Trayvon Martin



  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    perhaps you should start a thread on institutionalized racism ... i think most people want to believe that it doesn't exist just like most people want to believe that the army is in iraq to promote freedom ...
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    RW81233 wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    Ok, just to stay true to Kat's suggestion I will get it back to the topic after this. I didn't say they didn't hire women at all. I said that most of their entertainment news stories reflect a white, masculine, upper-class, heterosexual sentiment. Women can do that just as well as any guy. On top of that do you notice anything about the ethnic/racial makeup of the "talking heads" you just posted?

    My main contention is that most of the stuff they put out is through a decidedly whitened lens, and this has had a dramatic effect on the way they have covered this tragedy. Please see the other links and articles that I posted on the matter - particularly the timeline one whereby the conservative news (read: Fox) has only begun to take up the story after it became about gun control and race.

    I'm going to have to hit the FAIL button on the race topic....good by.

  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    RW81233 wrote:
    Martin could be an example of this being a black kid, wearing a hoodie in a predominantly white suburban area and getting targeted (not even the shooting just targeted) speaks to the idea that one individual in our society was looking at him and using stereotypes to criminalize him.
    You are making assumptions. According to the US census, it is a very diverse town, especially in comparison to the entire state.,_Florida
    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • RW81233RW81233 Posts: 2,393
    Jason P wrote:
    RW81233 wrote:
    Martin could be an example of this being a black kid, wearing a hoodie in a predominantly white suburban area and getting targeted (not even the shooting just targeted) speaks to the idea that one individual in our society was looking at him and using stereotypes to criminalize him.
    You are making assumptions. According to the US census, it is a very diverse town, especially in comparison to the entire state.,_Florida
    it's also been a city that has a history of struggling with race (see: LA Dodgers and spring training)
  • JonnyPistachioJonnyPistachio Florida Posts: 10,219
    Godfather. wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:

    Don't let those altered images fool you. That is one frame, frozen and manipulated.
    If the police handled this professionally, they would have taken photos of his injuries. If this goes any further, these will need to come out -- if they exist.

    I don't think we can come to any conclusions of Zimmerman's injuries without better evidence.

    I'm going to go along with Monster Rain's earlier post bro, this whole deal is really out of hand and being
    judged by the media and influnencing the public with their spin on what they call evidense and as it's been said the media is using this story to boost the end it's all about the dollar for the media not Zimmerman or Trayvon.


    Exactly. And that would mean stop spreading and buying into misleading reports such as these manipulated images. In the end, its not about the media, its about justice. And its about this terrible law called "Stand your ground."....I'll bet after all of this, that law gets some hard scrutiny and possible changes.
    Pick up my debut novel here on amazon: Jonny Bails Floatin (in paperback) (also available on Kindle for $2.99)
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    RW81233 wrote:
    it's also been a city that has a history of struggling with race (see: LA Dodgers and spring training)
    I'm going to make an assumption that a few things have changed since 1946 and an incident that involved the first person to break the color-barrier in baseball.
    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • RW81233RW81233 Posts: 2,393
    Jason P wrote:
    RW81233 wrote:
    it's also been a city that has a history of struggling with race (see: LA Dodgers and spring training)
    I'm going to make an assumption that a few things have changed since 1946 and an incident that involved the first person to break the color-barrier in baseball.
    have you ever lived in the south? old times there are not forgotten ;)
  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    RW81233 wrote:
    have you ever lived in the south? old times there are not forgotten ;)
    I spent a summer working as a day laborer in Texas along the coast .... and made a mental note to never return. Way too hot for me down there. :)
    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,310
    polaris_x wrote:
    perhaps you should start a thread on institutionalized racism ... i think most people want to believe that it doesn't exist just like most people want to believe that the army is in iraq to promote freedom ...
    institutionalized racism absolutely exists...unfortunately those of us that see it are the ones that have taken a sociology class or 4, while in general, those that do not see it did not study it.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • MotoDCMotoDC Posts: 947
    RW81233 wrote:
    moto, both asian-pacific islander (a small but not insignificant portion of our population) and caucasian are making significantly more per year (like 20-30k more). I also didn't just mean income, you have to take into account incarceration rates, job stability, hiring practices, media treatment, so on and so forth. again i don't mean to take away from the topic at hand it was just an ancillary argument i was having about white privilege.
    Fair enough, but income is arguably a good proxy or output of all those factors you mention.

    Why do you implicitly lump whites and A/PI together in order to compare them, combined, to other minorities? I pointed out the A/PI demographic as a counterpoint to the notion of white privilege. The success of certain minorities points to the idea that the issues here are more nuanced than simply "the system is set up to make white people win".

    Look, I'm not blind. I don't deny that there are aspects of the system that are set up to favor the white man, as he has been defined thus far in our culture. I joke around with my (part chinese) wife all the time about how "well, us whities have had a good run, it's probably someone else's turn to own shit for a while." :lol:
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    thank you for keeping racism alive and well,Al sharpton and Jesse Jackson love you...they've made a good living on racism and with followers like you they'll never go broke. ;)

  • RW81233RW81233 Posts: 2,393
    Godfather. wrote:
    thank you for keeping racism alive and well,Al sharpton and Jesse Jackson love you...they've made a good living on racism and with followers like you they'll never go broke. ;)

    Funny thing is that yesterday you said it's not like Fox only hires white people then you gave me three pages of talking heads where there was exactly one non-white person and you stopped defending yourself. Whatevs though this thread is meant for discussion on a kid who was murdered for having the audacity to wear a hoodie.
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    RW81233 wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    thank you for keeping racism alive and well,Al sharpton and Jesse Jackson love you...they've made a good living on racism and with followers like you they'll never go broke. ;)

    Funny thing is that yesterday you said it's not like Fox only hires white people then you gave me three pages of talking heads where there was exactly one non-white person and you stopped defending yourself. Whatevs though this thread is meant for discussion on a kid who was murdered for having the audacity to wear a hoodie.

    good grief man ! you seem to be anti-white and talk as if the black community gets shit on everyday, your view of racism is very one sided, I don't think you understand what racism really's not just white people who can be racist but that's all you seem to see so again the 60's have past along with the hippie movement,
    the US is full of other races and still guy's like you still scream about the white racist.

  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    polaris_x wrote:
    perhaps you should start a thread on institutionalized racism ... i think most people want to believe that it doesn't exist just like most people want to believe that the army is in iraq to promote freedom ...
    institutionalized racism absolutely exists...unfortunately those of us that see it are the ones that have taken a sociology class or 4, while in general, those that do not see it did not study it.

    First, I don't think most people want to believe that the army is in Iraq to promote freedom.
    secondly, I think simple generalizations made about the legal system based on population and incarceration statistics is a far cry from institutionalized racism.

    But let's start with this, which social institutions create and perpetuate racism?

    by the way...sociology major...taken way more sociology than I would ever like to admit :lol: . I have always enjoyed the discussions raised, but have a serious problem attributing individual motivations to a behavior by a group. So contrary to your position (i know you are shocked) I think it is just as dangerous to have a little knowledge of what sociology brings to the table as it is to have no knowledge of it.
    Individually we all have prejudices...Long hair, skin color, age, tattoos, piercings, large groups...they can change with the time of day.
    I believe it is a fallacy to call what we have today institutionalized racism. There is a large difference in the racism that is felt by minorities today and what happened 50 years ago. There is no state sponsored racism and discrimination. There are programs that try to combat racism's effects...but that is a different discussion all together. This kid did not die because of racism. Trayvon dieed because of an idiot. George Zimmerman is a lot of things, but racist probably isn't one of them. And some may disagree, but racial profiling =/= automatically equal racism(IMO). As hard as that is to believe, it more deals with individual prejudices based on life experience. Thinking that young black men are all criminals because you live in a neighborhood dominated by gang violence mainly perpetrated by young black males, as ignorant as that may be, is not necessarily racist behavior. It does not automatically equal a hatred for all African Americans...but maybe a mistrust of young black teens. It is a tough distinction to allow, but I think it is necessary in order to really deal with the "institutionalized racism" that is felt by some to exist. When the definition of what we wish to combat changes and becomes interwoven with other behaviors, it gets increasingly hard to combat.
    I also think there is a distinction between systemic racism and institutionalized racism.

    Tough solutions all around...but I truly feel that ending the ridiculous drug war, most definitely pot prohibition will do much to solve the issues facing Black America in the inner cities than any race related programs or "solutions". But even if we do legalize pot, the affects won't be felt over night.
    Sadly there is much more than white privilege and racism that have kept perpetuating the cycle of criminality in the gang culture. Many smart kids along with potential wasted.

    After all the media manipulation on all sides of the spectrum throughout this circus proves to me two things...

    1. people love jumping to conclusions that prove their point even without sufficient evidence to back it up

    2. They are unwilling to budge when presented with evidence that disagrees with their initial assessment of the situation.

    Those things go for people on all sides of this argument. Trayvon is dead. No amount of vilification will bring him back. Zimmerman is the only one who knows what truly happened. If he is lying, it will come out eventually, if he is telling the truth there needs to be a serious discussion about what self defense laws should cover. In a country where pre-emptive strikes are considered defense of the nation, is it any surprise that this type of law that allows this behavior exists? Who knows what happened in this situation, but Trayvon should not be dead.
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559

    firstly - what do you think "most" people think is going on in iraq and why?

    secondly - incarceration rates is just one outcome of institutionalized racism ... yes, to a certain degree - much has changed over the last 50 years but much of it is superficial ... you have to look at education funding, health care stats, etc... to see the underlying consequences of actions that happened decades ago ... actions that still reverberate today ...

    i do think that some of the consequences we attribute to racism is better associated with class as I think that has become a bigger force than racism today ... but in many ways they are connected to each other ...
  • Halifax2TheMaxHalifax2TheMax Posts: 40,176
    Godfather. wrote:
    RW81233 wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    thank you for keeping racism alive and well,Al sharpton and Jesse Jackson love you...they've made a good living on racism and with followers like you they'll never go broke. ;)

    Funny thing is that yesterday you said it's not like Fox only hires white people then you gave me three pages of talking heads where there was exactly one non-white person and you stopped defending yourself. Whatevs though this thread is meant for discussion on a kid who was murdered for having the audacity to wear a hoodie.

    good grief man ! you seem to be anti-white and talk as if the black community gets shit on everyday, your view of racism is very one sided, I don't think you understand what racism really's not just white people who can be racist but that's all you seem to see so again the 60's have past along with the hippie movement,
    the US is full of other races and still guy's like you still scream about the white racist.


    According to 2010 FBI statistics, blacks, while making up 12.6% of the population, suffer 70% of racial hate crimes in the US. A very troublesome burden indeed. ... old&st=cse (I know the NYT,, that liberal rag of propaganda)

    What do you call it then when blacks are the repeated victims of high interest rates for car loans and mortgages (BOA and GMAC have both paid huge fines to settle lawsuits) despite having the same credit scores as whites, don't get the same SBA or Farm Bureau loans, disporportionately receive stiffer prison sentences for the same types of crime, are paid less for the same work, see their polling places run out of ballots (Florida) or have less voting machines in their districts than wealtheir districts with less turnout (Ohio) etc. etc.? What would you classify that as? Equal opportunity? No, overt racism is not as open as it used to be 50 years ago. Now its just much more subtle, insidious and harder to identify because it takes a class action lawsuit to expose it.

    09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    I call it bad credit if your black white or green and did you see the small spot in the news about the black panthers intimidating voters at the poles during the Obama vote, blacks(not all) are just as much to blame for racism as anybody else,when you commit a crime you go to prison no matter what color you are,more blacks are killed by other blacks than killed by whites...I really tired of aLL the whining about the poor black people..seems a ploy for more attention.

  • RW81233RW81233 Posts: 2,393
    Godfather. wrote:
    I call it bad credit if your black white or green and did you see the small spot in the news about the black panthers intimidating voters at the poles during the Obama vote, blacks(not all) are just as much to blame for racism as anybody else,when you commit a crime you go to prison no matter what color you are,more blacks are killed by other blacks than killed by whites...I really tired of aLL the whining about the poor black people..seems a ploy for more attention.

    If you paid any attention to the history of racism in America then you would never say blacks are just as much to blame for racism as anybody else. White people invented racism to justify the slavery of black people in a land where "all men are created equal", they created false science that always magically put white people on top. It wasn't until the human genome project that this science was debunked. As state sponsored racism fades away it has been replaced with cultural racisms that dehumanize and lack any depth of understanding. So NO blacks are not as much to blame for racism. Saying so would completely disregard the historical behaviors of our founding fathers - you know the one's you want us to so closely follow when it comes to constitutional whatever. At the same time, yes, black people can be racist, as can just about every other ethnic group. Often racism comes from stereotypes that have some level of surface truth, but does nothing to understand the context that makes that truth possible.
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    polaris_x wrote:

    firstly - what do you think "most" people think is going on in iraq and why?

    secondly - incarceration rates is just one outcome of institutionalized racism ... yes, to a certain degree - much has changed over the last 50 years but much of it is superficial ... you have to look at education funding, health care stats, etc... to see the underlying consequences of actions that happened decades ago ... actions that still reverberate today ...

    i do think that some of the consequences we attribute to racism is better associated with class as I think that has become a bigger force than racism today ... but in many ways they are connected to each other ...

    well I was answering based on the idea that currently the majority of people are against the war in iraq, see no purpose, and want us out of there. The start may have been different. And that brings me to a much larger point i will try to illustrate. Looking at the past and judging today by it may lead us to faulty conclusions.

    you don't honestly believe that the civil rights movement and the changes caused by it are mostly superficial? hopefully you meant something different.

    Again i understand what the statistics could be said to show. But to me that isn't a result of current institutionalized racism. The past certainly has an affect on the present, but let's be what point will we say, the past injustice felt no longer applies to the future. When will that day occur?
    The plight of those in the inner city ( I agree with your comment on class being a bigger problem ) is exacerbated by the actions by those same people. It is a catch 22...It will be very hard to convince the people to spend even more money on schools when the kids in those areas don't want to go and damage the schools that are there.
    I don't know the solution. But pragmatically, focusing on the past will not solve the problems of the day. It will help prevent us from making those same mistakes if we are able to learn from them. Does that makes sense?

    either way...we both think there is a problem. I just think that the solutions will come from a different way of thinking, but the prevention in the future will spawn from the statistics of the past. I don't know...whatever it is we are doing isn't helping current generations in the short isn't it time for a fresh view?
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • polaris_xpolaris_x Posts: 13,559
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    well I was answering based on the idea that currently the majority of people are against the war in iraq, see no purpose, and want us out of there. The start may have been different. And that brings me to a much larger point i will try to illustrate. Looking at the past and judging today by it may lead us to faulty conclusions.

    you don't honestly believe that the civil rights movement and the changes caused by it are mostly superficial? hopefully you meant something different.

    Again i understand what the statistics could be said to show. But to me that isn't a result of current institutionalized racism. The past certainly has an affect on the present, but let's be what point will we say, the past injustice felt no longer applies to the future. When will that day occur?
    The plight of those in the inner city ( I agree with your comment on class being a bigger problem ) is exacerbated by the actions by those same people. It is a catch 22...It will be very hard to convince the people to spend even more money on schools when the kids in those areas don't want to go and damage the schools that are there.
    I don't know the solution. But pragmatically, focusing on the past will not solve the problems of the day. It will help prevent us from making those same mistakes if we are able to learn from them. Does that makes sense?

    either way...we both think there is a problem. I just think that the solutions will come from a different way of thinking, but the prevention in the future will spawn from the statistics of the past. I don't know...whatever it is we are doing isn't helping current generations in the short isn't it time for a fresh view?

    but most people still believe that going into iraq was the right thing to do ... just because a current belief that the US should be out doesn't change the fact that people still believe the motive was fine ...

    let me put it another way ... if a group wanted to exert racial policies today ... they do so in a more insidious manner ... for example ... if a store wanted to ban blacks ... they aren't going to hang a sign saying "no blacks allowed" ... instead ... they put up signs that say "no baseball caps" ... now, this example is just meant to show how it's done now and uses generalizations and what not ... so, anyone who replies to this focusing on the baseball caps is going to be ignored for not understanding my disclaimer ... ;)

    as much as the civil rights movement gave certain minorities rights and freedoms - all it did was change the way the racism was shown ...

    yes, things are different from 50 years ago ... but there is a looong way to go ...
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    RW81233 wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    I call it bad credit if your black white or green and did you see the small spot in the news about the black panthers intimidating voters at the poles during the Obama vote, blacks(not all) are just as much to blame for racism as anybody else,when you commit a crime you go to prison no matter what color you are,more blacks are killed by other blacks than killed by whites...I really tired of aLL the whining about the poor black people..seems a ploy for more attention.

    If you paid any attention to the history of racism in America then you would never say blacks are just as much to blame for racism as anybody else. White people invented racism to justify the slavery of black people in a land where "all men are created equal", they created false science that always magically put white people on top. It wasn't until the human genome project that this science was debunked. As state sponsored racism fades away it has been replaced with cultural racisms that dehumanize and lack any depth of understanding. So NO blacks are not as much to blame for racism. Saying so would completely disregard the historical behaviors of our founding fathers - you know the one's you want us to so closely follow when it comes to constitutional whatever. At the same time, yes, black people can be racist, as can just about every other ethnic group. Often racism comes from stereotypes that have some level of surface truth, but does nothing to understand the context that makes that truth possible.

    too far. way too far. Slavery existed in America long before the white man got here. Native Americans kept slaves. Racism wasn't created to justify slavery. That is the kind of conclusion that makes it hard to debate. It isn't true, not in the least. Arab slave trade was prominent long before America was invaded. Slaves have been around forever in one shape or another, so has the slave trade and so has hating another group simply for being from another group...
    Bunk Science was used to justify many positions of state sponsored racism around the world, but saying that it and other hatreds were invented by white people in our nation is the same as picking something that came after the fact and blaming it for creating the problems in the first place. you can't do it.
    Interesting discussion here, maybe we should create a new thread on the topic.
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • Halifax2TheMaxHalifax2TheMax Posts: 40,176
    Godfather. wrote:
    I call it bad credit if your black white or green and did you see the small spot in the news about the black panthers intimidating voters at the poles during the Obama vote, blacks(not all) are just as much to blame for racism as anybody else,when you commit a crime you go to prison no matter what color you are,more blacks are killed by other blacks than killed by whites...I really tired of aLL the whining about the poor black people..seems a ploy for more attention.


    I said "same" credit scores, not worse credit scores and longer prison terms, not no prison terms. I agree, you have poor credit, no loan. You commit a crime, you go to jail. Just not be treated differently because of the color of your skin. And the Black Panthers intimidation of voters was how? Threats of physical violence? Exercising their freedom of speech? An isolated incident? Or was it a concerted attack on multiple polling places in republican leaning, wealtheir voting districts? Regardless, if it happened, it was wrong. Racism, practiced by anyone, is wrong regardless of who commits the act and who the victim is. My point is that blacks are victims far more often than whites. And I'd be willing to bet that more whites are killed by whites so I don't understand the point you were trying to make by your statement that more blacks are killed by blacks. Please help me understand. And what did you mean by "a ploy for more attention?"

    09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,602
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    RW81233 wrote:
    If you paid any attention to the history of racism in America then you would never say blacks are just as much to blame for racism as anybody else. White people invented racism to justify the slavery of black people in a land where "all men are created equal", they created false science that always magically put white people on top. It wasn't until the human genome project that this science was debunked. As state sponsored racism fades away it has been replaced with cultural racisms that dehumanize and lack any depth of understanding. So NO blacks are not as much to blame for racism. Saying so would completely disregard the historical behaviors of our founding fathers - you know the one's you want us to so closely follow when it comes to constitutional whatever. At the same time, yes, black people can be racist, as can just about every other ethnic group. Often racism comes from stereotypes that have some level of surface truth, but does nothing to understand the context that makes that truth possible.

    too far. way too far. Slavery existed in America long before the white man got here. Native Americans kept slaves. Racism wasn't created to justify slavery. That is the kind of conclusion that makes it hard to debate. It isn't true, not in the least. Arab slave trade was prominent long before America was invaded. Slaves have been around forever in one shape or another, so has the slave trade and so has hating another group simply for being from another group...
    Bunk Science was used to justify many positions of state sponsored racism around the world, but saying that it and other hatreds were invented by white people in our nation is the same as picking something that came after the fact and blaming it for creating the problems in the first place. you can't do it.
    Interesting discussion here, maybe we should create a new thread on the topic.

    Thanks for saving me a lot of time. :D
    hippiemom = goodness
  • RW81233RW81233 Posts: 2,393
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    RW81233 wrote:
    Godfather. wrote:
    I call it bad credit if your black white or green and did you see the small spot in the news about the black panthers intimidating voters at the poles during the Obama vote, blacks(not all) are just as much to blame for racism as anybody else,when you commit a crime you go to prison no matter what color you are,more blacks are killed by other blacks than killed by whites...I really tired of aLL the whining about the poor black people..seems a ploy for more attention.

    If you paid any attention to the history of racism in America then you would never say blacks are just as much to blame for racism as anybody else. White people invented racism to justify the slavery of black people in a land where "all men are created equal", they created false science that always magically put white people on top. It wasn't until the human genome project that this science was debunked. As state sponsored racism fades away it has been replaced with cultural racisms that dehumanize and lack any depth of understanding. So NO blacks are not as much to blame for racism. Saying so would completely disregard the historical behaviors of our founding fathers - you know the one's you want us to so closely follow when it comes to constitutional whatever. At the same time, yes, black people can be racist, as can just about every other ethnic group. Often racism comes from stereotypes that have some level of surface truth, but does nothing to understand the context that makes that truth possible.

    too far. way too far. Slavery existed in America long before the white man got here. Native Americans kept slaves. Racism wasn't created to justify slavery. That is the kind of conclusion that makes it hard to debate. It isn't true, not in the least. Arab slave trade was prominent long before America was invaded. Slaves have been around forever in one shape or another, so has the slave trade and so has hating another group simply for being from another group...
    Bunk Science was used to justify many positions of state sponsored racism around the world, but saying that it and other hatreds were invented by white people in our nation is the same as picking something that came after the fact and blaming it for creating the problems in the first place. you can't do it.
    Interesting discussion here, maybe we should create a new thread on the topic.
    I was talking about in the US...of course there were other peoples that practiced slavery. What was unique about the United States is that we were a country built on the idea that "all men were created equal". To justify slavery in this particular context (not worldwide) required the use of bunk science to dehumanize and actually turn black men into 3/5ths of a person. That has had a lasting effect on our society that continues today.
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    polaris_x wrote:
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    well I was answering based on the idea that currently the majority of people are against the war in iraq, see no purpose, and want us out of there. The start may have been different. And that brings me to a much larger point i will try to illustrate. Looking at the past and judging today by it may lead us to faulty conclusions.

    you don't honestly believe that the civil rights movement and the changes caused by it are mostly superficial? hopefully you meant something different.

    Again i understand what the statistics could be said to show. But to me that isn't a result of current institutionalized racism. The past certainly has an affect on the present, but let's be what point will we say, the past injustice felt no longer applies to the future. When will that day occur?
    The plight of those in the inner city ( I agree with your comment on class being a bigger problem ) is exacerbated by the actions by those same people. It is a catch 22...It will be very hard to convince the people to spend even more money on schools when the kids in those areas don't want to go and damage the schools that are there.
    I don't know the solution. But pragmatically, focusing on the past will not solve the problems of the day. It will help prevent us from making those same mistakes if we are able to learn from them. Does that makes sense?

    either way...we both think there is a problem. I just think that the solutions will come from a different way of thinking, but the prevention in the future will spawn from the statistics of the past. I don't know...whatever it is we are doing isn't helping current generations in the short isn't it time for a fresh view?

    but most people still believe that going into iraq was the right thing to do ... just because a current belief that the US should be out doesn't change the fact that people still believe the motive was fine ...

    let me put it another way ... if a group wanted to exert racial policies today ... they do so in a more insidious manner ... for example ... if a store wanted to ban blacks ... they aren't going to hang a sign saying "no blacks allowed" ... instead ... they put up signs that say "no baseball caps" ... now, this example is just meant to show how it's done now and uses generalizations and what not ... so, anyone who replies to this focusing on the baseball caps is going to be ignored for not understanding my disclaimer ... ;)

    as much as the civil rights movement gave certain minorities rights and freedoms - all it did was change the way the racism was shown ...

    yes, things are different from 50 years ago ... but there is a looong way to go ...

    But not acknowledging the change is the same problem I am talking about with race relations. Without acknowledging that change, you cannot acknowledge advancement. Just like the original topic. By saying it gave a certain minorities rights and freedoms demeans the monumental change for America. ... 03544.html
    from the article
    The percentage of Americans who say America did the right thing in going to war in Iraq now stands at 37 percent.

    You cannot put up signs that will keep out a certain group. Now if you put the sign up and only enforce it on African Americans that is different. But do you honestly believe that type of behavior happens everywhere all the time? It isn't institutional racism, it is at its base, people always doing what people do all over the world...hating differences no matter how petty.
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    RW81233 wrote:
    I was talking about in the US...of course there were other peoples that practiced slavery. What was unique about the United States is that we were a country built on the idea that "all men were created equal". To justify slavery in this particular context (not worldwide) required the use of bunk science to dehumanize and actually turn black men into 3/5ths of a person. That has had a lasting effect on our society that continues today.

    Fair enough, but that wasn't clear in your post.

    It is a sad juxtaposition there is no doubt of that...
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • RW81233RW81233 Posts: 2,393
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    RW81233 wrote:
    I was talking about in the US...of course there were other peoples that practiced slavery. What was unique about the United States is that we were a country built on the idea that "all men were created equal". To justify slavery in this particular context (not worldwide) required the use of bunk science to dehumanize and actually turn black men into 3/5ths of a person. That has had a lasting effect on our society that continues today.

    Fair enough, but that wasn't clear in your post.

    It is a sad juxtaposition there is no doubt of that...
    yeah i realized that upon the reread and wanted to make clear what i was talking about.
  • mikepegg44mikepegg44 Posts: 3,353
    RW81233 wrote:
    mikepegg44 wrote:
    RW81233 wrote:
    I was talking about in the US...of course there were other peoples that practiced slavery. What was unique about the United States is that we were a country built on the idea that "all men were created equal". To justify slavery in this particular context (not worldwide) required the use of bunk science to dehumanize and actually turn black men into 3/5ths of a person. That has had a lasting effect on our society that continues today.

    Fair enough, but that wasn't clear in your post.

    It is a sad juxtaposition there is no doubt of that...
    yeah i realized that upon the reread and wanted to make clear what i was talking about.

    I am glad you did. The use of science to create a subhuman species was really a strange thing to do. It really wasn't necessary, they could have simply said property is not considered matter the property.
    But the science angle for this was only the start of misusing the scientific method to justify positions ;) (you see what I did there?)
    that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
    It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
    - Joe Rogan
  • Godfather.Godfather. Posts: 12,504
    Godfather. wrote:
    I call it bad credit if your black white or green and did you see the small spot in the news about the black panthers intimidating voters at the poles during the Obama vote, blacks(not all) are just as much to blame for racism as anybody else,when you commit a crime you go to prison no matter what color you are,more blacks are killed by other blacks than killed by whites...I really tired of aLL the whining about the poor black people..seems a ploy for more attention.


    I said "same" credit scores, not worse credit scores and longer prison terms, not no prison terms. I agree, you have poor credit, no loan. You commit a crime, you go to jail. Just not be treated differently because of the color of your skin. And the Black Panthers intimidation of voters was how? Threats of physical violence? Exercising their freedom of speech? An isolated incident? Or was it a concerted attack on multiple polling places in republican leaning, wealtheir voting districts? Regardless, if it happened, it was wrong. Racism, practiced by anyone, is wrong regardless of who commits the act and who the victim is. My point is that blacks are victims far more often than whites. And I'd be willing to bet that more whites are killed by whites so I don't understand the point you were trying to make by your statement that more blacks are killed by blacks. Please help me understand. And what did you mean by "a ploy for more attention?"


    o.k. a little black history, did you know that black tribes sold and traded other blacks to the white slave traders ? did you know that whites left their farms to their slaves sometimes ? did you know some of those black farm owners also used slave labor and bought and sold slaves ? and blacks being victims far more than whites today ? try walking your white ass down ocean view at night...or any black neighborhood in the low income part of town then tell them they are racist if they call you white trash and kick your ass or shoot you,
    this is now.. not the 1800's I never owned a slave and don't judge my friends or anybody else buy the color of their skin I call it like I see based on my own experiances,if a man is repectful toward me then I will treat them the same no matter what color they are, EACH person showes who they are by their actions not their color and people that keep pushing the racism isssue are helping to keep racism alive, the past is just that...the past we need to move forward and stop blaming people for things that happened 200 years ago.

  • Jason PJason P Posts: 19,165
    No shirt, No shoes, No service


    I believe this to be discriminatory against white rednecks.

    Be Excellent To Each Other
    Party On, Dudes!
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