Everybody getting psyched to take the family down to Orlando? Airfare is cheap, planes are empty, what are you waiting for? Go on now, jump start the economy and OAA!
You and I should get adjoining rooms at the Polynesian!! I know I have five kids but it will be fun. Bro you and I chilling on “it s a small world!” I ll buy the alcohol and you buy the range time.
Everybody getting psyched to take the family down to Orlando? Airfare is cheap, planes are empty, what are you waiting for? Go on now, jump start the economy and OAA!
You and I should get adjoining rooms at the Polynesian!! I know I have five kids but it will be fun. Bro you and I chilling on “it s a small world!” I ll buy the alcohol and you buy the range time.
I’ll bring the ice. And golf balls.
Daaamn golf balls at the range?!?! Shit what do I bring to provide you with a little bit of “success”? I know you are a little soft so I am thinking .410 but not my final answer.
Everybody getting psyched to take the family down to Orlando? Airfare is cheap, planes are empty, what are you waiting for? Go on now, jump start the economy and OAA!
You and I should get adjoining rooms at the Polynesian!! I know I have five kids but it will be fun. Bro you and I chilling on “it s a small world!” I ll buy the alcohol and you buy the range time.
I’ll bring the ice. And golf balls.
Daaamn golf balls at the range?!?! Shit what do I bring to provide you with a little bit of “success”? I know you are a little soft so I am thinking .410 but not my final answer.
You yell pull and I’ll throw or drive a golf ball, you try to “hit” it. I’ll go easy and be safe, all armored up.
Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg donates $ 100,000 to the UN Children's Fund Unicef to fight the coronavirus pandemic, the organization says.
The money is part of a campaign and comes from a prize she won by the Danish organization Human Act, which has promised to donate equally.
"Just like the climate crisis, the corona pandemic is a child justice crisis. It will affect all children now and in the long term, but vulnerable groups will be most affected," Greta Thunberg said in a statement.
She therefore urges her followers to support Unicef's work to protect children's lives and ensure that their schooling continues.
In concrete terms, the support, which corresponds to SEK 986,000, will go to the distribution of soaps, protective equipment, health care products and various information campaigns and educational efforts.
1.5 billion children cannot attend school because their schools are closed around the world and millions of children are at risk of extreme poverty as a result of the pandemic, according to Unicef.
We are seen as an outlier in the handling of this pandemic, mainly because:
- We have not closed down our schools. - We have not closed our stores, pubs or restaurants. - We have not closed our borders - We are not being forced or asked to wear facemasks - There has not been an ordered lockdown, but instead we are asked to limit our social contacts, to wash our hands, to stay home from work with any symptoms (paid sickleave from the government from the first day), limit our travel, to work from home if possible, to not gather in groups of bigger than 50 people.
(if your question was honest, and not sarcastic)
Yes I know that: 1. You're Swedish so you understandably like to discuss Sweden. Although you're not a member of Kiss, yet that seems to be discussed more. 2. I am interested in the Swedish model as that gives us an interesting test against the 'control' of social distancing and shelter orders. 3. However, the amount of posts seem disproportionate
I checked out of this thread for about 2k posts and then came back. I was all Corona, all the time at work for about a month so the last thing I wanted was leisure reading to be about the same. But we're now ramping business back up so I thought I'd come back on, and it's dominated by Sweden. I was trying to see if something new was afoot, but it seems like BAU around here. Carry on.
BTW - I know you were worried about your mother early on. Is she (and other vulnerable members of society) generally practicing social distancing like other countries?
Yes. She is. She takes the bus to work, but I'm trying to make her take the bike instead. She tries to visit the supermarket when it is less crowded and she told me yesterday on the phone that people were pretty good at keeping distances in that store, and following recommendations and signs being put up about keeping distance etc. And I mean, her being fired from her job is because social distancing works -- no one is going to the galleria, or visiting the restaurant she works at in the galleria.
There were reports early (don't know if this was a general sign or just newspapers being newspapers) about old people not taking it seriously. But the public health agency did stress the importance for people over 70 to avoid social contacts. And have not seen anything lately reported about it.
And a moment ago my mom called me and said her bosses at the restaurant are gonna try to cancel the terminations that are in place (my moms last day was to be in two weeks), and instead try to power through it with the help government can give and without having to fire any in the staff. There are good people in the world it seems. So if that works it would be amazzzinnnggggggggggggggg.
Post edited by Spiritual_Chaos on
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
We are seen as an outlier in the handling of this pandemic, mainly because:
- We have not closed down our schools. - We have not closed our stores, pubs or restaurants. - We have not closed our borders - We are not being forced or asked to wear facemasks - There has not been an ordered lockdown, but instead we are asked to limit our social contacts, to wash our hands, to stay home from work with any symptoms (paid sickleave from the government from the first day), limit our travel, to work from home if possible, to not gather in groups of bigger than 50 people.
(if your question was honest, and not sarcastic)
Yes I know that: 1. You're Swedish so you understandably like to discuss Sweden. Although you're not a member of Kiss, yet that seems to be discussed more. 2. I am interested in the Swedish model as that gives us an interesting test against the 'control' of social distancing and shelter orders. 3. However, the amount of posts seem disproportionate
I checked out of this thread for about 2k posts and then came back. I was all Corona, all the time at work for about a month so the last thing I wanted was leisure reading to be about the same. But we're now ramping business back up so I thought I'd come back on, and it's dominated by Sweden. I was trying to see if something new was afoot, but it seems like BAU around here. Carry on.
BTW - I know you were worried about your mother early on. Is she (and other vulnerable members of society) generally practicing social distancing like other countries?
Yes. She is. She takes the bus to work, but I'm trying to make her take the bike instead. She tries to visit the supermarket when it is less crowded and she told me yesterday on the phone that people were pretty good at keeping distances in that store, and following recommendations and signs being put up about keeping distance etc. And I mean, her being fired from her job is because social distancing works -- no one is going to the galleria, or visiting the restaurant she works at in the galleria.
There were reports early (don't know if this was a general sign or just newspapers being newspapers) about old people not taking it seriously. But the public health agency did stress the importance for people over 70 to avoid social contacts. And have not seen anything lately reported about it.
And a moment ago my mom called me and said her bosses at the restaurant are gonna try to cancel the terminations that are in place (my moms last day was to be in two weeks), and instead try to power through it with the help government can give and without having to fire any in the staff. There are good people in the world it seems. So if that works it would be amazzzinnnggggggggggggggg.
Glad she is doing okay. And yeah, you need to convince her to stay off the bus. It's spring in Sweden! I assume she wears masks when out? Is that step taken by most citizens?
We are seen as an outlier in the handling of this pandemic, mainly because:
- We have not closed down our schools. - We have not closed our stores, pubs or restaurants. - We have not closed our borders - We are not being forced or asked to wear facemasks - There has not been an ordered lockdown, but instead we are asked to limit our social contacts, to wash our hands, to stay home from work with any symptoms (paid sickleave from the government from the first day), limit our travel, to work from home if possible, to not gather in groups of bigger than 50 people.
(if your question was honest, and not sarcastic)
Yes I know that: 1. You're Swedish so you understandably like to discuss Sweden. Although you're not a member of Kiss, yet that seems to be discussed more. 2. I am interested in the Swedish model as that gives us an interesting test against the 'control' of social distancing and shelter orders. 3. However, the amount of posts seem disproportionate
I checked out of this thread for about 2k posts and then came back. I was all Corona, all the time at work for about a month so the last thing I wanted was leisure reading to be about the same. But we're now ramping business back up so I thought I'd come back on, and it's dominated by Sweden. I was trying to see if something new was afoot, but it seems like BAU around here. Carry on.
BTW - I know you were worried about your mother early on. Is she (and other vulnerable members of society) generally practicing social distancing like other countries?
Yes. She is. She takes the bus to work, but I'm trying to make her take the bike instead. She tries to visit the supermarket when it is less crowded and she told me yesterday on the phone that people were pretty good at keeping distances in that store, and following recommendations and signs being put up about keeping distance etc. And I mean, her being fired from her job is because social distancing works -- no one is going to the galleria, or visiting the restaurant she works at in the galleria.
There were reports early (don't know if this was a general sign or just newspapers being newspapers) about old people not taking it seriously. But the public health agency did stress the importance for people over 70 to avoid social contacts. And have not seen anything lately reported about it.
And a moment ago my mom called me and said her bosses at the restaurant are gonna try to cancel the terminations that are in place (my moms last day was to be in two weeks), and instead try to power through it with the help government can give and without having to fire any in the staff. There are good people in the world it seems. So if that works it would be amazzzinnnggggggggggggggg.
Glad she is doing okay. And yeah, you need to convince her to stay off the bus. It's spring in Sweden! I assume she wears masks when out? Is that step taken by most citizens?
Only people wearing masks here are of asian descent, and is bringing that custom over. Saw an old white man in a mask too, but he was not practising any social distancing so don't know what his thinking was.
We are not recommended wearing masks in public because there is not enough science backing it having any real effect. According to the experts here.
Now I'm off to celebrate Valborg "Walpurgis Night".
It usually looks like this.
But not this year. Barbeque some vegetables and drink some (vegan) wine. Maybe play yatzy.
Post edited by Spiritual_Chaos on
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
We are seen as an outlier in the handling of this pandemic, mainly because:
- We have not closed down our schools. - We have not closed our stores, pubs or restaurants. - We have not closed our borders - We are not being forced or asked to wear facemasks - There has not been an ordered lockdown, but instead we are asked to limit our social contacts, to wash our hands, to stay home from work with any symptoms (paid sickleave from the government from the first day), limit our travel, to work from home if possible, to not gather in groups of bigger than 50 people.
(if your question was honest, and not sarcastic)
Yes I know that: 1. You're Swedish so you understandably like to discuss Sweden. Although you're not a member of Kiss, yet that seems to be discussed more. 2. I am interested in the Swedish model as that gives us an interesting test against the 'control' of social distancing and shelter orders. 3. However, the amount of posts seem disproportionate
I checked out of this thread for about 2k posts and then came back. I was all Corona, all the time at work for about a month so the last thing I wanted was leisure reading to be about the same. But we're now ramping business back up so I thought I'd come back on, and it's dominated by Sweden. I was trying to see if something new was afoot, but it seems like BAU around here. Carry on.
BTW - I know you were worried about your mother early on. Is she (and other vulnerable members of society) generally practicing social distancing like other countries?
Yes. She is. She takes the bus to work, but I'm trying to make her take the bike instead. She tries to visit the supermarket when it is less crowded and she told me yesterday on the phone that people were pretty good at keeping distances in that store, and following recommendations and signs being put up about keeping distance etc. And I mean, her being fired from her job is because social distancing works -- no one is going to the galleria, or visiting the restaurant she works at in the galleria.
There were reports early (don't know if this was a general sign or just newspapers being newspapers) about old people not taking it seriously. But the public health agency did stress the importance for people over 70 to avoid social contacts. And have not seen anything lately reported about it.
And a moment ago my mom called me and said her bosses at the restaurant are gonna try to cancel the terminations that are in place (my moms last day was to be in two weeks), and instead try to power through it with the help government can give and without having to fire any in the staff. There are good people in the world it seems. So if that works it would be amazzzinnnggggggggggggggg.
Glad she is doing okay. And yeah, you need to convince her to stay off the bus. It's spring in Sweden! I assume she wears masks when out? Is that step taken by most citizens?
Only people wearing masks here are of asian descent, and is bringing that custom over. Saw an old white man in a mask too, but he was not practising any social distancing so don't know what his thinking was.
We are not recommended wearing masks in public because there is not enough science backing it having any real effect. According to the experts here.
Now I'm off to celebrate Valborg "Walpurgis Night".
It usually looks like this.
But not this year. Barbeque some vegetables and drink some (vegan) wine. Maybe play yatzy.
We played Kniffel/Pasch/Yatzy for hours on holiday when I was a kid!
We are seen as an outlier in the handling of this pandemic, mainly because:
- We have not closed down our schools. - We have not closed our stores, pubs or restaurants. - We have not closed our borders - We are not being forced or asked to wear facemasks - There has not been an ordered lockdown, but instead we are asked to limit our social contacts, to wash our hands, to stay home from work with any symptoms (paid sickleave from the government from the first day), limit our travel, to work from home if possible, to not gather in groups of bigger than 50 people.
(if your question was honest, and not sarcastic)
Yes I know that: 1. You're Swedish so you understandably like to discuss Sweden. Although you're not a member of Kiss, yet that seems to be discussed more. 2. I am interested in the Swedish model as that gives us an interesting test against the 'control' of social distancing and shelter orders. 3. However, the amount of posts seem disproportionate
I checked out of this thread for about 2k posts and then came back. I was all Corona, all the time at work for about a month so the last thing I wanted was leisure reading to be about the same. But we're now ramping business back up so I thought I'd come back on, and it's dominated by Sweden. I was trying to see if something new was afoot, but it seems like BAU around here. Carry on.
BTW - I know you were worried about your mother early on. Is she (and other vulnerable members of society) generally practicing social distancing like other countries?
Yes. She is. She takes the bus to work, but I'm trying to make her take the bike instead. She tries to visit the supermarket when it is less crowded and she told me yesterday on the phone that people were pretty good at keeping distances in that store, and following recommendations and signs being put up about keeping distance etc. And I mean, her being fired from her job is because social distancing works -- no one is going to the galleria, or visiting the restaurant she works at in the galleria.
There were reports early (don't know if this was a general sign or just newspapers being newspapers) about old people not taking it seriously. But the public health agency did stress the importance for people over 70 to avoid social contacts. And have not seen anything lately reported about it.
And a moment ago my mom called me and said her bosses at the restaurant are gonna try to cancel the terminations that are in place (my moms last day was to be in two weeks), and instead try to power through it with the help government can give and without having to fire any in the staff. There are good people in the world it seems. So if that works it would be amazzzinnnggggggggggggggg.
Glad she is doing okay. And yeah, you need to convince her to stay off the bus. It's spring in Sweden! I assume she wears masks when out? Is that step taken by most citizens?
Only people wearing masks here are of asian descent, and is bringing that custom over. Saw an old white man in a mask too, but he was not practising any social distancing so don't know what his thinking was.
We are not recommended wearing masks in public because there is not enough science backing it having any real effect. According to the experts here.
Now I'm off to celebrate Valborg "Walpurgis Night".
It usually looks like this.
But not this year. Barbeque some vegetables and drink some (vegan) wine. Maybe play yatzy.
We played Kniffel/Pasch/Yatzy for hours on holiday when I was a kid!
My wife and I like to play Yahtzee using this kind of score card. We play all six games as one. It makes for a longer game and adds a bit more strategy. We've even had full-score card tie games a few times!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
That's crazy, but kind of nice at the same point. Our Governor is trying to pass the same in IL and everyone is up in arms. He's also trying to tax us harder at the pump, so that plays into it. I've always pumped my own gas so it would take some getting used to, but the more I think of it, the more I think I would like it!
That's crazy, but kind of nice at the same point. Our Governor is trying to pass the same in IL and everyone is up in arms. He's also trying to tax us harder at the pump, so that plays into it. I've always pumped my own gas so it would take some getting used to, but the more I think of it, the more I think I would like it!
Yeah it’s better than touching the handle with ass cheese all over it just to name one of the disgusting things that are on those handles ..
That too is classic , I’ll never ever touch a gas handle without gloves again for the rest of my life!
Luckily in New Jersey we don't pump our own gas!!!
You serious? So how does that work? I imagine the price at the pump is higher to offset the added expense. Do you have to tip them?
Oh heck no. I pull up to the gas station, give them my card and tell them to fill it regular. That is it. I paid $1.89 for regular yesterday.
Your car takes regular? Is it a 78 Nova?
I always put regular in my car. Are you a 93 guy?
Nah, you're probably not old enough to remember 'regular' meant leaded back in the day. You'd say "fill it up with regular" to the attendant, vs "unleaded".
That too is classic , I’ll never ever touch a gas handle without gloves again for the rest of my life!
Luckily in New Jersey we don't pump our own gas!!!
You serious? So how does that work? I imagine the price at the pump is higher to offset the added expense. Do you have to tip them?
Oh heck no. I pull up to the gas station, give them my card and tell them to fill it regular. That is it. I paid $1.89 for regular yesterday.
Your car takes regular? Is it a 78 Nova?
I always put regular in my car. Are you a 93 guy?
Nah, you're probably not old enough to remember 'regular' meant leaded back in the day. You'd say "fill it up with regular" to the attendant, vs "unleaded".
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
The corona virus seems to work like a corona virus, like Giesecke has said.
Prague Krakow Berlin 2018. Berlin 2022
EV, Taormina 1+2 2017.
I wish i was the souvenir you kept your house key on..
There were reports early (don't know if this was a general sign or just newspapers being newspapers) about old people not taking it seriously. But the public health agency did stress the importance for people over 70 to avoid social contacts. And have not seen anything lately reported about it.
And a moment ago my mom called me and said her bosses at the restaurant are gonna try to cancel the terminations that are in place (my moms last day was to be in two weeks), and instead try to power through it with the help government can give and without having to fire any in the staff. There are good people in the world it seems. So if that works it would be amazzzinnnggggggggggggggg.
But wait for it, watch Trump make a heel turn!
We are not recommended wearing masks in public because there is not enough science backing it having any real effect. According to the experts here.
Now I'm off to celebrate Valborg "Walpurgis Night".
It usually looks like this.
But not this year. Barbeque some vegetables and drink some (vegan) wine. Maybe play yatzy.
I literally fell of my chair laughing
This should make everyone in Georgia feel really safe out on the roads 😂