Pearl Jam in Zagreb!

(i havent been here so long, i had problems with my comp...)
i read yesterday that the organisation which will bring eros ramazzotti to belgrade negotiates with pearl jam about the same thing!
if they accept the offer, the concert will be in june 2006!
i`ve been waiting for that so long...
i read yesterday that the organisation which will bring eros ramazzotti to belgrade negotiates with pearl jam about the same thing!
if they accept the offer, the concert will be in june 2006!
i`ve been waiting for that so long...
And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky
A human being that was given to fly...
A human being that was given to fly...
Post edited by Unknown User on
really cool ..............
A human being that was given to fly...
yes that´s true where did you read that?
the name of that organisation is SFL...(?)
A human being that was given to fly...
ok:) so let´s hope it´s true;)
00: 7/2 (cancelled...)
05: 9/11,9/12,9/13,9/15,9/16,9/19
06: 8/23,8/30, 9/9, 9/11
07: 6/26, 6/29
A human being that was given to fly...
May-June is exams for me
= maximum one show
= not travelling through Europe
= not going to pre/post-parties
= not meeting tons of jammers along the road
= ...
00: 7/2 (cancelled...)
05: 9/11,9/12,9/13,9/15,9/16,9/19
06: 8/23,8/30, 9/9, 9/11
07: 6/26, 6/29
The STONES are playing in Belgrade this summer too!
Im living in Romania for a little and Belgrade is about a 9 hour train ride for me. If the rumors are true about Pearl Jam playing be sure you post again and we'll meet up for the show!
yes, true!
I'm not letting any sleep already,
i'm still enjoying my canadian memories.
00: 7/2 (cancelled...)
05: 9/11,9/12,9/13,9/15,9/16,9/19
06: 8/23,8/30, 9/9, 9/11
07: 6/26, 6/29
veliki pozdrav do tebi... ja sam iz Makedonije i nadam se da ce to biti vistina i da cemo videti Pearl Jam u Belgradu... kad bi to bilo oficijalno ja ne bi mogo poverovati .... WOW... molicu se Boga da ovo postane vistina...
moj mail je : pa mi mozes reci tvoj pa mozemo da razmenimo neke Pearl Jam stvare... imam dosta toga ...
pozdrav veliki do tebi i citamo se na forum ili preko Private massage ili mozda preko e-mail...
ti si mislim prvi fan iz Srbije koga vidim i citam na forum...
drago mi ja za to, a ja se zovem Sasho...
cao cao...
to Veddernarian:
How come you know the jokes about Mujo & Haso? :-) ... just curious...
and then these news came up to me!
i hope that all is true, and that i will see them finally....
A human being that was given to fly...
A human being that was given to fly...
kickass...i live in romania...finally a close destination
I've had enough, said enough, felt enough, I'm fine now.
Push me pull me. See ya later
<present tense inhabiter #0003 & Even Flow psycho #0036>
i ja se iskreno nadam da ce oni prihvatiti ponudu i da nece doci do nekih velikih problema na kosovu, i da ce oni odrzati taj koncert...
ima jos fanova iz srbije na ovom forumu...jedan je mislim crazymarko ne mogu da se setim tacno nicka, a ako bude bilo koncerta srescemo se tamo...inace mail cu ti poslati na private...
p.s. imam drugaricu iz makedonije! nateracu je da te kontaktira...mozda bude nesto....
A human being that was given to fly...
Two of my closest friends- one from Zagreb, the other from Belgrade. They taught me a whole bunch of Serbo/Croatian words and terms. Unfortunately, many of them do not respect the all-ages aspect of this forum so I can't repeat many of them here. But they also translated a bunch of Mujo/Haso/Fata jokes for me. Some of them are hysterical.
Haha, I know a lot...
On topic, yeah. That would be awesome, and it would be great of they could swing to Croatia.
BTW; the Stones are playing here (Zagreb, our capital) July 6, and it would be pretty awesome if PJ opened for them... Who knows. They might be on tour in the same time...
I just hope I'll be on the same continent.
Hehe, ima nas jos.
I jedva cekam da PJ dodje tu malo kod nas.
Last time they were touring, it was only Ljubljana (the best show, by the way!!!). Even Budapest was canceled.
So, please, please, guys, remember to stop by in our small countries.
Slovenski site na kojem se moguce predbiljeziti za predstojecu turneju, tako da mi se ovaj 6. mjesec cini prilicno izgledan.
Mislim da ce 2006. biti zanimljiva!
Whhoooooooo-freakin-hooooooo Baby!!!
*^*^*^*^*^*^*^RED MOSQUITO #2^*^*^*^*^*^*^*
Dublin 08/06
Katowice 06/07 London 06/07 Dusseldorf 06/07 Nijgemen 06/07
Just take it with a grain of salt, but...
Europe, hell yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
nego samo sam tebe cekala...sta mislis ima li nade za nas...mislim za to da pearl jam predju preko svega ovoga oko kosova i konacno dodju kod nas?
A human being that was given to fly...
videcemo se tamo
aj poslacu ti private da se bolje upoznamo,ok?
A human being that was given to fly...
A human being that was given to fly...
ajd kazi mi sta se ono popunjava itd......
A human being that was given to fly...
U tom slucaju ne mozes ostati bez karte, ako bude navala. Ova predprijava te ne obavezuje da stvarno i kupis kartu.
Od podataka moras upisati:
ime i prezime,
kucni broj,
postanski broj,
broj karata
Mozda je jos malo prerano za sve to, ali daje nadu da bi stvarno uskoro nesto moglo i biti
A human being that was given to fly...