Also. .."the vaccine is probably more harmful to you than the virus" was a great post. We need to keep that in mind when reading anything else you share with us
Also. .."the vaccine is probably more harmful to you than the virus" was a great post. We need to keep that in mind when reading anything else you share with us
Stay safe, keep that mask up.
Don’t you mean, “keep that face diaper up?”
Andy Reid is wearing his like a feed bag at the Chiefs game, tonight
Also. .."the vaccine is probably more harmful to you than the virus" was a great post. We need to keep that in mind when reading anything else you share with us
Stay safe, keep that mask up.
I stand by it. Please take it into consideration. Vaccines typically take 5-10 years to develop. This one took what, 8 months?
The virus on the other hand is so bad, we are testing perfectly healthy people to know they have it. Most healthy people have nothing more than a cold or other small symptoms.
Under the current circumstances, I would rather take my chances with the virus opposed to potential side effects of the virus. In a few years once we see the results from the vaccine, might consider taking it then. Not to post another link, but Alex Berenson has been all over the vaccine deaths that are reported, just do not make the news. Give him a read. And I don’t condemn anyone for wanting the vaccine, that is their choice.
Last thing then I am gone for a while, what is the one thing that the average person should take from this? To be healthier. Eat better. Exercise. Get outside. Can you agree to that? But what is happening? We are being locked in our house. Gyms are closed. Eating bad. Stress. Worry. How come no one is reporting that we should be living healthier lifestyles?
Yall have a good night! Officially signing off tonight for a bit. Daughter has two games the next two days then softball is starting up. God Bless you all and stay healthy!
If there is some conspiracy for the elite then it is worldwide and not just the US. Calling masks "face diapers" makes me want to put you in the MAGA crowd because it is silly to think that masks don't help in some form.
The rules do seem arbitrary though and frustrating. Airports can be packed, can fly on planes, shop at Wal-Mart and Home Depot, etc... but restaurants have to shutdown or golf courses have to be closed?
When I see “face diapers” I assume that means they work. I wouldn’t hold a baby 2 seconds if he wasn’t wearing a diaper.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,603
edited January 2021
Eat better and exercise is common sense that anyone should do. Nothing about this pandemic is stopping me from doing either, luckily.
To exercise one needs their own body weight. You do not need a gym, or even to go outdoors - although I 100% encourage everyone to get out for walks/runs/sunshine. This is accessible to almost everyone, regardless of the pandemic restrictions.
To eat healthy one needs to purchase ingredients which can be utilized to make healthy meals. There is more needed to do that.... thankfully most Americans have access to a refrigerator, a stove, an oven, and enough money to shop for basic supplies. A sad reality is that there are some people here (and elsewhere in the world) who do indeed need help gaining access to the basic needs for healthy eating. When focused on where we try to help, a large percentage goes toward trying to help people with those needs.
Thinking the vaccine is going to cause more harm to a person then the virus is wild, to me.
Also. .."the vaccine is probably more harmful to you than the virus" was a great post. We need to keep that in mind when reading anything else you share with us
Stay safe, keep that mask up.
I stand by it. Please take it into consideration. Vaccines typically take 5-10 years to develop. This one took what, 8 months?
The virus on the other hand is so bad, we are testing perfectly healthy people to know they have it. Most healthy people have nothing more than a cold or other small symptoms.
Under the current circumstances, I would rather take my chances with the virus opposed to potential side effects of the virus. In a few years once we see the results from the vaccine, might consider taking it then. Not to post another link, but Alex Berenson has been all over the vaccine deaths that are reported, just do not make the news. Give him a read. And I don’t condemn anyone for wanting the vaccine, that is their choice.
Last thing then I am gone for a while, what is the one thing that the average person should take from this? To be healthier. Eat better. Exercise. Get outside. Can you agree to that? But what is happening? We are being locked in our house. Gyms are closed. Eating bad. Stress. Worry. How come no one is reporting that we should be living healthier lifestyles?
Yall have a good night! Officially signing off tonight for a bit. Daughter has two games the next two days then softball is starting up. God Bless you all and stay healthy!
Who’s “locked in their house?” Delusional.Eat better? People are because they’re cooking at home with more time to do so. Whether it’s healthier or not is up to the individuals. Gyms closed? Some are, some aren’t. Americans have had one of the poorest health statistics compared to other wealthy nations for quite some time, well before the pandemic, paying more for health insurance with worse outcomes. I’m sure you remember the vilification of Michele Obama for planting a garden, encouraging the eating of more fruits and vegetables, healthier diets in general and advocating for a much healthier school lunch program? Yup, no reporting of how Americans should lead healthier lifestyles, ever.
I will wait for the experts to follow up on the autopsies because call me crazy but I trust science and the medical experts. That said if you are vaccinating millions and millions of the old and vulnerable would it not make sense that some of these people are going to pass away after getting the vaccine unrelated to it? I find it odd that the "old people die thats life crowd" can now say that old people can't die after the vaccine unless the vaccine killed them.
In the weeks and months after people get vaccinated we will indeed see people die. Some will die to myocardial infarcts, some will die of strokes, some of pulmonary emboli, some of pneumonia, some of cancer, and some of dementia. Some will also die of motorvehicle crashes, gunshot wounds, and food poisoning. In addition, some people will get married, some will get divorced, some will change job and some will move house. You might even get a few who write a book or record a song. That's because all of these things happen as life goes on - the pandemic doesn't make them stop, and vaccination doesn't make them stop.
It's just as silly to argue that vaccination is causing novels to happen as it is to argue that it's causing all of the deaths that occur afterward.
We have data from tens of thousands of people in controlled trials, and now we are gathering data from millions of people. At this point the data do not show an increased risk of death related to vaccination.
Correlation is not causation.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
I find it's best to ignore the anti-vaccine nutters, they are always going to be kicking around driving down IQ averages. Throw them in a sack with the flat earthers.
Also. .."the vaccine is probably more harmful to you than the virus" was a great post. We need to keep that in mind when reading anything else you share with us
Stay safe, keep that mask up.
I stand by it. Please take it into consideration. Vaccines typically take 5-10 years to develop. This one took what, 8 months?
8 months? Leslie?
“ Dr. Peter Hotez, PhD, professor and dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, said in an interview with MSNBC that the development of the coronavirus vaccine began even before the emergence of COVID-19.
“Sometimes people think that these vaccines just popped out of nowhere over a period of 4 months,” Hotez said. But “this is not a 4-month process. This is a 17-year process.”
Research on pandemic-causing coronaviruses and vaccines to protect against them began after the emergence of a related virus that caused the SARS outbreak in 2003.”
Also. .."the vaccine is probably more harmful to you than the virus" was a great post. We need to keep that in mind when reading anything else you share with us
Stay safe, keep that mask up.
I stand by it. Please take it into consideration. Vaccines typically take 5-10 years to develop. This one took what, 8 months?
8 months? Leslie?
“ Dr. Peter Hotez, PhD, professor and dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, said in an interview with MSNBC that the development of the coronavirus vaccine began even before the emergence of COVID-19.
“Sometimes people think that these vaccines just popped out of nowhere over a period of 4 months,” Hotez said. But “this is not a 4-month process. This is a 17-year process.”
Research on pandemic-causing coronaviruses and vaccines to protect against them began after the emergence of a related virus that caused the SARS outbreak in 2003.”
Don’t let science and facts skew your thinking. Just consider the other side, it’s just as valid.
Forgot to quote the interview. This sounds a little misleading with elements of truth in it. These vaccines were rushed. He says at least twice they weren’t. That’s not true, they flat out were. They didn’t receive the typical FDA process and approval, they were granted emergency use. That’s enough right there to say it was rushed. These vaccines haven’t been developed over 17 years either. He doesn’t really say these vaccines were developed over 17 years, kind of totes the line and dancing around it and says it’s a 17 year process. I’d rate that partially true since the knowledge they gained over the last 17 years did help make this vaccine. But we don’t even know how effective the vaccines are against the new strains of Covid-19. It would be more accurate to say these vaccines are new, but utilize the research over the last 17 years to make them. The vaccine trials went from phase 1 to phase 3 and emergency approval in about 4 months. That is extremely rushed by any standards, I don’t know why anyone would try to convince people otherwise. Instead of saying it wasn’t rushed, just say we used 17 years of research to develop this vaccine. It was tested on tens of thousands and now millions have received it without any concerns of severe side effects or long term effects. Because that’s what it is.
I’m not anti this vaccine, I plan to take it when eligible in 2 or 3 months. Just didn’t think that interview was very accurate.
Do the middle schoolers wear masks or does 99% Tennessee not include the gauntlet that is middle school sports? Curious to know.
You are right. You got me. My number may be a little high. They do not wear masks but we have to as spectators.
I believe you are the one constantly posting clown gifs and said something about Trump not winning re-election.
Prepare the clown gifs, because I 100% believe that the Covid was Gods gift to the Democrats! Some of it was Donnie not handing it well, but the non stop fear porn from MSM was 100% an effort to get DJT out. And it worked!
i'm pretty sure every single person here would have endured another 4 years of trump if it had meant he didn't royally fuck up this pandemic.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
My position is this, time to move on. The Election is over and Biden is in. Time to let everyone get their life back to normal. Time to take the masks off and get back to work. Time to take the masks off of school kids and get them back in the classrooms. Most importantly, time to stop testing people. Period. Name a disease/virus so bad that we have to test them to know they have it? The rich/elite have made an absolute killing During this time where the common person has lost all. They are jetting all over the world living their best life while the rest of us are locked down and suffering. I could post numerous “Rules are for thee, not for me“ links but I will not. Y’all have seen them.
Please someone dispute anything I said and leave the clown emojis and Q and Trumper stuff out of it.
I'm not sure that disputing covid-19 science deniers is the best approch. It's recommended we: 1. Try to empathize (Gee, it sure sucks that we are not back to normal yet, have to wear masks, and have some kids remote learning. I'm glad some children can participate in some sports in some places! Your kid is lucky! School and sports are important for our youth!) 2. Point out areas where they are right (like hypocrisy and the new POTUS) 3. Hit em with facts. (Although some articles says this doesn't work. I won't bother since Weston has commented based on his expertise in the scientific community.)
Last response for a while, much to the delight of all here I am sure, but I am not sure if this agrees with me or not. I do empathize with those suffering and those kids who are not in school. My wife and I decided to send our daughter to private school this year. Best decision we have ever made. She is excelling. Other kids in my county are not as lucky.
Not sure what point 2 means, but I have certainly pointed out all the hypocrisy. And my thing is this, these “experts” and leaders are setting these strict rules because of this deadly virus, YET they do not even follow their own advice. Again, I am fine with them living their life, just stop with all the talk and lets move on.
yes, there are some experts and those in political power pulling "do as I say, not as I do", but those aren't the norm, they are the exception. you are falling for the old media trope of guilty by association; "if one politician is lying, then all of them are". they need you to be outraged in order to keep you engaged.
going back to normal is the worst thing anyone can do. it would overwhelm the healthcare system, and it would cause situations like they had in Italy and Spain where they had to choose who lived or died; ventilators are a finite supply, while breath is an infinite demand.
lockdowns, as shitty as they are, DO work. the 8 week lockdown we just slightly came out of yesterday worked. so they loosed restrictions a bit. this sucks but this is life for the time being. i'm getting so sick of people shouting "freedom". we all want to be back to normal. and it sucks that some people have to sacrifice more than others; the small business owners, the kids missing their friends, the seniors being isolated, etc. but this isn't some "grand reset" or some stupid fucking conspiracy to control the masses. do you have any idea how many people would have to be in on it for that to be the case?
it's not "just the flu". 40 year olds don't die from the flu. and your suggestion that we sacrifice the old because "they'd die soon anyway" is horrendously callous. i doubt you'd have that attitude if it were your family member. this is the trouble i have with conservatives in many cases: they don't give a flying fuck about other people until they are personally affected (or if it's to control women).
ditch the masks? great idea. let's start sneezing all over each other again. that's a fabulous plan.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
My position is this, time to move on. The Election is over and Biden is in. Time to let everyone get their life back to normal. Time to take the masks off and get back to work. Time to take the masks off of school kids and get them back in the classrooms. Most importantly, time to stop testing people. Period. Name a disease/virus so bad that we have to test them to know they have it? The rich/elite have made an absolute killing During this time where the common person has lost all. They are jetting all over the world living their best life while the rest of us are locked down and suffering. I could post numerous “Rules are for thee, not for me“ links but I will not. Y’all have seen them.
Please someone dispute anything I said and leave the clown emojis and Q and Trumper stuff out of it.
I'm not sure that disputing covid-19 science deniers is the best approch. It's recommended we: 1. Try to empathize (Gee, it sure sucks that we are not back to normal yet, have to wear masks, and have some kids remote learning. I'm glad some children can participate in some sports in some places! Your kid is lucky! School and sports are important for our youth!) 2. Point out areas where they are right (like hypocrisy and the new POTUS) 3. Hit em with facts. (Although some articles says this doesn't work. I won't bother since Weston has commented based on his expertise in the scientific community.)
Last response for a while, much to the delight of all here I am sure, but I am not sure if this agrees with me or not. I do empathize with those suffering and those kids who are not in school. My wife and I decided to send our daughter to private school this year. Best decision we have ever made. She is excelling. Other kids in my county are not as lucky.
Not sure what point 2 means, but I have certainly pointed out all the hypocrisy. And my thing is this, these “experts” and leaders are setting these strict rules because of this deadly virus, YET they do not even follow their own advice. Again, I am fine with them living their life, just stop with all the talk and lets move on.
yes, there are some experts and those in political power pulling "do as I say, not as I do", but those aren't the norm, they are the exception. you are falling for the old media trope of guilty by association; "if one politician is lying, then all of them are". they need you to be outraged in order to keep you engaged.
going back to normal is the worst thing anyone can do. it would overwhelm the healthcare system, and it would cause situations like they had in Italy and Spain where they had to choose who lived or died; ventilators are a finite supply, while breath is an infinite demand.
lockdowns, as shitty as they are, DO work. the 8 week lockdown we just slightly came out of yesterday worked. so they loosed restrictions a bit. this sucks but this is life for the time being. i'm getting so sick of people shouting "freedom". we all want to be back to normal. and it sucks that some people have to sacrifice more than others; the small business owners, the kids missing their friends, the seniors being isolated, etc. but this isn't some "grand reset" or some stupid fucking conspiracy to control the masses. do you have any idea how many people would have to be in on it for that to be the case?
it's not "just the flu". 40 year olds don't die from the flu. and your suggestion that we sacrifice the old because "they'd die soon anyway" is horrendously callous. i doubt you'd have that attitude if it were your family member. this is the trouble i have with conservatives in many cases: they don't give a flying fuck about other people until they are personally affected (or if it's to control women).
ditch the masks? great idea. let's start sneezing all over each other again. that's a fabulous plan.
HFD I agree
brixton 93
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
Went on the tram this morning, like at 8:10 in the morning.
40% maybe had masks. With the recommendation being to use it during rush hours.
Giesecke redeemed?? I remember some strong boasts about Swedes doing the right/smart things without needing the government to tell them to... I also remember my state Ohio making strong moves early, and I was going to do a Sweden/Ohio comparison someday...then Ohio's governor caved in to the right-wing hillbillies and we haven't been doing so well. I hope Sweden does better than us, it shouldn't be too hard.
I'm not sure how many of the covid deathes are really from the virus..people start talk here..
I'm not sure it matters whether deaths are directly from the virus, or resulting from the overloaded health care system, or by the overworked health care workers, or from the steep mental health decline since the pandemic. All are inextricably linked, and spending energy to determine the magnitude of the problem while the problem indisputably remains doesn't seem like a productive venture to me.
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
I am in pretty good health, so if I got COVID, it might not be too bad. However, I am a runner, so the idea of potentially having my lungs damaged from it is a definite motivation to get the vaccine.
I'm not sure how many of the covid deathes are really from the virus..people start talk here..
I'm not sure it matters whether deaths are directly from the virus, or resulting from the overloaded health care system, or by the overworked health care workers, or from the steep mental health decline since the pandemic. All are inextricably linked, and spending energy to determine the magnitude of the problem while the problem indisputably remains doesn't seem like a productive venture to me.
My friend it's not so, lot of people went to the hospitals for other reasons and they came out as covid deaths..with no giving a good reason to their people, how they came up with virus..
Athens 2006. Dusseldorf 2007. Berlin 2009. Venice 2010. Amsterdam 1 2012. Amsterdam 1+2 2014. Buenos Aires 2015. Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022 EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
I'm not sure how many of the covid deathes are really from the virus..people start talk here..
I'm not sure it matters whether deaths are directly from the virus, or resulting from the overloaded health care system, or by the overworked health care workers, or from the steep mental health decline since the pandemic. All are inextricably linked, and spending energy to determine the magnitude of the problem while the problem indisputably remains doesn't seem like a productive venture to me.
My friend it's not so, lot of people went to the hospitals for other reasons and they came out as covid deaths..with no giving a good reason to their people, how they came up with virus..
i'd like to know if you got this information from a reputable source, and if so, please link it here.
i just can't for the life of me understand what people who think this is some big conspiracy believe the motivation for this to be.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
me shopping.
The virus on the other hand is so bad, we are testing perfectly healthy people to know they have it. Most healthy people have nothing more than a cold or other small symptoms.
Yall have a good night! Officially signing off tonight for a bit. Daughter has two games the next two days then softball is starting up. God Bless you all and stay healthy!
To exercise one needs their own body weight. You do not need a gym, or even to go outdoors - although I 100% encourage everyone to get out for walks/runs/sunshine. This is accessible to almost everyone, regardless of the pandemic restrictions.
To eat healthy one needs to purchase ingredients which can be utilized to make healthy meals. There is more needed to do that.... thankfully most Americans have access to a refrigerator, a stove, an oven, and enough money to shop for basic supplies.
A sad reality is that there are some people here (and elsewhere in the world) who do indeed need help gaining access to the basic needs for healthy eating. When focused on where we try to help, a large percentage goes toward trying to help people with those needs.
Thinking the vaccine is going to cause more harm to a person then the virus is wild, to me.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
He's a loon.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
It's just as silly to argue that vaccination is causing novels to happen as it is to argue that it's causing all of the deaths that occur afterward.
We have data from tens of thousands of people in controlled trials, and now we are gathering data from millions of people. At this point the data do not show an increased risk of death related to vaccination.
Correlation is not causation.
“ Dr. Peter Hotez, PhD, professor and dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, said in an interview with MSNBC that the development of the coronavirus vaccine began even before the emergence of COVID-19.
“Sometimes people think that these vaccines just popped out of nowhere over a period of 4 months,” Hotez said. But “this is not a 4-month process. This is a 17-year process.”
Research on pandemic-causing coronaviruses and vaccines to protect against them began after the emergence of a related virus that caused the SARS outbreak in 2003.”
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
This sounds a little misleading with elements of truth in it.
These vaccines were rushed. He says at least twice they weren’t. That’s not true, they flat out were. They didn’t receive the typical FDA process and approval, they were granted emergency use. That’s enough right there to say it was rushed.
These vaccines haven’t been developed over 17 years either. He doesn’t really say these vaccines were developed over 17 years, kind of totes the line and dancing around it and says it’s a 17 year process. I’d rate that partially true since the knowledge they gained over the last 17 years did help make this vaccine. But we don’t even know how effective the vaccines are against the new strains of Covid-19. It would be more accurate to say these vaccines are new, but utilize the research over the last 17 years to make them.
The vaccine trials went from phase 1 to phase 3 and emergency approval in about 4 months. That is extremely rushed by any standards, I don’t know why anyone would try to convince people otherwise. Instead of saying it wasn’t rushed, just say we used 17 years of research to develop this vaccine. It was tested on tens of thousands and now millions have received it without any concerns of severe side effects or long term effects. Because that’s what it is.
-EV 8/14/93
going back to normal is the worst thing anyone can do. it would overwhelm the healthcare system, and it would cause situations like they had in Italy and Spain where they had to choose who lived or died; ventilators are a finite supply, while breath is an infinite demand.
lockdowns, as shitty as they are, DO work. the 8 week lockdown we just slightly came out of yesterday worked. so they loosed restrictions a bit. this sucks but this is life for the time being. i'm getting so sick of people shouting "freedom". we all want to be back to normal. and it sucks that some people have to sacrifice more than others; the small business owners, the kids missing their friends, the seniors being isolated, etc. but this isn't some "grand reset" or some stupid fucking conspiracy to control the masses. do you have any idea how many people would have to be in on it for that to be the case?
it's not "just the flu". 40 year olds don't die from the flu. and your suggestion that we sacrifice the old because "they'd die soon anyway" is horrendously callous. i doubt you'd have that attitude if it were your family member. this is the trouble i have with conservatives in many cases: they don't give a flying fuck about other people until they are personally affected (or if it's to control women).
ditch the masks? great idea. let's start sneezing all over each other again. that's a fabulous plan.
-EV 8/14/93
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
40% maybe had masks. With the recommendation being to use it during rush hours.
astoria 06
albany 06
hartford 06
reading 06
barcelona 06
paris 06
wembley 07
dusseldorf 07
nijmegen 07
this song is meant to be called i got shit,itshould be called i got shit tickets-hartford 06 -
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
I remember some strong boasts about Swedes doing the right/smart things without needing the government to tell them to...
I also remember my state Ohio making strong moves early, and I was going to do a Sweden/Ohio comparison someday...then Ohio's governor caved in to the right-wing hillbillies and we haven't been doing so well.
I hope Sweden does better than us, it shouldn't be too hard.
The smartest people believe Sweden is doing the right/smart thing and not the right/smart thing at the same time:
Lung scans show COVID-19 can leave severe damage, even in those who didn't have symptoms
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
i just can't for the life of me understand what people who think this is some big conspiracy believe the motivation for this to be.
-EV 8/14/93