Here is a perspective from someone who doesn’t get wrapped up in rooting for one side or the other. Why did we not already have a plan in place for how to handle a worldwide pandemic? A no questions asked, exact course of action type of plan. Seems to me like that might be something our government should have given some thought about well before Trump even had the idea of running for office. Our last administration saw what the swine flu pandemic could do, and that was with a understanding of how to combat the H1N1 virus already. There were microbiologists predicting something like this current coronavirus pandemic with uncanny accuracy years ago. I have attached a review from the American Society for Microbiology published back in October of 2007 for reference along with the very accurate portion in a screenshot. No president should have to make up a plan on the fly when it comes to the safety of our country. Sorry, but this shit falls squarely on the inability of our government and not having their priorities straight long ago. Republican or Democrat it doesn’t matter, while all they care about is pointing fingers and acting like fucking children measures could have been taken. You don’t have to like Trump, and he undoubtedly says some off the wall things but the blame for this should be directed elsewhere. When do we stop letting our government divide us and start holding them accountable instead of spreading hate amongst each other? People just can’t seem to see the forest for the trees. RATM said it best, WAKE UP!
Before Trump’s inauguration, a warning: ‘The worst influenza pandemic since 1918’
In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario remarkably like the one he faces now.
Trump admin was briefed on a possible pandemic driving transition by the outgoing Obama administration. Trump disbanded the National Security Council pandemic unit. Trump dropped the ball on the response.
Stop with the both sides are bad bullshit. Trump administration single handedly fucked America on this one.
My whole point is we dropped the ball as a country by not having an
existing immediate response plan. One that doesn’t change unless it is
being amended and is standard protocol regardless of who is in the White
House. If these parameters are met then follow these guidelines, does
that not sound like something that should have already been achieved at
some point in our governments history? Every election is a gamble and
this would aid in making sure losing bets don’t make catastrophic
mistakes. I should have known better than to use the trigger word
because that is all many of you get hung up on. Nowhere did I state he
was doing a good job or was void of some responsibility, I also never
said Obama was at fault. Placing the blame on one person for the state
of any government is just silly. I simply feel it is ridiculous that our
country and many others were totally caught off guard and didn’t have
mandatory protocol already in place, ready to implement. If you can’t
see this as a preexisting issue that is every bit as culpable, then
maybe as someone commented we do live on different planets. My hope is
we learn from our mistakes because all we should be focused on is being
better prepared in the future. You can go back to
your hive mind mentality believing every Democratic run government was perfect from 1828 to
present. Fuck, that is some strong Kool-Aid.
Every Democratic government in my lifetime was significantly better ran than everyone Republican administration by any and every metric.
You don't have to go back to 1828. Here's a quote from this morning :
Here is a perspective from someone who doesn’t get wrapped up in rooting for one side or the other. Why did we not already have a plan in place for how to handle a worldwide pandemic? A no questions asked, exact course of action type of plan. Seems to me like that might be something our government should have given some thought about well before Trump even had the idea of running for office. Our last administration saw what the swine flu pandemic could do, and that was with a understanding of how to combat the H1N1 virus already. There were microbiologists predicting something like this current coronavirus pandemic with uncanny accuracy years ago. I have attached a review from the American Society for Microbiology published back in October of 2007 for reference along with the very accurate portion in a screenshot. No president should have to make up a plan on the fly when it comes to the safety of our country. Sorry, but this shit falls squarely on the inability of our government and not having their priorities straight long ago. Republican or Democrat it doesn’t matter, while all they care about is pointing fingers and acting like fucking children measures could have been taken. You don’t have to like Trump, and he undoubtedly says some off the wall things but the blame for this should be directed elsewhere. When do we stop letting our government divide us and start holding them accountable instead of spreading hate amongst each other? People just can’t seem to see the forest for the trees. RATM said it best, WAKE UP!
Before Trump’s inauguration, a warning: ‘The worst influenza pandemic since 1918’
In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario remarkably like the one he faces now.
Trump admin was briefed on a possible pandemic driving transition by the outgoing Obama administration. Trump disbanded the National Security Council pandemic unit. Trump dropped the ball on the response.
Stop with the both sides are bad bullshit. Trump administration single handedly fucked America on this one.
My whole point is we dropped the ball as a country by not having an
existing immediate response plan. One that doesn’t change unless it is
being amended and is standard protocol regardless of who is in the White
House. If these parameters are met then follow these guidelines, does
that not sound like something that should have already been achieved at
some point in our governments history? Every election is a gamble and
this would aid in making sure losing bets don’t make catastrophic
mistakes. I should have known better than to use the trigger word
because that is all many of you get hung up on. Nowhere did I state he
was doing a good job or was void of some responsibility, I also never
said Obama was at fault. Placing the blame on one person for the state
of any government is just silly. I simply feel it is ridiculous that our
country and many others were totally caught off guard and didn’t have
mandatory protocol already in place, ready to implement. If you can’t
see this as a preexisting issue that is every bit as culpable, then
maybe as someone commented we do live on different planets. My hope is
we learn from our mistakes because all we should be focused on is being
better prepared in the future. You can go back to
your hive mind mentality believing every Democratic run government was perfect from 1828 to
present. Fuck, that is some strong Kool-Aid.
Every Democratic government in my lifetime was significantly better ran than everyone Republican administration by any and every metric.
You don't have to go back to 1828. Here's a quote from this morning :
I most would agree with his comment, but I wouldn’t necessarily consider it making it easier. He’s referring to no registration, no ID, essentially no legal status requirements.
Here is a perspective from someone who doesn’t get wrapped up in rooting for one side or the other. Why did we not already have a plan in place for how to handle a worldwide pandemic? A no questions asked, exact course of action type of plan. Seems to me like that might be something our government should have given some thought about well before Trump even had the idea of running for office. Our last administration saw what the swine flu pandemic could do, and that was with a understanding of how to combat the H1N1 virus already. There were microbiologists predicting something like this current coronavirus pandemic with uncanny accuracy years ago. I have attached a review from the American Society for Microbiology published back in October of 2007 for reference along with the very accurate portion in a screenshot. No president should have to make up a plan on the fly when it comes to the safety of our country. Sorry, but this shit falls squarely on the inability of our government and not having their priorities straight long ago. Republican or Democrat it doesn’t matter, while all they care about is pointing fingers and acting like fucking children measures could have been taken. You don’t have to like Trump, and he undoubtedly says some off the wall things but the blame for this should be directed elsewhere. When do we stop letting our government divide us and start holding them accountable instead of spreading hate amongst each other? People just can’t seem to see the forest for the trees. RATM said it best, WAKE UP!
Before Trump’s inauguration, a warning: ‘The worst influenza pandemic since 1918’
In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario remarkably like the one he faces now.
Trump admin was briefed on a possible pandemic driving transition by the outgoing Obama administration. Trump disbanded the National Security Council pandemic unit. Trump dropped the ball on the response.
Stop with the both sides are bad bullshit. Trump administration single handedly fucked America on this one.
My whole point is we dropped the ball as a country by not having an
existing immediate response plan. One that doesn’t change unless it is
being amended and is standard protocol regardless of who is in the White
House. If these parameters are met then follow these guidelines, does
that not sound like something that should have already been achieved at
some point in our governments history? Every election is a gamble and
this would aid in making sure losing bets don’t make catastrophic
mistakes. I should have known better than to use the trigger word
because that is all many of you get hung up on. Nowhere did I state he
was doing a good job or was void of some responsibility, I also never
said Obama was at fault. Placing the blame on one person for the state
of any government is just silly. I simply feel it is ridiculous that our
country and many others were totally caught off guard and didn’t have
mandatory protocol already in place, ready to implement. If you can’t
see this as a preexisting issue that is every bit as culpable, then
maybe as someone commented we do live on different planets. My hope is
we learn from our mistakes because all we should be focused on is being
better prepared in the future. You can go back to
your hive mind mentality believing every Democratic run government was perfect from 1828 to
present. Fuck, that is some strong Kool-Aid.
Where & who does the buck stop with? I’ll give you one guess..
Here is a perspective from someone who doesn’t get wrapped up in rooting for one side or the other. Why did we not already have a plan in place for how to handle a worldwide pandemic? A no questions asked, exact course of action type of plan. Seems to me like that might be something our government should have given some thought about well before Trump even had the idea of running for office. Our last administration saw what the swine flu pandemic could do, and that was with a understanding of how to combat the H1N1 virus already. There were microbiologists predicting something like this current coronavirus pandemic with uncanny accuracy years ago. I have attached a review from the American Society for Microbiology published back in October of 2007 for reference along with the very accurate portion in a screenshot. No president should have to make up a plan on the fly when it comes to the safety of our country. Sorry, but this shit falls squarely on the inability of our government and not having their priorities straight long ago. Republican or Democrat it doesn’t matter, while all they care about is pointing fingers and acting like fucking children measures could have been taken. You don’t have to like Trump, and he undoubtedly says some off the wall things but the blame for this should be directed elsewhere. When do we stop letting our government divide us and start holding them accountable instead of spreading hate amongst each other? People just can’t seem to see the forest for the trees. RATM said it best, WAKE UP!
Before Trump’s inauguration, a warning: ‘The worst influenza pandemic since 1918’
In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario remarkably like the one he faces now.
Trump admin was briefed on a possible pandemic driving transition by the outgoing Obama administration. Trump disbanded the National Security Council pandemic unit. Trump dropped the ball on the response.
Stop with the both sides are bad bullshit. Trump administration single handedly fucked America on this one.
My whole point is we dropped the ball as a country by not having an
existing immediate response plan. One that doesn’t change unless it is
being amended and is standard protocol regardless of who is in the White
House. If these parameters are met then follow these guidelines, does
that not sound like something that should have already been achieved at
some point in our governments history? Every election is a gamble and
this would aid in making sure losing bets don’t make catastrophic
mistakes. I should have known better than to use the trigger word
because that is all many of you get hung up on. Nowhere did I state he
was doing a good job or was void of some responsibility, I also never
said Obama was at fault. Placing the blame on one person for the state
of any government is just silly. I simply feel it is ridiculous that our
country and many others were totally caught off guard and didn’t have
mandatory protocol already in place, ready to implement. If you can’t
see this as a preexisting issue that is every bit as culpable, then
maybe as someone commented we do live on different planets. My hope is
we learn from our mistakes because all we should be focused on is being
better prepared in the future. You can go back to
your hive mind mentality believing every Democratic run government was perfect from 1828 to
present. Fuck, that is some strong Kool-Aid.
But we did have something put in place by Obama that was thrown out and in your original post there was something circled in red referring to 2007. The dem house has introduced a bill to make permanent what Obama had put in place and make it so it can’t be jettisoned like it was but guess which side opposes it?
Intelligent leadership would have handled this situation as it seems you desire it to have been. And one political party and one political party only, for the past 40 years, since Reagan, has railed about the evils of government and providing for the common good. Welcome to reality. Team Trump Treason owns this colossal fuck up. Period.
I think you need to update your signature. I agree with it 100%, but you are not practicing what you preach. You honestly think a Democrat couldn't possibly do the same?
A Dem, the previous one in office, did do something, after being criticized for the Ebola response. You can argue the merits of the cabinet level NSC position that was created and what it entailed but you can’t argue “nothings been done,” particularly after Team Trump Treason’s Administration was warned, ignored the advice, disregarded the protocols for a response that were put in place, gutted the staffing, disregarded expert advice and continuously down played the seriousness for six fucking weeks.
Has anyone here said dems are perfect? The only one saying that is you.
Where’s the civility you and others complain about? Because I question your take on current events and the history of how we got here? I’m sick of the false equivalencies and the lack of understanding about how we got where we are. I’d still offer you my hand to pull you up though, if you needed it. Stay safe.
Italy is starting to see some stabilization finally. The fact that the testing is so high is a huge sign for them with the numbers that we are seeing compared to the last couple of weeks. They still have a long ways to go to recovery but I am betting in 2 weeks when we look at these new numbers we will be talking about hundreds of new cases a day and not thousands which will give the hospitals the relief that they need and hopefully see the death numbers drop substantially as well.
Italy is starting to see some stabilization finally. The fact that the testing is so high is a huge sign for them with the numbers that we are seeing compared to the last couple of weeks. They still have a long ways to go to recovery but I am betting in 2 weeks when we look at these new numbers we will be talking about hundreds of new cases a day and not thousands which will give the hospitals the relief that they need and hopefully see the death numbers drop substantially as well.
Here is a perspective from someone who doesn’t get wrapped up in rooting for one side or the other. Why did we not already have a plan in place for how to handle a worldwide pandemic? A no questions asked, exact course of action type of plan. Seems to me like that might be something our government should have given some thought about well before Trump even had the idea of running for office. Our last administration saw what the swine flu pandemic could do, and that was with a understanding of how to combat the H1N1 virus already. There were microbiologists predicting something like this current coronavirus pandemic with uncanny accuracy years ago. I have attached a review from the American Society for Microbiology published back in October of 2007 for reference along with the very accurate portion in a screenshot. No president should have to make up a plan on the fly when it comes to the safety of our country. Sorry, but this shit falls squarely on the inability of our government and not having their priorities straight long ago. Republican or Democrat it doesn’t matter, while all they care about is pointing fingers and acting like fucking children measures could have been taken. You don’t have to like Trump, and he undoubtedly says some off the wall things but the blame for this should be directed elsewhere. When do we stop letting our government divide us and start holding them accountable instead of spreading hate amongst each other? People just can’t seem to see the forest for the trees. RATM said it best, WAKE UP!
Before Trump’s inauguration, a warning: ‘The worst influenza pandemic since 1918’
In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario remarkably like the one he faces now.
Trump admin was briefed on a possible pandemic driving transition by the outgoing Obama administration. Trump disbanded the National Security Council pandemic unit. Trump dropped the ball on the response.
Stop with the both sides are bad bullshit. Trump administration single handedly fucked America on this one.
My whole point is we dropped the ball as a country by not having an
existing immediate response plan. One that doesn’t change unless it is
being amended and is standard protocol regardless of who is in the White
House. If these parameters are met then follow these guidelines, does
that not sound like something that should have already been achieved at
some point in our governments history? Every election is a gamble and
this would aid in making sure losing bets don’t make catastrophic
mistakes. I should have known better than to use the trigger word
because that is all many of you get hung up on. Nowhere did I state he
was doing a good job or was void of some responsibility, I also never
said Obama was at fault. Placing the blame on one person for the state
of any government is just silly. I simply feel it is ridiculous that our
country and many others were totally caught off guard and didn’t have
mandatory protocol already in place, ready to implement. If you can’t
see this as a preexisting issue that is every bit as culpable, then
maybe as someone commented we do live on different planets. My hope is
we learn from our mistakes because all we should be focused on is being
better prepared in the future. You can go back to
your hive mind mentality believing every Democratic run government was perfect from 1828 to
present. Fuck, that is some strong Kool-Aid.
Where & who does the buck stop with? I’ll give you one guess..
Here is a perspective from someone who doesn’t get wrapped up in rooting for one side or the other. Why did we not already have a plan in place for how to handle a worldwide pandemic? A no questions asked, exact course of action type of plan. Seems to me like that might be something our government should have given some thought about well before Trump even had the idea of running for office. Our last administration saw what the swine flu pandemic could do, and that was with a understanding of how to combat the H1N1 virus already. There were microbiologists predicting something like this current coronavirus pandemic with uncanny accuracy years ago. I have attached a review from the American Society for Microbiology published back in October of 2007 for reference along with the very accurate portion in a screenshot. No president should have to make up a plan on the fly when it comes to the safety of our country. Sorry, but this shit falls squarely on the inability of our government and not having their priorities straight long ago. Republican or Democrat it doesn’t matter, while all they care about is pointing fingers and acting like fucking children measures could have been taken. You don’t have to like Trump, and he undoubtedly says some off the wall things but the blame for this should be directed elsewhere. When do we stop letting our government divide us and start holding them accountable instead of spreading hate amongst each other? People just can’t seem to see the forest for the trees. RATM said it best, WAKE UP!
Before Trump’s inauguration, a warning: ‘The worst influenza pandemic since 1918’
In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario remarkably like the one he faces now.
Trump admin was briefed on a possible pandemic driving transition by the outgoing Obama administration. Trump disbanded the National Security Council pandemic unit. Trump dropped the ball on the response.
Stop with the both sides are bad bullshit. Trump administration single handedly fucked America on this one.
My whole point is we dropped the ball as a country by not having an
existing immediate response plan. One that doesn’t change unless it is
being amended and is standard protocol regardless of who is in the White
House. If these parameters are met then follow these guidelines, does
that not sound like something that should have already been achieved at
some point in our governments history? Every election is a gamble and
this would aid in making sure losing bets don’t make catastrophic
mistakes. I should have known better than to use the trigger word
because that is all many of you get hung up on. Nowhere did I state he
was doing a good job or was void of some responsibility, I also never
said Obama was at fault. Placing the blame on one person for the state
of any government is just silly. I simply feel it is ridiculous that our
country and many others were totally caught off guard and didn’t have
mandatory protocol already in place, ready to implement. If you can’t
see this as a preexisting issue that is every bit as culpable, then
maybe as someone commented we do live on different planets. My hope is
we learn from our mistakes because all we should be focused on is being
better prepared in the future. You can go back to
your hive mind mentality believing every Democratic run government was perfect from 1828 to
present. Fuck, that is some strong Kool-Aid.
Where & who does the buck stop with? I’ll give you one guess..
I wish I had the answer.
lol really you’ve never any one in charge say that? damn ok well usually it’s the commander in chief who states the buck stops with me hence I’m responsible but since you already know our president is a coward and will only take credit but never the blame!
Here is a perspective from someone who doesn’t get wrapped up in rooting for one side or the other. Why did we not already have a plan in place for how to handle a worldwide pandemic? A no questions asked, exact course of action type of plan. Seems to me like that might be something our government should have given some thought about well before Trump even had the idea of running for office. Our last administration saw what the swine flu pandemic could do, and that was with a understanding of how to combat the H1N1 virus already. There were microbiologists predicting something like this current coronavirus pandemic with uncanny accuracy years ago. I have attached a review from the American Society for Microbiology published back in October of 2007 for reference along with the very accurate portion in a screenshot. No president should have to make up a plan on the fly when it comes to the safety of our country. Sorry, but this shit falls squarely on the inability of our government and not having their priorities straight long ago. Republican or Democrat it doesn’t matter, while all they care about is pointing fingers and acting like fucking children measures could have been taken. You don’t have to like Trump, and he undoubtedly says some off the wall things but the blame for this should be directed elsewhere. When do we stop letting our government divide us and start holding them accountable instead of spreading hate amongst each other? People just can’t seem to see the forest for the trees. RATM said it best, WAKE UP!
Before Trump’s inauguration, a warning: ‘The worst influenza pandemic since 1918’
In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario remarkably like the one he faces now.
Trump admin was briefed on a possible pandemic driving transition by the outgoing Obama administration. Trump disbanded the National Security Council pandemic unit. Trump dropped the ball on the response.
Stop with the both sides are bad bullshit. Trump administration single handedly fucked America on this one.
My whole point is we dropped the ball as a country by not having an
existing immediate response plan. One that doesn’t change unless it is
being amended and is standard protocol regardless of who is in the White
House. If these parameters are met then follow these guidelines, does
that not sound like something that should have already been achieved at
some point in our governments history? Every election is a gamble and
this would aid in making sure losing bets don’t make catastrophic
mistakes. I should have known better than to use the trigger word
because that is all many of you get hung up on. Nowhere did I state he
was doing a good job or was void of some responsibility, I also never
said Obama was at fault. Placing the blame on one person for the state
of any government is just silly. I simply feel it is ridiculous that our
country and many others were totally caught off guard and didn’t have
mandatory protocol already in place, ready to implement. If you can’t
see this as a preexisting issue that is every bit as culpable, then
maybe as someone commented we do live on different planets. My hope is
we learn from our mistakes because all we should be focused on is being
better prepared in the future. You can go back to
your hive mind mentality believing every Democratic run government was perfect from 1828 to
present. Fuck, that is some strong Kool-Aid.
Every Democratic government in my lifetime was significantly better ran than everyone Republican administration by any and every metric.
Rich, coming from a former Chicagoan.
The biggest issue with the current system is that it promotes choosing sides, winning and losing, my way or the highway. If you don’t think both parties have contributed to that equally you’re delusional.
Here is a perspective from someone who doesn’t get wrapped up in rooting for one side or the other. Why did we not already have a plan in place for how to handle a worldwide pandemic? A no questions asked, exact course of action type of plan. Seems to me like that might be something our government should have given some thought about well before Trump even had the idea of running for office. Our last administration saw what the swine flu pandemic could do, and that was with a understanding of how to combat the H1N1 virus already. There were microbiologists predicting something like this current coronavirus pandemic with uncanny accuracy years ago. I have attached a review from the American Society for Microbiology published back in October of 2007 for reference along with the very accurate portion in a screenshot. No president should have to make up a plan on the fly when it comes to the safety of our country. Sorry, but this shit falls squarely on the inability of our government and not having their priorities straight long ago. Republican or Democrat it doesn’t matter, while all they care about is pointing fingers and acting like fucking children measures could have been taken. You don’t have to like Trump, and he undoubtedly says some off the wall things but the blame for this should be directed elsewhere. When do we stop letting our government divide us and start holding them accountable instead of spreading hate amongst each other? People just can’t seem to see the forest for the trees. RATM said it best, WAKE UP!
Before Trump’s inauguration, a warning: ‘The worst influenza pandemic since 1918’
In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario remarkably like the one he faces now.
Trump admin was briefed on a possible pandemic driving transition by the outgoing Obama administration. Trump disbanded the National Security Council pandemic unit. Trump dropped the ball on the response.
Stop with the both sides are bad bullshit. Trump administration single handedly fucked America on this one.
My whole point is we dropped the ball as a country by not having an
existing immediate response plan. One that doesn’t change unless it is
being amended and is standard protocol regardless of who is in the White
House. If these parameters are met then follow these guidelines, does
that not sound like something that should have already been achieved at
some point in our governments history? Every election is a gamble and
this would aid in making sure losing bets don’t make catastrophic
mistakes. I should have known better than to use the trigger word
because that is all many of you get hung up on. Nowhere did I state he
was doing a good job or was void of some responsibility, I also never
said Obama was at fault. Placing the blame on one person for the state
of any government is just silly. I simply feel it is ridiculous that our
country and many others were totally caught off guard and didn’t have
mandatory protocol already in place, ready to implement. If you can’t
see this as a preexisting issue that is every bit as culpable, then
maybe as someone commented we do live on different planets. My hope is
we learn from our mistakes because all we should be focused on is being
better prepared in the future. You can go back to
your hive mind mentality believing every Democratic run government was perfect from 1828 to
present. Fuck, that is some strong Kool-Aid.
Where & who does the buck stop with? I’ll give you one guess..
Here is a perspective from someone who doesn’t get wrapped up in rooting for one side or the other. Why did we not already have a plan in place for how to handle a worldwide pandemic? A no questions asked, exact course of action type of plan. Seems to me like that might be something our government should have given some thought about well before Trump even had the idea of running for office. Our last administration saw what the swine flu pandemic could do, and that was with a understanding of how to combat the H1N1 virus already. There were microbiologists predicting something like this current coronavirus pandemic with uncanny accuracy years ago. I have attached a review from the American Society for Microbiology published back in October of 2007 for reference along with the very accurate portion in a screenshot. No president should have to make up a plan on the fly when it comes to the safety of our country. Sorry, but this shit falls squarely on the inability of our government and not having their priorities straight long ago. Republican or Democrat it doesn’t matter, while all they care about is pointing fingers and acting like fucking children measures could have been taken. You don’t have to like Trump, and he undoubtedly says some off the wall things but the blame for this should be directed elsewhere. When do we stop letting our government divide us and start holding them accountable instead of spreading hate amongst each other? People just can’t seem to see the forest for the trees. RATM said it best, WAKE UP!
Before Trump’s inauguration, a warning: ‘The worst influenza pandemic since 1918’
In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario remarkably like the one he faces now.
Trump admin was briefed on a possible pandemic driving transition by the outgoing Obama administration. Trump disbanded the National Security Council pandemic unit. Trump dropped the ball on the response.
Stop with the both sides are bad bullshit. Trump administration single handedly fucked America on this one.
My whole point is we dropped the ball as a country by not having an
existing immediate response plan. One that doesn’t change unless it is
being amended and is standard protocol regardless of who is in the White
House. If these parameters are met then follow these guidelines, does
that not sound like something that should have already been achieved at
some point in our governments history? Every election is a gamble and
this would aid in making sure losing bets don’t make catastrophic
mistakes. I should have known better than to use the trigger word
because that is all many of you get hung up on. Nowhere did I state he
was doing a good job or was void of some responsibility, I also never
said Obama was at fault. Placing the blame on one person for the state
of any government is just silly. I simply feel it is ridiculous that our
country and many others were totally caught off guard and didn’t have
mandatory protocol already in place, ready to implement. If you can’t
see this as a preexisting issue that is every bit as culpable, then
maybe as someone commented we do live on different planets. My hope is
we learn from our mistakes because all we should be focused on is being
better prepared in the future. You can go back to
your hive mind mentality believing every Democratic run government was perfect from 1828 to
present. Fuck, that is some strong Kool-Aid.
Every Democratic government in my lifetime was significantly better ran than everyone Republican administration by any and every metric.
Rich, coming from a former Chicagoan.
The biggest issue with the current system is that it promotes choosing sides, winning and losing, my way or the highway. If you don’t think both parties have contributed to that equally you’re delusional.
Here is a perspective from someone who doesn’t get wrapped up in rooting for one side or the other. Why did we not already have a plan in place for how to handle a worldwide pandemic? A no questions asked, exact course of action type of plan. Seems to me like that might be something our government should have given some thought about well before Trump even had the idea of running for office. Our last administration saw what the swine flu pandemic could do, and that was with a understanding of how to combat the H1N1 virus already. There were microbiologists predicting something like this current coronavirus pandemic with uncanny accuracy years ago. I have attached a review from the American Society for Microbiology published back in October of 2007 for reference along with the very accurate portion in a screenshot. No president should have to make up a plan on the fly when it comes to the safety of our country. Sorry, but this shit falls squarely on the inability of our government and not having their priorities straight long ago. Republican or Democrat it doesn’t matter, while all they care about is pointing fingers and acting like fucking children measures could have been taken. You don’t have to like Trump, and he undoubtedly says some off the wall things but the blame for this should be directed elsewhere. When do we stop letting our government divide us and start holding them accountable instead of spreading hate amongst each other? People just can’t seem to see the forest for the trees. RATM said it best, WAKE UP!
Before Trump’s inauguration, a warning: ‘The worst influenza pandemic since 1918’
In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario remarkably like the one he faces now.
Trump admin was briefed on a possible pandemic driving transition by the outgoing Obama administration. Trump disbanded the National Security Council pandemic unit. Trump dropped the ball on the response.
Stop with the both sides are bad bullshit. Trump administration single handedly fucked America on this one.
My whole point is we dropped the ball as a country by not having an
existing immediate response plan. One that doesn’t change unless it is
being amended and is standard protocol regardless of who is in the White
House. If these parameters are met then follow these guidelines, does
that not sound like something that should have already been achieved at
some point in our governments history? Every election is a gamble and
this would aid in making sure losing bets don’t make catastrophic
mistakes. I should have known better than to use the trigger word
because that is all many of you get hung up on. Nowhere did I state he
was doing a good job or was void of some responsibility, I also never
said Obama was at fault. Placing the blame on one person for the state
of any government is just silly. I simply feel it is ridiculous that our
country and many others were totally caught off guard and didn’t have
mandatory protocol already in place, ready to implement. If you can’t
see this as a preexisting issue that is every bit as culpable, then
maybe as someone commented we do live on different planets. My hope is
we learn from our mistakes because all we should be focused on is being
better prepared in the future. You can go back to
your hive mind mentality believing every Democratic run government was perfect from 1828 to
present. Fuck, that is some strong Kool-Aid.
Every Democratic government in my lifetime was significantly better ran than everyone Republican administration by any and every metric.
Rich, coming from a former Chicagoan.
The biggest issue with the current system is that it promotes choosing sides, winning and losing, my way or the highway. If you don’t think both parties have contributed to that equally you’re delusional.
If only there were some system of checks and balances. Perhaps 2 other coequal branches of government.
Here is a perspective from someone who doesn’t get wrapped up in rooting for one side or the other. Why did we not already have a plan in place for how to handle a worldwide pandemic? A no questions asked, exact course of action type of plan. Seems to me like that might be something our government should have given some thought about well before Trump even had the idea of running for office. Our last administration saw what the swine flu pandemic could do, and that was with a understanding of how to combat the H1N1 virus already. There were microbiologists predicting something like this current coronavirus pandemic with uncanny accuracy years ago. I have attached a review from the American Society for Microbiology published back in October of 2007 for reference along with the very accurate portion in a screenshot. No president should have to make up a plan on the fly when it comes to the safety of our country. Sorry, but this shit falls squarely on the inability of our government and not having their priorities straight long ago. Republican or Democrat it doesn’t matter, while all they care about is pointing fingers and acting like fucking children measures could have been taken. You don’t have to like Trump, and he undoubtedly says some off the wall things but the blame for this should be directed elsewhere. When do we stop letting our government divide us and start holding them accountable instead of spreading hate amongst each other? People just can’t seem to see the forest for the trees. RATM said it best, WAKE UP!
Before Trump’s inauguration, a warning: ‘The worst influenza pandemic since 1918’
In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario remarkably like the one he faces now.
Trump admin was briefed on a possible pandemic driving transition by the outgoing Obama administration. Trump disbanded the National Security Council pandemic unit. Trump dropped the ball on the response.
Stop with the both sides are bad bullshit. Trump administration single handedly fucked America on this one.
My whole point is we dropped the ball as a country by not having an
existing immediate response plan. One that doesn’t change unless it is
being amended and is standard protocol regardless of who is in the White
House. If these parameters are met then follow these guidelines, does
that not sound like something that should have already been achieved at
some point in our governments history? Every election is a gamble and
this would aid in making sure losing bets don’t make catastrophic
mistakes. I should have known better than to use the trigger word
because that is all many of you get hung up on. Nowhere did I state he
was doing a good job or was void of some responsibility, I also never
said Obama was at fault. Placing the blame on one person for the state
of any government is just silly. I simply feel it is ridiculous that our
country and many others were totally caught off guard and didn’t have
mandatory protocol already in place, ready to implement. If you can’t
see this as a preexisting issue that is every bit as culpable, then
maybe as someone commented we do live on different planets. My hope is
we learn from our mistakes because all we should be focused on is being
better prepared in the future. You can go back to
your hive mind mentality believing every Democratic run government was perfect from 1828 to
present. Fuck, that is some strong Kool-Aid.
Every Democratic government in my lifetime was significantly better ran than everyone Republican administration by any and every metric.
Rich, coming from a former Chicagoan.
The biggest issue with the current system is that it promotes choosing sides, winning and losing, my way or the highway. If you don’t think both parties have contributed to that equally you’re delusional.
That’s garbage. It hasn’t been “equal.” You can look as far back as Reagan and the massive disparity between dems and repubs in the house and senate all the way up to 2010 or 2012 when repubs decided that their “number one priority was to see this president fail.” Dems have come nowhere close to what Moscow Mitchy Baby and his ilk have done over the past 12 years. Not even close.
Both sides are not the same. Stop believing the T party mantra. Yet another false equivalency.
Sweden's decision to be restrictive with compulsory bans during the corona crisis has drawn criticism in many parts of the world. But former state epidemiologist Johan Giesecke believes that it all will sound different when the crisis is over.
- I think it will be so that Sweden gets a lot of credit when everything is over, that it was us who made the right choices, says Giesecke in an interview with Aftonbladet.
He also says he thinks the worst will be over by the end of May, but that it is still difficult to predict when the apex will be reached in Sweden.
Post edited by Spiritual_Chaos on
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,602
Here is a perspective from someone who doesn’t get wrapped up in rooting for one side or the other. Why did we not already have a plan in place for how to handle a worldwide pandemic? A no questions asked, exact course of action type of plan. Seems to me like that might be something our government should have given some thought about well before Trump even had the idea of running for office. Our last administration saw what the swine flu pandemic could do, and that was with a understanding of how to combat the H1N1 virus already. There were microbiologists predicting something like this current coronavirus pandemic with uncanny accuracy years ago. I have attached a review from the American Society for Microbiology published back in October of 2007 for reference along with the very accurate portion in a screenshot. No president should have to make up a plan on the fly when it comes to the safety of our country. Sorry, but this shit falls squarely on the inability of our government and not having their priorities straight long ago. Republican or Democrat it doesn’t matter, while all they care about is pointing fingers and acting like fucking children measures could have been taken. You don’t have to like Trump, and he undoubtedly says some off the wall things but the blame for this should be directed elsewhere. When do we stop letting our government divide us and start holding them accountable instead of spreading hate amongst each other? People just can’t seem to see the forest for the trees. RATM said it best, WAKE UP!
Before Trump’s inauguration, a warning: ‘The worst influenza pandemic since 1918’
In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario remarkably like the one he faces now.
Trump admin was briefed on a possible pandemic driving transition by the outgoing Obama administration. Trump disbanded the National Security Council pandemic unit. Trump dropped the ball on the response.
Stop with the both sides are bad bullshit. Trump administration single handedly fucked America on this one.
My whole point is we dropped the ball as a country by not having an
existing immediate response plan. One that doesn’t change unless it is
being amended and is standard protocol regardless of who is in the White
House. If these parameters are met then follow these guidelines, does
that not sound like something that should have already been achieved at
some point in our governments history? Every election is a gamble and
this would aid in making sure losing bets don’t make catastrophic
mistakes. I should have known better than to use the trigger word
because that is all many of you get hung up on. Nowhere did I state he
was doing a good job or was void of some responsibility, I also never
said Obama was at fault. Placing the blame on one person for the state
of any government is just silly. I simply feel it is ridiculous that our
country and many others were totally caught off guard and didn’t have
mandatory protocol already in place, ready to implement. If you can’t
see this as a preexisting issue that is every bit as culpable, then
maybe as someone commented we do live on different planets. My hope is
we learn from our mistakes because all we should be focused on is being
better prepared in the future. You can go back to
your hive mind mentality believing every Democratic run government was perfect from 1828 to
present. Fuck, that is some strong Kool-Aid.
Every Democratic government in my lifetime was significantly better ran than everyone Republican administration by any and every metric.
Rich, coming from a former Chicagoan.
The biggest issue with the current system is that it promotes choosing sides, winning and losing, my way or the highway. If you don’t think both parties have contributed to that equally you’re delusional.
We obviously need to stop being so radical and just conform to the "there is only one way to govern" mentality. No need to question those that are supposed to be working for us. Pick a side, fall in line and celebrate while others are suffering. Ahhh the American way!
Here is a perspective from someone who doesn’t get wrapped up in rooting for one side or the other. Why did we not already have a plan in place for how to handle a worldwide pandemic? A no questions asked, exact course of action type of plan. Seems to me like that might be something our government should have given some thought about well before Trump even had the idea of running for office. Our last administration saw what the swine flu pandemic could do, and that was with a understanding of how to combat the H1N1 virus already. There were microbiologists predicting something like this current coronavirus pandemic with uncanny accuracy years ago. I have attached a review from the American Society for Microbiology published back in October of 2007 for reference along with the very accurate portion in a screenshot.No president should have to make up a plan on the fly when it comes to the safety of our country. Sorry, but this shit falls squarely on the inability of our government and not having their priorities straight long ago. Republican or Democrat it doesn’t matter, while all they care about is pointing fingers and acting like fucking children measures could have been taken. You don’t have to like Trump, and he undoubtedly says some off the wall things but the blame for this should be directed elsewhere. When do we stop letting our government divide us and start holding them accountable instead of spreading hate amongst each other? People just can’t seem to see the forest for the trees. RATM said it best, WAKE UP!but this shit falls squarely on the inability of our government and not having their priorities straight long ago. Republican or Democrat it doesn’t matter, while all they care about is pointing fingers and acting like fucking children measures could have been taken. You don’t have to like Trump, and he undoubtedly says some off the wall things but the blame for this should be directed elsewhere. When do we stop letting our government divide us and start holding them accountable instead of spreading hate amongst each other? People just can’t seem to see the forest for the trees. RATM said it best, WAKE UP!but this shit falls squarely on the inability of our government and not having their priorities straight long ago. Republican or Democrat it doesn’t matter, while all they care about is pointing fingers and acting like fucking children measures could have been taken. You don’t have to like Trump, and he undoubtedly says some off the wall things but the blame for this should be directed elsewhere. When do we stop letting our government divide us and start holding them accountable instead of spreading hate amongst each other? People just can’t seem to see the forest for the trees. RATM said it best, WAKE UP!and he undoubtedly says some off the wall things but the blame for this should be directed elsewhere. When do we stop letting our government divide us and start holding them accountable instead of spreading hate amongst each other? People just can’t seem to see the forest for the trees. RATM said it best, WAKE UP!and he undoubtedly says some off the wall things but the blame for this should be directed elsewhere. When do we stop letting our government divide us and start holding them accountable instead of spreading hate amongst each other? People just can’t seem to see the forest for the trees. RATM said it best, WAKE UP!
Before Trump’s inauguration, a warning: ‘The worst influenza pandemic since 1918’
In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario remarkably like the one he faces now.
Trump admin was briefed on a possible pandemic driving transition by the outgoing Obama administration. Trump disbanded the National Security Council pandemic unit. Trump dropped the ball on the response.
Stop with the both sides are bad bullshit. Trump administration single handedly fucked America on this one.
My whole point is we dropped the ball as a country by not having an
existing immediate response plan. One that doesn’t change unless it is
being amended and is standard protocol regardless of who is in the White
House. If these parameters are met then follow these guidelines, does
that not sound like something that should have already been achieved at
some point in our governments history? Every election is a gamble and
this would aid in making sure losing bets don’t make catastrophic
mistakes. I should have known better than to use the trigger word
because that is all many of you get hung up on. Nowhere did I state he
was doing a good job or was void of some responsibility, I also never
said Obama was at fault. Placing the blame on one person for the state
of any government is just silly.I simply feel it is ridiculous that our
country and many others were totally caught off guard and didn’t have
mandatory protocol already in place, ready to implement. If you can’t
see this as a preexisting issue that is every bit as culpable, then
maybe as someone commented we do live on different planets. My hope is
we learn from our mistakes because all we should be focused on is being
better prepared in the future. You can go back to
your hive mind mentality believing every Democratic run government was perfect from 1828 to
present. Fuck, that is some strong Kool-Aid.My hope is
we learn from our mistakes because all we should be focused on is being
better prepared in the future. You can go back to
your hive mind mentality believing every Democratic run government was perfect from 1828 to
present. Fuck, that is some strong Kool-Aid.My hope is
we learn from our mistakes because all we should be focused on is being
better prepared in the future. You can go back to
your hive mind mentality believing every Democratic run government was perfect from 1828 to
present. Fuck, that is some strong Kool-Aid.
Every Democratic government in my lifetime was significantly better ran than everyone Republican administration by any and every metric.
Rich, coming from a former Chicagoan.
The biggest issue with the current system is that it promotes choosing sides, winning and losing, my way or the highway. If you don’t think both parties have contributed to that equally you’re delusional.
If only there were some system of checks and balances. Perhaps 2 other coequal branches of government.
If you had a well working system, you would have universal healthcare by now.
So, don't put too much faith in this system you promote in every thread.
And if Sweden had a well working system, they'd invent some of their own drugs instead of freeloading off of our innovation. See also : Technology & Defense
both sides are bad third parties protest votes deep state the establishment
It's about acknowledging and understanding the system that currently exists and making it work. None of the above does that, it only serves to undermine the structure that is in place.
Here is a perspective from someone who doesn’t get wrapped up in rooting for one side or the other. Why did we not already have a plan in place for how to handle a worldwide pandemic? A no questions asked, exact course of action type of plan. Seems to me like that might be something our government should have given some thought about well before Trump even had the idea of running for office. Our last administration saw what the swine flu pandemic could do, and that was with a understanding of how to combat the H1N1 virus already. There were microbiologists predicting something like this current coronavirus pandemic with uncanny accuracy years ago. I have attached a review from the American Society for Microbiology published back in October of 2007 for reference along with the very accurate portion in a screenshot. No president should have to make up a plan on the fly when it comes to the safety of our country. Sorry, but this shit falls squarely on the inability of our government and not having their priorities straight long ago. Republican or Democrat it doesn’t matter, while all they care about is pointing fingers and acting like fucking children measures could have been taken. You don’t have to like Trump, and he undoubtedly says some off the wall things but the blame for this should be directed elsewhere. When do we stop letting our government divide us and start holding them accountable instead of spreading hate amongst each other? People just can’t seem to see the forest for the trees. RATM said it best, WAKE UP!
Before Trump’s inauguration, a warning: ‘The worst influenza pandemic since 1918’
In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario remarkably like the one he faces now.
Trump admin was briefed on a possible pandemic driving transition by the outgoing Obama administration. Trump disbanded the National Security Council pandemic unit. Trump dropped the ball on the response.
Stop with the both sides are bad bullshit. Trump administration single handedly fucked America on this one.
My whole point is we dropped the ball as a country by not having an
existing immediate response plan. One that doesn’t change unless it is
being amended and is standard protocol regardless of who is in the White
House. If these parameters are met then follow these guidelines, does
that not sound like something that should have already been achieved at
some point in our governments history? Every election is a gamble and
this would aid in making sure losing bets don’t make catastrophic
mistakes. I should have known better than to use the trigger word
because that is all many of you get hung up on. Nowhere did I state he
was doing a good job or was void of some responsibility, I also never
said Obama was at fault. Placing the blame on one person for the state
of any government is just silly. I simply feel it is ridiculous that our
country and many others were totally caught off guard and didn’t have
mandatory protocol already in place, ready to implement. If you can’t
see this as a preexisting issue that is every bit as culpable, then
maybe as someone commented we do live on different planets. My hope is
we learn from our mistakes because all we should be focused on is being
better prepared in the future. You can go back to
your hive mind mentality believing every Democratic run government was perfect from 1828 to
present. Fuck, that is some strong Kool-Aid.
Every Democratic government in my lifetime was significantly better ran than everyone Republican administration by any and every metric.
Rich, coming from a former Chicagoan.
The biggest issue with the current system is that it promotes choosing sides, winning and losing, my way or the highway. If you don’t think both parties have contributed to that equally you’re delusional.
That’s garbage. It hasn’t been “equal.” You can look as far back as Reagan and the massive disparity between dems and repubs in the house and senate all the way up to 2010 or 2012 when repubs decided that their “number one priority was to see this president fail.” Dems have come nowhere close to what Moscow Mitchy Baby and his ilk have done over the past 12 years. Not even close.
Both sides are not the same. Stop believing the T party mantra. Yet another false equivalency.
I don’t know what the T party mantra even means. Turn off the CNN
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,800
Have any of you read James Howard Kunstler's book The Long Emergency? I read that book when it came out 15 years ago and as much as I liked it, I always thought his predictions were too far off, that I would never live to see much or any of what he writes about happen. Now I begin to seriously wonder.
Kunstler's blog this morning (the link is posted below) pretty much summarizes what he wrote in that book (well worth reading, still). I feel hesitant to post all this here because we all have enough to worry about. But on the other hand, I think it is important to look at these things and begin to think about how do deal with them rather than be caught off guard. My hope is that society will begin to show, as it has in other times of turmoil, a willingness to buck up and deal with the problems we face boldly and with vigor and courage.
89 of them in Stockholm - where the death toll has risen by 21 people in a day.
Now, the National Board of Health and Welfare appeals to the population to stay home at Easter, in order to avoid further pressure on health care personnel.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
Have any of you read James Howard Kunstler's book The Long Emergency? I read that book when it came out 15 years ago and as much as I liked it, I always thought his predictions were too far off, that I would never live to see much or any of what he writes about happen. Now I begin to seriously wonder.
Kunstler's blog this morning (the link is posted below) pretty much summarizes what he wrote in that book (well worth reading, still). I feel hesitant to post all this here because we all have enough to worry about. But on the other hand, I think it is important to look at these things and begin to think about how do deal with them rather than be caught off guard. My hope is that society will begin to show, as it has in other times of turmoil, a willingness to buck up and deal with the problems we face boldly and with vigor and courage.
Here is a perspective from someone who doesn’t get wrapped up in rooting for one side or the other. Why did we not already have a plan in place for how to handle a worldwide pandemic? A no questions asked, exact course of action type of plan. Seems to me like that might be something our government should have given some thought about well before Trump even had the idea of running for office. Our last administration saw what the swine flu pandemic could do, and that was with a understanding of how to combat the H1N1 virus already. There were microbiologists predicting something like this current coronavirus pandemic with uncanny accuracy years ago. I have attached a review from the American Society for Microbiology published back in October of 2007 for reference along with the very accurate portion in a screenshot. No president should have to make up a plan on the fly when it comes to the safety of our country. Sorry, but this shit falls squarely on the inability of our government and not having their priorities straight long ago. Republican or Democrat it doesn’t matter, while all they care about is pointing fingers and acting like fucking children measures could have been taken. You don’t have to like Trump, and he undoubtedly says some off the wall things but the blame for this should be directed elsewhere. When do we stop letting our government divide us and start holding them accountable instead of spreading hate amongst each other? People just can’t seem to see the forest for the trees. RATM said it best, WAKE UP!
Before Trump’s inauguration, a warning: ‘The worst influenza pandemic since 1918’
In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario remarkably like the one he faces now.
Trump admin was briefed on a possible pandemic driving transition by the outgoing Obama administration. Trump disbanded the National Security Council pandemic unit. Trump dropped the ball on the response.
Stop with the both sides are bad bullshit. Trump administration single handedly fucked America on this one.
My whole point is we dropped the ball as a country by not having an
existing immediate response plan. One that doesn’t change unless it is
being amended and is standard protocol regardless of who is in the White
House. If these parameters are met then follow these guidelines, does
that not sound like something that should have already been achieved at
some point in our governments history? Every election is a gamble and
this would aid in making sure losing bets don’t make catastrophic
mistakes. I should have known better than to use the trigger word
because that is all many of you get hung up on. Nowhere did I state he
was doing a good job or was void of some responsibility, I also never
said Obama was at fault. Placing the blame on one person for the state
of any government is just silly. I simply feel it is ridiculous that our
country and many others were totally caught off guard and didn’t have
mandatory protocol already in place, ready to implement. If you can’t
see this as a preexisting issue that is every bit as culpable, then
maybe as someone commented we do live on different planets. My hope is
we learn from our mistakes because all we should be focused on is being
better prepared in the future. You can go back to
your hive mind mentality believing every Democratic run government was perfect from 1828 to
present. Fuck, that is some strong Kool-Aid.
Every Democratic government in my lifetime was significantly better ran than everyone Republican administration by any and every metric.
Rich, coming from a former Chicagoan.
The biggest issue with the current system is that it promotes choosing sides, winning and losing, my way or the highway. If you don’t think both parties have contributed to that equally you’re delusional.
That’s garbage. It hasn’t been “equal.” You can look as far back as Reagan and the massive disparity between dems and repubs in the house and senate all the way up to 2010 or 2012 when repubs decided that their “number one priority was to see this president fail.” Dems have come nowhere close to what Moscow Mitchy Baby and his ilk have done over the past 12 years. Not even close.
Both sides are not the same. Stop believing the T party mantra. Yet another false equivalency.
I don’t know what the T party mantra even means. Turn off the CNN
Despite CNN, your claim is garbage. Both sides are not the same. Copious examples have been provided in this thread and others of the differences. Tune in to reality.
Here is a perspective from someone who doesn’t get wrapped up in rooting for one side or the other. Why did we not already have a plan in place for how to handle a worldwide pandemic? A no questions asked, exact course of action type of plan. Seems to me like that might be something our government should have given some thought about well before Trump even had the idea of running for office. Our last administration saw what the swine flu pandemic could do, and that was with a understanding of how to combat the H1N1 virus already. There were microbiologists predicting something like this current coronavirus pandemic with uncanny accuracy years ago. I have attached a review from the American Society for Microbiology published back in October of 2007 for reference along with the very accurate portion in a screenshot. No president should have to make up a plan on the fly when it comes to the safety of our country. Sorry, but this shit falls squarely on the inability of our government and not having their priorities straight long ago. Republican or Democrat it doesn’t matter, while all they care about is pointing fingers and acting like fucking children measures could have been taken. You don’t have to like Trump, and he undoubtedly says some off the wall things but the blame for this should be directed elsewhere. When do we stop letting our government divide us and start holding them accountable instead of spreading hate amongst each other? People just can’t seem to see the forest for the trees. RATM said it best, WAKE UP!
Before Trump’s inauguration, a warning: ‘The worst influenza pandemic since 1918’
In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario remarkably like the one he faces now.
Trump admin was briefed on a possible pandemic driving transition by the outgoing Obama administration. Trump disbanded the National Security Council pandemic unit. Trump dropped the ball on the response.
Stop with the both sides are bad bullshit. Trump administration single handedly fucked America on this one.
My whole point is we dropped the ball as a country by not having an
existing immediate response plan. One that doesn’t change unless it is
being amended and is standard protocol regardless of who is in the White
House. If these parameters are met then follow these guidelines, does
that not sound like something that should have already been achieved at
some point in our governments history? Every election is a gamble and
this would aid in making sure losing bets don’t make catastrophic
mistakes. I should have known better than to use the trigger word
because that is all many of you get hung up on. Nowhere did I state he
was doing a good job or was void of some responsibility, I also never
said Obama was at fault. Placing the blame on one person for the state
of any government is just silly. I simply feel it is ridiculous that our
country and many others were totally caught off guard and didn’t have
mandatory protocol already in place, ready to implement. If you can’t
see this as a preexisting issue that is every bit as culpable, then
maybe as someone commented we do live on different planets. My hope is
we learn from our mistakes because all we should be focused on is being
better prepared in the future. You can go back to
your hive mind mentality believing every Democratic run government was perfect from 1828 to
present. Fuck, that is some strong Kool-Aid.
Every Democratic government in my lifetime was significantly better ran than everyone Republican administration by any and every metric.
Rich, coming from a former Chicagoan.
The biggest issue with the current system is that it promotes choosing sides, winning and losing, my way or the highway. If you don’t think both parties have contributed to that equally you’re delusional.
That’s garbage. It hasn’t been “equal.” You can look as far back as Reagan and the massive disparity between dems and repubs in the house and senate all the way up to 2010 or 2012 when repubs decided that their “number one priority was to see this president fail.” Dems have come nowhere close to what Moscow Mitchy Baby and his ilk have done over the past 12 years. Not even close.
Both sides are not the same. Stop believing the T party mantra. Yet another false equivalency.
I don’t know what the T party mantra even means. Turn off the CNN
Despite CNN, your claim is garbage. Both sides are not the same. Copious examples have been provided in this thread and others of the differences. Tune in to reality.
Depends on from where you look.
"Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,602
Here is a perspective from someone who doesn’t get wrapped up in rooting for one side or the other. Why did we not already have a plan in place for how to handle a worldwide pandemic? A no questions asked, exact course of action type of plan. Seems to me like that might be something our government should have given some thought about well before Trump even had the idea of running for office. Our last administration saw what the swine flu pandemic could do, and that was with a understanding of how to combat the H1N1 virus already. There were microbiologists predicting something like this current coronavirus pandemic with uncanny accuracy years ago. I have attached a review from the American Society for Microbiology published back in October of 2007 for reference along with the very accurate portion in a screenshot. No president should have to make up a plan on the fly when it comes to the safety of our country. Sorry, but this shit falls squarely on the inability of our government and not having their priorities straight long ago. Republican or Democrat it doesn’t matter, while all they care about is pointing fingers and acting like fucking children measures could have been taken. You don’t have to like Trump, and he undoubtedly says some off the wall things but the blame for this should be directed elsewhere. When do we stop letting our government divide us and start holding them accountable instead of spreading hate amongst each other? People just can’t seem to see the forest for the trees. RATM said it best, WAKE UP!
Before Trump’s inauguration, a warning: ‘The worst influenza pandemic since 1918’
In a tabletop exercise days before an untested new president took power, officials briefed the incoming administration on a scenario remarkably like the one he faces now.
Trump admin was briefed on a possible pandemic driving transition by the outgoing Obama administration. Trump disbanded the National Security Council pandemic unit. Trump dropped the ball on the response.
Stop with the both sides are bad bullshit. Trump administration single handedly fucked America on this one.
My whole point is we dropped the ball as a country by not having an
existing immediate response plan. One that doesn’t change unless it is
being amended and is standard protocol regardless of who is in the White
House. If these parameters are met then follow these guidelines, does
that not sound like something that should have already been achieved at
some point in our governments history? Every election is a gamble and
this would aid in making sure losing bets don’t make catastrophic
mistakes. I should have known better than to use the trigger word
because that is all many of you get hung up on. Nowhere did I state he
was doing a good job or was void of some responsibility, I also never
said Obama was at fault. Placing the blame on one person for the state
of any government is just silly. I simply feel it is ridiculous that our
country and many others were totally caught off guard and didn’t have
mandatory protocol already in place, ready to implement. If you can’t
see this as a preexisting issue that is every bit as culpable, then
maybe as someone commented we do live on different planets. My hope is
we learn from our mistakes because all we should be focused on is being
better prepared in the future. You can go back to
your hive mind mentality believing every Democratic run government was perfect from 1828 to
present. Fuck, that is some strong Kool-Aid.
Every Democratic government in my lifetime was significantly better ran than everyone Republican administration by any and every metric.
Rich, coming from a former Chicagoan.
The biggest issue with the current system is that it promotes choosing sides, winning and losing, my way or the highway. If you don’t think both parties have contributed to that equally you’re delusional.
That’s garbage. It hasn’t been “equal.” You can look as far back as Reagan and the massive disparity between dems and repubs in the house and senate all the way up to 2010 or 2012 when repubs decided that their “number one priority was to see this president fail.” Dems have come nowhere close to what Moscow Mitchy Baby and his ilk have done over the past 12 years. Not even close.
Both sides are not the same. Stop believing the T party mantra. Yet another false equivalency.
I don’t know what the T party mantra even means. Turn off the CNN
Despite CNN, your claim is garbage. Both sides are not the same. Copious examples have been provided in this thread and others of the differences. Tune in to reality.
Depends on from where you look.
I think that is a cop out of a response, though.
Of course things change given a person's perspective - but not all perspectives are valid.
If you have a specific stance or situation, you can share...
Only 75 new cases that are in the ICU for Italy as well. That is amazing news!
Paying attention.... the trends that seem to have undergone Italy in the past week are very encouraging.
Hopefully we can get to that point in the US in certain pockets. Roll out massive testing and containment, and get the upper hand so life can resume this Summer.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
The biggest issue with the current system is that it promotes choosing sides, winning and losing, my way or the highway. If you don’t think both parties have contributed to that equally you’re delusional.
Both sides are not the same. Stop believing the T party mantra. Yet another false equivalency.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
And if Sweden had a well working system, they'd invent some of their own drugs instead of freeloading off of our innovation.
See also : Technology & Defense
both sides are bad
third parties
protest votes
deep state
the establishment
It's about acknowledging and understanding the system that currently exists and making it work.
None of the above does that, it only serves to undermine the structure that is in place.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Paying attention.... the trends that seem to have undergone Italy in the past week are very encouraging.
Hopefully we can get to that point in the US in certain pockets. Roll out massive testing and containment, and get the upper hand so life can resume this Summer.