Anyone with half a brain knows how bad meth, coke, heroin, and other hard drugs are. So there is no reason to preach to anyone here about which ones are worse. There is also no reason to preach about children using them. We all know that it is currently a problem. And that is the point, our system isn't working. The billions of dollars being spent on the war on drugs flat out isn't working. That money would be much better spent on education and an advertising blitz to shift culture even more against hard drugs. We have a billboard campaign where I live that shows before and after pictures of actual hard drug addicts. It is very eye opening to see the difference in appearance of these people. It's about time more money was spent this way. But instead we continue to waste money on prisons and other effects of the war on drugs. So Pandora can preach all the nonsense she wants about the children and the killer drugs. But her old lady ways are just making the effects of drugs on children and society worse. She just fails to grasp that because of a lack of ability to reasonable thought process.
your mother must be so proud she raised a loving respectful child
And yes good money is going towards education and ads now to get the word out
more is needed
this wasn't here a decade ago when we needed it most so this is promising to people
who have been victimized
The prisons are to house those cooking CRYSTAL METH and those pushing it not the users
I am reasonable enough to be kind and respectful to even those I do not agree with
something you are not capable of that is unreasonable of you
Sorry if you found that disrespectful. But it's a fact. As your generation dies off we will become more progressive. It's 2012, the system we've had for the last 40 years isn't working. It's time to try something new.
Anyone with half a brain knows how bad meth, coke, heroin, and other hard drugs are. So there is no reason to preach to anyone here about which ones are worse. There is also no reason to preach about children using them. We all know that it is currently a problem. And that is the point, our system isn't working. The billions of dollars being spent on the war on drugs flat out isn't working. That money would be much better spent on education and an advertising blitz to shift culture even more against hard drugs. We have a billboard campaign where I live that shows before and after pictures of actual hard drug addicts. It is very eye opening to see the difference in appearance of these people. It's about time more money was spent this way. But instead we continue to waste money on prisons and other effects of the war on drugs. So Pandora can preach all the nonsense she wants about the children and the killer drugs. But her old lady ways are just making the effects of drugs on children and society worse. She just fails to grasp that because of a lack of ability to reasonable thought process.
your mother must be so proud she raised a loving respectful child
And yes good money is going towards education and ads now to get the word out
more is needed
this wasn't here a decade ago when we needed it most so this is promising to people
who have been victimized
The prisons are to house those cooking CRYSTAL METH and those pushing it not the users
I am reasonable enough to be kind and respectful to even those I do not agree with
something you are not capable of that is unreasonable of you
Sorry if you found that disrespectful. But it's a fact. As your generation dies off we will become more progressive. It's 2012, the system we've had for the last 40 years isn't working. It's time to try something new.
Don't you love it when someone says sorry but... I bet you do that a whole lot don't you?
Gee can you get pot legalized then cause me thinks this stance to legalize all drugs
even the most heinous and deadly is going to hinder getting Pot in the pantry
and I've been waiting awhile on that
let's start with the common sense stuff first shall we ...
I have to admit that I did sort of glaze over a few pages of this thread since I found some posts were getting a bit repetitive...
There is quite a bit of rubbish to sift through!
Also, what may work in one country may not in another. It's not one solution for all. What we do know is that what we have in place doesn't work. Maybe 'our' countries can do a bit of 'fact findig' and look at those countries that have an alternative solution to the problem that seems to be successful and see how kt could be applied/partly applied to 'our' issues.
Anyone with half a brain knows how bad meth, coke, heroin, and other hard drugs are. So there is no reason to preach to anyone here about which ones are worse. There is also no reason to preach about children using them. We all know that it is currently a problem. And that is the point, our system isn't working. The billions of dollars being spent on the war on drugs flat out isn't working. That money would be much better spent on education and an advertising blitz to shift culture even more against hard drugs. We have a billboard campaign where I live that shows before and after pictures of actual hard drug addicts. It is very eye opening to see the difference in appearance of these people. It's about time more money was spent this way. But instead we continue to waste money on prisons and other effects of the war on drugs. So Pandora can preach all the nonsense she wants about the children and the killer drugs. But her old lady ways are just making the effects of drugs on children and society worse. She just fails to grasp that because of a lack of ability to reasonable thought process.
your mother must be so proud she raised a loving respectful child
And yes good money is going towards education and ads now to get the word out
more is needed
this wasn't here a decade ago when we needed it most so this is promising to people
who have been victimized
The prisons are to house those cooking CRYSTAL METH and those pushing it not the users
I am reasonable enough to be kind and respectful to even those I do not agree with
something you are not capable of that is unreasonable of you
Sorry if you found that disrespectful. But it's a fact. As your generation dies off we will become more progressive. It's 2012, the system we've had for the last 40 years isn't working. It's time to try something new.
Sir, you are out to lunch. 'Try something new'? Before doing something as radical and broad-based as legalizing drugs, do you think it would be wise to make sure the move is a solid one? Sorry, not everyone thinks legalizing cocaine, heroin and meth is a good idea. In fact, if the gloves are off, the suggestion of doing so is laughable. Get serious.
More disturbing, however, is the lack of respect you have shown to Pandora or anyone else of 'the unprogressive generation' with your boad-based assertion. If you had spent even the fraction of a second thinking before talking, you would realize that uttering such nonsense would make you come across as somewhat mentally challenged. 'Pandora's generation' (the last 40 years that you referred to) has been arguably the most progressive of any generation we have witnessed. As a small example, look how- essentially in real time- I can point out your brashness to you from across the world.
If the world's future lies in 'your generation's hands'... and this is the attitude... yikes.
"My brain's a good brain!"
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
I think most everyone here would agree that taking meth is a bad idea- I'm always amazed that people do it at all. The problem with showing graphic pictures like these is two-fold. First, they don't work very often. How many times have you seen a photo of smokers lungs? I've seen plenty. You would think that would be a deterrent but generally it's not. It never stopped me. I quite cigarettes because I became educated about health in a broader sense- in a way that talked about healing as opposed to being show threatening photos. The other problem with this approach is that you could show someone a graphic photo of a diabetic's foot just prior to them loosing it and start an argument for banning sugar. Or showing photographs of an older person's brain and stating that TV should be outlawed.
I admire your concern but I'm not sure your approaches work as well as going to the higher level of effectiveness- improving education, finding ways to make the world a better saner place so people feel less compelled to need escape and rethinking our viewpoint of a more benign drug like marijuana.
My biggest objection to outlawing drug use is that I see no reason to arrest people for victimless activity. Try to dissuade people from harming themselves- YES! Outlaw it- NO!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I think most everyone here would agree that taking meth is a bad idea- I'm always amazed that people do it at all. The problem with showing graphic pictures like these is two-fold. First, they don't work very often. How many times have you seen a photo of smokers lungs? I've seen plenty. You would think that would be a deterrent but generally it's not. It never stopped me. I quite cigarettes because I became educated about health in a broader sense- in a way that talked about healing as opposed to being show threatening photos. The other problem with this approach is that you could show someone a graphic photo of a diabetic's foot just prior to them loosing it and start an argument for banning sugar. Or showing photographs of an older person's brain and stating that TV should be outlawed.
I admire your concern but I'm not sure your approaches work as well as going to the higher level of effectiveness- improving education, finding ways to make the world a better saner place so people feel less compelled to need escape and rethinking our viewpoint of a more benign drug like marijuana.
My biggest objection to outlawing drug use is that I see no reason to arrest people for victimless activity. Try to dissuade people from harming themselves- YES! Outlaw it- NO!
- improving education, finding ways to make the world a better saner place so people feel less compelled to need escape
Exactly. Tackling the roots of the problem. No use putting a bandage over a festering wound - it won't heal, just get worse. No use 'detoxing' an addict if he/she will be going back to the same environment that caused this person to start taking drugs...
Sorry if you found that disrespectful. But it's a fact. As your generation dies off we will become more progressive. It's 2012, the system we've had for the last 40 years isn't working. It's time to try something new.
Sir, you are out to lunch. 'Try something new'? Before doing something as radical and broad-based as legalizing drugs, do you think it would be wise to make sure the move is a solid one? Sorry, not everyone thinks legalizing cocaine, heroin and meth is a good idea. In fact, if the gloves are off, the suggestion of doing so is laughable. Get serious.
More disturbing, however, is the lack of respect you have shown to Pandora or anyone else of 'the unprogressive generation' with your boad-based assertion. If you had spent even the fraction of a second thinking before talking, you would realize that uttering such nonsense would make you come across as somewhat mentally challenged. 'Pandora's generation' (the last 40 years that you referred to) has been arguably the most progressive of any generation we have witnessed. As a small example, look how- essentially in real time- I can point out your brashness to you from across the world.
If the world's future lies in 'your generation's hands'... and this is the attitude... yikes.
I find your statement about his mother more distasteful than what he said to you.
think you might be a little biased maybe
no, you took a personal shot at someone TWICE and then go on to spew about being reasonable and all-loving and whatnot. it's incredibly hypocritical. I'd call anyone out on that, doesn't matter if it's you or not.
Gimli 1993
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I find your statement about his mother more distasteful than what he said to you.
think you might be a little biased maybe
no, you took a personal shot at someone TWICE and then go on to spew about being reasonable and all-loving and whatnot. it's incredibly hypocritical. I'd call anyone out on that, doesn't matter if it's you or not.
well yes it does obviously...
do you have anything productive to add to the subject matter
or just want to discuss my post
because that is against posting guidelines
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,782
Sorry if you found that disrespectful. But it's a fact. As your generation dies off we will become more progressive. It's 2012, the system we've had for the last 40 years isn't working. It's time to try something new.
Sir, you are out to lunch. 'Try something new'? Before doing something as radical and broad-based as legalizing drugs, do you think it would be wise to make sure the move is a solid one? Sorry, not everyone thinks legalizing cocaine, heroin and meth is a good idea. In fact, if the gloves are off, the suggestion of doing so is laughable. Get serious.
More disturbing, however, is the lack of respect you have shown to Pandora or anyone else of 'the unprogressive generation' with your boad-based assertion. If you had spent even the fraction of a second thinking before talking, you would realize that uttering such nonsense would make you come across as somewhat mentally challenged. 'Pandora's generation' (the last 40 years that you referred to) has been arguably the most progressive of any generation we have witnessed. As a small example, look how- essentially in real time- I can point out your brashness to you from across the world.
If the world's future lies in 'your generation's hands'... and this is the attitude... yikes.
Hey look folks, if we're going to turn this into a "let's blame this generation or that" kind of thing maybe I can end this be letting you blame it on my generation (I'm 60 so I assume I'm in a different generation than most of you). We were the generation that was going to bring peace and love to the world- until our 401K's and stock portfolios became a more pressing issue. :(
Or maybe we should blame the Romans- say Caligula and his outrageous band of party freaks. Them and Felinni !
I know, nothing worse than a smart-assed old geezer.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I think most of us can agree on these few points...
1. Using hard drugs has severe consequences (I'm not touching on the debate as to whether these can be used responsibly or not)
2. More money needs to be spent on education and prevention
3. Drug users should not be in jails, but in treatment centres
What seems to be at issue is whether the government has the right to dictate what substances people can put into their bodies -- the free choice argument – and whether legalizing drugs is the same as condoning their use and whether this would be detrimental to our common goal of saving lives.
When I was in high school the main slogan going around was “friends don't let friends drink and drive.” It seems that if the control is by your friends and peers, it's ok, but as soon it's the government steps in people get upset. Perhaps it's the assumption that the government has ulterior motives...
Also, what do we do with the manufacturers and top dealers/distributors? More jail time? From what I know (or have been led to think based mostly on tv shows or whatnot) most of the these people at the top of the drug chain don't even use the drugs the make and sell to others. Is this correct? So, if we prevent people using, or at least reduce the number dramatically enough, these people will find some other way to make their money (this may be a good thing or a bad thing...)?
I can see where Brandon is coming from though. Old generals on old tired horses riding on ideas that got us into this mess not letting go and trying to get a breathe of fresh ideas into a system that obviously is headed for major meltdown. I dont think its disrespectful its a matter of saying lets put some new ideas in there even if its coming from the new "kids" on the block. I can actually sympathize with that at least. Who says that all wisdom comes with age? (not that you should show disrespect, however, the street does work both ways)
- improving education, finding ways to make the world a better saner place so people feel less compelled to need escape
Exactly. Tackling the roots of the problem. No use putting a bandage over a festering wound - it won't heal, just get worse. No use 'detoxing' an addict if he/she will be going back to the same environment that caused this person to start taking drugs...
I think i said that like page 1 or 2... but whatever. lol
Anyone with half a brain knows how bad meth, coke, heroin, and other hard drugs are. So there is no reason to preach to anyone here about which ones are worse. There is also no reason to preach about children using them. We all know that it is currently a problem. And that is the point, our system isn't working. The billions of dollars being spent on the war on drugs flat out isn't working. That money would be much better spent on education and an advertising blitz to shift culture even more against hard drugs. We have a billboard campaign where I live that shows before and after pictures of actual hard drug addicts. It is very eye opening to see the difference in appearance of these people. It's about time more money was spent this way. But instead we continue to waste money on prisons and other effects of the war on drugs. So Pandora can preach all the nonsense she wants about the children and the killer drugs. But her old lady ways are just making the effects of drugs on children and society worse. She just fails to grasp that because of a lack of ability to reasonable thought process.
your mother must be so proud she raised a loving respectful child
And yes good money is going towards education and ads now to get the word out
more is needed
this wasn't here a decade ago when we needed it most so this is promising to people
who have been victimized
The prisons are to house those cooking CRYSTAL METH and those pushing it not the users
I am reasonable enough to be kind and respectful to even those I do not agree with
something you are not capable of ...
that is unreasonable of you
The only reason all those drugs are illegal is because the government says so...who says the government is right. How about the damage that is caused by the pharmaceuticals people take everyday.
Facts on Prescription Drug Deaths and the Drug Industry
Now I realize meth is extremely dangerousI am pro legalization of all drugs. I think society if we just regulated the industry, taxed the industry and redirected police resources to other areas.
I have certain rules I live by ... My First Rule ... I don't believe anything the government tells me ... George Carlin
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
Anyone with half a brain knows how bad meth, coke, heroin, and other hard drugs are. So there is no reason to preach to anyone here about which ones are worse. There is also no reason to preach about children using them. We all know that it is currently a problem. And that is the point, our system isn't working. The billions of dollars being spent on the war on drugs flat out isn't working. That money would be much better spent on education and an advertising blitz to shift culture even more against hard drugs. We have a billboard campaign where I live that shows before and after pictures of actual hard drug addicts. It is very eye opening to see the difference in appearance of these people. It's about time more money was spent this way. But instead we continue to waste money on prisons and other effects of the war on drugs. So Pandora can preach all the nonsense she wants about the children and the killer drugs. But her old lady ways are just making the effects of drugs on children and society worse. She just fails to grasp that because of a lack of ability to reasonable thought process.
your mother must be so proud she raised a loving respectful child
And yes good money is going towards education and ads now to get the word out
more is needed
this wasn't here a decade ago when we needed it most so this is promising to people
who have been victimized
The prisons are to house those cooking CRYSTAL METH and those pushing it not the users
I am reasonable enough to be kind and respectful to even those I do not agree with
something you are not capable of ...
that is unreasonable of you
The only reason all those drugs are illegal is because the government says so...who says the government is right. How about the damage that is caused by the pharmaceuticals people take everyday.
Facts on Prescription Drug Deaths and the Drug Industry
Now I realize meth is extremely dangerousI am pro legalization of all drugs. I think society if we just regulated the industry, taxed the industry and redirected police resources to other areas.
The government also bans drugs that are released to the public, that after use are found to
cause heart failure, renal failure, etc so therefore are removed for the public's safety.
This also takes place with supplements and foods, dangerous toys and other products.
This is what governments do. They represent people, advise and protect.
Pharmaceuticals are created to help manage real life health issues.
They have a purpose for creation.
CRYSTAL METH has no health benefit ...
it was created for the sole purpose to cause addiction and profit from it.... illegally.
CRYSTAL METH has no health benefit ...
it was created for the sole purpose to cause addiction and profit from it.... illegally.
You really should do your research before you continue to spout off even more false information. Crystal Meth dates back to WWII. It was used by both the axis and the allies forces. It was extensively used to reduce fatigue and suppress appetite. Following the war era, Meth tablets were referred to as "work pills" and used widely in Japan. Not only that, it was legally used in the U.S. as well.
CRYSTAL METH has no health benefit ...
it was created for the sole purpose to cause addiction and profit from it.... illegally.
You really should do your research before you continue to spout off even more false information. Crystal Meth dates back to WWII. It was used by both the axis and the allies forces. It was extensively used to reduce fatigue and suppress appetite. Following the war era, Meth tablets were referred to as "work pills" and used widely in Japan. Not only that, it was legally used in the U.S. as well.
it has been around for a long time...and it will be around for a long time into the future. making it illegal does nothing to stem the tide. it just puts money in the pockets of those that don't deserve it
I would love for drugs to be legal because it would be a step in the direction of personal freedom...but i would settle for drug decriminalization. it would be a start and would focus the efforts of the DEA and local police in the direction of the suppliers and not the get highers
that’s right! Can’t we all just get together and focus on our real enemies: monogamous gays and stem cells… - Ned Flanders
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Sorry if you found that disrespectful. But it's a fact. As your generation dies off we will become more progressive. It's 2012, the system we've had for the last 40 years isn't working. It's time to try something new.
Gee can you get pot legalized then cause me thinks this stance to legalize all drugs
even the most heinous and deadly is going to hinder getting Pot in the pantry
and I've been waiting awhile on that
let's start with the common sense stuff first shall we ...
Also, what may work in one country may not in another. It's not one solution for all. What we do know is that what we have in place doesn't work. Maybe 'our' countries can do a bit of 'fact findig' and look at those countries that have an alternative solution to the problem that seems to be successful and see how kt could be applied/partly applied to 'our' issues.
will you never stop??? my god, the JUDGMENT!!
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
I find your statement about his mother more distasteful than what he said to you.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
Sir, you are out to lunch. 'Try something new'? Before doing something as radical and broad-based as legalizing drugs, do you think it would be wise to make sure the move is a solid one? Sorry, not everyone thinks legalizing cocaine, heroin and meth is a good idea. In fact, if the gloves are off, the suggestion of doing so is laughable. Get serious.
More disturbing, however, is the lack of respect you have shown to Pandora or anyone else of 'the unprogressive generation' with your boad-based assertion. If you had spent even the fraction of a second thinking before talking, you would realize that uttering such nonsense would make you come across as somewhat mentally challenged. 'Pandora's generation' (the last 40 years that you referred to) has been arguably the most progressive of any generation we have witnessed. As a small example, look how- essentially in real time- I can point out your brashness to you from across the world.
If the world's future lies in 'your generation's hands'... and this is the attitude... yikes.
I think most everyone here would agree that taking meth is a bad idea- I'm always amazed that people do it at all. The problem with showing graphic pictures like these is two-fold. First, they don't work very often. How many times have you seen a photo of smokers lungs? I've seen plenty. You would think that would be a deterrent but generally it's not. It never stopped me. I quite cigarettes because I became educated about health in a broader sense- in a way that talked about healing as opposed to being show threatening photos. The other problem with this approach is that you could show someone a graphic photo of a diabetic's foot just prior to them loosing it and start an argument for banning sugar. Or showing photographs of an older person's brain and stating that TV should be outlawed.
I admire your concern but I'm not sure your approaches work as well as going to the higher level of effectiveness- improving education, finding ways to make the world a better saner place so people feel less compelled to need escape and rethinking our viewpoint of a more benign drug like marijuana.
My biggest objection to outlawing drug use is that I see no reason to arrest people for victimless activity. Try to dissuade people from harming themselves- YES! Outlaw it- NO!
Again I am not for arresting users!
no, you took a personal shot at someone TWICE and then go on to spew about being reasonable and all-loving and whatnot. it's incredibly hypocritical. I'd call anyone out on that, doesn't matter if it's you or not.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
do you have anything productive to add to the subject matter
or just want to discuss my post
because that is against posting guidelines
Hey look folks, if we're going to turn this into a "let's blame this generation or that" kind of thing maybe I can end this be letting you blame it on my generation (I'm 60 so I assume I'm in a different generation than most of you). We were the generation that was going to bring peace and love to the world- until our 401K's and stock portfolios became a more pressing issue. :(
Or maybe we should blame the Romans- say Caligula and his outrageous band of party freaks. Them and Felinni !
I know, nothing worse than a smart-assed old geezer.
Fellini was very progressive in his field. Couldn't blame him of stagnation! But that would be a completely different thread!
1. Using hard drugs has severe consequences (I'm not touching on the debate as to whether these can be used responsibly or not)
2. More money needs to be spent on education and prevention
3. Drug users should not be in jails, but in treatment centres
What seems to be at issue is whether the government has the right to dictate what substances people can put into their bodies -- the free choice argument – and whether legalizing drugs is the same as condoning their use and whether this would be detrimental to our common goal of saving lives.
When I was in high school the main slogan going around was “friends don't let friends drink and drive.” It seems that if the control is by your friends and peers, it's ok, but as soon it's the government steps in people get upset. Perhaps it's the assumption that the government has ulterior motives...
Also, what do we do with the manufacturers and top dealers/distributors? More jail time? From what I know (or have been led to think based mostly on tv shows or whatnot) most of the these people at the top of the drug chain don't even use the drugs the make and sell to others. Is this correct? So, if we prevent people using, or at least reduce the number dramatically enough, these people will find some other way to make their money (this may be a good thing or a bad thing...)?
LMFAO same goes for Gen X too the few of us we are.
so is insulting people in your posts.
I had many things productive to add, but as usual, you dismiss everything anyone has to say if you don't agree with them, so there's really no point.
Fargo 2003
Winnipeg 2005
Winnipeg 2011
St. Paul 2014
The only reason all those drugs are illegal is because the government says so...who says the government is right. How about the damage that is caused by the pharmaceuticals people take everyday.
Facts on Prescription Drug Deaths and the Drug Industry ... g-industry
Recreational Drugs FAR Less Likely to Kill You than Prescribed Drugs! ... drugs.aspx
Now I realize meth is extremely dangerousI am pro legalization of all drugs. I think society if we just regulated the industry, taxed the industry and redirected police resources to other areas.
"Life Is What Happens To You When Your Busy Making Other Plans" John Lennon
I will fly to Miami tomorrow to meet with him and arrange for him to fly to New York for our meeting.
We shall make him an offer he can't refuse.
cause heart failure, renal failure, etc so therefore are removed for the public's safety.
This also takes place with supplements and foods, dangerous toys and other products.
This is what governments do. They represent people, advise and protect.
Pharmaceuticals are created to help manage real life health issues.
They have a purpose for creation.
CRYSTAL METH has no health benefit ...
it was created for the sole purpose to cause addiction and profit from it....
You really should do your research before you continue to spout off even more false information. Crystal Meth dates back to WWII. It was used by both the axis and the allies forces. It was extensively used to reduce fatigue and suppress appetite. Following the war era, Meth tablets were referred to as "work pills" and used widely in Japan. Not only that, it was legally used in the U.S. as well. ... l_Meth.htm
I was going to post this earlier as well.
it has been around for a long time...and it will be around for a long time into the future. making it illegal does nothing to stem the tide. it just puts money in the pockets of those that don't deserve it
I would love for drugs to be legal because it would be a step in the direction of personal freedom...but i would settle for drug decriminalization. it would be a start and would focus the efforts of the DEA and local police in the direction of the suppliers and not the get highers
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan