I just want to throw this out there, and I apologize in advance if I offend.
I agree that if Trump contacted people within Russia to hack the voting machines and change the results, there's a serious issue here. If, however, Trump or his cabinet have been reaching out to Russia to encourage them them to produce propaganda to sway the election by influencing citizens' opinions, is there truly anything wrong with this? Sure, this would be morally hard to swallow, but it wouldn't be illegal per se (nor would it be unprecedented amidst the litany of partially or entirely false news circulated online and on television). In addition, it begs a better question: just how dumb/gullible/manipulatable/unaccountable/mentally lazy are Americans that a flood of unsubstantiated and unverifiable allegations are spread, that sound incredibly farfetched (golden shower orgy with a billionaire and several Russian prostitutes, I'm looking at you), and people run - not walk - to insist that it is either true or false based on what constitutes confirmation bias, without even doing their due diligence on researching the source, or the source's source?
People have, do, and continue to do as much as they can get away with to seize as much power as they can. It's for this reason (and the paradoxical capitalist democracy) that I don't believe Trump will be an anomaly, but rather a new and typical kind of politician, unless America can seriously put a focus on thinking critically and independently. Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to be this administration that encourages this mindset, so it'll have to be a grassroots effort.
Am I crazy for thinking this?
The allegation is not that Russia hacked voting machines. It's that 17 US intelligence agencies are in agreement that Russia hacked the email servers of Trump's opponent, Hillary and Podesta, and gave them to Wikileaks for release. The republican platform was modified to take a more pro-Russian stance July 18-21. Three days later, podesta's emails were released thus influencing the outcome of the election. The question is: who on the Trump csmpaign knew it and when did they know it, was there collusion, and were there any other agreements between the ilks? Why the lies, denials of facts, resignations and recusal if there's nothing there? Trump still won't release his tax returns, why? What is he hiding? If nothing, release them.
Russia hacked Hillary's server? That's news...the official line is that while her private server had minimal security and was likely hacked there is no evidence of that. Her 30000 missing emails werE not released bu Wikileaks. The DNC was hacked and Podesta fell victim to a phishing scam. The FBI wasn't given access to the DNC server though post-hacking. The dems hired their own private company and passed on the report to the agencies. These agencies concluded that Russia did the hacking and are probably correct but the Vault 7 CIA dump shows that there is now technology that can essentially leave the fingerprints of any foreign country. What does this mean? It means that even though the hacks and phishing scam were quite likely perpetrated by Russia no longer can anybody claim this as a certainty. The questions you ask are meaningless. As per Rolling Stone it is overhyped nonsense. The tax returns are the new birth certificate. You are becoming Birther Trump which is my least favourite Trump.
Ummm, sure professor. There's nothing to see. Absolutely clean as a whistle. Just keep making shit up again. Tell me, was it a certainty that Obama tapped trump's tower? Spin baby spin.
I hope the investigation starts digging into the Podesta Group now that the Trump/Russia angle appears to be done.
Why would Russia hire Tony Podesta to lobby for the removal of sanctions and then hack John? Add this to a shadily approved Uranium deal and we begin approaching "collusion" territory. Where there is smoke there must be fire right? Somebody get Halifax2TheMaxineWaters the raw intelligence!
Tass? Really? What's next? Stalin's Comrade? Or something from Goebbles? That seems more likely seeing its Trump we're talking about. I have to admit I laughed out loud at the Maxine references. I met with her once. She'll be way more of a politico in the corridors of power than you or I will ever be behind our keyboards. Something tells me that she'll have the last laugh. Care to dispute Susan Collins stating we might need to request Trump's tax returns? Distract and deflect.
I guess Russia Today was too reputable.
I guess you guys don't read the links within links.
I just want to throw this out there, and I apologize in advance if I offend.
I agree that if Trump contacted people within Russia to hack the voting machines and change the results, there's a serious issue here. If, however, Trump or his cabinet have been reaching out to Russia to encourage them them to produce propaganda to sway the election by influencing citizens' opinions, is there truly anything wrong with this? Sure, this would be morally hard to swallow, but it wouldn't be illegal per se (nor would it be unprecedented amidst the litany of partially or entirely false news circulated online and on television). In addition, it begs a better question: just how dumb/gullible/manipulatable/unaccountable/mentally lazy are Americans that a flood of unsubstantiated and unverifiable allegations are spread, that sound incredibly farfetched (golden shower orgy with a billionaire and several Russian prostitutes, I'm looking at you), and people run - not walk - to insist that it is either true or false based on what constitutes confirmation bias, without even doing their due diligence on researching the source, or the source's source?
People have, do, and continue to do as much as they can get away with to seize as much power as they can. It's for this reason (and the paradoxical capitalist democracy) that I don't believe Trump will be an anomaly, but rather a new and typical kind of politician, unless America can seriously put a focus on thinking critically and independently. Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to be this administration that encourages this mindset, so it'll have to be a grassroots effort.
Am I crazy for thinking this?
The allegation is not that Russia hacked voting machines. It's that 17 US intelligence agencies are in agreement that Russia hacked the email servers of Trump's opponent, Hillary and Podesta, and gave them to Wikileaks for release. The republican platform was modified to take a more pro-Russian stance July 18-21. Three days later, podesta's emails were released thus influencing the outcome of the election. The question is: who on the Trump csmpaign knew it and when did they know it, was there collusion, and were there any other agreements between the ilks? Why the lies, denials of facts, resignations and recusal if there's nothing there? Trump still won't release his tax returns, why? What is he hiding? If nothing, release them.
Russia hacked Hillary's server? That's news...the official line is that while her private server had minimal security and was likely hacked there is no evidence of that. Her 30000 missing emails werE not released bu Wikileaks. The DNC was hacked and Podesta fell victim to a phishing scam. The FBI wasn't given access to the DNC server though post-hacking. The dems hired their own private company and passed on the report to the agencies. These agencies concluded that Russia did the hacking and are probably correct but the Vault 7 CIA dump shows that there is now technology that can essentially leave the fingerprints of any foreign country. What does this mean? It means that even though the hacks and phishing scam were quite likely perpetrated by Russia no longer can anybody claim this as a certainty. The questions you ask are meaningless. As per Rolling Stone it is overhyped nonsense. The tax returns are the new birth certificate. You are becoming Birther Trump which is my least favourite Trump.
Ummm, sure professor. There's nothing to see. Absolutely clean as a whistle. Just keep making shit up again. Tell me, was it a certainty that Obama tapped trump's tower? Spin baby spin.
I hope the investigation starts digging into the Podesta Group now that the Trump/Russia angle appears to be done.
Why would Russia hire Tony Podesta to lobby for the removal of sanctions and then hack John? Add this to a shadily approved Uranium deal and we begin approaching "collusion" territory. Where there is smoke there must be fire right? Somebody get Halifax2TheMaxineWaters the raw intelligence!
Tass? Really? What's next? Stalin's Comrade? Or something from Goebbles? That seems more likely seeing its Trump we're talking about. I have to admit I laughed out loud at the Maxine references. I met with her once. She'll be way more of a politico in the corridors of power than you or I will ever be behind our keyboards. Something tells me that she'll have the last laugh. Care to dispute Susan Collins stating we might need to request Trump's tax returns? Distract and deflect.
I guess Russia Today was too reputable.
I guess you guys don't read the links within links.
I just want to throw this out there, and I apologize in advance if I offend.
I agree that if Trump contacted people within Russia to hack the voting machines and change the results, there's a serious issue here. If, however, Trump or his cabinet have been reaching out to Russia to encourage them them to produce propaganda to sway the election by influencing citizens' opinions, is there truly anything wrong with this? Sure, this would be morally hard to swallow, but it wouldn't be illegal per se (nor would it be unprecedented amidst the litany of partially or entirely false news circulated online and on television). In addition, it begs a better question: just how dumb/gullible/manipulatable/unaccountable/mentally lazy are Americans that a flood of unsubstantiated and unverifiable allegations are spread, that sound incredibly farfetched (golden shower orgy with a billionaire and several Russian prostitutes, I'm looking at you), and people run - not walk - to insist that it is either true or false based on what constitutes confirmation bias, without even doing their due diligence on researching the source, or the source's source?
People have, do, and continue to do as much as they can get away with to seize as much power as they can. It's for this reason (and the paradoxical capitalist democracy) that I don't believe Trump will be an anomaly, but rather a new and typical kind of politician, unless America can seriously put a focus on thinking critically and independently. Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to be this administration that encourages this mindset, so it'll have to be a grassroots effort.
Am I crazy for thinking this?
The allegation is not that Russia hacked voting machines. It's that 17 US intelligence agencies are in agreement that Russia hacked the email servers of Trump's opponent, Hillary and Podesta, and gave them to Wikileaks for release. The republican platform was modified to take a more pro-Russian stance July 18-21. Three days later, podesta's emails were released thus influencing the outcome of the election. The question is: who on the Trump csmpaign knew it and when did they know it, was there collusion, and were there any other agreements between the ilks? Why the lies, denials of facts, resignations and recusal if there's nothing there? Trump still won't release his tax returns, why? What is he hiding? If nothing, release them.
Russia hacked Hillary's server? That's news...the official line is that while her private server had minimal security and was likely hacked there is no evidence of that. Her 30000 missing emails werE not released bu Wikileaks. The DNC was hacked and Podesta fell victim to a phishing scam. The FBI wasn't given access to the DNC server though post-hacking. The dems hired their own private company and passed on the report to the agencies. These agencies concluded that Russia did the hacking and are probably correct but the Vault 7 CIA dump shows that there is now technology that can essentially leave the fingerprints of any foreign country. What does this mean? It means that even though the hacks and phishing scam were quite likely perpetrated by Russia no longer can anybody claim this as a certainty. The questions you ask are meaningless. As per Rolling Stone it is overhyped nonsense. The tax returns are the new birth certificate. You are becoming Birther Trump which is my least favourite Trump.
Ummm, sure professor. There's nothing to see. Absolutely clean as a whistle. Just keep making shit up again. Tell me, was it a certainty that Obama tapped trump's tower? Spin baby spin.
I hope the investigation starts digging into the Podesta Group now that the Trump/Russia angle appears to be done.
Why would Russia hire Tony Podesta to lobby for the removal of sanctions and then hack John? Add this to a shadily approved Uranium deal and we begin approaching "collusion" territory. Where there is smoke there must be fire right? Somebody get Halifax2TheMaxineWaters the raw intelligence!
Tass? Really? What's next? Stalin's Comrade? Or something from Goebbles? That seems more likely seeing its Trump we're talking about. I have to admit I laughed out loud at the Maxine references. I met with her once. She'll be way more of a politico in the corridors of power than you or I will ever be behind our keyboards. Something tells me that she'll have the last laugh. Care to dispute Susan Collins stating we might need to request Trump's tax returns? Distract and deflect.
I guess Russia Today was too reputable.
I guess you guys don't read the links within links.
Like to Comet Pizza? Ewwwww.
Actually the TASS article links to the Daily Caller which confirms it's reporting on Podesta.
This is the same Daily Caller that is linked to in your Vox article on Flynn.
Looks like you have a hard time deciding when the Daily Caller is or is not an acceptable source.
It looks quite possible however that this might be the real reason why Flynn was dumped. If he concealed this then it is a massive no no.
What was that about never again will we read in the New York Times the Russia Trump connection because if I close my eyes and ball my fists and stomp my feet, it's all going to go away?
Seriously, BS? GF? Unsung? PJF? How do you guys/gals defend this? How do you let it pass? Fake news? Partisan sniping? Just give him a chance? Trump is becoming untenable. He's not long for the office. Slow, slow burn then BOOM!
How is this link any different then a TASS article? It is an opinion piece basically freaking out over Huntsman accepting the position of Russian Ambassador. It actually proves the emotional distress the left is under. Huntsman is everybody's version of a rational Republican. He is also not known to be a Russian stooge. So the idea that he would be nominated and accept the job is waaay to much for the #resistance to handle. Someone must write a story about how Huntsman will be ruined just like the once loved Spicer. What a joke. This health care plan better include good mental health coverage. Many look like they need it.
Seriously, BS? GF? Unsung? PJF? How do you guys/gals defend this? How do you let it pass? Fake news? Partisan sniping? Just give him a chance? Trump is becoming untenable. He's not long for the office. Slow, slow burn then BOOM!
How is this link any different then a TASS article? It is an opinion piece basically freaking out over Huntsman accepting the position of Russian Ambassador. It actually proves the emotional distress the left is under. Huntsman is everybody's version of a rational Republican. He is also not known to be a Russian stooge. So the idea that he would be nominated and accept the job is waaay to much for the #resistance to handle. Someone must write a story about how Huntsman will be ruined just like the once loved Spicer. What a joke. This health care plan better include good mental health coverage. Many look like they need it.
I tend to agree here. Look, I'm no fan of trump. But you can't complain about all his picks because they aren't qualified and than vilify a qualified person that decides to take a gig. Which do you want? It's so stupid the left is just as obstructionist as they claimed the right was. Hating everything.
Seriously, BS? GF? Unsung? PJF? How do you guys/gals defend this? How do you let it pass? Fake news? Partisan sniping? Just give him a chance? Trump is becoming untenable. He's not long for the office. Slow, slow burn then BOOM!
How is this link any different then a TASS article? It is an opinion piece basically freaking out over Huntsman accepting the position of Russian Ambassador. It actually proves the emotional distress the left is under. Huntsman is everybody's version of a rational Republican. He is also not known to be a Russian stooge. So the idea that he would be nominated and accept the job is waaay to much for the #resistance to handle. Someone must write a story about how Huntsman will be ruined just like the once loved Spicer. What a joke. This health care plan better include good mental health coverage. Many look like they need it.
Clearly you missed the point, your seething sneer getting in the way of any rationality. Or you don't know how to count. I could give a shit about Huntsman or Spicer, except Spicer is fun to watch for entertainment value.
Except the republican health care plan will toss millions off of mental health coverage. Just what the good ol US of A needs. More people without mental health care coverage with access to guns. But that's neocon nirvana.
NO fresh tweets yet this morning, although yesterdays looked and sounded as if he was the Leader in Chief of some two-bit dictatorship. (an ongoing problem...)
Follow the fucking money, from Russia with love, all the way to Trump's impeachment.
So Treasonous Mike Flynn was working as a foreign agent and collected $500k as a lobbyist for Turkey in 2016 all the way up to the election in November... so he was accepting money as a foreign agent when he gave the speech at RNC leading the chant to "Lock her up"... if you've been following Turkey and its leadership, it isn't exactly trending in a good direction lol
So when he was appointed National Security Advisor, while at the same time working on behalf of a foreign government? That means either Trump dudnt know and is an idiot that had the worst vetting EVER, or he knew. Hmmmmmm, which is it? Incompetent or he knew?
Seriously, BS? GF? Unsung? PJF? How do you guys/gals defend this? How do you let it pass? Fake news? Partisan sniping? Just give him a chance? Trump is becoming untenable. He's not long for the office. Slow, slow burn then BOOM!
How is this link any different then a TASS article? It is an opinion piece basically freaking out over Huntsman accepting the position of Russian Ambassador. It actually proves the emotional distress the left is under. Huntsman is everybody's version of a rational Republican. He is also not known to be a Russian stooge. So the idea that he would be nominated and accept the job is waaay to much for the #resistance to handle. Someone must write a story about how Huntsman will be ruined just like the once loved Spicer. What a joke. This health care plan better include good mental health coverage. Many look like they need it.
Nobody is "freaking out" about Huntsman, literally nobody gives a shit
Seriously, BS? GF? Unsung? PJF? How do you guys/gals defend this? How do you let it pass? Fake news? Partisan sniping? Just give him a chance? Trump is becoming untenable. He's not long for the office. Slow, slow burn then BOOM!
How is this link any different then a TASS article? It is an opinion piece basically freaking out over Huntsman accepting the position of Russian Ambassador. It actually proves the emotional distress the left is under. Huntsman is everybody's version of a rational Republican. He is also not known to be a Russian stooge. So the idea that he would be nominated and accept the job is waaay to much for the #resistance to handle. Someone must write a story about how Huntsman will be ruined just like the once loved Spicer. What a joke. This health care plan better include good mental health coverage. Many look like they need it.
Nobody is "freaking out" about Huntsman, literally nobody gives a shit
Back to Treasonous Don
Exactly let's keep focus on the kingpin bafoon there is no way I repeat there is no way he wasn't aware of all the collusion being committed by his team , I don't need written proof if you know anything about this creep to understand how he is a total control freak !!
I'm pretty sure Trump knew everything that Flynn did.
There's one boss and although he never takes responsibility when anything goes wrong (the buck stops over THERE), there's no one close to him, either as an advisor or head of an agency, making their own decisions.
Seriously, BS? GF? Unsung? PJF? How do you guys/gals defend this? How do you let it pass? Fake news? Partisan sniping? Just give him a chance? Trump is becoming untenable. He's not long for the office. Slow, slow burn then BOOM!
This health care plan better include good mental health coverage. Many look like they need it.
It's actually terrible in regard to health care coverage. Rep. Kennedy from Massachusetts gave a great breakdown of the impact yesterday in Congress.
^^^ I don't recall him being Canadian as the banter has gone on over time. All I know is that some focus far too much on American politics than Canadian. If there was as much passion on AMT from the Canadians to discuss govt policy in Canada as there is for President Trump it would be a breath of fresh air. So, Benjs, bump the Canadian redux thread and state your opinion about the statement from our PMs wife about IWD.
oh jesus. people can post wherever the fuck they want to. the current state of our world is more at stake with trump than it is with trudeau.
should israelis only post in the israel thread?
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I just want to throw this out there, and I apologize in advance if I offend.
I agree that if Trump contacted people within Russia to hack the voting machines and change the results, there's a serious issue here. If, however, Trump or his cabinet have been reaching out to Russia to encourage them them to produce propaganda to sway the election by influencing citizens' opinions, is there truly anything wrong with this? Sure, this would be morally hard to swallow, but it wouldn't be illegal per se (nor would it be unprecedented amidst the litany of partially or entirely false news circulated online and on television). In addition, it begs a better question: just how dumb/gullible/manipulatable/unaccountable/mentally lazy are Americans that a flood of unsubstantiated and unverifiable allegations are spread, that sound incredibly farfetched (golden shower orgy with a billionaire and several Russian prostitutes, I'm looking at you), and people run - not walk - to insist that it is either true or false based on what constitutes confirmation bias, without even doing their due diligence on researching the source, or the source's source?
People have, do, and continue to do as much as they can get away with to seize as much power as they can. It's for this reason (and the paradoxical capitalist democracy) that I don't believe Trump will be an anomaly, but rather a new and typical kind of politician, unless America can seriously put a focus on thinking critically and independently. Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to be this administration that encourages this mindset, so it'll have to be a grassroots effort.
Am I crazy for thinking this?
The allegation is not that Russia hacked voting machines. It's that 17 US intelligence agencies are in agreement that Russia hacked the email servers of Trump's opponent, Hillary and Podesta, and gave them to Wikileaks for release. The republican platform was modified to take a more pro-Russian stance July 18-21. Three days later, podesta's emails were released thus influencing the outcome of the election. The question is: who on the Trump csmpaign knew it and when did they know it, was there collusion, and were there any other agreements between the ilks? Why the lies, denials of facts, resignations and recusal if there's nothing there? Trump still won't release his tax returns, why? What is he hiding? If nothing, release them.
Russia hacked Hillary's server? That's news...the official line is that while her private server had minimal security and was likely hacked there is no evidence of that. Her 30000 missing emails werE not released bu Wikileaks. The DNC was hacked and Podesta fell victim to a phishing scam. The FBI wasn't given access to the DNC server though post-hacking. The dems hired their own private company and passed on the report to the agencies. These agencies concluded that Russia did the hacking and are probably correct but the Vault 7 CIA dump shows that there is now technology that can essentially leave the fingerprints of any foreign country. What does this mean? It means that even though the hacks and phishing scam were quite likely perpetrated by Russia no longer can anybody claim this as a certainty. The questions you ask are meaningless. As per Rolling Stone it is overhyped nonsense. The tax returns are the new birth certificate. You are becoming Birther Trump which is my least favourite Trump.
no. birthers are not the same as tax returners. trump made up lies out of nothing, you know, his unnamed sources he now says should be forced to name themselves? every president has released his tax returns. he said he would if he won. now he says he won't. why is that? why not release them if there's nothing to hide? because it would most likely lead to, at best, collosal embarassment (not as rich as he claims), or at worst, impeachment and possibly jail.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
^^^ I don't recall him being Canadian as the banter has gone on over time. All I know is that some focus far too much on American politics than Canadian. If there was as much passion on AMT from the Canadians to discuss govt policy in Canada as there is for President Trump it would be a breath of fresh air. So, Benjs, bump the Canadian redux thread and state your opinion about the statement from our PMs wife about IWD.
oh jesus. people can post wherever the fuck they want to. the current state of our world is more at stake with trump than it is with trudeau.
How about libelously accusing the former president of a felony with no proof? Hey how about that massive widespread voter fraud? How's the VP's investigation going? What about the "American Steel" that MUST be used in the Dakota Access and Keystone XL Pipeline? What about Sweden?
^^^ I don't recall him being Canadian as the banter has gone on over time. All I know is that some focus far too much on American politics than Canadian. If there was as much passion on AMT from the Canadians to discuss govt policy in Canada as there is for President Trump it would be a breath of fresh air. So, Benjs, bump the Canadian redux thread and state your opinion about the statement from our PMs wife about IWD.
oh jesus. people can post wherever the fuck they want to. the current state of our world is more at stake with trump than it is with trudeau.
should israelis only post in the israel thread?
Or compelled to?
I think this is what fan is getting at.
the state of our politics in canada aren't nearly as dire as the state of politics in the states. there's not nearly as much to discuss because of that. the US directly impacts canada, not to mention most of the globe.
if trudeau had beaten harper and it was found out that china had POSSIBLY something to do with it, and we had the same war-happy government and size of military the US does, we'd be talking over there just as much.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Obstruction of justice. Abuse of presidential powers. Failure to comply with congressional subpoenas. These were the three general Articles of Impeachment that the House Judiciary Committee approved against Richard Milhous Nixon in July 1974.
^^^ I don't recall him being Canadian as the banter has gone on over time. All I know is that some focus far too much on American politics than Canadian. If there was as much passion on AMT from the Canadians to discuss govt policy in Canada as there is for President Trump it would be a breath of fresh air. So, Benjs, bump the Canadian redux thread and state your opinion about the statement from our PMs wife about IWD.
Wow. Apparently I missed a lot. I'm a dual citizen (my dad's American), born and raised in Toronto.
I don't bump the Canadian Redux thread and contribute for a couple of reasons.
First, because it's my choice what I spend my time discussing, researching, educating myself on, based on what I feel matters most. In terms of America's ability to influence globally - it includes massive political, social, economic, and military elements. Canada's influence is much smaller, so the return on my investment in educating myself by discussing with others is also smaller.
Next, I'm extremely mesmerized by what's taking place in America and abroad. From a new era of right-wing nationalism, the introduction of ADD-friendly political campaigning, the recognition that politicians aren't bound to ethics and subsequent question of how to address that effectively, I find the way things are transpiring to be a fascinating (albeit horrifying) social experiment to watch. Thinking about what climate led to it, how it's still occurring, and contemplating ways to break a self-perpetuating cycle of corruption begetting more corruption is a great and stimulating mental challenge that I love being a participant in.
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
^^^ I don't recall him being Canadian as the banter has gone on over time. All I know is that some focus far too much on American politics than Canadian. If there was as much passion on AMT from the Canadians to discuss govt policy in Canada as there is for President Trump it would be a breath of fresh air. So, Benjs, bump the Canadian redux thread and state your opinion about the statement from our PMs wife about IWD.
Wow. Apparently I missed a lot. I'm a dual citizen (my dad's American), born and raised in Toronto.
I don't bump the Canadian Redux thread and contribute for a couple of reasons.
First, because it's my choice what I spend my time discussing, researching, educating myself on, based on what I feel matters most. In terms of America's ability to influence globally - it includes massive political, social, economic, and military elements. Canada's influence is much smaller, so the return on my investment in educating myself by discussing with others is also smaller.
Next, I'm extremely mesmerized by what's taking place in America and abroad. From a new era of right-wing nationalism, the introduction of ADD-friendly political campaigning, the recognition that politicians aren't bound to ethics and subsequent question of how to address that effectively, I find the way things are transpiring to be a fascinating (albeit horrifying) social experiment to watch. Thinking about what climate led to it, how it's still occurring, and contemplating ways to break a self-perpetuating cycle of corruption begetting more corruption is a great and stimulating mental challenge that I love being a participant in.
You didn't need to go any further than "First, because it's my choice..."
But an eloquent post that sums up a lot of what I feel as a person in a similar situation! Looking back at this moment in time a decade from now will be interesting to say the least.
^^^ I don't recall him being Canadian as the banter has gone on over time. All I know is that some focus far too much on American politics than Canadian. If there was as much passion on AMT from the Canadians to discuss govt policy in Canada as there is for President Trump it would be a breath of fresh air. So, Benjs, bump the Canadian redux thread and state your opinion about the statement from our PMs wife about IWD.
oh jesus. people can post wherever the fuck they want to. the current state of our world is more at stake with trump than it is with trudeau.
should israelis only post in the israel thread?
Or compelled to?
I think this is what fan is getting at.
the state of our politics in canada aren't nearly as dire as the state of politics in the states. there's not nearly as much to discuss because of that. the US directly impacts canada, not to mention most of the globe.
if trudeau had beaten harper and it was found out that china had POSSIBLY something to do with it, and we had the same war-happy government and size of military the US does, we'd be talking over there just as much.
^^^ I don't recall him being Canadian as the banter has gone on over time. All I know is that some focus far too much on American politics than Canadian. If there was as much passion on AMT from the Canadians to discuss govt policy in Canada as there is for President Trump it would be a breath of fresh air. So, Benjs, bump the Canadian redux thread and state your opinion about the statement from our PMs wife about IWD.
oh jesus. people can post wherever the fuck they want to. the current state of our world is more at stake with trump than it is with trudeau.
should israelis only post in the israel thread?
Or compelled to?
I think this is what fan is getting at.
the state of our politics in canada aren't nearly as dire as the state of politics in the states. there's not nearly as much to discuss because of that. the US directly impacts canada, not to mention most of the globe.
if trudeau had beaten harper and it was found out that china had POSSIBLY something to do with it, and we had the same war-happy government and size of military the US does, we'd be talking over there just as much.
Don't get me wrong... I get it.
Are you looking at buying McCready's book?
not after I saw the price. I'd love to see it, but for $80US with exchange and shipping.....why?
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Seriously, BS? GF? Unsung? PJF? How do you guys/gals defend this? How do you let it pass? Fake news? Partisan sniping? Just give him a chance? Trump is becoming untenable. He's not long for the office. Slow, slow burn then BOOM!
The end is the best part: "things always end badly for the alpha chimp" haha
^^^ I don't recall him being Canadian as the banter has gone on over time. All I know is that some focus far too much on American politics than Canadian. If there was as much passion on AMT from the Canadians to discuss govt policy in Canada as there is for President Trump it would be a breath of fresh air. So, Benjs, bump the Canadian redux thread and state your opinion about the statement from our PMs wife about IWD.
Wow. Apparently I missed a lot. I'm a dual citizen (my dad's American), born and raised in Toronto.
I don't bump the Canadian Redux thread and contribute for a couple of reasons.
First, because it's my choice what I spend my time discussing, researching, educating myself on, based on what I feel matters most. In terms of America's ability to influence globally - it includes massive political, social, economic, and military elements. Canada's influence is much smaller, so the return on my investment in educating myself by discussing with others is also smaller.
Next, I'm extremely mesmerized by what's taking place in America and abroad. From a new era of right-wing nationalism, the introduction of ADD-friendly political campaigning, the recognition that politicians aren't bound to ethics and subsequent question of how to address that effectively, I find the way things are transpiring to be a fascinating (albeit horrifying) social experiment to watch. Thinking about what climate led to it, how it's still occurring, and contemplating ways to break a self-perpetuating cycle of corruption begetting more corruption is a great and stimulating mental challenge that I love being a participant in.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
This is the same Daily Caller that is linked to in your Vox article on Flynn.
Looks like you have a hard time deciding when the Daily Caller is or is not an acceptable source.
It looks quite possible however that this might be the real reason why Flynn was dumped. If he concealed this then it is a massive no no.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
(an ongoing problem...)
So when he was appointed National Security Advisor, while at the same time working on behalf of a foreign government? That means either Trump dudnt know and is an idiot that had the worst vetting EVER, or he knew. Hmmmmmm, which is it? Incompetent or he knew?
Let's see the back flips to explain this away
Back to Treasonous Don
The comments under the article are a nice microcosm of PRO/ANTI
There's one boss and although he never takes responsibility when anything goes wrong (the buck stops over THERE), there's no one close to him, either as an advisor or head of an agency, making their own decisions.
Or maybe there are...
should israelis only post in the israel thread?
-EV 8/14/93
-EV 8/14/93
I think this is what fan is getting at.
Hey how about that massive widespread voter fraud? How's the VP's investigation going?
What about the "American Steel" that MUST be used in the Dakota Access and Keystone XL Pipeline?
What about Sweden?
if trudeau had beaten harper and it was found out that china had POSSIBLY something to do with it, and we had the same war-happy government and size of military the US does, we'd be talking over there just as much.
-EV 8/14/93
I don't bump the Canadian Redux thread and contribute for a couple of reasons.
First, because it's my choice what I spend my time discussing, researching, educating myself on, based on what I feel matters most. In terms of America's ability to influence globally - it includes massive political, social, economic, and military elements. Canada's influence is much smaller, so the return on my investment in educating myself by discussing with others is also smaller.
Next, I'm extremely mesmerized by what's taking place in America and abroad. From a new era of right-wing nationalism, the introduction of ADD-friendly political campaigning, the recognition that politicians aren't bound to ethics and subsequent question of how to address that effectively, I find the way things are transpiring to be a fascinating (albeit horrifying) social experiment to watch. Thinking about what climate led to it, how it's still occurring, and contemplating ways to break a self-perpetuating cycle of corruption begetting more corruption is a great and stimulating mental challenge that I love being a participant in.
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
But an eloquent post that sums up a lot of what I feel as a person in a similar situation! Looking back at this moment in time a decade from now will be interesting to say the least.
Are you looking at buying McCready's book?
-EV 8/14/93