My husband figures that I have purchased things specifically for him and not things that I would ever use myself, so he really doesn't care. In the end, the cash out folks know you aren't the one using it. I'm sure that the receipt checker at Sam's knows that he's not using the Tampax Pearl Super 96 count box either.
In this era of gender neutral bathrooms you never know.
I know that when I have to purchase them. Its a pride thing. Most of us men are overly prideful.
Tom Brady & Donald Trump, BFF's Fuckus rules all Rob Seattle
Why has none of the males said products for their significant others when aunt flo comes to visit. It was yet another time when a piece of my soul died when I finally agreed to start picking them up when at the store for my queen. I still to this day though bury them in the cart and use the self scan station. I only have about 40% of my soul left so I have to be careful.
I have NEVER in my life purchased for "aunt flo" I never will. Not happening
nor have I.
altho, once at work I was really on the subordinates left me a present.....mrs. imalive was pissed I didn't bring the gift home and said "do you know much those cost?!?!?"
In the veterinary field, they use tampons for certain surgeries. The owner was too 'proud' to purchase said product, so he made one of us girls buy them.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
In the veterinary field, they use tampons for certain surgeries. The owner was too 'proud' to purchase said product, so he made one of us girls buy them.
We used the Always Maxi Pads under bandages on leg wounds for guy made his wife go home and bring back a box of her own rather than us charge him for that!!
^^ You know, I was at a friend's house visiting his wife when he knifed himself with a utility knife while installing vinyl siding on their house. He came in. His wife screamed. I checked it out and though it was only an inch and a half or less long, he was bleeding a bit and I could see deeper into his arm than I should. I told him that and that he needed stitches. He went into shock and started vomiting. I had him hung over a bucket, couldn't find a band aid and ended up sending him to the ER for stitches with a maxi pad masking taped to his arm. The nurse told him to go back to me and tell me what an excellent job I did. I gifted them a First Aid kit for Christmas. I didn't figure he wanted to go for stitches again with a pad taped to his arm.
You know the surgical pads that the nurses order for home care say "tampon" on them. Then you unwrap it and it looks like a giant version of the ghetto pads the school nurse used to have in supply (without the sticky backing) that were closer to diaper than maxi pad. If memory serves the maxi pads we know today evolved from ww1 era surgical supply pads.
I've never understood the problem men have with buying a box of tampons. I experienced it first hand as a teenager when a friend came out of the building and dragged us to the store to buy the tampons his mom sent him out for, making a bigger fucking spectacle out of it than if he'd just done as he was told. Meanwhile how many of these "prideful" dudes got no problem with their woman picking up condoms, or like jock itch powder or something.
You know the surgical pads that the nurses order for home care say "tampon" on them. Then you unwrap it and it looks like a giant version of the ghetto pads the school nurse used to have in supply (without the sticky backing) that were closer to diaper than maxi pad. If memory serves the maxi pads we know today evolved from ww1 era surgical supply pads.
I've never understood the problem men have with buying a box of tampons. I experienced it first hand as a teenager when a friend came out of the building and dragged us to the store to buy the tampons his mom sent him out for, making a bigger fucking spectacle out of it than if he'd just done as he was told. Meanwhile how many of these "prideful" dudes got no problem with their woman picking up condoms, or like jock itch powder or something.
No kidding...there are self-checkout stations now, no excuse.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
You know the surgical pads that the nurses order for home care say "tampon" on them. Then you unwrap it and it looks like a giant version of the ghetto pads the school nurse used to have in supply (without the sticky backing) that were closer to diaper than maxi pad. If memory serves the maxi pads we know today evolved from ww1 era surgical supply pads.
I've never understood the problem men have with buying a box of tampons. I experienced it first hand as a teenager when a friend came out of the building and dragged us to the store to buy the tampons his mom sent him out for, making a bigger fucking spectacle out of it than if he'd just done as he was told. Meanwhile how many of these "prideful" dudes got no problem with their woman picking up condoms, or like jock itch powder or something.
No kidding...there are self-checkout stations now, no excuse.
Right?? And that maxi pad fact would be a good did you know question!! Lol
Never quite understood it either. I've picked them up plenty of times. It's not like suddenly everyone on earth is gonna think they're for you. They're a necessity. Every woman between the ages of 12-55, give or take, needs them.
Hey, hey hey. Its sexist to judge us. We are wired differently. Do we make fun of you when you cry over stupid shit. Oh, wait, we do some of the time. Never mind.
Tom Brady & Donald Trump, BFF's Fuckus rules all Rob Seattle
Never quite understood it either. I've picked them up plenty of times. It's not like suddenly everyone on earth is gonna think they're for you. They're a necessity. Every woman between the ages of 12-55, give or take, needs them.
Yeah, I don't get what the big deal is. My only problem is that I usually buy the wrong type so my wife ends up having to go to the store herself anyways to get the right ones.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,607
This thread if hilarious.
Razor Blades was my first though, like many guys. I will use those things for a long time trying to avoid buying. I shave directly after hot shower so I can get away with it. If I try to shave any other time I need a blade that has only been used a few times.
Contact Lenses -- fuck, so expensive...I have disposables meant for 30 days. I wear those pups for 90-120 days if they stay clear/soft....which they will do if you wake them out every so often and sleep w/o.
Paper Towels -- the more I buy the more we use. The 10 yr old pulls off 3 pieces every time he washes his hands to try. (At least he washes his hands I guess)
Ink - same as everyone shared.
Gas - it is not the act of buying it, it is the way I seem to have some sick need to run my car until I am running on fucking fumes to fill it up. Have never run out of gas which almost makes me believe in a higher power. (But not quite)
Dinner Out for food I can cook myself --- I have no trouble dropping a retarded amount on Sushi...but try to get me to pay a lot out to dinner for Italian food? Not gonna happen - I can cook the shit outta that myself and drink free booze at home.
Vodka - I love to drink it but not to buy it. Doesn't last long enough, I suspect my wife drains the bottles out after every weekend. (Or perhaps I drink too much vodka. One of the two.)
Rubbers - I dont want to get snipped and here we are. I am now the old guy buying condoms. With a wedding ring on. Kind of embarrassing but she doesn't want another hatchling and I want to do whatever I can do to stay 'in play' so I try to always be prepared.
A bed. Sure, they last a long time. The last time I wanted to freak out over the super long back/forth trying to find the right one that we both liked and then shelling out so much damn money for it.
The love he receives is the love that is saved
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,607
OH and I have never bought Aunt Flo products but I would if my wife needed. She has tried to add it to the shopping list and I always asked "Is it a must?" and the answer hasn't been a yes.
OH and I have never bought Aunt Flo products but I would if my wife needed. She has tried to add it to the shopping list and I always asked "Is it a must?" and the answer hasn't been a yes.
WH and I need to have a talk with Mrs F Me...
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
- Christopher McCandless
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,607
OH and I have never bought Aunt Flo products but I would if my wife needed. She has tried to add it to the shopping list and I always asked "Is it a must?" and the answer hasn't been a yes.
WH and I need to have a talk with Mrs F Me...
She is a good wife, please dont give her any ideas! She knows if she asked me to do pretty much anything and it was 'a must' that I would do it for her.
OH and I have never bought Aunt Flo products but I would if my wife needed. She has tried to add it to the shopping list and I always asked "Is it a must?" and the answer hasn't been a yes.
WH and I need to have a talk with Mrs F Me...
She is a good wife, please dont give her any ideas! She knows if she asked me to do pretty much anything and it was 'a must' that I would do it for her.
oh, we wouldn't tell her to make you do terrible things...she just might be giving in too easily since she knows most guys won't do that. Maybe next time she puts it on the list, don't say anything and buy them for her'd probably be 'well rewarded' when you got home.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
- Christopher McCandless
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,607
OH and I have never bought Aunt Flo products but I would if my wife needed. She has tried to add it to the shopping list and I always asked "Is it a must?" and the answer hasn't been a yes.
WH and I need to have a talk with Mrs F Me...
She is a good wife, please dont give her any ideas! She knows if she asked me to do pretty much anything and it was 'a must' that I would do it for her.
oh, we wouldn't tell her to make you do terrible things...she just might be giving in too easily since she knows most guys won't do that. Maybe next time she puts it on the list, don't say anything and buy them for her'd probably be 'well rewarded' when you got home.
OH and I have never bought Aunt Flo products but I would if my wife needed. She has tried to add it to the shopping list and I always asked "Is it a must?" and the answer hasn't been a yes.
WH and I need to have a talk with Mrs F Me...
She is a good wife, please dont give her any ideas! She knows if she asked me to do pretty much anything and it was 'a must' that I would do it for her.
oh, we wouldn't tell her to make you do terrible things...she just might be giving in too easily since she knows most guys won't do that. Maybe next time she puts it on the list, don't say anything and buy them for her'd probably be 'well rewarded' when you got home.
Not for....oh never mind. Perhaps I will do that!
lol this was a great back and forth!! Lol it would be nice for her to not have to ask. Besides any man worth his salt, has no insecurity issues about buying this.. As it IS necessary, and it just means that you love your wife enough to Put her needs above your impression of how other men would view you.
F Me In The Brain
this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,607
OH and I have never bought Aunt Flo products but I would if my wife needed. She has tried to add it to the shopping list and I always asked "Is it a must?" and the answer hasn't been a yes.
WH and I need to have a talk with Mrs F Me...
She is a good wife, please dont give her any ideas! She knows if she asked me to do pretty much anything and it was 'a must' that I would do it for her.
oh, we wouldn't tell her to make you do terrible things...she just might be giving in too easily since she knows most guys won't do that. Maybe next time she puts it on the list, don't say anything and buy them for her'd probably be 'well rewarded' when you got home.
Not for....oh never mind. Perhaps I will do that!
lol this was a great back and forth!! Lol it would be nice for her to not have to ask. Besides any man worth his salt, has no insecurity issues about buying this.. As it IS necessary, and it just means that you love your wife enough to Put her needs above your impression of how other men would view you.
You mean it would have been nice for me not to have qualified how urgent the need for these feminine products was? Yeah, you are likely correct there. I certainly wouldn't ask if she needed Turkey Breast, Eggs, Bread, and 'Sanitary Napkins.'
The condom purchase is more embarrassing to me. I generally dont much care what people of think of me but I also generally try to be a nice guy so dont put myself in positions where people automatically assume I am an ahole. If I put condoms down on the counter I get looks that scream 'Cheater!' instead of the 'Good Luck Buddy!' looks I got when I was younger and didn't have a ring on.
hair ties...they just keep disappearing! I can go and buy a 50 pack and within a month they are all gone. Where the fuck do they all go!??!!?
(you can buy condoms off to save face...or just buy condoms and tampons at the same time)
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
Are those hair thingys the little rubber band looking doobies that end up all over the damn house? LOL @ Not a bad idea.
Here is a whole category -- I cant stand buying Organic everythings. Pay so much more to not have poison as part of our food. Pisses me off.
YES! I swear, I either keep them on my wrist, or on the door knob...there must be some hair tie fairy that steals them all, because they are not in the vacuum, not under the bed or couch...I don't know where they go.
don't get me started on organic...I love it (because it tastes awesome) but fuck it's expensive! Started my own organic garden, so we can hopefully cut down on buying so much of it.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
Are those hair thingys the little rubber band looking doobies that end up all over the damn house? LOL @ Not a bad idea.
Here is a whole category -- I cant stand buying Organic everythings. Pay so much more to not have poison as part of our food. Pisses me off.
YES! I swear, I either keep them on my wrist, or on the door knob...there must be some hair tie fairy that steals them all, because they are not in the vacuum, not under the bed or couch...I don't know where they go.
don't get me started on organic...I love it (because it tastes awesome) but fuck it's expensive! Started my own organic garden, so we can hopefully cut down on buying so much of it.
My cats steal the hair that's how they end up all over my
Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior! Tattooed Dissident!
Are those hair thingys the little rubber band looking doobies that end up all over the damn house? LOL @ Not a bad idea.
Here is a whole category -- I cant stand buying Organic everythings. Pay so much more to not have poison as part of our food. Pisses me off.
YES! I swear, I either keep them on my wrist, or on the door knob...there must be some hair tie fairy that steals them all, because they are not in the vacuum, not under the bed or couch...I don't know where they go.
don't get me started on organic...I love it (because it tastes awesome) but fuck it's expensive! Started my own organic garden, so we can hopefully cut down on buying so much of it.
My cats steal the hair that's how they end up all over my
Are those hair thingys the little rubber band looking doobies that end up all over the damn house? LOL @ Not a bad idea.
Here is a whole category -- I cant stand buying Organic everythings. Pay so much more to not have poison as part of our food. Pisses me off.
YES! I swear, I either keep them on my wrist, or on the door knob...there must be some hair tie fairy that steals them all, because they are not in the vacuum, not under the bed or couch...I don't know where they go.
don't get me started on organic...I love it (because it tastes awesome) but fuck it's expensive! Started my own organic garden, so we can hopefully cut down on buying so much of it.
My cats steal the hair that's how they end up all over my
Mine do that too.
And then Pearl, our new puppy, finds them and chews them
Music is my Religion and Pearl Jam, my Savior! Tattooed Dissident!
I know that when I have to purchase them. Its a pride thing. Most of us men are overly prideful.
Fuckus rules all
- Christopher McCandless
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
I've never understood the problem men have with buying a box of tampons. I experienced it first hand as a teenager when a friend came out of the building and dragged us to the store to buy the tampons his mom sent him out for, making a bigger fucking spectacle out of it than if he'd just done as he was told. Meanwhile how many of these "prideful" dudes got no problem with their woman picking up condoms, or like jock itch powder or something.
- Christopher McCandless
Fuckus rules all
Razor Blades was my first though, like many guys. I will use those things for a long time trying to avoid buying. I shave directly after hot shower so I can get away with it. If I try to shave any other time I need a blade that has only been used a few times.
Contact Lenses -- fuck, so expensive...I have disposables meant for 30 days. I wear those pups for 90-120 days if they stay clear/soft....which they will do if you wake them out every so often and sleep w/o.
Paper Towels -- the more I buy the more we use. The 10 yr old pulls off 3 pieces every time he washes his hands to try. (At least he washes his hands I guess)
Ink - same as everyone shared.
Gas - it is not the act of buying it, it is the way I seem to have some sick need to run my car until I am running on fucking fumes to fill it up. Have never run out of gas which almost makes me believe in a higher power. (But not quite)
Dinner Out for food I can cook myself --- I have no trouble dropping a retarded amount on Sushi...but try to get me to pay a lot out to dinner for Italian food? Not gonna happen - I can cook the shit outta that myself and drink free booze at home.
Vodka - I love to drink it but not to buy it. Doesn't last long enough, I suspect my wife drains the bottles out after every weekend. (Or perhaps I drink too much vodka. One of the two.)
Rubbers - I dont want to get snipped and here we are. I am now the old guy buying condoms. With a wedding ring on. Kind of embarrassing but she doesn't want another hatchling and I want to do whatever I can do to stay 'in play' so I try to always be prepared.
A bed. Sure, they last a long time. The last time I wanted to freak out over the super long back/forth trying to find the right one that we both liked and then shelling out so much damn money for it.
- Christopher McCandless
- Christopher McCandless
Perhaps I will do that!
Put her needs above your impression of how other men would view you.
I certainly wouldn't ask if she needed Turkey Breast, Eggs, Bread, and 'Sanitary Napkins.'
The condom purchase is more embarrassing to me. I generally dont much care what people of think of me but I also generally try to be a nice guy so dont put myself in positions where people automatically assume I am an ahole. If I put condoms down on the counter I get looks that scream 'Cheater!' instead of the 'Good Luck Buddy!' looks I got when I was younger and didn't have a ring on.
Oh well!
Name something (else) you cant stand buying?
(you can buy condoms off to save face...or just buy condoms and tampons at the same time)
- Christopher McCandless
LOL @ Not a bad idea.
Here is a whole category -- I cant stand buying Organic everythings. Pay so much more to not have poison as part of our food. Pisses me off.
don't get me started on organic...I love it (because it tastes awesome) but fuck it's expensive! Started my own organic garden, so we can hopefully cut down on buying so much of it.
- Christopher McCandless
Tattooed Dissident!
Fuckus rules all
Tattooed Dissident!
Tattooed Dissident!