Phase 3 for province on Friday. Rumour is things are going to be opening up significantly.
Family and friends bubble
Gatherings with physical distancing of 50 or fewer
Increase in elective surgeries and other non-emergency health care services
Non-regulated health professionals/businesses
Personal services businesses
Swimming pools, saunas and waterparks
Gyms, yoga and dance studios
Rinks and indoor recreational facilities
Pool halls and bowling alleys
Low-contact team sports
Other sectors to be determined
That’s great news. We bought a “lounge pool” for my daughter because she needs to swim in the summer and her swim classes will be closed for a while. The lounge looks like a slightly fancy inflatable kiddie pool with built in seats but it will keep her occupied. The beaches will be open for swimming but she is really a pool girl.
Like to see the rinks open soon, could really use seeing a hockey game
so in my County in Pa. more people over the age of 100 than those under the age of 45 have died from this virus. Our governor wants to keep businesses closed until we get 50 or less cases per 100k residents for 2 weeks straight. Our county is loaded with nursing homes and a high percentage of the cases are in nursing homes. sorry but keeping all these small businesses still closed when most of the cases are in nursing homes is insane.
Be careful, thoughts like this are blasphemous around these parts. Thou shall not question Science!!! Thomas Dolby warned us about this 30 years ago....
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,800
so in my County in Pa. more people over the age of 100 than those under the age of 45 have died from this virus. Our governor wants to keep businesses closed until we get 50 or less cases per 100k residents for 2 weeks straight. Our county is loaded with nursing homes and a high percentage of the cases are in nursing homes. sorry but keeping all these small businesses still closed when most of the cases are in nursing homes is insane.
Be careful, thoughts like this are blasphemous around these parts. Thou shall not question Science!!! Thomas Dolby warned us about this 30 years ago....
You know...
...awe, fuggedaboudit.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Yeah, pretty much the day our stay-at-home order was lifted, we had parents texting us to see if our kids could get together and play.
Um, no thank you. Sorry you have to keep being a parent.
So where you live they are allowing your kids to play with other kids and you are saying no?
Of course he is, he is smart and cares about his kids. Some of us live in areas where thousands of people have died from this. I get that many areas are not seeing lots of deaths....and I guess I can understand people believing the govt in those cases
I'm not trusting the govt for shit, in NJ, and I surely wouldn't in MA (where Dankind lives) either.
They are caving to the pressure from the people vs the advice from the scientists.
(Edit - also should be noted that both Dankind and myself shared we have people living in our households who are categorized as higher risk for having problems with this shit if they were to get it. I still wouldn't allow it but this makes it a simple and basic decision for me.)
so in my County in Pa. more people over the age of 100 than those under the age of 45 have died from this virus. Our governor wants to keep businesses closed until we get 50 or less cases per 100k residents for 2 weeks straight. Our county is loaded with nursing homes and a high percentage of the cases are in nursing homes. sorry but keeping all these small businesses still closed when most of the cases are in nursing homes is insane.
Be careful, thoughts like this are blasphemous around these parts. Thou shall not question Science!!! Thomas Dolby warned us about this 30 years ago....
You know...
...awe, fuggedaboudit.
I don’t know Brian, it’s like we are living in an alternate universe. When I talk with conservatives, they pretend it’s a foregone conclusion we are past the worst of it and everything should be back to normal And open , something we all desperately want.
But take a close look at yesterday’s numbers, and subtract NY from USA, and the result is one of the worst days ever for new cases and deaths. US outside NY is still at the peak and we are almost into June. Whoever heard of thousands dying from a virus in late May? Whoever heard of over a thousand deaths a day for a virus in the supposedly wealthiest and best health system on earth?Two months and still peaking? When do we pay attention? 200,000 deaths? Linda?
so in my County in Pa. more people over the age of 100 than those under the age of 45 have died from this virus. Our governor wants to keep businesses closed until we get 50 or less cases per 100k residents for 2 weeks straight. Our county is loaded with nursing homes and a high percentage of the cases are in nursing homes. sorry but keeping all these small businesses still closed when most of the cases are in nursing homes is insane.
Be careful, thoughts like this are blasphemous around these parts. Thou shall not question Science!!! Thomas Dolby warned us about this 30 years ago....
so in my County in Pa. more people over the age of 100 than those under the age of 45 have died from this virus. Our governor wants to keep businesses closed until we get 50 or less cases per 100k residents for 2 weeks straight. Our county is loaded with nursing homes and a high percentage of the cases are in nursing homes. sorry but keeping all these small businesses still closed when most of the cases are in nursing homes is insane.
Be careful, thoughts like this are blasphemous around these parts. Thou shall not question Science!!! Thomas Dolby warned us about this 30 years ago....
Better to be 6 feet apart then 6 feet under
+1 So tired of hearing that this thing isn’t real. Friend worked with Ebola for a long time and his take is “this is some serious, serious scary shit”. I had it for 6 weeks and still can’t breath properly and I’m not that old. I don’t care about the political part of this and I completely sympathize with those out of work but please, please protect yourselves, loved ones and your children. If the Ebola specialist is afraid then we all should be. Stay safe everyone.
Yeah, pretty much the day our stay-at-home order was lifted, we had parents texting us to see if our kids could get together and play.
Um, no thank you. Sorry you have to keep being a parent.
So where you live they are allowing your kids to play with other kids and you are saying no?
Of course he is, he is smart and cares about his kids. Some of us live in areas where thousands of people have died from this. I get that many areas are not seeing lots of deaths....and I guess I can understand people believing the govt in those cases
I'm not trusting the govt for shit, in NJ, and I surely wouldn't in MA (where Dankind lives) either.
They are caving to the pressure from the people vs the advice from the scientists.
(Edit - also should be noted that both Dankind and myself shared we have people living in our households who are categorized as higher risk for having problems with this shit if they were to get it. I still wouldn't allow it but this makes it a simple and basic decision for me.)
I get it for sure. I did not know he had someone at high risk living in his house and I am not judging the decision btw just curious. I really feel bad for the kids that can't be somewhat normal in all of this. Another question for you guys. At what point do you guys think it is safe to allow your kids to hang around other kids? Has that discussion been brought up? Waiting for a vaccine is a hell of a long time to wait. I am fortunate I live in an area that this is non existent but if I did live in an area where it was bad and both my wife and I had to go to work what would we do with our kids if daycares where open? Not take them there? Not work and get fired?vThere has to be plenty of people fighting with these decisions right now and hard to come up with a perfect solution.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,602
edited May 2020
Hope your recovery continues.
Some people just don't believe it can be real if it isn't in their backyard. (I hope it doesn't come there anytime soon...)
CDC now reports 35% of Covid-19 cases are asymptomatic and .4% of those who show signs of being sick will die. The deaths from this disease are horrific, but .4% is a number that is far below what was being estimated just a short while ago (5 - 10 times less deadly). That said, this is the same CDC that has been mixing viral test results with antibody test results, so interpret this estimate how you wish.
Yeah, pretty much the day our stay-at-home order was lifted, we had parents texting us to see if our kids could get together and play.
Um, no thank you. Sorry you have to keep being a parent.
So where you live they are allowing your kids to play with other kids and you are saying no?
Of course he is, he is smart and cares about his kids. Some of us live in areas where thousands of people have died from this. I get that many areas are not seeing lots of deaths....and I guess I can understand people believing the govt in those cases
I'm not trusting the govt for shit, in NJ, and I surely wouldn't in MA (where Dankind lives) either.
They are caving to the pressure from the people vs the advice from the scientists.
(Edit - also should be noted that both Dankind and myself shared we have people living in our households who are categorized as higher risk for having problems with this shit if they were to get it. I still wouldn't allow it but this makes it a simple and basic decision for me.)
I didn't vote for Murphy but I think he is doing a pretty good job. However I do think businesses other than gyms and bars should be open in some capacity.
so in my County in Pa. more people over the age of 100 than those under the age of 45 have died from this virus. Our governor wants to keep businesses closed until we get 50 or less cases per 100k residents for 2 weeks straight. Our county is loaded with nursing homes and a high percentage of the cases are in nursing homes. sorry but keeping all these small businesses still closed when most of the cases are in nursing homes is insane.
Be careful, thoughts like this are blasphemous around these parts. Thou shall not question Science!!! Thomas Dolby warned us about this 30 years ago....
Better to be 6 feet apart then 6 feet under
+1 So tired of hearing that this thing isn’t real. Friend worked with Ebola for a long time and his take is “this is some serious, serious scary shit”. I had it for 6 weeks and still can’t breath properly and I’m not that old. I don’t care about the political part of this and I completely sympathize with those out of work but please, please protect yourselves, loved ones and your children. If the Ebola specialist is afraid then we all should be. Stay safe everyone.
I totally agree with you. However, there are a lot of people in this country, and on this site, who honestly believe that this is all just a liberal plot to get rid of the president.
There are 90,000+ Americans and many more to come that will beg to differ.
so in my County in Pa. more people over the age of 100 than those under the age of 45 have died from this virus. Our governor wants to keep businesses closed until we get 50 or less cases per 100k residents for 2 weeks straight. Our county is loaded with nursing homes and a high percentage of the cases are in nursing homes. sorry but keeping all these small businesses still closed when most of the cases are in nursing homes is insane.
Be careful, thoughts like this are blasphemous around these parts. Thou shall not question Science!!! Thomas Dolby warned us about this 30 years ago....
so in my County in Pa. more people over the age of 100 than those under the age of 45 have died from this virus. Our governor wants to keep businesses closed until we get 50 or less cases per 100k residents for 2 weeks straight. Our county is loaded with nursing homes and a high percentage of the cases are in nursing homes. sorry but keeping all these small businesses still closed when most of the cases are in nursing homes is insane.
But that doesn't fit into all the fear and panic porn that is out there!!! This virus is clearly very bad and dangerous for a very small percentage of people. Mainly the elderly and those with pre-existing conditions. Those are the people that should be protected the most and obviously that has been a massive failure so far when you see what is happening at nursing homes all over the country. Everyone praises Gov Cuomo in NY but it is rarely mentioned how they were sending recovering patients INTO nursing homes! I am far from a conpsiracy theory MAGA guy, but the way this has all been handled across the board has been horrible.
IL outside bar/restaurant seating officially opens May 29. However, it seems that some restaurant owners have already started opening. I saw an outside patio open for business yesterday afternoon. Probably 15-20 people. Everyone seemed relatively spaced out, server was wearing a mask and gloves, so assuming rules are followed, this seems to be a positive.
This may have been mentioned previously and if so I apologize but to put this all into perspective...the flu, Ebola, HIV, and COVID-19 are all viruses. Had this been taken more seriously by the egotistical one the death rate would have stayed more in line with that of the yearly influenza strains. And yes this does affect the elderly more but does that really matter the age of those individuals who suffered and passed? Are they loved any less? And we ignored the risks to children for so long that now they are suffering and dying. Go ahead and do as you wish but for your own sake and for the sake of others use your mask at all times when you leave your house. I’m just telling you what the expert told me and just trying to help, not trying to preach or argue.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,602
Yeah, pretty much the day our stay-at-home order was lifted, we had parents texting us to see if our kids could get together and play.
Um, no thank you. Sorry you have to keep being a parent.
So where you live they are allowing your kids to play with other kids and you are saying no?
Of course he is, he is smart and cares about his kids. Some of us live in areas where thousands of people have died from this. I get that many areas are not seeing lots of deaths....and I guess I can understand people believing the govt in those cases
I'm not trusting the govt for shit, in NJ, and I surely wouldn't in MA (where Dankind lives) either.
They are caving to the pressure from the people vs the advice from the scientists.
(Edit - also should be noted that both Dankind and myself shared we have people living in our households who are categorized as higher risk for having problems with this shit if they were to get it. I still wouldn't allow it but this makes it a simple and basic decision for me.)
I didn't vote for Murphy but I think he is doing a pretty good job. However I do think businesses other than gyms and bars should be open in some capacity.
I don't know, I am no scientist. I do want that we should follow what they say, though. If they are in agreement that it is time, I am OK with that. I continue to take the precautions I feel are needed to protect my family until we can learn more about this, if there is such a thing as immunity, etc...
CDC now reports 35% of Covid-19 cases are asymptomatic and .4% of those who show signs of being sick will die. The deaths from this disease are horrific, but .4% is a number that is far below what was being estimated just a short while ago (5 - 10 times less deadly). That said, this is the same CDC that has been mixing viral test results with antibody test results, so interpret this estimate how you wish.
The way that is worded it would suggest that the deaths are even lower than that at 0.26%. I take numbers like these with a huge grain of salt. They could be higher they could be lower. Like you said tests results have been shady at best and dying of and dying with is a huge difference and should be noted imo.
CDC now reports 35% of Covid-19 cases are asymptomatic and .4% of those who show signs of being sick will die. The deaths from this disease are horrific, but .4% is a number that is far below what was being estimated just a short while ago (5 - 10 times less deadly). That said, this is the same CDC that has been mixing viral test results with antibody test results, so interpret this estimate how you wish.
The way that is worded it would suggest that the deaths are even lower than that at 0.26%. I take numbers like these with a huge grain of salt. They could be higher they could be lower. Like you said tests results have been shady at best and dying of and dying with is a huge difference and should be noted imo.
This is a good point. You're right. Test result data is unreliable due to the errors of the CDC and the cause of death statistics could be skewed as well. It amazes me that accurate tracking of this thing has been botched on so many levels.
g under p
Surfing The far side of THE Sombrero Galaxy Posts: 18,209
I'm bummed, it was a rainout at the Ballpark for CV19 testing. However, I called them back and it's been rescheduled for tomorrow the same time. Oh btw I asked if there were any charges or cost for this testing and she said no. I was surprised by that because down in Miami many were charged up to 1k billed to insurance. We'll see how it goes tomorrow.
*We CAN bomb the World to pieces, but we CAN'T bomb it into PEACE*...Michael Franti
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
so in my County in Pa. more people over the age of 100 than those under the age of 45 have died from this virus. Our governor wants to keep businesses closed until we get 50 or less cases per 100k residents for 2 weeks straight. Our county is loaded with nursing homes and a high percentage of the cases are in nursing homes. sorry but keeping all these small businesses still closed when most of the cases are in nursing homes is insane.
Be careful, thoughts like this are blasphemous around these parts. Thou shall not question Science!!! Thomas Dolby warned us about this 30 years ago....
my issue with the current situation is i don't understand how we can allow every person to head to supermarkets and big box stores but can't have salons and barbershops and other small businesses open? makes no sense to me.
so in my County in Pa. more people over the age of 100 than those under the age of 45 have died from this virus. Our governor wants to keep businesses closed until we get 50 or less cases per 100k residents for 2 weeks straight. Our county is loaded with nursing homes and a high percentage of the cases are in nursing homes. sorry but keeping all these small businesses still closed when most of the cases are in nursing homes is insane.
Be careful, thoughts like this are blasphemous around these parts. Thou shall not question Science!!! Thomas Dolby warned us about this 30 years ago....
my issue with the current situation is i don't understand how we can allow every person to head to supermarkets and big box stores but can't have salons and barbershops and other small businesses open? makes no sense to me.
Food and toiletries, etc. are considered essential. In a barbershop you can’t maintain a safe social distance. I agree no one listens at the stores either so I’m not disagreeing just conveying their reasoning.
"Even if we believe we are very similar (Norway and Sweden) we notice in a situation like this that our political cultures are completely different. In Norway it would not have been possible to let the head of the Public Health Agency run the country" - Erna Solberg, Prime minister of Norway.
Right or wrong calls in this crisis. Thank god for living in a country not run fully by political agendas.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
My wife is a small business owner (hair stylist) and will be back up and running June 1. The owner of the building has put all necessary precautionary measures in place with the stylists, who all operate their own business in their own salon suite space. Stylists and customers must wear masks 100% of the time. Disinfect chair, sink, equipment, etc. in between every customer. Only one person at a time in each suite. You obviously cannot be 6 feet apart, but with both parties wearing masks, it reduces the potential for transmission significantly. There's some level of risk, but hopefully things go well with the proper precautions being taken.
so in my County in Pa. more people over the age of 100 than those under the age of 45 have died from this virus. Our governor wants to keep businesses closed until we get 50 or less cases per 100k residents for 2 weeks straight. Our county is loaded with nursing homes and a high percentage of the cases are in nursing homes. sorry but keeping all these small businesses still closed when most of the cases are in nursing homes is insane.
Be careful, thoughts like this are blasphemous around these parts. Thou shall not question Science!!! Thomas Dolby warned us about this 30 years ago....
my issue with the current situation is i don't understand how we can allow every person to head to supermarkets and big box stores but can't have salons and barbershops and other small businesses open? makes no sense to me.
Being in close proximity for the time it takes to get a haircut has a higher transmission risk than passing by someone for a few seconds in a large store.
so in my County in Pa. more people over the age of 100 than those under the age of 45 have died from this virus. Our governor wants to keep businesses closed until we get 50 or less cases per 100k residents for 2 weeks straight. Our county is loaded with nursing homes and a high percentage of the cases are in nursing homes. sorry but keeping all these small businesses still closed when most of the cases are in nursing homes is insane.
Be careful, thoughts like this are blasphemous around these parts. Thou shall not question Science!!! Thomas Dolby warned us about this 30 years ago....
my issue with the current situation is i don't understand how we can allow every person to head to supermarkets and big box stores but can't have salons and barbershops and other small businesses open? makes no sense to me.
Close quarters. Physical contact and very close proximity for a prolonged period of time at salons vs. a large warehouse where some social distancing can occur, limited physical contact with others and a much shorter time in close proximity with others. For me, I don't go to grocery stores, big box stores (although I did do Costco once early on to load the freezer with meat and to stock up on essentials when this first started), or salons and have no desire to for some time. I do curbside pickup for weed, beer and sometimes takeout food, have groceries delivered, and have been able to buy whatever else I need through online shopping. I live with someone in a higher risk category, so I know I'm probably hyper-vigilant.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
Your tell them damn innerlectuals, Smellyman!
Some of us live in areas where thousands of people have died from this.
I get that many areas are not seeing lots of deaths....and I guess I can understand people believing the govt in those cases
I'm not trusting the govt for shit, in NJ, and I surely wouldn't in MA (where Dankind lives) either.
They are caving to the pressure from the people vs the advice from the scientists.
(Edit - also should be noted that both Dankind and myself shared we have people living in our households who are categorized as higher risk for having problems with this shit if they were to get it. I still wouldn't allow it but this makes it a simple and basic decision for me.)
But take a close look at yesterday’s numbers, and subtract NY from USA, and the result is one of the worst days ever for new cases and deaths. US outside NY is still at the peak and we are almost into June. Whoever heard of thousands dying from a virus in late May? Whoever heard of over a thousand deaths a day for a virus in the supposedly wealthiest and best health system on earth?Two months and still peaking? When do we pay attention? 200,000 deaths? Linda?
Stay safe everyone.
Some people just don't believe it can be real if it isn't in their backyard. (I hope it doesn't come there anytime soon...)
However, there are a lot of people in this country, and on this site, who honestly believe that this is all just a liberal plot to get rid of the president.
There are 90,000+ Americans and many more to come that will beg to differ.
*MUSIC IS the expression of EMOTION.....and that POLITICS IS merely the DECOY of PERCEPTION*
.....song_Music & Politics....Michael Franti
*The scientists of today think deeply instead of clearly. One must be sane to think clearly, but one can think deeply and be quite INSANE*....Nikola Tesla(a man who shaped our world of electricity with his futuristic inventions)
"Even if we believe we are very similar (Norway and Sweden) we notice in a situation like this that our political cultures are completely different. In Norway it would not have been possible to let the head of the Public Health Agency run the country"
- Erna Solberg, Prime minister of Norway.
Right or wrong calls in this crisis. Thank god for living in a country not run fully by political agendas.