Purpose for USA??

Im asking all those who are from other countries what they think about this philosophy! Dont think of your country in particular, think of all the weak, poor nations here. If you are from the US, sit back and watch this thread for once! Dont sabatoge it! Also, if you dont believe in God, thats fine, read on anyways.
I believe that God's intentions for all of mankind is for his children to have Individual Liberty and Freedom to pursue their own Individual Salvation and their own identity. We as the United States have formed a country that empowers the individuals and states to control and hold to account the central govt. The US is blessed by God to have the unique opportunity and responsibility to defend the weak and poor, promote Liberty and Freedom, stand for "The People" over any centralized power or govt. within that nation. We are to stand on these principles and values to help the people who are oppressed by their govt! The weak, poor and sick people of the world have hope that we are fighting for them on many different levels. We are blessed to have the capability to do what we do! We acknowledge that blessing and are thankful for having that unique responsibilty and opportunity. This is what I have learned and envision to be American Exceptionalism!
Again, for all you haters out there....we are thankful and blessed for this opportunity, this is not us being "prideful"
This is us understanding our role and being grateful for it!
Your thoughts?
I believe that God's intentions for all of mankind is for his children to have Individual Liberty and Freedom to pursue their own Individual Salvation and their own identity. We as the United States have formed a country that empowers the individuals and states to control and hold to account the central govt. The US is blessed by God to have the unique opportunity and responsibility to defend the weak and poor, promote Liberty and Freedom, stand for "The People" over any centralized power or govt. within that nation. We are to stand on these principles and values to help the people who are oppressed by their govt! The weak, poor and sick people of the world have hope that we are fighting for them on many different levels. We are blessed to have the capability to do what we do! We acknowledge that blessing and are thankful for having that unique responsibilty and opportunity. This is what I have learned and envision to be American Exceptionalism!
Again, for all you haters out there....we are thankful and blessed for this opportunity, this is not us being "prideful"
This is us understanding our role and being grateful for it!
Your thoughts?
Theres no time like the present
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
Post edited by Unknown User on
my country is allies with USA same as with all the west world..
all empires of the world ,allways..from day one act the same..
in the name of freedom,help the poor etc....all big powers put their nose to every single other country and nation...
we saw that theater play from Rome,Turkey,Vizantium,Great Alexander,Great Britain,the Netherlands,Spain and Portugal,Russia China,Japan...so many exables....
always the same
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
We will fall in doing so, yes i see it coming! We gotta be able to fix her! Ill see what i can do! LOL
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
American exceptionalism has been an over-arching theme used to justify nearly every military conflict the US has been engaged in for two centuries. Judging by the way you make the US out to be the 'shining city on the hill', you see your country as benevolent in it's foreign policy....which means you are either ignorant to, or purposefully neglecting to mention the benefits reaped by exceptionalist/imperialist policies. You are either ignorant to, or purposefully neglecting to mention your country's role in creating or exasperating weakness and poverty. And this ulterior motive, this hidden agenda applies not only to military funding and actions, but also to most conditional 'aid' packages....and to many western charities and missions, which operate with political intent designed to benefit western powers and their corporate overlords.............
Yes the US has done a lot of good in the world. But as a matter of national policy, it's pretty fuckin rare....in general, which weak and poor peoples are 'defended' is determined by benefit, not compassion.
And which country do you call home?
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
(Why does it matter?)
"..That's One Happy Fuckin Ghost.."
“..That came up on the Pillow Case...This is for the Greek, With Our Apologies.....”
Excellent. Really well done.
Your last sentence really resonates with me. I was aghast at the ineffectiveness and apathy of the western world and the UN when 800,000 Tutsi people were hacked to death by machete wielding Hutu people in Rwanda. This was a genocide that could have been prevented very, very easily... yet with only mountain gorillas to offer their saviours... Rwanda found itself the victim of extreme and shameful indifference.
I'll never forget when Clinton flew to Rwanada and delivered his 'apology speech' about how the western world failed them. It was a quick little speech and they never even shut the airplane down he flew in on.
In fairness, the USA wasn't the only country to act poorly. It has been shown that France, in particular, acted shamefully: supplying weapons and support to the interim government participating in the slaughter.
As you alluded to... the US loves to assert itself as the world's hero, but their selectiveness has been noted: the 'world's protector' is only interested in mobilizing against something that impacts their welfare. The 'come to the rescue' of the needy is a cloak covering their agenda.
There are many links and readings dedicated to detailing exactly how the world 'protectors' sad idle when men, women, and children were hacked to death in one of the most effective, yet simple genocides ever. I had the opportunity to sit and listen to Canadian general Romeo Dallaire. The former UN force commander for UNAMIR detailed, among other things, his Rwandan experience. His account is told in his book, Shake Hands With The Devil. Another book regarding the experience that was worth reading was, We Wish to Inform You That Tomorrow We Will Be Killed With Our Families by Philip Gourevitch.
Well here is my response to the "greatest post" that some see as such. You gave me over 40 negative sentences and 1 positive sentence at the end regarding the subject of American Exceptionalism.
You say you are from Papua New Guinea. I actually have a friend in Indonesia whom is Muslim that I sent a Christmas package to this past year to share with her Christian friends. She loved recieving a gift from the other side of the world. I shared with her and her friends good Christian music. They loved recieving it and listening to it.
Ok well here is what I have learned just in the past 10 minutes! The Japanese were coming to take over many South Pacific Islands in the 1940's and we actually came to your country, and fought them! We fought them for over a year there and we won! After that, they never came back. Your country has been under the protection of the USA since then. You have had a time of peace knowing that we are there for you. During that peace time you were able to get your country setup for success. You have alot of great people there, including many Christians. Many of our Christians have also come there to do the great work of the Lord! In 1975 your country modeled your Constitution and govt. structure after the USA. Im sure we helped you negotiate your independence from Austrailia on one way shape or form. Over the past 4 decades we have helped you with natural disasters aid, climate change initiatives, exports and imports, pursuing natural resources. All this while defending you and your interests. American companies and individuals have helped your nation and your people with LNG production facility. We will enhance your ability to export 3 times over. We are leading the way for the largest investment production facility that will double your GDP in the near term and long term triple it! We are ensuring that your govt. is transparent with the revenues so the money remains there for your people to benefit from it. We are a negotiating partner with you and Austrailia! We provide physical security from other nations investments in your interests. We provide HIV/AIDS support. I can go on and on.....
Looking at it as if I were a person from Africa or South America, I would think.....America does not need Papua New Guinea, PNG needs America! America has stood up for PNG many times in many different ways
and I get %90 negative from you? Are you really that blind or un-appreciative? Seriously, what is wrong with all you haters? The Japanese wanted to take over your land! We have provided a safe haven for over 60 years now and you think we are imperial or bad for the world! OK there buddy!
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
Of course you do have over 500 of them.
So if we do something good in 1943 and then continue that good deed til now, then it must be them damn Tea Party patriots huh? Good response bud!
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
Can maybe debate one, but not two fronts of fervor. No need to try, especially on the internet.
of course not saying you are one. Your posting history is fair and balanced....
If you ever try to type anything with detail, meaning, content or specific....im always happy to have a constructive conversation. I am not one who calls names, attacks or lacks empathy. I am fair!
PAPUA NEW GUINEA is one of those weak, poor nations that I was originally referring to in the OP. If you look at history, they could have been taken over easily over the decades and they were able to evolve as they wished because of the USA. We had the capability to defend a small nation on the other side of the world. That is a blessing for them for sure. I cant believe that people there wouldnt see it as such.
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
Not tolerating self-serving religious-fueled Nationalism has nothing to do with hate.
Your cute little screed would have sat perfectly well within the Nazi ideology. Not to mention that it's historically inaccurate to the point of being completely absurd.
America didnt start slavery there bud! Slavery was part of life for thousands of years.....if anything God gave humans a chance through "The American Experiment"
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
I'm not really from Papua New Guinea. I chose that country for no reason other than liking those words. Feel free to have a go at Canada tho....let us know how lucky we are to live under US military protection, and to sell you stuff.
I find it pretty amusing that you spent all that time googling information that suits your agenda.....and now you are patting your country on the back for accomplishments you just discovered, based on a wiki entry or two. Soooo I read a couple entries myself. Regarding WW2, you don't mention that the US worked with a number of Allied forces in PNG, with the majority of the heavy lifting on the ground done by Austrailians. You also don't mention that the country wasn't exactly sovereign before the war....pretty much a colony of a colony. You make it sound as if the US liberated the country from axis rule, helped them set up a fair democratic government and went on their way.....but when I keep reading about PNG, I see all the same patterns emerge that we see in nearly every developing country:
After a natural disaster (in this case, an el nino caused drought in the late 90's) the IMF lent money under the guise of propping up the subsistence economy and building infrastructure....I didn't research the loan conditions, but the patterns continue from there so it leads me to believe they're typical to the IMF's MO for lending money to the developing world:
in the early 2000's, much of PNG's resources are privatized. User fees for education are introduced. Students protesting these policies get shot by the government, followed by western governements voicing support for quelling the 'uprising'. Small land owners and substinence farmers find themselves under seige by bank-backed, export-based factory farms. I see the typical complaints that the industrial expansions lack any environmental controls or regard for worker safety. the UN downgrades the countries status from 'developing' to 'least-developed'....the IMF counters with a study showing rising GDP, while poverty is rampant.....
The rise in GDP is due almost exclusively to commodity prices and a resource based economy....you know, the recently privatized and largely foreign owned resource economy....It's the same shit in EVERY country the IMF get their paws on....The money stream flows toward the industrialized nations running the international banks and resource companies, and away from those living in poverty, benefitting those lucky enough to be in on the game, and screwing the poor, who lose basic services and land rights due to stipulations in the loan agreements. but if they complain, they're blind and unappreciative.
All that without touching the kooky notion that your country is favoured by your god.
No they don't. The U.S is the biggest cause of all the weak, poor, and sick people in the World. You've been crippling the 'Third World' with your economic terrorism for decades.
Oh, and in case you forgot, the U.S was founded on the genocide of the Native Americans. How does that fit into your quaint little scheme of things? Did God and Jesus authorize that particular round of slaughter, rape, and pillage?
How can my post be historically innacurate when it doesnt even talk of anything specific? Its a philosophy that is asking you of your thoughts. You are antagonizing when im trying to be constructive. How is this philosophy related to Nazi ideology? Please explain!
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
The Piligrims in particular came with 100 people on 3 little boats. They brought their families, wives and children. They didnt come here to rape and pillage! There were many other ethnicities whom came later. Many different people came here....and they werent all bad people! You just love to tear down America's founders and founding dont you?
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
How beautiful. I could almost hear Church organ music when I read that.
So now you're going to pretend that the genocide committed against the Native population was carried out by 'other ethnicities'? Was the U.S 7th Cavalry populated by 'other ethnicites'?
Wow! Please elaborate.
Slavery existed for thousands of years bud! America didnt invent it! Actually God gave humans a chance to defeat slavery through "The American Experiement"
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
The Pilgrims did not come here to rape and pillage! Also, God blessed this great nation after the Constitutional Convention! God didnt bless the land before that, he blessed this nation after its founding of structure of a nation!
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!
Did he? I must have missed that. What time, and what date did God Bless America? Can I find that in a book? Is it online? Is it on Youtube?
Errm...no, I'm still confused. So all the pilgrims were 'good people', and later on some 'bad people' came? Who were these 'bad people'? And what happened to them? Was Custer a 'good person', or a 'bad person'?
Was Stormin' Norman Schwarzkopf a 'good person', or a 'bad person'? I seem to remember him ordering the bombing of the retreating Iraqi convoy on the road to Basra http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Highway_of_Death where up to 10,000 Iraqi's were slaughtered. They were retreating from Kuwait in compliance with a U.N Resolution, and the convoy included women and children family members of pro-Iraqi PLO militants and Kuwaiti collaborators who had fled shortly before a wholesale Palestinian expulsion from Kuwait.
Was that something that filled the hearts of God and Jesus with a cozy feeling of warmth and admiration?
Rape and murder have also existed for thousands of years. But I still don't think that makes them right.
Oh, and by the way, 20.9 million people are currently living in conditions of slavery. More than at any time in history. So it doesn't look as though your "American Experiement" [sic] worked out too well.
Right, and it's since been shown that Clinton et al were fully aware of the genocide occurring at the time, something that they denied.
President Bill Clinton's administration knew Rwanda was being engulfed by genocide in April 1994 but buried the information to justify its inaction, according to classified documents made available for the first time.
Senior officials privately used the word genocide within 16 days of the start of the killings, but chose not to do so publicly because the president had already decided not to intervene.
Intelligence reports obtained using the US Freedom of Information Act show the cabinet and almost certainly the president had been told of a planned "final solution to eliminate all Tutsis" before the slaughter reached its peak.
I have this book, but still haven't gotten around to reading it. I actually asked my Mum to fish it out of the garage and send it out to me just last week.
20.9 million current day slaves? Thats like less than %1! Thats a pretty good score if you ask me.
Also, I guarantee you are incorrect, cause there were more than 21 million in the past! The definition of a slave is someone who labors and works for free and in terrible conditions. That was all over the planet for thousands of years. Come on bud! Common Sense!
A man that stands for nothing....will fall for anything!
All people need to do more on every level!