And there it is...the final cry of a loser..."you are a racist"
Surely you wouldn't argue that the Islamic culture is civilized, because that is just silly.
ok otter.....which 'islamic culture' are we talking about? I'm guessing you mean 'arab culture' in general...which is why i mentioned racism. you realize there is no singular islamic culture, right? of course you do. Now please enlighten us with your vast knowledge of islam.
(I hope you're not going to just call me a loser and ignore my other post. but that wouldn't surprise me. USA! USA! USA!)
Capitalism is good. Capitalism works. Capitalism is natural. Capitalism doesn't need to force others to join because everyone wants to make money and have a easier and better life.
Bush didn't ship terrorists all over the world in order to torture them. That's idiotic. 2 mass murderers suffered simulated drowning. Ask a POW what torture is. Carter was just as passive as Obama if not more so. This kind of leadership perpetuates war it doesn't subdue it. The Obama drone strikes kill so called bad guys but does nothing to deter those who are hell bent on defeating the western culture and instituting the Islamic culture on the world. Carter and Obama both try to appease the enemy of the west, but the effort is futile.
US troops are all over the world...yes...what would happen if they all came home? The US is making states around the world the US is protecting those who can't protect themselves. Come on son....
The US gov't didn't give aid to Hitler. Again, come on son... FDR made every effort to stay neutral until Japan attacked. And don't forget that Hitler had made an agreement with Japan prior to that attack. The US allied with Britain for all the reasons you mentioned, so what's your point. My point is that if not for the good the US did Hitler would have succeeded and after the Jews next the Catholics would have been in the ovens.
The USSR would have absolutely spread communism across Europe there would have been no stopping it. The dominoes would have fallen just like they did when the US left Vietnam. Come on son..
The US back dictators with money so that the US has influence. The dictators you speak of would be incredibly brutal if not for US influence. come on son!!!
If it weren't for the US we wouldn't be having this discussion because we would be relegated to our 'hood yo.
if it weren't for the US then Germany would have won the 2nd World War and all our lives would be completely different. If it weren't for the US the Soviet Union would have swept through Europe and all our lives would be completely different
So on one hand you claim that Germany would have won the war without the intervention of the U.S - simply not true - and in the very next sentence you claim that the Soviets would have swept through Europe.
There would be no western civilization if it weren't for the US; it would have been snuffed out a long time ago. The only chance this world has is if the Arabs embrace this civilization. And they do, it is the dickheads in power who embrace the uncivilized culture of Islam.
Capitalism is good. Capitalism works. Capitalism is natural. Capitalism doesn't need to force others to join because everyone wants to make money and have a easier and better life.
nope! I'd say the majority of the worlds population couldn't give a shit about money as long as they had a better life. That's just your uncivilized culture talking again. IMO, capitalism, esp when enforced by a military superpower and with state subsidies determining who fails and who succeeds, is detrimental to poor (particularly indeginous) peoples attaining that better life.
Bush didn't ship terrorists all over the world in order to torture them. That's idiotic. 2 mass murderers suffered simulated drowning. Ask a POW what torture is.
You're lying, straight up, and you know it. widespread and well documented.
Carter was just as passive as Obama if not more so. This kind of leadership perpetuates war it doesn't subdue it. The Obama drone strikes kill so called bad guys but does nothing to deter those who are hell bent on defeating the western culture and instituting the Islamic culture on the world. Carter and Obama both try to appease the enemy of the west, but the effort is futile.
Typical....not enough war = bad president.
Still waiting on this definition of 'Islamic culture'.
US troops are all over the world...yes...what would happen if they all came home? The US is making states around the world the US is protecting those who can't protect themselves. Come on son....
oh're just there to protect people. No other reasons. No actually I don't know what would happen if they all came home... But you seem to....clue me in? Let me guess...someone would 'take them over'! Bad guys would swarm! The hapless locals could never find another ally, let alone fend for themselves....
The US gov't didn't give aid to Hitler. Again, come on son...
Thought I had made it pretty clear that I'm talking about the American empire - including her business interests. Which, absolutely DID fund Hitler (I never used the word aid).....they were major shareholders - they profited from them, supplied them, protected them...yes, even during and after the war. Standard Oil, Ford, GM, Dupont, IBM, Coke, and of course, the banks and many more..... but then I'm guessing you knew this too, and are using selective facts/revisionist history in order to prop up this righteous image you're trying to conjure for your state.
And don't forget that Hitler had made an agreement with Japan prior to that attack. The US allied with Britain for all the reasons you mentioned, so what's your point. My point is that if not for the good the US did Hitler would have succeeded and after the Jews next the Catholics would have been in the ovens.
The USSR would have absolutely spread communism across Europe there would have been no stopping it. The dominoes would have fallen just like they did when the US left Vietnam. Come on son..
The US back dictators with money so that the US has influence. The dictators you speak of would be incredibly brutal if not for US influence. come on son!!!
If it weren't for the US we wouldn't be having this discussion because we would be relegated to our 'hood yo.
come on son!!
I'm runnin out of steam here....I'll let someone else address your hypotheticals if they feel like playing pretend with you. I hope someone spends some time on your justification of support for murderous regimes by saying 'they'd have been worse if we didn't support them'....hilariously hypocritical in context of this thread. I guess US foreign policy is based on being able to see the future. And who can argue with that when you're led by the almighty himself?
The US back dictators with money so that the US has influence. The dictators you speak of would be incredibly brutal if not for US influence.
Tell that to the people of Chile, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua.
Though maybe you've not heard of those countries before? You didn't just support them with money, you supported them with arms, military training, and media propaganda, when they were slaughtering their civilian populations.
And by the way, the U.S supported Sadaam Hussein throughout the 1980's.
The US back dictators with money so that the US has influence. The dictators you speak of would be incredibly brutal if not for US influence.
Tell that to the people of Chile, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua.
Though maybe you've not heard of those countries before? You didn't just support them with money, you supported them with arms, military training, and media propaganda, when they were slaughtering their civilian populations.
And by the way, the U.S supported Sadaam Hussein throughout the 1980's.
Just as we supported Assad lately! You cant begin to think what people's actions are going to be in the future! We try to help those in need. When we do, people like you hate it, when we dont, people like you use it for ammunition! LOSE LOSE with people like you who never see ANY good!
Theres no time like the present
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
The US policy changes all the time. The current policy under Obama (Commander in Chief) is completely different than any other policy in American history, except maybe Carter. Imperialist? Get real.
The US has done most of the good in the world. Currently it is all conversation, Obama has done absolutely nada. You will probably dismiss this but if it weren't for the US then Germany would have won the 2nd World War and all our lives would be completely different. If it weren't for the US the Soviet Union would have swept through Europe and all our lives would be completely different. The fact is the founders of this country put together a system that makes the world a better place for us humans. I don't want to live under tyranny and neither do you.
if it weren't for the US, millions of Iraqi civilians would still be alive and their lives would be completely different.
Or they would be dead. Killed by the asshole that the US military took out. And the living's lives would be completely different; oppressed under a tyrannical dictator instead of having the opportunity to choose for themselves.
There would be no western civilization if it weren't for the US; it would have been snuffed out a long time ago. The only chance this world has is if the Arabs embrace this civilization. And they do, it is the dickheads in power who embrace the uncivilized culture of Islam.
And there it is...
Why is it that the same fools who tout American exceptional-ism, are invariably the ones who come out with the inane, asinine, uneducated, bigoted statements. You do nothing to further your point when it is made in the above way.
News flash, America does more to restrict freedom than it does to protect it. And if absolute freedom means you can legally purchase an automatic rifle and blow away 27 people, you are welcome to it.
You really think God blessed America?? you mean to tell me that there aren't millions of people around the world who don't think the same of their own country? Besides the quarter pounder, exporting of war, and rampant obesity, what exactly has America added to world culture.
Now I'm sure you'll summise all I've mentioned simply as; I hate America, so let me beat you to the punch, I don't, there are many things I find great about America and americans, but I do hate willful stupidity, by willful I mean someone who has all the tools to educate themselves but instead rely on their ignorance out of fear their opinions may be wrong when challenged by fact.
OK MOON so why would you support a president that prints and spends like none other in human history? If you dont like what you see here.....wouldnt you want less of it? We exported Pearl Jam, medical milestones, cars and trains, our culture of melting pot, music, arts, govt. structure, freedom and liberty, human rights, etc. thats all! LOL
Theres no time like the present
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
Wow all I have to say is the Op is one brave person, I really admire that.
I've enjoyed the read and the positive proud our OP always gives us.
An example of the very good America has to offer.
Thank you!
Am I hearing jealousy in the responses? I try to identity the emotion because it is clearly
not an unemotional debate. There seems to be some insults even :? this really speaks for itself.
Wow all I have to say is the Op is one brave person, I really admire that.
I've enjoyed the read and the positive proud our OP always gives us.
An example of the very good America has to offer.
Thank you!
Am I hearing jealousy in the responses? I try to identity the emotion because it is clearly
not an unemotional debate. There seems to be some insults even :? this really speaks for itself.
Im getting tired here defending the good things of the im off to THE TRAINS LOUNGE CAR, then THE CABOOSE for awhile!
Theres no time like the present
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
Some of you really need to step outside of your bubbles. I have travelled all over the world, seen many places, and I can say with certainty that I am not jealous of anything your country has to offer. I mean that doesn't even make sense, but I suppose that amounts to the debating skills of some on here.
Is it at all possible that America is nothing more, nor less, than another country. Nationalistic people all over the world believe their country is the best, so this type of crap is nothing new. So please enough of the tired old rhetoric, please educate yourself on other cultures before you pass judgment.
Wow all I have to say is the Op is one brave person, I really admire that.
I've enjoyed the read and the positive proud our OP always gives us.
An example of the very good America has to offer.
Thank you!
Am I hearing jealousy in the responses? I try to identity the emotion because it is clearly
not an unemotional debate. There seems to be some insults even :? this really speaks for itself.
Im getting tired here defending the good things of the im off to THE TRAINS LOUNGE CAR, then THE CABOOSE for awhile!
Wow all I have to say is the Op is one brave person, I really admire that.
I've enjoyed the read and the positive proud our OP always gives us.
An example of the very good America has to offer.
Thank you!
Am I hearing jealousy in the responses? I try to identity the emotion because it is clearly
not an unemotional debate. There seems to be some insults even :? this really speaks for itself.
again, no one is jealous of the US. if we were, we'd move there. and I don't want to and never will.
and as to your last statement, many find the lies that people tell about how great the US is to the rest of the world insulting. that really speaks for itself.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Wow all I have to say is the Op is one brave person, I really admire that.
I've enjoyed the read and the positive proud our OP always gives us.
An example of the very good America has to offer.
Thank you!
Am I hearing jealousy in the responses? I try to identity the emotion because it is clearly
not an unemotional debate. There seems to be some insults even :? this really speaks for itself.
again, no one is jealous of the US. if we were, we'd move there. and I don't want to and never will.
and as to your last statement, many find the lies that people tell about how great the US is to the rest of the world insulting. that really speaks for itself.
NOONE? how can you speak for others feelings?
Move there? Many do and many want to, especially all the border jumpers!
Lies? Ever think that half of the lies you hear....might be true? Just a thought
Insulting? Look the only reason we stick up for the USA so much on AMT, is cause USA gets torn down the most
someone has to do it....i mean what would the train be like without people like us? It would be boring!
Im sure everything we say isnt a lie....therefore we bring legitamacy to this train. Without us....its a big biased train with no balance! So thank us once in awhile! LOL
Theres no time like the present
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
Wow all I have to say is the Op is one brave person, I really admire that.
I've enjoyed the read and the positive proud our OP always gives us.
An example of the very good America has to offer.
Thank you!
Am I hearing jealousy in the responses? I try to identity the emotion because it is clearly
not an unemotional debate. There seems to be some insults even :? this really speaks for itself.
again, no one is jealous of the US. if we were, we'd move there. and I don't want to and never will.
and as to your last statement, many find the lies that people tell about how great the US is to the rest of the world insulting. that really speaks for itself.
NOONE? how can you speak for others feelings?
Move there? Many do and many want to, especially all the border jumpers!
Lies? Ever think that half of the lies you hear....might be true? Just a thought
Insulting? Look the only reason we stick up for the USA so much on AMT, is cause USA gets torn down the most
someone has to do it....i mean what would the train be like without people like us? It would be boring!
Im sure everything we say isnt a lie....therefore we bring legitamacy to this train. Without us....its a big biased train with no balance! So thank us once in awhile! LOL
I wasn't speaking for everyone. I was speaking for myself and for those in this thread. if' I'm incorrect, I'm sure they'll correct me.
no one needs to be knocked from their tower if they weren't shouting from it in the first place. think about that.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Wow all I have to say is the Op is one brave person, I really admire that.
I've enjoyed the read and the positive proud our OP always gives us.
An example of the very good America has to offer.
Thank you!
Am I hearing jealousy in the responses? I try to identity the emotion because it is clearly
not an unemotional debate. There seems to be some insults even :? this really speaks for itself.
again, no one is jealous of the US. if we were, we'd move there. and I don't want to and never will.
and as to your last statement, many find the lies that people tell about how great the US is to the rest of the world insulting. that really speaks for itself.
NOONE? how can you speak for others feelings?
Move there? Many do and many want to, especially all the border jumpers!
Lies? Ever think that half of the lies you hear....might be true? Just a thought
Insulting? Look the only reason we stick up for the USA so much on AMT, is cause USA gets torn down the most
someone has to do it....i mean what would the train be like without people like us? It would be boring!
Im sure everything we say isnt a lie....therefore we bring legitamacy to this train. Without us....its a big biased train with no balance! So thank us once in awhile! LOL
Man you have to give this wounded animal crap a rest. Nearly everyone on here has stated more than once that they do not hate america. And yet you persist with it.
How do you define greatest country, because by most verifiable sources America ranks pretty poorly when looking at healthcare, standard of living, education etc etc
Now these are facts, not emotions, or how I feel, but substansiated fact.
NOONE? how can you speak for others feelings?
Move there? Many do and many want to, especially all the border jumpers!
Lies? Ever think that half of the lies you hear....might be true? Just a thought
Insulting? Look the only reason we stick up for the USA so much on AMT, is cause USA gets torn down the most
someone has to do it....i mean what would the train be like without people like us? It would be boring!
Im sure everything we say isnt a lie....therefore we bring legitamacy to this train. Without us....its a big biased train with no balance! So thank us once in awhile! LOL
Another positive post! Takes it and turns it just the right way
thank you this, it is a blessing for us all.
Your heart is great just cancels the negativity
I apologize if I ever used the word HATE cause its a strong word and it defines others with a negative tone. I will definately try harder in 2013 to not use negative words with such powerful meaning. Im gonna spend one month trying to lift up other nations right will be a good thing for me to I have spent too much time defending America....time to change will be nice to do for awhile
Theres no time like the present
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
I apologize if I ever used the word HATE cause its a strong word and it defines others with a negative tone. I will definately try harder in 2013 to not use negative words with such powerful meaning. Im gonna spend one month trying to lift up other nations right will be a good thing for me to I have spent too much time defending America....time to change will be nice to do for awhile
you don't have to lift up other nations, just as you don't have to defend america. no one is trashing america. people question the government's motives and practices, that is ALL. I do the same with my own government, but for the most part, if it's not about america on this website, or the mid east, it's generally not discussed.
that's just the way it is.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I apologize if I ever used the word HATE cause its a strong word and it defines others with a negative tone. I will definately try harder in 2013 to not use negative words with such powerful meaning. Im gonna spend one month trying to lift up other nations right will be a good thing for me to I have spent too much time defending America....time to change will be nice to do for awhile
do yourself a favor, travel to a few other countries, get a chance to experience their culture.
I apologize if I ever used the word HATE cause its a strong word and it defines others with a negative tone. I will definately try harder in 2013 to not use negative words with such powerful meaning. Im gonna spend one month trying to lift up other nations right will be a good thing for me to I have spent too much time defending America....time to change will be nice to do for awhile[/quote]
do yourself a favor, travel to a few other countries, get a chance to experience their culture.
Utterly utterly astounding[/quote]
I would love to visit Austrailia and New Zealand and The Phillippines! Africa and Europe are also on my list.
I dont have the money to do so, but I would agree there is alot out there.
I have good friends from all over the world. I live in DC and much of the cultures of the world come here and I get to see and learn alot right here.
Theres no time like the present
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
NOONE? how can you speak for others feelings?
Move there? Many do and many want to, especially all the border jumpers!
Lies? Ever think that half of the lies you hear....might be true? Just a thought
Insulting? Look the only reason we stick up for the USA so much on AMT, is cause USA gets torn down the most
Esp the border jumpers? Same shit and white (red/white/blue) thinking.
Do you think Mexicans have much choice when determining which country they're going to go to when their lives become bad enough at home? And - do you see no corelation between US policy and immigration? All the same patterns - destroyed agricultural industries and all the refugees this creates. Backing of 'terrorist' organizations to further US/Western interests - in Mexico's case the 'terrorists' are drug cartels - of the US's most successful exports - the war on drugs - helps to make your bed in regards to illegal immigration. Those are only two examples of causes from the last few decades. Immigration is not proof of US exceptionalism. It's proof that there is more work, and better conditions for the poor than in Mexico. yay USA.
Why do tens of thousands of americans immigrate to Canada every year? Did god determine that Canada is blessed, just not quite as blessed, because we have a constitutional monarchy?
It seems like you want to focus on the postitive to the point that you're willing to overlook your role in the negative.
You didn't start this thread to defend started it with the intent of setting america you cry that people are singling you out. You didn't ask for positive opinions about the began with the premise of exceptionalism, even divinity - to most people outside your country, that is the exact cause of labels like 'ugly americans' or 'american arrogance'.
As hugh touched on, we approach this from different angles. You're coming at this from a position of a nationalist supporter of the state, its leaders and their ideologies......while others approach this from the position of critic of all of those things, from all countries, NOT just yours. The US is the dominant world power, so it follows that criticism of the US will dominate discussion. Can't help but be amused that some of you take it so personally (then have the nerve to call us jealous )......if you criticize the government of Canada for it's human rights violations, it's unfair trade policies, it's treatment of aboriginals, it's environmental crimes, etc etc, I would not sit here complaining that people are picking on my country. It is our job to criticize our governments and stand up to injustice. But look! rainbows and lollipops....
usa is a huge pain in the fucking keester for many countries.
we waste so much materials & food goods in this country it is unreal. some say we take care of the poor & hungry all around the globe. what about our own fucking people? we have a huge problem. it's called, "dumb as fuck" we are ran by bullshit artists in DC and state capitals & the like. they are out of touch; a great deal of the folks in politics haven't a clue about being poor or not having money to pay their bills. the elected officials in the united states of america are professional scam artists, professional bullshit & horse shit artists & they do not give a fat fuck about much of anything unless it benefits them & their cronies.
they are in postions of authority hundreds of years old & very corrupt & maybe just maybe every once in awhile one or two of them are what we the people truly need
the u.s.a. is a bullshit act. but it's home & we have to try & make the best of it. in the process some may do well, some may get by, others may suffer from poverty or illnesses untreated due to lack of insurance and or capital.
unless you got greenbacks you are a nobody in the good ol' u. s. of a
trust 'em in D.C.
they have your priorities in line & are working on them first & foremost.
they are not corrupt in the slightest....
just for the record I agree with many of you in some way! I love many countries, Canada, Austrailia, New Zealand, Philippines, Japan, and many many others. I do however believe that there are truly evil intended nations. I just dont see how some people can give true evil a pass, yet they point out some of what the USA does as evil. North Korea is evil! FACT! Iran's leaders have evil intentions, just listen to their speeches. Words from them prove who they are, how they think and what they seek. Venezuela could go either way....after Hugo is gone, they will have a choice...and I pray they go the good way and embrace freedom and human rights. Cuba could also go either way. Russia does alot behind the scenes that is very questionable. Im sure the policies of the USA are questionable to many of you, however we are the force of good for this world! If we were truly evil, you know for a fact we would have done many things that would have blown the entire world's mind away. We could have taken Cuba, Mexico and Canada! You know we could have taken much of the world and called it ours....but we didnt even take a little enemy just off the coast of Florida, cause we try to lead by example. If Taiwan had nukes and threatened to shoot them at China, you think China would leave them alone? You think Russia would allow a Cuba near them? NO
Also, noone nation is perfect, and I think if you are on the stage that the USA is on, there will be inherent observations of negative perceptions, no matter what. You cant make everyone happy and not everyone pays attention enough to understand whats even going on.
Theres no time like the present
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
so what is the united states of americas purpose? the same as any other country. better its people & world. do not use up natural resources like there is no tomorrow, better the planet & reach out to others in need & build relationships with distant lands.
we do those things & we also do horrorific bullshit. and sometimes not such horrorific acts but none the less bad bad things.
the cia & fbi could tell us nightmarish tales 24x7 for years to come.
Im asking all those who are from other countries what they think about this philosophy! Dont think of your country in particular, think of all the weak, poor nations here. If you are from the US, sit back and watch this thread for once! Dont sabatoge it! Also, if you dont believe in God, thats fine, read on anyways.
I believe that God's intentions for all of mankind is for his children to have Individual Liberty and Freedom to pursue their own Individual Salvation and their own identity. We as the United States have formed a country that empowers the individuals and states to control and hold to account the central govt. The US is blessed by God to have the unique opportunity and responsibility to defend the weak and poor, promote Liberty and Freedom, stand for "The People" over any centralized power or govt. within that nation. We are to stand on these principles and values to help the people who are oppressed by their govt! The weak, poor and sick people of the world have hope that we are fighting for them on many different levels. We are blessed to have the capability to do what we do! We acknowledge that blessing and are thankful for having that unique responsibilty and opportunity. This is what I have learned and envision to be American Exceptionalism!
Again, for all you haters out there....we are thankful and blessed for this opportunity, this is not us being "prideful"
This is us understanding our role and being grateful for it!
Your thoughts?
please , as a fellow american, speak only for yourself.
IMO its the height of human ego to claim to know the will of god. The ideas of democracy and liberty etc , did not originate with the founding rich guys of their day.
this country was founded upon stolen ideas from others, land stolen from another people, built up on the backs of slaves.
I believe the world would be better served if the US stayed home and shut the fuck up in the process.
I view as suspicious anything or anyone who shows up with their hand out saying "we're here to help you"
So please OP speak only for yourself and not for me.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14
Surely you wouldn't argue that the Islamic culture is civilized, because that is just silly.
ok otter.....which 'islamic culture' are we talking about? I'm guessing you mean 'arab culture' in general...which is why i mentioned racism. you realize there is no singular islamic culture, right? of course you do. Now please enlighten us with your vast knowledge of islam.
(I hope you're not going to just call me a loser and ignore my other post. but that wouldn't surprise me. USA! USA! USA!)
Bush didn't ship terrorists all over the world in order to torture them. That's idiotic. 2 mass murderers suffered simulated drowning. Ask a POW what torture is. Carter was just as passive as Obama if not more so. This kind of leadership perpetuates war it doesn't subdue it. The Obama drone strikes kill so called bad guys but does nothing to deter those who are hell bent on defeating the western culture and instituting the Islamic culture on the world. Carter and Obama both try to appease the enemy of the west, but the effort is futile.
US troops are all over the world...yes...what would happen if they all came home? The US is making states around the world the US is protecting those who can't protect themselves. Come on son....
The US gov't didn't give aid to Hitler. Again, come on son... FDR made every effort to stay neutral until Japan attacked. And don't forget that Hitler had made an agreement with Japan prior to that attack. The US allied with Britain for all the reasons you mentioned, so what's your point. My point is that if not for the good the US did Hitler would have succeeded and after the Jews next the Catholics would have been in the ovens.
The USSR would have absolutely spread communism across Europe there would have been no stopping it. The dominoes would have fallen just like they did when the US left Vietnam. Come on son..
The US back dictators with money so that the US has influence. The dictators you speak of would be incredibly brutal if not for US influence. come on son!!!
If it weren't for the US we wouldn't be having this discussion because we would be relegated to our 'hood yo.
come on son!!
So on one hand you claim that Germany would have won the war without the intervention of the U.S - simply not true - and in the very next sentence you claim that the Soviets would have swept through Europe.
No contradiction there then.
More ignorant bigotry on AMT. Just what we need.
Typical....not enough war = bad president.
Still waiting on this definition of 'Islamic culture'. oh're just there to protect people. No other reasons. No actually I don't know what would happen if they all came home... But you seem to....clue me in? Let me guess...someone would 'take them over'! Bad guys would swarm! The hapless locals could never find another ally, let alone fend for themselves.... Thought I had made it pretty clear that I'm talking about the American empire - including her business interests. Which, absolutely DID fund Hitler (I never used the word aid).....they were major shareholders - they profited from them, supplied them, protected them...yes, even during and after the war. Standard Oil, Ford, GM, Dupont, IBM, Coke, and of course, the banks and many more..... but then I'm guessing you knew this too, and are using selective facts/revisionist history in order to prop up this righteous image you're trying to conjure for your state.
Well that wasn't very exceptional of him now was it? I'm runnin out of steam here....I'll let someone else address your hypotheticals if they feel like playing pretend with you. I hope someone spends some time on your justification of support for murderous regimes by saying 'they'd have been worse if we didn't support them'....hilariously hypocritical in context of this thread. I guess US foreign policy is based on being able to see the future. And who can argue with that when you're led by the almighty himself?
Tell that to the people of Chile, Guatemala, El Salvador and Nicaragua.
Though maybe you've not heard of those countries before? You didn't just support them with money, you supported them with arms, military training, and media propaganda, when they were slaughtering their civilian populations.
And by the way, the U.S supported Sadaam Hussein throughout the 1980's.
Just as we supported Assad lately! You cant begin to think what people's actions are going to be in the future! We try to help those in need. When we do, people like you hate it, when we dont, people like you use it for ammunition! LOSE LOSE with people like you who never see ANY good!
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
And there it is...
Why is it that the same fools who tout American exceptional-ism, are invariably the ones who come out with the inane, asinine, uneducated, bigoted statements. You do nothing to further your point when it is made in the above way.
News flash, America does more to restrict freedom than it does to protect it. And if absolute freedom means you can legally purchase an automatic rifle and blow away 27 people, you are welcome to it.
You really think God blessed America?? you mean to tell me that there aren't millions of people around the world who don't think the same of their own country? Besides the quarter pounder, exporting of war, and rampant obesity, what exactly has America added to world culture.
Now I'm sure you'll summise all I've mentioned simply as; I hate America, so let me beat you to the punch, I don't, there are many things I find great about America and americans, but I do hate willful stupidity, by willful I mean someone who has all the tools to educate themselves but instead rely on their ignorance out of fear their opinions may be wrong when challenged by fact.
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
I've enjoyed the read and the positive proud our OP always gives us.
An example of the very good America has to offer.
Thank you!
Am I hearing jealousy in the responses? I try to identity the emotion because it is clearly
not an unemotional debate. There seems to be some insults even :?
this really speaks for itself.
Im getting tired here defending the good things of the im off to THE TRAINS LOUNGE CAR, then THE CABOOSE for awhile!
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
Is it at all possible that America is nothing more, nor less, than another country. Nationalistic people all over the world believe their country is the best, so this type of crap is nothing new. So please enough of the tired old rhetoric, please educate yourself on other cultures before you pass judgment.
again, no one is jealous of the US. if we were, we'd move there. and I don't want to and never will.
and as to your last statement, many find the lies that people tell about how great the US is to the rest of the world insulting. that really speaks for itself.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
NOONE? how can you speak for others feelings?
Move there? Many do and many want to, especially all the border jumpers!
Lies? Ever think that half of the lies you hear....might be true? Just a thought
Insulting? Look the only reason we stick up for the USA so much on AMT, is cause USA gets torn down the most
someone has to do it....i mean what would the train be like without people like us? It would be boring!
Im sure everything we say isnt a lie....therefore we bring legitamacy to this train. Without us....its a big biased train with no balance! So thank us once in awhile! LOL
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
I wasn't speaking for everyone. I was speaking for myself and for those in this thread. if' I'm incorrect, I'm sure they'll correct me.
no one needs to be knocked from their tower if they weren't shouting from it in the first place. think about that.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Man you have to give this wounded animal crap a rest. Nearly everyone on here has stated more than once that they do not hate america. And yet you persist with it.
How do you define greatest country, because by most verifiable sources America ranks pretty poorly when looking at healthcare, standard of living, education etc etc
Now these are facts, not emotions, or how I feel, but substansiated fact.
thank you this, it is a blessing for us all.
Your heart is great just cancels the negativity
what hate?
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I apologize if I ever used the word HATE cause its a strong word and it defines others with a negative tone. I will definately try harder in 2013 to not use negative words with such powerful meaning. Im gonna spend one month trying to lift up other nations right will be a good thing for me to I have spent too much time defending America....time to change will be nice to do for awhile
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
you don't have to lift up other nations, just as you don't have to defend america. no one is trashing america. people question the government's motives and practices, that is ALL. I do the same with my own government, but for the most part, if it's not about america on this website, or the mid east, it's generally not discussed.
that's just the way it is.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
do yourself a favor, travel to a few other countries, get a chance to experience their culture.
Utterly utterly astounding
do yourself a favor, travel to a few other countries, get a chance to experience their culture.
Utterly utterly astounding[/quote]
I would love to visit Austrailia and New Zealand and The Phillippines! Africa and Europe are also on my list.
I dont have the money to do so, but I would agree there is alot out there.
I have good friends from all over the world. I live in DC and much of the cultures of the world come here and I get to see and learn alot right here.
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
Do you think Mexicans have much choice when determining which country they're going to go to when their lives become bad enough at home? And - do you see no corelation between US policy and immigration? All the same patterns - destroyed agricultural industries and all the refugees this creates. Backing of 'terrorist' organizations to further US/Western interests - in Mexico's case the 'terrorists' are drug cartels - of the US's most successful exports - the war on drugs - helps to make your bed in regards to illegal immigration. Those are only two examples of causes from the last few decades. Immigration is not proof of US exceptionalism. It's proof that there is more work, and better conditions for the poor than in Mexico. yay USA.
Why do tens of thousands of americans immigrate to Canada every year? Did god determine that Canada is blessed, just not quite as blessed, because we have a constitutional monarchy?
It seems like you want to focus on the postitive to the point that you're willing to overlook your role in the negative.
You didn't start this thread to defend started it with the intent of setting america you cry that people are singling you out. You didn't ask for positive opinions about the began with the premise of exceptionalism, even divinity - to most people outside your country, that is the exact cause of labels like 'ugly americans' or 'american arrogance'.
As hugh touched on, we approach this from different angles. You're coming at this from a position of a nationalist supporter of the state, its leaders and their ideologies......while others approach this from the position of critic of all of those things, from all countries, NOT just yours. The US is the dominant world power, so it follows that criticism of the US will dominate discussion. Can't help but be amused that some of you take it so personally (then have the nerve to call us jealous
we waste so much materials & food goods in this country it is unreal. some say we take care of the poor & hungry all around the globe. what about our own fucking people? we have a huge problem. it's called, "dumb as fuck" we are ran by bullshit artists in DC and state capitals & the like. they are out of touch; a great deal of the folks in politics haven't a clue about being poor or not having money to pay their bills. the elected officials in the united states of america are professional scam artists, professional bullshit & horse shit artists & they do not give a fat fuck about much of anything unless it benefits them & their cronies.
they are in postions of authority hundreds of years old & very corrupt & maybe just maybe every once in awhile one or two of them are what we the people truly need
the u.s.a. is a bullshit act. but it's home & we have to try & make the best of it. in the process some may do well, some may get by, others may suffer from poverty or illnesses untreated due to lack of insurance and or capital.
unless you got greenbacks you are a nobody in the good ol' u. s. of a
trust 'em in D.C.
they have your priorities in line & are working on them first & foremost.
they are not corrupt in the slightest....
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
Also, noone nation is perfect, and I think if you are on the stage that the USA is on, there will be inherent observations of negative perceptions, no matter what. You cant make everyone happy and not everyone pays attention enough to understand whats even going on.
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
we do those things & we also do horrorific bullshit. and sometimes not such horrorific acts but none the less bad bad things.
the cia & fbi could tell us nightmarish tales 24x7 for years to come.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
please , as a fellow american, speak only for yourself.
IMO its the height of human ego to claim to know the will of god. The ideas of democracy and liberty etc , did not originate with the founding rich guys of their day.
this country was founded upon stolen ideas from others, land stolen from another people, built up on the backs of slaves.
I believe the world would be better served if the US stayed home and shut the fuck up in the process.
I view as suspicious anything or anyone who shows up with their hand out saying "we're here to help you"
So please OP speak only for yourself and not for me.
Not today Sir, Probably not tomorrow.............................................. bayfront arena st. pete '94
you're finally here and I'm a mess................................................... nationwide arena columbus '10
memories like fingerprints are slowly raising.................................... first niagara center buffalo '13
another man ..... moved by sleight of hand...................................... joe louis arena detroit '14