Michael Brown Shooting



  • rgambsrgambs Posts: 13,576
    badbrains said:

    They could've used the guy in the city that was choked to death and on camera.

    How would they have done so? There is no signal they could have used that anyone would recognize.
    Monkey Driven, Call this Living?
  • JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    rgambs said:

    badbrains said:

    They could've used the guy in the city that was choked to death and on camera.

    How would they have done so? There is no signal they could have used that anyone would recognize.
    The video did nothing to prevent the murder or indict the cop all it did was get the video-er beaten and arrested.
  • JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    The more i hear about the physical evidence corroborating Wilson's story the more i wonder if the evidence was leaked to Wilson and his attorneys by other cops or by the union rep during the 5 weeks leading up to his gj testimony.
    Besides botching the case at every turn we know the ferguson pd lies repeatedly and rapes pregnant women, not a stretch for them to leak details.
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    badbrains said:

    You guys ever wonder if this is what our government wants? U ever wonder if this was the plan a along to flood the tv with this issue while they're doing shady shit and the news ain't covering it? I have my own beliefs and wouldn't doubt this is the case. Everyone's talking about this issue yet all the shit our military is doing goes unannounced or talked about on the news. A little smoke and mirrors perhaps?

    so you think our government planned the death of a young man and ruined the career of a young police officer just to create a "smoke and mirrors" effict to hide thier dirty deeds ?.....
    that a pretty far reach man.


  • JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    pjhawks said:

    shockingly Michael Brown was a suspect in a strong armed robbery (of a clerk half his size no less) and is why there were stopped. when you wanna act like a gangster sometimes the results aren't so good.

    Did this turn out to be true?
  • benjsbenjs Posts: 9,097
    edited December 2014

    badbrains said:

    You guys ever wonder if this is what our government wants? U ever wonder if this was the plan a along to flood the tv with this issue while they're doing shady shit and the news ain't covering it? I have my own beliefs and wouldn't doubt this is the case. Everyone's talking about this issue yet all the shit our military is doing goes unannounced or talked about on the news. A little smoke and mirrors perhaps?

    so you think our government planned the death of a young man and ruined the career of a young police officer just to create a "smoke and mirrors" effict to hide thier dirty deeds ?.....
    that a pretty far reach man.


    You think that one death and one ruined career are enough of a deterrent for the government to stay away from doing something unethical and self-serving? Have you been to Iraq recently?

    For the record Godfather, I think Nart's right to question this, but I'm going with good ol' Occam's Razor on this one, and don't believe the government's up to anything fishy here. With a history of hasty and heavy-handed racially fuelled responses from police officers, this seems to be more of the same, but I see two potential reasons for that:

    1) African-Americans in trouble with the law exhibiting a greater level of disrespect for authority compared to Caucasians.

    2) Police forces, possessing innately racist tendencies, exhibiting a greater level of aggression against African-Americans compared to Caucasians.

    My guess? The reality is probably a combination of the two.
    Post edited by benjs on
    '05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2

    Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
  • JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    rr165892 said:

    What if it was ruled a justified shooting.The community will not allow that.So Isnt there pressure to prosecute truth be damned? These folks want blood

    Not so much
  • benjs said:

    badbrains said:

    You guys ever wonder if this is what our government wants? U ever wonder if this was the plan a along to flood the tv with this issue while they're doing shady shit and the news ain't covering it? I have my own beliefs and wouldn't doubt this is the case. Everyone's talking about this issue yet all the shit our military is doing goes unannounced or talked about on the news. A little smoke and mirrors perhaps?

    so you think our government planned the death of a young man and ruined the career of a young police officer just to create a "smoke and mirrors" effict to hide thier dirty deeds ?.....
    that a pretty far reach man.


    You think that one death and one ruined career are enough of a deterrent for the government to stay away from doing something unethical and self-serving? Have you been to Iraq recently?
    The spontaneity of the event can hardly be suspected as a secret government plot.
    "My brain's a good brain!"
  • JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    g under p said:

    When all the facts come in.....in the end I don't foresee this officer being arrested or tried for anything. It's just not going to happen, now how the community will react to this down the road is unknown.


  • JC29856 said:

    dignin said:
    Not even close.
    how so not even close??

    the rams are standing in solidarity with a minority who was murdered by a government employee. i can see the similarity.
    One features an Olympic hero demonstrating strength against Aryan ideology. A classic social moment at a most important time.

    The other features some athletes standing in solidarity with a criminal 'murdered' after trying to assault a police officer. A misguided attempt that tried to speak for a very appropriate cause... using the wrong case to do so.
    Based on the DW photos you make an excellent point with "trying" to assault a police officer.
    10 total punches, 2 that connected and fear that a third would be fatal on a fair complexion police officer with the only mark hardly noticeable on the far right side of his face.
    Finally you acknowledge that this guy assaulted the officer!

    I realize this has been difficult for you to accept... so good job. Now if only you could accept the fact that when a person assaults a police officer... they are placing their lives at risk. Police are trained to defend themselves and not be punching bags. Doing so can never turn out well and in some cases- such as this one- assaulting a police officer might even lead to your death.
    "My brain's a good brain!"
  • JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    chadwick said:

    can a witness be fabricating stories? in the future lying under oath is called perjury. in the interviw i saw of mike brown's friend he comes across like, 'oh we so innocent'

    horse shit

    the cop nearly backed over us, opened his car door aggresively therefore the car door ricocheted off of us & hit the cop. the kid worded it very close to this & did use the word ricocheted when describing the cop car door when being opened

    don't worry the fbi crime labs will do ricochet cop car door tests on the exact cruiser. its a horse shit story. something tells me they shoved the door back on the cop, yes/no?

    What did the fbi crime lab come up with?
  • JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617

    People arrested last night from fucking New York and California. GO THE FUCK HOME! STAY THE FUCK AWAY, PLEASE! I'm telling you its going to get worse, National Guard being shot by protesters, CNN idiots running around in the street. Mark my words, more people are going to get killed as a result of this.

    Nobody died.
  • JC29856 said:

    The more i hear about the physical evidence corroborating Wilson's story the more i wonder if the evidence was leaked to Wilson and his attorneys by other cops or by the union rep during the 5 weeks leading up to his gj testimony.
    Besides botching the case at every turn we know the ferguson pd lies repeatedly and rapes pregnant women, not a stretch for them to leak details.

    Wilson knew that he just needed to convince the grand jury that he feared for his life and was being attacked by a "demon." That he was called by the prosecutor to testify is what seems really strange to me. The prosecutor did not want a trial.

    Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018)

    1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
    2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
    2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
    2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
    2020: Oakland, Oakland:  2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
    2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
    2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana
  • benjsbenjs Posts: 9,097
    JC29856 said:

    chadwick said:

    can a witness be fabricating stories? in the future lying under oath is called perjury. in the interviw i saw of mike brown's friend he comes across like, 'oh we so innocent'

    horse shit

    the cop nearly backed over us, opened his car door aggresively therefore the car door ricocheted off of us & hit the cop. the kid worded it very close to this & did use the word ricocheted when describing the cop car door when being opened

    don't worry the fbi crime labs will do ricochet cop car door tests on the exact cruiser. its a horse shit story. something tells me they shoved the door back on the cop, yes/no?

    What did the fbi crime lab come up with?
    Call me crazy... but I've heard of bullets ricocheting, bouncy tennis balls, etc., but never car doors. And never off people. If you open your car door "aggressively" (i.e. with more force), why would the car door ricochet off of it instead of sending the person backwards? This kid came up with a story, but possesses a very poor understanding of momentum transfer.
    '05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2

    Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
  • JC29856 said:

    The more i hear about the physical evidence corroborating Wilson's story the more i wonder if the evidence was leaked to Wilson and his attorneys by other cops or by the union rep during the 5 weeks leading up to his gj testimony.
    Besides botching the case at every turn we know the ferguson pd lies repeatedly and rapes pregnant women, not a stretch for them to leak details.

    Wilson knew that he just needed to convince the grand jury that he feared for his life and was being attacked by a "demon." That he was called by the prosecutor to testify is what seems really strange to me. The prosecutor did not want a trial.

    He didn't want a trial because he knew there wasnt any evidence for a conviction.
  • JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    rr165892 said:

    chadwick said:

    brown robbed the store & is clutching those cigars. he & his little partner decide to calmly take a stroll down the fucking street, not the sidewalk. let's just be obvious, defiant & show everyone we are runnin the show around here. when asked to take the walk to the sidewalk by a policeman we will be as we are... runnin the show around here

    good ideas these folks had

    strong arming a shopkeeper & walking down the damn street. asking for trouble anyone? if you are gonna be a thug ass criminal why not use your damn brain? petty crime, yes. stupid ass bullshit

    Asking for trouble or asking to be killed?
    Without knowing the full story that seems to change every day... I'm not blaming the officer for what occurred quite yet.

    What we do know is this guy had committed a crime, strutted down the middle of the street- essentially telling the world to go fuck themselves- defied police orders, and- likely thinking he was being detained for the robbery he just committed- resisted arrest (apparently lunging for a weapon as well).

    On that note... if it is proven he lunged for the officer's weapon... what was he going to do with it? If he had shot the cop... everyone would be saying, "Why didn't the cop use his gun? What type of cop allows the detained to grab his gun and use it against him?"

    From everything I have read, this case must determine exactly what threat Brown presented to the officer handling the situation. If it is established that Brown- a massive human being by all accounts- presented himself as a formidable threat that could easily overpower the officer and that he made an effort to do so... then I don't know if we should be the ones to judge whether or not excessive force was used or not. A cop, upholding the law and in a life or death situation against a criminal gets my support. Sorry.

    Brown was in control of the situation to start with:
    1. He didn't have to rob the store.
    2. He didn't have to walk down the middle of the street demanding attention.
    3. He didn't have to ignore the cops demands which were reasonable to start with.
    4. He didn't have to resist arrest and lunge for a weapon.

    Better judgement at any one of those moments and he likely would still be alive. In hindsight and from afar, it's easy to say what the cop should have done; but given the cop was forced to deal with the moment and make instantaneous decisions that might have cost him his life... I'm inclined to exercise a bare minimum of understanding... at least until the full story comes out.
    I don't disagree at all. The story has to come out. We will see if it does. But to basically say the guy deserves what he got because he was asking for trouble is insane.

    The fact is an unarmed 18 year old is dead, regardless of race. People have every reason to be angry and want answers.

    Everyone has handled the situation terribly

    Many have handled the situation terribly... I agree.

    I'm not happy Brown has been killed. All I'm saying is that his actions were reckless and he placed himself in harm's way- it's as if he played 'chicken' with the law. Most are calling for the cop's head, but they tend to forget that Brown pushed the envelope.

    18 years old is not 8 years old. Brown knew what he was doing.
    Again, being reckless and asking for trouble is no reason to be killed. Perhaps the cop did feel threatened but also acted recklessly. The difference is it is job not to. I don't know why this guy gets the benefit of the doubt so much. Did he want to kill someone? Most certainly not but it doesn't mean he didn't do anything wrond

    Why do cops not all have tasers?
    Of course being reckless and asking for trouble are not reasons to be killed, but these weren't the reasons he was killed.

    Being in a confrontation/altercation with a police officer 'might' be a very good reason to be killed.

    The officer gets the benefit of the doubt to this point in time because he wasn't the one hurting people, robbing stores, walking down the middle of main street, sneering at the cops, resisting arrest, and lunging for an officer's weapon. The officer was doing police work.

    If it is established the officer used excessive force while doing police work (and I would admit that it kind of sounds like he did)... then he will be charged and face penalties. Until that time... innocent until proven guilty... no?
    Officer def should get benefit of the doubt.Im hearing there is at least a dozen people who witnessed/agree with his account of what happened.Quick trigger,maybe but if he felt threatened at all,and if the "gentle giant"made a move toward him in a threading manor(after trying to steal his gun).He had to react with deadly force.He was doing his job.
    Was there 12 witnesses that agreed to an officers account which wasn't given until months after this post?
  • JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617

    As far as "innocent until proven guilty" is concerned, the cop was almost instantly convicted in the court of public opinion. A jury can vote 12-0 in his favor, but he'll never be innocent to most of America no matter what evidence is presented based on the initial reporting. You are barking up the wrong tree thinking the police officer is getting the benefit of the doubt here.

    I'm pretty sure Wilson got all the benefit, no doubt!
  • Gern BlanstenGern Blansten Posts: 19,424
    edited December 2014

    JC29856 said:

    The more i hear about the physical evidence corroborating Wilson's story the more i wonder if the evidence was leaked to Wilson and his attorneys by other cops or by the union rep during the 5 weeks leading up to his gj testimony.
    Besides botching the case at every turn we know the ferguson pd lies repeatedly and rapes pregnant women, not a stretch for them to leak details.

    Wilson knew that he just needed to convince the grand jury that he feared for his life and was being attacked by a "demon." That he was called by the prosecutor to testify is what seems really strange to me. The prosecutor did not want a trial.

    He didn't want a trial because he knew there wasnt any evidence for a conviction.
    So that is a point of contention....many believe that he didn't want to let a jury hear all of the evidence and go through a formal trial to protect the cop.

    Remember that we don't know what the grand jury vote was. There could have been 8 of the 12 vote to indict and it still wouldn't have been enough....needed 9

    Also remember that reading the grand jury testimony is kind of misleading when there are no opposing questions being asked.

    Remember the Thomas Nine !! (10/02/2018)

    1998: Noblesville; 2003: Noblesville; 2009: EV Nashville, Chicago, Chicago
    2010: St Louis, Columbus, Noblesville; 2011: EV Chicago, East Troy, East Troy
    2013: London ON, Wrigley; 2014: Cincy, St Louis, Moline (NO CODE)
    2016: Lexington, Wrigley #1; 2018: Wrigley, Wrigley, Boston, Boston
    2020: Oakland, Oakland:  2021: EV Ohana, Ohana, Ohana, Ohana
    2022: Oakland, Oakland, Nashville, Louisville; 2023: Chicago, Chicago, Noblesville
    2024: Noblesville, Wrigley, Wrigley, Ohana, Ohana
  • I recall reading that 'many' eyewitnesses admitted their initial accounts of the story were erroneous and somewhat fabricated through the influence of social media- and they recanted at the moment of truth.

    Do we know how many of these eyewitnesses that whipped everyone into a frenzy with their horseshit stories there were?
    "My brain's a good brain!"
  • JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617

    dignin said:

    rr165892 said:

    dignin said:

    rr165892 said:

    callen said:

    callen said:

    rr165892 said:

    rr165892 said:

    Yay, I see the racist is out in force since I last checked in.

    Why is this Rascist?I can't speak for others,but I hate criminals of all colors.And in THIS case I think the kid was a thug not an angel and his actions led to his demise.No color needed

    Travon was way more innocent then this clown was.
    Not you.

    Although while you say this specific cop doesn't have a history of race issues, it does sound like the entire police force does, in general.

    Maybe you should also give the investigators a call since you know so much about how it went down.
    These areas are powder kegs of emotion.IMO its more about economics and the frustration of being trapped within this enviorment.Race just plays as an easy way to vent this built up angst as a scapegoat for the real issues .
    How the hell do you know all this?
    Agree with most of what RR wrote. Think it's pretty universally accepted.
    A lot of it is, until you get to this part:
    "Are freedoms and rights being suppressed ? no.Are random people being singled out based on color? No"

    Truth is, we don't know that the answers are "no". If you can't walk down the street without getting followed and questioned, or you get beaten by an over zealous cop, I would imagine that you would feel like your rights are being suppressed. And the arrest stats seem to show that black people are being singled out.

    I'm not sure of the legal definition of discrimination, maybe these citizens aren't being denied jobs or education or housing based on their skin color, but if you feel like you are being harrassed and not given a fair shake, because you are a certain color, that has to be some sort of discrimination, right?

    Sort of like sexual harassment.., it's basically harassment if the victim feels harassed. It's obvious that these people feel harassed based on their skin color.
    Yeah had issues with those lines as well. But in end if all were part of the bounty would be better.
    Lets not forget he was hassled because he was walking down the middle of the fucking road,being a belligerent cocky asshole to the cop while holding a handful of stolen goods which he just strong armed robbed from a hard working fellow member of his community.So random targeting based on color holds zero weight here.Stick with facts
    Exactly stick with the facts. None of what you wrote here are facts. They maybe true but we don't know that yet.

    Kid on film robbing store=fact
    Walking in road witnessed by everyone=fact
    Mouthing off to cop witnessed by many=fact
    Had cigars on him=fact
    Only thing that is conjecture is he wasn't singled out.
    Are these the same dozens of witnesses you referenced hearing about on CNN? I've heard other witnesses say different, but I'm not claiming that what they have said is fact.

    As far as the robbery goes, we still don't know the facts surrounding that. Only what the police have stated, which as has been shown before, they are not above reproach. I have not yet heard audio to that video, but maybe there is no audio.

    My point is I am not going to believe what the cops have said yet. Until they provide some proof.

    Herein lies the problem: you have this backwards. The cops do not have the burden of proving Wilson acted appropriately- unless he is charged and to his defence. The current investigation will try to determine whether excessive force was used and in the event this is established... it is up to the people to demonstrate such by proving it.

    This forum consistently demands that people enjoy the rights afforded to them by law. Hell, half the damn community insisted we treat the Boston bombers with dignity and fairness- citing they were innocent until proven guilty. Yet... here... a cop kills a 'gentle giant' in a close quarter confrontation and some of the same people are demanding the cop's head on a platter before due process.

    And, without video evidence... it might come down to word vs. word. If this is the case, who are you inclined to believe?
    Great post.

  • JC29856 said:

    The more i hear about the physical evidence corroborating Wilson's story the more i wonder if the evidence was leaked to Wilson and his attorneys by other cops or by the union rep during the 5 weeks leading up to his gj testimony.
    Besides botching the case at every turn we know the ferguson pd lies repeatedly and rapes pregnant women, not a stretch for them to leak details.

    Wilson knew that he just needed to convince the grand jury that he feared for his life and was being attacked by a "demon." That he was called by the prosecutor to testify is what seems really strange to me. The prosecutor did not want a trial.

    He didn't want a trial because he knew there wasnt any evidence for a conviction.
    So that is a point of contention....many believe that he didn't want to let a jury hear all of the evidence and go through a formal trial to protect the cop.

    Remember that we don't know what the grand jury vote was. There could have been 8 of the 12 vote to indict and it still wouldn't have been enough....needed 9

    Also remember that reading the grand jury testimony is kind of misleading when there are no opposing questions being asked.

    You've said several times that it could have been an 8 out of 12 vote. Why? It also could have been a 12-0 vote. The fact of the matter is that there isn't enough evidence for a murder conviction here. The prosecutor knew that. The only reason this went to a GJ was to please the public.
  • "My brain's a good brain!"
  • JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617

    PJ_Soul said:

    rr165892 said:

    PJ_Soul said:

    dignin said:

    rr165892 said:

    Dosent Holders presence in and of itself play right into the crowd mentality of guilt by accusation.Why this issue for the glorious presences of Holder.
    If this cop gets a fair shake I'd be surprised.Its a no win for DA and the Federal Gov should NOT be involved here.There is no pre established racially motivated actions,nor does the cop have a history of race issue.This is a local issue.Elected local officials should be dealing with this.It does not reach a Civil Rights violation.Not a federal issue and would be a slippery slope if they take it.

    We must be reading different news. Also rr I'm still waiting for a link talking about the dozens of witnesses backing the cops version of the events.


    2. Black people account for most arrests in Ferguson

    Last year, black residents accounted for 86% of the vehicle stops made by Ferguson police and nearly 93% of the arrests made from those stops, according to the state attorney general. FBI statistics show that 85% of the people arrested by Ferguson police are black, and that 92% of people arrested specifically for disorderly conduct are black.
    But 65% of the population in Ferguson is black. And only 6% of their police force is black. Ummmm...... I think I see a bit of a problem here.
    Stats on how many qualified black applicants tried for employment within the dept would be helpful.How many officers do they employ?Is there a hiring practice issue(different discussion).State police and county don't have the same demographically challenged issues do they?
    There are 53 officers on the Ferguson police force and only 3 of them are black (or 4 - for some reason that number is unclear), and every single other cop is white. There is not a single other ethnicity represented in the force. So we're talking local police force.... however, almost all of Missouri is white - it's like Ferguson is where all the black people are - so the stats for the state police are similar, but much less meaningful.
    According to the Ferguson police, this massive discrepancy is due to the fact that all the black people in Ferguson have an ongoing distrust of the police force and therefore don't want to be on it. I'd say that statement reenforces the idea that the police force has problems related to racial relations, and that's under the very dubious assumption that the police chief is telling the truth (or is even capable of recognizing if there is a problem). It doesn't explain anything away at all.

    Another interesting fact: "Missouri law requires the state’s attorney general to issue an annual Vehicle Stops Report detailing demographic information for people pulled over by officers in each city. In 2013, the attorney general’s office reported that black drivers in Ferguson were about twice as likely to be arrested after police stops than whites. Blacks made up 93 percent of 2013 arrests after car stops." (politifact.com)
    If the majority of the population is black, is it jot fair to guess that majority of traffic stops (or arrests) are black people and not have it be racial profiling?
    Check the fbi statistics that show blacks arrested twice as much as white even thou half are found with contraband
  • JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    callen said:

    callen said:

    callen said:

    chadwick said:

    mob scene nothing more

    Short video without a ton of context, but didn't seem like anyone was doing anything wrong to me. What did they do wrong?
    Cliffy, dude was outnumbered. People are shooting guns, throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at him what do you expect. He's on loosing side no matter what he does. I'd do the same. Vilifying cops is bad deal. Makes things worse. Bad cops need to go but I'm so thankful this dude didn't just quit being a cop.
    The video doesn't show anything or the sort
    I wasn't clear. All these things are happening to cops and this cop knows it could happen in split second and he wants to go home. We'd all be pissing In Our pants if we were in his shoes. And if all cops quit HA! Good luck to town. Think it's too easy to sit in safety and criticize. The guys on video were taunting him. They were the dicks.
    And the people in the video who seem to be exercising the 1st amendment right peacefully should have a high powered gun pointed in the face and told by a cop that "I will fucking kill you". You do realize this America and not North Korea, right?

    They were dicks when the cop said go fuck yourself. There is very clearly one instigator in that video.

    We all think the looters and violent protesters are jackasses who should be arrested. Why is it so hard to admit that that cop is also acting like a piece of shit?
    Fuck Rosey colored 1st amendment rights bullshit. It's a war zone and cops are targets. Put yourself in his spot. Being all nice and reasonable is gone and if a cop tries to be nice he may not go home to his wife. And for what. Ungrateful POS's.
    How many cops were killed or injured in the war zone during the 3months of protests?
  • JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    dignin said:

    So I see no one is bringing up the point that the police lied about how the situation went down.

    "St. Louis Police Chief Sam Dotson said Tuesday that both of the officers opened fire on Powell when he came within a three or four feet of them holding a knife "in an overhand grip."

    Is that what we saw on the recording?

    So can we at least maybe entertain the possibility that the cops version of events in the Michael Brown case could be a lie also?

    To me this is more proof that we can't trust what these people have to say. When one of their own is under investigation they have a history of not telling the truth. Their story always changes when a video is released showing something different. It's a sad pattern.

    Is it a wonder why people are protesting in the streets? They don't trust the people they pay to protect them.

  • JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    pjhawks said:

    maybe the police should just up and leave Ferguson and let the scumbags run amok and destroy the whole area. wouldn't take long for people to start begging for the police to be back even with their angry attitudes. frankly i have very little sympathy for Brown and zero for the knife wielding nut job who was shot by police.

    and isn't is great when people say you can't comment because you don't walk in the shoes of black men or the people in that area...but they never use the same argument about walking in the policeman's shoes. laughable to see and hear people say the cops should shoot to wound and not kill.

    I think if there were a vote to disband the ferguson pd it would pass by landslide?
  • JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617
    callen said:

    Idris said:

    Respect is earned, for all we know, this guy has been abused by law enforcement before, he may have a history.

    But what seems clear is that he was out of his mind, mentally unstable, drugged up. We dont quite know yet,

    Our police forces have a history of abuse, we know the stories, we know it happens.

    I'll say it again, I really don't think it was necessary for the officer to fire his gun at that point in time.

    So the officer that goes after robbers,killers, drunk drivers, risking his life everyday for your safety should take one for the team, placing his life in danger, so you feel better about a guy getting shot. Think be great for you to volunteer to ride with a police officer for few nights or BETTER YET you become a police officer and coddle criminals and violently insane humans.

    Don't want to sound mean. Just put yourself in their shoes. Life sucks sometimes and sooooo glad some humans want to be police officers cause I sure as hell don't want to be one. Also know there are bad cops, been on receiving end three times and bad cops should be fired. But think it's too fucking easy to criticize sitting in safety of your home.

    Am I turning into a conservative douche loosing my happy love everybody vibe. Oh shit.
    Maybe don't be a cop!
  • JC29856JC29856 Posts: 9,617


    Brown was killed 35 feet from Wilson's car....is it likely that he was running away? Or is it more likely he was charging a police officer who was shooting a gun at him?

    What happened before Brown was shot

    Multiple eyewitness accounts say that Brown was killed while attempting to surrender.

    — Brown's friend Dorian Johnson, who was with Brown at the time, says that the two of them were walking in the middle of the street when a police car approached, and the officer told them to get on the sidewalk.

    — Eyewitness Piaget Crenshaw says that Johnson, Brown and the officer got into a verbal confrontation, and the officer attempted to put Brown in the police car. When Brown began to flee, with his hands in the air, she says, the officer got out of the car and started shooting at Brown. (Crenshaw has photos of the shooting, which have been turned over to the police.)

    — Another eyewitness told the press that the officer was in his car when he started shooting at the boys. (At least one shot was fired from the police car.)

    Johnson says that he and Brown started running when they heard the first shot. He told local news station KMOV that Wilson "shot again, and once my friend felt that shot, he turned around and put his hands in the air. He started to get down and the officer still approached with his weapon drawn and fired several more shots."

    — Meanwhile, St. Louis County police, who have been called in to investigate Brown's death, say that Brown assaulted Wilson before he was killed. St. Louis County police chief Jon Belmar told reporters on August 10 that Brown shoved the officer back into the police car, "physically assaulted" him, and attempted to grab the officer's gun. According to Belmar, the officer only began firing at Brown after the assault.

    — According to Ferguson Police Chief Tom Jackson during a briefing on August 12, the officer who shot Johnson was injured during the encounter. One side of Wilson's face was swollen, Jackson said.

    35 feet away actually 140
    Swollen face, hardly
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