The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
What I really don't understand is the inconsistency. The last time I took half an ambien I slept for 12 hours and couldn't shake the zombie fog for hours when I woke up. I took a quarter of a pill 3 hours ago and now I feel like the guy in the a clockwork Orange movie.
I wish I'd found this thread sooner. I have insomnia constantly, & sometimes I just stay awake but feel like jumping out of my skin cause my brain's in anxiety mode. Just don't feel 'normal'. I also will fall asleep sometimes just as the rest of the world is waking up & I fall in to those 'bad' sleeps where I want to wake up but I keep getting sucked back under, & it's not restful & I finally have to fight to wake up & I'm left feeling guilty for not getting done all the things that are overdue because the world is not open at 3am. I have ambien in varying strengths , melatonin, valerian root, lunesta, but hardly use them because once I realize I should have taken something it's too late. I'm 18 years sober, so alcohol, etc. are out. And I take klonopin for panic disorder, so it doesn't make me sleepy or high, just ratchets down the free floating panic about nothing specific, but almost anything of which I can think. I'm bipolar too, the depression mostly kind. So it's a vicious circle of insomnia causing depression & anxiety causing insomnia & throw in a three day migraine here & there. Good times.
I used to wake up at 6am everyday, drink herbal tea, have the noise machines, etc. but I haven't done that in quite some time. It's also exacerbated but a succession of extremely stressful situations. So I'm behind on everything, feel bad about my life most of the time & my clock is completely broken.
So now I know where to come in about 7 hours. And it's nice to know that there are others who do this on a daily basis. Not that i'm glad you all are insomniacs too. I used to get night terrors & sleep paralysis creeps on occassin, they are both terrifying. And when I do sleep, it's very lucid, like a movie. I have always had recurring dreams that have changed as my life has changed. And I am aware that I am asleep in my dreams almost always, I used to do this arm movement in my dreams and it would wake me up ( I later saw it in a Talking Heads video which freaked me the fuck out).
Okay, I need to bookmark this thread, I wasn't here for most of November, I missed youse guys. >-
I wish I'd found this thread sooner. I have insomnia constantly, & sometimes I just stay awake but feel like jumping out of my skin cause my brain's in anxiety mode. Just don't feel 'normal'. I also will fall asleep sometimes just as the rest of the world is waking up & I fall in to those 'bad' sleeps where I want to wake up but I keep getting sucked back under, & it's not restful & I finally have to fight to wake up & I'm left feeling guilty for not getting done all the things that are overdue because the world is not open at 3am. I have ambien in varying strengths , melatonin, valerian root, lunesta, but hardly use them because once I realize I should have taken something it's too late. I'm 18 years sober, so alcohol, etc. are out. And I take klonopin for panic disorder, so it doesn't make me sleepy or high, just ratchets down the free floating panic about nothing specific, but almost anything of which I can think. I'm bipolar too, the depression mostly kind. So it's a vicious circle of insomnia causing depression & anxiety causing insomnia & throw in a three day migraine here & there. Good times.
I used to wake up at 6am everyday, drink herbal tea, have the noise machines, etc. but I haven't done that in quite some time. It's also exacerbated but a succession of extremely stressful situations. So I'm behind on everything, feel bad about my life most of the time & my clock is completely broken.
So now I know where to come in about 7 hours. And it's nice to know that there are others who do this on a daily basis. Not that i'm glad you all are insomniacs too. I used to get night terrors & sleep paralysis creeps on occassin, they are both terrifying. And when I do sleep, it's very lucid, like a movie. I have always had recurring dreams that have changed as my life has changed. And I am aware that I am asleep in my dreams almost always, I used to do this arm movement in my dreams and it would wake me up ( I later saw it in a Talking Heads video which freaked me the fuck out).
Okay, I need to bookmark this thread, I wasn't here for most of November, I missed youse guys. >-
I was wondering where the hell you WENT?!?! Believe me.. We all here in this thread know your pain! And we all try our best to Help and support one another! And congrats on the 18 years! I just made 6 mo.s yesterday! If you ever need an ear, feel free to PM me. I'm almost always awake at retarded hours of the night! ;-)
I was wondering where the hell you WENT?!?! Believe me.. We all here in this thread know your pain! And we all try our best to Help and support one another! And congrats on the 18 years! I just made 6 mo.s yesterday! If you ever need an ear, feel free to PM me. I'm almost always awake at retarded hours of the night! ;-)
Thank you - and congratulations on the 6 months - no easy feat - took me 3 years to get it to stick. Good for you and not sleeping when you first get sober is normal, but I'm sure you've been told that before. And your sleeping problems started before this, just saying it's a common thing. Proud of you!!!
I didn't get to attend my first live Pearl Jam show, I had it planned, Denver, tickets, hotel, ticket buddy, only thing left was airfare. and then my son came back after being gone for a year, so things got serious and money got tight and I didn't get to see Pearl Jam and then he ran away to his father's again (after I missed the damn concert). He was gone two weeks and caused all kinds of trouble for me; meanwhile, there was a huge fire and the house across the street burned to the ground (from embers from the original explosion!), so my mother and I and 2 dogs were told to 'LEAVE NOW' by a fireman axing in our front door. I packed mindless things and went out into black smoke with two dogs by the collar - the ground was frozen from the water (they were hosing down our house) and i soon lost my mom in the smoke - i couldn't breathe and my mom couldn't walk - i sent a fireman her way (notice I did not bring the leashes for the dogs, but i did pack a crossword puzzle, no pen, toothpaste, no toothbrush, a corkscrew (don't ask) and a bunch of blankets which we actually used for the dogs). The red cross evacuated us and I was sure we would lose the house - the last thing i saw was the flames crossing over the street towards my bedroom on the second floor. Thankfully, we did not lose the house - no damage, except for debris everywhere and broken out windows and stuff from the firefighters. We had no heat for two weeks prior to this and were unable to function because it was 30 degrees in the house - one day of heat and then that night was the explosion which wound its way to across the street to the apartment building. Scary shit. Tanner, my son, came home the night after the fire, of his own accord (and if he leaves again, he can stay gone, but he has been himself, so..). The following morning i got a call from his school that there was an incident. He had been in a fight, they said and I had to get there ASAP. Winds up he had a broken nose, 2 broken bones in his right eye socket - one next to the nasal canal, and two other bones in his face - a bleeding hematoma on the back of his head from his head snapping back and hitting the bathroom wall after one of many blows to his face. He had two swollen shut eyes, blood all over him and they are talking to me about him being suspended and bad choices. Fuck you please, can i take my son to the hospital now??? He is still out of school - had his eye checked for damage - that was okay, but he still has symptoms of a concussion and cannot go back till he is symptom free - can't do anything that involves looking at a screen or thinking - which is a nightmare and a losing battle. Next check is Tuesday. The school did not call police or medical aid for him (fight was about 10 minutes long, i don't think Tanner connected once) about 10 different guys filmed it and I tried to watch one of the video but i couldn't. The school was having people delete it which methinks is not legally correct - it's just compounding and the county police are involved cause someone reported it in their town and it's a county school so it went from their town to my town and then county. Detective told me that it was an aggravated assault and would I like to press charges. Never been through this cause Tanner (evidently) has never been in fights, but the officer seemed to be pushing me towards yes so I pressed charges and good thing with the ramifications of this asshole's actions. The school completely dropped the ball by not calling the police (are you shitting me?) and not getting medical aid for him. And other crap they've done afterwards. So I'm gonna have to get a lawyer which I need advice on, as well as concussions. May do a thread for advice from people who have had experience in such things. . Sorry - I will try to be more concise in the future - I just start typing and 20 minutes later I have a novella. But it has been a jam-packed month. Tanner walked away from the asshole once and said he wasn't going to fight and then people started calling him a pussy and the asshole walked up to him, rubbed his fist on his cheek and called him his bitch.I felt like I was hearing about an episode of Lockup for crying out loud??? The vice principal told him if he had just laid there and taken the beating he wouldn't be suspended. I would like to say some things to him but I am being good till I have legal counsel. Anyway, that was November, you can't make this shit up. And it's 2am, so I'm completely alert and ready to take on the world; unfortunately people i need to interact with are sleeping.
Maybe you all are sleeping right now - if so - sweet dreams!
Omg . That is such an awful thing to have happened to your son! Good idea on the lawyer. I wouldn't be surprised if he wants you to go after the school. Be careful with the medical bills, even if you have insurance the copays add up. I'm in about 20k for my mom's bills so far, following an accident in the summer. And there's still new bills coming even 5 months later. If I recall correctly my uncle's hospital bills were still coming a year after his death in 2012. That VP sounds like an asshole. I think the schools just suspend everyone to give them time to cool off though - when I was in junior high I was suspended for a week because my dad physically threatened a teacher who'd held my entire class back for detention, without notice. He was there to pick me up for an appointment and after all the other kids had left I was not there, so he bugged out a little. He didn't even hit the guy he just got in his face. I had nothing to do with it, but I was still suspended for it.
It's nearly 4am here and Idk if I should even bother trying to sleep anymore. I've been in bed since 10pm, I've supplemented the typical 'trying to sleep' routine with Netflix tonight. Stayed off the pharmaceuticals, thinking I should've had a melatonin though. :-(
OMG! Nancy! That's horrible! God girl, yes by all Means, get a lawyer, keep record of every single dr's appt, when you go to the Dr's get copies of the exam result etc, believe it or not, it saves you Money by saving the lawyer time. Get a few copies of those recordings, and KEEP them get the principle's stupid statement on record somehow if you can.. As for this other kid, keep a copy of the police report, not only press charges, but sue that kid's parents for the medical bills!! Sorry for the tiny rant.. But if pisses me off when things like this happen. Being politically correct isn't solving SHIT!! If anything it makes some matters worse! Anyhow, Hun my prayers are with you.. Hugs from here in Colorado.
I used to get night terrors & sleep paralysis creeps on occassin, they are both terrifying. And when I do sleep, it's very lucid, like a movie. I have always had recurring dreams that have changed as my life has changed. And I am aware that I am asleep in my dreams almost always, I used to do this arm movement in my dreams and it would wake me up ( I later saw it in a Talking Heads video which freaked me the fuck out).
Okay, I need to bookmark this thread, I wasn't here for most of November, I missed youse guys. >-
Does insomnia cause night terrors? I thought only kids got those, but I've had a few really terrifying and lucid dreams in the last year where I literally am screaming in my sleep and I freak out everybody in the house.
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
I used to get night terrors & sleep paralysis creeps on occassin, they are both terrifying. And when I do sleep, it's very lucid, like a movie. I have always had recurring dreams that have changed as my life has changed. And I am aware that I am asleep in my dreams almost always, I used to do this arm movement in my dreams and it would wake me up ( I later saw it in a Talking Heads video which freaked me the fuck out).
Okay, I need to bookmark this thread, I wasn't here for most of November, I missed youse guys. >-
Does insomnia cause night terrors? I thought only kids got those, but I've had a few really terrifying and lucid dreams in the last year where I literally am screaming in my sleep and I freak out everybody in the house.
Sleep deprivation can cause night terrors in those prone to them.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
I haven't had night terrors since I was in my early 20's - had them from tweens through then. Sleep paralysis i still get on occasion but not as bad as i used to - that's when you are screaming but not making any noise - you're kind of caught in half asleep/half awake - freaky.
I took a melatonin last night and I also had only gotten 3 hours of sleep the night before, I was dog-tired and fell asleep around 2:00ish. I have to get up early tomorrow - need to get to the doctor's, the dmv and SSI offices. Whenever I have something planned for the morning, I panic. So I'm going to get off the pc and lay down while I feel tired - I tend to ignore the tired and then it's too late.
Hope you all are sleeping snuggly in your beds, or a bed - as long as your comfy.
Was asleep.. But it's New Years.. So the gunfire and firecrackers are going off now.. And I have to work this morning!! :-( well, Happy New Year, anyhow!
I got a whole 3 hours last night at most. Fuck me. I'm dying. Everyone at the office keeps giving me a funny look... it's probably because it looks like I burned one in the parking lot, lol. But no, just disgustingly tired!
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
I have used this before and it helps to stop you waking in the middle of the night.
It's to help with adrenal fatigue, taken from a natural health website
I Don’t Want to Wake Up at 3am – An Easy, “Do It Yourself” Remedy
Adrenal Cocktail Recipe
½ cup orange juice
½ teaspoon cream of tarter
½ teaspoon Himalayan or Celtic salt
Just mix all the ingredients and drink before bed.
*You may also do this in the morning to deal with stress throughout the day, but always be sure to drink it before bed as well.
I got a whole 3 hours last night at most. Fuck me. I'm dying. Everyone at the office keeps giving me a funny look... it's probably because it looks like I burned one in the parking lot, lol. But no, just disgustingly tired!
maybe you should burn one or two in the evening... i wouldnt sleep a wink without fine herbs
Why is it that the only shows that seem to be on when I can't sleep are stupid reality shows or food related shows?
That coffee creme crepe cake looks really good, but coffee is the last thing I need right now...
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
I would really like some sleep..finally got to sleep and then the big dog busts out of the bedroom and starts bouncing on the couch, shaking his head, scratching, rolling around, panting. So I give up on going back to sleep. I have to wait for the fridge now, it's supposed to be delivered between 7-10 am. At this point, I'm so tired, I feel drunk , I hope the guy gets here at 7....
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
I would really like some sleep..finally got to sleep and then the big dog busts out of the bedroom and starts bouncing on the couch, shaking his head, scratching, rolling around, panting. So I give up on going back to sleep. I have to wait for the fridge now, it's supposed to be delivered between 7-10 am. At this point, I'm so tired, I feel drunk , I hope the guy gets here at 7....
- Christopher McCandless
Tattooed Dissident!
Tattooed Dissident!
I also will fall asleep sometimes just as the rest of the world is waking up & I fall in to those 'bad' sleeps where I want to wake up but I keep getting sucked back under, & it's not restful & I finally have to fight to wake up & I'm left feeling guilty for not getting done all the things that are overdue because the world is not open at 3am.
I have ambien in varying strengths , melatonin, valerian root, lunesta, but hardly use them because once I realize I should have taken something it's too late. I'm 18 years sober, so alcohol, etc. are out. And I take klonopin for panic disorder, so it doesn't make me sleepy or high, just ratchets down the free floating panic about nothing specific, but almost anything of which I can think. I'm bipolar too, the depression mostly kind. So it's a vicious circle of insomnia causing depression & anxiety causing insomnia & throw in a three day migraine here & there. Good times.
I used to wake up at 6am everyday, drink herbal tea, have the noise machines, etc. but I haven't done that in quite some time. It's also exacerbated but a succession of extremely stressful situations. So I'm behind on everything, feel bad about my life most of the time & my clock is completely broken.
So now I know where to come in about 7 hours. And it's nice to know that there are others who do this on a daily basis. Not that i'm glad you all are insomniacs too. I used to get night terrors & sleep paralysis creeps on occassin, they are both terrifying. And when I do sleep, it's very lucid, like a movie. I have always had recurring dreams that have changed as my life has changed. And I am aware that I am asleep in my dreams almost always, I used to do this arm movement in my dreams and it would wake me up ( I later saw it in a Talking Heads video which freaked me the fuck out).
Okay, I need to bookmark this thread, I wasn't here for most of November, I missed youse guys.
Help and support one another! And congrats on the 18 years! I just made 6 mo.s yesterday! If you ever need an ear, feel free to PM me. I'm almost always awake at retarded hours of the night! ;-)
Tattooed Dissident!
I didn't get to attend my first live Pearl Jam show, I had it planned, Denver, tickets, hotel, ticket buddy, only thing left was airfare. and then my son came back after being gone for a year, so things got serious and money got tight and I didn't get to see Pearl Jam and then he ran away to his father's again (after I missed the damn concert). He was gone two weeks and caused all kinds of trouble for me; meanwhile, there was a huge fire and the house across the street burned to the ground (from embers from the original explosion!), so my mother and I and 2 dogs were told to 'LEAVE NOW' by a fireman axing in our front door. I packed mindless things and went out into black smoke with two dogs by the collar - the ground was frozen from the water (they were hosing down our house) and i soon lost my mom in the smoke - i couldn't breathe and my mom couldn't walk - i sent a fireman her way (notice I did not bring the leashes for the dogs, but i did pack a crossword puzzle, no pen, toothpaste, no toothbrush, a corkscrew (don't ask) and a bunch of blankets which we actually used for the dogs). The red cross evacuated us and I was sure we would lose the house - the last thing i saw was the flames crossing over the street towards my bedroom on the second floor. Thankfully, we did not lose the house - no damage, except for debris everywhere and broken out windows and stuff from the firefighters. We had no heat for two weeks prior to this and were unable to function because it was 30 degrees in the house - one day of heat and then that night was the explosion which wound its way to across the street to the apartment building. Scary shit.
Tanner, my son, came home the night after the fire, of his own accord (and if he leaves again, he can stay gone, but he has been himself, so..). The following morning i got a call from his school that there was an incident. He had been in a fight, they said and I had to get there ASAP. Winds up he had a broken nose, 2 broken bones in his right eye socket - one next to the nasal canal, and two other bones in his face - a bleeding hematoma on the back of his head from his head snapping back and hitting the bathroom wall after one of many blows to his face. He had two swollen shut eyes, blood all over him and they are talking to me about him being suspended and bad choices. Fuck you please, can i take my son to the hospital now???
He is still out of school - had his eye checked for damage - that was okay, but he still has symptoms of a concussion and cannot go back till he is symptom free - can't do anything that involves looking at a screen or thinking - which is a nightmare and a losing battle. Next check is Tuesday. The school did not call police or medical aid for him (fight was about 10 minutes long, i don't think Tanner connected once) about 10 different guys filmed it and I tried to watch one of the video but i couldn't. The school was having people delete it which methinks is not legally correct - it's just compounding and the county police are involved cause someone reported it in their town and it's a county school so it went from their town to my town and then county. Detective told me that it was an aggravated assault and would I like to press charges. Never been through this cause Tanner (evidently) has never been in fights, but the officer seemed to be pushing me towards yes so I pressed charges and good thing with the ramifications of this asshole's actions. The school completely dropped the ball by not calling the police (are you shitting me?) and not getting medical aid for him. And other crap they've done afterwards. So I'm gonna have to get a lawyer which I need advice on, as well as concussions. May do a thread for advice from people who have had experience in such things. .
Sorry - I will try to be more concise in the future - I just start typing and 20 minutes later I have a novella. But it has been a jam-packed month. Tanner walked away from the asshole once and said he wasn't going to fight and then people started calling him a pussy and the asshole walked up to him, rubbed his fist on his cheek and called him his bitch.I felt like I was hearing about an episode of Lockup for crying out loud??? The vice principal told him if he had just laid there and taken the beating he wouldn't be suspended. I would like to say some things to him but I am being good till I have legal counsel.
Anyway, that was November, you can't make this shit up. And it's 2am, so I'm completely alert and ready to take on the world; unfortunately people i need to interact with are sleeping.
Maybe you all are sleeping right now - if so - sweet dreams!
It's nearly 4am here and Idk if I should even bother trying to sleep anymore. I've been in bed since 10pm, I've supplemented the typical 'trying to sleep' routine with Netflix tonight. Stayed off the pharmaceuticals, thinking I should've had a melatonin though. :-(
Means, get a lawyer, keep record of every single dr's appt, when you go to the Dr's get copies of the exam result etc, believe it or not, it saves you
Money by saving the lawyer time. Get a few copies of those recordings, and KEEP them get the principle's stupid statement on record somehow if you can.. As for this other kid, keep a copy of the police report, not only press charges, but sue that kid's parents for the medical bills!! Sorry for the tiny rant.. But if pisses me off when things like this happen. Being politically correct isn't solving SHIT!! If anything it makes some matters worse! Anyhow, Hun my prayers are with you.. Hugs from here in Colorado.
- Christopher McCandless
I haven't had night terrors since I was in my early 20's - had them from tweens through then. Sleep paralysis i still get on occasion but not as bad as i used to - that's when you are screaming but not making any noise - you're kind of caught in half asleep/half awake - freaky.
I took a melatonin last night and I also had only gotten 3 hours of sleep the night before, I was dog-tired and fell asleep around 2:00ish. I have to get up early tomorrow - need to get to the doctor's, the dmv and SSI offices. Whenever I have something planned for the morning, I panic. So I'm going to get off the pc and lay down while I feel tired - I tend to ignore the tired and then it's too late.
Hope you all are sleeping snuggly in your beds, or a bed - as long as your comfy.
Wow!! Don't know how to act, hahahaha!!
It's to help with adrenal fatigue, taken from a natural health website
I Don’t Want to Wake Up at 3am – An Easy, “Do It Yourself” Remedy
Adrenal Cocktail Recipe
½ cup orange juice
½ teaspoon cream of tarter
½ teaspoon Himalayan or Celtic salt
Just mix all the ingredients and drink before bed.
*You may also do this in the morning to deal with stress throughout the day, but always be sure to drink it before bed as well.
maybe you should burn one or two in the evening... i wouldnt sleep a wink without fine herbs
That coffee creme crepe cake looks really good, but coffee is the last thing I need right now...
- Christopher McCandless
I have to wait for the fridge now, it's supposed to be delivered between 7-10 am.
At this point, I'm so tired, I feel drunk , I hope the guy gets here at 7....
- Christopher McCandless