15,000 troops being sent to Middle East to ramp up aggression towards Iran, and invoking emergency order to get around congressional opposition to sell more arms to Saudi Arabia and UAE.
1,500 troops, not 15,000. Big difference.
You know what? I think we have no fucking idea how many right now. I KNEW that I read 15,000 in more than one report online, and that I'd heard the same number on the TV news, over the past couple days. So I saw your post and googled again. I came up with articles saying 1500 (that's the most recent one), 10,000, 15,000, and a couple more also saying that Trump has been talking about sending as many as 120,000. Soooooo...... make of that what you will, and so shall we all I guess. I don't know why my little Google search there baffles me as far as Trump goes, but it still does.
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Since when did people suddenly find it offensive for the US to strategically position troops...that is what the US does. As for Trump sending the aircraft carrier battle group to the Middle East...well every POTUS uses the aircraft carriers for these purposes...
Since when did people suddenly find it offensive for the US to strategically position troops...that is what the US does. As for Trump sending the aircraft carrier battle group to the Middle East...well every POTUS uses the aircraft carriers for these purposes...
Given recent “tough talk” it would be irresponsible to ignore this.
1995 Milwaukee 1998 Alpine, Alpine 2003 Albany, Boston, Boston, Boston 2004 Boston, Boston 2006 Hartford, St. Paul (Petty), St. Paul (Petty) 2011 Alpine, Alpine 2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin 2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Since when did people suddenly find it offensive for the US to strategically position troops...that is what the US does. As for Trump sending the aircraft carrier battle group to the Middle East...well every POTUS uses the aircraft carriers for these purposes...
I think you're ignoring the details.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Since when did people suddenly find it offensive for the US to strategically position troops...that is what the US does. As for Trump sending the aircraft carrier battle group to the Middle East...well every POTUS uses the aircraft carriers for these purposes...
Since when did people suddenly find it offensive for the US to strategically position troops...that is what the US does. As for Trump sending the aircraft carrier battle group to the Middle East...well every POTUS uses the aircraft carriers for these purposes...
I think you're ignoring the details.
It’s been a common tactic of the Trump devil’s advocate folks around here...
There was a point early last year in which Donald Trump’s behavior was so erratic, a reporter felt compelled to ask White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders during an official briefing whether Americans should be “concerned about the president’s mental fitness.” She initially responded by trying to change the subject.
Trump responded soon after by publishing a series of tweets in which the Republican described himself as “like, really smart.” He added that he’s “a very stable genius.”
Yesterday, during an event ostensibly about agriculture and trade, the president upgraded his self-assessment: he’s not just a “very stable genius”; he’s now an “extremely stable genius.” Trump then proceeded to prove the opposite.
Sometimes even the president of the United States needs somebody to vouch for him.
No, Trump insisted Thursday, he did not have a temper tantrum a day earlier when he cut off a White House meeting with congressional Democrats after just three minutes.
To prove it – in the middle of a meeting with farmers – he called on five members of his staff to bear witness to his demeanor.
One by one, his advisers dutifully stepped forward to testify, saying Trump had been “very calm,” albeit “direct,” in his meeting with the Democrats.
It was as bizarre as it sounds. The president began yesterday tweeting about his “extremely calm” demeanor during a meeting a day earlier in which he refused to discuss his own infrastructure plan with lawmakers. Hours later, Trump interrupted his own event on agriculture and trade to brag about his even-keeled temperament.
Soon after, he sought public testimonials from five members of his team, each of whom was asked to attest to how “calm” the president was while blowing up infrastructure talks. The unnerving display lasted for more than seven minutes.
I won’t pretend to be a Shakespearean scholar, but the phrase “doth protest too much” keeps coming to mind.
There is no precedent for an American president pushing members of his team to tell the press how great his temperament is. The Republican ended up proving the opposite of his intended point.
Indeed, this is probably the sort of point Trump would struggle to understand, but those who are both stable and geniuses don’t behave the way he behaved yesterday.
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
It wouldn't be so strange if The President was having an official ceremony on one of the many US bases they have in Japan. I did read he will be the 1st modern day president to step foot on a Japanese battleship...
Yes, he’s sending you a signal, and that signal is “You’re an idiot but I’m too polite to say so”.
I'm not sure what this is supposed to mean. So Trump spells "Biden" wrong so I'm an idiot? Or something?
He deleted the tweet by the way, that's why it's not appearing anymore on my post.
No, not directed at you at all; it was directed at Trump and his comment, but now it doesn’t make any sense since the tweet got deleted. Sorry.
Okay cool, kinda figured that.
This tweet insulting someone's IQ while spelling an easy-to-spell word wrong reminded of something my aunt wrote in an old picture album that's at my grandmother's house. There's a picture of my parents, probably in their late 20's before I was born, with goofy hats on for New Years Eve. My aunt, who was probably about 11 or 12 years old at the time, wrote a caption by the picture with an arrow pointing at my parents. The caption? "Reatarts"
More brilliant brilliance in all its brilliant display as the “Bible Belt Darlin” in one of her teeets claims January 20, 2016, the date “they” took their country back. Ummmmmm, Obama was still President and the election was still almost 11 months away. Did something biblical happen that day?
President Trump appears intent on proving Lord Acton, the Victorian writer and politician of whom the president has almost certainly never heard, right. “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” Acton wrote. “Great men are almost always bad men.” The longer Trump spends in office, the more he realizes what he can do as president — and the fewer aides remain who will tell him that there are certain things he should not do. He is now surrounded by lickspittles who will affirm, on command, that he is an “extremely stable genius.” Every abuse of power, when left unchecked, leads to a bigger abuse. The latest but far from final result is the wholesale assault on democracy launched by the president this past week, building on his prior assaults.
In February, Trump declared an emergency to spend money that Congress had not appropriated to build a border wall that the country doesn’t need. Only 10 percent of congressional Republicans opposed him. So now, having decided that rule-by-fiat suits him, Trump is using his emergency powers to bypass Congress to sell arms to Saudi Arabia. Both the House and Senate have voted to end support for the Saudi war in Yemen, but, having vetoed that resolution, Trump appears determined to remove Congress from any oversight role in the sale of weapons to the murderers of Jamal Khashoggi.
“Congress must reclaim its powers,” tweeted Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.), the lone Republican to call for Trump’s richly deserved impeachment. “When will the legislative branch stand up to the executive branch?” At this rate, the answer is: Never. At least not while a Republican sits in the White House and Republicans control the Senate. (Continued in the next post...)
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Republicans remain supportive rather than censorious of Trump’s obstruction of justice, so it is hardly surprising, if nevertheless dismaying, that the president just delegated to Attorney General William P. Barr the authority to access and declassify the intelligence community’s most closely held secrets as Barr investigates the investigators who tried to stop Russian penetration of the Trump campaign. So Trump’s position is that his tax returns should remain private but the CIA’s “sources and methods” should become public.
This gives Barr a license to selectively declassify documents, just as Trump did last year to help Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) issue his own memo on the same subject. Nunes’s contention — that the FBI probe was triggered by the “Steele dossier” paid for by the Democrats — turned out to be false. But Barr is undeterred by Nunes’s failure to prove a deep-state conspiracy against Trump. He appears determined to find something, anything, in the secret files to feed Trump’s victimhood fantasies, even if the cost is to blow the cover of sources who have risked their lives to help the CIA.
Barr is proving to be Trump’s faithful lackey in launching investigations designed to discredit and possibly even prosecute his accusers. When Trump said Hillary Clinton should be locked up, he meant it; the Mueller report documents Trump’s repeated demands that the Justice Department investigate his 2016 opponent. Having paid no price for what should be an impeachable offense, Trump let it be known this week that former FBI director James B. Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe — along with “people probably higher than that” — deserved to be executed for treason. Is Trump insinuating that President Barack Obama and Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch, to whom the FBI reported in 2016, were guilty of treason? Sure sounds like it.
Trump also continues to show contempt for any congressional oversight. His attempts to stonewall Congress suffered major setbacks last week when two federal judges ruled against his attempts to block subpoenas to his accountants and financial institutions. This seemed to send Trump off his rocker — not that he was ever really on said rocker to begin with.
After House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) accused Trump of throwing a “temper tantrum” in a meeting with top Democrats, the president threw another one right on cue, calling her “Crazy Nancy,” saying “she’s a mess" and posting a doctored video to give the impression that she had trouble speaking. This, too, is an abuse with a precedent: During the 2016 campaign, Trump repeatedly cast aspersions on Clinton’s health. The indictment of dirty trickster Roger Stone reveals his friend Jerome Corsi writing to him on Aug. 2, 2016: “Would not hurt to start suggesting HRC old, memory bad, has stroke.” Trump is like a football coach who keeps calling the same plays for different opponents — as long, of course, as those opponents are female.
I refrain from saying that Trump has hit a “new low” because the phrase is meaningless; next week he is practically guaranteed to bore even deeper into substrata of immorality and vileness that no previous president has ever penetrated. The only thing that can stop him before November 2020 is impeachment. But Pelosi’s caution is understandable: The House can impeach, but the Senate will never convict, allowing Trump to claim unearned exoneration. The result is that Trump’s abuses of power are practically guaranteed to get worse as he fights for his political survival.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
2013 Wrigley 2014 St. Paul 2016 Fenway, Fenway, Wrigley, Wrigley 2018 Missoula, Wrigley, Wrigley 2021 Asbury Park 2022 St Louis 2023 Austin, Austin
2024 Napa, Wrigley, Wrigley
Trump responded soon after by publishing a series of tweets in which the Republican described himself as “like, really smart.” He added that he’s “a very stable genius.”
Yesterday, during an event ostensibly about agriculture and trade, the president upgraded his self-assessment: he’s not just a “very stable genius”; he’s now an “extremely stable genius.” Trump then proceeded to prove the opposite.
Sometimes even the president of the United States needs somebody to vouch for him.
No, Trump insisted Thursday, he did not have a temper tantrum a day earlier when he cut off a White House meeting with congressional Democrats after just three minutes.
To prove it – in the middle of a meeting with farmers – he called on five members of his staff to bear witness to his demeanor.
One by one, his advisers dutifully stepped forward to testify, saying Trump had been “very calm,” albeit “direct,” in his meeting with the Democrats.
It was as bizarre as it sounds. The president began yesterday tweeting about his “extremely calm” demeanor during a meeting a day earlier in which he refused to discuss his own infrastructure plan with lawmakers. Hours later, Trump interrupted his own event on agriculture and trade to brag about his even-keeled temperament.
Soon after, he sought public testimonials from five members of his team, each of whom was asked to attest to how “calm” the president was while blowing up infrastructure talks. The unnerving display lasted for more than seven minutes.
I won’t pretend to be a Shakespearean scholar, but the phrase “doth protest too much” keeps coming to mind.
There is no precedent for an American president pushing members of his team to tell the press how great his temperament is. The Republican ended up proving the opposite of his intended point.
Indeed, this is probably the sort of point Trump would struggle to understand, but those who are both stable and geniuses don’t behave the way he behaved yesterday.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Old article but still jarring at his smugness and today he wants to be ruler for life ..
lol man is he inciting violence or what ..
here you go.
He deleted the tweet by the way, that's why it's not appearing anymore on my post.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
This tweet insulting someone's IQ while spelling an easy-to-spell word wrong reminded of something my aunt wrote in an old picture album that's at my grandmother's house. There's a picture of my parents, probably in their late 20's before I was born, with goofy hats on for New Years Eve. My aunt, who was probably about 11 or 12 years old at the time, wrote a caption by the picture with an arrow pointing at my parents. The caption? "Reatarts"
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Just in...the redesigned 2020 reelect Trump swag coming to a Wal Mart near you...
Maybe he took the Sumo wrestlers out for KFC after.
President Trump appears intent on proving Lord Acton, the Victorian writer and politician of whom the president has almost certainly never heard, right. “Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely,” Acton wrote. “Great men are almost always bad men.” The longer Trump spends in office, the more he realizes what he can do as president — and the fewer aides remain who will tell him that there are certain things he should not do. He is now surrounded by lickspittles who will affirm, on command, that he is an “extremely stable genius.” Every abuse of power, when left unchecked, leads to a bigger abuse. The latest but far from final result is the wholesale assault on democracy launched by the president this past week, building on his prior assaults.
In February, Trump declared an emergency to spend money that Congress had not appropriated to build a border wall that the country doesn’t need. Only 10 percent of congressional Republicans opposed him. So now, having decided that rule-by-fiat suits him, Trump is using his emergency powers to bypass Congress to sell arms to Saudi Arabia. Both the House and Senate have voted to end support for the Saudi war in Yemen, but, having vetoed that resolution, Trump appears determined to remove Congress from any oversight role in the sale of weapons to the murderers of Jamal Khashoggi.
This gives Barr a license to selectively declassify documents, just as Trump did last year to help Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) issue his own memo on the same subject. Nunes’s contention — that the FBI probe was triggered by the “Steele dossier” paid for by the Democrats — turned out to be false. But Barr is undeterred by Nunes’s failure to prove a deep-state conspiracy against Trump. He appears determined to find something, anything, in the secret files to feed Trump’s victimhood fantasies, even if the cost is to blow the cover of sources who have risked their lives to help the CIA.
Barr is proving to be Trump’s faithful lackey in launching investigations designed to discredit and possibly even prosecute his accusers. When Trump said Hillary Clinton should be locked up, he meant it; the Mueller report documents Trump’s repeated demands that the Justice Department investigate his 2016 opponent. Having paid no price for what should be an impeachable offense, Trump let it be known this week that former FBI director James B. Comey and Deputy Director Andrew McCabe — along with “people probably higher than that” — deserved to be executed for treason. Is Trump insinuating that President Barack Obama and Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch, to whom the FBI reported in 2016, were guilty of treason? Sure sounds like it.
Trump also continues to show contempt for any congressional oversight. His attempts to stonewall Congress suffered major setbacks last week when two federal judges ruled against his attempts to block subpoenas to his accountants and financial institutions. This seemed to send Trump off his rocker — not that he was ever really on said rocker to begin with.
After House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) accused Trump of throwing a “temper tantrum” in a meeting with top Democrats, the president threw another one right on cue, calling her “Crazy Nancy,” saying “she’s a mess" and posting a doctored video to give the impression that she had trouble speaking. This, too, is an abuse with a precedent: During the 2016 campaign, Trump repeatedly cast aspersions on Clinton’s health. The indictment of dirty trickster Roger Stone reveals his friend Jerome Corsi writing to him on Aug. 2, 2016: “Would not hurt to start suggesting HRC old, memory bad, has stroke.” Trump is like a football coach who keeps calling the same plays for different opponents — as long, of course, as those opponents are female.
I refrain from saying that Trump has hit a “new low” because the phrase is meaningless; next week he is practically guaranteed to bore even deeper into substrata of immorality and vileness that no previous president has ever penetrated. The only thing that can stop him before November 2020 is impeachment. But Pelosi’s caution is understandable: The House can impeach, but the Senate will never convict, allowing Trump to claim unearned exoneration. The result is that Trump’s abuses of power are practically guaranteed to get worse as he fights for his political survival.