My latest thinking on Syria is this: We don't really know what's going on. When the strikes happened, most of us had this feeling of a sickening sense of doom. I did for awhile. Here comes World War III. We're all going to get nuked. We're all going to die. (Well, OK, that part is true.) And then we start getting these reports that say, no, this was just for show. Or, yay, we showed them! Lots of people in Syria were killed. Or, no, not even Russian soldiers were killed. Chemical weapons development plants were destroyed. Or, no, important or critical sites were hit. Blah blah blah. Who really knows?
The other thing we hear a lot is how terrible Trump was (or how heroic Trump was) for sending those missiles into Syria. Really? I don't think so. I really don't think the president had much to do with this. Not that I'm a fan, of course, but I really really doubt it was his call.
What so we know? Squat.
This was a targeted limited strike... not an invasion... America has only had two miltary strikes against the Assad regime, both in response the alleged chemical attacks and both targeted facilities related to that
2,000 American troops are not on the ground to.m fight against Syria & Russia... American and other western forces are in northern Syria fighting against the Islamic State...
The west is not an occupying force in Syria... this is not shock & awe... America had 170,000 troops in Iraq and 100,000 in Afghanistan... they have 2,000 in Syria
Post edited by my2hands on
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,835
My latest thinking on Syria is this: We don't really know what's going on. When the strikes happened, most of us had this feeling of a sickening sense of doom. I did for awhile. Here comes World War III. We're all going to get nuked. We're all going to die. (Well, OK, that part is true.) And then we start getting these reports that say, no, this was just for show. Or, yay, we showed them! Lots of people in Syria were killed. Or, no, not even Russian soldiers were killed. Chemical weapons development plants were destroyed. Or, no, important or critical sites were hit. Blah blah blah. Who really knows?
The other thing we hear a lot is how terrible Trump was (or how heroic Trump was) for sending those missiles into Syria. Really? I don't think so. I really don't think the president had much to do with this. Not that I'm a fan, of course, but I really really doubt it was his call.
What so we know? Squat.
It was his call. The President either signs off on such an attack or the attack doesn't happen. Was it his idea? Different story and highly doubtful. But it was his call.
Maybe I'm too cynical, but I can't help but think it was someone else- some general or higher military power- that told Trump what to do. I don't think Trump has the intelligence, knowledge or interest to engineer a military operation. His attention is far more focused on grabbing female body parts and playing golf.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
My latest thinking on Syria is this: We don't really know what's going on. When the strikes happened, most of us had this feeling of a sickening sense of doom. I did for awhile. Here comes World War III. We're all going to get nuked. We're all going to die. (Well, OK, that part is true.) And then we start getting these reports that say, no, this was just for show. Or, yay, we showed them! Lots of people in Syria were killed. Or, no, not even Russian soldiers were killed. Chemical weapons development plants were destroyed. Or, no, important or critical sites were hit. Blah blah blah. Who really knows?
The other thing we hear a lot is how terrible Trump was (or how heroic Trump was) for sending those missiles into Syria. Really? I don't think so. I really don't think the president had much to do with this. Not that I'm a fan, of course, but I really really doubt it was his call.
What so we know? Squat.
It was his call. The President either signs off on such an attack or the attack doesn't happen. Was it his idea? Different story and highly doubtful. But it was his call.
Maybe I'm too cynical, but I can't help but think it was someone else- some general or higher military power- that told Trump what to do. I don't think Trump has the intelligence, knowledge or interest to engineer a military operation. His attention is far more focused on grabbing female body parts and playing golf.
I don't care who the president is ... these attacks are planned by the military brass, they more than present the president with their plan, it's up to him ok it plan.
please people ... there is no proof anywhere that Assad used chemical weapons on his people now nor previously ... i just hope that when the truth actually comes out - people will revisit their viewpoints and the narrative they've been told ... remember general mattis himself said they don't actually have any proof or evidence ...
Took 30 seconds to find it... just one example of several times they've found the Syrian government, as well as ISIS, guilty of using chemicals...
the problem here is that the OPCW doesn't investigate blame ... so, the UN sent a team to investigate ... the problem with their report is that ultimately they are reliant on unreliable sources ... and their report was widely contradictory ... they actually didn't visit the site of the attack and actually stated that the crater which the alleged bomb dropped was filled in and unreliable yet they use it as the primary proof that the bomb must've had dropped from above ... also, their primary source of information were groups like the white helmets ... not reliable ...
please people ... there is no proof anywhere that Assad used chemical weapons on his people now nor previously ... i just hope that when the truth actually comes out - people will revisit their viewpoints and the narrative they've been told ... remember general mattis himself said they don't actually have any proof or evidence ...
Took 30 seconds to find it... just one example of several times they've found the Syrian government, as well as ISIS, guilty of using chemicals...
the problem here is that the OPCW doesn't investigate blame ... so, the UN sent a team to investigate ... the problem with their report is that ultimately they are reliant on unreliable sources ... and their report was widely contradictory ... they actually didn't visit the site of the attack and actually stated that the crater which the alleged bomb dropped was filled in and unreliable yet they use it as the primary proof that the bomb must've had dropped from above ... also, their primary source of information were groups like the white helmets ... not reliable ...
Assad The Peacemaker and Vladdy Poison My Enemies Putin would never hide anything...
Except of course for the fact that Syria hid the fact they had chemical weapons previously... other than that, they seem like stand up leaders, just misunderstood
And there are some on here who put their faith in Team Trump Treason to denuclearize Little Rocket Man, particularly after Team Trump Treason announced air strikes on Syria without consulting with his national security council and military. Just making it up as Treason plays the part.
I’m sure there are several threads on this topic, but given the Assad support here, I’m guessing there are some that believe George W. had the planes flown into the World Trade Center. Or better yet, he pulled it off without planes and they were all smoke and mirrors.
I’m sure there are several threads on this topic, but given the Assad support here, I’m guessing there are some that believe George W. had the planes flown into the World Trade Center. Or better yet, he pulled it off without planes and they were all smoke and mirrors.
Everything was faked that day. NYC doesn’t even exist.
My latest thinking on Syria is this: We don't really know what's going on. When the strikes happened, most of us had this feeling of a sickening sense of doom. I did for awhile. Here comes World War III. We're all going to get nuked. We're all going to die. (Well, OK, that part is true.) And then we start getting these reports that say, no, this was just for show. Or, yay, we showed them! Lots of people in Syria were killed. Or, no, not even Russian soldiers were killed. Chemical weapons development plants were destroyed. Or, no, important or critical sites were hit. Blah blah blah. Who really knows?
The other thing we hear a lot is how terrible Trump was (or how heroic Trump was) for sending those missiles into Syria. Really? I don't think so. I really don't think the president had much to do with this. Not that I'm a fan, of course, but I really really doubt it was his call.
What so we know? Squat.
It was his call. The President either signs off on such an attack or the attack doesn't happen. Was it his idea? Different story and highly doubtful. But it was his call.
Maybe I'm too cynical, but I can't help but think it was someone else- some general or higher military power- that told Trump what to do. I don't think Trump has the intelligence, knowledge or interest to engineer a military operation. His attention is far more focused on grabbing female body parts and playing golf.
I don't care who the president is ... these attacks are planned by the military brass, they more than present the president with their plan, it's up to him ok it plan.
True, BUT, give the man a copy of Hustler, promise to add points to his handicap and add one more round of 18 a week, hand him a pen and slide the paper under his nose- honest to god, I can picture it working that way.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
From the link..."The US did have an analysis of test samples that suggested the presence
of chlorine and sarin, but officials told CNN the US was not able to
obtain samples directly from the scene and ensure a strict chain of
custody to conduct its own testing. There were samples that had been
smuggled out, but the US intelligence community did not have solid
intelligence on where the material came from and whose hands it was in
the entire time, officials said."
Translation of likely scenario... test samples were conducted by having members of white helmets piss in two gatorade bottles, standard liquid bleach was added to the first gatorade piss bottle, glyphosate or round up was added to the second gatorade piss bottle and then the bottles were sent off to the US with the help of Bilal Abdul Kareem and Cindy McCain.
From the link..."The US did have an analysis of test samples that suggested the presence
of chlorine and sarin, but officials told CNN the US was not able to
obtain samples directly from the scene and ensure a strict chain of
custody to conduct its own testing. There were samples that had been
smuggled out, but the US intelligence community did not have solid
intelligence on where the material came from and whose hands it was in
the entire time, officials said."
Translation of likely scenario... test samples were conducted by having members of white helmets piss in two gatorade bottles, standard liquid bleach was added to the first gatorade piss bottle, glyphosate or round up was added to the second gatorade piss bottle and then the bottles were sent off to the US with the help of Bilal Abdul Kareem and Cindy McCain.
Wow, you should write for the Late Show. If you get sick of connecting dots.
a great indictment of the british media ... this guy is not pro assad ... he simply questions why both sides of the reporting are not happening ... especially when a well respected journalist who actually went to douma is reporting it ... i will note that this guy clearly doesn't know that "western" journalists have been reporting on the ground in syria for some time ... just not the corporate media ... those who have in the corporate media have been embedded with terrorists ...
From the link..."The US did have an analysis of test samples that suggested the presence
of chlorine and sarin, but officials told CNN the US was not able to
obtain samples directly from the scene and ensure a strict chain of
custody to conduct its own testing. There were samples that had been
smuggled out, but the US intelligence community did not have solid
intelligence on where the material came from and whose hands it was in
the entire time, officials said."
Translation of likely scenario... test samples were conducted by having members of white helmets piss in two gatorade bottles, standard liquid bleach was added to the first gatorade piss bottle, glyphosate or round up was added to the second gatorade piss bottle and then the bottles were sent off to the US with the help of Bilal Abdul Kareem and Cindy McCain.
Wow, you should write for the Late Show. If you get sick of connecting dots.
Eva Bartlett, an ‘independent’ Canadian journalist, stole the hearts of the anti-war Left in her account of what was really happening in Syria in a now-viral video clip from a UN press conference. Maintaining, among other things, that Syrian civilians overwhelmingly support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and that the mainstream media’s account of the Syrian Civil War is simply pro-regime change propaganda, her position — and her condescending attitude — reflect the moral failings of the prevalent libertarian and anti-war Left movements when faced with humanitarian disasters.
The UN event where Bartlett made her statements, however, wasn’t a General Assembly meeting or anything remotely as significant, it was a panel hosted by the Hands Off Syria Coalition and the US Peace Council –– two overtly biased anti-Western nonprofit organizations. Fewer than a dozen people were in attendance.
Bartlett is also not an “independent” journalist: she is a contributor to RT, the state-sponsored news network of Russia. On her personal blog, she explicitly professes her support for the Assad regime:
“I support Syria against a ‘civil’ war that is funded, armed and planned by the western powers and their regional allies with a view to wiping out all resistance to imperialism in the Middle East…”
Not only does she conveniently brush aside, as though they were fringe details, Russia’s leveling of hospitals in Aleppo, its decimation of UN aid convoys, and Bashar al Assad’s use of chemical weapons against civilians, she further goes on to claim that there are no international organizations on the ground in Syria, that the civilian victims in Aleppo are “recycled actors,” and that the Al-Quds hospital, which had been bombed in the Spring of 2016, had not actually been bombed, despite the incident having been confirmed in a report by Doctors Without Borders, who have been working closely on the ground in Syria with the Al-Quds Hospital for over four years. Snopes also put out a recent piece, branding Barlett’s claims as “false.”
It is very telling that Bartlett is not only suspiciously selective in her narrative, but completely denies reality. The amount of mental gymnastics necessary to convince herself that Bashar al Assad and Vladimir Putin are not the bad guys is astonishing. Bartlett has resorted to claiming that the countless civilian children in Aleppo are simply actors, notwithstanding the fact that “Aya” is a very common name in Syria. She has denied well-documented accounts from international organizations (who she maintains are not even there in the first place) as to the unending list of crimes committed by Russia and Syria. She doesn’t even so much as raise an eyebrow at the fact that Mr. Assad won the recent elections in Syria — and only in government-controlled parts of Syria — with almost 90% of the vote, and instead, assumes that to mean that he is a favorable leader. She would likely be shocked to learn what was in store for the people who didn’t vote for Assad.
Further, Bartlett attempts to preemptively administer culpability to the United States for the chaos in Syria. Not for its inaction or its failure to intervene, which would have been a fair criticism to make, but for actions and mistakes it has yet to even make. To Bartlett and other so-called “anti-imperialist” Assad apologists, massacring hundreds of thousands of civilians, torturing and executing dissidents, and destroying entire cities is preferable to the United States and the West even doing so much as looking in the direction of Syria.
Though hardly anybody was in attendance at the actual press conference, Bartlett’s sentiments don’t fall on deaf ears. For many Americans, to even mention humanitarian military intervention is an irredeemable sin practiced by only the most sinister neoconservative war-hawks.
Without a doubt, a large contributing factor to the election of Donald Trump was the large number of Americans who were completely disenchanted by even the thought of another military intervention after the long and costly operations in Iraq and Afghanistan which, by the end, were widely seen as unsuccessful endeavors.
Having gone a step further than simply voting against a hawkish Hillary Clinton, many have internalized Donald Trump’s prospective plans to reconcile our relationship with Russia and have become complacent with the idea of joint cooperation with the Kremlin.
Over the last several years, Putin has been quietly testing the waters. Having invaded Crimea in 2014, flattened hospitals in Aleppo, and allowed his friend Mr. Assad to murder his own people with chemical weapons, he has taken notice of the fact that Washington has hardly lifted a finger in response, thus enabling him to keep doing what he is doing.
For Mr. Putin, the election of Trump could not have come at a better time, as he now effectively has a free pass to call the shots in Syria without reprimand from the US as long as Trump believes that Russia is helping him kill ISIS terrorists. Like Mr. Trump, a striking number of Americans believe that ISIS is the biggest cause for the instability in Syria, and so to them, an alliance with Russia actually sounds like a good thing. However, to allow a primary offenders of human rights abuses, war crimes, and crimes against humanity to remain in power while the US, a wealthy and industrialized democratic superpower, sits by and does nothing is signing Syria’s death warrant.
Good stuff! 1. 2013 gas attack per UN: Syrian Rebels 2. 2017 gas attack US: no proof carried out by Assad 3. 2018 gas attack, baseless 4. Colbert and Albright lies about first gas attack and 500,000 Iraqis 5. Scahill on CNN (my favorite) 6. NBC firing Donahue #1 rated show Donahue was against Iraq invasion NBC owned by GE 7. Howard Dean wishing for WW3 8. John Kerry admitting that the Saudis will pay for US to destroy Syria 9. PIPELINES and Israel!!!!
check this out! MSNBC Columbia Prog Jeff Sax. Classic Dore! I need a mix of humor with heinous. the Permanent state calls the shots regardless of who occupies the WH The best part he brings up Timber Sycamore, he not supposed to do that! How many of us Syrian experts know about Timber Sycamore?
check this out! MSNBC Columbia Prog Jeff Sax. Classic Dore! I need a mix of humor with heinous. the Permanent state calls the shots regardless of who occupies the WH The best part he brings up Timber Sycamore, he not supposed to do that! How many of us Syrian experts know about Timber Sycamore?
Your English and syntax needs work, comrade. Drop the KGB putin putin putin on the ritz speak.
it's funny how I've been accused of following conspiracy theories but this is the thing about lies ... it gets harder and harder to maintain it ...
here's the video of the boy who was in the white helmets video .. as he tells of what happened ... feel free to target the publisher and not address what's actually in the video ...
white helmets try to recruit roger waters ... this is the foundation of the so called humanitarian industrial complex ... these groups funded by state departments recruit celebrities by asking to support "humanitarian" causes ...
this facade is crumbling ... and you know it to be the case when the corporate media has to launch smear campaigns against journalists who get funded through online donations and patreons ... the thing is ... what used to be 2 or 3 became 5 or 6 ... now, it's much more ... you can't smear them all ... #handsoffsyria
2,000 American troops are not on the ground to.m fight against Syria & Russia... American and other western forces are in northern Syria fighting against the Islamic State...
The west is not an occupying force in Syria... this is not shock & awe... America had 170,000 troops in Iraq and 100,000 in Afghanistan... they have 2,000 in Syria
Except of course for the fact that Syria hid the fact they had chemical weapons previously... other than that, they seem like stand up leaders, just misunderstood
Trump to Impose New Sanctions on Russia Over Support for Syria - The New York Times
Trump Scraps New Sanctions Against Russia, Overruling Advisers - The New York Times
‘I Don’t Get Confused,’ Nikki Haley Says, Rebuffing White House in Sanctions Dispute - The New York Times
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Where I'm not ugly and you're lookin' at me
Those Russians who don't play by Putin's rules sure like to fall out of buildings.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
US struck Syria without certainty on sarin
From the link..."The US did have an analysis of test samples that suggested the presence of chlorine and sarin, but officials told CNN the US was not able to obtain samples directly from the scene and ensure a strict chain of custody to conduct its own testing. There were samples that had been smuggled out, but the US intelligence community did not have solid intelligence on where the material came from and whose hands it was in the entire time, officials said."Translation of likely scenario... test samples were conducted by having members of white helmets piss in two gatorade bottles, standard liquid bleach was added to the first gatorade piss bottle, glyphosate or round up was added to the second gatorade piss bottle and then the bottles were sent off to the US with the help of Bilal Abdul Kareem and Cindy McCain.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
also note that the former chair of Baes systems (UK arms dealer) was on the board of the BBC ...
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Exposing the Apologetics for Assad and Putin
The UN event where Bartlett made her statements, however, wasn’t a General Assembly meeting or anything remotely as significant, it was a panel hosted by the Hands Off Syria Coalition and the US Peace Council –– two overtly biased anti-Western nonprofit organizations. Fewer than a dozen people were in attendance.
Bartlett is also not an “independent” journalist: she is a contributor to RT, the state-sponsored news network of Russia. On her personal blog, she explicitly professes her support for the Assad regime:
Not only does she conveniently brush aside, as though they were fringe details, Russia’s leveling of hospitals in Aleppo, its decimation of UN aid convoys, and Bashar al Assad’s use of chemical weapons against civilians, she further goes on to claim that there are no international organizations on the ground in Syria, that the civilian victims in Aleppo are “recycled actors,” and that the Al-Quds hospital, which had been bombed in the Spring of 2016, had not actually been bombed, despite the incident having been confirmed in a report by Doctors Without Borders, who have been working closely on the ground in Syria with the Al-Quds Hospital for over four years. Snopes also put out a recent piece, branding Barlett’s claims as “false.”
It is very telling that Bartlett is not only suspiciously selective in her narrative, but completely denies reality. The amount of mental gymnastics necessary to convince herself that Bashar al Assad and Vladimir Putin are not the bad guys is astonishing. Bartlett has resorted to claiming that the countless civilian children in Aleppo are simply actors, notwithstanding the fact that “Aya” is a very common name in Syria. She has denied well-documented accounts from international organizations (who she maintains are not even there in the first place) as to the unending list of crimes committed by Russia and Syria. She doesn’t even so much as raise an eyebrow at the fact that Mr. Assad won the recent elections in Syria — and only in government-controlled parts of Syria — with almost 90% of the vote, and instead, assumes that to mean that he is a favorable leader. She would likely be shocked to learn what was in store for the people who didn’t vote for Assad.
Further, Bartlett attempts to preemptively administer culpability to the United States for the chaos in Syria. Not for its inaction or its failure to intervene, which would have been a fair criticism to make, but for actions and mistakes it has yet to even make. To Bartlett and other so-called “anti-imperialist” Assad apologists, massacring hundreds of thousands of civilians, torturing and executing dissidents, and destroying entire cities is preferable to the United States and the West even doing so much as looking in the direction of Syria.
Though hardly anybody was in attendance at the actual press conference, Bartlett’s sentiments don’t fall on deaf ears. For many Americans, to even mention humanitarian military intervention is an irredeemable sin practiced by only the most sinister neoconservative war-hawks.
Without a doubt, a large contributing factor to the election of Donald Trump was the large number of Americans who were completely disenchanted by even the thought of another military intervention after the long and costly operations in Iraq and Afghanistan which, by the end, were widely seen as unsuccessful endeavors.
Having gone a step further than simply voting against a hawkish Hillary Clinton, many have internalized Donald Trump’s prospective plans to reconcile our relationship with Russia and have become complacent with the idea of joint cooperation with the Kremlin.
Over the last several years, Putin has been quietly testing the waters. Having invaded Crimea in 2014, flattened hospitals in Aleppo, and allowed his friend Mr. Assad to murder his own people with chemical weapons, he has taken notice of the fact that Washington has hardly lifted a finger in response, thus enabling him to keep doing what he is doing.
For Mr. Putin, the election of Trump could not have come at a better time, as he now effectively has a free pass to call the shots in Syria without reprimand from the US as long as Trump believes that Russia is helping him kill ISIS terrorists. Like Mr. Trump, a striking number of Americans believe that ISIS is the biggest cause for the instability in Syria, and so to them, an alliance with Russia actually sounds like a good thing. However, to allow a primary offenders of human rights abuses, war crimes, and crimes against humanity to remain in power while the US, a wealthy and industrialized democratic superpower, sits by and does nothing is signing Syria’s death warrant.
1. 2013 gas attack per UN: Syrian Rebels
2. 2017 gas attack US: no proof carried out by Assad
3. 2018 gas attack, baseless
4. Colbert and Albright lies about first gas attack and 500,000 Iraqis
5. Scahill on CNN (my favorite)
6. NBC firing Donahue #1 rated show Donahue was against Iraq invasion NBC owned by GE
7. Howard Dean wishing for WW3
8. John Kerry admitting that the Saudis will pay for US to destroy Syria
9. PIPELINES and Israel!!!!
the Permanent state calls the shots regardless of who occupies the WH
The best part he brings up Timber Sycamore, he not supposed to do that! How many of us Syrian experts know about Timber Sycamore?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
here's the video of the boy who was in the white helmets video .. as he tells of what happened ... feel free to target the publisher and not address what's actually in the video ...