real life humans. And real life humans have families too. And sometimes the interests of companies with real live humans coincide with the rest of society.
Since you seem to think differently, why are you here, engaging in society? Why aren't you off living on a desert island alone? Surely your interests and life expectancy would be longer without the scourge of the polio vaccine, mumps vaccine, hepatitis, hpv, measles, etc. Think about how much better you could be doing without those poisons in your body.
I have to live in a desert island cause i'm thinking otherwise??!!
Like Bart, i will write hundred times on chalkboard.. Politicians and Big companies care for me.. And the Bill Gates..
Well it just so happens that big companies are employed by real life humans. And real life humans have families too. And sometimes the interests of companies with real live humans coincide with the rest of society.
Since you seem to think differently, why are you here, engaging in society? Why aren't you off living on a desert island alone? Surely your interests and life expectancy would be longer without the scourge of the polio vaccine, mumps vaccine, hepatitis, hpv, measles, etc. Think about how much better you could be doing without those poisons in your body.
I have to live in a desert island cause i'm thinking otherwise??!!
That's what you got out of all of that...
Maybe i removed outside Krakow??
Athens 2006. Dusseldorf 2007. Berlin 2009. Venice 2010. Amsterdam 1 2012. Amsterdam 1+2 2014. Buenos Aires 2015. Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022 EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
Like Bart, i will write hundred times on chalkboard.. Politicians and Big companies care for me.. And the Bill Gates..
Well it just so happens that big companies are employed by real life humans. And real life humans have families too. And sometimes the interests of companies with real live humans coincide with the rest of society.
Since you seem to think differently, why are you here, engaging in society? Why aren't you off living on a desert island alone? Surely your interests and life expectancy would be longer without the scourge of the polio vaccine, mumps vaccine, hepatitis, hpv, measles, etc. Think about how much better you could be doing without those poisons in your body.
I have to live in a desert island cause i'm thinking otherwise??!!
That's what you got out of all of that...
Maybe i removed outside Krakow??
I don't know what this means. But the bottom line questions:
1. Have you and and your family benefited from vaccines, like the ones I listed?
2. Do you believe that the advent of modern pharmacology over the past 100 years improved quality of life or reduced it?
This thread is stupid at this point. People posting shit from twitter, things opined about a year ago when we had little information, etc. It's so disingenuous. But seriously, keep fighting the fight that COVID isn't real. Maybe we'll re-do the election so Trump can win while we're at it.
Also characterized one person to another, without know shit about the other person, just because they have different opinions..
This thread is stupid at this point. People posting shit from twitter, things opined about a year ago when we had little information, etc. It's so disingenuous. But seriously, keep fighting the fight that COVID isn't real. Maybe we'll re-do the election so Trump can win while we're at it.
Also characterized one person to another, without know shit about the other person, just because they have different opinions..
Science is not an opinion.
Scientists have different opinions..
Scene deleted
Please, no pics of the most enormous a$$ hol3 in Murican history.
This thread is stupid at this point. People posting shit from twitter, things opined about a year ago when we had little information, etc. It's so disingenuous. But seriously, keep fighting the fight that COVID isn't real. Maybe we'll re-do the election so Trump can win while we're at it.
Also characterized one person to another, without know shit about the other person, just because they have different opinions..
Science is not an opinion.
Scientists have different opinions..
It's almost like the whole response to this thing was not driven by science, but by..... politics.
This thread is stupid at this point. People posting shit from twitter, things opined about a year ago when we had little information, etc. It's so disingenuous. But seriously, keep fighting the fight that COVID isn't real. Maybe we'll re-do the election so Trump can win while we're at it.
Also characterized one person to another, without know shit about the other person, just because they have different opinions..
Science is not an opinion.
Scientists have different opinions..
It's almost like the whole response to this thing was not driven by science, but by..... politics.
Completely agree. There's no question that Trump's abdication of responsibility and complete denial of the danger was rooted in his fear of losing the election if the economy went down. Of course the sad irony is that he lost the election precisely because of his denial. He had his moment, the one where a president gets to rally the country in a common cause, but he blew it. This is because he's an idiot, a narcissist and completely lacks strategic thinking and the ability to calculate second order effects. His capacity to only think tactically is a death blow to a leader/
This thread is stupid at this point. People posting shit from twitter, things opined about a year ago when we had little information, etc. It's so disingenuous. But seriously, keep fighting the fight that COVID isn't real. Maybe we'll re-do the election so Trump can win while we're at it.
Also characterized one person to another, without know shit about the other person, just because they have different opinions..
Science is not an opinion.
Scientists have different opinions..
It's almost like the whole response to this thing was not driven by science, but by..... politics.
Completely agree. There's no question that Trump's abdication of responsibility and complete denial of the danger was rooted in his fear of losing the election if the economy went down. Of course the sad irony is that he lost the election precisely because of his denial. He had his moment, the one where a president gets to rally the country in a common cause, but he blew it. This is because he's an idiot, a narcissist and completely lacks strategic thinking and the ability to calculate second order effects. His capacity to only think tactically is a death blow to a leader/
That's the rub, isn't it?
He did next to nothing, allowing hundreds of thousands of Americans to die, and he STILL nearly got re-elected. Had he even pretended to give a shit he probably would have been re-elected in a landslide.
This thread is stupid at this point. People posting shit from twitter, things opined about a year ago when we had little information, etc. It's so disingenuous. But seriously, keep fighting the fight that COVID isn't real. Maybe we'll re-do the election so Trump can win while we're at it.
Also characterized one person to another, without know shit about the other person, just because they have different opinions..
Science is not an opinion.
Scientists have different opinions..
It's almost like the whole response to this thing was not driven by science, but by..... politics.
Completely agree. There's no question that Trump's abdication of responsibility and complete denial of the danger was rooted in his fear of losing the election if the economy went down. Of course the sad irony is that he lost the election precisely because of his denial. He had his moment, the one where a president gets to rally the country in a common cause, but he blew it. This is because he's an idiot, a narcissist and completely lacks strategic thinking and the ability to calculate second order effects. His capacity to only think tactically is a death blow to a leader/
I have stated several times that Trump botched the handling of it. Now, do the "Blue" states?
This thread is stupid at this point. People posting shit from twitter, things opined about a year ago when we had little information, etc. It's so disingenuous. But seriously, keep fighting the fight that COVID isn't real. Maybe we'll re-do the election so Trump can win while we're at it.
Also characterized one person to another, without know shit about the other person, just because they have different opinions..
Science is not an opinion.
Scientists have different opinions..
It's almost like the whole response to this thing was not driven by science, but by..... politics.
Completely agree. There's no question that Trump's abdication of responsibility and complete denial of the danger was rooted in his fear of losing the election if the economy went down. Of course the sad irony is that he lost the election precisely because of his denial. He had his moment, the one where a president gets to rally the country in a common cause, but he blew it. This is because he's an idiot, a narcissist and completely lacks strategic thinking and the ability to calculate second order effects. His capacity to only think tactically is a death blow to a leader/
I have stated several times that Trump botched the handling of it. Now, do the "Blue" states?
This thread is stupid at this point. People posting shit from twitter, things opined about a year ago when we had little information, etc. It's so disingenuous. But seriously, keep fighting the fight that COVID isn't real. Maybe we'll re-do the election so Trump can win while we're at it.
Also characterized one person to another, without know shit about the other person, just because they have different opinions..
Science is not an opinion.
Scientists have different opinions..
It's almost like the whole response to this thing was not driven by science, but by..... politics.
Completely agree. There's no question that Trump's abdication of responsibility and complete denial of the danger was rooted in his fear of losing the election if the economy went down. Of course the sad irony is that he lost the election precisely because of his denial. He had his moment, the one where a president gets to rally the country in a common cause, but he blew it. This is because he's an idiot, a narcissist and completely lacks strategic thinking and the ability to calculate second order effects. His capacity to only think tactically is a death blow to a leader/
I have stated several times that Trump botched the handling of it. Now, do the "Blue" states?
My gov her in VA did great. We didn't deny reality and (at least in the cities), people were honoring the mask mandate. By April, I'd say that 99% of people in stores were in masks. While we were not immune to it, obviously, I am pleased overall. Thanks for asking.
This thread is stupid at this point. People posting shit from twitter, things opined about a year ago when we had little information, etc. It's so disingenuous. But seriously, keep fighting the fight that COVID isn't real. Maybe we'll re-do the election so Trump can win while we're at it.
Also characterized one person to another, without know shit about the other person, just because they have different opinions..
Science is not an opinion.
Scientists have different opinions..
It's almost like the whole response to this thing was not driven by science, but by..... politics.
Completely agree. There's no question that Trump's abdication of responsibility and complete denial of the danger was rooted in his fear of losing the election if the economy went down. Of course the sad irony is that he lost the election precisely because of his denial. He had his moment, the one where a president gets to rally the country in a common cause, but he blew it. This is because he's an idiot, a narcissist and completely lacks strategic thinking and the ability to calculate second order effects. His capacity to only think tactically is a death blow to a leader/
I have stated several times that Trump botched the handling of it. Now, do the "Blue" states?
How did Trump botch the handling of it?
My opinion, he should have done nothing. By doing nothing, the virus spreads more quickly and herd immunity is reached sooner.
By going the "two weeks to flatten the curve" and "slow the spread" route, all we did is prolong this thing.
Give this a watch if you can (36 minutes), or have it play as background, there is nothing to watch. An interview with Knut Witkowski, one who said nothing should have been done back last March and April. This is a catch up video a year later and his opinions are unchanged. His first video was removed from youtube as well, go figure right.
This thread is stupid at this point. People posting shit from twitter, things opined about a year ago when we had little information, etc. It's so disingenuous. But seriously, keep fighting the fight that COVID isn't real. Maybe we'll re-do the election so Trump can win while we're at it.
Also characterized one person to another, without know shit about the other person, just because they have different opinions..
Science is not an opinion.
Scientists have different opinions..
It's almost like the whole response to this thing was not driven by science, but by..... politics.
yeah, because enraging half the public with lockdowns and closing their businesses is good politics.
it's not, in the short term, it's good public health. this is why we have government, unfortunately, because half the population is too stupid to know what's in its best interests.
the one who ignored it was the one playing politics, because he saw it as a threat to his presidency. he knew his followers would never go for rational health crisis response.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
This thread is stupid at this point. People posting shit from twitter, things opined about a year ago when we had little information, etc. It's so disingenuous. But seriously, keep fighting the fight that COVID isn't real. Maybe we'll re-do the election so Trump can win while we're at it.
Also characterized one person to another, without know shit about the other person, just because they have different opinions..
Science is not an opinion.
Scientists have different opinions..
It's almost like the whole response to this thing was not driven by science, but by..... politics.
Completely agree. There's no question that Trump's abdication of responsibility and complete denial of the danger was rooted in his fear of losing the election if the economy went down. Of course the sad irony is that he lost the election precisely because of his denial. He had his moment, the one where a president gets to rally the country in a common cause, but he blew it. This is because he's an idiot, a narcissist and completely lacks strategic thinking and the ability to calculate second order effects. His capacity to only think tactically is a death blow to a leader/
I have stated several times that Trump botched the handling of it. Now, do the "Blue" states?
How did Trump botch the handling of it?
My opinion, he should have done nothing. By doing nothing, the virus spreads more quickly and herd immunity is reached sooner.
By going the "two weeks to flatten the curve" and "slow the spread" route, all we did is prolong this thing.
Give this a watch if you can (36 minutes), or have it play as background, there is nothing to watch. An interview with Knut Witkowski, one who said nothing should have been done back last March and April. This is a catch up video a year later and his opinions are unchanged. His first video was removed from youtube as well, go figure right.
This thread is stupid at this point. People posting shit from twitter, things opined about a year ago when we had little information, etc. It's so disingenuous. But seriously, keep fighting the fight that COVID isn't real. Maybe we'll re-do the election so Trump can win while we're at it.
Also characterized one person to another, without know shit about the other person, just because they have different opinions..
Science is not an opinion.
Scientists have different opinions..
It's almost like the whole response to this thing was not driven by science, but by..... politics.
Completely agree. There's no question that Trump's abdication of responsibility and complete denial of the danger was rooted in his fear of losing the election if the economy went down. Of course the sad irony is that he lost the election precisely because of his denial. He had his moment, the one where a president gets to rally the country in a common cause, but he blew it. This is because he's an idiot, a narcissist and completely lacks strategic thinking and the ability to calculate second order effects. His capacity to only think tactically is a death blow to a leader/
I have stated several times that Trump botched the handling of it. Now, do the "Blue" states?
How did Trump botch the handling of it?
My opinion, he should have done nothing. By doing nothing, the virus spreads more quickly and herd immunity is reached sooner.
By going the "two weeks to flatten the curve" and "slow the spread" route, all we did is prolong this thing.
Give this a watch if you can (36 minutes), or have it play as background, there is nothing to watch. An interview with Knut Witkowski, one who said nothing should have been done back last March and April. This is a catch up video a year later and his opinions are unchanged. His first video was removed from youtube as well, go figure right.
This thread is stupid at this point. People posting shit from twitter, things opined about a year ago when we had little information, etc. It's so disingenuous. But seriously, keep fighting the fight that COVID isn't real. Maybe we'll re-do the election so Trump can win while we're at it.
Also characterized one person to another, without know shit about the other person, just because they have different opinions..
Science is not an opinion.
Scientists have different opinions..
It's almost like the whole response to this thing was not driven by science, but by..... politics.
Completely agree. There's no question that Trump's abdication of responsibility and complete denial of the danger was rooted in his fear of losing the election if the economy went down. Of course the sad irony is that he lost the election precisely because of his denial. He had his moment, the one where a president gets to rally the country in a common cause, but he blew it. This is because he's an idiot, a narcissist and completely lacks strategic thinking and the ability to calculate second order effects. His capacity to only think tactically is a death blow to a leader/
I have stated several times that Trump botched the handling of it. Now, do the "Blue" states?
How did Trump botch the handling of it?
My opinion, he should have done nothing. By doing nothing, the virus spreads more quickly and herd immunity is reached sooner.
By going the "two weeks to flatten the curve" and "slow the spread" route, all we did is prolong this thing.
Give this a watch if you can (36 minutes), or have it play as background, there is nothing to watch. An interview with Knut Witkowski, one who said nothing should have been done back last March and April. This is a catch up video a year later and his opinions are unchanged. His first video was removed from youtube as well, go figure right.
Politicians and Big companies care for me..
And the Bill Gates..
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Since you seem to think differently, why are you here, engaging in society? Why aren't you off living on a desert island alone? Surely your interests and life expectancy would be longer without the scourge of the polio vaccine, mumps vaccine, hepatitis, hpv, measles, etc. Think about how much better you could be doing without those poisons in your body.
Only a n!nny not know NY Mess not be in NLDS in 5 year, haha.
but they still dyin to die in tejas hip hip, even mo so today, yippee!
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
it's easy to translate..
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
1. Have you and and your family benefited from vaccines, like the ones I listed?
2. Do you believe that the advent of modern pharmacology over the past 100 years improved quality of life or reduced it?
He did next to nothing, allowing hundreds of thousands of Americans to die, and he STILL nearly got re-elected. Had he even pretended to give a shit he probably would have been re-elected in a landslide.
-EV 8/14/93
By going the "two weeks to flatten the curve" and "slow the spread" route, all we did is prolong this thing.
Give this a watch if you can (36 minutes), or have it play as background, there is nothing to watch. An interview with Knut Witkowski, one who said nothing should have been done back last March and April. This is a catch up video a year later and his opinions are unchanged. His first video was removed from youtube as well, go figure right.
it's not, in the short term, it's good public health. this is why we have government, unfortunately, because half the population is too stupid to know what's in its best interests.
the one who ignored it was the one playing politics, because he saw it as a threat to his presidency. he knew his followers would never go for rational health crisis response.
-EV 8/14/93