***HALIFAX 2006 Thread***



  • lannerslanners Posts: 458
    Sward, you haven't killed the thread, in fact you took the heat off me for a while...i always feel obligated to keep the thread going, so if someone else is doing it then i don't feel so bad! ;)

    okay...you want to know what's sad? i looked at the stats of who has posted how many replies in this thread and it goes like this...

    lanners 96
    sward 39
    Truthmonger 38
    mookie blaylock 10 34
    funkymonk 27
    teflonsteve 18
    olderman 13
    warehouse 11
    Boozer 11
    yellowstripes 11
    Gallant88 10

    i need a life! if i devoted as much time to keeping this thread alive to keeping my plants alive, my aloe would be thriving! if i devoted as much time to keeping my apartment clean i wouldn't be so embarrassed to have people over!
    i. am. mine.
  • WhittyWhitty Posts: 61
    Lanners, your "Stay Gold" sig is very similar to how Matt Mays signs his name. My older brother knows Matt through high school (Auburn Drive), so I got to meet him a few times (we used to live in Cole Harbour). He signed a couple cd's for me and always finished with a "Stay Gold". Wierd coincidence.

    Sward, I'm in Cavendish alot, so if I see a fellow PJ car, I'll honk. We're like the "Stonecutters" from the Simpsons.

    "It makes much more sense to live in the present tense."

    Toronto 2000
    Montreal 2003
    Halifax 2005
    St. John's (2x) 2005
    Boston 2010
    Hartford 2013
    Quebec City 2016
  • lannerslanners Posts: 458
    Whitty wrote:
    Lanners, your "Stay Gold" sig is very similar to how Matt Mays signs his name. My older brother knows Matt through high school (Auburn Drive), so I got to meet him a few times (we used to live in Cole Harbour). He signed a couple cd's for me and always finished with a "Stay Gold". Wierd coincidence.

    Sward, I'm in Cavendish alot, so if I see a fellow PJ car, I'll honk. We're like the "Stonecutters" from the Simpsons.


    I wonder if Matt Mays loves The Outsiders as much as i do? hee hee.
    i. am. mine.
  • small town becksmall town beck Posts: 6,691
    lanners wrote:
    I wonder if Matt Mays loves The Outsiders as much as i do? hee hee.

    Not really on topic of the thread, lanners, but are you coming over to see Matt Mays with Sam R. and the Hip for Canada Day weekend?

    Oh, yes and PJ come back to Halifax(to keep on topic) :)
  • lannerslanners Posts: 458
    Not really on topic of the thread, lanners, but are you coming over to see Matt Mays with Sam R. and the Hip for Canada Day weekend?

    Oh, yes and PJ come back to Halifax(to keep on topic) :)

    i would love to come for that show...sounds like it's going to be a great day. however, i don't drive and i'm a little strapped for cash at the moment.

    i'm not ruling it out though. depends on what my more mobile friends have planned. if someone said they were going and had an extra seat, i wouldn't turn them down. i have friends who live on the island so i could always crash with them.

    oh, yeah...come back PJ!
    i. am. mine.
  • TruthmongerTruthmonger Posts: 559
    Ah, the Stonecutters:

    "who keeps the metric system down ?, we do, we do".......''

    that was a fucking classic. LOL

    Man, I had 38 posts for this mother ? Couldn't let Sward get the upper hand here. Sorry Sward. Its all for a good cause. In a related note, I read somewhere here that there are apparently no Southern dates for this tour - as just recently noted by KAT. Sorry Birmingham. Sorry Tallahassee. Sorry New Orleans.

    PJ, get your fucking asses back to Halifornia(I like that one). No excuses now, just fucking do it.
  • swardsward Posts: 586
    Dammit Truthmonger..I was going to take a night off!
  • TruthmongerTruthmonger Posts: 559
    sward wrote:
    Dammit Truthmonger..I was going to take a night off!

    Sward, its you and me in a no-holds-barred, knock-em-down-drag-em-out, PJ cagematch. "Blood" plays on the background. Followed by Alive. The winner gets a shot at that shameless, non-stop bumper Lanners.
  • funkymonkfunkymonk Posts: 279
    lanners wrote:
    okay...you want to know what's sad? i looked at the stats of who has posted how many replies in this thread and it goes like this...

    lanners 96
    sward 39
    Truthmonger 38
    mookie blaylock 10 34
    funkymonk 27
    teflonsteve 18
    olderman 13
    warehouse 11
    Boozer 11
    yellowstripes 11
    Gallant88 10

    i need a life! if i devoted as much time to keeping this thread alive to keeping my plants alive, my aloe would be thriving! if i devoted as much time to keeping my apartment clean i wouldn't be so embarrassed to have people over!

    Daaanngg! I feel so honoured and humbled to be included in this prestigious group of Jamaholics. It's funny how I still run into people at other non-PJ shows who were at this show and everybody still comments at how phenomenal this show was. I ran into a couple at the Alice Cooper show in Saint John who saw PJ in Hali and they said that the only Pearl Jam they listen to now is the boot from the show (Warning: Please do not attempt this without appropriate adult supervision!)
  • Zillah13Zillah13 Posts: 135
    I completely support this thread! I "unfortunately" couldn't afford to go past Toronto on the Cross-Canada tour. But man, if they do decide to go east, I'll make the trip. I don't care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I've heard that the Halifax show was awsome!!!!!!
    That it was the second best show on the tour.
    Ottawa being no# 1.(You had to be there to understand that comment!)
    Keep this thread going indefinately!!!!!!!!!!!
    Let them know...... we want another show!!!
    Shit I want another cross country tour!!!!!!!
    That would be sweet!!!!!!!
    Man..... I wish I could put a Pearl Jam pic in here as my siggie!!!! LMFAO!!
  • lannerslanners Posts: 458
    i'm glad that people aren't totally sick of us keeping this thread alive.

    wow...page 4...too bad i work all day. otherwise i would just spend my days bumping this thread up until Kat and Sea get sick of us and just give in and give us a sticky.

    i hope they come back. from all the buzz from the recent shows in Boston and Camden, i'm itching real bad to get to another show.

    i'm going to have to get my brother to buy the boots for those shows to get an idea of what is to come WHEN they come back.

    i will not lose faith because i'm stubborn as hell.
    i. am. mine.
  • swardsward Posts: 586
    this is to bump....and add one on Truthmonger ;-)
  • lannerslanners Posts: 458
    god, if this turns into a competition i've got you all beat with my whiny bumps and miss merry sunshine hope.

    i. am. mine.
  • This is off topic, but I see WWS on MuchMoreMusic all the time now, it is even on the countdown. I also saw life wasted on Much once. Pretty cool.
  • swardsward Posts: 586
    I have yet to see a video on much...maybe because I hardly watch..but still..hasn't happened yet. Can't wait for when I do. Is it on any of the countdowns?
  • swardsward Posts: 586
    Slow day at work..bump.....
  • lannerslanners Posts: 458
    i caught the premier of Life Wasted on Much and have seen WWS on MuchMore quite a few times.

    it's funny when a station that used to pride itself in playing the more subdued/adult contemporary pop-ish music is now playing more PJ than Much does.

    MMM is by far the better music channel.
    i. am. mine.
  • swardsward Posts: 586
    Bump time
  • lannerslanners Posts: 458
    this rant won't really apply to anyone here, i just needed to get it off my chest and figured that no one would flame me if i posted it here...or better yet maybe it would get more people reading this thread and bring more attention to it. either way, this rant is totally selfish in nature and i apologize to the HFX regulars if i offend.

    i would just like to take this opportunity to express my sincere disdain at the amount of bitching and complaining that has been going on on the boards since this tour started. For example:

    ~The "I'm tired of the setlist" complaints
    ~The "Why won't they play Leash" and conversly the "Why won't they stop playing Leash" complaints
    ~The "I only got (insert number) row floor seats"


    Okay, whiny babies, shut your pie holes! You bitch, you whine and when things change you don't like it, so you bitch and you whine and it drives the rest of us who may not get to any shows this tour insane.

    Do you not know just how good you have it? Do you know how spoiled you are?

    I'm sorry, but it's been driving me nuts. If i were any member of the band and reading the threads on this board i would get a little sick in my mouth and cancel all the big shows and play for elderly women behind the counter in small towns, tiny hamlets and small farms in obscure places just to play for fans who appreciate the music, the band, the experience because they aren't jaded little cry-babies who have been to too many shows and think the band owes them something.

    The band should just go places they've never been, or rarely go to because they are more appreciated there. Did you hear much bitching after Halifax or Saint John's? NO!

    so there's my rant. i'm just tired of all the complaining lately. i'm sorry for taking up your time.

    flame away. i'm too tired to argue anymore.
    i. am. mine.
  • swardsward Posts: 586
    lanners wrote:
    this rant won't really apply to anyone here, i just needed to get it off my chest and figured that no one would flame me if i posted it here...or better yet maybe it would get more people reading this thread and bring more attention to it. either way, this rant is totally selfish in nature and i apologize to the HFX regulars if i offend.

    i would just like to take this opportunity to express my sincere disdain at the amount of bitching and complaining that has been going on on the boards since this tour started. For example:

    ~The "I'm tired of the setlist" complaints
    ~The "Why won't they play Leash" and conversly the "Why won't they stop playing Leash" complaints
    ~The "I only got (insert number) row floor seats"


    Okay, whiny babies, shut your pie holes! You bitch, you whine and when things change you don't like it, so you bitch and you whine and it drives the rest of us who may not get to any shows this tour insane.

    Do you not know just how good you have it? Do you know how spoiled you are?

    I'm sorry, but it's been driving me nuts. If i were any member of the band and reading the threads on this board i would get a little sick in my mouth and cancel all the big shows and play for elderly women behind the counter in small towns, tiny hamlets and small farms in obscure places just to play for fans who appreciate the music, the band, the experience because they aren't jaded little cry-babies who have been to too many shows and think the band owes them something.

    The band should just go places they've never been, or rarely go to because they are more appreciated there. Did you hear much bitching after Halifax or Saint John's? NO!

    so there's my rant. i'm just tired of all the complaining lately. i'm sorry for taking up your time.

    flame away. i'm too tired to argue anymore.

    I totally agree. I've never been one from that camp. I really do appreciate all that PJ does...from varied setlists, to bootlegs, to free downloads...the list goes on and on. Hey..I'll take Betterman every show I go to. It's ok with me to see the rest of the crowd (that aren't fanatics like us) enjoy the songs that they do know..because I guarantee they leave there wanting to discover more.

    Who would have thought that I'd be following a band for 15 years?....from university, girlfriends, breakups, sadness, joy,life,death, marriage, birth of my son, gainful employment..list goes on ;-)......and the band would be the one constant of my life. That is what Pearl Jam is to me. Not setlists and ticket fiascos...but a part of my life. I guess with that comes the ups and downs of any 'relationship' and that is what these people are encountering...but for me...it's been nothing but great. The naysayers will say that Im (we) are just blinded by all that is PJ..but that's not true. I don't love every song..I haven't loved every album...I haven't loved every decision. But I trust their instincts and the place the fan plays in their choices.

    I got to meet all the members of PJ in NFLD and I remember being a little wary of meeting EV, if only because I didn't want to take a chance of leaving a bad taste in my mouth..but it was more than anyone could ever ask for because it was genuine...that's all I could say about the whole experience to sum it up for friends...it was genuine...very gratifying experience all around.

    So..to that I say thanks to PJ for 15 years and counting and I raise a toast to all the Halifax thread contributers because, this too is genuine. ;-)
  • lannerslanners Posts: 458
    sward wrote:
    Who would have thought that I'd be following a band for 15 years?....from university, girlfriends, breakups, sadness, joy,life,death, marriage, birth of my son, gainful employment..list goes on ;-)......and the band would be the one constant of my life. That is what Pearl Jam is to me. Not setlists and ticket fiascos...but a part of my life. I guess with that comes the ups and downs of any 'relationship' and that is what these people are encountering...but for me...it's been nothing but great. The naysayers will say that Im (we) are just blinded by all that is PJ..but that's not true. I don't love every song..I haven't loved every album...I haven't loved every decision. But I trust their instincts and the place the fan plays in their choices.

    So..to that I say thanks to PJ for 15 years and counting and I raise a toast to all the Halifax thread contributers because, this too is genuine. ;-)

    that's it for me in a nutshell as well.

    you just put it more eloquently than i ever could.
    i. am. mine.
  • swardsward Posts: 586
    Still...all that said..no one around me can understand the sentiment. hahaha

    My wife thinks I am crazy..as do most of my friends.......but I am lucky..I have one friend who is about as big a fan as me.
  • rjwhite19rjwhite19 Posts: 574
    well put; thought i wrote it
    Montreal 2003. Halifax 2005. EV Montreal 2008. Toronto 2009
    Toronto 2011 1 & 2 London 2013. Quebec City 2016. Ottawa 2016
    Fenway 2016 1 & 2
  • lanners wrote:
    this rant won't really apply to anyone here, i just needed to get it off my chest and figured that no one would flame me if i posted it here...or better yet maybe it would get more people reading this thread and bring more attention to it. either way, this rant is totally selfish in nature and i apologize to the HFX regulars if i offend.

    i would just like to take this opportunity to express my sincere disdain at the amount of bitching and complaining that has been going on on the boards since this tour started. For example:

    ~The "I'm tired of the setlist" complaints
    ~The "Why won't they play Leash" and conversly the "Why won't they stop playing Leash" complaints
    ~The "I only got (insert number) row floor seats"


    Okay, whiny babies, shut your pie holes! You bitch, you whine and when things change you don't like it, so you bitch and you whine and it drives the rest of us who may not get to any shows this tour insane.

    Do you not know just how good you have it? Do you know how spoiled you are?

    I'm sorry, but it's been driving me nuts. If i were any member of the band and reading the threads on this board i would get a little sick in my mouth and cancel all the big shows and play for elderly women behind the counter in small towns, tiny hamlets and small farms in obscure places just to play for fans who appreciate the music, the band, the experience because they aren't jaded little cry-babies who have been to too many shows and think the band owes them something.

    The band should just go places they've never been, or rarely go to because they are more appreciated there. Did you hear much bitching after Halifax or Saint John's? NO!

    so there's my rant. i'm just tired of all the complaining lately. i'm sorry for taking up your time.

    flame away. i'm too tired to argue anymore.

    right on lanners. :)
  • lanners wrote:
    this rant won't really apply to anyone here, i just needed to get it off my chest and figured that no one would flame me if i posted it here...or better yet maybe it would get more people reading this thread and bring more attention to it. either way, this rant is totally selfish in nature and i apologize to the HFX regulars if i offend.

    i would just like to take this opportunity to express my sincere disdain at the amount of bitching and complaining that has been going on on the boards since this tour started. For example:

    ~The "I'm tired of the setlist" complaints
    ~The "Why won't they play Leash" and conversly the "Why won't they stop playing Leash" complaints
    ~The "I only got (insert number) row floor seats"


    Okay, whiny babies, shut your pie holes! You bitch, you whine and when things change you don't like it, so you bitch and you whine and it drives the rest of us who may not get to any shows this tour insane.

    Do you not know just how good you have it? Do you know how spoiled you are?

    I'm sorry, but it's been driving me nuts. If i were any member of the band and reading the threads on this board i would get a little sick in my mouth and cancel all the big shows and play for elderly women behind the counter in small towns, tiny hamlets and small farms in obscure places just to play for fans who appreciate the music, the band, the experience because they aren't jaded little cry-babies who have been to too many shows and think the band owes them something.

    The band should just go places they've never been, or rarely go to because they are more appreciated there. Did you hear much bitching after Halifax or Saint John's? NO!

    so there's my rant. i'm just tired of all the complaining lately. i'm sorry for taking up your time.

    flame away. i'm too tired to argue anymore.

    i'm feeling you Lanners
    my only small complaint about Hailfax was that they only gave Eddie 1 Keith's,
  • CrazyJDCrazyJD Posts: 103
    i'm feeling you Lanners
    my only small complaint about Hailfax was that they only gave Eddie 1 Keith's,

    You have to wonder if they brought out a 24 how much more he would have played.... grrrrrr.
    Halifax, Summer 2008... they return!
  • lannerslanners Posts: 458
    a 2-4 of Keith's could have sparked one of the longest and more amazing shows they've ever done...or it could have been one of the drunkest, pukiest, stumbliest shows in history.

    i would take them anyway i could get 'em!
    i. am. mine.
  • swardsward Posts: 586
    lanners wrote:
    a 2-4 of Keith's could have sparked one of the longest and more amazing shows they've ever done...or it could have been one of the drunkest, pukiest, stumbliest shows in history.

    i would take them anyway i could get 'em!

    a 6 pack of Keith's does the second to me. Yuck! ;-)

    Muhahha..I keed...I keed.....it's always a good fall back. Clancy's for me though! ;-)
  • TruthmongerTruthmonger Posts: 559
    Hey, just why did they only have 1 Keith's for the boys that night ? I've wondered that for a long time now ???????.

    And Sward, you are on a mission - I can't compete. Maybe I'll just have to come down there and lay a shitkickin on ya, put ya outta commission like, so I can regain my crown as Halifax 2006 runner-up. hehehe.

    And where did the other Halifax thread go ? Maybe I would have had a shot at that one.......

    Halifax 2005 - you fucking ruled - its time for a return engagement, non ?
  • swardsward Posts: 586
    Hey, just why did they only have 1 Keith's for the boys that night ? I've wondered that for a long time now ???????.

    And Sward, you are on a mission - I can't compete. Maybe I'll just have to come down there and lay a shitkickin on ya, put ya outta commission like, so I can regain my crown as Halifax 2006 runner-up. hehehe.

    And where did the other Halifax thread go ? Maybe I would have had a shot at that one.......

    Halifax 2005 - you fucking ruled - its time for a return engagement, non ?

    But alas, it is I providing said shitkicking..non?

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