What’s everyone’s foods of choice for the big game tonight .. Empanadas Italian cold antipasto chicken wings Tuna tartar good cold beer I think I’ll go with Pacifico’s Chocolate cake to finish me off tonight lol I’ll be in a food coma by halftime ...
I have wings going (smoking a few pounds, air frying a few pounds). Scallops & Bacon Wife made buffalo chicken dip Lots of beer and she is currently making strawberry keylime pie. Pictures to come later!
He’ll yeah when can I stop by , I can bring some empanadas or tuna tartar 😛
Haha, I'd take you up on that Tuna tartar! Come on down
I'm solo tonight for the game, but I cooked a chunk of pork shoulder in a Le Creuset with tomato sauce for four hours. All shredded now and simmering away to thicken the sauce a bit. I'll have that with Rigatoni, lots of Pecorino cheese and a bottle of Salice Salentino. For halftime I plan on a prosciutto platter with mozzarella cheese, tomato and basil. (Guess I'm eating a lot of pork tonight.) Game doesn't start until 11:30pm here in Ireland which is rough, but I'm off tomorrow.
Looks good brotha! Hopefully you have a beer out of the frame 😁
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,612
edited February 2020
Jose that looks grinding.
Almost all prepared...chili is ready, crab salad is chilling, cheese/cured meat/smoked salmon platter in the fridge. Crackers/bread/rolls/grated cheese/peppers, sour cream, etc all prepped to go with the other stuff. Just need to do the very minimal work around skrimp tacos that my wife wanted and the mac n cheese & pigs in a blanket that the kid wanted.
Kinda regretting not making my guac & fresh tortilla chips but that is enough and will allow me to obsess on the game properly.
Cleaning out my traditional SB drinking vessel (Das Horn) for the many (many) cold Coors Lights I will be drinking over the course of the next 6-7 hours.
Dutch Oven!!! Beef and noodles over the fire for dinner, then scrub it out with boiling water and put it in the coals for easy cobbler before going to sleep in the tent. Fond childhood memories for me, future memories for my boy.
Game doesn't start until 11:30pm here in Ireland which is rough, but I'm off tomorrow.
Happy Birthday!
Was more careful with the peppers this time....last time my hands were tingling for days.
Beef and noodles over the fire for dinner, then scrub it out with boiling water and put it in the coals for easy cobbler before going to sleep in the tent. Fond childhood memories for me, future memories for my boy.