Seriously. Why? My best guess is that Administration people are not supposed to wear them because of political points. What a jackass.
If I’m that patient I’m kicking him out of my vicinity would not even think twice about I’d embarrass him what an embarrassment, he just gave the ok to all the hoax believers that it’s fine too not wear a mask! And Mayo Clinic looks really bad letting this happen..
Agreed. And Pence shouldn’t have put them in that position to begin with.
Just wear the fucking mask, ya tool!
I just zoomed in on the picture and the man on stretcher has what looks like a hospital I’d badge it looks familiar to what I wear at work on a clip, could this just be a photo op with fake patient?
Probably just showing Pence an example of what they are doing. Who knows. I wouldn’t think they would let Pence around a sick person.
Yes but why like he doesn’t know what a person on stretcher is lol
I heard something that is pure gossip at this point so I'm asking if anyone knows anything verifiable about this: I was told by someone that if a company outside the US produces a vaccine, that US big pharma wants complete control/ ownership or it won't get distributed here in the U.S. Now PLEASE, I repeat, this is just hearsay and I'm hoping someone hear knows the true scoop. Thanks!
I heard a scholar from the Wilson Center on C-Span this morning (name?) state that China will probably beat the US at developing the vaccine, giving them another significant edge as the emerging world leader right now. He also reminded viewers that about 80% of all our pharmaceuticals and medical equipment already comes from China, putting us in a dependent role. His main point was that it's stupid for us to be at polticial odds with China right now, that scientists and doctors in our two countries have always enjoyed a positive relationship. Many Chinese doctors/scientists train in the US.
Seriously. Why? My best guess is that Administration people are not supposed to wear them because of political points. What a jackass.
If I’m that patient I’m kicking him out of my vicinity would not even think twice about I’d embarrass him what an embarrassment, he just gave the ok to all the hoax believers that it’s fine too not wear a mask! And Mayo Clinic looks really bad letting this happen..
Agreed. And Pence shouldn’t have put them in that position to begin with.
Just wear the fucking mask, ya tool!
Mike Pence probably gets a viral swab every morning as part of his security detail.
I know what that sounds like 😜. But I mean it seriously.
That's a good point about being at political odds with China. They were already poised to take the lead this century, and this situation accelerates that. Unfortunately, the 2020 GOP playbook is here, and it's all about going at odds with China.
2008 Tampa - 2013 Buffalo - 2016 Tampa - 2016 Fenway II Audioslave 2005 MSG
Great article here. Virus more common but less deadly than expected. Should be able to open up for those healthy and those 45 and under almost anytime.
After several days with no new cases, New Brunswick begins the process of opening up social visits by allowing two “bubbles” to connect - ie, two households that can socialize but only with each other
Ya thankful for the ease of restrictions but how do you choose? My mom? Her mom? My sisters? Her sisters? People are breaking this rule left and right. I am hoping my wife's physio clinic can open back up in late May but the criteria for phase 3 to happen is less than 3 community spread cases that are separate. That will be near impossible to reach.
Hard to know how to choose, but at least it's something.
When we get to this in BC, I'm sure that my parents will want to link their "bubble" with mine, but I'm going to resist. Both are in their 80s, both have underlying health conditions, and I work in an area at higher risk for exposure. They already see me in person once a week when I drop groceries at their door, then run away and talk to them from 20 feet away, plus we have a family zoom meeting each Sunday with my brother's family and I phone them. They'll just have to accept that for a while.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Great article here. Virus more common but less deadly than expected. Should be able to open up for those healthy and those 45 and under almost anytime.
A couple issues I take with this, although perhaps not the general thrust (I do think we need to better understand the virus before we can go declaring certain age groups as safe):
2) These studies (including the Stanford one) that are playing in a range of zero to several percentage points are not rising above the noise floor for the antibody tests.
2008 Tampa - 2013 Buffalo - 2016 Tampa - 2016 Fenway II Audioslave 2005 MSG
Great article here. Virus more common but less deadly than expected. Should be able to open up for those healthy and those 45 and under almost anytime.
I heard something that is pure gossip at this point so I'm asking if anyone knows anything verifiable about this: I was told by someone that if a company outside the US produces a vaccine, that US big pharma wants complete control/ ownership or it won't get distributed here in the U.S. Now PLEASE, I repeat, this is just hearsay and I'm hoping someone hear knows the true scoop. Thanks!
I heard a scholar from the Wilson Center on C-Span this morning (name?) state that China will probably beat the US at developing the vaccine, giving them another significant edge as the emerging world leader right now. He also reminded viewers that about 80% of all our pharmaceuticals and medical equipment already comes from China, putting us in a dependent role. His main point was that it's stupid for us to be at polticial odds with China right now, that scientists and doctors in our two countries have always enjoyed a positive relationship. Many Chinese doctors/scientists train in the US.
But yeah, I'm putting my money on China.
I think it would be great if the country of origin for this virus were also the country of origin for the vaccine. But, what the heck, if it comes from Mars, I'm all for it!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-Jim Acosta
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,804
Great article here. Virus more common but less deadly than expected. Should be able to open up for those healthy and those 45 and under almost anytime.
I heard something that is pure gossip at this point so I'm asking if anyone knows anything verifiable about this: I was told by someone that if a company outside the US produces a vaccine, that US big pharma wants complete control/ ownership or it won't get distributed here in the U.S. Now PLEASE, I repeat, this is just hearsay and I'm hoping someone hear knows the true scoop. Thanks!
I heard a scholar from the Wilson Center on C-Span this morning (name?) state that China will probably beat the US at developing the vaccine, giving them another significant edge as the emerging world leader right now. He also reminded viewers that about 80% of all our pharmaceuticals and medical equipment already comes from China, putting us in a dependent role. His main point was that it's stupid for us to be at polticial odds with China right now, that scientists and doctors in our two countries have always enjoyed a positive relationship. Many Chinese doctors/scientists train in the US.
But yeah, I'm putting my money on China.
They also own a good chunk of our debt, so yeah for multiple reasons it's stupid for political leaders to vilify China. You can be tough without toothless threats.
Good question. Sounds to me like blow hard who like to hear himself yell at people and call them "stupid". Well, by now we all know what comparing COVID-19 to the flu makes someone.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Great article here. Virus more common but less deadly than expected. Should be able to open up for those healthy and those 45 and under almost anytime.
A couple issues I take with this, although perhaps not the general thrust (I do think we need to better understand the virus before we can go declaring certain age groups as safe):
2) These studies (including the Stanford one) that are playing in a range of zero to several percentage points are not rising above the noise floor for the antibody tests.
for sure not bad to be skeptical at this point. i'd say ignore the blowhard wording from the guy but look at the numbers. if the numbers are correct then this is quite interesting. fact is you won't get a fully approved study in such a short period of time so you take what you can get. with real leadership we can use the data we have to start to understand what we can do moving forward to get back to some sense of normalcy in our lives for us without underlying conditions. i think we all can agree we want that
Great article here. Virus more common but less deadly than expected. Should be able to open up for those healthy and those 45 and under almost anytime.
for sure be skeptical of the person himself but if the numbers listed are correct, or close to correct it is quite interesting. as we learn more about this we get closer to being able to return to some level of opening back up. interesting numbers even if the guy is kind of a whack job
After several days with no new cases, New Brunswick begins the process of opening up social visits by allowing two “bubbles” to connect - ie, two households that can socialize but only with each other
Ya thankful for the ease of restrictions but how do you choose? My mom? Her mom? My sisters? Her sisters? People are breaking this rule left and right. I am hoping my wife's physio clinic can open back up in late May but the criteria for phase 3 to happen is less than 3 community spread cases that are separate. That will be near impossible to reach.
Hard to know how to choose, but at least it's something.
When we get to this in BC, I'm sure that my parents will want to link their "bubble" with mine, but I'm going to resist. Both are in their 80s, both have underlying health conditions, and I work in an area at higher risk for exposure. They already see me in person once a week when I drop groceries at their door, then run away and talk to them from 20 feet away, plus we have a family zoom meeting each Sunday with my brother's family and I phone them. They'll just have to accept that for a while.
manitoba's top health doc says we won't be following the bubble model. it sounded interesting to me.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Great article here. Virus more common but less deadly than expected. Should be able to open up for those healthy and those 45 and under almost anytime.
Great article here. Virus more common but less deadly than expected. Should be able to open up for those healthy and those 45 and under almost anytime.
for sure be skeptical of the person himself but if the numbers listed are correct, or close to correct it is quite interesting. as we learn more about this we get closer to being able to return to some level of opening back up. interesting numbers even if the guy is kind of a whack job
The problem with just "looking at the numbers" presented by a whack job is that he's cherry-picking the numbers that best support his previously stated point of view that the coronavirus is no more deadly than the flu. If it was someone more credible and objective than Clay Travis, it would be a different story...
It turns out three of them did have preexisting conditions: one had suffered another mild stroke previous to Co-Vid. One was discovered to have previously undiagnosed diabetes while being treated for Covid, another had hypertension and hyperlipidemia.Two of them said what I suggested earlier, based on prior reading -- they delayed going to hospital with stroke symptoms because of coVid fears.
Remarkably, when interviewed on NPR this morning and asked about underlying conditions connected to these cases, the doctor flat out LIED and said NO. So, I go to the letter mentioned on NPR to read his report myself, simply out of curiosity, and see facts in his own report that counter the LIE he told on the radio. Unbelievable.
There is a footnote in the letter regarding a 5% incidence of related strokes in Wuhan. Makes me wonder about lies being told everywhere.
It turns out three of them did have preexisting conditions: one had suffered another mild stroke previous to Co-Vid. One was discovered to have previously undiagnosed diabetes while being treated for Covid, another had hypertension and hyperlipidemia.Two of them said what I suggested earlier, based on prior reading -- they delayed going to hospital with stroke symptoms because of coVid fears.
Remarkably, when interviewed on NPR this morning and asked about underlying conditions connected to these cases, the doctor flat out LIED and said NO. So, I go to the letter mentioned on NPR to read his report myself, simply out of curiosity, and see facts in his own report that counter the LIE he told on the radio. Unbelievable.
There is a footnote in the letter regarding a 5% incidence of related strokes in Wuhan. Makes me wonder about lies being told everywhere.
That is untrue. Dr Makko (spelling?) did not lie. He was speaking about the 7x increase in stroke occurance that's been observed, and making a general assessment that overall, they did not have the expected usual underlying conditions that would precede a severe stroke. Your desire to see the media as inherently dishonest and alarmist is skewing your perception. It's one thing to distrust the media, but you should take a breathe and reassess before you throw medical professionals under the bus.
I'll add that you emphasize the FIVE patients in the letter, which was stated to just be an initial alarm, but seem to ignore the reported 7x increase that has been significantly correlated to COVID-19.
That's a good point about being at political odds with China. They were already poised to take the lead this century, and this situation accelerates that. Unfortunately, the 2020 GOP playbook is here, and it's all about going at odds with China.
Kinda nice to think about causing a pandemic leads to more power for China. Can't wait for the future!
JPPJ84I don’t get it. Doesn’t matter, I know why I usually keep away from AMT...
“I know why I usually keep away from AMT...“
...Shark infested waters
This is nothing. Check out a libertarian or conservative forum.
Yeah, no shit. Or just hop on the comment section of any CBS/NBC article on Facebook. If you think these are shark infested waters, you're not even stuck in the reef, you're in the kiddie pool at the resort lol
Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,603
Why would anyone want to go to one of those sites? Fuck those people, at this point.
It turns out three of them did have preexisting conditions: one had suffered another mild stroke previous to Co-Vid. One was discovered to have previously undiagnosed diabetes while being treated for Covid, another had hypertension and hyperlipidemia.Two of them said what I suggested earlier, based on prior reading -- they delayed going to hospital with stroke symptoms because of coVid fears.
Remarkably, when interviewed on NPR this morning and asked about underlying conditions connected to these cases, the doctor flat out LIED and said NO. So, I go to the letter mentioned on NPR to read his report myself, simply out of curiosity, and see facts in his own report that counter the LIE he told on the radio. Unbelievable.
There is a footnote in the letter regarding a 5% incidence of related strokes in Wuhan. Makes me wonder about lies being told everywhere.
That is untrue. Dr Makko (spelling?) did not lie. He was speaking about the 7x increase in stroke occurance that's been observed, and making a general assessment that overall, they did not have the expected usual underlying conditions that would precede a severe stroke. Your desire to see the media as inherently dishonest and alarmist is skewing your perception. It's one thing to distrust the media, but you should take a breathe and reassess before you throw medical professionals under the bus.
40% = 5, not 4.8, remember? 7x, he says (out of no baseline number provided) "About half" he says (of no total patients given)
Statistics never tell the whole story, and they mostly serve to confuse average people who don't know how to question them. And to @oftenreading, you're right, I forgot to extrapolate to the population at large in my denominator in my original post on this issue.
If 3/5 in the report I link where preexisting conditions DO exist is extrapolated to the "about half" he discusses in this article -- does that equal the 5% Wuhan reports? Can we go there instead of confusing everyone?
And it is absolutely true that he said NO on preexisting conditions when his own report refutes that. I'm not throwing him under the bus. He threw himself under the bus.
He could just tell America that there are unknown numbers of you walking around with diabetes and don't even know it. If you had a stroke before, you might have another one. Get your blood pressure under control. Forget CoVid, and go to the emergency room at the first sign of a stroke. Instead, the discussion makes it seem like half the people who get CoVid will have a stroke, and it's just not fucking true.
I have one doctor, one, whom I trust with my life. He helped me beat cancer, after a previous doctor ignored my reported, and well-known, obvious symptoms of it for years. She even missed the damned lump in my neck, for Chist sake, when she checked my lymph nodes on a routine exam.
You know the first thing this trusted doctor told me every time I had to make a treatment decision? "There are no guarantees in medicine."
But yeah, I'm putting my money on China.
I know what that sounds like 😜. But I mean it seriously.
That's a good point about being at political odds with China. They were already poised to take the lead this century, and this situation accelerates that. Unfortunately, the 2020 GOP playbook is here, and it's all about going at odds with China.
2008 Tampa - 2013 Buffalo - 2016 Tampa - 2016 Fenway II
Audioslave 2005 MSG
even if I look and act really crazy.
Hard to know how to choose, but at least it's something.
When we get to this in BC, I'm sure that my parents will want to link their "bubble" with mine, but I'm going to resist. Both are in their 80s, both have underlying health conditions, and I work in an area at higher risk for exposure. They already see me in person once a week when I drop groceries at their door, then run away and talk to them from 20 feet away, plus we have a family zoom meeting each Sunday with my brother's family and I phone them. They'll just have to accept that for a while.
2008 Tampa - 2013 Buffalo - 2016 Tampa - 2016 Fenway II
Audioslave 2005 MSG
And he was one of those flu-is-more-dangerous guys.
I think it would be great if the country of origin for this virus were also the country of origin for the vaccine. But, what the heck, if it comes from Mars, I'm all for it!
Good question. Sounds to me like blow hard who like to hear himself yell at people and call them "stupid". Well, by now we all know what comparing COVID-19 to the flu makes someone.
for sure not bad to be skeptical at this point. i'd say ignore the blowhard wording from the guy but look at the numbers. if the numbers are correct then this is quite interesting. fact is you won't get a fully approved study in such a short period of time so you take what you can get. with real leadership we can use the data we have to start to understand what we can do moving forward to get back to some sense of normalcy in our lives for us without underlying conditions. i think we all can agree we want that
for sure be skeptical of the person himself but if the numbers listed are correct, or close to correct it is quite interesting. as we learn more about this we get closer to being able to return to some level of opening back up. interesting numbers even if the guy is kind of a whack job
-EV 8/14/93
Definitely a virus and/or pandemic expert to be listened to.
Edit: when you click on link, you will be redirected, letter is three links down at this writing.
It turns out three of them did have preexisting conditions: one had suffered another mild stroke previous to Co-Vid. One was discovered to have previously undiagnosed diabetes while being treated for Covid, another had hypertension and hyperlipidemia.Two of them said what I suggested earlier, based on prior reading -- they delayed going to hospital with stroke symptoms because of coVid fears.
Remarkably, when interviewed on NPR this morning and asked about underlying conditions connected to these cases, the doctor flat out LIED and said NO. So, I go to the letter mentioned on NPR to read his report myself, simply out of curiosity, and see facts in his own report that counter the LIE he told on the radio. Unbelievable.
There is a footnote in the letter regarding a 5% incidence of related strokes in Wuhan. Makes me wonder about lies being told everywhere.
He was speaking about the 7x increase in stroke occurance that's been observed, and making a general assessment that overall, they did not have the expected usual underlying conditions that would precede a severe stroke.
Your desire to see the media as inherently dishonest and alarmist is skewing your perception.
It's one thing to distrust the media, but you should take a breathe and reassess before you throw medical professionals under the bus.
Or just hop on the comment section of any CBS/NBC article on Facebook.
If you think these are shark infested waters, you're not even stuck in the reef, you're in the kiddie pool at the resort lol
Fuck those people, at this point.
40% = 5, not 4.8, remember?
7x, he says (out of no baseline number provided)
"About half" he says (of no total patients given)
Statistics never tell the whole story, and they mostly serve to confuse average people who don't know how to question them. And to @oftenreading, you're right, I forgot to extrapolate to the population at large in my denominator in my original post on this issue.
If 3/5 in the report I link where preexisting conditions DO exist is extrapolated to the "about half" he discusses in this article -- does that equal the 5% Wuhan reports? Can we go there instead of confusing everyone?
And it is absolutely true that he said NO on preexisting conditions when his own report refutes that. I'm not throwing him under the bus. He threw himself under the bus.
He could just tell America that there are unknown numbers of you walking around with diabetes and don't even know it. If you had a stroke before, you might have another one. Get your blood pressure under control. Forget CoVid, and go to the emergency room at the first sign of a stroke. Instead, the discussion makes it seem like half the people who get CoVid will have a stroke, and it's just not fucking true.
I have one doctor, one, whom I trust with my life. He helped me beat cancer, after a previous doctor ignored my reported, and well-known, obvious symptoms of it for years. She even missed the damned lump in my neck, for Chist sake, when she checked my lymph nodes on a routine exam.
You know the first thing this trusted doctor told me every time I had to make a treatment decision? "There are no guarantees in medicine."