This is in response to your early post @mrussel1 after my last one yesterday...thread got to long so can't quote.
The investigation will happen but guilt by innuendo is dead. Everybody in the know, including Clapper, stated this past weekend that there is no collusion based on the intelligence they have seen. There is nothing left for Warner or anyone else to see unless you are suggesting that there in fact are new transcripts of conversations illustrating collusion that were obtained through CIA spying. These are the cards being placed on the table and Sessions recusing himself doesn't change anything. Graham has now asked for details of any spying and/or warrants and while you could be right that Trump is lying everybody including Hillary campaign manager Robbie Mook have already conceded that the Russian calls were being spied on. Everybody has conceded that Flynn was spied on. All it takes is one of those phone calls to have passed through Trump Tower and Trump's tweet essentially becomes correct. People can then argue whether Obama should be accused of pushing for the spying but who cares? Guilt by innuendo is the new game in town. If the democrats want to play that way for the duration of Trump's administration so be it. Like the honey badger Trump doesn't give a fuck.
If it's over, then why did the GOP intel members go to Langley yesterday and the Democrats today?
Don't you find it interesting that not one ally in congress has defended Trump's tweet?
The members are going to Langley because an investigation was promised and it's happening. Nobody resisted an investigation. What was resisted was a special prosecutor. There could be new developments out of Langley but I highly doubt it based on Clapper's and other's statements. It's just standard due diligence at this point.
I also do find it interesting that not one ally has defended Trump but that doesn't concern me...yet. There is the simple explanation that people may still not have access to knowledge that he just received and/or can't talk about said knowledge. In legal terms only Trump has actual authority to declassify certain things so that "might" be the reason in the short term. I totally leave open the possibility though that on this he could be full of shit. I have never denied his actual "full of shitness" on many things. What I have repeated though is that his "full of shitness" is often far more tactical and effective then people give him credit for. I personally don't like his use of it because I think it demeans the presidency but it sure fucking works and in this case it really is brilliant if he wants to end guilt by innuendo once and for all.
Oh his full of "shit"ness is definitely strategic. I won't argue that. But he has the authority to de-classify the information. He also could just send it straight down to Capitol Hill, into the Select Intelligence Committees and blow up the Democrats and Obama with it... and really turn the story around on them. But he hasn't. Strange?
I'm not arguing there will be a special prosecutor at this point. But don't forget the investigation is now in the hands of the deputy AG who worked in the Obama administration. He will make the final decision of a special prosecutor now that Sessions has recused himself.
Last but most importantly is the story that is coming out of this weekend. And that's Trump's loss of credibility. The voter fraud thing was a lie, but not his worst lie. This could be his worst lie yet (it's early of course) and unless there is some sort of "there" there, it damages his credibility badly with the American people, but also to his own party's members particularly in the Senate.
I would agree that this would be the worst lie but it will be easy to claim truth even if there is just a shred of data mined through Trump Tower on the Russian end. Sure it would be disingenuous but I don't believe it would harm him politically at all...the numbers at the moment just don't bare that out.
On the issue of declassification I think none of us truly know the answer on this. There are so many different agencies, sources and methods, legal issues etc. that could bind this up over the short term. At some point evidence has to be put forward for sure but it has only been a few days. A small amount of patience should be acceptable but not infinite.
Lastly on the deputy AG. He seems to have an interesting history with Obama. Dana Boente was actually removed from the line of succession by Obama just seven days before Obama left office. He was then reappointed to the line of succession by Trump via excutive order. Kind of bizzare backstory and it will be interesting how he moves forward on the investigation.
Dana Boente has nothing to do with this right now. It's the fella who testified before the senate yesterday who will take on the investigation as Depity AG. Boente was acting AG after Yates was fired and is back in his duty as heading up eastern Virginia in the courts.
If you're talking about Rosenstein he hasn't been confirmed yet and I believe he was a George W Bush appointee. It's not a given he will be confirmed.
Yes. That's who I meant. He's expected to make it through confirmation relatively easily. He's been around 30 years and received promotions from Presidents of both parties.
I don't even really debate trump supporters, even the few friends I have who are. It is not worth my time. When you have wilful ignorance, cognitive dissonance, whatever you want to call it, it isn't debatable. I have a better chance of teaching my dogs sign language than having a trump supporter acknowledge a fact (or a lie).
Edit: So I commend those who keep trying.
The hard core trump supporters are both fascinating and disturbing. They will completely reject obvious facts that run opposite to trump, and accept anything he says as the truth and look for reaffirmation from right wing pages that will reference "unnamed sources" and that's all they need to re-affirm their position. These people can become dangerous with a nudge.
This is in response to your early post @mrussel1 after my last one yesterday...thread got to long so can't quote.
The investigation will happen but guilt by innuendo is dead. Everybody in the know, including Clapper, stated this past weekend that there is no collusion based on the intelligence they have seen. There is nothing left for Warner or anyone else to see unless you are suggesting that there in fact are new transcripts of conversations illustrating collusion that were obtained through CIA spying. These are the cards being placed on the table and Sessions recusing himself doesn't change anything. Graham has now asked for details of any spying and/or warrants and while you could be right that Trump is lying everybody including Hillary campaign manager Robbie Mook have already conceded that the Russian calls were being spied on. Everybody has conceded that Flynn was spied on. All it takes is one of those phone calls to have passed through Trump Tower and Trump's tweet essentially becomes correct. People can then argue whether Obama should be accused of pushing for the spying but who cares? Guilt by innuendo is the new game in town. If the democrats want to play that way for the duration of Trump's administration so be it. Like the honey badger Trump doesn't give a fuck.
If it's over, then why did the GOP intel members go to Langley yesterday and the Democrats today?
Don't you find it interesting that not one ally in congress has defended Trump's tweet?
The members are going to Langley because an investigation was promised and it's happening. Nobody resisted an investigation. What was resisted was a special prosecutor. There could be new developments out of Langley but I highly doubt it based on Clapper's and other's statements. It's just standard due diligence at this point.
I also do find it interesting that not one ally has defended Trump but that doesn't concern me...yet. There is the simple explanation that people may still not have access to knowledge that he just received and/or can't talk about said knowledge. In legal terms only Trump has actual authority to declassify certain things so that "might" be the reason in the short term. I totally leave open the possibility though that on this he could be full of shit. I have never denied his actual "full of shitness" on many things. What I have repeated though is that his "full of shitness" is often far more tactical and effective then people give him credit for. I personally don't like his use of it because I think it demeans the presidency but it sure fucking works and in this case it really is brilliant if he wants to end guilt by innuendo once and for all.
Oh his full of "shit"ness is definitely strategic. I won't argue that. But he has the authority to de-classify the information. He also could just send it straight down to Capitol Hill, into the Select Intelligence Committees and blow up the Democrats and Obama with it... and really turn the story around on them. But he hasn't. Strange?
I'm not arguing there will be a special prosecutor at this point. But don't forget the investigation is now in the hands of the deputy AG who worked in the Obama administration. He will make the final decision of a special prosecutor now that Sessions has recused himself.
Last but most importantly is the story that is coming out of this weekend. And that's Trump's loss of credibility. The voter fraud thing was a lie, but not his worst lie. This could be his worst lie yet (it's early of course) and unless there is some sort of "there" there, it damages his credibility badly with the American people, but also to his own party's members particularly in the Senate.
I would agree that this would be the worst lie but it will be easy to claim truth even if there is just a shred of data mined through Trump Tower on the Russian end. Sure it would be disingenuous but I don't believe it would harm him politically at all...the numbers at the moment just don't bare that out.
On the issue of declassification I think none of us truly know the answer on this. There are so many different agencies, sources and methods, legal issues etc. that could bind this up over the short term. At some point evidence has to be put forward for sure but it has only been a few days. A small amount of patience should be acceptable but not infinite.
Lastly on the deputy AG. He seems to have an interesting history with Obama. Dana Boente was actually removed from the line of succession by Obama just seven days before Obama left office. He was then reappointed to the line of succession by Trump via excutive order. Kind of bizzare backstory and it will be interesting how he moves forward on the investigation.
Dana Boente has nothing to do with this right now. It's the fella who testified before the senate yesterday who will take on the investigation as Depity AG. Boente was acting AG after Yates was fired and is back in his duty as heading up eastern Virginia in the courts.
If you're talking about Rosenstein he hasn't been confirmed yet and I believe he was a George W Bush appointee. It's not a given he will be confirmed.
Yes. That's who I meant. He's expected to make it through confirmation relatively easily. He's been around 30 years and received promotions from Presidents of both parties.
Blumenthal said he will do everything in his power to block him if he doesn't commit to a special prosecutor.
I don't even really debate trump supporters, even the few friends I have who are. It is not worth my time. When you have wilful ignorance, cognitive dissonance, whatever you want to call it, it isn't debatable. I have a better chance of teaching my dogs sign language than having a trump supporter acknowledge a fact (or a lie).
Edit: So I commend those who keep trying.
The hard core trump supporters are both fascinating and disturbing. They will completely reject obvious facts that run opposite to trump, and accept anything he says as the truth and look for reaffirmation from right wing pages that will reference "unnamed sources" and that's all they need to re-affirm their position. These people can become dangerous with a nudge.
Ha. "Unnamed sources". The AMT russia narrative is all unnamed sources! You need to be nudged out of your bubble.
I don't even really debate trump supporters, even the few friends I have who are. It is not worth my time. When you have wilful ignorance, cognitive dissonance, whatever you want to call it, it isn't debatable. I have a better chance of teaching my dogs sign language than having a trump supporter acknowledge a fact (or a lie).
Edit: So I commend those who keep trying.
The hard core trump supporters are both fascinating and disturbing. They will completely reject obvious facts that run opposite to trump, and accept anything he says as the truth and look for reaffirmation from right wing pages that will reference "unnamed sources" and that's all they need to re-affirm their position. These people can become dangerous with a nudge.
Ha. "Unnamed sources". AMT russia narrative is all unnamed sources! You need to be nudged out of your bubble.
Really? The only thing unnamed that I like to reference are the ligit journalists reporting White House leaks. I do see you playing it relatively safe so the crow eating won't be so rough post-impeachment.
I don't even really debate trump supporters, even the few friends I have who are. It is not worth my time. When you have wilful ignorance, cognitive dissonance, whatever you want to call it, it isn't debatable. I have a better chance of teaching my dogs sign language than having a trump supporter acknowledge a fact (or a lie).
Edit: So I commend those who keep trying.
The hard core trump supporters are both fascinating and disturbing. They will completely reject obvious facts that run opposite to trump, and accept anything he says as the truth and look for reaffirmation from right wing pages that will reference "unnamed sources" and that's all they need to re-affirm their position. These people can become dangerous with a nudge.
Ha. "Unnamed sources". AMT russia narrative is all unnamed sources! You need to be nudged out of your bubble.
Really? The only thing unnamed that I like to reference are the ligit journalists reporting White House leaks. I do see you playing it relatively safe so the crow eating won't be so rough post-impeachment.
Yes it's Hannity interviewing a legit journalist but she seems to have her details down. Hopefully you can emerg from your bubble long enough to watch it until the end. Some fascinating tidbits for everbody.
Rolling Stone wants y'all to chill! They just tore apart the AMT narrative.
So, why won't Trump release his tax returns then? By showing his tax returns and the "what if" there's no ties to Russia, Trump can roar to victory. Maybe he's waiting until a month before reelection to say, "see I told you so?" Or maybe, in light of all the other facts we know and previously listed, he's hiding something.
Follow the money, from Russia with love, all the way to impeachment.
Rolling Stone wants y'all to chill! They just tore apart the AMT narrative.
Not really. Rolling Stone is saying that it's somewhat of a gamble of nothing comes from all of this. Vegas says trump is gone before the end of the year. Place your bets.
Rolling Stone wants y'all to chill! They just tore apart the AMT narrative.
Not really. Rolling Stone is saying that it's somewhat of a gamble of nothing comes from all of this. Vegas says trump is gone before the end of the year. Place your bets.
That's what I took from it as well. The what if there's nothing there angle? I could give a shit if there's nothing there. I'm much more concerned that there's a whole fucking lot there and we don't know the half of it but what we do know! thus far! is unprecedented in the first 48 days of a new administration. Trump's Saturday morning shit twit storm is disturbing in and of itself and if he can't back that up, what credibility does the POTUS have left except for with the die hard minions of 30%?
Where was Matt in the run up to the Iraq war with the hysteria of the press, complicit in taking us to an unjust war? I honestly don't recall him saying how the press should be careful with it's reporting.
Rolling Stone wants y'all to chill! They just tore apart the AMT narrative.
Not really. Rolling Stone is saying that it's somewhat of a gamble of nothing comes from all of this. Vegas says trump is gone before the end of the year. Place your bets.
That's how it struck me as well. I think we'll know a lot more in due time.
This is in response to your early post @mrussel1 after my last one yesterday...thread got to long so can't quote.
The investigation will happen but guilt by innuendo is dead. Everybody in the know, including Clapper, stated this past weekend that there is no collusion based on the intelligence they have seen. There is nothing left for Warner or anyone else to see unless you are suggesting that there in fact are new transcripts of conversations illustrating collusion that were obtained through CIA spying. These are the cards being placed on the table and Sessions recusing himself doesn't change anything. Graham has now asked for details of any spying and/or warrants and while you could be right that Trump is lying everybody including Hillary campaign manager Robbie Mook have already conceded that the Russian calls were being spied on. Everybody has conceded that Flynn was spied on. All it takes is one of those phone calls to have passed through Trump Tower and Trump's tweet essentially becomes correct. People can then argue whether Obama should be accused of pushing for the spying but who cares? Guilt by innuendo is the new game in town. If the democrats want to play that way for the duration of Trump's administration so be it. Like the honey badger Trump doesn't give a fuck.
Pay particular attention to Warner's comments professor.
Rolling Stone wants y'all to chill! They just tore apart the AMT narrative.
Not really. Rolling Stone is saying that it's somewhat of a gamble of nothing comes from all of this. Vegas says trump is gone before the end of the year. Place your bets.
That's what I took from it as well. The what if there's nothing there angle? I could give a shit if there's nothing there. I'm much more concerned that there's a whole fucking lot there and we don't know the half of it but what we do know! thus far! is unprecedented in the first 48 days of a new administration. Trump's Saturday morning shit twit storm is disturbing in and of itself and if he can't back that up, what credibility does the POTUS have left except for with the die hard minions of 30%?
Where was Matt in the run up to the Iraq war with the hysteria of the press, complicit in taking us to an unjust war? I honestly don't recall him saying how the press should be careful with it's reporting.
Matt took specific aim at your narrative and as per James Clapper said there is nothing there. But sure...let's add him to the list of journalists that don't meet the Halifax criteria.
This is in response to your early post @mrussel1 after my last one yesterday...thread got to long so can't quote.
The investigation will happen but guilt by innuendo is dead. Everybody in the know, including Clapper, stated this past weekend that there is no collusion based on the intelligence they have seen. There is nothing left for Warner or anyone else to see unless you are suggesting that there in fact are new transcripts of conversations illustrating collusion that were obtained through CIA spying. These are the cards being placed on the table and Sessions recusing himself doesn't change anything. Graham has now asked for details of any spying and/or warrants and while you could be right that Trump is lying everybody including Hillary campaign manager Robbie Mook have already conceded that the Russian calls were being spied on. Everybody has conceded that Flynn was spied on. All it takes is one of those phone calls to have passed through Trump Tower and Trump's tweet essentially becomes correct. People can then argue whether Obama should be accused of pushing for the spying but who cares? Guilt by innuendo is the new game in town. If the democrats want to play that way for the duration of Trump's administration so be it. Like the honey badger Trump doesn't give a fuck.
Pay particular attention to Warner's comments professor.
This is in response to your early post @mrussel1 after my last one yesterday...thread got to long so can't quote.
The investigation will happen but guilt by innuendo is dead. Everybody in the know, including Clapper, stated this past weekend that there is no collusion based on the intelligence they have seen. There is nothing left for Warner or anyone else to see unless you are suggesting that there in fact are new transcripts of conversations illustrating collusion that were obtained through CIA spying. These are the cards being placed on the table and Sessions recusing himself doesn't change anything. Graham has now asked for details of any spying and/or warrants and while you could be right that Trump is lying everybody including Hillary campaign manager Robbie Mook have already conceded that the Russian calls were being spied on. Everybody has conceded that Flynn was spied on. All it takes is one of those phone calls to have passed through Trump Tower and Trump's tweet essentially becomes correct. People can then argue whether Obama should be accused of pushing for the spying but who cares? Guilt by innuendo is the new game in town. If the democrats want to play that way for the duration of Trump's administration so be it. Like the honey badger Trump doesn't give a fuck.
Pay particular attention to Warner's comments professor.
That's correct...Warner has left the Russia narrative and has now moved on to the Trump spying accusation. Looks like the russia story is done.
No, he's quoted as saying and I'm paraphrasing, "that what he's seen has lead to many more questions, questions that need to be answered and they have to follow all of these questions to wherever they lead. And there's a lot more information to be looked at." Your boy fucked himself and is going down.
The Russia story is done? Guess 'ol Lindsay will be canceling those hearings on March 20th?
To answer an earlier question... Trump has lost all credibility with literally everybody on planet earth, except the kool-aid drinkers, a large majority of whom probably still think Obama is a Kenyan terrorist lol
This is in response to your early post @mrussel1 after my last one yesterday...thread got to long so can't quote.
The investigation will happen but guilt by innuendo is dead. Everybody in the know, including Clapper, stated this past weekend that there is no collusion based on the intelligence they have seen. There is nothing left for Warner or anyone else to see unless you are suggesting that there in fact are new transcripts of conversations illustrating collusion that were obtained through CIA spying. These are the cards being placed on the table and Sessions recusing himself doesn't change anything. Graham has now asked for details of any spying and/or warrants and while you could be right that Trump is lying everybody including Hillary campaign manager Robbie Mook have already conceded that the Russian calls were being spied on. Everybody has conceded that Flynn was spied on. All it takes is one of those phone calls to have passed through Trump Tower and Trump's tweet essentially becomes correct. People can then argue whether Obama should be accused of pushing for the spying but who cares? Guilt by innuendo is the new game in town. If the democrats want to play that way for the duration of Trump's administration so be it. Like the honey badger Trump doesn't give a fuck.
Pay particular attention to Warner's comments professor.
This is in response to your early post @mrussel1 after my last one yesterday...thread got to long so can't quote.
The investigation will happen but guilt by innuendo is dead. Everybody in the know, including Clapper, stated this past weekend that there is no collusion based on the intelligence they have seen. There is nothing left for Warner or anyone else to see unless you are suggesting that there in fact are new transcripts of conversations illustrating collusion that were obtained through CIA spying. These are the cards being placed on the table and Sessions recusing himself doesn't change anything. Graham has now asked for details of any spying and/or warrants and while you could be right that Trump is lying everybody including Hillary campaign manager Robbie Mook have already conceded that the Russian calls were being spied on. Everybody has conceded that Flynn was spied on. All it takes is one of those phone calls to have passed through Trump Tower and Trump's tweet essentially becomes correct. People can then argue whether Obama should be accused of pushing for the spying but who cares? Guilt by innuendo is the new game in town. If the democrats want to play that way for the duration of Trump's administration so be it. Like the honey badger Trump doesn't give a fuck.
Pay particular attention to Warner's comments professor.
That's correct...Warner has left the Russia narrative and has now moved on to the Trump spying accusation. Looks like the russia story is done.
lol you would love for that to be true but this is just the beginning of digging into this rabbit hole that goes all the way to the Kremlin , please tell us that no one in bafoon's clan had no communication with the Russian connections I'm asking you here ? Do you believe anyone from his campaign had any involvement with Russian operatives?
Rolling Stone wants y'all to chill! They just tore apart the AMT narrative.
Not really. Rolling Stone is saying that it's somewhat of a gamble of nothing comes from all of this. Vegas says trump is gone before the end of the year. Place your bets.
Even odds to finish the term (4 years) - 7/2 to finish the year. that's a 350% difference.
Rolling Stone wants y'all to chill! They just tore apart the AMT narrative.
It is time for them to explain why President Trump won and how the Russians were involved.
Not me.
And when will this happen?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Yes it's Hannity interviewing a legit journalist but she seems to have her details down. Hopefully you can emerg from your bubble long enough to watch it until the end. Some fascinating tidbits for everbody.
Here's the link to the article
Are these facts:
There are known knowns. There are unknown knowns. There are known unknowns and then there are unknown unknowns.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Follow the money, from Russia with love, all the way to impeachment.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Where was Matt in the run up to the Iraq war with the hysteria of the press, complicit in taking us to an unjust war? I honestly don't recall him saying how the press should be careful with it's reporting.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
The Russia story is done? Guess 'ol Lindsay will be canceling those hearings on March 20th?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
SHOW COUNT: (164) 1990's=3, 2000's=53, 2010/20's=108, US=118, CAN=15, Europe=20 ,New Zealand=4, Australia=5
Mexico=1, Colombia=1
Follow the money, from Russia with love, all the way to impeachment of Trump.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Sweet baby Jesus, could you imagine if Obama had campaigned 2 months into his term?