Religion on the decline around the world



  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    yes it is...
    but knowing God is on the rise :D
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    inlet13 wrote:
    I said the following:

    Why can't atheists, agnostics and religious - just uphold the respect of their own personal point of view of religion and not cheer on the demise of what others believe?

    I'll elaborate -

    I do believe there are atheists who cheer on the demise of what other believe. This thread is proof. Re-read it if you'd like.

    In terms of deeds, there are bad atheists and there are good atheists. There are good agnostics and there are bad agnostics. There are good religious folks and bad religious folks. Anyone who thinks otherwise is foolish. An atheist can be just as annoying and a bad human, in terms of deeds, as fundamentalists of any religion. Thinking otherwise is close-minded.

    Religion, or lack there of, is not the cause of sin (or wrong doing) on earth. Bad deeds by human beings is the problem.

    The problem is people... not religion.
    If people understood the difference between truth and belief, we wouldn't be having this discussion. People think they KNOW the truth (i.e. Does God Exist?), when, in fact, they BELIEVE that God does or does not exist.
    If everyone just accepted the truth that their beliefs are beliefs that solely belong to them... none of this would matter.
    By the way, the correct answer to the question, 'Does God Exist?'... "I don't know".
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • kenny olavkenny olav Posts: 3,319
    A lot of modern debate about religion is whether or not it is a good thing for people.

    To me, whether or not something is good doesn't matter if the thing is not proven to be true. There is no reason to believe that any religion is true. This is why it isn't taught alongside mathematics, biology, language or anything else that has a logical basis for its existence.

    Religion's basis for existence is ignorance about the natural world and our lack of understanding about how everything came to be and about what might happen to us after we die. Scientists have so far explained just about everything about the natural world and disproved a lot of what every major religion has taught about it. For example, the Earth isn't flat, it doesn't have four corners and it's not being held up by pillars, like the Bible says it is. Nor is the sun in orbit around the Earth, like both the Bible and the Koran teach.

    If the Bible is the infallible word of God, then the Earth must look something like this: ... p_edit.jpg

    As for where the universe came from, I wouldn't be surprised if scientists figure that out during this century, or even during this decade. They might even figure out how to allow people to live eternally, or at least prove the existence of the soul and what happens to it after the body expires.

    I for one think that the soul does exist and it leaves the body after death. The commonality of what people experience when they are clinically dead but brought back to life leads me to think this is true. And personally, I can't fathom that my consciousness will simply stop existing... at least not so soon. But I also can't fathom living FOREVER. My hope is that eventually I will cease to be, but not until after I've explored every dimension of the universe and experienced everything that I could possibly want to experience. Talk about wishful thinking, right? So yeah, I could be wrong... it could be this lifetime on Earth and nothing else... but I can't help thinking otherwise, and for that reason, I understand why religion exists, but I think people have to replace faith and dogma with hope and understanding.
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Vancouver, BC Posts: 50,142
    At least the major religions are used by powerful people to control the masses, and that's how they came about in the first place, and all their dogma and belief systems were built upon for that purpose. That is definitely not a good thing.
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • kenny olavkenny olav Posts: 3,319
    Christopher Hitchens said it best when he said "If you want a good person to do an evil thing, that takes religion."
  • SmellymanSmellyman Asia Posts: 4,527
    pandora wrote:
    yes it is...
    but knowing God is on the rise :D

    or not
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Zoso wrote:

    REJOICE!!!!! and welcome back to the day when you popped from your mammas womb pure innocent and unsullied.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    If one can be religious and not overtly push their beliefs onto others, religion could easily exist in a peaceful world. In fact, in it's pure essence, it could be what truly guides and creates a peaceful world.

    This type of behavior comes from those who are anti-religious as well, though. In the circles I run in, I see more people bashing religion and pushing their beliefs than I do those trying to push religion on others. I guess it's OK if it runs in that direction.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    kenny olav wrote:
    To me, whether or not something is good doesn't matter if the thing is not proven to be true.

    They use to teach that the world was flat.

    That the sun revolved around the earth.

    That pluto was a planet.

    Things change. Sometimes, what is known to be true at one point is proven false later. And what was thought was false, is proven true. So, I don't really agree with your line of thinking. I think teaching about possibilities, theories, and then letting people use their own minds to decipher fact from fiction is powerful as well.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    know1 wrote:
    If one can be religious and not overtly push their beliefs onto others, religion could easily exist in a peaceful world. In fact, in it's pure essence, it could be what truly guides and creates a peaceful world.

    This type of behavior comes from those who are anti-religious as well, though. In the circles I run in, I see more people bashing religion and pushing their beliefs than I do those trying to push religion on others. I guess it's OK if it runs in that direction.

    I never said it was. I agree with you. Hell, I think some people think I'm religious the way I take offense to their anti-god ranting.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • hedonisthedonist Posts: 24,524
    Hell, I think some people think I'm religious the way I take offense to their anti-god ranting.
    I've had the same happen with me.

    There ARE some who believe in god, in religion, in something perhaps different than I, who live honest and decent and compassionate lives. If their faith helps them to do that - and gets them through what they otherwise couldn't without it - who am I to put them down?

    I think the common theme here is live and let live. Those who do, no matter their belief, are just fine by me.
  • inlet13inlet13 Posts: 1,979
    hedonist wrote:
    Hell, I think some people think I'm religious the way I take offense to their anti-god ranting.
    I've had the same happen with me.

    There ARE some who believe in god, in religion, in something perhaps different than I, who live honest and decent and compassionate lives. If their faith helps them to do that - and gets them through what they otherwise couldn't without it - who am I to put them down?

    I think the common theme here is live and let live. Those who do, no matter their belief, are just fine by me.

    Here in lies the problem, on both sides there are fervent "non-believers" and fervent "believers" who have an inherent insecurity issues. They can't live and let live. They need control. They need everyone to believe the same as them.

    Problem is - that will never, ever happen. So, they try to make it happen - via government. One more reason why small government is wise government. Founding fathers knew this.
    Here's a new demo called "in the fire":

    <object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value=";&gt;&lt;/param&gt; <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href=" - In the Fire (demo)</a> by <a href="
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    inlet13 wrote:
    Here in lies the problem, on both sides there are fervent "non-believers" and fervent "believers" who have an inherent insecurity issues. They can't live and let live. They need control. They need everyone to believe the same as them.

    Problem is - that will never, ever happen. So, they try to make it happen - via government. One more reason why small government is wise government. Founding fathers knew this.
    Which is why I sit squarely in the 'I don't know' camp. Because, that is the truth, I don't know.
    I am pretty fair with the believe it or not formula. I really don't care what anyone believes. The problem I have is with the ones that claim to know the answer. I know they don't know based upon the fact that no one knows. We believe in God or we don't believe in God and everything in between. But, the truth is... it is BELIEF that God exists or God does not exist... not knowledge tha God exists or does not exist.
    Therefore, not truth.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • inlet13inlet13 Posts: 1,979
    Cosmo wrote:
    inlet13 wrote:
    Here in lies the problem, on both sides there are fervent "non-believers" and fervent "believers" who have an inherent insecurity issues. They can't live and let live. They need control. They need everyone to believe the same as them.

    Problem is - that will never, ever happen. So, they try to make it happen - via government. One more reason why small government is wise government. Founding fathers knew this.
    Which is why I sit squarely in the 'I don't know' camp. Because, that is the truth, I don't know.
    I am pretty fair with the believe it or not formula. I really don't care what anyone believes. The problem I have is with the ones that claim to know the answer. I know they don't know based upon the fact that no one knows. We believe in God or we don't believe in God and everything in between. But, the truth is... it is BELIEF that God exists or God does not exist... not knowledge tha God exists or does not exist.
    Therefore, not truth.

    Shouldn't let that stuff bother you though. If they believe it, great. If they don't, great. Only people's viewpoints that should matter to us are maybe - just maybe family. Realistically though the only one you can control is our own viewpoint. Other that, who really cares?

    Belief is individualized. Since it's individualized, for all we know, both sides could be right. When in discussions on this, people don't often think about that.
    Here's a new demo called "in the fire":

    <object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value=";&gt;&lt;/param&gt; <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href=" - In the Fire (demo)</a> by <a href="
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    inlet13 wrote:
    Shouldn't let that stuff bother you though. If they believe it, great. If they don't, great. Only people's viewpoints that should matter to us are maybe - just maybe family. Realistically though the only one you can control is our own viewpoint. Other that, who really cares?

    Belief is individualized. Since it's individualized, for all we know, both sides could be right. When in discussions on this, people don't often think about that.
    The belief doesn't bother me. It's the claim to know.
    The ones that claim to know are typically the ones who want to set legislation that you and I must follow based upon their belief... or the ones that want to make Creationism a science... or make it a capital offense to convert out of Islam... to go to war... to commit genocide with a clear conscience... all those crazy things that affect poeple other than themselves. When religion claims to know... they claim you know how you are supposed to believe.
    I agree with you 100%... Belief is personal and should focus on the self... without claiming to know that theirs is the the right way... and you must follow.
    That's where I have the problem.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    Cosmo wrote:

    The problem is people... not religion.
    If people understood the difference between truth and belief, we wouldn't be having this discussion. People think they KNOW the truth (i.e. Does God Exist?), when, in fact, they BELIEVE that God does or does not exist.
    If everyone just accepted the truth that their beliefs are beliefs that solely belong to them... none of this would matter.
    By the way, the correct answer to the question, 'Does God Exist?'... "I don't know".

    I agree with this.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • inlet13inlet13 Posts: 1,979
    Cosmo wrote:
    The belief doesn't bother me. It's the claim to know.
    The ones that claim to know are typically the ones who want to set legislation that you and I must follow based upon their belief... or the ones that want to make Creationism a science... or make it a capital offense to convert out of Islam... to go to war... to commit genocide with a clear conscience... all those crazy things that affect poeple other than themselves. When religion claims to know... they claim you know how you are supposed to believe.

    The truth is, I think you're ever-so-slighly siding with one side up here in your comments. There are many who look at it from the other end of the spectrum with similar complaints about those who are athiest. I don't have a problem with either having a claim to know - I mean - an atheist is basically saying "I KNOW God Does Not Exist". Just like a fervent Evangelical is saying "I KNOW God Does Exist". They both have that right - you or I don't have to agree. Although, I'll agree that when they pester you (and don't know you) in a fucking airport line - it's pretty annoying.

    I'll switch your last line a bit - when "government claims to know.... they claim you know how you are supposed to believe." I think where we differ is that I don't think it's one sides fault - they are all entitled to believe (or claim to know) what they want. They, as an individual, can't influence what I believe or do. However, gov't can in some ways. So, it's actually government growth's fault.

    So I say - try to get "government" out of these issues, not the other way around. Then there's no way to "legislate" morality/religion or lack there of. Government should be involved in protection - pretty much that's it. You can't hurt a fellow citizen - government should be all over that.

    I think if gov't shrank you'd also see less of these folks annoying people about their viewpoints too which would be great for everyone. Elections spur religious spirit and venom. It's an odd pairing - really.

    Government should be small - and if it was, many of these issues would not exist.

    Cosmo wrote:
    I agree with you 100%... Belief is personal and should focus on the self... without claiming to know that theirs is the the right way... and you must follow.
    That's where I have the problem.

    Well, I think it happens on both sides and the best way to handle it is to acknowledge it's on both sides, not going away - in fact it's worsening - and try to find a solution. The easy solution is shrink government.

    Government is the method to force totalitarian viewpoints on to others. Shrink their tentacles and a lot of these problems would dissipate.
    Here's a new demo called "in the fire":

    <object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value=";&gt;&lt;/param&gt; <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href=" - In the Fire (demo)</a> by <a href="
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    inlet13 wrote:
    The truth is, I think you're ever-so-slighly siding with one side up here in your comments. There are many who look at it from the other end of the spectrum with similar complaints about those who are athiest. I don't have a problem with either having a claim to know - I mean - an atheist is basically saying "I KNOW God Does Not Exist". Just like a fervent Evangelical is saying "I KNOW God Does Exist". They both have that right - you or I don't have to agree. Although, I'll agree that when they pester you (and don't know you) in a fucking airport line - it's pretty annoying.

    I'll switch your last line a bit - when "government claims to know.... they claim you know how you are supposed to believe." I think where we differ is that I don't think it's one sides fault - they are all entitled to believe (or claim to know) what they want. They, as an individual, can't influence what I believe or do. However, gov't can in some ways. So, it's actually government growth's fault.

    So I say - try to get "government" out of these issues, not the other way around. Then there's no way to "legislate" morality/religion or lack there of. Government should be involved in protection - pretty much that's it. You can't hurt a fellow citizen - government should be all over that.

    I think if gov't shrank you'd also see less of these folks annoying people about their viewpoints too which would be great for everyone. Elections spur religious spirit and venom. It's an odd pairing - really.

    Government should be small - and if it was, many of these issues would not exist.

    Well, I think it happens on both sides and the best way to handle it is to acknowledge it's on both sides, not going away - in fact it's worsening - and try to find a solution. The easy solution is shrink government.

    Government is the method to force totalitarian viewpoints on to others. Shrink their tentacles and a lot of these problems would dissipate.
    Again. We are in agreement. The Government has absolutely no place to inject God into my, or anyone else's life. Let me decide that. That is why I don't want government erecting Ten Commandments... or Minioras... or any other religious symbols. Let the churches do that kind of stuff and let the people decide which church to attend.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • pandorapandora Posts: 21,855
    inlet13 wrote:

    The truth is, I think you're ever-so-slighly siding with one side up here in your comments. There are many who look at it from the other end of the spectrum with similar complaints about those who are athiest. I don't have a problem with either having a claim to know - I mean - an atheist is basically saying "I KNOW God Does Not Exist". Just like a fervent Evangelical is saying "I KNOW God Does Exist". They both have that right - you or I don't have to agree. Although, I'll agree that when they pester you (and don't know you) in a fucking airport line - it's pretty annoying.
    always fair and open minded... you rock!
    and your words exactly true

    I will add one does not have to be of any religion to know God.
    This the great thing about God! God is just there for the asking.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Cosmo wrote:

    The problem is people... not religion.
    If people understood the difference between truth and belief, we wouldn't be having this discussion. People think they KNOW the truth (i.e. Does God Exist?), when, in fact, they BELIEVE that God does or does not exist.
    If everyone just accepted the truth that their beliefs are beliefs that solely belong to them... none of this would matter.
    By the way, the correct answer to the question, 'Does God Exist?'... "I don't know".

    the problem is always people. theyre a pain in the arse and fuck basically everything up. without people guns would kill no one... without people religion would be... well actually.. without people religion wouldnt exist. people are irrational rational creatures. we try to control the things we cant and get frustrated that we cant. ive given up trying to guide my boat down the river. it hasnt worked well in my past and its a waste of my energies. so ive decided to go with the current and deal with whats thrown up when its thrown up... and i can feel the weight lifted off my shoulders.

    and the correct answer(for me) to the question 'does god exist?' is....

    for me, no. 8-)
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    inlet13 wrote:
    The truth is, I think you're ever-so-slighly siding with one side up here in your comments.
    No. I am right smack dab in the middle on this one. I will give the person who says he absolutely knows that God does NOT exist the same arguements that I would the person who says he knows God does exist. The Arguement on my part is the same for either side... they do NOT know, they may believe they know, but belief is not knowledge. Both persons are equally full of shit when they try to use the arguement about KNOWING the truth about God. And i will tell them both the same thing... in equal terms.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    the problem is always people. theyre a pain in the arse and fuck basically everything up. without people guns would kill no one... without people religion would be... well actually.. without people religion wouldnt exist. people are irrational rational creatures. we try to control the things we cant and get frustrated that we cant. ive given up trying to guide my boat down the river. it hasnt worked well in my past and its a waste of my energies. so ive decided to go with the current and deal with whats thrown up when its thrown up... and i can feel the weight lifted off my shoulders.

    and the correct answer(for me) to the question 'does god exist?' is...
    for me, no. 8-)
    That is the duality of Man. We are capable of creating emmense beauty... and horrific evil. When looked at through the lense of objectivity, religion can beautiful and hideous at the same time. It all depends on the person doing the interpretation as to which way the ball will roll.
    I believe the thing we should realize is that religion is man made... whether it is the monolith of the Catholic Church or the singular person who believes God talks to him. It is not God's doing... it's man's ruin.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Cosmo wrote:
    the problem is always people. theyre a pain in the arse and fuck basically everything up. without people guns would kill no one... without people religion would be... well actually.. without people religion wouldnt exist. people are irrational rational creatures. we try to control the things we cant and get frustrated that we cant. ive given up trying to guide my boat down the river. it hasnt worked well in my past and its a waste of my energies. so ive decided to go with the current and deal with whats thrown up when its thrown up... and i can feel the weight lifted off my shoulders.

    and the correct answer(for me) to the question 'does god exist?' is...
    for me, no. 8-)
    That is the duality of Man. We are capable of creating emmense beauty... and horrific evil. When looked at through the lense of objectivity, religion can beautiful and hideous at the same time. It all depends on the person doing the interpretation as to which way the ball will roll.
    I believe the thing we should realize is that religion is man made... whether it is the monolith of the Catholic Church or the singular person who believes God talks to him. It is not God's doing... it's man's ruin.

    it totally is.. were complex creatures and our own worst enemy at times. but i also think this cause i think too much(like the rest of humankind in my position)

    absolutely religion is man mad and it has always been about control.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    it totally is.. were complex creatures and our own worst enemy at times. but i also think this cause i think too much(like the rest of humankind in my position)

    absolutely religion is man mad and it has always been about control.
    I believe the original intent of religion was to establish order and to inspire Paleolithic Man to do good. But, in order to define good, you HAVE to define evil. That's where the problem came from. The interpretation of who is good and who is evil.
    If today were Biblical times... would the U.S. be good... or would we be Rome? Who is David and who is Goliath? It would all depend on who was tasked to write the story that would go into the Bible, right?
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Cosmo wrote:
    it totally is.. were complex creatures and our own worst enemy at times. but i also think this cause i think too much(like the rest of humankind in my position)

    absolutely religion is man mad and it has always been about control.
    I believe the original intent of religion was to establish order and to inspire Paleolithic Man to do good. But, in order to define good, you HAVE to define evil. That's where the problem came from. The interpretation of who is good and who is evil.
    If today were Biblical times... would the U.S. be good... or would we be Rome? Who is David and who is Goliath? It would all depend on who was tasked to write the story that would go into the Bible, right?

    interesting... it is my opinion that the worshop of dieties evolved from a need to make sense of the world around us. we needed a reason for something happening(flood/pestilence/drought/whatever)and so we made one up that fit our very limited intelligence.and when something happened that countered the first instance then we just made up another to explain that. and we provided actions and words to sit alongside these suppositions of ours and before we knew it we had ourselves a religion of some sort.and of course somewhere along the line we started to personify the deity/ies. and then at some stage the diety shifted from simply an image of ourselves to a divine being.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    interesting... it is my opinion that the worshop of dieties evolved from a need to make sense of the world around us. we needed a reason for something happening(flood/pestilence/drought/whatever)and so we made one up that fit our very limited intelligence.and when something happened that countered the first instance then we just made up another to explain that. and we provided actions and words to sit alongside these suppositions of ours and before we knew it we had ourselves a religion of some sort.and of course somewhere along the line we started to personify the deity/ies. and then at some stage the diety shifted from simply an image of ourselves to a divine being.
    That, too. Gods were created by Man to explain the natural world. Whether it was Ra and his Chariot of Fire that rose and set every day... or Thor and his hammer controlling the weather of the Arctic... or Posiedon and ruled the sea, Man placed his image on the Gods, making them greater than himself (Man) because Man cannot do these things.
    But, religion also produced law and punishment. Moses was also a law bearer... like Hammurabi. The Commandments are, basically, laws. The Bible is pretty specific about laws and punishments for violating those laws... such as the stoning to death of adulterers.
    Again, it all comes down to who is interpreting the text. Is it good that we do not stone adulterers, even if instructed to do so by the Bible? Or is it good for some nations to follow the Bible's law and do as it says?
    It all depends upon who is doing the interpretation. People.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Cosmo wrote:
    interesting... it is my opinion that the worshop of dieties evolved from a need to make sense of the world around us. we needed a reason for something happening(flood/pestilence/drought/whatever)and so we made one up that fit our very limited intelligence.and when something happened that countered the first instance then we just made up another to explain that. and we provided actions and words to sit alongside these suppositions of ours and before we knew it we had ourselves a religion of some sort.and of course somewhere along the line we started to personify the deity/ies. and then at some stage the diety shifted from simply an image of ourselves to a divine being.
    That, too. Gods were created by Man to explain the natural world. Whether it was Ra and his Chariot of Fire that rose and set every day... or Thor and his hammer controlling the weather of the Arctic... or Posiedon and ruled the sea, Man placed his image on the Gods, making them greater than himself (Man) because Man cannot do these things.
    But, religion also produced law and punishment. Moses was also a law bearer... like Hammurabi. The Commandments are, basically, laws. The Bible is pretty specific about laws and punishments for violating those laws... such as the stoning to death of adulterers.
    Again, it all comes down to who is interpreting the text. Is it good that we do not stone adulterers, even if instructed to do so by the Bible? Or is it good for some nations to follow the Bible's law and do as it says?
    It all depends upon who is doing the interpretation. People.

    but we are not all christians.. so to stone adulterers based on biblical law is a breach of someones human rights at the least. we need secular laws for secular societies. oh and adultery is not against our law.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • CosmoCosmo Posts: 12,225
    but we are not all christians.. so to stone adulterers based on biblical law is a breach of someones human rights at the least. we need secular laws for secular societies. oh and adultery is not against our law.
    I know. I used the adulterers thing to illustrate the duality of religion, since religion is made from the mind of Man.
    I agree with what you and Inlet both say... we don't want government to fuse with religion to make laws we must all obey. I also believe that we HAVE to have laws because it is in Man's nature to interpret what is good for the self... is good. Regardless of how evil it may be to others. It's not because Man is inherently evil... he is inherently selfish... just like every other animal on the planet who wishes to survive.
    Allen Fieldhouse, home of the 2008 NCAA men's Basketball Champions! Go Jayhawks!
    Hail, Hail!!!
  • inlet13inlet13 Posts: 1,979
    Cosmo wrote:
    inlet13 wrote:
    The truth is, I think you're ever-so-slighly siding with one side up here in your comments.
    No. I am right smack dab in the middle on this one. I will give the person who says he absolutely knows that God does NOT exist the same arguements that I would the person who says he knows God does exist. The Arguement on my part is the same for either side... they do NOT know, they may believe they know, but belief is not knowledge. Both persons are equally full of shit when they try to use the arguement about KNOWING the truth about God. And i will tell them both the same thing... in equal terms.

    Ok, it just seemed like you were coming down hard on the religious side, and not touching the anti-religious side. That's all.
    Here's a new demo called "in the fire":

    <object height="81" width="100%"> <param name="movie" value=";&gt;&lt;/param&gt; <param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param> <embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="; type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed> </object> <span><a href=" - In the Fire (demo)</a> by <a href="
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Cosmo wrote:
    but we are not all christians.. so to stone adulterers based on biblical law is a breach of someones human rights at the least. we need secular laws for secular societies. oh and adultery is not against our law.
    I know. I used the adulterers thing to illustrate the duality of religion, since religion is made from the mind of Man.
    I agree with what you and Inlet both say... we don't want government to fuse with religion to make laws we must all obey. I also believe that we HAVE to have laws because it is in Man's nature to interpret what is good for the self... is good. Regardless of how evil it may be to others. It's not because Man is inherently evil... he is inherently selfish... just like every other animal on the planet who wishes to survive.

    you know i often wonder to how much degree man is actually a social animal. i know we live in these groups called society but were they meant to be as large as they are??? and if not, by doing so, have we unbalanced the apple cart and ourselves in the process.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
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