
Michael Brown Shooting



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    JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617

    I don't think I can add any more to this thread. At this point, its more arguing than debating. I respect most of your opinions even though I disagree with them. Have a safe holiday everyone.

    Yeah may be time to Darren Wilson this thread!
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    Gern BlanstenGern Blansten Your Mom's Posts: 18,185
    We can always resurrect it for the civil trial... If there is one :)
    Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018)

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    i_lov_iti_lov_it Perth, Western Australia Posts: 4,007
    edited November 2014
    Also on the News here the other night they showed some 'Riots' in Nigeria...I actually mistook it for Ferguson...I couldn't tell the difference.
    Post edited by i_lov_it on
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    i_lov_iti_lov_it Perth, Western Australia Posts: 4,007
    edited November 2014
    Would this be getting the same attention if it was a Black Cop shooting a Black kid or a White cop shooting a White kid I wonder.
    Post edited by i_lov_it on
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    Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    i_lov_it said:

    Would this be getting the same attention if it was a Black Cop shooting a Black kid or a White cop shooting a White kid I wonder.

    no it would not but if you just look back in history this is common with some groups of people, yeah yeah I lnow what some of you are thinking...probably calling me the R word
    but I'm just calling like it is.

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    Gern BlanstenGern Blansten Your Mom's Posts: 18,185
    i_lov_it said:

    Would this be getting the same attention if it was a Black Cop shooting a Black kid or a White cop shooting a White kid I wonder.

    Yes it would. Given that it was an unarmed 18 year old and with the police not releasing information it garnered a lot of attention.
    Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018)

    1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
    2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
    2013: London ON, Chicago; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
    2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
    2020: Oakland, Oakland:  2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
    2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
    2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana
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    Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    Dozens of protesters interrupted holiday shopping in the St. Louis area late Thursday and early Friday as part of the ongoing reaction to a grand jury's decision to not indict the Ferguson police officer who fatally shot Michael Brown this past August.

    Protester Johnetta Elzie, who who had been tweeting and posting videos of the demonstrations, told the Associated Press that the group went to a Wal-Mart and Target in Brentwood, two Wal-Marts in St. Charles and one Wal-Mart in Manchester. KTVI-TV reported that in the suburbs of Maplewood and Kirkwood, several police cars and some National Guard vehicles patrolled Wal-Mart stores in case of protests.


    Protesters spent a few minutes at each store, shouting inside. Officer in at least one store ordered them to leave. There was no immediate word of any arrests.

    At the Manchester Wal-Mart, about two dozen people chanted "no justice, no peace, no racist police" and "no more Black Friday" after officers warned that protesters risked arrest if they didn't move at least 50 feet from the store's entrance, then began advancing in unison toward the protesters until they were moved further into the parking lot.

    The mostly black group of protesters chanted in the faces of the officers -- most of whom were white -- as shoppers looked on.

    "We want to really let the world know that it is no longer business as usual," said Chenjerai Kumanyika an assistant professor at Clemson University. He added although part of the aim in disrupting Black Friday was to call attention to disagreement with the grand jury's decision and the way the case was handled, Kumanyika said it was also to highlight other forms of injustice.

    "Capitalism is one of many systems of oppression," he said as the group cleared out of the parking lot.

    Ferguson itself was quiet overnight as the Thanksgiving holiday put a break on the protests that had rocked the town over the previous three nights. No police officers or Missouri National Guard members stood sentry outside the Ferguson police station, which had been a nexus for protesters since Monday night's announcement that officer Darren Wilson would not be indicted. Early Friday, St. Louis County Police said no arrests had been made overnight.

    On a downtown street, beneath a lighted "Season's Greetings" garland, three children used paintbrushes to decorate the plywood covering many storefront windows that was put up to foil potential vandals. One quoted from "The Lorax" by Dr. Seuss: "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better, it's not."

    "We thought we'd do what we could to make it a little more attractive and then try to bring the kids into it and get them involved in making the businesses appear a little less scary, depressing," said Leah Bailey, as her 7-year-old son Dennis climbed a ladder to finish an orange dragon.

    Several hours after dark, a few people continued painting, but there was no visible protest activity. National Guard troops occasionally patrolled the area and surrounding neighborhoods in vehicles and on foot.

    Greater St. Mark Family Church sits blocks from where several stores went up in flames after the grand jury announcement. A handful of people listened to the Rev. Tommie Pierson preach Thursday that the destruction and chaos was by "a small group of out-of-control people out there."

    "They don't represent the community, they don't represent the mood nor the feelings of the community," Pierson said. "I would imagine if you talked to them, they probably don't even live here. So, we don't want to be defined by what they did."

    In downtown St. Louis, a group gathered near Busch Stadium for what organizer Paul Byrd called a "pro-community" car rally meant to be peaceful and counter the recent Ferguson violence he suggested has tarnished the region's image.

    Byrd, a 45-year-old construction worker from Imperial, Missouri, declined to say whether he supported Wilson but noted, "I totally support police officers." The cruise was escorted by a city police vehicle; no protesters showed up.

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    benjsbenjs Toronto, ON Posts: 9,018
    lukin2006 said:

    benjs said:

    dignin said:

    lukin2006 said:

    dignin said:

    lukin2006 said:

    dignin said:

    I think even if Wilson had a go pro on his chest and that video evidence corroborated every word Wilson said, you guys will still want to see Wilson strung out. Facts and evidence don't mean shit here because apparently they are open to interpretation.

    That just isn't true.

    yes it is ... this thread is at 62 pages and I've yet to see a thread started about this http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/aug/25/critics-see-racial-double-standard-in-coverage-of-/?page=all

    I don't see how this is relevant to what I said, or what lastexit posted. If you want to start a thread about that event you a free to do so and I will be happy to talk about it.
    i know you don't ... what i posted doesn't fit the agenda of the majority.
    I really don't know what point you're trying to get across. Honestly, not a clue.

    lukin2006 can feel free to correct me, but my interpretation of his words is that, in his opinion, we here on this board are going to unequivocally press forward with the notion that this was a racially-fuelled homicide, as opposed to a legitimate presentation of self-defence against an aggressive assailant. That being said, I think lukin2006 is wrong about many of us here if that is in fact what he believes about our commitment to an opinion here.

    I'd like to believe that there are many here among us who are disturbed by a lack of consistent evidence on this case - and only with consistency can evidence be considered even remotely factual. Our justice system in North America is predicated on the concept of innocent until proven guilty, and regrettably, without accountability baked into a police officer's job (through body cameras or other impartial surveillance, partners so that they can be each others' consciences, etc.), it would not be fair with insufficient evidence to lay a guilty verdict down for Wilson.

    And lukin2006 - since the other police officer was wearing a body camera that was active, and since they are actively investigating valid and impartial evidence that camera enabled them to gather, maybe that's why the press has been so quiet on that topic.
    You are correct. Not the agenda of everyone, but many. The best educated guess I can give is if the Brown fellow had just followed the officers orders he's completely fine today. That should be the message and the agenda of people ... when the police ask you to stop, put your hands where they can see them, make no aggressive moves ... answer there questions or don't but if they feel threatened the law will give them the benefit of the doubt more time than not if the situation goes bad. I don't understand why that is so hard for people, most cops are good people performing a stressful job.

    Frankly, I don't understand Brown's behaviour: I was taught in my life to judge people by the way they treat the people that matter least to them. If Wilson represents that entity to a character like Brown, and Brown's reaction was to tantalize, tease, and act aggressively towards Wilson, it's hard for me to find sympathy. But that's an if, and only because we have a piss-poor collection of evidence on this case.

    I don't really care what race Brown or Wilson was. I care about poor evidence to bring about a verdict, and to be honest, I'm surprised that it seems like at least some here present an opposition to utilizing technology to implement checks and balances on a small sect of society given the authority to determine who lives and dies. Why is surveillance promoted as such a good thing when it benefits certain parties ("national security" comes to mind), and such a bad thing when it could benefit the people? There's something majorly disturbing to me about that notion.
    '05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2

    Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
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    JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    i_lov_it said:

    Would this be getting the same attention if it was a Black Cop shooting a Black kid or a White cop shooting a White kid I wonder.

    Part of a larger problem, read through the thread...if a surfer (black white Brown or Australian) was eaten by a shark every 28 hours you think it would draw attention?
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    benjsbenjs Toronto, ON Posts: 9,018
    JC29856 said:

    i_lov_it said:

    Would this be getting the same attention if it was a Black Cop shooting a Black kid or a White cop shooting a White kid I wonder.

    Part of a larger problem, read through the thread...if a surfer (black white Brown or Australian) was eaten by a shark every 28 hours you think it would draw attention?
    Depends. Is the shark black?
    '05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2

    Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
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    badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    benjs said:

    JC29856 said:

    i_lov_it said:

    Would this be getting the same attention if it was a Black Cop shooting a Black kid or a White cop shooting a White kid I wonder.

    Part of a larger problem, read through the thread...if a surfer (black white Brown or Australian) was eaten by a shark every 28 hours you think it would draw attention?
    Depends. Is the shark black?
    Maybe it's a great WHITE =))
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    gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 22,315
    i_lov_it said:

    Would this be getting the same attention if it was a Black Cop shooting a Black kid or a White cop shooting a White kid I wonder.

    not this same attention. a white cop kills a black teen every 28 hours in this country. people are fucking sick of it. it happens all the time, and in most cases, no charges are filed and they escape justice. in this country, the game is rigged in favor of the police. it just is.

    if you commit a crime in this country, you are to be arrested, booked, and stand trial. the cop is to subdue you and bring you in to the station and write the report on which charges are based. the cop is not the judge, not the jury, and certainly not the fucking executioner.
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.- Hemingway

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
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    JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617

    i_lov_it said:

    Would this be getting the same attention if it was a Black Cop shooting a Black kid or a White cop shooting a White kid I wonder.

    not this same attention. a white cop kills a black teen every 28 hours in this country. people are fucking sick of it. it happens all the time, and in most cases, no charges are filed and they escape justice. in this country, the game is rigged in favor of the police. it just is.

    if you commit a crime in this country, you are to be arrested, booked, and stand trial. the cop is to subdue you and bring you in to the station and write the report on which charges are based. the cop is not the judge, not the jury, and certainly not the fucking executioner.
    Now if you commit white collar crime you are promoted maybe even to Fed chair!

    Maybe black people should file for corporate status so they can evade punishment, the corporate personhood did it.
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    I think this happened 5 days ago? Really, the white cop killing a black teen is really got to be addressed more, and I mean in Police Depts bucking up and forced to act humanely.

    Officers Who Shot 12-Year-Old Holding Toy Gun Refused To Give Him First Aid


    The Cleveland officers who shot a 12-year-old boy holding a toy gun then failed to give him first aid for nearly four minutes. The boy was finally administered first aid when a detective and FBI agent arrived at the scene.
    But it was too late. The boy, Tamir Rice, died after being transported to the hospital.
    According to newly surveillance video, Rice was shot by the officers within two seconds of their arrival at the scene.
    A department spokesman told a local ABC station he “was unsure of the policy related to how and when officers are required to provide medical assistance.” The officers’ conduct is “under investigation.”
    The officers believed that the 12-year-old Rice was a “black male” who appeared “about 20.”
    The family is outspoken in their belief that their son’s death was avoidable, had the police officers acted appropriately. The U.S. Justice Department has an ongoing investigation into the Cleveland Police “over allegations of excessive and unreasonable deadly force.”
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    i_lov_it said:

    Would this be getting the same attention if it was a Black Cop shooting a Black kid or a White cop shooting a White kid I wonder.

    not this same attention. a white cop kills a black teen every 28 hours in this country. people are fucking sick of it. it happens all the time, and in most cases, no charges are filed and they escape justice. in this country, the game is rigged in favor of the police. it just is.

    if you commit a crime in this country, you are to be arrested, booked, and stand trial. the cop is to subdue you and bring you in to the station and write the report on which charges are based. the cop is not the judge, not the jury, and certainly not the fucking executioner.
    Completely agree with this.
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    gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 22,315
    people are coming out now and saying the KKK burned the church in ferguson that mike brown's father goes to.

    i am looking to see if this has been confirmed. so far i have not seen anything on major news sites.

    i can not escape this story. this is all they are talking about on local news and radio.
    There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.- Hemingway

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
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    lukin2006lukin2006 Posts: 9,087
    I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin

    "Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
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    JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    lukin2006 said:
    I read the piece but I didnt read or find anywhere in it that the reason the research had to use news articles for the "every 28 hour killing" is because there isnt a national database that collects information on people killed by cops/law enforcement. I guess nobody thinks national statistics pertaining to "killed by cop" is important enough to keep.

    I wonder how many people have died from ebola this year?

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    muskydanmuskydan Posts: 1,013
    benjs said:

    JC29856 said:

    i_lov_it said:

    Would this be getting the same attention if it was a Black Cop shooting a Black kid or a White cop shooting a White kid I wonder.

    Part of a larger problem, read through the thread...if a surfer (black white Brown or Australian) was eaten by a shark every 28 hours you think it would draw attention?
    Depends. Is the shark black?
    Ha ha, too funny
  • Options
    muskydanmuskydan Posts: 1,013
    badbrains said:

    benjs said:

    JC29856 said:

    i_lov_it said:

    Would this be getting the same attention if it was a Black Cop shooting a Black kid or a White cop shooting a White kid I wonder.

    Part of a larger problem, read through the thread...if a surfer (black white Brown or Australian) was eaten by a shark every 28 hours you think it would draw attention?
    Depends. Is the shark black?
    Maybe it's a great WHITE =))
    Ever funnier, well played
  • Options
    badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    muskydan said:

    badbrains said:

    benjs said:

    JC29856 said:

    i_lov_it said:

    Would this be getting the same attention if it was a Black Cop shooting a Black kid or a White cop shooting a White kid I wonder.

    Part of a larger problem, read through the thread...if a surfer (black white Brown or Australian) was eaten by a shark every 28 hours you think it would draw attention?
    Depends. Is the shark black?
    Maybe it's a great WHITE =))
    Ever funnier, well played
    Thank u thank u thank u, I'll be here all week lol
  • Options
    i_lov_iti_lov_it Perth, Western Australia Posts: 4,007

    i_lov_it said:

    Would this be getting the same attention if it was a Black Cop shooting a Black kid or a White cop shooting a White kid I wonder.

    no it would not but if you just look back in history this is common with some groups of people, yeah yeah I lnow what some of you are thinking...probably calling me the R word
    but I'm just calling like it is.

    I agree with you on this...I mean it would get SOME attention but not the type of attention we are seeing lately.
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    i_lov_iti_lov_it Perth, Western Australia Posts: 4,007
    edited November 2014
    badbrains said:

    benjs said:

    JC29856 said:

    i_lov_it said:

    Would this be getting the same attention if it was a Black Cop shooting a Black kid or a White cop shooting a White kid I wonder.

    Part of a larger problem, read through the thread...if a surfer (black white Brown or Australian) was eaten by a shark every 28 hours you think it would draw attention?
    Depends. Is the shark black?
    Maybe it's a great WHITE =))
    I'm not a Shark expert but one would think they're unbiased lol
    Post edited by i_lov_it on
  • Options
    badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    i_lov_it said:

    badbrains said:

    benjs said:

    JC29856 said:

    i_lov_it said:

    Would this be getting the same attention if it was a Black Cop shooting a Black kid or a White cop shooting a White kid I wonder.

    Part of a larger problem, read through the thread...if a surfer (black white Brown or Australian) was eaten by a shark every 28 hours you think it would draw attention?
    Depends. Is the shark black?
    Maybe it's a great WHITE =))
    I'm not a Shark expert but one would think they're unbiased lol
    =)) you would hope haha
  • Options
    JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    i_lov_it said:

    badbrains said:

    benjs said:

    JC29856 said:

    i_lov_it said:

    Would this be getting the same attention if it was a Black Cop shooting a Black kid or a White cop shooting a White kid I wonder.

    Part of a larger problem, read through the thread...if a surfer (black white Brown or Australian) was eaten by a shark every 28 hours you think it would draw attention?
    Depends. Is the shark black?
    Maybe it's a great WHITE =))
    I'm not a Shark expert but one would think they're unbiased lol
    I once caught a brown shark while surf fishing for stripers? I remember thinking do sharks masturbate?

    I remember a time while fishing the Caribbean I caught a blowfish and this old man went running by me in the water with his trucks down at his ankles yelling blowfish blowfish!
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    JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    I half swiped a story about my dislike for cops...can't articulate it with my thumb now but i will when im capable. Harpoon leads to maccallan leads to totally waxed...but i did remember why i don't really like coppers...ill hold these thoughts, pearl jam Camden e center related story
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    JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    Btw...the DW testimony mentioned wax like 40 fucking times. Over and out!
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    rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    MacCallan, now there is a fine scotch!!!! Delish! The 15 yr is my 2nd favorite behind any age of Aberlour!
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
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    benjsbenjs Toronto, ON Posts: 9,018
    rgambs said:

    MacCallan, now there is a fine scotch!!!! Delish! The 15 yr is my 2nd favorite behind any age of Aberlour!

    Balvenie 14 yr Caribbean Cask for me. Great stuff :)
    '05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2

    Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
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    rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    The Balvenie is a little sweet for my taste. The double casking is fine with Aberlour but Balvenie just puckers me a little.
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
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