Hillary's statement "In Her Words" apologizing for her remarks about HIV/AIDS and the Reagans was completely crafted by her team and all she did was approve it.
NYC public employee pension funds give 1.5 billion dollars to Clinton Global Initiative Jobs and Infrastructure Investment. why? Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) * An additional $1.5 billion or more has now been allocated for the AFL-CIO/AFT CGI America Commitment by New York City public employee pension funds. The funds making these additional allocations represent the NYC Local of the Teamsters, AFSCME, and Transportation Workers Union as well as the Firefighters and Police. This should bring the total raised for the entire commitment well above $4 billion out of the $10 billion original commitment. This follows up on your announcement in a press conference last week of a $1 billion allocation to new investments in infrastructure projects. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/709#efmA_4BJv http://www.aflcio.org/Blog/Economy/Labor-Hits-10-Billion-Goal-for-Clinton-Global-Initiative-Jobs-and-Infrastructure-Investment
So the best way to combat all the wikileaks and other damning information against Clinton is to conjure up a Rudy Giuliani influencing the FBI story (not that he helped his cause any on Fox and Friends)...gotcha...desperation time is upon us
in other news: Clinton fights for women's rights by accepting donations from countries that kill, beat, and suppress women...could you imagine if Trump took money from the KKK yet was trying to get the black vote? Oh wait didn't Clinton, Biden, and Howard Dean get busted spewing racially charged emails and conversations?
So the best way to combat all the wikileaks and other damning information against Clinton is to conjure up a Rudy Giuliani influencing the FBI story (not that he helped his cause any on Fox and Friends)...gotcha...desperation time is upon us
in other news: Clinton fights for women's rights by accepting donations from countries that kill, beat, and suppress women...could you imagine if Trump took money from the KKK yet was trying to get the black vote? Oh wait didn't Clinton, Biden, and Howard Dean get busted spewing racially charged emails and conversations?
Does anyone want me to post a video from one of these country's of woman being stoned to death? The information and videos are endless. The real world is out there.
So the best way to combat all the wikileaks and other damning information against Clinton is to conjure up a Rudy Giuliani influencing the FBI story (not that he helped his cause any on Fox and Friends)...gotcha...desperation time is upon us
in other news: Clinton fights for women's rights by accepting donations from countries that kill, beat, and suppress women...could you imagine if Trump took money from the KKK yet was trying to get the black vote? Oh wait didn't Clinton, Biden, and Howard Dean get busted spewing racially charged emails and conversations?
Does anyone want me to post a video from one of these country's of woman being stoned to death? The information and videos are endless. The real world is out there.
I think doing so would fast track this thread being closed and you getting banned.
So the best way to combat all the wikileaks and other damning information against Clinton is to conjure up a Rudy Giuliani influencing the FBI story (not that he helped his cause any on Fox and Friends)...gotcha...desperation time is upon us
in other news: Clinton fights for women's rights by accepting donations from countries that kill, beat, and suppress women...could you imagine if Trump took money from the KKK yet was trying to get the black vote? Oh wait didn't Clinton, Biden, and Howard Dean get busted spewing racially charged emails and conversations?
Does anyone want me to post a video from one of these country's of woman being stoned to death? The information and videos are endless. The real world is out there.
I think doing so would fast track this thread being closed and you getting banned.
did the Clinton people have some dirty on Bernie? We're they threatening him?
From /r/wikileaks Podesta Email 47397 Following up on our call on Friday, just wanted to give some updates and flag that Bernie went after HRC and WJC on wealth (including using the word “hustle.) ... This isn't in keeping w the agreement. Since we clearly have some leverage, would be good to flag this for him. I could send a signal via Welch--or did you establish a direct line w him?
Because silencing a political sub board on a Pearl Jam message board is going to sway the election. I would hate to feel as victimized as you constantly come across as.
Because silencing a political sub board on a Pearl Jam message board is going to sway the election. I would hate to feel as victimized as you constantly come across as.
Victimized? Please I could give two shits. I'm just stating it as I see it and how it's been played out on here.
Whatever happened to discussing pizza on this thread? Maybe that's more amusing
Regarding CGI conflicts of interest... https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/46430#efmAAAADJAEBAPg Podesta Email 46430: I have to agree. I think there WJC may have some real serious conflicts if we start to make too many rules. It may be time to update some procedures but we can not ignore the nexus of WJC's life. Can't break rules that don't exist...
Eric Schmidt of Google requests meeting with WJC, regarding the Hillary Clinton campaign. it is about the business he proposes to do with the campaign. He says he's met with HRC
re clinton, this is not just a press phenom. real people are wincing. granted they get their news filtered thru msm, but that's the reality and the hillary team better recognize it before it's too late. Teddy is a huge validator that WJC went too far. On SOTU, I agree and will try to push. Seems like best strategy with O'bama is to get the cong leaders to lean on him a little. Correct?
Shouldn't a Hillary for President thread contain posts that are pro-Hillary/Anti-Trump, and not Pro-Trump/Anti-Hillary? Isn't that what the pro Trump thread is for?
Shouldn't a Hillary for President thread contain posts that are pro-Hillary/Anti-Trump, and not Pro-Trump/Anti-Hillary? Isn't that what the pro Trump thread is for?
I think it should contain a discussion of the Hillary for President campaign, one that includes both positive and negative viewpoints.
Shouldn't a Hillary for President thread contain posts that are pro-Hillary/Anti-Trump, and not Pro-Trump/Anti-Hillary? Isn't that what the pro Trump thread is for?
We're discussing Clinton. The leaks are their words. Not sure how that's anti-clinton
No, no no, I love your name. You can put it in your sig tho.
It is a solid name you've got HFD. I wish I'd thought of a good name. I just pulled mine out of my butt at maybe 2AM one morning when I suddenly decided to register for the forum so I could comment on something, lol. It never occurred to me at the time that I'd be stuck with it for life (and it did not occur to me that P.J. Soles was that actress in Carrie until later either ). Oh well... I guess it's apt enough, if not cool.
To stay on topic, I still just don't understand what anyone is seeing that's wrong about these Podesta emails. I've read a bunch of them and I have literally not seen a single thing untoward... but people keep acting like there is something untoward about them, but no one has managed to really explain why (without using fake info).
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
I can respect that, but do we have to get post every time someone gets bent out of shape over an e-mail? There was a thread for that but they couldn't stay on point and it got locked.
No, no no, I love your name. You can put it in your sig tho.
you know who Hugh Dillon is?
I just realized I've always assumed he was an actor but really don't know if that is true or not.
tha'ts how most non-canadians, or canadians my parents age, know him. he started out in the punk band the Headstones in the late 80's. He acted sporadically (Hard Core Logo) during that time, but when the band broke up in 2002, he became a full time actor. Durham County, Flashpoint, etc. Now he pulls double duty.
anyway, sorry for the derailment.
"Oh Canada...you're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
Shouldn't a Hillary for President thread contain posts that are pro-Hillary/Anti-Trump, and not Pro-Trump/Anti-Hillary? Isn't that what the pro Trump thread is for?
You would think so, but it seems most people have moved from Pro-Trump/Anti-Hillary to just Anti-Hillary now. So at least we've moved past denial in the 5 stages of grief. But there's a lot of people still clinging to their anger. Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance are scheduled for sometime after 11/8.
Anger is a necessary stage of the healing process. Be willing to feel your anger, even though it may seem endless. The more you truly feel it, the more it will begin to dissipate and the more you will heal. There are many other emotions under the anger and you will get to them in time, but anger is the emotion we are most used to managing. The truth is that anger has no limits. Underneath anger is pain, your pain. It is natural to feel deserted and abandoned, but we live in a society that fears anger. Anger is strength and it can be an anchor, giving temporary structure to the nothingness of loss. At first grief feels like being lost at sea: no connection to anything. Then you get angry at someone. Suddenly you have a structure – – your anger toward them. The anger becomes a bridge over the open sea, a connection from you to them. It is something to hold onto; and a connection made from the strength of anger feels better than nothing. We usually know more about suppressing anger than feeling it. The anger is just another indication of the intensity of your love.
Megan Rooney wrote:
"HIV and AIDS is way more elegant, too. I think the chances of her OK-ing this statement with that top are slim. Lauren is walking that back a little. We will have a revised draft to send around shortly.
The statement "She" published that same day:
Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) * An additional $1.5 billion or more has now been allocated for the AFL-CIO/AFT CGI America Commitment by New York City public employee pension funds. The funds making these additional allocations represent the NYC Local of the Teamsters, AFSCME, and Transportation Workers Union as well as the Firefighters and Police. This should bring the total raised for the entire commitment well above $4 billion out of the $10 billion original commitment. This follows up on your announcement in a press conference last week of a $1 billion allocation to new investments in infrastructure projects.
in other news: Clinton fights for women's rights by accepting donations from countries that kill, beat, and suppress women...could you imagine if Trump took money from the KKK yet was trying to get the black vote? Oh wait didn't Clinton, Biden, and Howard Dean get busted spewing racially charged emails and conversations?
The information and videos are endless. The real world is out there.
. I'm assuming that We get the point.
Moving on
-EV 8/14/93
From /r/wikileaks Podesta Email 47397
Following up on our call on Friday, just wanted to give some updates and flag that Bernie went after HRC and WJC on wealth (including using the word “hustle.)
This isn't in keeping w the agreement. Since we clearly have some leverage, would be good to flag this for him. I could send a signal via Welch--or did you establish a direct line w him?
I would hate to feel as victimized as you constantly come across as.
Victimized? Please I could give two shits. I'm just stating it as I see it and how it's been played out on here.
Whatever happened to discussing pizza on this thread? Maybe that's more amusing
https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/46430#efmAAAADJAEBAPg Podesta Email 46430:
I have to agree. I think there WJC may have some real serious conflicts if we start to make too many rules. It may be time to update some procedures but we can not ignore the nexus of WJC's life.
Can't break rules that don't exist...
Eric Schmidt of Google requests meeting with WJC, regarding the Hillary Clinton campaign.
it is about the business he proposes to do with the campaign. He says he's met with HRC
-EV 8/14/93
re clinton, this is not just a press phenom. real people are wincing. granted they get their news filtered thru msm, but that's the reality and the hillary team better recognize it before it's too late. Teddy is a huge validator that WJC went too far. On SOTU, I agree and will try to push. Seems like best strategy with O'bama is to get the cong leaders to lean on him a little. Correct?
-EV 8/14/93
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
You should post some pro-Clinton stuff, too
To stay on topic, I still just don't understand what anyone is seeing that's wrong about these Podesta emails. I've read a bunch of them and I have literally not seen a single thing untoward... but people keep acting like there is something untoward about them, but no one has managed to really explain why (without using fake info).
"...I changed by not changing at all..."
anyway, sorry for the derailment.
-EV 8/14/93
Anger is a necessary stage of the healing process. Be willing to feel your anger, even though it may seem endless. The more you truly feel it, the more it will begin to dissipate and the more you will heal. There are many other emotions under the anger and you will get to them in time, but anger is the emotion we are most used to managing. The truth is that anger has no limits. Underneath anger is pain, your pain. It is natural to feel deserted and abandoned, but we live in a society that fears anger. Anger is strength and it can be an anchor, giving temporary structure to the nothingness of loss. At first grief feels like being lost at sea: no connection to anything. Then you get angry at someone. Suddenly you have a structure – – your anger toward them. The anger becomes a bridge over the open sea, a connection from you to them. It is something to hold onto; and a connection made from the strength of anger feels better than nothing. We usually know more about suppressing anger than feeling it. The anger is just another indication of the intensity of your love.