Gun owner stops rampage



  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    I will never register any of my firearms.
    had the law that the senate killed would have passed it would have been a felony to create a gun registry.

    now i am all for a national gun registry.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • riotgrl wrote:
    riotgrl wrote:
    The only slippery slope I am seeing in regards to guns is not that the guns will be taken away but that we will all become armed without proper training and without proper safety precautions being taken. It is now acceptable in many areas to arm our children to the teeth in order to protect and in order to prove to the government and to the 'anti-gunners' that we are indeed entitled to own whatever gun we want, to take that gun wherever we want and all of this can be done without providing all of the non-criminal, law abiding, non gun owning FELLOW citizens the basic courtesy of showing that you are a responsible gun owner. There is your slippery slope. Not one person on this forum, and from what I have seen many of these fellow forum members would describe themselves as liberals, has said they want a ban on guns. Instead what we are calling for is safe, responsible gun owners that will register their guns that they use for protection or for hunting, to take a class on safe ways to store their guns, and the proper handling of said guns. And we are being unreasonable. No, in fact, it is the pro-gunners that are being unreasonable. Time to quit talking the talk and walk the walk.

    I will never register any of my firearms.

    Ok, have you taken a gun safety class? Do you properly store your guns? Do you teach your kids (if you have kids) proper gun safety techniques?

    Also, do you register your car? Do you get your drivers license? What about your boat, motorcycle, etc? Where is your willingness to compromise? I think most gun control advocates have proven they are willing to compromise what about those of you that are pro-gun?

    I've taken safety classes. I was brought up with guns and was taught at a very young age about the dangers of guns and how to properly use and store guns. But frankly, it is none of your god damn business how i store my firearms in my own house. I have no children. I have no reason to make it difficult for myself or my wife to grab a gun in the case of emergency. The last thing I want her to be doing is trying to open the safe when their is an intruder in our home.

    You want compromise, fine, make the background checks stronger, doesn't matter to me. I live in a state with a very good and strong background check system. But I will say it again, I will not register my firearms. No compromise on that issue.
  • riotgrlriotgrl LOUISVILLE Posts: 1,895
    riotgrl wrote:

    I will never register any of my firearms.

    Ok, have you taken a gun safety class? Do you properly store your guns? Do you teach your kids (if you have kids) proper gun safety techniques?

    Also, do you register your car? Do you get your drivers license? What about your boat, motorcycle, etc? Where is your willingness to compromise? I think most gun control advocates have proven they are willing to compromise what about those of you that are pro-gun?

    I've taken safety classes. I was brought up with guns and was taught at a very young age about the dangers of guns and how to properly use and store guns. But frankly, it is none of your god damn business how i store my firearms in my own house. I have no children. I have no reason to make it difficult for myself or my wife to grab a gun in the case of emergency. The last thing I want her to be doing is trying to open the safe when their is an intruder in our home.

    You want compromise, fine, make the background checks stronger, doesn't matter to me. I live in a state with a very good and strong background check system. But I will say it again, I will not register my firearms. No compromise on that issue.

    I see no need for you to be hateful. If you don't have kids or don't have kids that visit your house then good on you to sleep with it on your bedside table. There is no where in the 2nd that says we can't have a national registry. The Constitution is vague in many places for a reason. So glad you live in a state with stronger background checks but I do not. In my state, it is legal for my neighbor to take his AR-15 and shoot a fucking mole that is digging holes in his backyard. Glad you are safety minded but not everyone is and this law is not about YOU, it is about all of us. It's called the common good and it is just as important as the 2nd Amendment. You seem to only favor compromise on the behalf of others and not yourself, why is that?
    Are we getting something out of this all-encompassing trip?

    Seems my preconceptions are what should have been burned...

  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    :lol: back in the 80's i slept with a 357. mag. long barrel under my pillow..... :shock: yea that was a little extreme :lol:

  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    edited May 2013
    I have no reason to make it difficult for myself or my wife to grab a gun in the case of emergency. The last thing I want her to be doing is trying to open the safe when their is an intruder in our home. .

    So one can assume it is not safely stored: unloaded, under lock and key with ammunition stored separately (general advice on safe storage - even from the NRA). It would seem that this, together with training are essential to be a 'responsible' gun owner.

    I understand what you're saying about having to fiddle with two different locked devices to first get gun, then ammo, then needing to load gun when you are confronted with an intruder and you have your guns for 'protection'. Not that much use then... But what you say seems to be a recurrent theme amongst those that need guns for their protection.

    Are we to assume then, since these guns that need to be readily available in case of emergency, they are held by irresponsible gun owners as they are not stored safely?? Not having a dig a you personally... just asking in general. We hear so much about being 'responsible' and that seems to be the key of gun ownership.

    How does one reconcile 'responsible' with 'gun immediately accessible (and 'ready') in case of emergency?
    Post edited by redrock on
  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    Godfather. wrote:
    :lol: back in the 80's i slept with a 357. mag. long barrel under my pillow..... :shock: yea that was a little extreme :lol:


    Must have been a bit uncomfortable. Or you had a very thick and fluffy pillow!
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    pandora wrote:
    seriously, legos have restrictions saying not appropriate for kids 3 or under. no such thing with guns.
    This is a great point and something that would be a positive law to encourage to be passed.
    As I said 5 seemed to young to me... 3 yes there are warnings on toys of all ages.
    Guns never a toy, yes, a child must be able to tell the difference.

    Your sig now I have mentioned but I haven't said looks so much like our Charlie.
    I'm afraid to show it to JB, he'll cry. That is an amazing photo and everything you say
    I listen to differently now. The power of positive psychology, I guess. My heart melts.
    it is funny how seeing a photo can change an opinion. :mrgreen:
    i think things would be a lot different around here if we were all debating face to face instead of sitting behind keyboards and avatars.

    sorry for your loss of Charlie.

    now back to debating guns ;)
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    redrock wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    :lol: back in the 80's i slept with a 357. mag. long barrel under my pillow..... :shock: yea that was a little extreme :lol:


    Must have been a bit uncomfortable. Or you had a very thick and fluffy pillow!

    to this day I can't sleep without 2 pillows.

  • I have to say that I have to agree with those that keep their guns loaded and close to them when they sleep. Seriously, what's the point of having one for protection, which I am fine with, if you can't get to it fast enough to protect anyone? I personally wouldn't have one EVER, never mind by my bed side or close by, since I have small kids that can surprise us at any moment during the night, and what if one of them came to us after having a nightmare/needing to pee/etc, saw the gun, picked it up thinking it was a toy, and blew their own head off?

    serious non-confrontational question: what do gun owners who keep for protection do with small children in the house? Lock your bedroom door? put it up somewhere they can't reach it?
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    I have to say that I have to agree with those that keep their guns loaded and close to them when they sleep. Seriously, what's the point of having one for protection, which I am fine with, if you can't get to it fast enough to protect anyone? I personally wouldn't have one EVER, never mind by my bed side or close by, since I have small kids that can surprise us at any moment during the night, and what if one of them came to us after having a nightmare/needing to pee/etc, saw the gun, picked it up thinking it was a toy, and blew their own head off?

    serious non-confrontational question: what do gun owners who keep for protection do with small children in the house? Lock your bedroom door? put it up somewhere they can't reach it?

    ammo in one area locked up and hidden and gun locked up and hidden......but a baseball bat right beside my bed. your point with small children is very valid IMO,sense my son was very young my guns were always locked and some sold to gun shop.

  • redrockredrock Posts: 18,341
    Godfather. wrote:

    ammo in one area locked up and hidden and gun locked up and hidden......but a baseball bat right beside my bed. your point with small children is very valid IMO,sense my son was very young my guns were always locked and some sold to gun shop.


    Responsible! As long as you don't go mental and run rampage.... ;)
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    pandora wrote:
    seriously, legos have restrictions saying not appropriate for kids 3 or under. no such thing with guns.
    This is a great point and something that would be a positive law to encourage to be passed.
    As I said 5 seemed to young to me... 3 yes there are warnings on toys of all ages.
    Guns never a toy, yes, a child must be able to tell the difference.

    Your sig now I have mentioned but I haven't said looks so much like our Charlie.
    I'm afraid to show it to JB, he'll cry. That is an amazing photo and everything you say
    I listen to differently now. The power of positive psychology, I guess. My heart melts.
    it is funny how seeing a photo can change an opinion. :mrgreen:
    i think things would be a lot different around here if we were all debating face to face instead of sitting behind keyboards and avatars.

    sorry for your loss of Charlie.

    now back to debating guns ;)
    thank you gimme and I agree. I believe once you stood next to me at a bar... at a preparty.
    Handsome man, quiet, you ordered a drink. No one would know from here I'm shy, very shy.
    I wanted to say hi, I wish I'd had had the guts... story of my life.

    Thank you for your kindness ... I'm very sorry about Nash.

    Yes guns, round and round it goes but still the basis so important to many on both sides
    why the debate will continue.
  • JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Florida Posts: 10,219
    But frankly, it is none of your god damn business how i store my firearms in my own house.

    You've been level headed through all this discussion and I've appreciated your openness and dialog, so why all of a sudden get so defensive? weird. Its a discussion and the question is relevant. Good grief man.
    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
  • JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Florida Posts: 10,219
    Godfather. wrote:
    :lol: back in the 80's i slept with a 357. mag. long barrel under my pillow..... :shock: yea that was a little extreme :lol:


    :lol::lol: a little? :P
    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    Godfather. wrote:
    :lol: back in the 80's i slept with a 357. mag. long barrel under my pillow..... :shock: yea that was a little extreme :lol:


    :lol::lol: a little? :P

    the 80's in lakeside ca. were crazy :lol:

  • But frankly, it is none of your god damn business how i store my firearms in my own house.

    You've been level headed through all this discussion and I've appreciated your openness and dialog, so why all of a sudden get so defensive? weird. Its a discussion and the question is relevant. Good grief man.

    What a person does in their own home, own their own property, is not for me to judge or care. That's what makes this a great country, people have freedom's that most through out the world do not. How a person stores their firearms in their own home is for no one to say but themselves. The whole responsible/irresponsible debate is truly a pointless one because those definitions are different to everyone and it's not the governments place or right to decide. I've been getting more and more fed up when I hear people talk about how the government should be more in control on how we live our lives. Any more liberties get taken away and we'll be just like the majority of the countries in this world which doesn't sound so great to me. I enjoy freedom and I have and would fight for those freedoms again.
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    But frankly, it is none of your god damn business how i store my firearms in my own house.

    You've been level headed through all this discussion and I've appreciated your openness and dialog, so why all of a sudden get so defensive? weird. Its a discussion and the question is relevant. Good grief man.

    What a person does in their own home, own their own property, is not for me to judge or care. That's what makes this a great country, people have freedom's that most through out the world do not. How a person stores their firearms in their own home is for no one to say but themselves. The whole responsible/irresponsible debate is truly a pointless one because those definitions are different to everyone and it's not the governments place or right to decide. I've been getting more and more fed up when I hear people talk about how the government should be more in control on how we live our lives. Any more liberties get taken away and we'll be just like the majority of the countries in this world which doesn't sound so great to me. I enjoy freedom and I have and would fight for those freedoms again.
    i think the vast majority of posters on this forum from countries outside of the us would take issue with your assertion that we have more freedoms than they do. it just is not true.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • Oh it's true. We can go buy an semi-automatic rifle...most of them cannot...
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    pandora wrote:
    thank you gimme and I agree. I believe once you stood next to me at a bar... at a preparty.
    Handsome man, quiet, you ordered a drink. No one would know from here I'm shy, very shy.
    I wanted to say hi, I wish I'd had had the guts... story of my life.

    Thank you for your kindness ... I'm very sorry about Nash.

    Yes guns, round and round it goes but still the basis so important to many on both sides
    why the debate will continue.
    i rarely talk to anyone at those preparty things. if the guy you saw was getting a drink it was probably me lol... the people i hang out with at shows are not in 10c so we usually don't know anybody at those things. in person i am quiet as well... i would not have recognized you unless you looked like your avatar :lol::lol:
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    Oh it's true. We can go buy an semi-automatic rifle...most of them cannot...
    you see that as freedom. most of the rest of the people like me view that as unnecessary, but hey, whatever gets ya aroused i guess. :lol: i would probably just buy a hummer or a monster truck or a massive cod piece and call it good...
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • What a person does in their own home, own their own property, is not for me to judge or care. That's what makes this a great country, people have freedom's that most through out the world do not. How a person stores their firearms in their own home is for no one to say but themselves. The whole responsible/irresponsible debate is truly a pointless one because those definitions are different to everyone and it's not the governments place or right to decide. I've been getting more and more fed up when I hear people talk about how the government should be more in control on how we live our lives. Any more liberties get taken away and we'll be just like the majority of the countries in this world which doesn't sound so great to me. I enjoy freedom and I have and would fight for those freedoms again.
    i think the vast majority of posters on this forum from countries outside of the us would take issue with your assertion that we have more freedoms than they do. it just is not true.

    yeah, being from Canada, that one kinda made me laugh. free countries actually are the norm, not the exception.
    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • Oh it's true. We can go buy an semi-automatic rifle...most of them cannot...
    you see that as freedom. most of the rest of the people like me view that as unnecessary, but hey, whatever gets ya aroused i guess. :lol: i would probably just buy a hummer or a monster truck or a massive cod piece and call it good...

    Gimli 1993
    Fargo 2003
    Winnipeg 2005
    Winnipeg 2011
    St. Paul 2014
  • JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Florida Posts: 10,219
    But frankly, it is none of your god damn business how i store my firearms in my own house.

    You've been level headed through all this discussion and I've appreciated your openness and dialog, so why all of a sudden get so defensive? weird. Its a discussion and the question is relevant. Good grief man.

    What a person does in their own home, own their own property, is not for me to judge or care. That's what makes this a great country, people have freedom's that most through out the world do not. How a person stores their firearms in their own home is for no one to say but themselves. The whole responsible/irresponsible debate is truly a pointless one because those definitions are different to everyone and it's not the governments place or right to decide. I've been getting more and more fed up when I hear people talk about how the government should be more in control on how we live our lives. Any more liberties get taken away and we'll be just like the majority of the countries in this world which doesn't sound so great to me. I enjoy freedom and I have and would fight for those freedoms again.

    Hey, What a person does in their own home, own their own property, is not for me to judge or care.. I agree. Again, it has to do with the discussion though. If I had guns and someone asked me how I store them in a gun debate, I'd be more than willing to tell them I had a safe and they're locked up, or its under my pillow, etc.. Ok, no big deal.. But personally, I think how people store their weapons is a huge point of contention when it comes to gun safety. I hear way too many stories of law abiding citizens letting their kids kill each other accidentally, so I am concerned, but I know I cannot tell anyone whether or not to put their AR-15 under their pillow or not. I like to hear how people store their guns, and I am sometimes guilty of judging them. I have a very good friend who has several firearms and is NOT very responsible (and he has KIDS!), but its not my place to say shit. But if he wants to debate gun safety with me, he's got another thing coming..

    Point is, if you're here in this thread and going to debate guns and safety, dont get all bent out of shape if someone wants to know where you're coming from.
    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
  • What a person does in their own home, own their own property, is not for me to judge or care. That's what makes this a great country, people have freedom's that most through out the world do not. How a person stores their firearms in their own home is for no one to say but themselves. The whole responsible/irresponsible debate is truly a pointless one because those definitions are different to everyone and it's not the governments place or right to decide. I've been getting more and more fed up when I hear people talk about how the government should be more in control on how we live our lives. Any more liberties get taken away and we'll be just like the majority of the countries in this world which doesn't sound so great to me. I enjoy freedom and I have and would fight for those freedoms again.
    i think the vast majority of posters on this forum from countries outside of the us would take issue with your assertion that we have more freedoms than they do. it just is not true.

    yeah, being from Canada, that one kinda made me laugh. free countries actually are the norm, not the exception.

    Free countries are the norm and do you know why. Wars. When those freedoms in countries comes into question where do they turn...America. Without American intervention in WWII what would Europe look like today? Egypt doesn't seem to have a problem accepting American money right now. Syria rebels seem to be enjoying our weapons...
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    Free countries are the norm and do you know why. Wars. When those freedoms in countries comes into question where do they turn...America. Without American intervention in WWII what would Europe look like today? Egypt doesn't seem to have a problem accepting American money right now. Syria rebels seem to be enjoying our weapons...
    it always cracks me up when americans spout off about world war II. they always seem to forget that had it not been for france they most likely would still be a collection of colonies.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • riotgrlriotgrl LOUISVILLE Posts: 1,895
    Free countries are the norm and do you know why. Wars. When those freedoms in countries comes into question where do they turn...America. Without American intervention in WWII what would Europe look like today? Egypt doesn't seem to have a problem accepting American money right now. Syria rebels seem to be enjoying our weapons...
    it always cracks me up when americans spout off about world war II. they always seem to forget that had it not been for france they most likely would still be a collection of colonies.

    I wonder if some Libertarians would still prefer to live under the Articles of Confederation? Legitimate question - anybody?
    Are we getting something out of this all-encompassing trip?

    Seems my preconceptions are what should have been burned...

  • Free countries are the norm and do you know why. Wars. When those freedoms in countries comes into question where do they turn...America. Without American intervention in WWII what would Europe look like today? Egypt doesn't seem to have a problem accepting American money right now. Syria rebels seem to be enjoying our weapons...
    it always cracks me up when americans spout off about world war II. they always seem to forget that had it not been for france they most likely would still be a collection of colonies.

    And I applaud France for their efforts, since then however...
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    pandora wrote:
    thank you gimme and I agree. I believe once you stood next to me at a bar... at a preparty.
    Handsome man, quiet, you ordered a drink. No one would know from here I'm shy, very shy.
    I wanted to say hi, I wish I'd had had the guts... story of my life.

    Thank you for your kindness ... I'm very sorry about Nash.

    Yes guns, round and round it goes but still the basis so important to many on both sides
    why the debate will continue.
    i rarely talk to anyone at those preparty things. if the guy you saw was getting a drink it was probably me lol... the people i hang out with at shows are not in 10c so we usually don't know anybody at those things. in person i am quiet as well... i would not have recognized you unless you looked like your avatar :lol::lol:
    All In all, it's the music that brings us together. Gotta keep that in mind as we debate :)

    Music ... Such a powerful and splendid magic :D
    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • Jason P wrote:
    pandora wrote:
    thank you gimme and I agree. I believe once you stood next to me at a bar... at a preparty.
    Handsome man, quiet, you ordered a drink. No one would know from here I'm shy, very shy.
    I wanted to say hi, I wish I'd had had the guts... story of my life.

    Thank you for your kindness ... I'm very sorry about Nash.

    Yes guns, round and round it goes but still the basis so important to many on both sides
    why the debate will continue.
    i rarely talk to anyone at those preparty things. if the guy you saw was getting a drink it was probably me lol... the people i hang out with at shows are not in 10c so we usually don't know anybody at those things. in person i am quiet as well... i would not have recognized you unless you looked like your avatar :lol::lol:
    All In all, it's the music that brings us together. Gotta keep that in mind as we debate :)

    Music ... Such a powerful and splendid magic :D

  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    Jason P wrote:
    All In all, it's the music that brings us together. Gotta keep that in mind as we debate :)

    Music ... Such a powerful and splendid magic :D
    so true. 8-)
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
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