Canadian Politics Redux



  • ParksyParksy Posts: 1,741
    Zod said:
    erebus said:
    I will be highly disappointed if the government succeeds in pushing back the election date in order for a bunch of MP’s to qualify for pensions. I feel they should have to win their riding in the normal election cycle. I will not be surprised though. I am still mad about electoral reform also….

    also JT takes a lot of heat for things that are actually provincial responsibilities. The loudest voices of dissent are usually the least informed.

    rant over

    True, but JT caused many of the problems by cranking up immigration numbers to unsustainable levels, creating all sorts of infrastructure problems, which then fall on the provinces.  Ideally I'd like to see our government working together to plan this shit out, instead of the Feds doing one thing, and dumping a major problem onto the provinces.

    I'm still of the, all the political parties suck, but I think it's time for him to go, I think our government needs a reset.  Ideally for me, the Libs would then do a leader review, and maybe drift a bit back towards the centre.
    to your point... even though every one else sucks.. .especially Polievre in my opinion... Trudeau absolutely needs to go. I used to be on board with a different Liberal taking over, but lately I find they all stink.  Much like when Harper and the Conservatives were given a wake up call in 2015, the Liberals need to lose, and lose big. 
    Toronto 2000
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  • DarthMaeglinDarthMaeglin Posts: 2,557
    Some interesting thoughts from Erin O’Toole about the current government.

    It’s also interesting seeing all the rumours of parliament being prorogued. So much for no legislative trickery, but this wouldn’t even be their first proroguing. Ultimately that would just be a game of chicken instigated by the Trudeauites to force a confidence vote on the new throne speech. Justin would love nothing more than to be campaigning against Trump instead of Poilievre I believe.
    "The world is full of idiots and I am but one of them."

    10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
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