
Michael Brown Shooting



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    dignindignin Posts: 9,304
    Way off track but I love Lagavulin 16 and Laphroaig. I love my peaty scotch.
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    rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    Lagavulin! The drink of choice for Ron Swanson! I tried it in Italy for the first time this summer.... Very good stuff!!!
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
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    benjsbenjs Toronto, ON Posts: 9,016
    edited November 2014
    rgambs said:

    The Balvenie is a little sweet for my taste. The double casking is fine with Aberlour but Balvenie just puckers me a little.

    Fair enough! Seems to depend if I'm having a smoke with it or not. A cigar and Lagavulin 16 is great, but our after-hours work meetings are typically accompanied by exclusively Caribbean Cask. We seem to get good shit done with its assistance.

    I'm also fairly new to the world of scotch - probably under two years since it stopped feeling like rubbing alcohol and started feeling warm and tasting delicious and complex.
    '05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2

    Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
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    rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    benjs said:

    rgambs said:

    The Balvenie is a little sweet for my taste. The double casking is fine with Aberlour but Balvenie just puckers me a little.

    Fair enough! Seems to depend if I'm having a smoke with it or not. A cigar and Lagavulin 16 is great, but our after-hours work meetings are typically accompanied by exclusively Caribbean Cask. We seem to get good shit done with its assistance.

    I'm also fairly new to the world of scotch - probably under two years since it stopped feeling like rubbing alcohol and started feeling warm and tasting delicious and complex.
    I am sure many people would find this to be crass, but try tipping that bottle straight back one time and sippin straight from the mouth, preferably in front of a nice campfire on a cold night.
    I find that the notes of caramel, vanilla, and fruit flavors are more easily accessible if you DON'T let it breath in a rocks glass. Also, there's just nothing like passing a bottle around the fire, that's the good life. Send a little green around in the other direction and that's the GREAT life!
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
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    mickeyratmickeyrat up my ass, like Chadwick was up his Posts: 36,401
    celebratory scotch and cigars?

    Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
    you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
    memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
    another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
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    Guitar92playerGuitar92player Posts: 664
    edited November 2014
    Here's my take on this incident:
    I personally do not think this is a race issue. Not all white-on-black incidents are race issues. I have conservative and liberal views, and on race I lean liberal, so I care about all individuals and the struggles they go through. But in this case, Brown, based on evidence, did indeed struggle with the officer.
    However, I think the officer did not need to shoot the guy 12 times. He initially wounded the guy while they struggled in the car and then the guy ran (according to the officers statement). According to him, the guy charged at him and he shot him down. Yes, that is one way to do it, but was it his only option? He had mace. He could've blinded the guy. He also could've called back-up prior to pursuing. He stated that while fighting him off in the car, he described it as if he was 5 years old fighting off Hulk Hogan. If so, he should've called back-up. He is clearly not a capable cop to have handled this guy alone. His life indeed was in danger because he is a weak cop who decided to fatally shoot the kid to bring him down. Not all of us are strong people. I'm not saying I could've taken on the guy, but if I knew this guy was stronger, I would've called backup. Simple as that.

    This case proves that there needs to be body cams on all officers

    Race is a major issue in America. Minorities are still treated unfairly, but this is not a case that deals with it. Michael Brown was no innocent saint. He was a thug, or at least tried to be a thug. Sadly though, regardless of his actions and lifestyle, he was killed by, what I believe, poorly thought-out actions by a cop.

    You can spend your time alone, redigesting past regrets, oh
    or you can come to terms and realize
    you're the only one who can't forgive yourself, oh
    makes much more sense to live in the present tense
    - Present Tense
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    JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    JC29856 said:

    i posted this previously...no mention about the contraband rate versus the arrest rate. although more white are found with contraband 34% compared to black 21% the arrest rate nearly doubles white arrest rate 5% to black 10%

    if you need cute little charts to "figure out numbers and what there for" then look here

    here is a cute little interactive arrest rate map for you

    like they say cops and numbers never lie

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    badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
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    Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    any mind readers out there ?
    I had to delete my post but I will say this .......no I better not...

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    Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    badbrains said:
    careful buddy, every time I post stuff like that I get the what for hahhahhahhahhah


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    JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    Jeff Roorda... remember him, the former cop that was fired for lying and and falsifying police reports then was promoted to police chief then head of SLPOA and democratic policy maker. See my previous posts about this...

    "St. Louis, Missouri (November 30, 2014) – The St. Louis Police Officers Association is profoundly disappointed with the members of the St. Louis Rams football team who chose to ignore the mountains of evidence released from the St. Louis County Grand Jury this week and engage in a display that police officers around the nation found tasteless, offensive and inflammatory.

    "Five members of the Rams entered the field today exhibiting the "hands-up-don't-shoot" pose that has been adopted by protestors who accused Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson of murdering Michael Brown. The gesture has become synonymous with assertions that Michael Brown was innocent of any wrongdoing and attempting to surrender peacefully when Wilson, according to some now-discredited witnesses, gunned him down in cold blood.

    "SLPOA Business Manager Jeff Roorda said, "now that the evidence is in and Officer Wilson's account has been verified by physical and ballistic evidence as well as eye-witness testimony, which led the grand jury to conclude that no probable cause existed that Wilson engaged in any wrongdoing, it is unthinkable that hometown athletes would so publicly perpetuate a narrative that has been disproven over-and-over again."

    "Roorda was incensed that the Rams and the NFL would tolerate such behavior and called it remarkably hypocritical. "All week long, the Rams and the NFL were on the phone with the St. Louis Police Department asking for assurances that the players and the fans would be kept safe from the violent protesters who had rioted, looted, and burned buildings in Ferguson. Our officers have been working 12 hour shifts for over a week, they had days off including Thanksgiving cancelled so that they could defend this community from those on the streets that perpetuate this myth that Michael Brown was executed by a brother police officer and then, as the players and their fans sit safely in their dome under the watchful protection of hundreds of St. Louis's finest, they take to the turf to call a now-exonerated officer a murderer, that is way out-of-bounds, to put it in football parlance," Roorda said.

    "The SLPOA is calling for the players involved to be disciplined and for the Rams and the NFL to deliver a very public apology. Roorda said he planned to speak to the NFL and the Rams to voice his organization's displeasure tomorrow. He also plans to reach out to other police organizations in St. Louis and around the country to enlist their input on what the appropriate response from law enforcement should be. Roorda warned, "I know that there are those that will say that these players are simply exercising their First Amendment rights. Well I've got news for people who think that way, cops have first amendment rights too, and we plan to exercise ours. I'd remind the NFL and their players that it is not the violent thugs burning down buildings that buy their advertiser's products. It's cops and the good people of St. Louis and other NFL towns that do. Somebody needs to throw a flag on this play. If it's not the NFL and the Rams, then it'll be cops and their supporters."
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    JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617

    Though Roorda is, by all accounts, a friend to the police, his own history as a cop isn't all that flattering. He spent eleven years as a police officer in Arnold before the department terminated him 2001. According to court filings from a later appeal, Roorda was accused in 1997 of trying to cover for another officer by filing a report containing false statements about a suspect's apprehension and arrest. That incident earned him a reprimand.

    Four years later the department fired him after a dispute with his police chief over paternity leave grew heated. Roorda claimed that the chief verbally intimated him, but an audio recording proved that this claim, too, was a "false report."

    Roorda went on to become Chief of Police for Kimmswick, a tiny city in Jefferson County with a current population listed at 157. He was elected to the Missouri House of Representatives in 2004. Now, he's got his eye on the Senate.
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    JC29856 said:

    Jeff Roorda... remember him, the former cop that was fired for lying and and falsifying police reports then was promoted to police chief then head of SLPOA and democratic policy maker. See my previous posts about this...

    "St. Louis, Missouri (November 30, 2014) – The St. Louis Police Officers Association is profoundly disappointed with the members of the St. Louis Rams football team who chose to ignore the mountains of evidence released from the St. Louis County Grand Jury this week and engage in a display that police officers around the nation found tasteless, offensive and inflammatory.

    "Five members of the Rams entered the field today exhibiting the "hands-up-don't-shoot" pose that has been adopted by protestors who accused Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson of murdering Michael Brown. The gesture has become synonymous with assertions that Michael Brown was innocent of any wrongdoing and attempting to surrender peacefully when Wilson, according to some now-discredited witnesses, gunned him down in cold blood.

    "SLPOA Business Manager Jeff Roorda said, "now that the evidence is in and Officer Wilson's account has been verified by physical and ballistic evidence as well as eye-witness testimony, which led the grand jury to conclude that no probable cause existed that Wilson engaged in any wrongdoing, it is unthinkable that hometown athletes would so publicly perpetuate a narrative that has been disproven over-and-over again."

    "Roorda was incensed that the Rams and the NFL would tolerate such behavior and called it remarkably hypocritical. "All week long, the Rams and the NFL were on the phone with the St. Louis Police Department asking for assurances that the players and the fans would be kept safe from the violent protesters who had rioted, looted, and burned buildings in Ferguson. Our officers have been working 12 hour shifts for over a week, they had days off including Thanksgiving cancelled so that they could defend this community from those on the streets that perpetuate this myth that Michael Brown was executed by a brother police officer and then, as the players and their fans sit safely in their dome under the watchful protection of hundreds of St. Louis's finest, they take to the turf to call a now-exonerated officer a murderer, that is way out-of-bounds, to put it in football parlance," Roorda said.

    "The SLPOA is calling for the players involved to be disciplined and for the Rams and the NFL to deliver a very public apology. Roorda said he planned to speak to the NFL and the Rams to voice his organization's displeasure tomorrow. He also plans to reach out to other police organizations in St. Louis and around the country to enlist their input on what the appropriate response from law enforcement should be. Roorda warned, "I know that there are those that will say that these players are simply exercising their First Amendment rights. Well I've got news for people who think that way, cops have first amendment rights too, and we plan to exercise ours. I'd remind the NFL and their players that it is not the violent thugs burning down buildings that buy their advertiser's products. It's cops and the good people of St. Louis and other NFL towns that do. Somebody needs to throw a flag on this play. If it's not the NFL and the Rams, then it'll be cops and their supporters."

    Opinions and beliefs aside... it is a cheap tactic though.

    The Rams organization likely spent days developing a risk management plan with the cooperation of the police to ensure their game happened without problems. And, as the game commenced, for the players to perform their little stunt- tucked safely behind the web of protection afforded by the police- it's a chicken shit ploy.

    After the game, did they go join the masses out in the cold and display their frustration there?
    "My brain's a good brain!"
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    badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255

    JC29856 said:

    Jeff Roorda... remember him, the former cop that was fired for lying and and falsifying police reports then was promoted to police chief then head of SLPOA and democratic policy maker. See my previous posts about this...

    "St. Louis, Missouri (November 30, 2014) – The St. Louis Police Officers Association is profoundly disappointed with the members of the St. Louis Rams football team who chose to ignore the mountains of evidence released from the St. Louis County Grand Jury this week and engage in a display that police officers around the nation found tasteless, offensive and inflammatory.

    "Five members of the Rams entered the field today exhibiting the "hands-up-don't-shoot" pose that has been adopted by protestors who accused Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson of murdering Michael Brown. The gesture has become synonymous with assertions that Michael Brown was innocent of any wrongdoing and attempting to surrender peacefully when Wilson, according to some now-discredited witnesses, gunned him down in cold blood.

    "SLPOA Business Manager Jeff Roorda said, "now that the evidence is in and Officer Wilson's account has been verified by physical and ballistic evidence as well as eye-witness testimony, which led the grand jury to conclude that no probable cause existed that Wilson engaged in any wrongdoing, it is unthinkable that hometown athletes would so publicly perpetuate a narrative that has been disproven over-and-over again."

    "Roorda was incensed that the Rams and the NFL would tolerate such behavior and called it remarkably hypocritical. "All week long, the Rams and the NFL were on the phone with the St. Louis Police Department asking for assurances that the players and the fans would be kept safe from the violent protesters who had rioted, looted, and burned buildings in Ferguson. Our officers have been working 12 hour shifts for over a week, they had days off including Thanksgiving cancelled so that they could defend this community from those on the streets that perpetuate this myth that Michael Brown was executed by a brother police officer and then, as the players and their fans sit safely in their dome under the watchful protection of hundreds of St. Louis's finest, they take to the turf to call a now-exonerated officer a murderer, that is way out-of-bounds, to put it in football parlance," Roorda said.

    "The SLPOA is calling for the players involved to be disciplined and for the Rams and the NFL to deliver a very public apology. Roorda said he planned to speak to the NFL and the Rams to voice his organization's displeasure tomorrow. He also plans to reach out to other police organizations in St. Louis and around the country to enlist their input on what the appropriate response from law enforcement should be. Roorda warned, "I know that there are those that will say that these players are simply exercising their First Amendment rights. Well I've got news for people who think that way, cops have first amendment rights too, and we plan to exercise ours. I'd remind the NFL and their players that it is not the violent thugs burning down buildings that buy their advertiser's products. It's cops and the good people of St. Louis and other NFL towns that do. Somebody needs to throw a flag on this play. If it's not the NFL and the Rams, then it'll be cops and their supporters."

    Opinions and beliefs aside... it is a cheap tactic though.

    The Rams organization likely spent days developing a risk management plan with the cooperation of the police to ensure their game happened without problems. And, as the game commenced, for the players to perform their little stunt- tucked safely behind the web of protection afforded by the police- it's a chicken shit ploy.

    After the game, did they go join the masses out in the cold and display their frustration there?
    No way thirty, they were to busy spending there paychecks somewhere warm.
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    JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    Thread police...Nixon is governor of Missouri close ties to roorda and prosecutor mccsweaty. He called a state of emergency 8 days before indictment announcement.

    Where does Nixon's priorities LIE?

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    JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    wow... die-ins and hands up walkouts all across the country from harvard and mount holyoke to santa clara san jose
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    This is really ridiculous. We should protest more whenever someone robs a store and attacks a cop. I consider those who are protesting and supporting lawlessness to be on the same level as those Westboro baptist church waco's
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    Gern BlanstenGern Blansten Your Mom's Posts: 18,166
    ejleonjr said:

    This is really ridiculous. We should protest more whenever someone robs a store and attacks a cop. I consider those who are protesting and supporting lawlessness to be on the same level as those Westboro baptist church waco's

    I would imagine that if someone robbed a store and attacked a cop and no charges resulted that there would be some protesting.
    Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018)

    1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
    2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
    2013: London ON, Chicago; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
    2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
    2020: Oakland, Oakland:  2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
    2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
    2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana
  • Options

    ejleonjr said:

    This is really ridiculous. We should protest more whenever someone robs a store and attacks a cop. I consider those who are protesting and supporting lawlessness to be on the same level as those Westboro baptist church waco's

    I would imagine that if someone robbed a store and attacked a cop and no charges resulted that there would be some protesting.
    Agreed, but still dont understand why people are protesting in support of a criminal and criticizing the police officer who did what he was trained to do. Its not a race issue, but those who are out there yelling with their hands in the air are making it into one.
  • Options
    Gern BlanstenGern Blansten Your Mom's Posts: 18,166
    ejleonjr said:

    ejleonjr said:

    This is really ridiculous. We should protest more whenever someone robs a store and attacks a cop. I consider those who are protesting and supporting lawlessness to be on the same level as those Westboro baptist church waco's

    I would imagine that if someone robbed a store and attacked a cop and no charges resulted that there would be some protesting.
    Agreed, but still dont understand why people are protesting in support of a criminal and criticizing the police officer who did what he was trained to do. Its not a race issue, but those who are out there yelling with their hands in the air are making it into one.
    White cop/Black kid....definitely a race issue

    Death isn't the usual result of jaywalking and/or stealing cigars. A lot of outrage exists at how the grand jury process was handled. There are definitely some strange things that happened.

    Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018)

    1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
    2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
    2013: London ON, Chicago; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
    2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
    2020: Oakland, Oakland:  2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
    2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
    2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana
  • Options

    ejleonjr said:

    ejleonjr said:

    This is really ridiculous. We should protest more whenever someone robs a store and attacks a cop. I consider those who are protesting and supporting lawlessness to be on the same level as those Westboro baptist church waco's

    I would imagine that if someone robbed a store and attacked a cop and no charges resulted that there would be some protesting.
    Agreed, but still dont understand why people are protesting in support of a criminal and criticizing the police officer who did what he was trained to do. Its not a race issue, but those who are out there yelling with their hands in the air are making it into one.
    White cop/Black kid....definitely a race issue

    Death isn't the usual result of jaywalking and/or stealing cigars. A lot of outrage exists at how the grand jury process was handled. There are definitely some strange things that happened.

    Glen, I understand what you are saying but we have laws and a judicial system. I just cant get over how someone robs a store, attacks the employee, attacks a cop physically, refuses to obey simple orders from the cop, and puts himself into this situation that we see today,the consequence is he gets shot because the cop feared for his life but people are protesting in favor of this criminal. Im not saying anything here is perfect and cut and dry but why glorify criminal and lawlessness. I think the travon martin shooting was more entitled to these protests. Blacks are making it a race issue. I live near chicago and they shoot each other everyday without any protest or action. Black person shoots anyone regaurdless of race....no protest. Black person gets shot by someone other than a black person and here come the protests, al sharpton, and jessie jackson.
  • Options
    JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617

    ejleonjr said:

    ejleonjr said:

    This is really ridiculous. We should protest more whenever someone robs a store and attacks a cop. I consider those who are protesting and supporting lawlessness to be on the same level as those Westboro baptist church waco's

    I would imagine that if someone robbed a store and attacked a cop and no charges resulted that there would be some protesting.
    Agreed, but still dont understand why people are protesting in support of a criminal and criticizing the police officer who did what he was trained to do. Its not a race issue, but those who are out there yelling with their hands in the air are making it into one.
    White cop/Black kid....definitely a race issue

    Death isn't the usual result of jaywalking and/or stealing cigars. A lot of outrage exists at how the grand jury process was handled. There are definitely some strange things that happened.


    To the Rudy Giuliani regurgitators, black on black crime goes punished. Cop on black crime not so much.
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    rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    edited December 2014
    ejleonjr said:

    ejleonjr said:

    ejleonjr said:

    This is really ridiculous. We should protest more whenever someone robs a store and attacks a cop. I consider those who are protesting and supporting lawlessness to be on the same level as those Westboro baptist church waco's

    I would imagine that if someone robbed a store and attacked a cop and no charges resulted that there would be some protesting.
    Agreed, but still dont understand why people are protesting in support of a criminal and criticizing the police officer who did what he was trained to do. Its not a race issue, but those who are out there yelling with their hands in the air are making it into one.
    White cop/Black kid....definitely a race issue

    Death isn't the usual result of jaywalking and/or stealing cigars. A lot of outrage exists at how the grand jury process was handled. There are definitely some strange things that happened.

    Glen, I understand what you are saying but we have laws and a judicial system. I just cant get over how someone robs a store, attacks the employee, attacks a cop physically, refuses to obey simple orders from the cop, and puts himself into this situation that we see today,the consequence is he gets shot because the cop feared for his life but people are protesting in favor of this criminal. Im not saying anything here is perfect and cut and dry but why glorify criminal and lawlessness. I think the travon martin shooting was more entitled to these protests. Blacks are making it a race issue. I live near chicago and they shoot each other everyday without any protest or action. Black person shoots anyone regaurdless of race....no protest. Black person gets shot by someone other than a black person and here come the protests, al sharpton, and jessie jackson.
    Now you sound like Giuliani. You are making a ton of false equivalencies here.
    " they shoot each other everyday without any protest or action." Most white people are shot by other white people, so this "blacks shoot each other" line of thought is unfair and hints at racism.
    "Black person gets shot by someone other than a black person and here come the protests, al sharpton, and jessie jackson.". This is not equivalent AT ALL because this man was shot by the police, who are paid agents of the government meant to protect.
    "I think the travon martin shooting was more entitled to these protests." Again, not a cop involved shooting so not equivalent, AT ALL. It is somewhat relevant, as the system acquitted him of a crime he certainly committed... Prosecutors fault mostly.
    Had you mentioned the John Crawford or Tamir Rice case, or one of many others involving nonviolent blacks being shot by overzealous police I would have agreed. The reason this is the case that people are trumpeting is because the media has inflated it and kept it alive...probably because it isn't as cut and dry as many other cases. People aren't glorifying lawlessness, they are protesting an entire system of subjugation.
    Post edited by rgambs on
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
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    rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    Is this the proper case to hinge their frustrations on? Of course not, but frustrations explode when they explode, it's not a planned, cogent process.
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
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    JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    White on white crime 87%
    Incarceration Nation

    Can I get another amen!
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    Gern BlanstenGern Blansten Your Mom's Posts: 18,166
    ejleonjr said:

    ejleonjr said:

    ejleonjr said:

    This is really ridiculous. We should protest more whenever someone robs a store and attacks a cop. I consider those who are protesting and supporting lawlessness to be on the same level as those Westboro baptist church waco's

    I would imagine that if someone robbed a store and attacked a cop and no charges resulted that there would be some protesting.
    Agreed, but still dont understand why people are protesting in support of a criminal and criticizing the police officer who did what he was trained to do. Its not a race issue, but those who are out there yelling with their hands in the air are making it into one.
    White cop/Black kid....definitely a race issue

    Death isn't the usual result of jaywalking and/or stealing cigars. A lot of outrage exists at how the grand jury process was handled. There are definitely some strange things that happened.

    Glen, I understand what you are saying but we have laws and a judicial system. I just cant get over how someone robs a store, attacks the employee, attacks a cop physically, refuses to obey simple orders from the cop, and puts himself into this situation that we see today,the consequence is he gets shot because the cop feared for his life but people are protesting in favor of this criminal. Im not saying anything here is perfect and cut and dry but why glorify criminal and lawlessness. I think the travon martin shooting was more entitled to these protests. Blacks are making it a race issue. I live near chicago and they shoot each other everyday without any protest or action. Black person shoots anyone regaurdless of race....no protest. Black person gets shot by someone other than a black person and here come the protests, al sharpton, and jessie jackson.
    Fox News much?

    Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018)

    1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
    2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
    2013: London ON, Chicago; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
    2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
    2020: Oakland, Oakland:  2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
    2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
    2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana
  • Options

    ejleonjr said:

    ejleonjr said:

    ejleonjr said:

    This is really ridiculous. We should protest more whenever someone robs a store and attacks a cop. I consider those who are protesting and supporting lawlessness to be on the same level as those Westboro baptist church waco's

    I would imagine that if someone robbed a store and attacked a cop and no charges resulted that there would be some protesting.
    Agreed, but still dont understand why people are protesting in support of a criminal and criticizing the police officer who did what he was trained to do. Its not a race issue, but those who are out there yelling with their hands in the air are making it into one.
    White cop/Black kid....definitely a race issue

    Death isn't the usual result of jaywalking and/or stealing cigars. A lot of outrage exists at how the grand jury process was handled. There are definitely some strange things that happened.

    Glen, I understand what you are saying but we have laws and a judicial system. I just cant get over how someone robs a store, attacks the employee, attacks a cop physically, refuses to obey simple orders from the cop, and puts himself into this situation that we see today,the consequence is he gets shot because the cop feared for his life but people are protesting in favor of this criminal. Im not saying anything here is perfect and cut and dry but why glorify criminal and lawlessness. I think the travon martin shooting was more entitled to these protests. Blacks are making it a race issue. I live near chicago and they shoot each other everyday without any protest or action. Black person shoots anyone regaurdless of race....no protest. Black person gets shot by someone other than a black person and here come the protests, al sharpton, and jessie jackson.
    Fox News much?

    Hahaha. I definitely dont want to be associated with them.
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    mickeyratmickeyrat up my ass, like Chadwick was up his Posts: 36,401
    edited December 2014

    ejleonjr said:

    ejleonjr said:

    This is really ridiculous. We should protest more whenever someone robs a store and attacks a cop. I consider those who are protesting and supporting lawlessness to be on the same level as those Westboro baptist church waco's

    I would imagine that if someone robbed a store and attacked a cop and no charges resulted that there would be some protesting.
    Agreed, but still dont understand why people are protesting in support of a criminal and criticizing the police officer who did what he was trained to do. Its not a race issue, but those who are out there yelling with their hands in the air are making it into one.
    White cop/Black kid....definitely a race issue

    Death isn't the usual result of jaywalking and/or stealing cigars. A lot of outrage exists at how the grand jury process was handled. There are definitely some strange things that happened.

    to start , much of the uproar stems from the simple fact that at the time of the stop and subsequent shooting it wasn't known by wilson that brown was the suspect in the convenience store deal. their contact was wholly about him being in the middle of the street.

    I question more so now than before that while the forensics support wilsons report , it still doesnt say why LETHAL force was neccessary for an unarmed man? WHY couldnt NONLETHAL force have been used FIRST such as a taser? Meaning after wilson got out of his car , use the taser.

    Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
    you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
    memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
    another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
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