Hillary won more votes for President



  • ledveddermanledvedderman Posts: 7,761
    edited October 2016
    /\ I hit a point in that post where I noticed I was reading it like John Belushi's "was it over when" speech from Animal House.
    I'm sorry man, there will be no political revolution in 2016 on a national level. Perhaps you should take "Undone" as your rally cry instead of Bob's classic. If you want to see a change nationally, start locally. "Change don't come at once. It's a wave building before it breaks".
    Post edited by ledvedderman on
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books Posts: 2,672
    edited October 2016

    /\ I hit a point in that post where I noticed I was reading it like John Belushi's "was it over when" speech from Animal House.
    I'm sorry man, there will be no political revolution in 2016 on a national level. Perhaps you should take "Undone" as your rally cry instead of Bob's classic. If you want to see a change nationally, start locals. "Change don't come at once. It's a wave building before it breaks".

    There's no rally cry man... hahaha.... That was added as a nice personal touch for russ.
    The reality is that Clinton is in a dead heat with the worst candidate in American history, ok maybe not the absolute worst, but you get my point. What does that say about her? Look at the consistent unfavorable polls on her. The American people are losing here - and it seems many folks are starting to realize that. Russ questioned my progressive identity and basically accused me of getting in the way of progressive causes - I assume I'm getting in the way of those "causes" because I'm making Clinton/Dems look bad and potentially helping Trump win the race, If my comments weren't a genuine threat/concern to Clinton I don't think the clinonite army would care what I, or anyone else who opposes Clinton, have to say. Politics is a dirty sport and stakes couldn't be higher this time around.

    The revolution is real, ledvedderman. Maybe not in the sense of civil war or entirely as Sanders depicted it, but it's there in the form of millions of people starting to open their eyes and standing up against the establishment. You better believe it's real! Look at all the leaks - look at all the questioning of our govt. And it's not only the teabaggers who are causing a disturbance in the force or the wacky extreme left... it's millennials and regular people who are starting to turn their backs on the establishment. Which is a good thing, right?

    Look at the rise of trump - look at how many career politicians who have lost their post - look at Sanders, who was basically a no body on the national level, give Clinton a run for her money, and who knows - probably could have won..... Oh it's real brother and the shift is happening. This isn't some kind of conspiracy thingy(haha)...This is millions of people spreading information ... this is the rise of patriots like Assange and Snowden becoming larger then life people, with their voices influencing the next generation of inhabitants. So much is changing... let's just hope it's for the better of society. This is a good thing... at the end of the day you'll get your Hillary man.. don't sweat it. Shadow ban some of us for the next month or so. You'll get better sleep. ha.
    Post edited by Boxes&Books on
  • Halifax2TheMaxHalifax2TheMax Posts: 38,181
    edited October 2016
    tonifig8 said:

    mrussel1 said:

    tonifig8 said:

    More BS

    "But agents say Comey tied investigators’ hands by agreeing to unheard-of ground rules and other demands by the lawyers for Clinton and her aides that limited their investigation".
    Really? Which agents? Only off the record agents that the NY Post opinion writer talked to? Was Sean Hannity also at the meeting? Can we call him for verification?

    It's amazing that when we have issues like Syria, Russia, Choice, Obamacare, the Iran deal, gay rights and more, that you are so focused on this issue....still, and to the point of linking to a rag like the NY Post and this super douche. Read some of his other articles. For some reason I thought you were a progressive, but you are doing your best to ensure that the most progressive candidate loses to the most regressive candidate.
    hmmmmm ... I thought it was an interesting read. Gives me some more perspective. I never hear any of this stuff on CNN or MSNBC, so this definitely gives me a broader look at this highly complicated subject. I don't know who the writer is, and sure, I was wondering who those FBI agents were, but then again this is way above my league so I'll take it at face value. Zero harm in that, right? I can't just read things I generally agree with. That just adds to my ego.

    It's funny, I also thought you were a progressive!! I guess progressive isn't as easily defined. I'm putting country first, Russ. I strongly feel that we as a nation are at some kind of tipping point. We have an opportunity here to defeat/expose the corruption within our democracy. Millions of Americans don't care about any of this nonsense- they're overworked and focused on their respective life's, which means it is almost impossible to challenge our govt. because who the hell has time for a revolution or change, right? Place a taco truck on my corner and tell me who to vote for. That works for me and should generate loads of votes to keep this black/white system/cycle operating.

    We have issues man. Tons of them, without a doubt, but before we can go back to playing politics and the same old same old - we need to finish this fight verse the establishment and see how far we can take it. We have until Nov. 8th to push the limits and to hopefully cause the two top candidates at the top of the ticket to step down. Wishful thinking? Oh hell yeah, but that doesn't mean we give up. We're going to cause some serious damage and make some serious noise before accepting the same old shit. The future of our daughters depend on it man. Well at least that's how I see.

    You said you were against shadow blocking, maybe you should reconsider.


    And it'll be chalked up as just another OWS, BLM, Bundy Yahoo, Ruby Ridge, Million Man March, blah, blah, blah protest organization. That will fizzle, die out and change nothing. Toot, toot, clap, clap, honk, honk. Thanks for making some noise. Oh, and Bernie Sanders is a loser and he lost. Get over it, you ain't changing nothing.
    Post edited by Halifax2TheMax on
    09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books Posts: 2,672
    Wikileaks founder Assange reveals his next target: Google

    "Eric Schmidt, former CEO of Google and its current chairman seems to be the lynchpin in Assange’s new master plan. In an excerpt from his 2014 book ‘When Google Met Wikileaks,’ Assange accuses Schmidt of having ties to the State Department when Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State and working closely with her campaign".
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books Posts: 2,672
    edited October 2016

    And it'll be chalked up as just another OWS, BLM, Bundy Yahoo, Ruby Ridge, Million Man March, blah, blah, blah protest organization. That will fizzle, die out and change nothing. Toot, toot, clap, clap, honk, honk. Thanks for making some noise.

    Hey you forgot to mention that Bernie Sanders is a loser and that he lost. Can you edit your post. thanks.
  • Boxes&BooksBoxes&Books Posts: 2,672

    Obama DOJ drops charges against alleged broker of Libyan weapons
    Arms dealer had threatened to expose Hillary Clinton’s talks about arming anti-Qadhafi rebels.

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/10/marc-turi-libyan-rebels-hillary-clinton-229115#ixzz4MNT865G8
    Follow us: @politico on Twitter | Politico on Facebook
  • unsungunsung Posts: 9,487
    "What difference does it make?"

    Rand Paul questioned her under Oath if they were running guns to Syrian rebels (ISIS) and she denied it.
  • unsungunsung Posts: 9,487
    She's no different than Dick Cheney.
  • what dreamswhat dreams Posts: 1,761
    Toniflig got one thing right: the "revolutionaries" (hahaha) will do some serious damage if or when Trump wins the election. That is no love of country. It's just more of the narcissistic, grandiose millenial playbook. "Look at our generation save the country! We're so amazing!"

    Then Toniflig provides examples of this grand revolutionary change:
    1. Trump -- yeah, there's an anti-corruption candidate for you.
    2. Congressional candidates losing their districts -- yeah, to be replaced by religious right wing zealots. Love that.
    3. "Look at Bernie" says Tonifig. Well, I would look if Bernie were anywhere to be found. But he ain't. Haven't seen hide nor hair of the man since the convention. That's a real leader for you. Loses his primary, and does what Americans do in this great democracy of ours. Accepts defeat gracefully and goes back to his day job.

    So all that taken together -- the rise of Trump, right wing zealots controlling Congress, and zero leadership among leftist revolutuonaries other than the creepy Julian Assange who isn't even American -- I'll take a pass on the "revolution." I'm happy to hold the center through one more election cycle. Thank God for the center.
  • Gern BlanstenGern Blansten Posts: 19,397

    Toniflig got one thing right: the "revolutionaries" (hahaha) will do some serious damage if or when Trump wins the election. That is no love of country. It's just more of the narcissistic, grandiose millenial playbook. "Look at our generation save the country! We're so amazing!"

    Then Toniflig provides examples of this grand revolutionary change:
    1. Trump -- yeah, there's an anti-corruption candidate for you.
    2. Congressional candidates losing their districts -- yeah, to be replaced by religious right wing zealots. Love that.
    3. "Look at Bernie" says Tonifig. Well, I would look if Bernie were anywhere to be found. But he ain't. Haven't seen hide nor hair of the man since the convention. That's a real leader for you. Loses his primary, and does what Americans do in this great democracy of ours. Accepts defeat gracefully and goes back to his day job.

    So all that taken together -- the rise of Trump, right wing zealots controlling Congress, and zero leadership among leftist revolutuonaries other than the creepy Julian Assange who isn't even American -- I'll take a pass on the "revolution." I'm happy to hold the center through one more election cycle. Thank God for the center.

    Yep... Luckily there are enough of us in the center to protect you from yourself tofig8

    Political temper tantrums aren't progressive
    Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018)

    1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
    2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
    2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
    2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
    2020: Oakland, Oakland:  2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
    2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
    2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana
  • Halifax2TheMaxHalifax2TheMax Posts: 38,181
    edited October 2016
    Julian Assange the patriot rapist is going to save us from ourselves? Will the revolution be televised?
    Post edited by Halifax2TheMax on
    09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • BentleyspopBentleyspop Posts: 10,659

    Julian Assange the rapist is going to save us from ourselves? Will the revolution be televised?

    You forgot that according to an earlier post that asssange is a "patriot".

  • what dreamswhat dreams Posts: 1,761

    Julian Assange the rapist is going to save us from ourselves? Will the revolution be televised?

    No, it will be Snap-chatted
  • what dreamswhat dreams Posts: 1,761
    The first thing the revolutionaries will do is seize control of television studios and destroy them. . . After looting everything
  • what dreamswhat dreams Posts: 1,761
    I can't imagine anything worse for America's future than a Trump victory and Republicans maintaining control of Congress, which is likely to happen regardless of the presidential outcome. With Republicans holding two branches of govt, the Supreme Court will collapse in four years of retirements or deaths. We'll see how proud the revolutionaries are when they lose the Supreme Court. The meaning of freedom will never be the same, for at least 50 years. Nothing they want will ever happen in their lifetime, and goodness help the grandkids.

    I take the long view. It's not about now. It's not about Clinton. There is no way the Democratic status quo is worse than what the right wing will do to this country. This year really does decide everything, and the religious right is exactly where they want to be. That's why the zealots in the bunch -- Cruz, Christie, Pence, Rubio, Ryan, Guiliani, Gingrich, et. al -- support Trump. He is their ticket to absolute power. This is more dangerous than anything I've ever seen in government.
  • rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576

    I can't imagine anything worse for America's future than a Trump victory and Republicans maintaining control of Congress, which is likely to happen regardless of the presidential outcome. With Republicans holding two branches of govt, the Supreme Court will collapse in four years of retirements or deaths. We'll see how proud the revolutionaries are when they lose the Supreme Court. The meaning of freedom will never be the same, for at least 50 years. Nothing they want will ever happen in their lifetime, and goodness help the grandkids.

    I take the long view. It's not about now. It's not about Clinton. There is no way the Democratic status quo is worse than what the right wing will do to this country. This year really does decide everything, and the religious right is exactly where they want to be. That's why the zealots in the bunch -- Cruz, Christie, Pence, Rubio, Ryan, Guiliani, Gingrich, et. al -- support Trump. He is their ticket to absolute power. This is more dangerous than anything I've ever seen in government.

    But, but...
    Rigged system...corrupt...duopoly...establishment...

    Damn you and your grasp on reality and how it effects a wide range of progressive issues!!!
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 15,831

    I can't imagine anything worse for America's future than a Trump victory and Republicans maintaining control of Congress, which is likely to happen regardless of the presidential outcome. With Republicans holding two branches of govt, the Supreme Court will collapse in four years of retirements or deaths. We'll see how proud the revolutionaries are when they lose the Supreme Court. The meaning of freedom will never be the same, for at least 50 years. Nothing they want will ever happen in their lifetime, and goodness help the grandkids.

    I take the long view. It's not about now. It's not about Clinton. There is no way the Democratic status quo is worse than what the right wing will do to this country. This year really does decide everything, and the religious right is exactly where they want to be. That's why the zealots in the bunch -- Cruz, Christie, Pence, Rubio, Ryan, Guiliani, Gingrich, et. al -- support Trump. He is their ticket to absolute power. This is more dangerous than anything I've ever seen in government.

    It is funny that we are all bickering about Dems vs. Reps but the people we should be fearing that are impacting our future, privacy, job availability, etc... even more significantly are unelected megalomaniacs (Bezos, Schmidt, Zuckerberg, Musk, etc....).
  • BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124
    I can't believe...or I guess I can...that Hillary used a child actor to ask her a question in Pennsylvania. What the hell is wrong with her and her campaign? Shit like this is just so unnecessary.
  • Gern BlanstenGern Blansten Posts: 19,397
    BS44325 said:

    I can't believe...or I guess I can...that Hillary used a child actor to ask her a question in Pennsylvania. What the hell is wrong with her and her campaign? Shit like this is just so unnecessary.

    Source? Let me guess....infowars? zerohedge? Drudge?
    Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018)

    1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
    2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
    2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
    2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
    2020: Oakland, Oakland:  2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
    2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
    2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana
  • BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124

    BS44325 said:

    I can't believe...or I guess I can...that Hillary used a child actor to ask her a question in Pennsylvania. What the hell is wrong with her and her campaign? Shit like this is just so unnecessary.

    Source? Let me guess....infowars? zerohedge? Drudge?
    Multiple sources...linked you a page below that has them all linked as you go through it. You can deny this if you want but then you become someone who is just running cover Hillary always and all the time. I criticize Trump plenty so it shouldn't be hard to look at this and the Steve Harvey interview and say...."I like Hillary but why does her campaign have to do shit like this all the time".

  • unsungunsung Posts: 9,487

    BS44325 said:

    I can't believe...or I guess I can...that Hillary used a child actor to ask her a question in Pennsylvania. What the hell is wrong with her and her campaign? Shit like this is just so unnecessary.

    Source? Let me guess....infowars? zerohedge? Drudge?
    This is a really poor reply. No, you're right CNN, MSNBC, and the Washington Post want to hold her accountable.

    You'll sit here all day long trying to discredit a source instead of disputing the actual incident.
  • CM189191CM189191 Posts: 6,927

    Governor Scott in Florida has said that he will not allow the registration deadline to be extended beyond the normal date of next Tuesday.
    What's your take on it? Is it a form of voter suppression since it's believed that last many of the later registrations are normally younger voters who vote Democratic?
    I don't know if I really have an opinion on it. When the storm passes in a couple of days, there's still time to register by Tuesday. Then again, this is an act of God type scenario that can be given some wiggle room.

    Governor Scott is an asshole. That's my take on it.
  • mrussel1mrussel1 Posts: 29,309

    I can't imagine anything worse for America's future than a Trump victory and Republicans maintaining control of Congress, which is likely to happen regardless of the presidential outcome. With Republicans holding two branches of govt, the Supreme Court will collapse in four years of retirements or deaths. We'll see how proud the revolutionaries are when they lose the Supreme Court. The meaning of freedom will never be the same, for at least 50 years. Nothing they want will ever happen in their lifetime, and goodness help the grandkids.

    I take the long view. It's not about now. It's not about Clinton. There is no way the Democratic status quo is worse than what the right wing will do to this country. This year really does decide everything, and the religious right is exactly where they want to be. That's why the zealots in the bunch -- Cruz, Christie, Pence, Rubio, Ryan, Guiliani, Gingrich, et. al -- support Trump. He is their ticket to absolute power. This is more dangerous than anything I've ever seen in government.

    It is funny that we are all bickering about Dems vs. Reps but the people we should be fearing that are impacting our future, privacy, job availability, etc... even more significantly are unelected megalomaniacs (Bezos, Schmidt, Zuckerberg, Musk, etc....).
    The future of jobs, particularly those with college educations looks fantastic. For those males without degrees that relied on manufacturing, it is more bleak. That's what I think the failure of NAFTA was, not preparing the workforce for the changes it would bring. I hope $ is set aside if/when TPP happens to continue preparing the blue collar force for white collar jobs.

    Agree with your statement on privacy.
  • BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124
    CM189191 said:

    Governor Scott in Florida has said that he will not allow the registration deadline to be extended beyond the normal date of next Tuesday.
    What's your take on it? Is it a form of voter suppression since it's believed that last many of the later registrations are normally younger voters who vote Democratic?
    I don't know if I really have an opinion on it. When the storm passes in a couple of days, there's still time to register by Tuesday. Then again, this is an act of God type scenario that can be given some wiggle room.

    Governor Scott is an asshole. That's my take on it.
    That's a silly take. There are reasons that dates are in place for every state. If you insist on a delay in registration then you will need a delay in the time to process the registration and then how about a delay in the election date itself. The beauty of the system is that regardless of world events, natural disasters, and/or wars the show always and must goes on.
  • mrussel1mrussel1 Posts: 29,309
    BS44325 said:

    CM189191 said:

    Governor Scott in Florida has said that he will not allow the registration deadline to be extended beyond the normal date of next Tuesday.
    What's your take on it? Is it a form of voter suppression since it's believed that last many of the later registrations are normally younger voters who vote Democratic?
    I don't know if I really have an opinion on it. When the storm passes in a couple of days, there's still time to register by Tuesday. Then again, this is an act of God type scenario that can be given some wiggle room.

    Governor Scott is an asshole. That's my take on it.
    That's a silly take. There are reasons that dates are in place for every state. If you insist on a delay in registration then you will need a delay in the time to process the registration and then how about a delay in the election date itself. The beauty of the system is that regardless of world events, natural disasters, and/or wars the show always and must goes on.
    All this may be true. But Scott is still an asshole for lots of other reasons.
  • BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124
    mrussel1 said:

    BS44325 said:

    CM189191 said:

    Governor Scott in Florida has said that he will not allow the registration deadline to be extended beyond the normal date of next Tuesday.
    What's your take on it? Is it a form of voter suppression since it's believed that last many of the later registrations are normally younger voters who vote Democratic?
    I don't know if I really have an opinion on it. When the storm passes in a couple of days, there's still time to register by Tuesday. Then again, this is an act of God type scenario that can be given some wiggle room.

    Governor Scott is an asshole. That's my take on it.
    That's a silly take. There are reasons that dates are in place for every state. If you insist on a delay in registration then you will need a delay in the time to process the registration and then how about a delay in the election date itself. The beauty of the system is that regardless of world events, natural disasters, and/or wars the show always and must goes on.
    All this may be true. But Scott is still an asshole for lots of other reasons.
    That is totally fair.
  • Gern BlanstenGern Blansten Posts: 19,397
    BS44325 said:

    BS44325 said:

    I can't believe...or I guess I can...that Hillary used a child actor to ask her a question in Pennsylvania. What the hell is wrong with her and her campaign? Shit like this is just so unnecessary.

    Source? Let me guess....infowars? zerohedge? Drudge?
    Multiple sources...linked you a page below that has them all linked as you go through it. You can deny this if you want but then you become someone who is just running cover Hillary always and all the time. I criticize Trump plenty so it shouldn't be hard to look at this and the Steve Harvey interview and say...."I like Hillary but why does her campaign have to do shit like this all the time".


    Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018)

    1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
    2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
    2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
    2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
    2020: Oakland, Oakland:  2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
    2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
    2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana
  • unsungunsung Posts: 9,487
    Snopes is not unbiased.
  • Gern BlanstenGern Blansten Posts: 19,397
    unsung said:

    Snopes is not unbiased.

    Is hotair.com unbiased?
    Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018)

    1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
    2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
    2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
    2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
    2020: Oakland, Oakland:  2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
    2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
    2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana
  • CM189191CM189191 Posts: 6,927
    mrussel1 said:

    BS44325 said:

    CM189191 said:

    Governor Scott in Florida has said that he will not allow the registration deadline to be extended beyond the normal date of next Tuesday.
    What's your take on it? Is it a form of voter suppression since it's believed that last many of the later registrations are normally younger voters who vote Democratic?
    I don't know if I really have an opinion on it. When the storm passes in a couple of days, there's still time to register by Tuesday. Then again, this is an act of God type scenario that can be given some wiggle room.

    Governor Scott is an asshole. That's my take on it.
    That's a silly take. There are reasons that dates are in place for every state. If you insist on a delay in registration then you will need a delay in the time to process the registration and then how about a delay in the election date itself. The beauty of the system is that regardless of world events, natural disasters, and/or wars the show always and must goes on.
    All this may be true. But Scott is still an asshole for lots of other reasons.
    just one more thing to add to the list here
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