PJFan, I do not like Trump. I do not hate him. I don't hate anyone. I do very much hate actions of people. I seriously fear for our country if he is at the helm. You don't live here, right? If you do, vote as you want but know this loud and clear, my vote will not be for Trump-- even if a gun was placed to my head. I don't need to back up my claim of worry. It's how I feel and I don't need to defend it. I have a 12 1/2 year old who has decided through news and reading that he is not her candidate, either. I will take advantage of my right to vote and exercise it as my heart directs me to.
You don't need to back up your claim? Decided via news and reading that it is not your candidate? What about his positions and how he will put them to action have you read any, at all? Pick one and say why it will fail https://www.donaldjtrump.com/positions
No one ever talks about his plans or policies. They are clearly laid out on his site. Tell me why his plans won't work.
no they aren't. while he has ideas regarding improvement he has zero saying HOW he will do these. Everything is "with me as president, this will change". Really? with money and infrastructure falling out of the sky?
no, I read a good portion of it, and I stand by my comment. this one made me laugh out loud:
The Trump Tax Plan Achieves These Goals
If you are single and earn less than $25,000, or married and jointly earn less than $50,000, you will not owe any income tax. That removes nearly 75 million households – over 50% – from the income tax rolls. They get a new one page form to send the IRS saying, “I win,” those who would otherwise owe income taxes will save an average of nearly $1,000 each.
No one said his plans aren't unconventional. That letter would be nice for people living on the poverty line though.
Trump wants to start a trade war with China with tariffs. But paradoxically, also wants to kill the TPP which China doesn't want either. He talks out of both sides of his mouth which means he is lying or has no real knowledge of global economics. This is a primary reason I dislike him so much. He doesn't have a coherent strategy.
Okay, to start, he says we have gained no access to Chinese market in the lead paragraph And then several paragraphs later, he decries that American companies are forced to release proprietary information when they enter the market. So which is it? And if the GE, Boeing and others felt that it was NPV negative to enter the Chinese market, then they would not enter. And incidentally, theses are the same conditions that are imposed on Intel and their tech releases to Advanced Micro Devices.
Second, of course they manipulate currency. Everyone knows. But the TPP will force China to revalue their currency if they want to join which they've hinted they want to do.
Third, how do you think Apple or Google or MS feels about losing access to China when Trump starts a trade war? And do you think those jobs would come back to the US? Negative. They would go to India, Malaysia, Ireland, Philippines.
Some American companies are forced.
TPP will force China just like Trump will if POTUS.
Losing access via trade war? Well of course they won't be happy but that is a theoretical situation. Not going to happen.
Comment 1: Can you tell me the name of the American company that is forced to do business in China? Comment 2: TPP will force China just like Trump? I don't understand. Comment 3: Well it depends on what the war is about and how long and deep it goes. But if China responds with a massive tariff, then yes... Apple could lose rational access. It's not a closed border, but the tariff is so high that you stop exporting. That's how trade wars work.
1- I would say every entrepreneur that wants to expand. 2 - TPP would rather do it than have Trump do it, power on their side 3 - I know how trade wars work but this issue was coming and has to be dealt with to avoid one. Apple as an example can only sit and watch to see what comes.
Okay, so you and I have different definitions of 'forced'. If a business wants the China market, yeah you're right, they are forced to do business in China. Sounds kind of odd doesn't it? It's essentially what you said.
My point is that Trump is against the TPP. But the TPP will accomplish, without a trade war, precisely what the realistic goals of Trumps's plans are. I mean re-valuing currency and balancing the trade deficit with China. It won't bring jobs back, but neither will Trump's plans. The jobs for the US are white collar jobs in the new economy. They aren't blue collar factory.
Factory jobs in the US in the future will be operating the machines that are making products more efficiently than the people in China. These US workers will be trained as engineers, technicians, six sigma process leaders and other higher educated job. It won't be Laverne and Shirley bottling beer.
If any business wants to compete at the world level needs china, for the most part.
Again Trump against TPP, a power struggle.
China will have that same equipment available to use at a lesser cost. It doesn't take Laverne or Shirley to know what would be the better business plan.
So now Trump is theorizing on Obama being in cahoots with terrorists and still keeps saying the gunman in Orlando was born in Afghanistan when in fact he was born right here in Queens NY , this guy is a habitual compulsive liar , please prove me wrong you Trumpsters your candidate is a total bafoon !!!
You know it won't happen, the only response will be some canned troll comment thst barely makes sense and is of no relevance.
I know his fallowers are totally blinded by their idiocy of believing this nut case ...
There aren't any real followers that post here regularly, pjfan is just a troll who enjoys seeing people squirm, godfather is just a hater of liberals who accepts trump for the same reason, and BS doesn't like trump either, but he joins the troll party in order to deny any claims of racism and further his ridiculous neocon opinions.
Haven't joined a troll party... just can't let the self hating surrender socialist caucus from being the only voice out there. The PJ fan base I know is made of stiffer stuff then what often appears on the AMT.
Self hating? Wtf?
apparently those of us who oppose fighting a war and are all about moving this country forward in effort to improve it are self hating.
You think you're moving it forward through your "tolerance" but your inability to confront the radicalism that is slowly penetrating and consuming mainstream Islam is actually moving your country and the world backwards. 11 Islamic countries have laws on the books that state homosexuality is punishable by death. These countries oppress gays. These countries oppress women. These countries oppress christians. These countries oppress jews. Children are raised in these countries to believe these things and for many years they have come to our shores. Some are coming here due to their own persecution but when they come they do not leave their beliefs behind. Those beliefs come here and grow within their communities. Omar Mateen's father holds these views. The Iranian Imam who was welcomed into the Orlando community holds these views. These views are slowly but surely becoming mainstream and our westernized world has become so self hating to the point that we no longer confront these evil views here or overseas as we do not want to offend. We bend over backwards to be tolerant of the intolerant and refuse to impose our views of acceptance onto an islamic culture that is regressing. We will all regress with them.
Yo have absolutely NO clue about where other people stand on the issue dude. You have a bunch of made up shit, preconceptions in your mind about the "self hating surrender socialist caucus" that are completely wrong. TOTALLY wrong. For example, I have personally been one of the more outspoken people on these boards when it comes to Islamic oppression of women and the oppression of gays in the world. In fact, I have attempted to have real discussions about this very thing in the context of it being an international human rights catastrophe. I sure never saw you jump in and support what I was saying. I have also spoken against Sharia law. I have also spoken for the rights and freedoms of peaceful Muslims, and for helping Syrian refugees. Guess what?? People can acknowledge terrible things that need attention (things that "your crew" yap about but don't actually seem to give two fucks about unless it culminates in creating inequalities for and fear of Muslims) without being huge bigots. I know, crazy, right?!?!
Why are you making this about you? I'm pretty sure this was written in response to someone else. However if you happen to believe that I am looking to "create inequalities for and fear of Muslims" then you are actually guilty of what you just accused me of.
I'm not making it about me (I was using myself as an example). YOu were referring to many people there, that is what I'm responding to. My sentiment applies to all of these so-called blind Muslim-lovers who you're talking about. I have NEVER seen you post anything that suggests that you're not bigoted towards Muslims, so I don't think I am guilty of that at all.
You are guilty because you cannot tell the difference between bigotry and the confronting of a hateful ideology that is unfortunately ascedent. Too many of you have complete blinders on to the fact that this ideology is growing and not shrinking. I wish it weren't so but that is the truth. I could also make the same claim as you did that "you don't even know me". I would guess that I interact with more muslims on a day to day basis then most people on here and only treat them with the greatest of respects. But as lovely as these daily interactions are it doesn't prevent me from recognizing the sad reality that we are all faced with.
Trump now knows and can prepare for every single strategy the DNC was going to use ...
Know your enemy. Smart
To be fair, all Trump had to do was Google "Trump Buffoon" and he could have compiled the same list himself.
Just not as succinct, his reading level is at grade 5 I believe a lot of people say right? So this is like coles notes for him.
I need facts from YOU please show me where he has said " oops i made a mistake i was wrong on the Orlando shooter he is an American "
He hasn't said that.
He was saying he was born into the Islamic idealogy.
No No No he stated this guy was born in afgan he didn't even know how to say afganistan you are just as bad as him you believe his total bullshit , so no your wrong he believes this shooter was born over there let nme repeat this again in caps , THE SHOOTER IS FROM QUEENS NY !!!
Trump now knows and can prepare for every single strategy the DNC was going to use ...
Know your enemy. Smart
To be fair, all Trump had to do was Google "Trump Buffoon" and he could have compiled the same list himself.
Just not as succinct, his reading level is at grade 5 I believe a lot of people say right? So this is like coles notes for him.
I need facts from YOU please show me where he has said " oops i made a mistake i was wrong on the Orlando shooter he is an American "
He hasn't said that.
He was saying he was born into the Islamic idealogy.
No No No he stated this guy was born in afgan he didn't even know how to say afganistan you are just as bad as him you believe his total bullshit , so no your wrong he believes this shooter was born over there let nme repeat this again in caps , THE SHOOTER IS FROM QUEENS NY !!!
So was he a New Yorker with radical Islamic ideology then?
Trump wants to start a trade war with China with tariffs. But paradoxically, also wants to kill the TPP which China doesn't want either. He talks out of both sides of his mouth which means he is lying or has no real knowledge of global economics. This is a primary reason I dislike him so much. He doesn't have a coherent strategy.
Okay, to start, he says we have gained no access to Chinese market in the lead paragraph And then several paragraphs later, he decries that American companies are forced to release proprietary information when they enter the market. So which is it? And if the GE, Boeing and others felt that it was NPV negative to enter the Chinese market, then they would not enter. And incidentally, theses are the same conditions that are imposed on Intel and their tech releases to Advanced Micro Devices.
Second, of course they manipulate currency. Everyone knows. But the TPP will force China to revalue their currency if they want to join which they've hinted they want to do.
Third, how do you think Apple or Google or MS feels about losing access to China when Trump starts a trade war? And do you think those jobs would come back to the US? Negative. They would go to India, Malaysia, Ireland, Philippines.
Some American companies are forced.
TPP will force China just like Trump will if POTUS.
Losing access via trade war? Well of course they won't be happy but that is a theoretical situation. Not going to happen.
Comment 1: Can you tell me the name of the American company that is forced to do business in China? Comment 2: TPP will force China just like Trump? I don't understand. Comment 3: Well it depends on what the war is about and how long and deep it goes. But if China responds with a massive tariff, then yes... Apple could lose rational access. It's not a closed border, but the tariff is so high that you stop exporting. That's how trade wars work.
1- I would say every entrepreneur that wants to expand. 2 - TPP would rather do it than have Trump do it, power on their side 3 - I know how trade wars work but this issue was coming and has to be dealt with to avoid one. Apple as an example can only sit and watch to see what comes.
Okay, so you and I have different definitions of 'forced'. If a business wants the China market, yeah you're right, they are forced to do business in China. Sounds kind of odd doesn't it? It's essentially what you said.
My point is that Trump is against the TPP. But the TPP will accomplish, without a trade war, precisely what the realistic goals of Trumps's plans are. I mean re-valuing currency and balancing the trade deficit with China. It won't bring jobs back, but neither will Trump's plans. The jobs for the US are white collar jobs in the new economy. They aren't blue collar factory.
Factory jobs in the US in the future will be operating the machines that are making products more efficiently than the people in China. These US workers will be trained as engineers, technicians, six sigma process leaders and other higher educated job. It won't be Laverne and Shirley bottling beer.
If any business wants to compete at the world level needs china, for the most part.
Again Trump against TPP, a power struggle.
China will have that same equipment available to use at a lesser cost. It doesn't take Laverne or Shirley to know what would be the better business plan.
Well that's not forcing and the opposite of what you said.
They may have the machines but it's about the engineers. That's the point. And an international v company will have factories around the world to reduce export costs. Point is, the world's is changing. Sounds like you actually think his plan to bring old school manufacturing jobs is folly as well.
Only way I could have seen Trump winning was if there was some sort of a terrorist attack and people felt to side with him because he's perceived as the "stronger" candidate.
But......... yeah, he completely fucked that up too.
Gonna be an absolute bloodbath in November.
He's already down about 12 or 13 points in the polls. By November, he is going to lose by 20.
will myself to find a home, a home within myself we will find a way, we will find our place
Only way I could have seen Trump winning was if there was some sort of a terrorist attack and people felt to side with him because he's perceived as the "stronger" candidate.
But......... yeah, he completely fucked that up too.
Gonna be an absolute bloodbath in November.
He's already down about 12 or 13 points in the polls. By November, he is going to lose by 20.
Does anyone agree with this? http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/clinton-trump-lgbt-national-security-1.3636276 "If some of those people who were in the club on that night had guns strapped to their waists or strapped to their ankles, and if the bullets were going in the other direction aimed at this guy, who was just open target practice, you would have had a situation that was always horrible, but nothing like the carnage that we all as a people suffered this weekend," Trump told supporters at the Atlanta rally.
"The LGBT community, the gay community, the lesbian community, they are so much in favour of what I've been saying over the last three or four days."
Only way I could have seen Trump winning was if there was some sort of a terrorist attack and people felt to side with him because he's perceived as the "stronger" candidate.
But......... yeah, he completely fucked that up too.
Gonna be an absolute bloodbath in November.
He's already down about 12 or 13 points in the polls. By November, he is going to lose by 20.
You're using polls
What's wrong with the polls? I think it's really interesting to track them over time and also compare them to people's perception of what's going on.
Trump wants to start a trade war with China with tariffs. But paradoxically, also wants to kill the TPP which China doesn't want either. He talks out of both sides of his mouth which means he is lying or has no real knowledge of global economics. This is a primary reason I dislike him so much. He doesn't have a coherent strategy.
Okay, to start, he says we have gained no access to Chinese market in the lead paragraph And then several paragraphs later, he decries that American companies are forced to release proprietary information when they enter the market. So which is it? And if the GE, Boeing and others felt that it was NPV negative to enter the Chinese market, then they would not enter. And incidentally, theses are the same conditions that are imposed on Intel and their tech releases to Advanced Micro Devices.
Second, of course they manipulate currency. Everyone knows. But the TPP will force China to revalue their currency if they want to join which they've hinted they want to do.
Third, how do you think Apple or Google or MS feels about losing access to China when Trump starts a trade war? And do you think those jobs would come back to the US? Negative. They would go to India, Malaysia, Ireland, Philippines.
Some American companies are forced.
TPP will force China just like Trump will if POTUS.
Losing access via trade war? Well of course they won't be happy but that is a theoretical situation. Not going to happen.
Comment 1: Can you tell me the name of the American company that is forced to do business in China? Comment 2: TPP will force China just like Trump? I don't understand. Comment 3: Well it depends on what the war is about and how long and deep it goes. But if China responds with a massive tariff, then yes... Apple could lose rational access. It's not a closed border, but the tariff is so high that you stop exporting. That's how trade wars work.
1- I would say every entrepreneur that wants to expand. 2 - TPP would rather do it than have Trump do it, power on their side 3 - I know how trade wars work but this issue was coming and has to be dealt with to avoid one. Apple as an example can only sit and watch to see what comes.
Okay, so you and I have different definitions of 'forced'. If a business wants the China market, yeah you're right, they are forced to do business in China. Sounds kind of odd doesn't it? It's essentially what you said.
My point is that Trump is against the TPP. But the TPP will accomplish, without a trade war, precisely what the realistic goals of Trumps's plans are. I mean re-valuing currency and balancing the trade deficit with China. It won't bring jobs back, but neither will Trump's plans. The jobs for the US are white collar jobs in the new economy. They aren't blue collar factory.
Factory jobs in the US in the future will be operating the machines that are making products more efficiently than the people in China. These US workers will be trained as engineers, technicians, six sigma process leaders and other higher educated job. It won't be Laverne and Shirley bottling beer.
If any business wants to compete at the world level needs china, for the most part.
Again Trump against TPP, a power struggle.
China will have that same equipment available to use at a lesser cost. It doesn't take Laverne or Shirley to know what would be the better business plan.
Well that's not forcing and the opposite of what you said.
They may have the machines but it's about the engineers. That's the point. And an international v company will have factories around the world to reduce export costs. Point is, the world's is changing. Sounds like you actually think his plan to bring old school manufacturing jobs is folly as well.
It's like an outside force doing it, kind of like censorship making you behave.
It's very arguable that China trumps the engineering world.
Does anyone agree with this? http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/clinton-trump-lgbt-national-security-1.3636276 "If some of those people who were in the club on that night had guns strapped to their waists or strapped to their ankles, and if the bullets were going in the other direction aimed at this guy, who was just open target practice, you would have had a situation that was always horrible, but nothing like the carnage that we all as a people suffered this weekend," Trump told supporters at the Atlanta rally.
"The LGBT community, the gay community, the lesbian community, they are so much in favour of what I've been saying over the last three or four days."
Donald trump has a 13% favorability rating with the gay community. 13%, so no.
And no, I don't think bullets flying in every direction in a dark club would have helped at all
Only way I could have seen Trump winning was if there was some sort of a terrorist attack and people felt to side with him because he's perceived as the "stronger" candidate.
But......... yeah, he completely fucked that up too.
Gonna be an absolute bloodbath in November.
He's already down about 12 or 13 points in the polls. By November, he is going to lose by 20.
You're using polls
What's wrong with the polls? I think it's really interesting to track them over time and also compare them to people's perception of what's going on.
Only way I could have seen Trump winning was if there was some sort of a terrorist attack and people felt to side with him because he's perceived as the "stronger" candidate.
But......... yeah, he completely fucked that up too.
Gonna be an absolute bloodbath in November.
He's already down about 12 or 13 points in the polls. By November, he is going to lose by 20.
You're using polls
What's wrong with the polls? I think it's really interesting to track them over time and also compare them to people's perception of what's going on.
So is there a cosmic shift in the polls only because the current POTUS attacked him or is it a coincidence that the timing coincides with his latest disparaging remark?
Only way I could have seen Trump winning was if there was some sort of a terrorist attack and people felt to side with him because he's perceived as the "stronger" candidate.
But......... yeah, he completely fucked that up too.
Gonna be an absolute bloodbath in November.
He's already down about 12 or 13 points in the polls. By November, he is going to lose by 20.
You're using polls
You use made up bull with or without polls. What's your point?
Only way I could have seen Trump winning was if there was some sort of a terrorist attack and people felt to side with him because he's perceived as the "stronger" candidate.
But......... yeah, he completely fucked that up too.
Gonna be an absolute bloodbath in November.
He's already down about 12 or 13 points in the polls. By November, he is going to lose by 20.
You're using polls
You use made up bull with or without polls. What's your point?
I'm hoping PJ is being a smart ass due to some discussions and threads that got closed down, centered around data and polling. The use of the emoticon leads me to believe that.
Only way I could have seen Trump winning was if there was some sort of a terrorist attack and people felt to side with him because he's perceived as the "stronger" candidate.
But......... yeah, he completely fucked that up too.
Gonna be an absolute bloodbath in November.
He's already down about 12 or 13 points in the polls. By November, he is going to lose by 20.
PJfanwillneverleave1 Posts: 7,174 November 2015 Flag He has been the most open and transparent runner with many angles to his thoughts being covered in the press. Free publicity and still in the running. Hasn't spent a cent. Leading the polls. Once this blows over he will say something else to stay on voters minds. He's a pretty smart politician for not even being one. He was asked about his position on this religion wearing badges and he answered honestly. It doesn't mean that is part of his platform campaign promises.
Only way I could have seen Trump winning was if there was some sort of a terrorist attack and people felt to side with him because he's perceived as the "stronger" candidate.
But......... yeah, he completely fucked that up too.
Gonna be an absolute bloodbath in November.
He's already down about 12 or 13 points in the polls. By November, he is going to lose by 20.
PJfanwillneverleave1 Posts: 7,174 November 2015 Flag He has been the most open and transparent runner with many angles to his thoughts being covered in the press. Free publicity and still in the running. Hasn't spent a cent. Leading the polls. Once this blows over he will say something else to stay on voters minds. He's a pretty smart politician for not even being one. He was asked about his position on this religion wearing badges and he answered honestly. It doesn't mean that is part of his platform campaign promises.
Only way I could have seen Trump winning was if there was some sort of a terrorist attack and people felt to side with him because he's perceived as the "stronger" candidate.
But......... yeah, he completely fucked that up too.
Gonna be an absolute bloodbath in November.
He's already down about 12 or 13 points in the polls. By November, he is going to lose by 20.
PJfanwillneverleave1 Posts: 7,174 November 2015 Flag He has been the most open and transparent runner with many angles to his thoughts being covered in the press. Free publicity and still in the running. Hasn't spent a cent. Leading the polls. Once this blows over he will say something else to stay on voters minds. He's a pretty smart politician for not even being one. He was asked about his position on this religion wearing badges and he answered honestly. It doesn't mean that is part of his platform campaign promises.
Trump now knows and can prepare for every single strategy the DNC was going to use ...
Know your enemy. Smart
To be fair, all Trump had to do was Google "Trump Buffoon" and he could have compiled the same list himself.
Just not as succinct, his reading level is at grade 5 I believe a lot of people say right? So this is like coles notes for him.
I need facts from YOU please show me where he has said " oops i made a mistake i was wrong on the Orlando shooter he is an American "
He hasn't said that.
He was saying he was born into the Islamic idealogy.
No No No he stated this guy was born in afgan he didn't even know how to say afganistan you are just as bad as him you believe his total bullshit , so no your wrong he believes this shooter was born over there let nme repeat this again in caps , THE SHOOTER IS FROM QUEENS NY !!!
I think you are missing the big issue of assimilation. I think the main fear people have with Muslim immigration is that one is a terrorist pretending to be a refugee, and the close second is that they don't assimilate and problems get larger with the next generation when they can't find jobs and get disenfranchised and you have the issues Europe is dealing with in Belgium, France, and Sweden specifically.
The second generation was instrumental in the Paris terrorist attacks because when push came to shove they did not identify as Belgian or French but they identified with where their family immigrated from (or at least the fringe element of the culture immigrated from). In this Orlando case the guy may have had mental problems and picked the flavor of the month to use as an excuse (ISIS), but to say the guy is from Queens and is just like any other kid growing up in the USA is not exactly true. It is not a coincidence that he claimed to do the killings for ISIS.
Does anyone agree with this? http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/clinton-trump-lgbt-national-security-1.3636276 "If some of those people who were in the club on that night had guns strapped to their waists or strapped to their ankles, and if the bullets were going in the other direction aimed at this guy, who was just open target practice, you would have had a situation that was always horrible, but nothing like the carnage that we all as a people suffered this weekend," Trump told supporters at the Atlanta rally.
"The LGBT community, the gay community, the lesbian community, they are so much in favour of what I've been saying over the last three or four days."
So you want it to be like the Wild West oh ok that sounds civilized...
Does anyone agree with this? http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/clinton-trump-lgbt-national-security-1.3636276 "If some of those people who were in the club on that night had guns strapped to their waists or strapped to their ankles, and if the bullets were going in the other direction aimed at this guy, who was just open target practice, you would have had a situation that was always horrible, but nothing like the carnage that we all as a people suffered this weekend," Trump told supporters at the Atlanta rally.
"The LGBT community, the gay community, the lesbian community, they are so much in favour of what I've been saying over the last three or four days."
So you want it to be like the Wild West oh ok that sounds civilized...
Only way I could have seen Trump winning was if there was some sort of a terrorist attack and people felt to side with him because he's perceived as the "stronger" candidate.
But......... yeah, he completely fucked that up too.
Gonna be an absolute bloodbath in November.
He's already down about 12 or 13 points in the polls. By November, he is going to lose by 20.
Vets blast Trump for implying U.S. troops stole Iraq cash
Presidential candidate Donald Trump is facing renewed criticism from veterans activists after comments Tuesday that appeared to accuse U.S. troops of stealing money earmarked for reconstruction efforts during the war in Iraq.
During a campaign speech in North Carolina, the presumed Republican nominee talked about cutting government waste and improving oversight of taxpayer dollars, then transitioned to the costly war in the Middle East.
“Iraq. Crooked as hell,” he said. “How about bringing baskets of money, millions and millions of dollars, and handing it out?
“I want to know who are the soldiers that had that job because I think they're living very well right now, whoever they may be. Think of it, the money that went out.”
After the speech, Trump’s campaign issued a statement saying the comments were directed at Iraqi troops, not U.S. forces in charge of managing hundreds of millions of dollars in reconstruction funds.
But officials from VoteVets.org, who describe themselves as the largest progressive organization of veterans in the country, called the comments the latest in a series of offensive statements about the military that should disqualify Trump from serving as commander in chief.
"Trump's attack against the courageous American men and women who heroically worked to restore law and order in Iraq is at once uninformed and irresponsible,” said retired Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, senior adviser to the group.
"For him to smear our troops and veterans as he has, it is disqualifying, as far as I am concerned."
Trump: America's 'shoestring' military will be a focus in the coming campaign
A Politico report noted that Trump has made similar comments in the past about reconstruction funds theft, and a 2015 Center for Public Integrity report listed 115 cases of U.S. troops committing theft and contract-rigging crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.
VoteVets.org officials also listed a series of military missteps by Trump’s campaign in the last year, including comments questioning Arizona Sen. John McCain’s military service because of his capture during the Vietnam War and writings where he compared his boarding school experience to serving in the military.
During the North Carolina speech, Trump repeated his assertion that he opposed the war in Iraq from the beginning, even though news reports have cast doubt on that claim.
He also repeated his call from earlier in the week that Muslim leaders need to step up efforts to police their own religious communities for signs of terrorism, implying that the recent mass shootings in Orlando, Florida, and California could have been prevented by greater cooperation with law enforcement.
Only way I could have seen Trump winning was if there was some sort of a terrorist attack and people felt to side with him because he's perceived as the "stronger" candidate.
But......... yeah, he completely fucked that up too.
Gonna be an absolute bloodbath in November.
He's already down about 12 or 13 points in the polls. By November, he is going to lose by 20.
Only way I could have seen Trump winning was if there was some sort of a terrorist attack and people felt to side with him because he's perceived as the "stronger" candidate.
But......... yeah, he completely fucked that up too.
Gonna be an absolute bloodbath in November.
He's already down about 12 or 13 points in the polls. By November, he is going to lose by 20.
Trump now knows and can prepare for every single strategy the DNC was going to use ...
Know your enemy. Smart
To be fair, all Trump had to do was Google "Trump Buffoon" and he could have compiled the same list himself.
Just not as succinct, his reading level is at grade 5 I believe a lot of people say right? So this is like coles notes for him.
I need facts from YOU please show me where he has said " oops i made a mistake i was wrong on the Orlando shooter he is an American "
He hasn't said that.
He was saying he was born into the Islamic idealogy.
No No No he stated this guy was born in afgan he didn't even know how to say afganistan you are just as bad as him you believe his total bullshit , so no your wrong he believes this shooter was born over there let nme repeat this again in caps , THE SHOOTER IS FROM QUEENS NY !!!
I think you are missing the big issue of assimilation. I think the main fear people have with Muslim immigration is that one is a terrorist pretending to be a refugee, and the close second is that they don't assimilate and problems get larger with the next generation when they can't find jobs and get disenfranchised and you have the issues Europe is dealing with in Belgium, France, and Sweden specifically.
The second generation was instrumental in the Paris terrorist attacks because when push came to shove they did not identify as Belgian or French but they identified with where their family immigrated from (or at least the fringe element of the culture immigrated from). In this Orlando case the guy may have had mental problems and picked the flavor of the month to use as an excuse (ISIS), but to say the guy is from Queens and is just like any other kid growing up in the USA is not exactly true. It is not a coincidence that he claimed to do the killings for ISIS.
All I'm saying Trump was spewing false info on the Orlando shooter as to his birth place ..
That letter would be nice for people living on the poverty line though.
Again Trump against TPP, a power struggle.
China will have that same equipment available to use at a lesser cost. It doesn't take Laverne or Shirley to know what would be the better business plan.
They may have the machines but it's about the engineers. That's the point. And an international v company will have factories around the world to reduce export costs. Point is, the world's is changing. Sounds like you actually think his plan to bring old school manufacturing jobs is folly as well.
we will find a way, we will find our place
"If some of those people who were in the club on that night had guns strapped to their waists or strapped to their ankles, and if the bullets were going in the other direction aimed at this guy, who was just open target practice, you would have had a situation that was always horrible, but nothing like the carnage that we all as a people suffered this weekend," Trump told supporters at the Atlanta rally.
"The LGBT community, the gay community, the lesbian community, they are so much in favour of what I've been saying over the last three or four days."
It's very arguable that China trumps the engineering world.
Old school jobs won't diminish.
And no, I don't think bullets flying in every direction in a dark club would have helped at all
PJfanwillneverleave1 Posts: 7,174
November 2015 Flag
He has been the most open and transparent runner with many angles to his thoughts being covered in the press.
Free publicity and still in the running.
Hasn't spent a cent.
Leading the polls.
Once this blows over he will say something else to stay on voters minds.
He's a pretty smart politician for not even being one.
He was asked about his position on this religion wearing badges and he answered honestly.
It doesn't mean that is part of his platform campaign promises.
Isn't he also the guy that some label a cranial comic?
The second generation was instrumental in the Paris terrorist attacks because when push came to shove they did not identify as Belgian or French but they identified with where their family immigrated from (or at least the fringe element of the culture immigrated from). In this Orlando case the guy may have had mental problems and picked the flavor of the month to use as an excuse (ISIS), but to say the guy is from Queens and is just like any other kid growing up in the USA is not exactly true. It is not a coincidence that he claimed to do the killings for ISIS.
Vets blast Trump for implying U.S. troops stole Iraq cash
Presidential candidate Donald Trump is facing renewed criticism from veterans activists after comments Tuesday that appeared to accuse U.S. troops of stealing money earmarked for reconstruction efforts during the war in Iraq.
During a campaign speech in North Carolina, the presumed Republican nominee talked about cutting government waste and improving oversight of taxpayer dollars, then transitioned to the costly war in the Middle East.
“Iraq. Crooked as hell,” he said. “How about bringing baskets of money, millions and millions of dollars, and handing it out?
“I want to know who are the soldiers that had that job because I think they're living very well right now, whoever they may be. Think of it, the money that went out.”
After the speech, Trump’s campaign issued a statement saying the comments were directed at Iraqi troops, not U.S. forces in charge of managing hundreds of millions of dollars in reconstruction funds.
But officials from VoteVets.org, who describe themselves as the largest progressive organization of veterans in the country, called the comments the latest in a series of offensive statements about the military that should disqualify Trump from serving as commander in chief.
"Trump's attack against the courageous American men and women who heroically worked to restore law and order in Iraq is at once uninformed and irresponsible,” said retired Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton, senior adviser to the group.
"For him to smear our troops and veterans as he has, it is disqualifying, as far as I am concerned."
Trump: America's 'shoestring' military will be a focus in the coming campaign
A Politico report noted that Trump has made similar comments in the past about reconstruction funds theft, and a 2015 Center for Public Integrity report listed 115 cases of U.S. troops committing theft and contract-rigging crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan.
VoteVets.org officials also listed a series of military missteps by Trump’s campaign in the last year, including comments questioning Arizona Sen. John McCain’s military service because of his capture during the Vietnam War and writings where he compared his boarding school experience to serving in the military.
During the North Carolina speech, Trump repeated his assertion that he opposed the war in Iraq from the beginning, even though news reports have cast doubt on that claim.
He also repeated his call from earlier in the week that Muslim leaders need to step up efforts to police their own religious communities for signs of terrorism, implying that the recent mass shootings in Orlando, Florida, and California could have been prevented by greater cooperation with law enforcement.