who will stick up for the elephants and bears that are murdered? do you run and hide when things you dislike happen to dogs? what about those who eat dogs? do you open your heart to them as i know you are a dog lover?
I was just thinking about this...
I thought about those who have lived an entire lifetime without knowing the love
of a pet :shock: for me that is inconceivable but for them it is right, they feel
they are missing nothing.
Should I judge those who choose not to love dogs or who are afraid of them?
Those who choose to hate cats or think snakes are grotesque?
It is the same situation, in that it not up to me to choose another's values nor tell
them what they should do in their life. I manage my own. This is all I can do.
Hunting animals within the law is entirely different than abusing a pet, I think we
can all agree on that. I have gotten involved in animal abuse issues but that is not
what this thread is about.
It is about big game hunting and as I have said I will not judge another simply because
they are hunters. I have valid personal reasons, I have done so in my life
and been very wrong. You can not judge a heart by this alone and no one can know
another's motives nor what drives them individually.
i only need read your first few lines before replying. i try very hard to not ever ever use the word pet when refering to any of the animals i may have ever befriended and took into my home. they never ever were a pet of mine. i never ever were ever their master. not ever. that is the difference in you and i, pandora. i hope you think on that and let it roam around in your thoughts for awhile.
semantics Chad :? I'm the alpha dog not the master and for me pet+ me = love
i'd rather be with an animal is fantastic until someone calls up ole uncle ted. i am curious if ole uncle ted kills snakes for entertainment purposes? this is my new quest for the day. somehow i gotta find out.
i'd rather be with an animal is fantastic until someone calls up ole uncle ted. i am curious if ole uncle ted kills snakes for entertainment purposes? this is my new quest for the day. somehow i gotta find out.
enjoy your day, pandora.
you too chadwick
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
Oops... I'm not here, you didn't see that...
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
verb (used without object)
1. to trespass, especially on another's game preserve, in order to steal animals or to hunt. 2. to take game or fish illegally.
3. (of land) to become broken up or slushy by being trampled.
4. (in tennis, squash, handball, etc.) to play a ball hit into the territory of one's partner that is properly the partner's ball to play.
5. Informal . to cheat in a game or contest.
we know he has done it at least once. by killing that second bear, be took it illegally. and he has copped to it. so he is an admitted poacher.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
here is another example from 2010. it is the first one that popped up in google search of "ted nugent and poaching"...this is the kind of sick heartless person we are talking about here...
Ted Nugent, musician and hunting fanatic, was brought up on 11 charges of poaching, including baiting and killing a deer too young to be legally hunted. Ted Nugent pleaded no contest to the poaching charges and was fined $1,750 by the state of California.
Poaching is a serious crime against animals. Poachers shoot animals out of season or beyond legal limits. Poachers often use illegal methods of killing, and kill protected species.
Ironically, Ted Nugent was caught poaching because of his hunting television show, Spirit of the Wild on the Outdoor Channel. Apparently, game wardens saw Nugent kill an immature buck on a February episode of the show. An investigation was launched and California officials found that the immature deer had been eating bait called C’mere Deer. Baiting wildlife is illegal in California.
Nugent is a longserving board member of the National Rifle Association, referred to as "Uncle Ted" on the NRA website. The NRA says it "strongly supports every law-abiding American's privledge to hunt." The website also states that hunters are an important part of wildlife conservation and wildlife management.
As the President of the Humane Society of the United States pointed out, if the NRA is serious about abiding by a hunter's code of ethics, they should oust Nugent from their board for breaking the law.
Ted Nugent said earlier this year: “My name is Ted Nugent and because of Pam Anderson ... and because of Paul McCartney, all the members of PETA, whenever I hear the word animal or rights in the same paragraph, I’m killing an extra hundred of something this year. I have unlimited deer tags in Michigan and Texas, and I don’t even need to kill them really, but I’m going to. "
He continued on this tirade, using much more colorful language.
Ted Nugent has proven himself to be an enemy of wildlife. But Nugent wasn't alone when he baited and shot that young deer. He was followed by a television crew from the Outdoor Channel.
Outdoor Channel claims that they have "always understood the delicate balance between man, wildlife and the environment" and that the core values of the channel are "conservation, outreach, responsibility and education." Yet they have a show about a Nugent who says he aims "not just killing" but "slaughtering ... and "gut them and skin them, quarter them and butcher them." Oh dear.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
here is a petition to get nugent off of the air. i admit that i do not know when this was posted or if they even show his show on vh1 anymore, so i am guessing that this is a few years old. the quotes are cited to whatever source they came from. but i am putting this out here so people can read more about the monster that nugent is...
This petition will be forwarded to VH1, to let them know that we will not give up until the barbaric, cruel and evil ignorant that is Ted Nugent, is taken off the air.
VH1 regularly airs the Ted Nugent show in which animals are brutally and callously slaughtered, all in the name of entertainment. In a time when we call ourselves civilised and intelligent beings, it is a travesty that such acts can be accepted.
Ted Nugent publicly boasts of his torture, slaughter, cruelty, and violation of animal life. He publicly takes sadistic pleasure in the extreme suffering of others. The world needs less people like this. For VH1 to show such horrific and barbaric scenes is unacceptable.
These are quotes from Ted Nugent himself:
"unethical," says Mr. Caires, who was angered after he took Nugent out on a hunt in April. "He shoots at anything," Mr. Cairnes claims. "You should kill what you can use. He just likes to kill a lot of animals." (Cairnes is a hunting guide who takes people out to stab wild pigs in Hawaii) - The Wall Street Journal , July 25, 1995, 'Why Sit on the Beach When You Could Stab a Wild Pig?
"... First thing I slayed...I was nine years old. It was a squirrel, these ladies were feeding it, you know, and I said, 'excuse me, bam.' No it wasn't a pet squirrel. I had it stuffed and petted it for years after that." - WRIF-FM, Detroit, Ted Nugent as guest D.J., September 26, 1991
Whacking is a term Nugent uses to describe what he does to his prey with bow and arrow. Whack 'em and stack 'em,' he says. - Detroit Free Press Magazine , July 15, 1990
Participants pay the Renegade Ranch (a fenced in, 300-acre canned hunting recreation area) for the animals they kill - anywhere from $500 for a wild boar to $5,500 for a six-point elk. Nugent tacks on a $250 fee for serving as celebrity guide. - Detroit Free Press Magazine , July 15, 1990
"I don't hunt for sport, I don't hunt for recreation, I don't hunt for meat, I hunt to hunt ..." - Detroit Free Press , p. 12D, April 17, 1989
Ted Nugent's Down to Earth, promises raw, unedited footage of America's no. 1 rock 'n' roll bowhunter as he whacks 'em and stacks 'em. Nor was it hyperbole. In the first 10 minutes, viewers got bird's-eye of broadheads fatally piercing such fearsome creatures as an armadillo, a squirrel perched in a tree, some pigs and a goat. 'I love that part,' said the glinty-eyed Nugent after running death scenes in sequence. 'Let's see it again.' And the appalling whack 'em and stack 'em compendium ran all over in slow-motion replay. - The Washington Post , Recreation Section, September 23, 1990
Nobody hunts just to put meat on the table because it's too expensive, time consuming and extremely inconsistent. - Ted Nugent's World Bowhunters Magazine , Volume 1/ Number 3, March/April 1990, p.7
"On my first bowhunt on the property a few years back, I was on my own for twenty-two days and killed an amazing thirty-three head of big game. I'm surprised I even came home. I was in heaven." - Ted Nugent's World Bowhunters Magazine , Volume 1/ Number 3, March/April 1990, p.15
"... My deer were put here on the earth. God even said, 'Hey Ted, whack 'em.' He said this, right in the bible, Genesis, 'Dear Ted, whack me a buck ...'" - WRIF-FM, Detroit, Ted Nugent as guest D.J., Sept. 24, 1991
"I contribute to the dead of winter and the moans of silence, blood trails are music to my ears ... I'm a gut pile addict ... The pig didn't know I was there ... it's my kick ... I love shafting animals ... it's rock 'n' roll power." - Ted Nugent's World Bowhunters Magazine , Volume 1/Number 4, May 1990, p.12
"The first thing I do is be sure to cut the entire head off the animal I wish to bleach and/or paint Most butchers saw the skull plate off at the base of the antlers, thus eliminating the major skull section that we desire. Since I butcher most of my own deer and big game, I take special pride in the personal handling of all the precious by-products of my kills. I cut the head off at the base of the skull and begin the meticulous task of skinning and fleshing the entire skull down to the minimal meat and bare bone. I will actually scrape the remaining flesh from the skull bone with the edge of my knife blade, but stop short of taking any actual skull material. ... Hunt on. Kill on. Eat on. Paint on. Live on."
We need to let VH1 know that we will not tolerate such evil, and that we do not wish them to allow Ted Nugent to brainwash our children with his Neanderthal-like primitive sadism.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
...Ted respects animals, life and the hunt as many other hunters do.
I think it's obvious what kind of 'hunter' and person Nugent is. How anyone can make excuses for this poor example of a man is beyond me. He is an insult to true hunters.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
Many people on the right are distancing themselves from Nugent. Some of his concerts are being cancelled, he's under a lot of well deserved scrutiny. Many on the right even are seeing him as a major liability. In the not too distant future he'll just be yet another flash-in-the-pan shock- rock/ shock-jock type personality. An embarrassment at best. What might be worth taking a closer look at is why somebody like Ted Nugent is getting so much attention in America in the first place.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Ted Nugent might be the only person who could've made Bob Ross fly off the handle.
he would have shoved a happy little tree somewhere
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
here is another example from 2010. it is the first one that popped up in google search of "ted nugent and poaching"...this is the kind of sick heartless person we are talking about here...
Ted Nugent, musician and hunting fanatic, was brought up on 11 charges of poaching, including baiting and killing a deer too young to be legally hunted. Ted Nugent pleaded no contest to the poaching charges and was fined $1,750 by the state of California.
Poaching is a serious crime against animals. Poachers shoot animals out of season or beyond legal limits. Poachers often use illegal methods of killing, and kill protected species.
Ironically, Ted Nugent was caught poaching because of his hunting television show, Spirit of the Wild on the Outdoor Channel. Apparently, game wardens saw Nugent kill an immature buck on a February episode of the show. An investigation was launched and California officials found that the immature deer had been eating bait called C’mere Deer. Baiting wildlife is illegal in California.
Nugent is a longserving board member of the National Rifle Association, referred to as "Uncle Ted" on the NRA website. The NRA says it "strongly supports every law-abiding American's privledge to hunt." The website also states that hunters are an important part of wildlife conservation and wildlife management.
As the President of the Humane Society of the United States pointed out, if the NRA is serious about abiding by a hunter's code of ethics, they should oust Nugent from their board for breaking the law.
Ted Nugent said earlier this year: “My name is Ted Nugent and because of Pam Anderson ... and because of Paul McCartney, all the members of PETA, whenever I hear the word animal or rights in the same paragraph, I’m killing an extra hundred of something this year. I have unlimited deer tags in Michigan and Texas, and I don’t even need to kill them really, but I’m going to. "
He continued on this tirade, using much more colorful language.
Ted Nugent has proven himself to be an enemy of wildlife. But Nugent wasn't alone when he baited and shot that young deer. He was followed by a television crew from the Outdoor Channel.
Outdoor Channel claims that they have "always understood the delicate balance between man, wildlife and the environment" and that the core values of the channel are "conservation, outreach, responsibility and education." Yet they have a show about a Nugent who says he aims "not just killing" but "slaughtering ... and "gut them and skin them, quarter them and butcher them." Oh dear.
thank you very much, gimmie. that is a horrorific read.
nugent actually just kills animals for the hell of it and to upset people. what kind of maniac is he, who does this kind of thing?
because PETA, Pam Anderson and Paul McCartney and others fight for animal rights Ted is going to kill many more than is even necessary just to irritate animal lovers.
truly a despicable bastard that guy.
most men would do anything to get the admiration of pammy anderson
not teddy. he wants to hurt her feelings and everyone else who gives a fuck
i feel deep inside of me that ted is going down. ted's world will crumble. fact.
why and how can i suggest such a thing?
because one cannot live that way without big bad karma kicking them square in the balls
Another distraction tactic to keep people talking about other people and not about real issues... (not on these forums exactly, but in general. People would much rather be pre-occupied by others' bad actions to keep them distracted in general).
Another distraction tactic to keep people talking about other people and not about real issues... (not on these forums exactly, but in general. People would much rather be pre-occupied by others' bad actions to keep them distracted in general).
people give a damn about the planet and the creatures of this world. hence we read about poachers and we fantasize about kicking them in the throat or something. nothing wrong with being concerned about wildlife and the natural world. to me it is a must and a real issue.
Another distraction tactic to keep people talking about other people and not about real issues... (not on these forums exactly, but in general. People would much rather be pre-occupied by others' bad actions to keep them distracted in general).
people give a damn about the planet and the creatures of this world. hence we read about poachers and we fantasize about kicking them in the throat or something. nothing wrong with being concerned about wildlife and the natural world. to me it is a must and a real issue.
I'm just stating that staying preoccupied with people's business in general, is a great distraction from focusing on bigger issues. That is all. ETA: Poaching is a bigger issue, but focusing on Ted Nugent and his idiotic choices and taking swipes at him (although I do think he's an asshole), decreases any effect of focusing on the bigger issue here.
I have been wondering why Ted was not punished as a real poacher...
10,000 and a public service announcement I believe
seems lenient for a real poacher that carries stiffer fines and loss of gun ownership etc.
I know the incident happened in filming not while he was hunting personally,
perhaps this incident was not considered his fault entirely.
I know he's not a favorite of the government right now they could have stuck him with a harsher
sentence and been less fair.
I have been wondering why Ted was not punished as a real poacher...
10,000 and a public service announcement I believe
seems lenient for a real poacher that carries stiffer fines and loss of gun ownership etc.
I know the incident happened in filming not while he was hunting personally,perhaps this incident was not considered his fault entirely.
I know he's not a favorite of the government right now they could have stuck him with a harsher
sentence and been less fair.
so while filming the murder of a bear it is less than important than when murdering personally?
only a true piece of garbage kills bears. ted should be beat down with a giant crowbar across both his feet.
You know something, if he truly is a piece of garbage, the bear would have likely eaten him first.
If a bear knew exactly what a hunting rifle was, and wasnt just out for a nice wander in the woods looking for some berries or something to rub his/her back against, maybe it would've realized that Nugent is a piece of garbage and eviscerated him. maybe? But then again, I think a bear is even more evolved that Nugent, and wouldnt want the shitty taste of garbage in its mouth.
I have been wondering why Ted was not punished as a real poacher...
10,000 and a public service announcement I believe
seems lenient for a real poacher that carries stiffer fines and loss of gun ownership etc.
I know the incident happened in filming not while he was hunting personally,perhaps this incident was not considered his fault entirely.
I know he's not a favorite of the government right now they could have stuck him with a harsher
sentence and been less fair.
so while filming the murder of a bear it is less than important than when murdering personally?
:shock: :fp: I had lunch with smokie the bear yesterday..he offered to cover the bill if I gave him a hand.
Athletes, celebrities like to hunt, fish
StoryDiscussionAthletes, celebrities like to hunt, fish
By Johnnie Crain of the Muscatine Journal The Muscatine Journal | Posted: Thursday, October 9, 2008 12:00 am | (0) Comments
Font Size:Default font sizeLarger font sizeMUSCATINE, Iowa – Outdoor Life has published a list of the top-15 celebrity sportsmen, and some of the picks may come as a surprise.
All celebrities are under constant pressure and outdoor sports is one way they deal with those pressures.
Mike Timlin, a pitcher for the Boston Red Sox, is an avid hunter and even wore a camouflage baseball glove until another team complained it was a distraction to the batters.
Michael Strahan, a defensive back for the N.Y. Giants football team, hunts wild turkeys in up-state New York to pass the time.
Hall of Fame baseball
pitcher Goose Gossage obviously is a goose hunter and also enjoys hunting elk and deer during the fall season.
Eli Manning, quarterback for the N.Y. Giants, loves to bass fish and is considered a threat in any bass tournament he enters.
His brother, Peyton, who is quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts, spends time hunting pheasant, quail and ducks.
Jack Nicklaus, the winningest golfer of all time,
relaxes by fly fishing for trout in Montana and Russia. Bo Jackson, excelled in baseball and football at the same time, and is also very active in fishing and hunting.
NCAA basketball coach Bobby Knight is either loved or hated and always controversial, but keeps his cool when hunting and fishing.
Rock star Ted Nugent has his own television outdoor show and writes articles about the virtues of hunting. Nugent is in great demand around the outdoor show circuits.
Rock star and movie actress Madonna is said to be a good pheasant hunter and better than average clay pigeon shooter.
Karl Malone, retired basketball star, hunts and fishes nearly every day when not making public appearances. Malone even started a Youth Conservation Initiative to get kids involved in the outdoors.
Legendary quarterback Brett Favre has said deer hunting is more important than football. He hunts whitetail deer and wild turkeys.
Pop diva Avril Lavigne grew up in Canada hunting with her brothers and also loves fishing of any kind. NASCAR driver Ryan Newman organizes trap shoots to fund wildlife habitat.
This housewife isn’t desperate. Eva Longoria of Desperate Housewives TV fame is on P.E.T.A.’s target list. Longoria is very vocal about loving to hunt and fish and says, “I can skin a deer, a rabbit, a pig and a snake and will eat them all.”
Help is needed
The Muscatine Power Boat Club has been devastated by storms and floods this year and could use some volunteers to step up and help out.
Donations of money, materials or labor would help get the clubhouse back into good shape before winter.
The boat club is located just across the Mississippi River from Muscatine by taking the first right turn after crossing the bridge.
On Saturday, Oct. 11, the club will host a smoked barbeque pork fundraiser, along with a kids fishing derby.
The barbeque will start at 11:30 a.m. with the fishing derby just before the lunch. Hot soup and hot chocolate will also be available.
Bring your lawn chairs or there is some inside seating. An $8 donation is requested for the lunch.
To offer assistance to the club or for additional information on Saturday’s event, call Ray at 563-263-3706.
Handgun database
New York state’s handgun database, which records 209,239 handgun casing markings, was supposed to lead police to criminals who shoot guns in robberies and other crimes,
According to an article in Outdoor Life, so far, the database system has wasted more than $7 million.
When a new or used handgun is purchased in New York or Maryland, the guns are test fired and two fired casing markings are recorded on a database and stored digitally.
Out of the 209,239 stored casings entered into the N.Y. system, there have been 7,124 inquiries and only two hits and neither led to an arrest or prosecution.
Beyond the obvious statistical evidence of the failure of ballistics data to help solve crimes committed with handguns, there are several basic principles that doomed the project from the start.
Basically, criminals don’t usually buy the handguns used in crimes from area gun shops, they steal them. Registering handguns does little to solve crimes as well. Most handguns used in crimes that are registered have usually been reported stolen.
I have been wondering why Ted was not punished as a real poacher...
10,000 and a public service announcement I believe
seems lenient for a real poacher that carries stiffer fines and loss of gun ownership etc.
I know the incident happened in filming not while he was hunting personally,perhaps this incident was not considered his fault entirely.
I know he's not a favorite of the government right now they could have stuck him with a harsher
sentence and been less fair.
so while filming the murder of a bear it is less than important than when murdering personally?
nope just wondering why the leniency got any thoughts on that?
I know he plead guilty but still that was not the normal sentence for a poacher.
Perhaps he is not considered a poacher in the eyes of the law and our government
or in many of the peoples eyes either.
This happened in 2009 why the delay too? Was nothing ever going to be done about the case
and did it just resurface because of his words in the news?
This was my very first post and thought in this thread, seemed fishy how it came down.
I'd rather be with an animal !
enjoy your day, pandora.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
verb (used without object)
1. to trespass, especially on another's game preserve, in order to steal animals or to hunt.
2. to take game or fish illegally.
3. (of land) to become broken up or slushy by being trampled.
4. (in tennis, squash, handball, etc.) to play a ball hit into the territory of one's partner that is properly the partner's ball to play.
5. Informal . to cheat in a game or contest.
we know he has done it at least once. by killing that second bear, be took it illegally. and he has copped to it. so he is an admitted poacher.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Ted Nugent Caught Poaching on the Outdoor Channel ... or-channel
Ted Nugent, musician and hunting fanatic, was brought up on 11 charges of poaching, including baiting and killing a deer too young to be legally hunted. Ted Nugent pleaded no contest to the poaching charges and was fined $1,750 by the state of California.
Poaching is a serious crime against animals. Poachers shoot animals out of season or beyond legal limits. Poachers often use illegal methods of killing, and kill protected species.
Ironically, Ted Nugent was caught poaching because of his hunting television show, Spirit of the Wild on the Outdoor Channel. Apparently, game wardens saw Nugent kill an immature buck on a February episode of the show. An investigation was launched and California officials found that the immature deer had been eating bait called C’mere Deer. Baiting wildlife is illegal in California.
Nugent is a longserving board member of the National Rifle Association, referred to as "Uncle Ted" on the NRA website. The NRA says it "strongly supports every law-abiding American's privledge to hunt." The website also states that hunters are an important part of wildlife conservation and wildlife management.
As the President of the Humane Society of the United States pointed out, if the NRA is serious about abiding by a hunter's code of ethics, they should oust Nugent from their board for breaking the law.
Ted Nugent said earlier this year: “My name is Ted Nugent and because of Pam Anderson ... and because of Paul McCartney, all the members of PETA, whenever I hear the word animal or rights in the same paragraph, I’m killing an extra hundred of something this year. I have unlimited deer tags in Michigan and Texas, and I don’t even need to kill them really, but I’m going to. "
He continued on this tirade, using much more colorful language.
Ted Nugent has proven himself to be an enemy of wildlife. But Nugent wasn't alone when he baited and shot that young deer. He was followed by a television crew from the Outdoor Channel.
Outdoor Channel claims that they have "always understood the delicate balance between man, wildlife and the environment" and that the core values of the channel are "conservation, outreach, responsibility and education." Yet they have a show about a Nugent who says he aims "not just killing" but "slaughtering ... and "gut them and skin them, quarter them and butcher them." Oh dear.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
This petition will be forwarded to VH1, to let them know that we will not give up until the barbaric, cruel and evil ignorant that is Ted Nugent, is taken off the air.
VH1 regularly airs the Ted Nugent show in which animals are brutally and callously slaughtered, all in the name of entertainment. In a time when we call ourselves civilised and intelligent beings, it is a travesty that such acts can be accepted.
Ted Nugent publicly boasts of his torture, slaughter, cruelty, and violation of animal life. He publicly takes sadistic pleasure in the extreme suffering of others. The world needs less people like this. For VH1 to show such horrific and barbaric scenes is unacceptable.
These are quotes from Ted Nugent himself:
"unethical," says Mr. Caires, who was angered after he took Nugent out on a hunt in April. "He shoots at anything," Mr. Cairnes claims. "You should kill what you can use. He just likes to kill a lot of animals." (Cairnes is a hunting guide who takes people out to stab wild pigs in Hawaii) - The Wall Street Journal , July 25, 1995, 'Why Sit on the Beach When You Could Stab a Wild Pig?
"... First thing I slayed...I was nine years old. It was a squirrel, these ladies were feeding it, you know, and I said, 'excuse me, bam.' No it wasn't a pet squirrel. I had it stuffed and petted it for years after that." - WRIF-FM, Detroit, Ted Nugent as guest D.J., September 26, 1991
Whacking is a term Nugent uses to describe what he does to his prey with bow and arrow. Whack 'em and stack 'em,' he says. - Detroit Free Press Magazine , July 15, 1990
Participants pay the Renegade Ranch (a fenced in, 300-acre canned hunting recreation area) for the animals they kill - anywhere from $500 for a wild boar to $5,500 for a six-point elk. Nugent tacks on a $250 fee for serving as celebrity guide. - Detroit Free Press Magazine , July 15, 1990
"I don't hunt for sport, I don't hunt for recreation, I don't hunt for meat, I hunt to hunt ..." - Detroit Free Press , p. 12D, April 17, 1989
Ted Nugent's Down to Earth, promises raw, unedited footage of America's no. 1 rock 'n' roll bowhunter as he whacks 'em and stacks 'em. Nor was it hyperbole. In the first 10 minutes, viewers got bird's-eye of broadheads fatally piercing such fearsome creatures as an armadillo, a squirrel perched in a tree, some pigs and a goat. 'I love that part,' said the glinty-eyed Nugent after running death scenes in sequence. 'Let's see it again.' And the appalling whack 'em and stack 'em compendium ran all over in slow-motion replay. - The Washington Post , Recreation Section, September 23, 1990
Nobody hunts just to put meat on the table because it's too expensive, time consuming and extremely inconsistent. - Ted Nugent's World Bowhunters Magazine , Volume 1/ Number 3, March/April 1990, p.7
"On my first bowhunt on the property a few years back, I was on my own for twenty-two days and killed an amazing thirty-three head of big game. I'm surprised I even came home. I was in heaven." - Ted Nugent's World Bowhunters Magazine , Volume 1/ Number 3, March/April 1990, p.15
"... My deer were put here on the earth. God even said, 'Hey Ted, whack 'em.' He said this, right in the bible, Genesis, 'Dear Ted, whack me a buck ...'" - WRIF-FM, Detroit, Ted Nugent as guest D.J., Sept. 24, 1991
"I contribute to the dead of winter and the moans of silence, blood trails are music to my ears ... I'm a gut pile addict ... The pig didn't know I was there ... it's my kick ... I love shafting animals ... it's rock 'n' roll power." - Ted Nugent's World Bowhunters Magazine , Volume 1/Number 4, May 1990, p.12
"The first thing I do is be sure to cut the entire head off the animal I wish to bleach and/or paint Most butchers saw the skull plate off at the base of the antlers, thus eliminating the major skull section that we desire. Since I butcher most of my own deer and big game, I take special pride in the personal handling of all the precious by-products of my kills. I cut the head off at the base of the skull and begin the meticulous task of skinning and fleshing the entire skull down to the minimal meat and bare bone. I will actually scrape the remaining flesh from the skull bone with the edge of my knife blade, but stop short of taking any actual skull material. ... Hunt on. Kill on. Eat on. Paint on. Live on."
We need to let VH1 know that we will not tolerate such evil, and that we do not wish them to allow Ted Nugent to brainwash our children with his Neanderthal-like primitive sadism.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I think it's obvious what kind of 'hunter' and person Nugent is. How anyone can make excuses for this poor example of a man is beyond me. He is an insult to true hunters.
he would have shoved a happy little tree somewhere
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
nugent actually just kills animals for the hell of it and to upset people. what kind of maniac is he, who does this kind of thing?
because PETA, Pam Anderson and Paul McCartney and others fight for animal rights Ted is going to kill many more than is even necessary just to irritate animal lovers.
truly a despicable bastard that guy.
most men would do anything to get the admiration of pammy anderson
not teddy. he wants to hurt her feelings and everyone else who gives a fuck
i feel deep inside of me that ted is going down. ted's world will crumble. fact.
why and how can i suggest such a thing?
because one cannot live that way without big bad karma kicking them square in the balls
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
I'm just stating that staying preoccupied with people's business in general, is a great distraction from focusing on bigger issues. That is all. ETA: Poaching is a bigger issue, but focusing on Ted Nugent and his idiotic choices and taking swipes at him (although I do think he's an asshole), decreases any effect of focusing on the bigger issue here.
The topic is: Nugent pleads guilty over illegal bear killing
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
You know something, if he truly is a piece of garbage, the bear would have likely eaten him first.
10,000 and a public service announcement I believe
seems lenient for a real poacher that carries stiffer fines and loss of gun ownership etc.
I know the incident happened in filming not while he was hunting personally,
perhaps this incident was not considered his fault entirely.
I know he's not a favorite of the government right now they could have stuck him with a harsher
sentence and been less fair.
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
If a bear knew exactly what a hunting rifle was, and wasnt just out for a nice wander in the woods looking for some berries or something to rub his/her back against, maybe it would've realized that Nugent is a piece of garbage and eviscerated him. maybe? But then again, I think a bear is even more evolved that Nugent, and wouldnt want the shitty taste of garbage in its mouth.
:shock: :fp: I had lunch with smokie the bear yesterday..he offered to cover the bill if I gave him a hand.
What, he couldnt find a lady bear?
:shock: :oops:
...just kidding bro!
Athletes, celebrities like to hunt, fish
StoryDiscussionAthletes, celebrities like to hunt, fish
By Johnnie Crain of the Muscatine Journal The Muscatine Journal | Posted: Thursday, October 9, 2008 12:00 am | (0) Comments
Font Size:Default font sizeLarger font sizeMUSCATINE, Iowa – Outdoor Life has published a list of the top-15 celebrity sportsmen, and some of the picks may come as a surprise.
All celebrities are under constant pressure and outdoor sports is one way they deal with those pressures.
Mike Timlin, a pitcher for the Boston Red Sox, is an avid hunter and even wore a camouflage baseball glove until another team complained it was a distraction to the batters.
Michael Strahan, a defensive back for the N.Y. Giants football team, hunts wild turkeys in up-state New York to pass the time.
Hall of Fame baseball
pitcher Goose Gossage obviously is a goose hunter and also enjoys hunting elk and deer during the fall season.
Eli Manning, quarterback for the N.Y. Giants, loves to bass fish and is considered a threat in any bass tournament he enters.
His brother, Peyton, who is quarterback for the Indianapolis Colts, spends time hunting pheasant, quail and ducks.
Jack Nicklaus, the winningest golfer of all time,
relaxes by fly fishing for trout in Montana and Russia. Bo Jackson, excelled in baseball and football at the same time, and is also very active in fishing and hunting.
NCAA basketball coach Bobby Knight is either loved or hated and always controversial, but keeps his cool when hunting and fishing.
Rock star Ted Nugent has his own television outdoor show and writes articles about the virtues of hunting. Nugent is in great demand around the outdoor show circuits.
Rock star and movie actress Madonna is said to be a good pheasant hunter and better than average clay pigeon shooter.
Karl Malone, retired basketball star, hunts and fishes nearly every day when not making public appearances. Malone even started a Youth Conservation Initiative to get kids involved in the outdoors.
Legendary quarterback Brett Favre has said deer hunting is more important than football. He hunts whitetail deer and wild turkeys.
Pop diva Avril Lavigne grew up in Canada hunting with her brothers and also loves fishing of any kind. NASCAR driver Ryan Newman organizes trap shoots to fund wildlife habitat.
This housewife isn’t desperate. Eva Longoria of Desperate Housewives TV fame is on P.E.T.A.’s target list. Longoria is very vocal about loving to hunt and fish and says, “I can skin a deer, a rabbit, a pig and a snake and will eat them all.”
Help is needed
The Muscatine Power Boat Club has been devastated by storms and floods this year and could use some volunteers to step up and help out.
Donations of money, materials or labor would help get the clubhouse back into good shape before winter.
The boat club is located just across the Mississippi River from Muscatine by taking the first right turn after crossing the bridge.
On Saturday, Oct. 11, the club will host a smoked barbeque pork fundraiser, along with a kids fishing derby.
The barbeque will start at 11:30 a.m. with the fishing derby just before the lunch. Hot soup and hot chocolate will also be available.
Bring your lawn chairs or there is some inside seating. An $8 donation is requested for the lunch.
To offer assistance to the club or for additional information on Saturday’s event, call Ray at 563-263-3706.
Handgun database
New York state’s handgun database, which records 209,239 handgun casing markings, was supposed to lead police to criminals who shoot guns in robberies and other crimes,
According to an article in Outdoor Life, so far, the database system has wasted more than $7 million.
When a new or used handgun is purchased in New York or Maryland, the guns are test fired and two fired casing markings are recorded on a database and stored digitally.
Out of the 209,239 stored casings entered into the N.Y. system, there have been 7,124 inquiries and only two hits and neither led to an arrest or prosecution.
Beyond the obvious statistical evidence of the failure of ballistics data to help solve crimes committed with handguns, there are several basic principles that doomed the project from the start.
Basically, criminals don’t usually buy the handguns used in crimes from area gun shops, they steal them. Registering handguns does little to solve crimes as well. Most handguns used in crimes that are registered have usually been reported stolen.
Contact: 563-263-xxxx
.Copyright 2012 The Muscatine Journal.
that was good !
I know he plead guilty but still that was not the normal sentence for a poacher.
Perhaps he is not considered a poacher in the eyes of the law and our government
or in many of the peoples eyes either.
This happened in 2009 why the delay too? Was nothing ever going to be done about the case
and did it just resurface because of his words in the news?
This was my very first post and thought in this thread, seemed fishy how it came down.
Hi's the kind os person i have no respect for at all ..........
Godfather you consider him to be a hero :?: really Bro :fp: