Pearl Jam in Zagreb!



  • Eto i moje liste:

    Sto posto idem:
    16.9. >>> Verona
    17.9. >>> Milano
    26.9. >>> Zagreb

    MOZDA, i nadam se da ce biti izvedivo:

    22.9. >>> Prague
    23.9. >>> Berlin
    25.9. >>> Vienna

    Ako dodaju jos BG, onda ne znam sto cu. Haha :o

    S obzirom da ce bit koncert u tjednu, ne za vikend, onda ne znam...:(

    Ajde, pa da se organiziramo jer za VR su vlakovi iz Trsta jeftini, nekih 12 eura... Relativno brzo se dodje, a ako se skupi ekipa bilo bi nam super ici zajedno. Takodjer i smjestaj u hoStelu nije skup, a opet kad bi nas islo vise bilo bi nam zabavnije i u hostelu eventualno jeftinije (iako zbilja nije skupo).

    Milano je samo nekih sat i pol od Verone vlakom pa to nije problem...
    S obzirom da je koncert sljedeci dan i blizu su gradovi, steta je ne ici na oba..

    Slusam vas ;):D

    Ako ne grupno, ti i ja cemo se sigurno uskoro dogovoriti i precizirati oko svega :) I can't wait!!!
    Nego, brine me VISA!!! Da li je i tebi neophodna za Italiju, ili samo za nas iz Srbije?? :(


  • cropdustresscropdustress Posts: 4,339
    Ako ne grupno, ti i ja cemo se sigurno uskoro dogovoriti i precizirati oko svega :) I can't wait!!!
    Nego, brine me VISA!!! Da li je i tebi neophodna za Italiju, ili samo za nas iz Srbije?? :(



    A da, viza. :(
    Meni ne treba viza za nikamo, na srecu. Ti se raspitaj na vrijeme
    i vidi koliko bi te to kostalo.
    pa se onda dogovaramo u buduce. Nema beda, sve cemo sredit ;)

    Da, Veronu recimo da dosta dobro poznam jer sam vec bila nekoliko
    puta, a nece na odmet bit ni moje znanje talijanskog ;)

    U Veronu i Milano ide i Killroy, tako da nas je ZASADA vec troje ;):D
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
  • Moram da vam kazem josh neshto interesantno! Upravo se danas (ponovo, nakon 5 godina) druzim sa chovekom koji je direktno radio originalne, fenomenalne postere za SHOW Pearl Jam, zajedno sa svojim pajtosima iz grupe Fire House!! Tip je genije, poslacu vam link za njegov web site. Lichno, posedujem neke od njegovih radova... :)... da me ne razumete pogreshno Chuck ne radi samo za PJ, vec za mnoge, mnoge velike svetske zvezde, of course!!

    BTW, FIREHOUSE su iz San Franciska

    Eto, tek toliko.... :)

    Fine craftsmen of subversive propaganda, Ron Donovan and Chuck Sperry have stuffed their rock art portfolios with many of the biggest names in rock and roll. And they have worked for many of the biggest clients in the entertainment industry. Sperry and Donovan have created a much sought-after series of posters for Virgin Megastore (including Pearl Jam, Fleetwood Mac, Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Smashing Pumpkins, Beastie Boys, U2, Madonna, Limp Bizkit, and Hole).

    They have also created over 25 posters for San Francisco's own Mexican wrestling extravaganza, "Incredibly Strange Wrestling," which was recruited for the Vans Warped Tour 2001. Other posters have been produced for such legendary performing artists as Queens of the Stone Age, Madness, Jane's Addiction, Supersuckers, Garbage, Bad Religion, Johnny Cash, John Lee Hooker, Lee Perry, Cheap Trick, X, among many others. In 1999 they created a magnificent four piece circle poster for the Tibetan Freedom Concert, and even the Tibetan monks could be counted as their fans.
    Ron and Chuck's works are easily recognizable by their unique style of color theory, characterized by the use of metallics over striking colors. Their unique printing technique has won them the attention of the experts in the printing profession and they were included in Print's Regional Design Annual 2002. Poster giants Victor Moscoso, Gary Grimshaw, Stanley Mouse and Alton Kelley have all colaborated on poster projects printed by Firehouse - in addition they have colaborated with well-known peers Frank Kozik and Alan Forbes.

    Sperry's career as an illustrator began circa 1985 amid the squats on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, NYC. It was there he and fellow squatters Seth Tobocman and Peter Kuper worked on the biting political comic World War 3 Illustrated. These malcontents tackled topics and issues that haunted the squatters on the Lower East Side (mainly gentrification), at a time and place that served as a diarama representing the struggle between classes world-wide.

    After moving to San Francisco in 1988, Chuck's experience as an illustrator, combined with his political fervor, drove him even deeper into the art of "creative disobedience". While in San Francisco, he has been awarded two grants, one from the NEA and Pew Charitable Trust to subsidize a series of shows at the ATA Gallery, titled "Who's the Landlord?," which also included a retrospective on WW3. The other grant was from San Francisco's Haas Foundation for a mural which he painted at the Labor Temple commemorating the legendary leader of the Longshoreman's Union, Harry Bridges, the Labor Council of San Francisco and the 1934 general strike which forever changed the course of labor relations in this U.S.

    Over the past ten years, Chuck has contributed stories to Last Gasp Comics & Stories, and was the art director for Filth Magazine (circulation 10,000). Most recently, he has created a controversial album design for Jello Biafra's Spoken Word Album #7, entitled Machine Gun in the Clown's Hand released on Alternative Tentacles in 2002.
    Donovan's first footprint on the art world also came in 1985, when he co-founded We Are Not Gentlemen (WANG), a cadre of infamous art saboteurs, headquartered at the California College of Arts and Crafts. They staged their first poster show in the campus men's bathroom, when in a covert operation, WANG members screened full color prints directly onto the bathroom walls. At a lunch time opening, art students and faculty were invited to mingle and admire the prints (much like a normal art opening?) except that the sinks were used for beer coolers and the trash bins for chips'n'dip.

    Ron and his fellow WANGsters also screened a popular poster and T-shirt collection called Reaganwear, which boasted such slogans as, "I Can't Remember," "I'm Not a President (But I Play One on TV)," "CIA Vacation" and the ever-popular "More Arms, More Hostages." The collection was available at Pipe Dreams on Haight, the Reprint Mint on Telegraph as well as direct through WANG during their frequent class-ditching excursions to Sproul Plaza.

    Prior to co-founding the Psychic Sparkplug in late 1994, Ron had become known endearingly as the "Duke of Haight Street", where he'd set up office at Copy Central, tirelessly knocking out 8 1/2 x 11 flyer copy for the venues "Kennel Club" and "I Beam" as well as for many local bands. He also designed a much sought after collection of over 60 posters for San Francisco surf music legends, "The Mermen" as well as covers and layouts for two of their CDs.

    The two artists met in a chance encounter at Comic Relief in the Upper Haight, where Sperry was in charge of public relations for that comic book store. Soon after discovering that they'd both landed their first jobs designing Fillmore posters for Bill Graham Presents within weeks of each other, Ron invited Chuck to join Psychic Sparkplug. A year later, the team collaborated with Gary and Laura Grimshaw to present the first of two "Temporary Insanity Shows" at Off the Wall Gallery on Haight Street. The show featured Victor Moscoso, Coop, Kozik, Kuhn, Hess and Mats?!, and gave Psychic Sparkplug a much needed boost in the public eye. Later that year, they were involved in the dedication of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, another pivotal moment in their careers.

    Now, after having worked together for over eight years, the Firehouse team is rock solid and only gaining momentum. Their latest tour in Europe boasted 26 shows in 30 days - a whirlwind book release campaign that brought them to the capitals of Europe and across 5 countries.

    a ovo su samo neki od postera koje su pomenuti momci radili za nashe omiljene PJ!!:

    p.s. danas smo se fotkali...i josh cu vam poslati neku .... :)
  • masnimasni Posts: 1,657
    jako su dobri plakati.. jako ;) e ljudi.. jeste citali neki thread tu na porchu da album narucen kao pre-order mirise na avocado :D jel dobio netko mozda? meni bi moj trebao stici slijedeci tjedan.. can't wait
    Oh when I was a kid oh how magic it seemed
    Oh please let me sleep its Christmas time
  • siljosiljo Posts: 2,203
    ...ukazuje mi se prilika za znam shta da radim....nisam, kao ni mnogi od vas, chlan 10c....koliko je karta? Ima li neko vishka??!! Pomagajte vashoj drugarici koja umire za PJ vec 15 duuuuuugihhhhh godina!!!

    Sarah, ja cu mozda imati viska 10c kartu za Milano, Torino i Pistoiu... za Milano jos nisam siguran, ova druga 2 vrlo vjerojatno... javim kad saznam ako do onda ne nabavis...
    inace, karte za Italiju se mogu kupiti na ...

    Standing on a hill, staring at a mountain...
  • siljosiljo Posts: 2,203
    Sa Vishe Strana Se Shushka Da Je 27.09. Beograd!!!!! A Da Je 28.09. Budimpeshta, Il' Sofija!!!

    Mislim Da Cu Doziveti Nervni Slom Od Ove Neizvesnostiiiiiiiiiii

    ja bi rekao da je jedan od ta 2 vrlo moguc, a drugi nemoguc... sigurno nece svirati 4 dana zaredom... bec, zagreb, beograd, budimpesta/sofija...
    Standing on a hill, staring at a mountain...
  • siljosiljo Posts: 2,203

    17.09. Milan
    19.09. Torino
    20.09 Pistoia (?)
    25.09. Vienna
    26.09. Zagreb
    27.09. Belgrade
    30.09. Athena

    moja je slicna:

    Standing on a hill, staring at a mountain...
  • C2V3NC2V3N Posts: 449
    masni wrote:
    jako su dobri plakati.. jako ;) e ljudi.. jeste citali neki thread tu na porchu da album narucen kao pre-order mirise na avocado :D jel dobio netko mozda? meni bi moj trebao stici slijedeci tjedan.. can't wait
    ma da :D aj baš da i to vidim (pomirišem) :D
    one, two, three, four, five against one
    five, five, against one
  • siljo wrote:
    Sarah, ja cu mozda imati viska 10c kartu za Milano, Torino i Pistoiu... za Milano jos nisam siguran, ova druga 2 vrlo vjerojatno... javim kad saznam ako do onda ne nabavis...
    inace, karte za Italiju se mogu kupiti na ...


    OKEY, THANX!!!
  • jurasicajurasica Posts: 1,534
    hello ekipa,
    ja isto kupila:
    i nadam se BG... :)

    pa valjda se vidimo, ako ništa onda u milanu (barem ja), a možda i prije.... :)
    ... I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened...

  • AleksAleks Posts: 4
    ok, i ja napokon dobila cd-gundjam jer su neki isto iz SF-a dobili pre mene-, no...da li mirishi na avokado? pa sad ...podseca na avokado( meni da, moj momak me gledao kao da sam to nije prvi put), uglavnom ima neki miris pored onog standardnog ' novog papira' koji ja obozavam-nadam se da nisam jedina :)
    nemam jos kompletan utisak celog albuma,ali obozavam severed hand...trenutno slusham parachutes, pesma mi je previse tra la la..ali ok,videcemo jos....artwork mi se svidja samo se nadam da to ne znaci death of znam koja im je poenta...volim sliku edija ...ok, cekam da svi vidite...
    pozdrav svima
  • ...Da, upravo tako...samo se nadam da nece postati prezahtevni kao one dede Rolling Stones..... ??!

    Dakle, prochitajte>


    PEARL JAM star EDDIE VEDDER refuses to perform live without a bottle of his friend's potent red wine by his side. The ALIVE singer has discovered the homemade tipple is the perfect onstage drink - as long as he sips it slowly. Vedder explains, "I can't do without it now. "On the first leg of our last tour, I had been drinking regular wine, but I got the good stuff for our last show, and I don't know what kind of grapes they are but it's twice as potent. "I realised this about halfway through the show. It was a political fundraiser, so I was like, 'Damn, I've really got to sober up.'"
    02/05/2006 09:13


    "...I never had it. It was apparently a recipe that was handed down. It's mythological now... I imagine it was regular preserves with a bit of mushroom in it, a peyote kind of deal." EDDIE VEDDER admits he never tasted his grandmother PEARL's famous jam, from which his group got its name.
    02/05/2006 02:43
  • miloshkmiloshk Posts: 73
    cao ljudi,
    ja sam vam potpuno nov ovde.
    Registrovao sam se samo da vas sve pozdravim i cestitam za ovaj thread. SVAKA CAST!!!
    Vidimo se u Zagrebu 26. septembra, a mozda i u Beogradu dan-dva posle toga :)
  • lostherolosthero Posts: 8
    Cekajte samo da dodje u Beograd, pa mu mi poturimo nashu ,,brlju" (domacu rakiju). Zavrshice koncert tako shto ce chistachi da ga nose dok rapremaju dvoranu.
    Salim se, ma samo nek dodje, pa makar i ja pocheo ovako mator da pijem alkohol i mene na kraju iznosili.
    Let me sleep, it's Christmas time
  • miloshk wrote:
    cao ljudi,
    ja sam vam potpuno nov ovde.
    Registrovao sam se samo da vas sve pozdravim i cestitam za ovaj thread. SVAKA CAST!!!
    Vidimo se u Zagrebu 26. septembra, a mozda i u Beogradu dan-dva posle toga :)

    HELLO MAN!!!

    Dolazi nam cheshce!!
  • losthero wrote:
    Cekajte samo da dodje u Beograd, pa mu mi poturimo nashu ,,brlju" (domacu rakiju). Zavrshice koncert tako shto ce chistachi da ga nose dok rapremaju dvoranu.
    Salim se, ma samo nek dodje, pa makar i ja pocheo ovako mator da pijem alkohol i mene na kraju iznosili.

    Hi, hi....
  • Hej drushtvo!

    Ima li neko od vas rechi pesama sa novog albuma? pokushala sam da ih skinem sa neta, ali pronashla samo WWS... Please, ako neko ima dobar link, il' shta god, neka mi prosledi.... :) THANX
  • Hej drushtvo!

    Ima li neko od vas rechi pesama sa novog albuma? pokushala sam da ih skinem sa neta, ali pronashla samo WWS... Please, ako neko ima dobar link, il' shta god, neka mi prosledi.... :) THANX
  • cropdustresscropdustress Posts: 4,339
    Imam ga!!!!
    Danas sam kupila novi album, i mogu vam reci da je...FENOMENALAN!!!

    Smijala sam se, plakala, plesala...sve, sve to ima ovaj album!!!
    I <3 PEARL JAM!!!

    Nadam se da cete ga uskoro nabaviti koji nemate jos prilike... ;):)
    Vrijedilo je cekati ovoliko...i ne slusat leaked pjesme ;):D
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
  • cropdustresscropdustress Posts: 4,339
    Hej drushtvo!

    Ima li neko od vas rechi pesama sa novog albuma? pokushala sam da ih skinem sa neta, ali pronashla samo WWS... Please, ako neko ima dobar link, il' shta god, neka mi prosledi.... :) THANX

    Ima u cd bookletu, mogu natipkat pa poslat...ali sutra ;)
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
  • Rijeci?
    Ima u cd bookletu, mogu natipkat pa poslat...ali sutra ;)

    Please, josh uvek nemam original :(
    ....da li si cd kupila u nekom music shopu u Hrvatskoj, ili??... Ja moram ovih dana do Beograda, valjda se album pojavio tamo... I HOPE so.....

    Inache, posebno otkidam na sledece pesme:
    Severed Hand, Marker in the Sand, Parachutes, Come back... :)
    TI?? VI??

  • cropdustresscropdustress Posts: 4,339
    Please, josh uvek nemam original :(
    ....da li si cd kupila u nekom music shopu u Hrvatskoj, ili??... Ja moram ovih dana do Beograda, valjda se album pojavio tamo... I HOPE so.....

    Inache, posebno otkidam na sledece pesme:
    Severed Hand, Marker in the Sand, Parachutes, Come back... :)
    TI?? VI??


    Ma isla sam u Trst po njega :rolleyes: u Italiju..
    Da, jer tu ga nece bit jos *nekoliko dana*, ali poznavajuc stanje,
    meni sve to smrdi na nekoliko tjedana :(

    TAko da sam se danas zaletila s curama do Trsta i sva sretna sam ga kupila, doma poslusala cim sam se vratila...I sad slusam ponovo :D

    Strpi se malo, bit ce uskoro i ovdje, nadam se, u nasim krajevima...
    Malo smo u zaostatku...Da malo...:D

    E da, ja sam odusevljena...ali INSIDE JOB...Ajme meni!!!
    NEsto nevjerojatno!

    Ta me najvise pogodila,, to je nakon 3-4 slusanja..
    I da se razumijemo, nisam cula cijeli album sve do danas ;):D

    Tako da me zbilja pogodila ta pjesma, ugodno iznenadila, kao i Army Reserve....te jos neke...
    O tome vise nakon jos nekoliko slusanja :D
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
  • masnimasni Posts: 1,657
    Album Lyrics
    Life Wasted

    You're always saying that there's something wrong
    I'm starting to believe it's you're plan all along
    Death came around, forced to hear it's song
    And know tomorrow can't be depended on

    Seen the home inside your head
    All locked doors and unmade beds

    Open sores unattended
    Let me say just once that

    i have faced it, a life wasted
    I'm never going back again
    i escaped it,a life wasted
    I'm never going back again
    having tasted, a life wasted
    I'm never going back again

    the world awaits just up the stairs
    leave the pain for someone else
    nothing back there for you to find
    or was it you you left behind?

    You're always saying you're too weak to be strong
    You're harder on yourself than just about anyone

    why swim the channel just to get this far?
    halfway there, why would you turn around?

    darkness comes in waves...tell me,
    why invite it to stay?

    You're one with negativity
    yes, comfort is an energy
    but why let the sad song play?? ???

    i have faced it, a life wasted
    i'm never going back again

    oh i escaped it, a life wasted
    I'm never going back again

    having tasted, a life wasted
    i'm never going back again

    oh i erased it, a life wasted
    i'm never going back again

    Life Wasted

    Worldwide Suicide

    I felt the earth on Monday
    It moved beneath my feet
    In the form of a morning paper
    Laid out for me to see
    Saw his face in a corner picture
    I recognized the name
    Could not stop staring at the
    Face I'd never see again.

    It's a shame to awake in a world of pain
    What does it mean when a war has taken over?
    It's the same everyday in a hell manmade
    What can be saved, and who will be left to hold her?

    The whole world...World over
    It's a worldwide suicide

    Medals on a wooden mantle
    Next to a handsome face
    That the president took for granted
    Writing checks that others pay
    And in all the madness
    Thought becomes numb and naive
    So much to talk about
    Nothing for to say

    It's the same everyday and the wave won't break
    Tell you to pray, while the devil's on their shoulder
    Laying claim to the take that our soldiers save
    Does not equate, and the truth's already out there

    The whole world,... World over
    It's a worldwide suicide
    The whole world,... World over
    It's a worldwide suicide

    Looking in the eyes of the fallen
    You got to know there's another, another, another, another
    Another way

    It's a shame to awake in a world of pain
    What does it mean when a war has taken over
    It's the same everyday and the wave won't break
    Tell you to pray, while the devils on their shoulder

    The whole world,... World over
    It's a worldwide suicide
    The whole world,... World over
    It's a worldwide suicide

    World Wide Suicide


    Consider me an object
    Put me in a vacuum
    Free of all conditions
    Free of air and friction

    Yea, I’ll be hanging upside down.
    And there I will swing
    For all eternity

    Fell it rising, yea next stop falling
    Feel it rising, comatose, with no fear of falling

    Consider me an abscess
    Leave me in my vacuum
    Blood on all the pistons
    Running my transmission

    Feel it rising, yea next stop falling
    Feel it rising, comatose, with no fear of falling

    Feel it rising, yeah next stop falling
    Feel It rising

    High above I’ll break the law,
    if it’s illegal to be in love,
    leave the hatred, on the cross

    yea I’ll be hanging upside down and here I will swing
    for all eternity

    feel it rising, yea next stop falling
    feel it rising, comatose with no fear of falling

    feel it rising, yea, next stop falling
    feel it rising

    something never thought you’d be part of

    alternative lyrics


    Severed Hand

    Big man stands behind an open door
    Said, "leave your lady on the cement floor."
    "got some kicks, want to take a ride?"
    I said, "yeah!"
    "take your pick, leave yourself behind"
    I said, "yeah!"

    I've no fear but for falling down
    So look out below I am falling now
    Oh please understand I just need, my friend,
    a way a way a way home

    Tried to walk, found a severed hand
    Recognized it from the wedding band

    Said "it's ok, do you want some more?"
    I said, "yeah!"
    "You'll see dragons after 3 or 4"
    I said, "yeah!"

    "Understand I'm not falling down"
    I said, "look around, the room's taller now",
    I can't close my eyes, 'cause I see the sound in waves
    In waves, lets me stay calm

    If I don't lose control
    Explore and not explode
    A preternatural other plane
    With the power to maintain

    Like a tear in all we know
    Once dissolved we are free to grow
    What is human, what is more?
    I'll answer this when I get home

    Severed Hand

    Marker In The Sand

    There is a Marker,
    no one sees it cause of sand
    that has covered over
    all the messages it kept
    from misunderstanding,
    what Original Truth was
    And now expanding
    in a faith, but not in love...

    What went wrong?
    Walking tightrope high
    over moral ground.
    Seeing visions of
    falling up somehow.
    Oh do come down
    with the living, let
    what is living love.
    So unforgiving, yet
    needing forgiveness first...

    God, what do you say?

    Those undecided
    needn't have faith to be free.
    And those misguided,
    there was a plan for them to be...
    Now you got both sides
    claiming 'killing in god's name'.
    But god is nowhere
    to be found, conveniently...

    What goes on?
    Walking tightrope high
    over moral ground.
    Walk the bridges be-
    -fore you burn them down!
    Do come round
    with the living, let
    what is living love.
    Unforgiving, yet
    needing forgiveness first...

    God, what do you say?
    God, what do you say?

    I feel a sickness...
    A sickness coming over me
    Like watching freedom
    being sucked straight out to sea
    And the solution?
    Well, from me far would it be
    But the delusion
    is feeling dangerous to me

    What goes wrong?
    Walking tightrope high
    over moral ground.
    Seeing visions of
    falling up somehow.
    Oh, do come down
    with the living, let
    what is living love,
    forgiveness first?

    Oh, what do you say?
    God, what do you say?

    What do you say?

    Calling out, calling out
    Calling out, calling out

    Marker In The Sand


    Why deny all the troubles when combined
    With the missing links it don’t feel like home now

    That your gone all the troubles suddenly explained infinitum
    You’re always wishing and never here at home

    You all the dreams we shared and
    lights we turned on
    but the house is getting dark

    and I don’t want to know your past
    but together share the dawn
    and I won’t need nothing else
    cause when we’re dead
    we would’ve had it all

    And I wouldn't falling from the sky tell you
    Parachutes have opened now

    Heaven knows if there’s a ceiling
    Come so low with the kneeling
    Please know that I got all the friends I’m needing
    Before my light go out
    As the doors are closing now

    And far away will be my home
    And to grasp this, I don’t know
    But I don’t need
    Further back and forth, a wave will break on me today

    And love
    Wish the world could glow again with love
    One can’t seem to have enough

    And war
    Break the sky and tell me what it's for
    I’ll travel there on my own

    And love
    What a different life
    Had I not found this love with you



    He's got a big gold ring which says Jesus Saves
    and it's dented from the punch thrown at work that day
    when he smashed the metal locker where he kept his things
    after the big boss say "You best be on your way"

    So this life is sacrifice
    oh yeah
    jumping trains just to survive

    Well his wife and kids asleep but he's still awake
    and his brain weighs the curse of thirty bills unpaid
    gets up, lights a cigarette, he's grown to hate
    thinking if he can't sleep, how will he ever dream again?

    So this life is sacrificed
    oh yeah
    to a stranger's bottom line
    oh yeah

    I've seen the light, oho oh ohhhh oho oh ohhhh
    I'm scared alive
    nearly dead
    oho oh ohhhh oho oh ohhhh
    I've seen the light
    Still alive

    So this life is sacrificed
    oh yeah
    Was a dream that had to die
    oh yeah

    I've seen the light, oho ohhh ohhhhh oho ohhh ohhhhh
    I'm scared alive
    Near to death
    oho ohhh ohhhhh oho ohhh ohhhhh

    I've seen the light
    scared alive
    oho ohhh ohhhhh oooohoooo
    I'm here to die
    here to die
    scared alive
    Here to die
    Here to die
    Scared of life


    Big Wave

    I used to be crustacean
    In an underwater nation
    And I surf in celebration
    Of a billion adaptations

    Got me a big wave, ride me a big wave, got me a big wave
    Got me a big wave, ride me a big wave, got me a big wave

    I feel the need
    planted in me
    Millions of years ago
    Can't you see
    the oceans size?
    Defining time
    and tide
    Arms laid upon me
    Being so kind
    To let me ride

    I scream in affirmation
    Of connecting dislocations
    And exceeding limitation
    By achieving levitation

    Got me a big wave, ride me a big wave, got me a big wave.
    Got me a big wave, ride me a big wave, got me a big wave.

    I feel the need
    planted in me
    Millions of years ago
    Can't you see
    the oceans size?
    Defining time
    and tide
    Arms laid upon me
    Being so kind
    To let me ride

    Got me a ride
    I got me a ride

    Big Wave


    No more upset mornings
    No more trying evenings
    This American Dream I am disbelieving
    When the gas in my tank feels like money in the bank
    Gonna blow it all this time, take me one last ride
    Oh the lights of the city, they only look good when I’m speeding
    I wanna leave em all behind me cause this time I’m gone
    Gone, going for it all this time, gone (?)
    Going gone this time I am gone (?)
    So long this time I'm gone

    In the far off distance
    As my taillights fade
    No one to witness but they will someday
    Feel like a question is forming
    And the answers far
    I will be what I could be
    Once I get out of this town

    For the lights of this city
    They have lost all feeling
    Gonna leave em all behind me because this time I’m gone
    Gone, you're gone yeah this time I haven't gone at all
    So long, long gone, I haven't gone at all
    This time I'm gone
    Nothing is everything
    If nothing is everything then I will have it all
    If nothing is everything then I will have it all
    I’m...I am gone


    Wasted Reprise

    I have faced it
    a life wasted
    I'm never going back again
    Having tasted
    a life wasted
    I'm never going back again
    I escaped it
    a life wasted
    I'm never going back ... again

    Wasted Reprise

    Army Reserve

    How long must she stand
    Before the ground, it gives way
    To an endless fall
    She can feel this
    War on her face
    The stars on her pillow
    She's folding in darkness
    Begging for slumber

    I'm not blind
    I can see it coming
    Looks like lightning
    In my child's eye

    I'm not frantic
    I can feel it coming
    Violently shakes
    My body

    Her son's slanted
    Always giving her
    The sideways eye
    The empty chair where dad sits
    How loud can silence get?
    And mom, she reassures
    To contain him
    But it's becoming a lie

    She tells herself
    And everyone else
    Father is risking
    His life for our freedoms

    I'm not blind
    I can see it coming
    Looks like lightning
    In my child's eye

    I'm not frantic
    I can feel it coming
    Darling you'll save me
    If you save yourself

    Army Reserve

    Come Back

    If I keep holding out
    Will the light shine through?
    Under this broken roof
    It's only rain that I feel
    I've been wishin' out the days
    Oh oh oh
    Come back

    I have been planning out
    All that I'd say to you
    Since you slipped away
    Know that I still remain true
    I've been wishin' out the days
    Please say that if you hadn't have gone now
    I wouldn't have lost you another way
    From wherever you are
    Oh oh oh oh
    Come back

    And these days, they linger on, yeah, yeah
    And in the night, I've been waiting for
    A real possibility that I may meet you in my dreams
    I go to sleep

    If I don't fall apart
    Will my memory stay clear?
    So you had to go
    And I had to remain here
    But the strangest thing to date
    So far away and yet you feel so close
    I'm not going to question it any other way
    It must be an open door for you
    To come back

    And the days they linger on, yeah
    Every night I'm waiting for
    The real possibility that I may need to end my pain
    Sometimes you're there and you're talking back to me
    Come the morning I could swear you're next to me
    And it's ok

    It's ok, it's ok

    I'll be here
    Come back, come back
    I'll be here
    Come back, come back
    I'll be here
    Come back, come back

    Come Back

    Inside Job

    Underneath this smile lies everything
    All my hopes and anger, pride and shame
    Make myself a pact not to shut doors on the past
    Just for today I am free

    I will not lose my faith
    It's an inside job today

    I know this one thing well…

    I used to try and kill love. the highest sin
    Breathing insecurity out and in

    Searching hope, I'm shown the way to run straight
    Pursuing the greater way for all human light.

    How I choose to feel is how I am.
    How I choose to feel is how I am.

    I will not lose my faith
    It's an inside job today

    Holding on, the light of night
    On my knees to rise and fix my broken soul

    Let me run into the rain
    To be a human light again

    Let me run into the rain
    To shine a human light today

    Life comes from within your heart and desire
    Life comes from within my heart and desire
    Life comes from within your heart and desire

    ako netko nema slucajno.. uzivajte ljudi.. i kako to da moram vrtjet 10.tu stranicu porcha da dodjem do nas?? :D prije smo bili prva, eventualno druga.. ja jos svoj nisam dobio, vjerojatno zato jer sam narucio i majicu uz pre-order cd.. al se nadam da ce uskoro.. ajdeeeeeee.. dolaziiiiiiii
    Oh when I was a kid oh how magic it seemed
    Oh please let me sleep its Christmas time
  • cropdustresscropdustress Posts: 4,339
    Ha, vidim da me netko pretekao s rijecima pjesama :p:D

    HEy, masni, pa ne moras traziti thread. Samo odi u *user CP* i tamo bi ti trebale
    biti sve teme u kojima si postao. Ako nisu, promijeni i svojim *options* da se *subscribe* na teme... ;):D

    Nadam se da to pomaze. Tako bar ja uvijek pogledam sto ima novo gdje sam ja postala, a onda sve ostalo redom citam :D
    "I surfaced and all of my being was enlightened"
  • ja_nikolaja_nikola Posts: 71
    Please, josh uvek nemam original :(
    ....da li si cd kupila u nekom music shopu u Hrvatskoj, ili??... Ja moram ovih dana do Beograda, valjda se album pojavio tamo... I HOPE so.....

    Inache, posebno otkidam na sledece pesme:
    Severed Hand, Marker in the Sand, Parachutes, Come back... :)
    TI?? VI??

    hajde molim te ako nadjes original u bg-u javi gde si nasla...mislim...ako nije neki problem
    Trying to shake the cancer off. Stupid human beings.
    Once you hold the hand of love it's all surmountable.
  • masnimasni Posts: 1,657
    hvala na informacijama.. svaki dan naucis nesto novo :D
    Oh when I was a kid oh how magic it seemed
    Oh please let me sleep its Christmas time
  • tinnatinna Posts: 391
    ...Da, upravo tako...samo se nadam da nece postati prezahtevni kao one dede Rolling Stones..... ??!

    Dakle, prochitajte>


    PEARL JAM star EDDIE VEDDER refuses to perform live without a bottle of his friend's potent red wine by his side. The ALIVE singer has discovered the homemade tipple is the perfect onstage drink - as long as he sips it slowly. Vedder explains, "I can't do without it now. "On the first leg of our last tour, I had been drinking regular wine, but I got the good stuff for our last show, and I don't know what kind of grapes they are but it's twice as potent. "I realised this about halfway through the show. It was a political fundraiser, so I was like, 'Damn, I've really got to sober up.'"
    02/05/2006 09:13


    "...I never had it. It was apparently a recipe that was handed down. It's mythological now... I imagine it was regular preserves with a bit of mushroom in it, a peyote kind of deal." EDDIE VEDDER admits he never tasted his grandmother PEARL's famous jam, from which his group got its name.
    02/05/2006 02:43
    ovaj prvi citat mi se bas nesto i ne svidja.....
    ali onaj drugi je interesantan:)
    And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky
    A human being that was given to fly...
  • tinnatinna Posts: 391
    miloshk wrote:
    cao ljudi,
    ja sam vam potpuno nov ovde.
    Registrovao sam se samo da vas sve pozdravim i cestitam za ovaj thread. SVAKA CAST!!!
    Vidimo se u Zagrebu 26. septembra, a mozda i u Beogradu dan-dva posle toga :)
    evo ja da ti pozelim dobrodoslicu u ime svih nas!
    hvala na pohvalama..eto trudilismo se...:)
    ja nazalost (ukoliko se ne desi cudo) necu posetiti zg,ali verujem da ce biti u bg-u!
    And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky
    A human being that was given to fly...
  • tinnatinna Posts: 391
    losthero wrote:
    Cekajte samo da dodje u Beograd, pa mu mi poturimo nashu ,,brlju" (domacu rakiju). Zavrshice koncert tako shto ce chistachi da ga nose dok rapremaju dvoranu.
    Salim se, ma samo nek dodje, pa makar i ja pocheo ovako mator da pijem alkohol i mene na kraju iznosili.
    btw i ja sam iz mesta gde se proizvode (bez)alkoholna pica [la vita sokovi itd ako ste culi] mislim da ne bi mogao da se seti svog imena....
    And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky
    A human being that was given to fly...
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