dignin - "pretty hard on Aafke and others?" I thought this has been a civil discussion so far, despite differences.
There has been plenty of talking down to and belittling. It also bothers me when someone calls someone stupid when they don't agree with them. This isn't a playground.
dignin - "pretty hard on Aafke and others?" I thought this has been a civil discussion so far, despite differences.
There has been plenty of talking down to and belittling. It also bothers me when someone calls someone stupid when they don't agree with them. This isn't a playground.
Then stop playing.
Nobody has called anyone 'stupid' so using such a term to explain your moderating post and be somewhat condescending doesn't exactly help.
I (for one) have mentioned being completely flabbergasted over assuming the mentality that the life of your assailant might be more important than that of yours or your loved ones'... and I still am- 'authentically'.
dignin - "pretty hard on Aafke and others?" I thought this has been a civil discussion so far, despite differences.
There has been plenty of talking down to and belittling. It also bothers me when someone calls someone stupid when they don't agree with them. This isn't a playground.
I just searched for "stupid" in this thread and the only hit was this quoted post
As for my small self? No issues to be had with anyone who walks a different road so long as those steps are taken in peace.
Mine are (unless fucked with).
I don't even care if I'm judged for what I say or do; it's expected, a given, and even funny sometimes.
Pretty much OK with my integrity and also alright if asked to examine it.
dignin - "pretty hard on Aafke and others?" I thought this has been a civil discussion so far, despite differences.
There has been plenty of talking down to and belittling. It also bothers me when someone calls someone stupid when they don't agree with them. This isn't a playground.
I just searched for "stupid" in this thread and the only hit was this quoted post
As for my small self? No issues to be had with anyone who walks a different road so long as those steps are taken in peace.
Mine are (unless fucked with).
I don't even care if I'm judged for what I say or do; it's expected, a given, and even funny sometimes.
Pretty much OK with my integrity and also alright if asked to examine it.
My comments were not directed at all to you Hedonist.
You are one of the most respectful and enlightened posters here. Way more than me.
I may not always agree with you but I respect your opinion because of the way you present it.
Brainlux, I've read your experience, and admired your actions. It's a horrible experience you have been going though, and in my opinion you've been acting in the best way in the circumstances you had to deal with. I understand what you're saying, and tried to explain that under these circumstances I also acted more violent toward my neighbor, although I didn't took the first physically action. I hope you would act in the same way if your loved one was attacvked. because I do still strongly believe that with a nonviolent approach, the less harm will be done.
Strength to Love (1963) Martin Luther King, Jr. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. Hate multiplies hate, violence multiplies violence, and toughness multiplies toughness in a descending spiral of destruction. So when Jesus says “Love your enemies,” he is setting forth a profound and ultimately inescapable admonition. Have we not come to such an impasse in the modern world that we must love our enemies– or else? The chain reaction of evil–hate begetting hate, wars producing wars–must be broken, or we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation.
I understand what you (and MLK) are saying, Aafke). When my gut reaction of anger is not present I actually do not feel hatred for my attacker. I would like nothing more than for this young man (and any others like him) to change his ways. That seems like a very noble thought to me yet also a bit naive in this violent society of ours. I still hold to the higher ground, but tenuously.
At this point my thinking is to follow the path of least resistance. I'm vigilant. I avoid dangerous situations, and mostly I hope never to have to protect myself or a loved one in a violent manner. But if I had no choice, I still hope I would. I don't wish anyone dead but if it had to be a punk or my wife, the choice is obvious to me.
I really should go now. This thing just spin cycles and weighs me down. But thanks for promoting peace and love- always good to do that.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Well I've been away for a couple of hours and suddenly i read, that I've been mistreated, called stupid, and been talked down. I understand dignin that you are trying to protect and help me, but I don't think that's necessary, that isn't the way I've experienced this discussion, we sometimes disagree on the subject matter, and I'm glad we do, 'cause it's a discussion... You're supposed to disagree, 'cause otherwise it will be dead pretty soon or would be boring as hell ... I love to read the way this discussion has evolved, 'cause it shows people are thinking about this subject. Sometimes scraping of the rough edges of their statements. I love a heavy debate on subjects like this one, because instead of fighting in physical form, we use words, and arguments, gives me a much higher survival change than a physical encounter, hi, hi... Lets keep it up people, fight my arguments as I will keep up fighting yours.... Let's see if anyone can make an argument that will help people chance their mind on this subject. one way or the other...
Post edited by Aafke on
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,715
Well I've been away for a couple of hours and suddenly i read, that I've been mistreated, called stupid, and been talked down. I understand dignin that you are trying to protect and help me, but I don't think that's necessary, that isn't the way I've experienced this discussion, we sometimes disagree on the subject matter, and I'm glad we do, 'cause it's a discussion... You're supposed to disagree, 'cause otherwise it will be dead pretty soon or would be boring as hell ... I love to read the way this discussion has evolved, 'cause it shows people are thinking about this subject. Sometimes scraping of the rough edges of their statements. I love a heavy debate on subjects like this one, because instead of fighting in physical form, we use words, and arguments, gives me a much higher survival change than a physical encounter, hi, hi... Lets keep it up people, fight my arguments as I will keep up fighting yours.... Let's see if anyone can make an argument that will help people chance their mind on this subject. one way or the other...
Maybe we should go back to the basic premise that "people with gods kill people", i.e. that many wars are fought over philosophical/religious disputes. I'm fairly sure we all agree that is true. And if it is, what can we do to change the world that way? From my perspective, fighting and killing over religion is one of the more absurd characteristics of human beings today. But obviously these things are hugely important to many people. How can we get people to contain there religions and live and let live?
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
It's not really a premise, though, Brian. People without gods - or where god isn't even relevant - take lives. Surely can base part of it on religion but surely too must acknowledge race, gender, sexuality, addiction, mental illness, political stance, nationality, color of one's fucking clothes (!) or maybe some basic fuckup in what should be the humaneness we hold - these too play a part.
Most religious people I know have no need to contain their beliefs, in that they already do - they live in peace, go to temple or church or mosque, try to help others. And, I say the same for those who ascribe to atheism, agnosticism.
I guess...it's not so much about religion(s) or lack thereof - it's how we choose (or are taught) to live and treat and appreciate life, whether our fellow human being, animal, tree, ocean, planet, and on.
Get rid of hate and ignorance on all fronts and we get that much closer to harmony.
I think Brainlux is right about the subject matter, although I don't agree that religious wars are something from resent days, I think it's as old as religion itself. And to be honest I don't think their are that much wars really fought out over religion. It's just a pretty damn good excuse for picking a fight with members of a different group who do have a lot of natural supplies, you want to have for yourself, to claim more power over others. And fighting for God sounds a lot more appealing to soldiers than fighting for the few rich dudes in your society so they can gain more money and show their power. For our political leaders war is a great opportunity to show their strength and superiority to the rest of the world ... Its also a great opportunity to show the world your own strength soldiers, than the rest of the world will admire you. BTW if you start fighting an other group it keeps you occupied, so you don't get started to fight among each other or fight your own leaders out of boredom. Also If we make a huge difference between "them"and üs" you wound find the differences between the us, not that big anymore. War units people, and God (or any other organised belief, for that matter...) is a great excuse.... That's also the way I read the quot I started this treat. Not only religious people pick fights. But God is such a great excuse to start a fight... Not only God but any organized belief, think communism, fascism, or whatever other -ism, you can imagine... Because it divides people into different groups, in most cases, the ones who share the belief are seen as of higher value, than others who don't share it. Gods don't kill people, people with gods (organised belief ) kill people...
How to get people to stop using their religions, or organised belief, as an excuse for a good old fight? I don't have an answer for that one right away, I think wars are, as despicable as they are, a huge part of what makes us human. I believe, keep on pointing out the common grounds, and preaching love instead of fighting and hatred might be an option. And my argument for starting a fight with words instead of fists, can vent the aggression, but does make much less deadly victims...
I don't think it works, cause if it had, wars where long gone by now. But I'm looking forward to hear anyone else's opinion on this matter...
Post edited by Aafke on
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
I find the notion of not defending oneself or loved ones cowardly rather than noble.
Isn't it fear that motivates you to kill someone else in "self-defense", though? Maybe it's braver to not kill.
No it's stupid to not fight back and let yourself get killed.cmon really!
Hey now.That was not directed at a person.Please do not mis represent
I started the response on the "stupid" word, by saying that I didn't have the feeling that anyone had called personally me, or anyone else, stupid, Am I that stupid, that I can't make a clear statement. So to be perfectly clear here. I AM THE ONLY ONE IN THIS DISCUSSION WHO CALLED MYSELF STUPID, OKAY? Because I already know I am stupid, in my own way, and so is the rest of you, and I'm glad too because we all have our blind spots, that's what makes us humans...So let's put it to a rest, and argue about matters that make more sense...
Post edited by Aafke on
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
I love a heavy debate on subjects like this one, because instead of fighting in physical form, we use words, and arguments, gives me a much higher survival change than a physical encounter, hi, hi... Lets keep it up people, fight my arguments as I will keep up fighting yours.... Let's see if anyone can make an argument that will help people chance their mind on this subject. one way or the other...
I've shot, stabbed, choked, gassed, drowned and salted 8 computers while on this thread. Words aren't seeming to work so well. Gotta get violent on dis muddah.
I'm back bitches! Who wants to fight?!?!?!?!!?!
This post, brought to you by some extremely sweetened tetley tea POW POW!! SHANK SHANK! EAT DIRT SCUMBAAAAAAAAGS!
If someone walks up to my son and I think they are going to beat my son, my claws are coming out. If someone enters my house in the middle of the night and fires off a gun saying "I'm coming to kill your whole family no matter what you say!" then I'm reaching for my AK. If someone has killed 6 million Jews and that person enters my house to ask for a cold Pepsi THEY GOIN DOWN WITH A STEAK KNIFE BEEEEEEEEOTCHES! If someone violently and purposely kills me, I hope they get the death penalty so my family feels justice has been served. If someone violently kills someone else's loved ones, I hope the murderer gets the guillotine. If someone is ordered to kill some innocent people, the person who gave the orders must DIEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Caffeine kills.
Time to light my coffee can on fire. IS ANY ONE ELSE ALIVE IN HERE????? I AM REVVED UP! WEEEEEEEEEHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
The end.
I wish I were a chimp to know what it felt like to purge without criminal consequences.
The end part two. Hedonist, Aafke, JWPearl (excellent video by the way), TBP, chadwick (still up my ass), the weird names with a bunch of letters and numbers, dignin, BRIANLUX (almost forgot about ya til I scrolled up) annnnnnnnnd Leezestar (he won't see this anyway)... I love you all. Go pearl jam yay pearl jam oh pearl jam pearl jam ham.
The end part trois. Post with no regrets. My face is numb. The 4th end is bitter sweet cuz it's my last post on this thread. Crying starts.........
I love a heavy debate on subjects like this one, because instead of fighting in physical form, we use words, and arguments, gives me a much higher survival change than a physical encounter, hi, hi... Lets keep it up people, fight my arguments as I will keep up fighting yours.... Let's see if anyone can make an argument that will help people chance their mind on this subject. one way or the other...
I've shot, stabbed, choked, gassed, drowned and salted 8 computers while on this thread. Words aren't seeming to work so well. Gotta get violent on dis muddah.
I'm back bitches! Who wants to fight?!?!?!?!!?!
This post, brought to you by some extremely sweetened tetley tea POW POW!! SHANK SHANK! EAT DIRT SCUMBAAAAAAAAGS!
If someone walks up to my son and I think they are going to beat my son, my claws are coming out. If someone enters my house in the middle of the night and fires off a gun saying "I'm coming to kill your whole family no matter what you say!" then I'm reaching for my AK. If someone has killed 6 million Jews and that person enters my house to ask for a cold Pepsi THEY GOIN DOWN WITH A STEAK KNIFE BEEEEEEEEOTCHES! If someone violently and purposely kills me, I hope they get the death penalty so my family feels justice has been served. If someone violently kills someone else's loved ones, I hope the murderer gets the guillotine. If someone is ordered to kill some innocent people, the person who gave the orders must DIEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Caffeine kills.
Time to light my coffee can on fire. IS ANY ONE ELSE ALIVE IN HERE????? I AM REVVED UP! WEEEEEEEEEHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
The end.
I wish I were a chimp to know what it felt like to purge without criminal consequences.
The end part two. Hedonist, Aafke, JWPearl (excellent video by the way), TBP, chadwick (still up my ass), the weird names with a bunch of letters and numbers, dignin, BRIANLUX (almost forgot about ya til I scrolled up) annnnnnnnnd Leezestar (he won't see this anyway)... I love you all. Go pearl jam yay pearl jam oh pearl jam pearl jam ham.
The end part trois. Post with no regrets. My face is numb. The 4th end is bitter sweet cuz it's my last post on this thread. Crying starts.........
For the record if I knew how to change it I wouldn't be stuck with a user name with only letters and numbers.....then I could have a cool username like everyone else
I love a heavy debate on subjects like this one, because instead of fighting in physical form, we use words, and arguments, gives me a much higher survival change than a physical encounter, hi, hi... Lets keep it up people, fight my arguments as I will keep up fighting yours.... Let's see if anyone can make an argument that will help people chance their mind on this subject. one way or the other...
I've shot, stabbed, choked, gassed, drowned and salted 8 computers while on this thread. Words aren't seeming to work so well. Gotta get violent on dis muddah.
I'm back bitches! Who wants to fight?!?!?!?!!?!
This post, brought to you by some extremely sweetened tetley tea POW POW!! SHANK SHANK! EAT DIRT SCUMBAAAAAAAAGS!
If someone walks up to my son and I think they are going to beat my son, my claws are coming out. If someone enters my house in the middle of the night and fires off a gun saying "I'm coming to kill your whole family no matter what you say!" then I'm reaching for my AK. If someone has killed 6 million Jews and that person enters my house to ask for a cold Pepsi THEY GOIN DOWN WITH A STEAK KNIFE BEEEEEEEEOTCHES! If someone violently and purposely kills me, I hope they get the death penalty so my family feels justice has been served. If someone violently kills someone else's loved ones, I hope the murderer gets the guillotine. If someone is ordered to kill some innocent people, the person who gave the orders must DIEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Caffeine kills.
Time to light my coffee can on fire. IS ANY ONE ELSE ALIVE IN HERE????? I AM REVVED UP! WEEEEEEEEEHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
The end.
I wish I were a chimp to know what it felt like to purge without criminal consequences.
The end part two. Hedonist, Aafke, JWPearl (excellent video by the way), TBP, chadwick (still up my ass), the weird names with a bunch of letters and numbers, dignin, BRIANLUX (almost forgot about ya til I scrolled up) annnnnnnnnd Leezestar (he won't see this anyway)... I love you all. Go pearl jam yay pearl jam oh pearl jam pearl jam ham.
The end part trois. Post with no regrets. My face is numb. The 4th end is bitter sweet cuz it's my last post on this thread. Crying starts.........
For the record if I knew how to change it I wouldn't be stuck with a user name with only letters and numbers.....then I could have a cool username like everyone else
Strange....it used to be easy but when I look now I have no idea.
I love a heavy debate on subjects like this one, because instead of fighting in physical form, we use words, and arguments, gives me a much higher survival change than a physical encounter, hi, hi... Lets keep it up people, fight my arguments as I will keep up fighting yours.... Let's see if anyone can make an argument that will help people chance their mind on this subject. one way or the other...
I've shot, stabbed, choked, gassed, drowned and salted 8 computers while on this thread. Words aren't seeming to work so well. Gotta get violent on dis muddah.
I'm back bitches! Who wants to fight?!?!?!?!!?!
This post, brought to you by some extremely sweetened tetley tea POW POW!! SHANK SHANK! EAT DIRT SCUMBAAAAAAAAGS!
If someone walks up to my son and I think they are going to beat my son, my claws are coming out. If someone enters my house in the middle of the night and fires off a gun saying "I'm coming to kill your whole family no matter what you say!" then I'm reaching for my AK. If someone has killed 6 million Jews and that person enters my house to ask for a cold Pepsi THEY GOIN DOWN WITH A STEAK KNIFE BEEEEEEEEOTCHES! If someone violently and purposely kills me, I hope they get the death penalty so my family feels justice has been served. If someone violently kills someone else's loved ones, I hope the murderer gets the guillotine. If someone is ordered to kill some innocent people, the person who gave the orders must DIEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Caffeine kills.
Time to light my coffee can on fire. IS ANY ONE ELSE ALIVE IN HERE????? I AM REVVED UP! WEEEEEEEEEHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
The end.
I wish I were a chimp to know what it felt like to purge without criminal consequences.
The end part two. Hedonist, Aafke, JWPearl (excellent video by the way), TBP, chadwick (still up my ass), the weird names with a bunch of letters and numbers, dignin, BRIANLUX (almost forgot about ya til I scrolled up) annnnnnnnnd Leezestar (he won't see this anyway)... I love you all. Go pearl jam yay pearl jam oh pearl jam pearl jam ham.
The end part trois. Post with no regrets. My face is numb. The 4th end is bitter sweet cuz it's my last post on this thread. Crying starts.........
For the record if I knew how to change it I wouldn't be stuck with a user name with only letters and numbers.....then I could have a cool username like everyone else
Strange....it used to be easy but when I look now I have no idea.
Whenever I see you post... the first thing that comes to mind is that hairless cat you used to use as your icon.
Here is an other one, some of you strongly disagree with...
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
I love a heavy debate on subjects like this one, because instead of fighting in physical form, we use words, and arguments, gives me a much higher survival change than a physical encounter, hi, hi... Lets keep it up people, fight my arguments as I will keep up fighting yours.... Let's see if anyone can make an argument that will help people chance their mind on this subject. one way or the other...
I've shot, stabbed, choked, gassed, drowned and salted 8 computers while on this thread. Words aren't seeming to work so well. Gotta get violent on dis muddah.
I'm back bitches! Who wants to fight?!?!?!?!!?!
This post, brought to you by some extremely sweetened tetley tea POW POW!! SHANK SHANK! EAT DIRT SCUMBAAAAAAAAGS!
If someone walks up to my son and I think they are going to beat my son, my claws are coming out. If someone enters my house in the middle of the night and fires off a gun saying "I'm coming to kill your whole family no matter what you say!" then I'm reaching for my AK. If someone has killed 6 million Jews and that person enters my house to ask for a cold Pepsi THEY GOIN DOWN WITH A STEAK KNIFE BEEEEEEEEOTCHES! If someone violently and purposely kills me, I hope they get the death penalty so my family feels justice has been served. If someone violently kills someone else's loved ones, I hope the murderer gets the guillotine. If someone is ordered to kill some innocent people, the person who gave the orders must DIEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Caffeine kills.
Time to light my coffee can on fire. IS ANY ONE ELSE ALIVE IN HERE????? I AM REVVED UP! WEEEEEEEEEHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
The end.
I wish I were a chimp to know what it felt like to purge without criminal consequences.
The end part two. Hedonist, Aafke, JWPearl (excellent video by the way), TBP, chadwick (still up my ass), the weird names with a bunch of letters and numbers, dignin, BRIANLUX (almost forgot about ya til I scrolled up) annnnnnnnnd Leezestar (he won't see this anyway)... I love you all. Go pearl jam yay pearl jam oh pearl jam pearl jam ham.
The end part trois. Post with no regrets. My face is numb. The 4th end is bitter sweet cuz it's my last post on this thread. Crying starts.........
For the record if I knew how to change it I wouldn't be stuck with a user name with only letters and numbers.....then I could have a cool username like everyone else
Strange....it used to be easy but when I look now I have no idea.
Whenever I see you post... the first thing that comes to mind is that hairless cat you used to use as your icon.
Here is an other one, some of you strongly disagree with...
Perhaps you are more enlightened than I. Perhaps I am able to discern and make value judgements and you aren't. Who knows? I can feel empathy and compassion for those I don't know, but I value the lives of my kids and my family more than the lives of total strangers. That isn't to say the child in this picture has no value to me. But to claim that all life has equal value to an individual is just a really strange concept to me. Some lives simply do matter less to me. As I mentioned early in this thread, a cracked out violent ciminal may have negative value to me, whereas the lives of my kids I value more than my own. And based on your personal story you related above, I think that really is the same with you, but you won't admit it. You got physical when it came to protecting your child. Would you get physical and intervene in a violent dispute between two random drug addicts in an alley fighting over their last rock? I wouldn't and I don't think you would either.
"I'll use the magic word - let's just shut the fuck up, please." EV, 04/13/08
I think every one values the life of there loved ones more than that of complete strainers, because we don't know them, we all do have a subjective and different vision on the world. The difference between us is that, I will not act as if my vision is the only true and right one. In my own example I didn't physically attack this woman, I lost my calm, and started an ordinary shouting match.. That scared her and she hit me, I tried to defend myself physically, but as I stated before only punched air. So no I I did not get physically when she attacked my kid. I am no fighter never was, and never will be, I flight or freeze in those kind of situations. But I will always use my words and body to protect an obvious underdog... Not by fighting back but to use my body as shield. Doesn't matter if I know the person in question or not... I know it's quite a stupid thing to do and can get me at risk, but I can't help it, maybe I do it because at some point in my life I wish someone had done the same for me. I do not value my life that high maybe...
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,715
Right now I don't know about God, I don't know about killing or violence, I don't know about defense or offense. All I know is that when evsjamm brain says, "Let 'er rip!" we are in for some miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighty interesting reading! :-D
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Nobody has called anyone 'stupid' so using such a term to explain your moderating post and be somewhat condescending doesn't exactly help.
I (for one) have mentioned being completely flabbergasted over assuming the mentality that the life of your assailant might be more important than that of yours or your loved ones'... and I still am- 'authentically'.
As for my small self? No issues to be had with anyone who walks a different road so long as those steps are taken in peace.
Mine are (unless fucked with).
I don't even care if I'm judged for what I say or do; it's expected, a given, and even funny sometimes.
Pretty much OK with my integrity and also alright if asked to examine it.
And this wasn't directed at Aafke. Posts to Aafke have been fair.
You are one of the most respectful and enlightened posters here. Way more than me.
I may not always agree with you but I respect your opinion because of the way you present it.
At this point my thinking is to follow the path of least resistance. I'm vigilant. I avoid dangerous situations, and mostly I hope never to have to protect myself or a loved one in a violent manner. But if I had no choice, I still hope I would. I don't wish anyone dead but if it had to be a punk or my wife, the choice is obvious to me.
I really should go now. This thing just spin cycles and weighs me down. But thanks for promoting peace and love- always good to do that.
I love to read the way this discussion has evolved, 'cause it shows people are thinking about this subject. Sometimes scraping of the rough edges of their statements. I love a heavy debate on subjects like this one, because instead of fighting in physical form, we use words, and arguments, gives me a much higher survival change than a physical encounter, hi, hi...
Lets keep it up people, fight my arguments as I will keep up fighting yours.... Let's see if anyone can make an argument that will help people chance their mind on this subject. one way or the other...
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
Most religious people I know have no need to contain their beliefs, in that they already do - they live in peace, go to temple or church or mosque, try to help others. And, I say the same for those who ascribe to atheism, agnosticism.
I guess...it's not so much about religion(s) or lack thereof - it's how we choose (or are taught) to live and treat and appreciate life, whether our fellow human being, animal, tree, ocean, planet, and on.
Get rid of hate and ignorance on all fronts and we get that much closer to harmony.
(sad to say I almost feel foolish posting this!)
How to get people to stop using their religions, or organised belief, as an excuse for a good old fight? I don't have an answer for that one right away, I think wars are, as despicable as they are, a huge part of what makes us human. I believe, keep on pointing out the common grounds, and preaching love instead of fighting and hatred might be an option. And my argument for starting a fight with words instead of fists, can vent the aggression, but does make much less deadly victims...
I don't think it works, cause if it had, wars where long gone by now. But I'm looking forward to hear anyone else's opinion on this matter...
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
I'm back bitches! Who wants to fight?!?!?!?!!?!
This post, brought to you by some extremely sweetened tetley tea POW POW!! SHANK SHANK! EAT DIRT SCUMBAAAAAAAAGS!
If someone walks up to my son and I think they are going to beat my son, my claws are coming out.
If someone enters my house in the middle of the night and fires off a gun saying "I'm coming to kill your whole family no matter what you say!" then I'm reaching for my AK.
If someone has killed 6 million Jews and that person enters my house to ask for a cold Pepsi THEY GOIN DOWN WITH A STEAK KNIFE BEEEEEEEEOTCHES!
If someone violently and purposely kills me, I hope they get the death penalty so my family feels justice has been served.
If someone violently kills someone else's loved ones, I hope the murderer gets the guillotine.
If someone is ordered to kill some innocent people, the person who gave the orders must DIEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Caffeine kills.
Time to light my coffee can on fire.
The end.
I wish I were a chimp to know what it felt like to purge without criminal consequences.
The end part two.
Hedonist, Aafke, JWPearl (excellent video by the way), TBP, chadwick (still up my ass), the weird names with a bunch of letters and numbers, dignin, BRIANLUX (almost forgot about ya til I scrolled up) annnnnnnnnd Leezestar (he won't see this anyway)... I love you all. Go pearl jam yay pearl jam oh pearl jam pearl jam ham.
The end part trois.
Post with no regrets. My face is numb.
The 4th end is bitter sweet cuz it's my last post on this thread. Crying starts.........
evs? Decaf, man. Decaf
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
the only thing is, is there might be a difference