Hey BS, you do know that Trump gets his intelligence briefings from Fox and Friends, Brietbart and Alex Jones? You may want to back down on your defence of Trumps tweet on Obama spying, it's getting silly.
Oh is that the case? It is this claim that is silly. Trump has the entire intelligence community at his disposal. This might be something you want to start considering.
And he still can't back his claim. Hilarious that you still defend him.
Can't or won't? Nobody on here has posted more links to evidence obtained on Russia and Trump via intelligence agencies then you. Yet all of a sudden Trump is a liar and none of this data collection ever happened? I get it...you're living in a material world and you're just a material girl. From that angle it makes complete sense.
You continue to act as if the method of collecting the data, in whatever form, is disconnected to all the other facts that we do know about, have been widely reported on and haven't been disputed by the republican congress and to which I listed. Your response was to claim that I make up a lot of facts. I asked you to point out which of them were false. Again, you deflected and avoided answering. I asked you what if a foreign intelligence agency passed on the information and it was vetted, shown to be factual and was the underlying basis of either a FISA or an FBI wire tap being requested and granted. You didn't respond. Again, you're clinging to a defense that see, I told you, they tapped trump tower. But dismissing or negating all of the other known facts and there may very well be probable cause to back up said requests for and granting of wire taps. Those are the cards that trump could show if he so wanted. Instead, he's hiding behind supposition, deflection and outright lies. You were hanging Hillary Clinton on much less.
And for a Monday no less. Would have thought they would have scheduled it for a late Thursday night before everyone headed home for a long weekend? But hey, maybe they want to see Obama in jail?
This is a fact but so what? They wouldn't necessarily know what Trump knows. Also these same people say they have seen no evidence of collusion with Russia. Do you believe them?
Hey BS, you do know that Trump gets his intelligence briefings from Fox and Friends, Brietbart and Alex Jones? You may want to back down on your defence of Trumps tweet on Obama spying, it's getting silly.
Oh is that the case? It is this claim that is silly. Trump has the entire intelligence community at his disposal. This might be something you want to start considering.
And he still can't back his claim. Hilarious that you still defend him.
Can't or won't? Nobody on here has posted more links to evidence obtained on Russia and Trump via intelligence agencies then you. Yet all of a sudden Trump is a liar and none of this data collection ever happened? I get it...you're living in a material world and you're just a material girl. From that angle it makes complete sense.
You continue to act as if the method of collecting the data, in whatever form, is disconnected to all the other facts that we do know about, have been widely reported on and haven't been disputed by the republican congress and to which I listed. Your response was to claim that I make up a lot of facts. I asked you to point out which of them were false. Again, you deflected and avoided answering. I asked you what if a foreign intelligence agency passed on the information and it was vetted, shown to be factual and was the underlying basis of either a FISA or an FBI wire tap being requested and granted. You didn't respond. Again, you're clinging to a defense that see, I told you, they tapped trump tower. But dismissing or negating all of the other known facts and there may very well be probable cause to back up said requests for and granting of wire taps. Those are the cards that trump could show if he so wanted. Instead, he's hiding behind supposition, deflection and outright lies. You were hanging Hillary Clinton on much less.
I responded to Mrussel on the foreign intelligence aspect but again you have proven that you don't read. But either way...in this very post you are in fact saying there was spying. You are just arguing that it was "obviously" legal. What makes you so sure? Nobody on here actually knows anything. Your facts are for the most part tidbits of innuendo or meaningless pieces of dust that are supposed to add up to some narrative of collusion with Russia. Every single person with intel knowledge, both republican and democrat, along with Clapper said as of Sunday that their is zero evidence of collusion. Nobody seems to believe it other then you and Madonna. That is the only fact that matters.
“There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder for less,” he said. “But they too had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great-grandsons, great-granddaughters might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land.”
Sorry. Please explain to me why this is offensive? It is not immigration by choice obviously but it was deemed that those forced into slavery should be granted all the rights of a citizen who did immigrate. It is a fact that these slaves did want full rights for themselves and their children. I could be wrong but I don't believe many chose to return to their country of origin post-emancipation? What part of this is so off base?
The slave trade was abolished in 1807. That means the vast majority of slaves freed in 1865 were not born in Africa. So it's kind of a silly statement. However they did have the option to go to Liberia which was established for that reason. However that country was even more foreign than the US.
This is not in dispute. Carson is discussing the initial slaves brought over as "immigrants" followed by their children and grandchildren. People want to go crazy over the use of the word "immigrant" because slaves didn't come by choice. Well no shit. Do people think Ben Carson doesn't know that? The point is that even if they were brought over against their will nobody should argue against their rights and wants to live a better life. This is Kellyanne Conway feet on the couch level bullshit. I don't care if Samuel L Jackson has a wallet that says "Bad Muthafucka" on it...it doesn't make him anymore correct. Tomorrow he'll be arguing that DACA kids who were brought to the US against their will should have full legal status.
So why are you giving it so much explanation? Triggered? Why don't we discuss the facts thus far of Trump's campaign ilk and their ties to Putin's ilk? Or Trump's complete fabrication that Obama tapped his ever prescious Trump Tower? Would you like to discuss facts, professor? Or continue your supposition and distractions? Professor?
So, professor? What are Trump's reasons? Time for Trump to show his cards. But typical of your response, more distraction and factless deflection. You do realize that the POTUS can't order a FISA on his own, right? And if it's the FBI who sought and was granted a wire tap, Trump could direct the Justice Department to make public the evidence. You know this right? So why is Trump hiding behind a lie? Care to discuss facts, professor?
Correct the President can't order a FISA on his own. That is not in dispute. He would likely be made aware of it however. We also don't know if it was the FBI who ordered the tap but "if" there even was a tap the President could not simply direct the Justice Department to make public the evidence. There are "sources and methods" issues that could be exposed especially if transcripts involve conversations with foreign governments. Cards will be put on the table in the coming weeks. Every newspaper and democratic politician who insinuated that there is evidence and/or recordings demonstrating Trump campaign collusion with Russia will either have to double down on the existence of this evidence through spying or admit they have nothing at all. On the flip side Trump will have to reveal what spying was conducted, who ordered it, and how was that info handeled. Based on the democratic walk backs by the media, people like Sen Chris Coons, Jon Favreau and others it appears that Trump has the upper hand. Democratic obsession with a possible loss to Trump triggered watergate level spying on a candidate. Those are the facts that you should be scared of.
I'm afraid, really, really afraid. Now, about that asparagus and meatloaf? You're relying on a brietbart propagated defense of Trump's Saturday morning shit storm? The serial liar is finally going to speak the truth to power. Are you kidding me? And what if the "evidence" is foreign sourced intelligence, professor? That was vetted and found to be plausible? You ever stop to wonder why Treasury's financial crimes unit has an ongoing investigation? Spin baby spin. Lay those cards on the table Trump, show us what you got. I'm all in for his impeachment.
Does Treasurey financial crimes unit have an ongoing investigation? Are you sure about this? You seem to want to have it both ways. For months you have linked to sources detailing evidence against Trump that would only come from spying. Breitbart via Levin used these same sources to make their case. Now you want to flip it and say all these same sources are garbage. You also assume Trump only has this information and nothing else. Trump is the only one with access to everything. He knows what all the cards show and they will soon be put on the table.
Well the difference is credibility. Breitbart has pushed made up scandals since its inception. Could they get one right? Sure. Maybe. But their batting average so far isn't very good. Oh and neither is Trump's (Birther, voting fraud, etc.).
You are explicitly wrong on two fronts of your statements above though:
1. Trump is not the only person with all the information. Comey knows what the FBI did and Clapper knows what the intelligence agencies did. There's really no one left after that. If Trump "knew", then why would these two professionals refute him so quickly? 2. No, the cards will not be on the table. In fact Spicer headed that off for what should be obvious reasons when he said "There will be no further comment until the investigation is complete". Really? Are we all that naive on the tactic being used here?
1. Brennan is still left. We haven't heard much from him. Clapper has only denied a FISA request. Comey has so far disputed nothing on the record. 2. The tactic is "brilliant" because charges such as the one Chris Coons made on Friday have already been walked back and will now forever stop. We will no longer read one more story in the New York Times or anywhere else about wiretaps. Why? Because to do so would prove Trump right on spying and we can't have that can we? So where does that leave the Russia investigation? It is dead in the water. The well has run dry. Guilt by innuendo is over now that anonymous leakers and the media can no longer feed the fire with "transcripts" and "recordings" of communications. Those are the #resistance's cards on the table. Trump sent a shot across the bow and now only has to come up with one instance of a conversation and/or computer being spied on by a federal agency to prove he was right. The computer angle exists. The Flynn conversation exists. The spying on his conversations with Mexico and Australia exists. Pretty easy cards to show in time.
Bullshit. That's what Trump wants to happen. It's the classic playbook that he uses in business deals, but it's not the same in Washington. The investigation is not dead. In fact Mark Warner is going to Langley TOMORROW and reviewing the raw CIA intelligence on the Trump team connections. Some GOP members saw it today. Sessions is already on record as agreeing to recuse himself. The only thing that's over is the Obama tapping piece. The Spicer presser today makes it very clear that Trump had no evidence. If it existed, he would have access to it. Right wing writers (and you) have contorted themselves on how Trump could be right. But Spicer's presser today showed clearly why you are all wrong. There is truly no "there"..there.
“There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder for less,” he said. “But they too had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great-grandsons, great-granddaughters might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land.”
Sorry. Please explain to me why this is offensive? It is not immigration by choice obviously but it was deemed that those forced into slavery should be granted all the rights of a citizen who did immigrate. It is a fact that these slaves did want full rights for themselves and their children. I could be wrong but I don't believe many chose to return to their country of origin post-emancipation? What part of this is so off base?
The slave trade was abolished in 1807. That means the vast majority of slaves freed in 1865 were not born in Africa. So it's kind of a silly statement. However they did have the option to go to Liberia which was established for that reason. However that country was even more foreign than the US.
This is not in dispute. Carson is discussing the initial slaves brought over as "immigrants" followed by their children and grandchildren. People want to go crazy over the use of the word "immigrant" because slaves didn't come by choice. Well no shit. Do people think Ben Carson doesn't know that? The point is that even if they were brought over against their will nobody should argue against their rights and wants to live a better life. This is Kellyanne Conway feet on the couch level bullshit. I don't care if Samuel L Jackson has a wallet that says "Bad Muthafucka" on it...it doesn't make him anymore correct. Tomorrow he'll be arguing that DACA kids who were brought to the US against their will should have full legal status.
So why are you giving it so much explanation? Triggered? Why don't we discuss the facts thus far of Trump's campaign ilk and their ties to Putin's ilk? Or Trump's complete fabrication that Obama tapped his ever prescious Trump Tower? Would you like to discuss facts, professor? Or continue your supposition and distractions? Professor?
So, professor? What are Trump's reasons? Time for Trump to show his cards. But typical of your response, more distraction and factless deflection. You do realize that the POTUS can't order a FISA on his own, right? And if it's the FBI who sought and was granted a wire tap, Trump could direct the Justice Department to make public the evidence. You know this right? So why is Trump hiding behind a lie? Care to discuss facts, professor?
Correct the President can't order a FISA on his own. That is not in dispute. He would likely be made aware of it however. We also don't know if it was the FBI who ordered the tap but "if" there even was a tap the President could not simply direct the Justice Department to make public the evidence. There are "sources and methods" issues that could be exposed especially if transcripts involve conversations with foreign governments. Cards will be put on the table in the coming weeks. Every newspaper and democratic politician who insinuated that there is evidence and/or recordings demonstrating Trump campaign collusion with Russia will either have to double down on the existence of this evidence through spying or admit they have nothing at all. On the flip side Trump will have to reveal what spying was conducted, who ordered it, and how was that info handeled. Based on the democratic walk backs by the media, people like Sen Chris Coons, Jon Favreau and others it appears that Trump has the upper hand. Democratic obsession with a possible loss to Trump triggered watergate level spying on a candidate. Those are the facts that you should be scared of.
I'm afraid, really, really afraid. Now, about that asparagus and meatloaf? You're relying on a brietbart propagated defense of Trump's Saturday morning shit storm? The serial liar is finally going to speak the truth to power. Are you kidding me? And what if the "evidence" is foreign sourced intelligence, professor? That was vetted and found to be plausible? You ever stop to wonder why Treasury's financial crimes unit has an ongoing investigation? Spin baby spin. Lay those cards on the table Trump, show us what you got. I'm all in for his impeachment.
Does Treasurey financial crimes unit have an ongoing investigation? Are you sure about this? You seem to want to have it both ways. For months you have linked to sources detailing evidence against Trump that would only come from spying. Breitbart via Levin used these same sources to make their case. Now you want to flip it and say all these same sources are garbage. You also assume Trump only has this information and nothing else. Trump is the only one with access to everything. He knows what all the cards show and they will soon be put on the table.
Well the difference is credibility. Breitbart has pushed made up scandals since its inception. Could they get one right? Sure. Maybe. But their batting average so far isn't very good. Oh and neither is Trump's (Birther, voting fraud, etc.).
You are explicitly wrong on two fronts of your statements above though:
1. Trump is not the only person with all the information. Comey knows what the FBI did and Clapper knows what the intelligence agencies did. There's really no one left after that. If Trump "knew", then why would these two professionals refute him so quickly? 2. No, the cards will not be on the table. In fact Spicer headed that off for what should be obvious reasons when he said "There will be no further comment until the investigation is complete". Really? Are we all that naive on the tactic being used here?
1. Brennan is still left. We haven't heard much from him. Clapper has only denied a FISA request. Comey has so far disputed nothing on the record. 2. The tactic is "brilliant" because charges such as the one Chris Coons made on Friday have already been walked back and will now forever stop. We will no longer read one more story in the New York Times or anywhere else about wiretaps. Why? Because to do so would prove Trump right on spying and we can't have that can we? So where does that leave the Russia investigation? It is dead in the water. The well has run dry. Guilt by innuendo is over now that anonymous leakers and the media can no longer feed the fire with "transcripts" and "recordings" of communications. Those are the #resistance's cards on the table. Trump sent a shot across the bow and now only has to come up with one instance of a conversation and/or computer being spied on by a federal agency to prove he was right. The computer angle exists. The Flynn conversation exists. The spying on his conversations with Mexico and Australia exists. Pretty easy cards to show in time.
Bullshit. That's what Trump wants to happen. It's the classic playbook that he uses in business deals, but it's not the same in Washington. The investigation is not dead. In fact Mark Warner is going to Langley TOMORROW and reviewing the raw CIA intelligence on the Trump team connections. Some GOP members saw it today. Sessions is already on record as agreeing to recuse himself. The only thing that's over is the Obama tapping piece. The Spicer presser today makes it very clear that Trump had no evidence. If it existed, he would have access to it. Right wing writers (and you) have contorted themselves on how Trump could be right. But Spicer's presser today showed clearly why you are all wrong. There is truly no "there"..there.
Spin this BS. And I notice you didn't respond to the house investigative committee holding hearings on 03/20. The end is near.
Lawmakers are trekking to CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., to review classified evidence on Russia’s involvement in the presidential election. The House has scheduled its first public hearing on the issue. And the Senate is preparing to interview witnesses.
The congressional investigations into ties between President Donald Trump's campaign and Russian officials are in full swing.
Nixon resigned when a group of GOP Senators came to his office and told him that he no longer had their support. Clinton never lost the support of the Democrats. What Trump may or may not know is that when you lose your caucus, you're done. At some point, if the evidence becomes overwhelming, the GOP will recognize that they still have a clean Pence in their holster and decide to ride at least 3 years with him. I have no reason to believe that Pence is soiled by this.
Old news now but for those that haven't heard or want it straight from the source what the POTUS tweeted here it is...
122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision! Our wonderful new Healthcare Bill is now out for review and negotiation. ObamaCare is a complete and total disaster - is imploding fast! For eight years Russia "ran over" President Obama, got stronger and stronger, picked-off Crimea and added missiles. Weak! @foxandfriends . Don't worry, getting rid of state lines, which will promote competition, will be in phase 2 & 3 of healthcare rollout. @foxandfriends . I am working on a new system where there will be competition in the Drug Industry. Pricing for the American people will come way down! Don't let the FAKE NEWS tell you that there is big infighting in the Trump Admin. We are getting along great, and getting major things done! I feel sure that my friend @RandPaul will come along with the new and great health care program because he knows Obamacare is a disaster!
Old news now but for those that haven't heard or want it straight from the source what the POTUS tweeted here it is...
122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision! Our wonderful new Healthcare Bill is now out for review and negotiation. ObamaCare is a complete and total disaster - is imploding fast! For eight years Russia "ran over" President Obama, got stronger and stronger, picked-off Crimea and added missiles. Weak! @foxandfriends . Don't worry, getting rid of state lines, which will promote competition, will be in phase 2 & 3 of healthcare rollout. @foxandfriends . I am working on a new system where there will be competition in the Drug Industry. Pricing for the American people will come way down! Don't let the FAKE NEWS tell you that there is big infighting in the Trump Admin. We are getting along great, and getting major things done! I feel sure that my friend @RandPaul will come along with the new and great health care program because he knows Obamacare is a disaster!
And for those of you that prefer accuracy in your information...
A closer look at the facts reveals that 93 percent of the 122 detainees were released before former President Barack Obama took office.
According to a September 2016 report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 113 of the 122 prisoners were released under former President George W. Bush’s administration.
Old news now but for those that haven't heard or want it straight from the source what the POTUS tweeted here it is...
122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision! Our wonderful new Healthcare Bill is now out for review and negotiation. ObamaCare is a complete and total disaster - is imploding fast! For eight years Russia "ran over" President Obama, got stronger and stronger, picked-off Crimea and added missiles. Weak! @foxandfriends . Don't worry, getting rid of state lines, which will promote competition, will be in phase 2 & 3 of healthcare rollout. @foxandfriends . I am working on a new system where there will be competition in the Drug Industry. Pricing for the American people will come way down! Don't let the FAKE NEWS tell you that there is big infighting in the Trump Admin. We are getting along great, and getting major things done! I feel sure that my friend @RandPaul will come along with the new and great health care program because he knows Obamacare is a disaster!
And for those of you that prefer accuracy in your information...
A closer look at the facts reveals that 93 percent of the 122 detainees were released before former President Barack Obama took office.
According to a September 2016 report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 113 of the 122 prisoners were released under former President George W. Bush’s administration.
Do you still believe the shit that comes out of his fat little fingers?
I can't fact check every single thing he says and I certainly can't accept that everything you say is true either. I am only putting out what your POTUS is putting out to the world.
Old news now but for those that haven't heard or want it straight from the source what the POTUS tweeted here it is...
122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision! Our wonderful new Healthcare Bill is now out for review and negotiation. ObamaCare is a complete and total disaster - is imploding fast! For eight years Russia "ran over" President Obama, got stronger and stronger, picked-off Crimea and added missiles. Weak! @foxandfriends . Don't worry, getting rid of state lines, which will promote competition, will be in phase 2 & 3 of healthcare rollout. @foxandfriends . I am working on a new system where there will be competition in the Drug Industry. Pricing for the American people will come way down! Don't let the FAKE NEWS tell you that there is big infighting in the Trump Admin. We are getting along great, and getting major things done! I feel sure that my friend @RandPaul will come along with the new and great health care program because he knows Obamacare is a disaster!
And for those of you that prefer accuracy in your information...
A closer look at the facts reveals that 93 percent of the 122 detainees were released before former President Barack Obama took office.
According to a September 2016 report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 113 of the 122 prisoners were released under former President George W. Bush’s administration.
Do you still believe the shit that comes out of his fat little fingers?
I can't fact check every single thing he says and I certainly can't accept that everything you say is true either. I am only putting out what your POTUS is putting out to the world.
I didn't say it.. I posted a link. Read the link. Read all the other articles that were written about it today. Recognize that he's dishonest. Every day. Often.
I know you didn't say it. I read the link. But you left your post like it was your opinion. You should bold what you want to state from an article. Obviously the president meant in totality the number that had been released on the battlefield -- that have been released from Gitmo ... since individuals have been released,” Spicer said. “So that is, that is correct.”
Old news now but for those that haven't heard or want it straight from the source what the POTUS tweeted here it is...
122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision! Our wonderful new Healthcare Bill is now out for review and negotiation. ObamaCare is a complete and total disaster - is imploding fast! For eight years Russia "ran over" President Obama, got stronger and stronger, picked-off Crimea and added missiles. Weak! @foxandfriends . Don't worry, getting rid of state lines, which will promote competition, will be in phase 2 & 3 of healthcare rollout. @foxandfriends . I am working on a new system where there will be competition in the Drug Industry. Pricing for the American people will come way down! Don't let the FAKE NEWS tell you that there is big infighting in the Trump Admin. We are getting along great, and getting major things done! I feel sure that my friend @RandPaul will come along with the new and great health care program because he knows Obamacare is a disaster!
And for those of you that prefer accuracy in your information...
A closer look at the facts reveals that 93 percent of the 122 detainees were released before former President Barack Obama took office.
According to a September 2016 report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 113 of the 122 prisoners were released under former President George W. Bush’s administration.
Do you still believe the shit that comes out of his fat little fingers?
I can't fact check every single thing he says and I certainly can't accept that everything you say is true either. I am only putting out what your POTUS is putting out to the world.
I know you didn't say it. I read the link. But you left your post like it was your opinion. You should bold what you want to state from an article. Obviously the president meant in totality the number that had been released on the battlefield -- that have been released from Gitmo ... since individuals have been released,” Spicer said. “So that is, that is correct.”
No... you actually "quote" a quote but that gets lost in here. Italicizing is the next common thing to do, although not part of MLA it is generally more accepted.. bold is what you do. It's not the proper methodology.
I know you didn't say it. I read the link. But you left your post like it was your opinion. You should bold what you want to state from an article. Obviously the president meant in totality the number that had been released on the battlefield -- that have been released from Gitmo ... since individuals have been released,” Spicer said. “So that is, that is correct.”
No... you actually "quote" a quote but that gets lost in here. Italicizing is the next common thing to do, although not part of MLA it is generally more accepted.. bold is what you do. It's not the proper methodology.
The way the quotes get messed up around here no one knows. Your italicized font looked no different than the standard font on my screen. Neither here nor there obviously the president meant in totality the number that had been released on the battlefield -- that have been released from Gitmo ... since individuals have been released,” Spicer said. “So that is, that is correct.”
I know you didn't say it. I read the link. But you left your post like it was your opinion. You should bold what you want to state from an article. Obviously the president meant in totality the number that had been released on the battlefield -- that have been released from Gitmo ... since individuals have been released,” Spicer said. “So that is, that is correct.”
No... you actually "quote" a quote but that gets lost in here. Italicizing is the next common thing to do, although not part of MLA it is generally more accepted.. bold is what you do. It's not the proper methodology.
The way the quotes get messed up around here no one knows. Your italicized font looked no different than the standard font on my screen. Neither here nor there obviously the president meant in totality the number that had been released on the battlefield -- that have been released from Gitmo ... since individuals have been released,” Spicer said. “So that is, that is correct.”
Except trump's tweet claims, "122 released by the Obama Administration" which is factually incorrect. You guys are unreal in your defense of either a pathological liar or someone being so dumb day in and day out.
I know you didn't say it. I read the link. But you left your post like it was your opinion. You should bold what you want to state from an article. Obviously the president meant in totality the number that had been released on the battlefield -- that have been released from Gitmo ... since individuals have been released,” Spicer said. “So that is, that is correct.”
No... you actually "quote" a quote but that gets lost in here. Italicizing is the next common thing to do, although not part of MLA it is generally more accepted.. bold is what you do. It's not the proper methodology.
The way the quotes get messed up around here no one knows. Your italicized font looked no different than the standard font on my screen. Neither here nor there obviously the president meant in totality the number that had been released on the battlefield -- that have been released from Gitmo ... since individuals have been released,” Spicer said. “So that is, that is correct.”
Except trump's tweet claims, "122 released by the Obama Administration" which is factually incorrect. You guys are unreal in your defense of either a pathological liar or someone being so dumb day in and day out.
Yes...and it's absolutely ridiculous. Look up the facts, for fucks sake.
I know you didn't say it. I read the link. But you left your post like it was your opinion. You should bold what you want to state from an article. Obviously the president meant in totality the number that had been released on the battlefield -- that have been released from Gitmo ... since individuals have been released,” Spicer said. “So that is, that is correct.”
No... you actually "quote" a quote but that gets lost in here. Italicizing is the next common thing to do, although not part of MLA it is generally more accepted.. bold is what you do. It's not the proper methodology.
The way the quotes get messed up around here no one knows. Your italicized font looked no different than the standard font on my screen. Neither here nor there obviously the president meant in totality the number that had been released on the battlefield -- that have been released from Gitmo ... since individuals have been released,” Spicer said. “So that is, that is correct.”
Except trump's tweet claims, "122 released by the Obama Administration" which is factually incorrect. You guys are unreal in your defense of either a pathological liar or someone being so dumb day in and day out.
Which is it? Is Fox a friend of the POTUS or is Spicer correct that obviously the President meant in totality the number that had been released on the battlefield -- that have been released from Gitmo ... since individuals have been released?
I know you didn't say it. I read the link. But you left your post like it was your opinion. You should bold what you want to state from an article. Obviously the president meant in totality the number that had been released on the battlefield -- that have been released from Gitmo ... since individuals have been released,” Spicer said. “So that is, that is correct.”
No... you actually "quote" a quote but that gets lost in here. Italicizing is the next common thing to do, although not part of MLA it is generally more accepted.. bold is what you do. It's not the proper methodology.
The way the quotes get messed up around here no one knows. Your italicized font looked no different than the standard font on my screen. Neither here nor there obviously the president meant in totality the number that had been released on the battlefield -- that have been released from Gitmo ... since individuals have been released,” Spicer said. “So that is, that is correct.”
Except trump's tweet claims, "122 released by the Obama Administration" which is factually incorrect. You guys are unreal in your defense of either a pathological liar or someone being so dumb day in and day out.
Which is it? Is Fox a friend of the POTUS or is Spicer correct that obviously the President meant in totality the number that had been released on the battlefield -- that have been released from Gitmo ... since individuals have been released?
Regardless, 93% were released under the Bush Administration. Do the math. Trump's tweet was factually incorrect no matter how you slice it or spin it. To quote Unsung, are people this dense? To answer your question though, Trump could have just tweeted, "122 released from GITMO onto the battlefield. Sad!" BS would have heard the dog whistle. And we wouldn't be discussing it. But trump's not brilliant.
Hey BS, you do know that Trump gets his intelligence briefings from Fox and Friends, Brietbart and Alex Jones? You may want to back down on your defence of Trumps tweet on Obama spying, it's getting silly.
Oh is that the case? It is this claim that is silly. Trump has the entire intelligence community at his disposal. This might be something you want to start considering.
And he still can't back his claim. Hilarious that you still defend him.
Can't or won't? Nobody on here has posted more links to evidence obtained on Russia and Trump via intelligence agencies then you. Yet all of a sudden Trump is a liar and none of this data collection ever happened? I get it...you're living in a material world and you're just a material girl. From that angle it makes complete sense.
You continue to act as if the method of collecting the data, in whatever form, is disconnected to all the other facts that we do know about, have been widely reported on and haven't been disputed by the republican congress and to which I listed. Your response was to claim that I make up a lot of facts. I asked you to point out which of them were false. Again, you deflected and avoided answering. I asked you what if a foreign intelligence agency passed on the information and it was vetted, shown to be factual and was the underlying basis of either a FISA or an FBI wire tap being requested and granted. You didn't respond. Again, you're clinging to a defense that see, I told you, they tapped trump tower. But dismissing or negating all of the other known facts and there may very well be probable cause to back up said requests for and granting of wire taps. Those are the cards that trump could show if he so wanted. Instead, he's hiding behind supposition, deflection and outright lies. You were hanging Hillary Clinton on much less.
I responded to Mrussel on the foreign intelligence aspect but again you have proven that you don't read. But either way...in this very post you are in fact saying there was spying. You are just arguing that it was "obviously" legal. What makes you so sure? Nobody on here actually knows anything. Your facts are for the most part tidbits of innuendo or meaningless pieces of dust that are supposed to add up to some narrative of collusion with Russia. Every single person with intel knowledge, both republican and democrat, along with Clapper said as of Sunday that their is zero evidence of collusion. Nobody seems to believe it other then you and Madonna. That is the only fact that matters.
#piecesofdust(c) Some people get really, really good dope.
so Trump did meet the Russian ambassador during the campaign. how can everyone in his administration continue to lie about Russia? idiots. clock is ticking at this point. does he even make it to summer?
so Trump did meet the Russian ambassador during the campaign. how can everyone in his administration continue to lie about Russia? idiots. clock is ticking at this point. does he even make it to summer?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
And for a Monday no less. Would have thought they would have scheduled it for a late Thursday night before everyone headed home for a long weekend? But hey, maybe they want to see Obama in jail?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
The congressional investigations into ties between President Donald Trump's campaign and Russian officials are in full swing.
Nixon resigned when a group of GOP Senators came to his office and told him that he no longer had their support. Clinton never lost the support of the Democrats. What Trump may or may not know is that when you lose your caucus, you're done. At some point, if the evidence becomes overwhelming, the GOP will recognize that they still have a clean Pence in their holster and decide to ride at least 3 years with him. I have no reason to believe that Pence is soiled by this.
122 vicious prisoners, released by the Obama Administration from Gitmo, have returned to the battlefield. Just another terrible decision!
Our wonderful new Healthcare Bill is now out for review and negotiation. ObamaCare is a complete and total disaster - is imploding fast!
For eight years Russia "ran over" President Obama, got stronger and stronger, picked-off Crimea and added missiles. Weak! @foxandfriends . Don't worry, getting rid of state lines, which will promote competition, will be in phase 2 & 3 of healthcare rollout. @foxandfriends . I am working on a new system where there will be competition in the Drug Industry. Pricing for the American people will come way down! Don't let the FAKE NEWS tell you that there is big infighting in the Trump Admin. We are getting along great, and getting major things done! I feel sure that my friend @RandPaul will come along with the new and great health care program because he knows Obamacare is a disaster!
A closer look at the facts reveals that 93 percent of the 122 detainees were released before former President Barack Obama took office.
According to a September 2016 report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, 113 of the 122 prisoners were released under former President George W. Bush’s administration.
BTW PJFAN, the source of this correction was Fox News..http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/03/07/spicer-tries-to-clarify-trump-tweet-about-former-gitmo-prisoners.html
Do you still believe the shit that comes out of his fat little fingers?
I am only putting out what your POTUS is putting out to the world.
I read the link. But you left your post like it was your opinion. You should bold what you want to state from an article.
Obviously the president meant in totality the number that had been released on the battlefield -- that have been released from Gitmo ... since individuals have been released,” Spicer said. “So that is, that is correct.”
Your italicized font looked no different than the standard font on my screen.
Neither here nor there obviously the president meant in totality the number that had been released on the battlefield -- that have been released from Gitmo ... since individuals have been released,” Spicer said. “So that is, that is correct.”
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Which is it? Is Fox a friend of the POTUS or is Spicer correct that obviously the President meant in totality the number that had been released on the battlefield -- that have been released from Gitmo ... since individuals have been released?
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.