Imagine That -- I’m Still Anti-War



  • eldarion75eldarion75 Posts: 2,488
    Israel 'defending' itself has served nothing but to leave a whole slew of children dead, those who survived with no parents, and thus creating a whole new generation of people going to take arms against them when theyve grown...that's the only outcome here. Israel needs to stop. It's a war machine armed to the teeth, with next to no casualties, against barely a group of guys firing fireworks in effect, and innocent people bearing the brunt, with the body count over 1000. it's indefensible.
  • eldarion75eldarion75 Posts: 2,488
    if the 'iron dome' is all its cracked up to be, why even the need to fire back??
  • JimmyVJimmyV Posts: 19,123
    Again, if Hamas is firing such ineffective weapons the smart move would be to stop firing them. My own government may be too co-opted by AIPAC to change its stance, but if Hamas stopped shooting most every other country in the world would call on Israel to do the same.


    "...I changed by not changing at all..."
  • JimmyVJimmyV Posts: 19,123
    Which is not to say that Israel shouldn't call this offensive off on their own. They absolutely should. They hold the power to end this particular round of hostilities almost instantly.

    They don't want to do that, and the rockets from Gaza give them the cover to keep firing back.

    "...I changed by not changing at all..."
  • BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124
    edited July 2014
    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:

    badbrains said:

    It's been all but proven that Hamas had nothing to do with those 3 deaths, but the IDF ran with it as an excuse for a weapons test and continuation of the israeli expansion agenda via ongoing murder of civilians

    It's almost like everything conveniently worked out for Israel, 3 dead Israeli teens. Reason to invade again.....
    The rockets and tunnels helped too.
    Oh the firecrackers and tunnels? The tunnels that Israel KNEW about for years/months? Those same tunnels all of a sudden became the "problem?" Whatever floats your boat man. Whatever helps you sleep at night in your cozy bed knowing that NO ONE will ever invade or drop bombs on your house.
    If they are just firecrackers why not join me in asking Hamas to stop firing them?

    Here is a little more detail on the "firecrackers" from Syria and North Korea

    "The Hamas arsenal has become increasing sophisticated with foreign assistance and now boasts five variants of rockets and missiles. Its basic weapon is the Iranian-designed Qassam rocket with a range of less than ten miles but it also has a large stockpile of the 122mm Katyushas which boast a range of up to 30 miles.
    The introduction of the M-75 and Syrian-made M0302 missiles means Hamas boast offensive weapons with a longer range of up to 100 miles and a much greater explosive impact."

    Just celebrating the 4th of July with those.
    Post edited by BS44325 on
  • eldarion75eldarion75 Posts: 2,488
    U.S. government: Stop arming Israel
    The Israeli military has used a wide variety of conventional weapons such as guns, bullets, missiles, drones, jet fighters, artillery, tanks, armoured vehicles and naval vessels to commit serious human rights abuses in Gaza. It is time for the U.S. government to urgently suspend arms transfers to Israel and to push for a UN arms embargo on all parties to the conflict. Sign the petition now.

    Send this message to
    Secretary of State, John Kerry
    Dear Secretary John Kerry,

    I am writing to express my outrage and concern about the rapidly deteriorating situation in Gaza and Israel. I call on the U.S. government to urgently suspend arms transfers to Israel and help ensure that a UN arms embargo is imposed on all parties to the conflict.

    Hundreds of Palestinians been killed so far and thousands have been injured by Israeli forces, as part of its military Operation “Protective Edge” in Gaza, which began on 8 July. The UN estimates that 78 per cent of those killed in Gaza have been civilians and that 21 per cent of them have been children. More than 3,000 homes in Gaza have been completely destroyed or rendered uninhabitable by Israeli attacks, leaving tens of thousands of Gazan residents homeless.

    Palestinian armed groups have launched volleys of indiscriminate rockets into Israel. Three civilians have been killed in Israel, with other civilians injured. Israeli homes and other civilian property has also been damaged. And 35 Israeli soldiers have died in the fighting.

    Throughout the conflict, the Israeli military have deployed or used a wide variety of conventional arms including missiles, large calibre artillery systems, military drones including for weapon systems and also surveillance, jet fighters, tanks, armoured vehicles, naval vessels and small arms and light weapons (SALW) with corresponding ammunition. Palestinian armed groups have used or deployed rocket launchers, rockets and SALW with corresponding ammunition.

    Amnesty International is calling for a UN-imposed comprehensive arms embargo on Israel, Hamas and Palestinian armed groups. As the U.S. is Israel’s largest exporter of military, security and policing equipment, Amnesty International is calling on the U.S. government to stop sending arms to Israel that are being used to commit atrocities.

    I therefore urge you to:

    Immediately stop the transfer of all U.S. arms to Israel until there is no longer a substantial risk that such equipment or technology will be used to commit or facilitate serious violations of international human rights or humanitarian law. This includes ending the supply of all weapons, munitions, police equipment and devices, as well as training and techniques to Israel;
    Help ensure that a comprehensive UN Security Council arms embargo is imposed on Israel, Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups until effective mechanisms are in place to ensure that weapons, munitions, and other military equipment and technology will not be used to commit or facilitate serious violations international human rights or humanitarian law.
    US policy prohibits the provision of weapons where there is a credible expectation that they may be used in grave human rights violations. The U.S. government must act in accordance with its own laws and policies concerning weapons transfers.

    Stop arming Israel. The world is watching.


    full details
  • badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255

    U.S. government: Stop arming Israel
    The Israeli military has used a wide variety of conventional weapons such as guns, bullets, missiles, drones, jet fighters, artillery, tanks, armoured vehicles and naval vessels to commit serious human rights abuses in Gaza. It is time for the U.S. government to urgently suspend arms transfers to Israel and to push for a UN arms embargo on all parties to the conflict. Sign the petition now.

    Send this message to
    Secretary of State, John Kerry
    Dear Secretary John Kerry,

    I am writing to express my outrage and concern about the rapidly deteriorating situation in Gaza and Israel. I call on the U.S. government to urgently suspend arms transfers to Israel and help ensure that a UN arms embargo is imposed on all parties to the conflict.

    Hundreds of Palestinians been killed so far and thousands have been injured by Israeli forces, as part of its military Operation “Protective Edge” in Gaza, which began on 8 July. The UN estimates that 78 per cent of those killed in Gaza have been civilians and that 21 per cent of them have been children. More than 3,000 homes in Gaza have been completely destroyed or rendered uninhabitable by Israeli attacks, leaving tens of thousands of Gazan residents homeless.

    Palestinian armed groups have launched volleys of indiscriminate rockets into Israel. Three civilians have been killed in Israel, with other civilians injured. Israeli homes and other civilian property has also been damaged. And 35 Israeli soldiers have died in the fighting.

    Throughout the conflict, the Israeli military have deployed or used a wide variety of conventional arms including missiles, large calibre artillery systems, military drones including for weapon systems and also surveillance, jet fighters, tanks, armoured vehicles, naval vessels and small arms and light weapons (SALW) with corresponding ammunition. Palestinian armed groups have used or deployed rocket launchers, rockets and SALW with corresponding ammunition.

    Amnesty International is calling for a UN-imposed comprehensive arms embargo on Israel, Hamas and Palestinian armed groups. As the U.S. is Israel’s largest exporter of military, security and policing equipment, Amnesty International is calling on the U.S. government to stop sending arms to Israel that are being used to commit atrocities.

    I therefore urge you to:

    Immediately stop the transfer of all U.S. arms to Israel until there is no longer a substantial risk that such equipment or technology will be used to commit or facilitate serious violations of international human rights or humanitarian law. This includes ending the supply of all weapons, munitions, police equipment and devices, as well as training and techniques to Israel;
    Help ensure that a comprehensive UN Security Council arms embargo is imposed on Israel, Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups until effective mechanisms are in place to ensure that weapons, munitions, and other military equipment and technology will not be used to commit or facilitate serious violations international human rights or humanitarian law.
    US policy prohibits the provision of weapons where there is a credible expectation that they may be used in grave human rights violations. The U.S. government must act in accordance with its own laws and policies concerning weapons transfers.

    Stop arming Israel. The world is watching.


    full details

    Wouldn't it be something if eddie signed this.....
  • eldarion75eldarion75 Posts: 2,488
    i'd say he probably has..who would'nt? i have

    still cant get over this report....the average age in Gaza is 17....thats incredible given whats happening...
  • JimmyVJimmyV Posts: 19,123
    Signed and numbered, 2381 out of 5000.

    "...I changed by not changing at all..."
  • Abe FromanAbe Froman Posts: 5,243
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    edited July 2014
    brianlux said:

    It really is so easy to get caught up in the politics here and as much as the whole mess is terrible and appalling, the message of this thread was originally about having hope for peace, ending war, spreading love.

    Let's get behind those thoughts here and take the political volleys back to AMT where it is better suited.

    Sorry, but your passive hippy approach solves nothing. It achieves nothing.

    Feel free to listen to John Lennon's Imagine if you wish, but people are being massacred. And passing flowers around and talking about love and peace is a fucking cop out.


    You like American Indians, right? You think the American Indian Movement just sat around smoking peace pipes and banging drums? You think Leonard Peltier sat around getting stoned and listening to John Lennon singing 'Imagine'?

    Post edited by Byrnzie on
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    edited July 2014
    BS44325 said:

    Some of the images will be the "die-in's" and "the children being told to carry signs" that you are fond of. Some images will be of protestors attacking synagogues and businesses. Other images will be of boobs. People tend to gravitate towards boobs.

    Because there's any comparison between a Synagogue being attacked - a building - and human beings, including children and babies - being murdered by the hundred?

    Racism against Jews is perfectly understandable at this point in time. Only a fool would believe otherwise. It's only to be expected that Jews will be subjected to racial hatred whilst the Israeli's are busy carrying out their latest spree of mass murder.

    '...the real scandal today is not antisemitism but the importance it is given. Israel has committed war crimes. It has implicated Jews generally in these crimes, and Jews generally have hastened to implicate themselves. This has provoked hatred against Jews. Why not? Some of this hatred is racist, some isn’t, but who cares? Why should we pay any attention to this issue at all? Is the fact that Israel’s race war has provoked bitter anger of any importance besides the war itself? Is the remote possibility that somewhere, sometime, somehow, this hatred may in theory, possibly kill some Jews of any importance besides the brutal, actual, physical persecution of Palestinians, and the hundreds of thousands of votes for Arabs to be herded into transit camps? Oh, but I forgot. Drop everything. Someone spray-painted antisemitic slogans on a synagogue.' - Michael Neumann

    Post edited by Byrnzie on
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    edited July 2014
    BS44325 said:

    Absolutely heart breaking and the second video says it all. Both sides are guilty. Making this thread about Israel only without any mention of Hamas does an injustice to the Anti-War message at the top.
    Sure, Hamas has fired rockets at civilian areas, and this is a war crime.

    But let's not pretend that we're talking about a level playing field here. The so-called 'level playing field' you're pretending exists currently contains over 1000 bodies of dead Palestinians - 90% of them civilians - and looks like this:


  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    edited July 2014
    brianlux said:

    I'm still going with what Ed said and promoting this thought, no matter how much ya'all want to talk about war here: I’m Still Anti-War.

    It's not a war, it's a massacre.

    Let's not pull any punches here, Ed's comment, and his singing of John Lennon's Imagine in Portugal, was a fucking cop-out.

    He was back-pedalling into sentimentality because he feared being labelled an anti-Semite.

    And if he was worried about alienating a section of his fan base, well, so what? At least he would have kept the good ones. Those who care about human rights, justice, and equality. Sometimes you have to draw a line in the sand. Muhammed Ali could tell you something about that.

    Meanwhile, many other artists are taking a firm stand on this issue, standing by their principles, and doing something constructive.

    Rock stars Peter Gabriel and Bobby Gillespie urge arms embargo on Israel

    The rock star Peter Gabriel and film-maker Ken Loach are among 21,000 people who have signed an open letter to David Cameron, the British prime minister, demanding an immediate halt to the arms trade between the UK and Israel.

    The letter was delivered today, directly to Cameron’s residence at 10 Downing Street in London by Loach and three members of parliament — Jeremy Corbyn, Diane Abbott and Jim Fitzpatrick.

    Prominent signatories included fashion designer Bella Freud, journalist and activist Jemima Khan, musicians Bobby Gillespie of Primal Scream, Robert Del Naja of Massive Attack, Brian Eno and Bryan Adams, the writers Will Self, Hanif Kureishi, Ahdaf Soueif, Esther Freud, Laura Bailey and William Dalrymple, and the actors David Morrissey, Maxine Peake and Alexei Sayle.

    Academics Karma Nabulsi (a PSC patron), Ghada Karmi and Steven Rose and human rights lawyer Geoffrey Bindman also signed the letter.

    The letter was posted on the Palestine Solidarity Campaign’s website earlier this week and gathered 21,000 signatures in just two days.

    Speaking outside Downing Street today, Hugh Lanning of the PSC said: “Our aim is to stop the Israeli government getting military aid and equipment from the British government. Our aid and arms help kill innocent Palestinian civilians. We need to isolate apartheid Israel now and impose sanctions now.”

    ...In an email message to the PSC, Bobby Gillespie of Primal Scream, wrote: “Our hearts and love are with the Palestinian people. We support their continuing fight for human rights and dignity and righteous resistance to Israeli imperialism, occupation and war crimes.”

    Jemima Khan said: “Where is the world-wide uproar? Shame on our leaders who would speak up if this were happening to any other country on Earth.” Bella Freud spoke of the upcoming demonstrations across Britain on Saturday: “We will not stop protesting until Gaza is free.”

    Jeremy Corbyn told journalists today: “The UK has a very close relationship with Israel, including buying and selling arms, and it’s time that this relationship was brought to an end since Israel is now under investigation for war crimes over the bombing of Gaza.

    ...Ken Loach told reporters: “It’s disgraceful that our government is arming the State of Israel to continue its slaughter of civilians, of women and children. Everyone must be devastated by the sight of the maimed and the dead in Gaza, and everyone must direct their anger towards the Israeli war machine.”

    Post edited by Byrnzie on
  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037


  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
    Our heroes are heroes for a reason.

    “Why should they ask me to put on a uniform and go 10,000 miles from home and drop bombs and bullets on Brown people in Vietnam while so-called Negro people in Louisville are treated like dogs and denied simple human rights? No I’m not going 10,000 miles from home to help murder and burn another poor nation simply to continue the domination of white slave masters of the darker people the world over. This is the day when such evils must come to an end. I have been warned that to take such a stand would cost me millions of dollars. But I have said it once and I will say it again. The real enemy of my people is here. I will not disgrace my religion, my people or myself by becoming a tool to enslave those who are fighting for their own justice, freedom and equality. If I thought the war was going to bring freedom and equality to 22 million of my people they wouldn’t have to draft me, I’d join tomorrow. I have nothing to lose by standing up for my beliefs. So I’ll go to jail, so what? We’ve been in jail for 400 years.”

    ― Muhammed Ali
  • brianluxbrianlux Posts: 41,613
    ^^^Aw shucks, Jimmy! No, really, cool. Thanks for keeping it going. :-)

    I was just thinking that one good place trump peace over war and all this whirly world-craziness is right here. Maybe if we worked on being OK with respectfully disagreeing, and turning hot energy, anger, frustration and fire in a direction toward solutions. Otherwise we are all f-u-c-k-e-d.

    And go with another great Ed phrase:

    "Everybody's' good here... right?"

    “The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man [or woman] who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”
    Variously credited to Mark Twain or Edward Abbey.

  • ByrnzieByrnzie Posts: 21,037
  • eldarion75eldarion75 Posts: 2,488
    was just going to post that byrnzie
  • eldarion75eldarion75 Posts: 2,488
    Hamas is offering Israel a 10-year truce if it accepts 10 conditions. The Jerusalem Post reports, based on an Israeli Channel 2 newscast.

    1. Withdrawal of Israeli tanks from the Gaza border.
    2. Freeing all the prisoners that were arrested after the killing of the three youths.
    3. Lifting the siege and opening the border crossings to commerce and people.
    4. Establishing an international seaport and airport which would be under U.N. supervision.
    5. Increasing the permitted fishing zone to 10 kilometers.
    6. Internationalizing the Rafah Crossing and placing it under the supervision of the U.N. and some Arab nations.
    7. International forces on the borders.
    8. Easing conditions for permits to pray at the Al Aqsa Mosque.
    9. Prohibition on Israeli interference in the reconciliation agreement.
    10. Reestablishing an industrial zone and improvements in further economic development in the Gaza Strip.

    Are these demands unreasonable or extreme ?
  • eldarion75eldarion75 Posts: 2,488
    edited July 2014
    aka 'can we be treated like humans please and have relatively normal lives'?

    it says a lot they have to even ask for these things.
  • badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255

    aka 'can we be treated like humans please and have relatively normal lives'?

    it says a lot they have to even ask for these things.

    Ya. No doubt. It's 2014 and people have to actually ask for this? SMH
  • eldarion75eldarion75 Posts: 2,488
  • BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124
    Byrnzie said:

    BS44325 said:

    Some of the images will be the "die-in's" and "the children being told to carry signs" that you are fond of. Some images will be of protestors attacking synagogues and businesses. Other images will be of boobs. People tend to gravitate towards boobs.

    Racism against Jews is perfectly understandable at this point in time. Only a fool would believe otherwise.

    Let it be clear to everyone here what Byrnzie just wrote. Not anger at the State of Israel but racism against Jews.
  • BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124
    Byrnzie said:

    brianlux said:

    I'm still going with what Ed said and promoting this thought, no matter how much ya'all want to talk about war here: I’m Still Anti-War.

    Let's not pull any punches here, Ed's comment, and his singing of John Lennon's Imagine in Portugal, was a fucking cop-out.

    He was back-pedalling into sentimentality because he feared being labelled an anti-Semite.

    Again you are projecting on what you thought his initial message meant. There was no back-pedalling. His two messages are consistent. No one who truly follows this band would accuse Ed of lacking courage.
  • badbrainsbadbrains Posts: 10,255
    BS44325 said:
    Ya the shit happening in syria is off the wall no doubt. But you know what I noticed in those pics in the article, not a child was killed. Imagine that, a Syrian army is capable of hitting places and KILLING adult men but not kids or women. Interesting. They must have better equipment then Israel which if it is the case, better call the military complex of America and get a refund. Or that Israel is targeting women/children intentionally. Which is it???

    And just for the record, can we stop with the racist labeling. We all know byrnzie isn't an anti-Semite. He made a comment as to people feel that way towards Jews. He didn't say HE FEELS that way just that with what Israel is doing, he's stating that they shouldn't be surprised that people feel that way towards them. That's what I think he meant. I know byrnzie on here for awhile, he's not an anti-Semite or racist towards Jews. I'm sure he also has some Jewish friends. Zionism and Judaism are 2 different forms. One can have anger towards one without being a racist.
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Posts: 49,888
    edited July 2014
    BS44325 said:

    Byrnzie said:

    BS44325 said:

    Some of the images will be the "die-in's" and "the children being told to carry signs" that you are fond of. Some images will be of protestors attacking synagogues and businesses. Other images will be of boobs. People tend to gravitate towards boobs.

    Racism against Jews is perfectly understandable at this point in time. Only a fool would believe otherwise.

    Let it be clear to everyone here what Byrnzie just wrote. Not anger at the State of Israel but racism against Jews.
    Yep. So should we keep just assuming he's anti-Semitic at this point, or consider it a fact? I guess that comment could be interpreted in a way to excuse him from actually being racist towards Jews himself, but really just saying that anti-semitism is understandable and only fools wouldn't agree says quite a bit. (And i guess I am a fool).

    Anyone actually taking to heart the things Byrnzie says on this topic, please just bear his comment here in mind first. Take his posts with a grain or chunk of salt.
    Post edited by PJ_Soul on
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • BS44325BS44325 Posts: 6,124
    badbrains said:

    BS44325 said:
    Ya the shit happening in syria is off the wall no doubt. But you know what I noticed in those pics in the article, not a child was killed. Imagine that, a Syrian army is capable of hitting places and KILLING adult men but not kids or women. Interesting. They must have better equipment then Israel which if it is the case, better call the military complex of America and get a refund. Or that Israel is targeting women/children intentionally. Which is it???

    And just for the record, can we stop with the racist labeling. We all know byrnzie isn't an anti-Semite. He made a comment as to people feel that way towards Jews. He didn't say HE FEELS that way just that with what Israel is doing, he's stating that they shouldn't be surprised that people feel that way towards them. That's what I think he meant. I know byrnzie on here for awhile, he's not an anti-Semite or racist towards Jews. I'm sure he also has some Jewish friends. Zionism and Judaism are 2 different forms. One can have anger towards one without being a racist.
    1) The third picture from the top is a kid on a stretcher. Either way if you are suggesting children have been spared in Syria you are either a fool or a liar.

    2) Byrnzie has made multiple posts saying basically that Israel is made up of Jews and therefore Jew hatred is bound to escalate. He then goes on with the suggestion that if somewhere in the world one or two jews is attacked for being jewish why should anyone really care because look at the devastation in Gaza. So we can be completely clear on this point...THIS IS NOT OK.
This discussion has been closed.