If I didn't know better, I would think certain people are much more concerned with right wing talking points than they are with a president whose behavior is appearing more and more treasonous with every passing day.
But hey, to each his own.
It's a good thing you know better then. But the reality is that I live in a world that is not a bubble. I see how moderates, indys and conservatives think and take in information. I work in financial services which is fiscally conservative by nature, but socially moderate. I read National Review, Reason, Amcon, and others. I care about winning elections. If you think destroying downtown San Jose helped the cause in 16, you're wrong. If you think destroying Minneapolis advances the cause, you're wrong. And if you're not advancing it, your're hurting it.
There's a huge difference in standing up for a principle and resorting to wanton destruction. Stand up for Kap. Stand up to China and the NBA. Stand up for what's right vs wrong. But destroying property isn't right and if you think a riot is a positive thing, you've lost your damned mind.
Ok, so here’s the thing: I checked National Review, and Reason, and neither one of those outlets is reporting that Minneapolis got destroyed. Nowhere have I read about wanton destruction of property and truth be told I’m not finding too many reports using the word “riot” in reference to what happened in Minneapolis two nights ago. I DID read about the following: *some isolated skirmishes and reports of punches being thrown, including one trump supporter being called a Nazi and getting punched in the back of the head - all completely unacceptable * a trump supporter being spat on - completely unacceptable * reports of objects being thrown at police when they attempted to disperse the crowd - completely unacceptable (USA Today reported one incident of urine being thrown, but no other outlets are reporting it - completely unacceptable if true) * one report of a trump supporter having his maga hat stolen off his head - completely unacceptable if true * reports of maga hats and flags being burned in the street *** *reports of a mostly peaceful day that went sideways at the end forcing police to disperse the crowd w/ pepper spray *several reports of a single (1) arrest and a single (1) citation for disorderly conduct being issued (the local Fox News affiliate was one of the websites I searched for information about this story)
None of these things, or even all of them combined, come close to “destroying Minneapolis” or “wanton destruction.” (If you used that last term only in reference to maga hats being burned in protest, you’re reaching) Also, none of this even comes close to what happened in Charlottesville, if we’re going to go down the road of comparing this to other major protests in recent years.
I welcome any links you can share that may further enlighten me as to what happened Thursday night. Based on what I’ve read however, your comment appears to be little more than hyperbolic nonsense. Hyperbolic nonsense that serves Trump’s agenda by spreading misinformation about the fictional destruction of Minneapolis by “the left.”
I fully support the arrests and prosecution of anyone who broke laws Thursday night. I don’t condone violence or destruction from any political activists, regardless of their allegiance. I also don’t condone the misrepresentation of incidents through the use of hyperbole or exaggeration. If we can’t accurately discuss an incident, how can we respond proportionately?
But hey... congrats on not living in a bubble, I guess.
***I don’t support or advocate the burning of the flag, but my opinion is irrelevant considering it’s protected speech. I would imagine the same applies to the maga hats, provided they weren’t stolen. If they WERE stolen, I fully support the arrest & prosecution of the offenders.
Right on brother. But “understanding” how and why the illegal can happen makes you a supporter of violence. And if you don’t believe that sometimes violence becomes necessary to right a wrong(s), then you’re not understanding a whole hell of a lot of US history. It’s all on the “Left,” though.
I don’t believe violence is the solution here.
Then don't participate in the defense. If you don't condemn it, you are defending it.
If I didn't know better, I would think certain people are much more concerned with right wing talking points than they are with a president whose behavior is appearing more and more treasonous with every passing day.
But hey, to each his own.
It's a good thing you know better then. But the reality is that I live in a world that is not a bubble. I see how moderates, indys and conservatives think and take in information. I work in financial services which is fiscally conservative by nature, but socially moderate. I read National Review, Reason, Amcon, and others. I care about winning elections. If you think destroying downtown San Jose helped the cause in 16, you're wrong. If you think destroying Minneapolis advances the cause, you're wrong. And if you're not advancing it, your're hurting it.
There's a huge difference in standing up for a principle and resorting to wanton destruction. Stand up for Kap. Stand up to China and the NBA. Stand up for what's right vs wrong. But destroying property isn't right and if you think a riot is a positive thing, you've lost your damned mind.
Ok, so here’s the thing: I checked National Review, and Reason, and neither one of those outlets is reporting that Minneapolis got destroyed. Nowhere have I read about wanton destruction of property and truth be told I’m not finding too many reports using the word “riot” in reference to what happened in Minneapolis two nights ago. I DID read about the following: *some isolated skirmishes and reports of punches being thrown, including one trump supporter being called a Nazi and getting punched in the back of the head - all completely unacceptable * a trump supporter being spat on - completely unacceptable * reports of objects being thrown at police when they attempted to disperse the crowd - completely unacceptable (USA Today reported one incident of urine being thrown, but no other outlets are reporting it - completely unacceptable if true) * one report of a trump supporter having his maga hat stolen off his head - completely unacceptable if true * reports of maga hats and flags being burned in the street *** *reports of a mostly peaceful day that went sideways at the end forcing police to disperse the crowd w/ pepper spray *several reports of a single (1) arrest and a single (1) citation for disorderly conduct being issued (the local Fox News affiliate was one of the websites I searched for information about this story)
None of these things, or even all of them combined, come close to “destroying Minneapolis” or “wanton destruction.” (If you used that last term only in reference to maga hats being burned in protest, you’re reaching) Also, none of this even comes close to what happened in Charlottesville, if we’re going to go down the road of comparing this to other major protests in recent years.
I welcome any links you can share that may further enlighten me as to what happened Thursday night. Based on what I’ve read however, your comment appears to be little more than hyperbolic nonsense. Hyperbolic nonsense that serves Trump’s agenda by spreading misinformation about the fictional destruction of Minneapolis by “the left.”
I fully support the arrests and prosecution of anyone who broke laws Thursday night. I don’t condone violence or destruction from any political activists, regardless of their allegiance. I also don’t condone the misrepresentation of incidents through the use of hyperbole or exaggeration. If we can’t accurately discuss an incident, how can we respond proportionately?
But hey... congrats on not living in a bubble, I guess.
***I don’t support or advocate the burning of the flag, but my opinion is irrelevant considering it’s protected speech. I would imagine the same applies to the maga hats, provided they weren’t stolen. If they WERE stolen, I fully support the arrest & prosecution of the offenders.
Nowhere did I say that Reason or NRO was reporting on this particular story. I'm saying that I do my best to stay out of the bubble by reading publications that I don't necessarily agree with. Regarding my "hyperbolic nonsense", I'm using terms that get used on the right when given the excuse. And you went straight to my point of defending the non peaceful (better?) protests by comparing to C'ville. It doesn't matter that C'ville was marginally worse than San Jose and much worse than Minny. If you find yourself making that argument, then you've lost the moral high ground. And today the left has the moral high ground. It needs to be protected.
If I didn't know better, I would think certain people are much more concerned with right wing talking points than they are with a president whose behavior is appearing more and more treasonous with every passing day.
But hey, to each his own.
It's a good thing you know better then. But the reality is that I live in a world that is not a bubble. I see how moderates, indys and conservatives think and take in information. I work in financial services which is fiscally conservative by nature, but socially moderate. I read National Review, Reason, Amcon, and others. I care about winning elections. If you think destroying downtown San Jose helped the cause in 16, you're wrong. If you think destroying Minneapolis advances the cause, you're wrong. And if you're not advancing it, your're hurting it.
There's a huge difference in standing up for a principle and resorting to wanton destruction. Stand up for Kap. Stand up to China and the NBA. Stand up for what's right vs wrong. But destroying property isn't right and if you think a riot is a positive thing, you've lost your damned mind.
Ok, so here’s the thing: I checked National Review, and Reason, and neither one of those outlets is reporting that Minneapolis got destroyed. Nowhere have I read about wanton destruction of property and truth be told I’m not finding too many reports using the word “riot” in reference to what happened in Minneapolis two nights ago. I DID read about the following: *some isolated skirmishes and reports of punches being thrown, including one trump supporter being called a Nazi and getting punched in the back of the head - all completely unacceptable * a trump supporter being spat on - completely unacceptable * reports of objects being thrown at police when they attempted to disperse the crowd - completely unacceptable (USA Today reported one incident of urine being thrown, but no other outlets are reporting it - completely unacceptable if true) * one report of a trump supporter having his maga hat stolen off his head - completely unacceptable if true * reports of maga hats and flags being burned in the street *** *reports of a mostly peaceful day that went sideways at the end forcing police to disperse the crowd w/ pepper spray *several reports of a single (1) arrest and a single (1) citation for disorderly conduct being issued (the local Fox News affiliate was one of the websites I searched for information about this story)
None of these things, or even all of them combined, come close to “destroying Minneapolis” or “wanton destruction.” (If you used that last term only in reference to maga hats being burned in protest, you’re reaching) Also, none of this even comes close to what happened in Charlottesville, if we’re going to go down the road of comparing this to other major protests in recent years.
I welcome any links you can share that may further enlighten me as to what happened Thursday night. Based on what I’ve read however, your comment appears to be little more than hyperbolic nonsense. Hyperbolic nonsense that serves Trump’s agenda by spreading misinformation about the fictional destruction of Minneapolis by “the left.”
I fully support the arrests and prosecution of anyone who broke laws Thursday night. I don’t condone violence or destruction from any political activists, regardless of their allegiance. I also don’t condone the misrepresentation of incidents through the use of hyperbole or exaggeration. If we can’t accurately discuss an incident, how can we respond proportionately?
But hey... congrats on not living in a bubble, I guess.
***I don’t support or advocate the burning of the flag, but my opinion is irrelevant considering it’s protected speech. I would imagine the same applies to the maga hats, provided they weren’t stolen. If they WERE stolen, I fully support the arrest & prosecution of the offenders.
If I didn't know better, I would think certain people are much more concerned with right wing talking points than they are with a president whose behavior is appearing more and more treasonous with every passing day.
But hey, to each his own.
It's a good thing you know better then. But the reality is that I live in a world that is not a bubble. I see how moderates, indys and conservatives think and take in information. I work in financial services which is fiscally conservative by nature, but socially moderate. I read National Review, Reason, Amcon, and others. I care about winning elections. If you think destroying downtown San Jose helped the cause in 16, you're wrong. If you think destroying Minneapolis advances the cause, you're wrong. And if you're not advancing it, your're hurting it.
There's a huge difference in standing up for a principle and resorting to wanton destruction. Stand up for Kap. Stand up to China and the NBA. Stand up for what's right vs wrong. But destroying property isn't right and if you think a riot is a positive thing, you've lost your damned mind.
Ok, so here’s the thing: I checked National Review, and Reason, and neither one of those outlets is reporting that Minneapolis got destroyed. Nowhere have I read about wanton destruction of property and truth be told I’m not finding too many reports using the word “riot” in reference to what happened in Minneapolis two nights ago. I DID read about the following: *some isolated skirmishes and reports of punches being thrown, including one trump supporter being called a Nazi and getting punched in the back of the head - all completely unacceptable * a trump supporter being spat on - completely unacceptable * reports of objects being thrown at police when they attempted to disperse the crowd - completely unacceptable (USA Today reported one incident of urine being thrown, but no other outlets are reporting it - completely unacceptable if true) * one report of a trump supporter having his maga hat stolen off his head - completely unacceptable if true * reports of maga hats and flags being burned in the street *** *reports of a mostly peaceful day that went sideways at the end forcing police to disperse the crowd w/ pepper spray *several reports of a single (1) arrest and a single (1) citation for disorderly conduct being issued (the local Fox News affiliate was one of the websites I searched for information about this story)
None of these things, or even all of them combined, come close to “destroying Minneapolis” or “wanton destruction.” (If you used that last term only in reference to maga hats being burned in protest, you’re reaching) Also, none of this even comes close to what happened in Charlottesville, if we’re going to go down the road of comparing this to other major protests in recent years.
I welcome any links you can share that may further enlighten me as to what happened Thursday night. Based on what I’ve read however, your comment appears to be little more than hyperbolic nonsense. Hyperbolic nonsense that serves Trump’s agenda by spreading misinformation about the fictional destruction of Minneapolis by “the left.”
I fully support the arrests and prosecution of anyone who broke laws Thursday night. I don’t condone violence or destruction from any political activists, regardless of their allegiance. I also don’t condone the misrepresentation of incidents through the use of hyperbole or exaggeration. If we can’t accurately discuss an incident, how can we respond proportionately?
But hey... congrats on not living in a bubble, I guess.
***I don’t support or advocate the burning of the flag, but my opinion is irrelevant considering it’s protected speech. I would imagine the same applies to the maga hats, provided they weren’t stolen. If they WERE stolen, I fully support the arrest & prosecution of the offenders.
Nowhere did I say that Reason or NRO was reporting on this particular story. I'm saying that I do my best to stay out of the bubble by reading publications that I don't necessarily agree with. Regarding my "hyperbolic nonsense", I'm using terms that get used on the right when given the excuse. And you went straight to my point of defending the non peaceful (better?) protests by comparing to C'ville. It doesn't matter that C'ville was marginally worse than San Jose and much worse than Minny. If you find yourself making that argument, then you've lost the moral high ground. And today the left has the moral high ground. It needs to be protected.
“It’s ok for us to compare Minneapolis to San Jose, but you’re wrong and just playing into our hands by comparing it to Charlottesville in response”
”it’s ok for us to use hyperbolic nonsense and spread misinformation about what happened Thursday’s night, the left just needs to be better at not giving us things to lie and spread misinformation about.”
If I didn't know better, I would think certain people are much more concerned with right wing talking points than they are with a president whose behavior is appearing more and more treasonous with every passing day.
But hey, to each his own.
It's a good thing you know better then. But the reality is that I live in a world that is not a bubble. I see how moderates, indys and conservatives think and take in information. I work in financial services which is fiscally conservative by nature, but socially moderate. I read National Review, Reason, Amcon, and others. I care about winning elections. If you think destroying downtown San Jose helped the cause in 16, you're wrong. If you think destroying Minneapolis advances the cause, you're wrong. And if you're not advancing it, your're hurting it.
There's a huge difference in standing up for a principle and resorting to wanton destruction. Stand up for Kap. Stand up to China and the NBA. Stand up for what's right vs wrong. But destroying property isn't right and if you think a riot is a positive thing, you've lost your damned mind.
Ok, so here’s the thing: I checked National Review, and Reason, and neither one of those outlets is reporting that Minneapolis got destroyed. Nowhere have I read about wanton destruction of property and truth be told I’m not finding too many reports using the word “riot” in reference to what happened in Minneapolis two nights ago. I DID read about the following: *some isolated skirmishes and reports of punches being thrown, including one trump supporter being called a Nazi and getting punched in the back of the head - all completely unacceptable * a trump supporter being spat on - completely unacceptable * reports of objects being thrown at police when they attempted to disperse the crowd - completely unacceptable (USA Today reported one incident of urine being thrown, but no other outlets are reporting it - completely unacceptable if true) * one report of a trump supporter having his maga hat stolen off his head - completely unacceptable if true * reports of maga hats and flags being burned in the street *** *reports of a mostly peaceful day that went sideways at the end forcing police to disperse the crowd w/ pepper spray *several reports of a single (1) arrest and a single (1) citation for disorderly conduct being issued (the local Fox News affiliate was one of the websites I searched for information about this story)
None of these things, or even all of them combined, come close to “destroying Minneapolis” or “wanton destruction.” (If you used that last term only in reference to maga hats being burned in protest, you’re reaching) Also, none of this even comes close to what happened in Charlottesville, if we’re going to go down the road of comparing this to other major protests in recent years.
I welcome any links you can share that may further enlighten me as to what happened Thursday night. Based on what I’ve read however, your comment appears to be little more than hyperbolic nonsense. Hyperbolic nonsense that serves Trump’s agenda by spreading misinformation about the fictional destruction of Minneapolis by “the left.”
I fully support the arrests and prosecution of anyone who broke laws Thursday night. I don’t condone violence or destruction from any political activists, regardless of their allegiance. I also don’t condone the misrepresentation of incidents through the use of hyperbole or exaggeration. If we can’t accurately discuss an incident, how can we respond proportionately?
But hey... congrats on not living in a bubble, I guess.
***I don’t support or advocate the burning of the flag, but my opinion is irrelevant considering it’s protected speech. I would imagine the same applies to the maga hats, provided they weren’t stolen. If they WERE stolen, I fully support the arrest & prosecution of the offenders.
Right on brother. But “understanding” how and why the illegal can happen makes you a supporter of violence. And if you don’t believe that sometimes violence becomes necessary to right a wrong(s), then you’re not understanding a whole hell of a lot of US history. It’s all on the “Left,” though.
I don’t believe violence is the solution here.
Then don't participate in the defense. If you don't condemn it, you are defending it.
I think it's nowhere near as binary as you're describing it.
If I didn't know better, I would think certain people are much more concerned with right wing talking points than they are with a president whose behavior is appearing more and more treasonous with every passing day.
But hey, to each his own.
It's a good thing you know better then. But the reality is that I live in a world that is not a bubble. I see how moderates, indys and conservatives think and take in information. I work in financial services which is fiscally conservative by nature, but socially moderate. I read National Review, Reason, Amcon, and others. I care about winning elections. If you think destroying downtown San Jose helped the cause in 16, you're wrong. If you think destroying Minneapolis advances the cause, you're wrong. And if you're not advancing it, your're hurting it.
There's a huge difference in standing up for a principle and resorting to wanton destruction. Stand up for Kap. Stand up to China and the NBA. Stand up for what's right vs wrong. But destroying property isn't right and if you think a riot is a positive thing, you've lost your damned mind.
Ok, so here’s the thing: I checked National Review, and Reason, and neither one of those outlets is reporting that Minneapolis got destroyed. Nowhere have I read about wanton destruction of property and truth be told I’m not finding too many reports using the word “riot” in reference to what happened in Minneapolis two nights ago. I DID read about the following: *some isolated skirmishes and reports of punches being thrown, including one trump supporter being called a Nazi and getting punched in the back of the head - all completely unacceptable * a trump supporter being spat on - completely unacceptable * reports of objects being thrown at police when they attempted to disperse the crowd - completely unacceptable (USA Today reported one incident of urine being thrown, but no other outlets are reporting it - completely unacceptable if true) * one report of a trump supporter having his maga hat stolen off his head - completely unacceptable if true * reports of maga hats and flags being burned in the street *** *reports of a mostly peaceful day that went sideways at the end forcing police to disperse the crowd w/ pepper spray *several reports of a single (1) arrest and a single (1) citation for disorderly conduct being issued (the local Fox News affiliate was one of the websites I searched for information about this story)
None of these things, or even all of them combined, come close to “destroying Minneapolis” or “wanton destruction.” (If you used that last term only in reference to maga hats being burned in protest, you’re reaching) Also, none of this even comes close to what happened in Charlottesville, if we’re going to go down the road of comparing this to other major protests in recent years.
I welcome any links you can share that may further enlighten me as to what happened Thursday night. Based on what I’ve read however, your comment appears to be little more than hyperbolic nonsense. Hyperbolic nonsense that serves Trump’s agenda by spreading misinformation about the fictional destruction of Minneapolis by “the left.”
I fully support the arrests and prosecution of anyone who broke laws Thursday night. I don’t condone violence or destruction from any political activists, regardless of their allegiance. I also don’t condone the misrepresentation of incidents through the use of hyperbole or exaggeration. If we can’t accurately discuss an incident, how can we respond proportionately?
But hey... congrats on not living in a bubble, I guess.
***I don’t support or advocate the burning of the flag, but my opinion is irrelevant considering it’s protected speech. I would imagine the same applies to the maga hats, provided they weren’t stolen. If they WERE stolen, I fully support the arrest & prosecution of the offenders.
Right on brother. But “understanding” how and why the illegal can happen makes you a supporter of violence. And if you don’t believe that sometimes violence becomes necessary to right a wrong(s), then you’re not understanding a whole hell of a lot of US history. It’s all on the “Left,” though.
I don’t believe violence is the solution here.
Then don't participate in the defense. If you don't condemn it, you are defending it.
I think it's nowhere near as binary as you're describing it.
Can anyone post the dem equivalent? Because both sides are the same? Maybe a video of Obama calling for violence? There must be at least one of Speaker Pelosi? Surely Chuck Schumer? Definitely a current dem candidate for POTUS? Mad man Bernie!
Can anyone post the dem equivalent? Because both sides are the same? Maybe a video of Obama calling for violence? There must be at least one of Speaker Pelosi? Surely Chuck Schumer? Definitely a current dem candidate for POTUS? Mad man Bernie!
You keep trying to create a discussion no one is trying to have. Who said anything about anyone being equivalent to Trump? Just cause stuff doesn’t rise to Trumps level of nonsense doesn’t mean it isn’t nonsense itself.
If I didn't know better, I would think certain people are much more concerned with right wing talking points than they are with a president whose behavior is appearing more and more treasonous with every passing day.
But hey, to each his own.
It's a good thing you know better then. But the reality is that I live in a world that is not a bubble. I see how moderates, indys and conservatives think and take in information. I work in financial services which is fiscally conservative by nature, but socially moderate. I read National Review, Reason, Amcon, and others. I care about winning elections. If you think destroying downtown San Jose helped the cause in 16, you're wrong. If you think destroying Minneapolis advances the cause, you're wrong. And if you're not advancing it, your're hurting it.
There's a huge difference in standing up for a principle and resorting to wanton destruction. Stand up for Kap. Stand up to China and the NBA. Stand up for what's right vs wrong. But destroying property isn't right and if you think a riot is a positive thing, you've lost your damned mind.
Ok, so here’s the thing: I checked National Review, and Reason, and neither one of those outlets is reporting that Minneapolis got destroyed. Nowhere have I read about wanton destruction of property and truth be told I’m not finding too many reports using the word “riot” in reference to what happened in Minneapolis two nights ago. I DID read about the following: *some isolated skirmishes and reports of punches being thrown, including one trump supporter being called a Nazi and getting punched in the back of the head - all completely unacceptable * a trump supporter being spat on - completely unacceptable * reports of objects being thrown at police when they attempted to disperse the crowd - completely unacceptable (USA Today reported one incident of urine being thrown, but no other outlets are reporting it - completely unacceptable if true) * one report of a trump supporter having his maga hat stolen off his head - completely unacceptable if true * reports of maga hats and flags being burned in the street *** *reports of a mostly peaceful day that went sideways at the end forcing police to disperse the crowd w/ pepper spray *several reports of a single (1) arrest and a single (1) citation for disorderly conduct being issued (the local Fox News affiliate was one of the websites I searched for information about this story)
None of these things, or even all of them combined, come close to “destroying Minneapolis” or “wanton destruction.” (If you used that last term only in reference to maga hats being burned in protest, you’re reaching) Also, none of this even comes close to what happened in Charlottesville, if we’re going to go down the road of comparing this to other major protests in recent years.
I welcome any links you can share that may further enlighten me as to what happened Thursday night. Based on what I’ve read however, your comment appears to be little more than hyperbolic nonsense. Hyperbolic nonsense that serves Trump’s agenda by spreading misinformation about the fictional destruction of Minneapolis by “the left.”
I fully support the arrests and prosecution of anyone who broke laws Thursday night. I don’t condone violence or destruction from any political activists, regardless of their allegiance. I also don’t condone the misrepresentation of incidents through the use of hyperbole or exaggeration. If we can’t accurately discuss an incident, how can we respond proportionately?
But hey... congrats on not living in a bubble, I guess.
***I don’t support or advocate the burning of the flag, but my opinion is irrelevant considering it’s protected speech. I would imagine the same applies to the maga hats, provided they weren’t stolen. If they WERE stolen, I fully support the arrest & prosecution of the offenders.
Nowhere did I say that Reason or NRO was reporting on this particular story. I'm saying that I do my best to stay out of the bubble by reading publications that I don't necessarily agree with. Regarding my "hyperbolic nonsense", I'm using terms that get used on the right when given the excuse. And you went straight to my point of defending the non peaceful (better?) protests by comparing to C'ville. It doesn't matter that C'ville was marginally worse than San Jose and much worse than Minny. If you find yourself making that argument, then you've lost the moral high ground. And today the left has the moral high ground. It needs to be protected.
“It’s ok for us to compare Minneapolis to San Jose, but you’re wrong and just playing into our hands by comparing it to Charlottesville in response”
”it’s ok for us to use hyperbolic nonsense and spread misinformation about what happened Thursday’s night, the left just needs to be better at not giving us things to lie and spread misinformation about.”
That’s some bubble you aren’t living in.
I'm sorry, did you just fake quote me, declare me as a right winger and then say I'm living in a bubble? WTF kind of argument skills are you employing? Are you so disingenuous that you have to make up things? SMH.
If I didn't know better, I would think certain people are much more concerned with right wing talking points than they are with a president whose behavior is appearing more and more treasonous with every passing day.
But hey, to each his own.
It's a good thing you know better then. But the reality is that I live in a world that is not a bubble. I see how moderates, indys and conservatives think and take in information. I work in financial services which is fiscally conservative by nature, but socially moderate. I read National Review, Reason, Amcon, and others. I care about winning elections. If you think destroying downtown San Jose helped the cause in 16, you're wrong. If you think destroying Minneapolis advances the cause, you're wrong. And if you're not advancing it, your're hurting it.
There's a huge difference in standing up for a principle and resorting to wanton destruction. Stand up for Kap. Stand up to China and the NBA. Stand up for what's right vs wrong. But destroying property isn't right and if you think a riot is a positive thing, you've lost your damned mind.
Ok, so here’s the thing: I checked National Review, and Reason, and neither one of those outlets is reporting that Minneapolis got destroyed. Nowhere have I read about wanton destruction of property and truth be told I’m not finding too many reports using the word “riot” in reference to what happened in Minneapolis two nights ago. I DID read about the following: *some isolated skirmishes and reports of punches being thrown, including one trump supporter being called a Nazi and getting punched in the back of the head - all completely unacceptable * a trump supporter being spat on - completely unacceptable * reports of objects being thrown at police when they attempted to disperse the crowd - completely unacceptable (USA Today reported one incident of urine being thrown, but no other outlets are reporting it - completely unacceptable if true) * one report of a trump supporter having his maga hat stolen off his head - completely unacceptable if true * reports of maga hats and flags being burned in the street *** *reports of a mostly peaceful day that went sideways at the end forcing police to disperse the crowd w/ pepper spray *several reports of a single (1) arrest and a single (1) citation for disorderly conduct being issued (the local Fox News affiliate was one of the websites I searched for information about this story)
None of these things, or even all of them combined, come close to “destroying Minneapolis” or “wanton destruction.” (If you used that last term only in reference to maga hats being burned in protest, you’re reaching) Also, none of this even comes close to what happened in Charlottesville, if we’re going to go down the road of comparing this to other major protests in recent years.
I welcome any links you can share that may further enlighten me as to what happened Thursday night. Based on what I’ve read however, your comment appears to be little more than hyperbolic nonsense. Hyperbolic nonsense that serves Trump’s agenda by spreading misinformation about the fictional destruction of Minneapolis by “the left.”
I fully support the arrests and prosecution of anyone who broke laws Thursday night. I don’t condone violence or destruction from any political activists, regardless of their allegiance. I also don’t condone the misrepresentation of incidents through the use of hyperbole or exaggeration. If we can’t accurately discuss an incident, how can we respond proportionately?
But hey... congrats on not living in a bubble, I guess.
***I don’t support or advocate the burning of the flag, but my opinion is irrelevant considering it’s protected speech. I would imagine the same applies to the maga hats, provided they weren’t stolen. If they WERE stolen, I fully support the arrest & prosecution of the offenders.
Right on brother. But “understanding” how and why the illegal can happen makes you a supporter of violence. And if you don’t believe that sometimes violence becomes necessary to right a wrong(s), then you’re not understanding a whole hell of a lot of US history. It’s all on the “Left,” though.
I don’t believe violence is the solution here.
Then don't participate in the defense. If you don't condemn it, you are defending it.
I think it's nowhere near as binary as you're describing it.
there's forty shades of gray.
actually there's eleven.
Making shaded arguments is a loser. Why do you think Pelosi went ahead with impeachment of this issue? Because it's clear, the POTUS admitted it, etc. It blackens the talking points. My Lord, have you people never had to make meaningful arguments in real life?
If I didn't know better, I would think certain people are much more concerned with right wing talking points than they are with a president whose behavior is appearing more and more treasonous with every passing day.
But hey, to each his own.
It's a good thing you know better then. But the reality is that I live in a world that is not a bubble. I see how moderates, indys and conservatives think and take in information. I work in financial services which is fiscally conservative by nature, but socially moderate. I read National Review, Reason, Amcon, and others. I care about winning elections. If you think destroying downtown San Jose helped the cause in 16, you're wrong. If you think destroying Minneapolis advances the cause, you're wrong. And if you're not advancing it, your're hurting it.
There's a huge difference in standing up for a principle and resorting to wanton destruction. Stand up for Kap. Stand up to China and the NBA. Stand up for what's right vs wrong. But destroying property isn't right and if you think a riot is a positive thing, you've lost your damned mind.
Ok, so here’s the thing: I checked National Review, and Reason, and neither one of those outlets is reporting that Minneapolis got destroyed. Nowhere have I read about wanton destruction of property and truth be told I’m not finding too many reports using the word “riot” in reference to what happened in Minneapolis two nights ago. I DID read about the following: *some isolated skirmishes and reports of punches being thrown, including one trump supporter being called a Nazi and getting punched in the back of the head - all completely unacceptable * a trump supporter being spat on - completely unacceptable * reports of objects being thrown at police when they attempted to disperse the crowd - completely unacceptable (USA Today reported one incident of urine being thrown, but no other outlets are reporting it - completely unacceptable if true) * one report of a trump supporter having his maga hat stolen off his head - completely unacceptable if true * reports of maga hats and flags being burned in the street *** *reports of a mostly peaceful day that went sideways at the end forcing police to disperse the crowd w/ pepper spray *several reports of a single (1) arrest and a single (1) citation for disorderly conduct being issued (the local Fox News affiliate was one of the websites I searched for information about this story)
None of these things, or even all of them combined, come close to “destroying Minneapolis” or “wanton destruction.” (If you used that last term only in reference to maga hats being burned in protest, you’re reaching) Also, none of this even comes close to what happened in Charlottesville, if we’re going to go down the road of comparing this to other major protests in recent years.
I welcome any links you can share that may further enlighten me as to what happened Thursday night. Based on what I’ve read however, your comment appears to be little more than hyperbolic nonsense. Hyperbolic nonsense that serves Trump’s agenda by spreading misinformation about the fictional destruction of Minneapolis by “the left.”
I fully support the arrests and prosecution of anyone who broke laws Thursday night. I don’t condone violence or destruction from any political activists, regardless of their allegiance. I also don’t condone the misrepresentation of incidents through the use of hyperbole or exaggeration. If we can’t accurately discuss an incident, how can we respond proportionately?
But hey... congrats on not living in a bubble, I guess.
***I don’t support or advocate the burning of the flag, but my opinion is irrelevant considering it’s protected speech. I would imagine the same applies to the maga hats, provided they weren’t stolen. If they WERE stolen, I fully support the arrest & prosecution of the offenders.
Nowhere did I say that Reason or NRO was reporting on this particular story. I'm saying that I do my best to stay out of the bubble by reading publications that I don't necessarily agree with. Regarding my "hyperbolic nonsense", I'm using terms that get used on the right when given the excuse. And you went straight to my point of defending the non peaceful (better?) protests by comparing to C'ville. It doesn't matter that C'ville was marginally worse than San Jose and much worse than Minny. If you find yourself making that argument, then you've lost the moral high ground. And today the left has the moral high ground. It needs to be protected.
“It’s ok for us to compare Minneapolis to San Jose, but you’re wrong and just playing into our hands by comparing it to Charlottesville in response”
”it’s ok for us to use hyperbolic nonsense and spread misinformation about what happened Thursday’s night, the left just needs to be better at not giving us things to lie and spread misinformation about.”
That’s some bubble you aren’t living in.
I'm sorry, did you just fake quote me, declare me as a right winger and then say I'm living in a bubble? WTF kind of argument skills are you employing? Are you so disingenuous that you have to make up things? SMH.
No apology necessary I thought it would have been obvious I was paraphrasing you, not making things up. Unlike for example suggesting the city of Minneapolis got destroyed Thursday night. Now THAT would be making something up... oh, I’m sorry, you were just “using the terms that get used on the right when given the excuse.” (Aka - right wing talking points)
I apologize for the misuse of quotation marks, I should have made it more clear I was paraphrasing your arguments. If you want me to edit my original comment I will.
If I didn't know better, I would think certain people are much more concerned with right wing talking points than they are with a president whose behavior is appearing more and more treasonous with every passing day.
But hey, to each his own.
It's a good thing you know better then. But the reality is that I live in a world that is not a bubble. I see how moderates, indys and conservatives think and take in information. I work in financial services which is fiscally conservative by nature, but socially moderate. I read National Review, Reason, Amcon, and others. I care about winning elections. If you think destroying downtown San Jose helped the cause in 16, you're wrong. If you think destroying Minneapolis advances the cause, you're wrong. And if you're not advancing it, your're hurting it.
There's a huge difference in standing up for a principle and resorting to wanton destruction. Stand up for Kap. Stand up to China and the NBA. Stand up for what's right vs wrong. But destroying property isn't right and if you think a riot is a positive thing, you've lost your damned mind.
Ok, so here’s the thing: I checked National Review, and Reason, and neither one of those outlets is reporting that Minneapolis got destroyed. Nowhere have I read about wanton destruction of property and truth be told I’m not finding too many reports using the word “riot” in reference to what happened in Minneapolis two nights ago. I DID read about the following: *some isolated skirmishes and reports of punches being thrown, including one trump supporter being called a Nazi and getting punched in the back of the head - all completely unacceptable * a trump supporter being spat on - completely unacceptable * reports of objects being thrown at police when they attempted to disperse the crowd - completely unacceptable (USA Today reported one incident of urine being thrown, but no other outlets are reporting it - completely unacceptable if true) * one report of a trump supporter having his maga hat stolen off his head - completely unacceptable if true * reports of maga hats and flags being burned in the street *** *reports of a mostly peaceful day that went sideways at the end forcing police to disperse the crowd w/ pepper spray *several reports of a single (1) arrest and a single (1) citation for disorderly conduct being issued (the local Fox News affiliate was one of the websites I searched for information about this story)
None of these things, or even all of them combined, come close to “destroying Minneapolis” or “wanton destruction.” (If you used that last term only in reference to maga hats being burned in protest, you’re reaching) Also, none of this even comes close to what happened in Charlottesville, if we’re going to go down the road of comparing this to other major protests in recent years.
I welcome any links you can share that may further enlighten me as to what happened Thursday night. Based on what I’ve read however, your comment appears to be little more than hyperbolic nonsense. Hyperbolic nonsense that serves Trump’s agenda by spreading misinformation about the fictional destruction of Minneapolis by “the left.”
I fully support the arrests and prosecution of anyone who broke laws Thursday night. I don’t condone violence or destruction from any political activists, regardless of their allegiance. I also don’t condone the misrepresentation of incidents through the use of hyperbole or exaggeration. If we can’t accurately discuss an incident, how can we respond proportionately?
But hey... congrats on not living in a bubble, I guess.
***I don’t support or advocate the burning of the flag, but my opinion is irrelevant considering it’s protected speech. I would imagine the same applies to the maga hats, provided they weren’t stolen. If they WERE stolen, I fully support the arrest & prosecution of the offenders.
Right on brother. But “understanding” how and why the illegal can happen makes you a supporter of violence. And if you don’t believe that sometimes violence becomes necessary to right a wrong(s), then you’re not understanding a whole hell of a lot of US history. It’s all on the “Left,” though.
I don’t believe violence is the solution here.
Then don't participate in the defense. If you don't condemn it, you are defending it.
I think it's nowhere near as binary as you're describing it.
there's forty shades of gray.
actually there's eleven.
Making shaded arguments is a loser. Why do you think Pelosi went ahead with impeachment of this issue? Because it's clear, the POTUS admitted it, etc. It blackens the talking points. My Lord, have you people never had to make meaningful arguments in real life?
Can anyone post the dem equivalent? Because both sides are the same? Maybe a video of Obama calling for violence? There must be at least one of Speaker Pelosi? Surely Chuck Schumer? Definitely a current dem candidate for POTUS? Mad man Bernie!
You keep trying to create a discussion no one is trying to have. Who said anything about anyone being equivalent to Trump? Just cause stuff doesn’t rise to Trumps level of nonsense doesn’t mean it isn’t nonsense itself.
Some keep arguing “both sides” are the “same.” I’m arguing they’re not even fucking close to being the same. Believe what you will. “Stuff?” You mean intimidation and threats of violence, right? From a POTUS as candidate and holder of the office. Or is that just “stuff” to you? Like unicorns and ice cream?
If I didn't know better, I would think certain people are much more concerned with right wing talking points than they are with a president whose behavior is appearing more and more treasonous with every passing day.
But hey, to each his own.
It's a good thing you know better then. But the reality is that I live in a world that is not a bubble. I see how moderates, indys and conservatives think and take in information. I work in financial services which is fiscally conservative by nature, but socially moderate. I read National Review, Reason, Amcon, and others. I care about winning elections. If you think destroying downtown San Jose helped the cause in 16, you're wrong. If you think destroying Minneapolis advances the cause, you're wrong. And if you're not advancing it, your're hurting it.
There's a huge difference in standing up for a principle and resorting to wanton destruction. Stand up for Kap. Stand up to China and the NBA. Stand up for what's right vs wrong. But destroying property isn't right and if you think a riot is a positive thing, you've lost your damned mind.
Ok, so here’s the thing: I checked National Review, and Reason, and neither one of those outlets is reporting that Minneapolis got destroyed. Nowhere have I read about wanton destruction of property and truth be told I’m not finding too many reports using the word “riot” in reference to what happened in Minneapolis two nights ago. I DID read about the following: *some isolated skirmishes and reports of punches being thrown, including one trump supporter being called a Nazi and getting punched in the back of the head - all completely unacceptable * a trump supporter being spat on - completely unacceptable * reports of objects being thrown at police when they attempted to disperse the crowd - completely unacceptable (USA Today reported one incident of urine being thrown, but no other outlets are reporting it - completely unacceptable if true) * one report of a trump supporter having his maga hat stolen off his head - completely unacceptable if true * reports of maga hats and flags being burned in the street *** *reports of a mostly peaceful day that went sideways at the end forcing police to disperse the crowd w/ pepper spray *several reports of a single (1) arrest and a single (1) citation for disorderly conduct being issued (the local Fox News affiliate was one of the websites I searched for information about this story)
None of these things, or even all of them combined, come close to “destroying Minneapolis” or “wanton destruction.” (If you used that last term only in reference to maga hats being burned in protest, you’re reaching) Also, none of this even comes close to what happened in Charlottesville, if we’re going to go down the road of comparing this to other major protests in recent years.
I welcome any links you can share that may further enlighten me as to what happened Thursday night. Based on what I’ve read however, your comment appears to be little more than hyperbolic nonsense. Hyperbolic nonsense that serves Trump’s agenda by spreading misinformation about the fictional destruction of Minneapolis by “the left.”
I fully support the arrests and prosecution of anyone who broke laws Thursday night. I don’t condone violence or destruction from any political activists, regardless of their allegiance. I also don’t condone the misrepresentation of incidents through the use of hyperbole or exaggeration. If we can’t accurately discuss an incident, how can we respond proportionately?
But hey... congrats on not living in a bubble, I guess.
***I don’t support or advocate the burning of the flag, but my opinion is irrelevant considering it’s protected speech. I would imagine the same applies to the maga hats, provided they weren’t stolen. If they WERE stolen, I fully support the arrest & prosecution of the offenders.
Nowhere did I say that Reason or NRO was reporting on this particular story. I'm saying that I do my best to stay out of the bubble by reading publications that I don't necessarily agree with. Regarding my "hyperbolic nonsense", I'm using terms that get used on the right when given the excuse. And you went straight to my point of defending the non peaceful (better?) protests by comparing to C'ville. It doesn't matter that C'ville was marginally worse than San Jose and much worse than Minny. If you find yourself making that argument, then you've lost the moral high ground. And today the left has the moral high ground. It needs to be protected.
“It’s ok for us to compare Minneapolis to San Jose, but you’re wrong and just playing into our hands by comparing it to Charlottesville in response”
”it’s ok for us to use hyperbolic nonsense and spread misinformation about what happened Thursday’s night, the left just needs to be better at not giving us things to lie and spread misinformation about.”
That’s some bubble you aren’t living in.
I'm sorry, did you just fake quote me, declare me as a right winger and then say I'm living in a bubble? WTF kind of argument skills are you employing? Are you so disingenuous that you have to make up things? SMH.
No apology necessary I thought it would have been obvious I was paraphrasing you, not making things up. Unlike for example suggesting the city of Minneapolis got destroyed Thursday night. Now THAT would be making something up... oh, I’m sorry, you were just “using the terms that get used on the right when given the excuse.” (Aka - right wing talking points)
I apologize for the misuse of quotation marks, I should have made it more clear I was paraphrasing your arguments. If you want me to edit my original comment I will.
Your paraphrasing is inaccurate as well.
I don't understand how it's controversial to say that it's a bad idea to condone violence, even when committed by your team. Seems like pretty common sense to me.
These four won't tolerate intolerance. So they decided felony assault was the best way forward. They made a difference. Im sure a Monday in February will soon be named for their contribution.
They wilded out... okay. I think by and large decisions that lead to violent felony charges are bad, but maybe you like to hedge that a bit. I guess you never know if their fellow Americans had it coming.
If I didn't know better, I would think certain people are much more concerned with right wing talking points than they are with a president whose behavior is appearing more and more treasonous with every passing day.
But hey, to each his own.
It's a good thing you know better then. But the reality is that I live in a world that is not a bubble. I see how moderates, indys and conservatives think and take in information. I work in financial services which is fiscally conservative by nature, but socially moderate. I read National Review, Reason, Amcon, and others. I care about winning elections. If you think destroying downtown San Jose helped the cause in 16, you're wrong. If you think destroying Minneapolis advances the cause, you're wrong. And if you're not advancing it, your're hurting it.
There's a huge difference in standing up for a principle and resorting to wanton destruction. Stand up for Kap. Stand up to China and the NBA. Stand up for what's right vs wrong. But destroying property isn't right and if you think a riot is a positive thing, you've lost your damned mind.
Ok, so here’s the thing: I checked National Review, and Reason, and neither one of those outlets is reporting that Minneapolis got destroyed. Nowhere have I read about wanton destruction of property and truth be told I’m not finding too many reports using the word “riot” in reference to what happened in Minneapolis two nights ago. I DID read about the following: *some isolated skirmishes and reports of punches being thrown, including one trump supporter being called a Nazi and getting punched in the back of the head - all completely unacceptable * a trump supporter being spat on - completely unacceptable * reports of objects being thrown at police when they attempted to disperse the crowd - completely unacceptable (USA Today reported one incident of urine being thrown, but no other outlets are reporting it - completely unacceptable if true) * one report of a trump supporter having his maga hat stolen off his head - completely unacceptable if true * reports of maga hats and flags being burned in the street *** *reports of a mostly peaceful day that went sideways at the end forcing police to disperse the crowd w/ pepper spray *several reports of a single (1) arrest and a single (1) citation for disorderly conduct being issued (the local Fox News affiliate was one of the websites I searched for information about this story)
None of these things, or even all of them combined, come close to “destroying Minneapolis” or “wanton destruction.” (If you used that last term only in reference to maga hats being burned in protest, you’re reaching) Also, none of this even comes close to what happened in Charlottesville, if we’re going to go down the road of comparing this to other major protests in recent years.
I welcome any links you can share that may further enlighten me as to what happened Thursday night. Based on what I’ve read however, your comment appears to be little more than hyperbolic nonsense. Hyperbolic nonsense that serves Trump’s agenda by spreading misinformation about the fictional destruction of Minneapolis by “the left.”
I fully support the arrests and prosecution of anyone who broke laws Thursday night. I don’t condone violence or destruction from any political activists, regardless of their allegiance. I also don’t condone the misrepresentation of incidents through the use of hyperbole or exaggeration. If we can’t accurately discuss an incident, how can we respond proportionately?
But hey... congrats on not living in a bubble, I guess.
***I don’t support or advocate the burning of the flag, but my opinion is irrelevant considering it’s protected speech. I would imagine the same applies to the maga hats, provided they weren’t stolen. If they WERE stolen, I fully support the arrest & prosecution of the offenders.
Nowhere did I say that Reason or NRO was reporting on this particular story. I'm saying that I do my best to stay out of the bubble by reading publications that I don't necessarily agree with. Regarding my "hyperbolic nonsense", I'm using terms that get used on the right when given the excuse. And you went straight to my point of defending the non peaceful (better?) protests by comparing to C'ville. It doesn't matter that C'ville was marginally worse than San Jose and much worse than Minny. If you find yourself making that argument, then you've lost the moral high ground. And today the left has the moral high ground. It needs to be protected.
“It’s ok for us to compare Minneapolis to San Jose, but you’re wrong and just playing into our hands by comparing it to Charlottesville in response”
”it’s ok for us to use hyperbolic nonsense and spread misinformation about what happened Thursday’s night, the left just needs to be better at not giving us things to lie and spread misinformation about.”
That’s some bubble you aren’t living in.
I'm sorry, did you just fake quote me, declare me as a right winger and then say I'm living in a bubble? WTF kind of argument skills are you employing? Are you so disingenuous that you have to make up things? SMH.
No apology necessary I thought it would have been obvious I was paraphrasing you, not making things up. Unlike for example suggesting the city of Minneapolis got destroyed Thursday night. Now THAT would be making something up... oh, I’m sorry, you were just “using the terms that get used on the right when given the excuse.” (Aka - right wing talking points)
I apologize for the misuse of quotation marks, I should have made it more clear I was paraphrasing your arguments. If you want me to edit my original comment I will.
Your paraphrasing is inaccurate as well.
I don't understand how it's controversial to say that it's a bad idea to condone violence, even when committed by your team. Seems like pretty common sense to me.
Likewise, I don’t understand your use of hyperbole from the get go muddying up the conversation. Dismissing it as saying you were “just using the terms that get used on the right” is a cop out.
Accurately representing something you’re suggesting is a bad idea seems like pretty common sense to me.
If I didn't know better, I would think certain people are much more concerned with right wing talking points than they are with a president whose behavior is appearing more and more treasonous with every passing day.
But hey, to each his own.
It's a good thing you know better then. But the reality is that I live in a world that is not a bubble. I see how moderates, indys and conservatives think and take in information. I work in financial services which is fiscally conservative by nature, but socially moderate. I read National Review, Reason, Amcon, and others. I care about winning elections. If you think destroying downtown San Jose helped the cause in 16, you're wrong. If you think destroying Minneapolis advances the cause, you're wrong. And if you're not advancing it, your're hurting it.
There's a huge difference in standing up for a principle and resorting to wanton destruction. Stand up for Kap. Stand up to China and the NBA. Stand up for what's right vs wrong. But destroying property isn't right and if you think a riot is a positive thing, you've lost your damned mind.
Ok, so here’s the thing: I checked National Review, and Reason, and neither one of those outlets is reporting that Minneapolis got destroyed. Nowhere have I read about wanton destruction of property and truth be told I’m not finding too many reports using the word “riot” in reference to what happened in Minneapolis two nights ago. I DID read about the following: *some isolated skirmishes and reports of punches being thrown, including one trump supporter being called a Nazi and getting punched in the back of the head - all completely unacceptable * a trump supporter being spat on - completely unacceptable * reports of objects being thrown at police when they attempted to disperse the crowd - completely unacceptable (USA Today reported one incident of urine being thrown, but no other outlets are reporting it - completely unacceptable if true) * one report of a trump supporter having his maga hat stolen off his head - completely unacceptable if true * reports of maga hats and flags being burned in the street *** *reports of a mostly peaceful day that went sideways at the end forcing police to disperse the crowd w/ pepper spray *several reports of a single (1) arrest and a single (1) citation for disorderly conduct being issued (the local Fox News affiliate was one of the websites I searched for information about this story)
None of these things, or even all of them combined, come close to “destroying Minneapolis” or “wanton destruction.” (If you used that last term only in reference to maga hats being burned in protest, you’re reaching) Also, none of this even comes close to what happened in Charlottesville, if we’re going to go down the road of comparing this to other major protests in recent years.
I welcome any links you can share that may further enlighten me as to what happened Thursday night. Based on what I’ve read however, your comment appears to be little more than hyperbolic nonsense. Hyperbolic nonsense that serves Trump’s agenda by spreading misinformation about the fictional destruction of Minneapolis by “the left.”
I fully support the arrests and prosecution of anyone who broke laws Thursday night. I don’t condone violence or destruction from any political activists, regardless of their allegiance. I also don’t condone the misrepresentation of incidents through the use of hyperbole or exaggeration. If we can’t accurately discuss an incident, how can we respond proportionately?
But hey... congrats on not living in a bubble, I guess.
***I don’t support or advocate the burning of the flag, but my opinion is irrelevant considering it’s protected speech. I would imagine the same applies to the maga hats, provided they weren’t stolen. If they WERE stolen, I fully support the arrest & prosecution of the offenders.
Nowhere did I say that Reason or NRO was reporting on this particular story. I'm saying that I do my best to stay out of the bubble by reading publications that I don't necessarily agree with. Regarding my "hyperbolic nonsense", I'm using terms that get used on the right when given the excuse. And you went straight to my point of defending the non peaceful (better?) protests by comparing to C'ville. It doesn't matter that C'ville was marginally worse than San Jose and much worse than Minny. If you find yourself making that argument, then you've lost the moral high ground. And today the left has the moral high ground. It needs to be protected.
“It’s ok for us to compare Minneapolis to San Jose, but you’re wrong and just playing into our hands by comparing it to Charlottesville in response”
”it’s ok for us to use hyperbolic nonsense and spread misinformation about what happened Thursday’s night, the left just needs to be better at not giving us things to lie and spread misinformation about.”
That’s some bubble you aren’t living in.
I'm sorry, did you just fake quote me, declare me as a right winger and then say I'm living in a bubble? WTF kind of argument skills are you employing? Are you so disingenuous that you have to make up things? SMH.
No apology necessary I thought it would have been obvious I was paraphrasing you, not making things up. Unlike for example suggesting the city of Minneapolis got destroyed Thursday night. Now THAT would be making something up... oh, I’m sorry, you were just “using the terms that get used on the right when given the excuse.” (Aka - right wing talking points)
I apologize for the misuse of quotation marks, I should have made it more clear I was paraphrasing your arguments. If you want me to edit my original comment I will.
Your paraphrasing is inaccurate as well.
I don't understand how it's controversial to say that it's a bad idea to condone violence, even when committed by your team. Seems like pretty common sense to me.
Likewise, I don’t understand your use of hyperbole from the get go muddying up the conversation. Dismissing it as saying you were “just using the terms that get used on the right” is a cop out.
Accurately representing something you’re suggesting is a bad idea seems like pretty common sense to me.
Im not reporting the damn news. Im making a point that riots, assaults and the like allows the Republicans to claim equivalency. And then the marginally engaged voter throws up their hands and says "they're all the same". That's the point. It's not about nuanced arguments and preaching to the choir. It's about maintaining the clear moral high ground and capturing the soft votes. That's how you win. Not by taking hats from people.
”it’s ok for us to use hyperbolic nonsense and spread misinformation about what happened Thursday’s night, the left just needs to be better at not giving us things to lie and spread misinformation about.”
That’s some bubble you aren’t living in.
there's forty shades of gray.
actually there's eleven.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
That white hot outlier in zone X isn't errrrrybody.
Give me one R point that isn't built on grievance or judgment or the fossil fuel industry or fear or just aggression.
edit...or RELIGION.
is not the same as
I apologize for the misuse of quotation marks, I should have made it more clear I was paraphrasing your arguments. If you want me to edit my original comment I will.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I don't understand how it's controversial to say that it's a bad idea to condone violence, even when committed by your team. Seems like pretty common sense to me.
These four won't tolerate intolerance. So they decided felony assault was the best way forward. They made a difference. Im sure a Monday in February will soon be named for their contribution.
is not the same as
Accurately representing something you’re suggesting is a bad idea seems like pretty common sense to me.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I can barely take care of myself.
Do you think Becky and Meghan her align themselves with those Charlottesville tikifucks?