Interesting read for those hoping to move past the russian red scare smokescreen... pretty exhaustive study by a liberal leaning group
In the study it states if black turnout remained static between 2012-2016 in each state that Hillary would have won Wisconsin & Michigan, and therefore the election
Are you seriously trying to distil why a person votes for candidate A vs candidate B by referencing one fact with throngs of variables? Say, a four year difference? Different candidates? Different circumstances? Different cultural times? Diminished faith in the establishment and increased hope in outsiders' presence in Washington? Clinton's past referring to black people as superpredators (a highly publicized event)? Clinton's relationship with Bill whose crime bills passed in '94 led to further mass incarcerations?
Your claims that the black vote decreased because of X are equally invalid, unsubstantiated, and unprovable as those on here claiming that the election was won because of Y.
This is a correct assessment.
So you're saying it's possible and accurate to distill the voting incentives and disincentives if an entire group of people into one statement?
Ok, you tell me why black voter turnout dropped nationwide in 4 years... i'm all ears... i don't think it's that complicated
Funny how people have no problem calling everyone a racist or sexist or a Trump voter every name in the book... but seem afraid to speak the truth when it comes to black voter drop off........ it's because the black guy wasn't on the ticket, and the person on the ticket sucked and takes the black vote for granted, saying she carries hot sauce in her bag is going to connect her to black voters? Lol, fucking shameful. That's the worst fucking pandering I've ever seen!
President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama had deleted endorsements of Hillary Clinton from their Twitter accounts after FBI director James B. Comey announced the discovery of new Clinton emails.
Is that real? Maybe it was a russian hacking! Lol
There is more:
“Fox News Exposes Traitor Megyn Kelly, Kicks Her Out for Backing Hillary.” The Denver Guardian, a phony website that bills itself “Denver’s oldest news source,” recently published “Breaking: President Obama To Issue Hillary a ‘Blanket Pardon’ To Avoid Future Prosecution.”
Am i the only person that found Trumps Biden video tweet to be hilarious? Complete with sniffing sounds??? Bwahahahahaha, i'm sorry, but that shit is funny
Man you set the bar low for yourself. The video is unsettling- just like everything else about the twat. A world leader should not act like that. Especially one from the greatest country on the planet (according to you). Period.
I thought the video was funny but inappropriate from the president.
But then again I’m also not willing to give Biden a pass for him being a creep unlike many others because they agree with his politics.
Honest question - my2hands refers to the moving goalpost. Do people really not see this? The narrative keeps changing to try and find something to nail trump with. I’m ok with it as his failing to protect our elections from a foreign enemy is reason enough he should be gone....but it’s certainly a continually moving of the goalposts. I always thought collusion was likely bullshit, and while I’m unsure if it meets the legal definition trumps obstruction activities were the bigger deal.
I thought the video was funny but inappropriate from the president.
But then again I’m also not willing to give Biden a pass for him being a creep unlike many others because they agree with his politics.
Honest question - my2hands refers to the moving goalpost. Do people really not see this? The narrative keeps changing to try and find something to nail trump with. I’m ok with it as his failing to protect our elections from a foreign enemy is reason enough he should be gone....but it’s certainly a continually moving of the goalposts. I always thought collusion was likely bullshit, and while I’m unsure if it meets the legal definition trumps obstruction activities were the bigger deal.
So you disagree that people have been talking about collusion AND obstruction for months?
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Am i the only person that found Trumps Biden video tweet to be hilarious? Complete with sniffing sounds??? Bwahahahahaha, i'm sorry, but that shit is funny
Yeah if it was posted by a 15yr old man you tell me how this video would of been received if HRC had posted a similar one of the Baffoon grabbing women’s genitalia? I find nothing funny about this , like I’ve stated he has taken the country right into the toilet of society!
Speaking of memes and Hillary Rodham Clinton, I'm surprised there were no memes in 2016 of Hillary RODMAN Clinton. Like, photoshopping Dennis Rodman's hair and tattoos onto Hillary. A missed opportunity I guess.
I guess you like these sorts of videos posted by the president ..
The video Trump posted is mildly funny. You being upset over it is hilarious. You know that's what he wants right? He plays you all like a fiddle.
So you're advocating for fight fire with fire? Think back to the time before Trump entered the presidential race and tell me, would you have found it acceptable for a president or presidential candidate to post things like that and in response to it would you have encouraged the other party to go on the attack? Some of you think it is TDS for liberals to be upset by this, but I actually think TDS means you've succumbed to this behavior being the norm, which is pathetic. If in order to win the presidency, we are going to advocate for this behavior, then fuck this country.
I thought the video was funny but inappropriate from the president.
But then again I’m also not willing to give Biden a pass for him being a creep unlike many others because they agree with his politics.
Honest question - my2hands refers to the moving goalpost. Do people really not see this? The narrative keeps changing to try and find something to nail trump with. I’m ok with it as his failing to protect our elections from a foreign enemy is reason enough he should be gone....but it’s certainly a continually moving of the goalposts. I always thought collusion was likely bullshit, and while I’m unsure if it meets the legal definition trumps obstruction activities were the bigger deal.
So you disagree that people have been talking about collusion AND obstruction for months?
Why didn’t you answer my question is you want me to answer yours?
I thought the video was funny but inappropriate from the president.
But then again I’m also not willing to give Biden a pass for him being a creep unlike many others because they agree with his politics.
Honest question - my2hands refers to the moving goalpost. Do people really not see this? The narrative keeps changing to try and find something to nail trump with. I’m ok with it as his failing to protect our elections from a foreign enemy is reason enough he should be gone....but it’s certainly a continually moving of the goalposts. I always thought collusion was likely bullshit, and while I’m unsure if it meets the legal definition trumps obstruction activities were the bigger deal.
So you disagree that people have been talking about collusion AND obstruction for months?
Why didn’t you answer my question is you want me to answer yours?
My answer is in my question, but if you want it spelled out, no, I disagree, because I see that people have been talking about all of this, not just collusion. The goal posts haven’t moved, because these have always been the goal posts.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Am i the only person that found Trumps Biden video tweet to be hilarious? Complete with sniffing sounds??? Bwahahahahaha, i'm sorry, but that shit is funny
Yeah if it was posted by a 15yr old man you tell me how this video would of been received if HRC had posted a similar one of the Baffoon grabbing women’s genitalia? I find nothing funny about this , like I’ve stated he has taken the country right into the toilet of society!
Speaking of memes and Hillary Rodham Clinton, I'm surprised there were no memes in 2016 of Hillary RODMAN Clinton. Like, photoshopping Dennis Rodman's hair and tattoos onto Hillary. A missed opportunity I guess.
I guess you like these sorts of videos posted by the president ..
The video Trump posted is mildly funny. You being upset over it is hilarious. You know that's what he wants right? He plays you all like a fiddle.
So you're advocating for fight fire with fire? Think back to the time before Trump entered the presidential race and tell me, would you have found it acceptable for a president or presidential candidate to post things like that and in response to it would you have encouraged the other party to go on the attack? Some of you think it is TDS for liberals to be upset by this, but I actually think TDS means you've succumbed to this behavior being the norm, which is pathetic. If in order to win the presidency, we are going to advocate for this behavior, then fuck this country.
I just think you have to fight back. It doesn't have to be with memes or videos, but replying "Well I can see you're being presidential as always" or whatever Biden said isn't fighting back. It's letting him walk all over you...just like Hillary did. But I guess when "they go low, we go high."
Concerning Trump Derangement Syndrome, I think both instances you listed could be considered two different types of TDS. Yes, it's TDS for liberals to get upset over video ("The President is so immature and mean!"). And yes, it's TDS for people to have succumbed to or normalized this sort of thing (What an awesome, hilarious tweet by the President!") And you know what? Neither of those two groups are going to decide the 2020 election. The former will vote for the democrat, and the latter will vote for Trump.
I thought the video was funny but inappropriate from the president.
But then again I’m also not willing to give Biden a pass for him being a creep unlike many others because they agree with his politics.
Honest question - my2hands refers to the moving goalpost. Do people really not see this? The narrative keeps changing to try and find something to nail trump with. I’m ok with it as his failing to protect our elections from a foreign enemy is reason enough he should be gone....but it’s certainly a continually moving of the goalposts. I always thought collusion was likely bullshit, and while I’m unsure if it meets the legal definition trumps obstruction activities were the bigger deal.
So you disagree that people have been talking about collusion AND obstruction for months?
Why didn’t you answer my question is you want me to answer yours?
My answer is in my question, but if you want it spelled out, no, I disagree, because I see that people have been talking about all of this, not just collusion. The goal posts haven’t moved, because these have always been the goal posts.
Well then I disagree. People did nice to obstruction fairly early but they started with collusion, talked about trump jr and kushner and even the president being indicted. Talked about the campaign working with Russia.....then they moved to taxes and people being bad peoples in other aspects of life. I think the goalpost have definitely be moved...and pretty far. Looking for anything at this point.
I thought the video was funny but inappropriate from the president.
But then again I’m also not willing to give Biden a pass for him being a creep unlike many others because they agree with his politics.
Honest question - my2hands refers to the moving goalpost. Do people really not see this? The narrative keeps changing to try and find something to nail trump with. I’m ok with it as his failing to protect our elections from a foreign enemy is reason enough he should be gone....but it’s certainly a continually moving of the goalposts. I always thought collusion was likely bullshit, and while I’m unsure if it meets the legal definition trumps obstruction activities were the bigger deal.
So you disagree that people have been talking about collusion AND obstruction for months?
Why didn’t you answer my question is you want me to answer yours?
My answer is in my question, but if you want it spelled out, no, I disagree, because I see that people have been talking about all of this, not just collusion. The goal posts haven’t moved, because these have always been the goal posts.
Well then I disagree. People did nice to obstruction fairly early but they started with collusion, talked about trump jr and kushner and even the president being indicted. Talked about the campaign working with Russia.....then they moved to taxes and people being bad peoples in other aspects of life. I think the goalpost have definitely be moved...and pretty far. Looking for anything at this point.
Sorry, I'm going to intercede here and just mention that I think part of the problem is that there were waaaaay too many directions the whole investigation could go and each piece you mentioned was tossed around, but the problem is that the only way any of this could even be considered is if special counsel was appointed to look in to the Russia collusion story as a matter of national security and voting protections. The call for taxes, fraud, and financial crimes preceded the ones for collusion, but everything got pushed under the rug while the focus changed in order for an investigation to even move forward in to any of it. I also never really thought much was going to be determined on the collusion front, but then stupid lies by the Trump team (the whole meeting at Trump tower) and the mention of a Russian pee tape made people start getting sucked in to that hole being dug.
Am i the only person that found Trumps Biden video tweet to be hilarious? Complete with sniffing sounds??? Bwahahahahaha, i'm sorry, but that shit is funny
Yeah if it was posted by a 15yr old man you tell me how this video would of been received if HRC had posted a similar one of the Baffoon grabbing women’s genitalia? I find nothing funny about this , like I’ve stated he has taken the country right into the toilet of society!
Speaking of memes and Hillary Rodham Clinton, I'm surprised there were no memes in 2016 of Hillary RODMAN Clinton. Like, photoshopping Dennis Rodman's hair and tattoos onto Hillary. A missed opportunity I guess.
I guess you like these sorts of videos posted by the president ..
The video Trump posted is mildly funny. You being upset over it is hilarious. You know that's what he wants right? He plays you all like a fiddle.
So you're advocating for fight fire with fire? Think back to the time before Trump entered the presidential race and tell me, would you have found it acceptable for a president or presidential candidate to post things like that and in response to it would you have encouraged the other party to go on the attack? Some of you think it is TDS for liberals to be upset by this, but I actually think TDS means you've succumbed to this behavior being the norm, which is pathetic. If in order to win the presidency, we are going to advocate for this behavior, then fuck this country.
I just think you have to fight back. It doesn't have to be with memes or videos, but replying "Well I can see you're being presidential as always" or whatever Biden said isn't fighting back. It's letting him walk all over you...just like Hillary did. But I guess when "they go low, we go high."
Concerning Trump Derangement Syndrome, I think both instances you listed could be considered two different types of TDS. Yes, it's TDS for liberals to get upset over video ("The President is so immature and mean!"). And yes, it's TDS for people to have succumbed to or normalized this sort of thing (What an awesome, hilarious tweet by the President!") And you know what? Neither of those two groups are going to decide the 2020 election. The former will vote for the democrat, and the latter will vote for Trump.
I get what you're saying and do think there could be a more tactful response without being just a trolling jackass. I believe many have responded to his tweets and statements with a dose of reality about real issues, but again, it seems that type of informed and articulate response only matters to those who already don't support Trump. The entrenchment is astonishing.
I also agree, TDS can go both ways. They are the extremes of both parties.
Am i the only person that found Trumps Biden video tweet to be hilarious? Complete with sniffing sounds??? Bwahahahahaha, i'm sorry, but that shit is funny
Yeah if it was posted by a 15yr old man you tell me how this video would of been received if HRC had posted a similar one of the Baffoon grabbing women’s genitalia? I find nothing funny about this , like I’ve stated he has taken the country right into the toilet of society!
Speaking of memes and Hillary Rodham Clinton, I'm surprised there were no memes in 2016 of Hillary RODMAN Clinton. Like, photoshopping Dennis Rodman's hair and tattoos onto Hillary. A missed opportunity I guess.
I guess you like these sorts of videos posted by the president ..
The video Trump posted is mildly funny. You being upset over it is hilarious. You know that's what he wants right? He plays you all like a fiddle.
So you're advocating for fight fire with fire? Think back to the time before Trump entered the presidential race and tell me, would you have found it acceptable for a president or presidential candidate to post things like that and in response to it would you have encouraged the other party to go on the attack? Some of you think it is TDS for liberals to be upset by this, but I actually think TDS means you've succumbed to this behavior being the norm, which is pathetic. If in order to win the presidency, we are going to advocate for this behavior, then fuck this country.
I just think you have to fight back. It doesn't have to be with memes or videos, but replying "Well I can see you're being presidential as always" or whatever Biden said isn't fighting back. It's letting him walk all over you...just like Hillary did. But I guess when "they go low, we go high."
Concerning Trump Derangement Syndrome, I think both instances you listed could be considered two different types of TDS. Yes, it's TDS for liberals to get upset over video ("The President is so immature and mean!"). And yes, it's TDS for people to have succumbed to or normalized this sort of thing (What an awesome, hilarious tweet by the President!") And you know what? Neither of those two groups are going to decide the 2020 election. The former will vote for the democrat, and the latter will vote for Trump.
I get what you're saying and do think there could be a more tactful response without being just a trolling jackass. I believe many have responded to his tweets and statements with a dose of reality about real issues, but again, it seems that type of informed and articulate response only matters to those who already don't support Trump. The entrenchment is astonishing.
I also agree, TDS can go both ways. They are the extremes of both parties.
Sure. I think if I was in Biden's shoes yesterday, I would have pointed out the hypocrisy of Donald Trump (of all people) commenting on creepy behavior towards women. Even if that sort of reply didn't resonate with voters, it could get Trump thinking to himself "Hmm...maybe this isn't a battle I want to fight," forcing the conversation away from "who's creepier?" and back towards policy...which will almost always favor Trump's opponents.
Am i the only person that found Trumps Biden video tweet to be hilarious? Complete with sniffing sounds??? Bwahahahahaha, i'm sorry, but that shit is funny
Yeah if it was posted by a 15yr old man you tell me how this video would of been received if HRC had posted a similar one of the Baffoon grabbing women’s genitalia? I find nothing funny about this , like I’ve stated he has taken the country right into the toilet of society!
Speaking of memes and Hillary Rodham Clinton, I'm surprised there were no memes in 2016 of Hillary RODMAN Clinton. Like, photoshopping Dennis Rodman's hair and tattoos onto Hillary. A missed opportunity I guess.
I guess you like these sorts of videos posted by the president ..
The video Trump posted is mildly funny. You being upset over it is hilarious. You know that's what he wants right? He plays you all like a fiddle.
A lot of the people i see talking/lecturing about low bars, immaturity, inappropriate behavior yada yada yada are the same ones in here every day talk about Trump supporters/voters that they disagree with politically like they are scum, name calling and taking the low road, all day, every day.... buffoon, cleetus, morons, racists, etc... I've even seen people call them subhuman...
This is the point I've been trying to make, poorly lol...... we are fucking hypocrites and have become what we claim to hate.... we now demonize those we disagree with, name call them, shame them, etc..... and then act mortified over a fucking tweet
A lot of the people i see talking/lecturing about low bars, immaturity, inappropriate behavior yada yada yada are the same ones in here every day talk about Trump supporters/voters that they disagree with politically like they are scum, name calling and taking the low road, all day, every day.... buffoon, cleetus, morons, racists, etc... I've even seen people call them subhuman...
This is the point I've been trying to make, poorly lol...... we are fucking hypocrites and have become what we claim to hate.... we now demonize those we disagree with, name call them, shame them, etc..... and then act mortified over a fucking tweet
You don't think there's a different bar for the president than an average American? The president is responsible for the safety, well being and future of every American, regardless of politics or what the citizen thinks of the president. The president should not act like Dane Cook.
Am i the only person that found Trumps Biden video tweet to be hilarious? Complete with sniffing sounds??? Bwahahahahaha, i'm sorry, but that shit is funny
Yeah if it was posted by a 15yr old man you tell me how this video would of been received if HRC had posted a similar one of the Baffoon grabbing women’s genitalia? I find nothing funny about this , like I’ve stated he has taken the country right into the toilet of society!
Speaking of memes and Hillary Rodham Clinton, I'm surprised there were no memes in 2016 of Hillary RODMAN Clinton. Like, photoshopping Dennis Rodman's hair and tattoos onto Hillary. A missed opportunity I guess.
I guess you like these sorts of videos posted by the president ..
The video Trump posted is mildly funny. You being upset over it is hilarious. You know that's what he wants right? He plays you all like a fiddle.
Oh boy yeah ok how ever you see it ..
Yeah cause your logic makes perfect sense. I suggest Hillary with Rodman hair would be funny and you equate that to me liking Trump’s videos. Anyone that dislikes Hillary must love Trump.
I thought the video was funny but inappropriate from the president.
But then again I’m also not willing to give Biden a pass for him being a creep unlike many others because they agree with his politics.
Honest question - my2hands refers to the moving goalpost. Do people really not see this? The narrative keeps changing to try and find something to nail trump with. I’m ok with it as his failing to protect our elections from a foreign enemy is reason enough he should be gone....but it’s certainly a continually moving of the goalposts. I always thought collusion was likely bullshit, and while I’m unsure if it meets the legal definition trumps obstruction activities were the bigger deal.
So you disagree that people have been talking about collusion AND obstruction for months?
Why didn’t you answer my question is you want me to answer yours?
My answer is in my question, but if you want it spelled out, no, I disagree, because I see that people have been talking about all of this, not just collusion. The goal posts haven’t moved, because these have always been the goal posts.
This is a correct assessment. Since Day 1 there has been a lengthy list of items that can bring him down. Collusion is one of them. Obstruction is another. There’s quite a bit more too.
I thought the video was funny but inappropriate from the president.
But then again I’m also not willing to give Biden a pass for him being a creep unlike many others because they agree with his politics.
Honest question - my2hands refers to the moving goalpost. Do people really not see this? The narrative keeps changing to try and find something to nail trump with. I’m ok with it as his failing to protect our elections from a foreign enemy is reason enough he should be gone....but it’s certainly a continually moving of the goalposts. I always thought collusion was likely bullshit, and while I’m unsure if it meets the legal definition trumps obstruction activities were the bigger deal.
So you disagree that people have been talking about collusion AND obstruction for months?
Why didn’t you answer my question is you want me to answer yours?
My answer is in my question, but if you want it spelled out, no, I disagree, because I see that people have been talking about all of this, not just collusion. The goal posts haven’t moved, because these have always been the goal posts.
This is a correct assessment. Since Day 1 there has been a lengthy list of items that can bring him down. Collusion is one of them. Obstruction is another. There’s quite a bit more too.
Y’all see the plaque commemorating Team Trump Treason on the border wall, I mean fence? I can’t wait for the statue in front of the White House to be erected before he leaves office.
At the end of this long national nightmare, we will see some new anti corruption laws ala Watergate and Teapot Dome. There will be a move to reign in presidential power considerably as well. Congress has abdicated so much of its authority, it's pathetic.
There is more:
“Fox News Exposes Traitor Megyn Kelly, Kicks Her Out for Backing Hillary.” The Denver Guardian, a phony website that bills itself “Denver’s oldest news source,” recently published “Breaking: President Obama To Issue Hillary a ‘Blanket Pardon’ To Avoid Future Prosecution.”
Man you set the bar low for yourself. The video is unsettling- just like everything else about the twat. A world leader should not act like that. Especially one from the greatest country on the planet (according to you). Period.
But then again I’m also not willing to give Biden a pass for him being a creep unlike many others because they agree with his politics.
Honest question - my2hands refers to the moving goalpost. Do people really not see this? The narrative keeps changing to try and find something to nail trump with. I’m ok with it as his failing to protect our elections from a foreign enemy is reason enough he should be gone....but it’s certainly a continually moving of the goalposts. I always thought collusion was likely bullshit, and while I’m unsure if it meets the legal definition trumps obstruction activities were the bigger deal.
Concerning Trump Derangement Syndrome, I think both instances you listed could be considered two different types of TDS. Yes, it's TDS for liberals to get upset over video ("The President is so immature and mean!"). And yes, it's TDS for people to have succumbed to or normalized this sort of thing (What an awesome, hilarious tweet by the President!") And you know what? Neither of those two groups are going to decide the 2020 election. The former will vote for the democrat, and the latter will vote for Trump.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
I also agree, TDS can go both ways. They are the extremes of both parties.
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
This is the point I've been trying to make, poorly lol...... we are fucking hypocrites and have become what we claim to hate.... we now demonize those we disagree with, name call them, shame them, etc..... and then act mortified over a fucking tweet
Pearl Jam bootlegs:
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.