you realize guys don't understand what you just said, right?
ok, then: "maybe she just wasn't into him"
is that better?
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
I love how the PJ community takes care of each other and most important look out for each other.
Lots of great advice here for us single ladies.
This thread ROCKS!
Okay, just got back and I'm totally late to class, so I've got to run. Nutshell: I think it went well in that we had a good conversation. I'm not sure either of us is romantically attracted though. No word on what will happen next. AND MY FUCKING SISTER ACTUALLY SHOWED UP - AND APPARENTLY SHE TOOK PICTURES!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: I don't think he saw her though.
Okay, just got back and I'm totally late to class, so I've got to run. Nutshell: I think it went well in that we had a good conversation. I'm not sure either of us is romantically attracted though. No word on what will happen next. AND MY FUCKING SISTER ACTUALLY SHOWED UP - AND APPARENTLY SHE TOOK PICTURES!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: I don't think he saw her though.
All in all, I had a good time!
Oh........well that is a bit disappointing.
I kinda agree with Zig...she had good convo, but was LATE to class.
i think she's more high on the fact that she asked a guy out, he said yes, and she had a nice time.
Prob thinking, "I don't care if we didn't click, I freaking asked a hot guy out and he said yes!"
The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun.
What's the fucking go with her sister showing up and taking photos? How old is she? FIFTEEN?!
C'mon Zig...take it easy on the terms of photos she's like Obi-Won Kanobi...she's our only hope.
I find it hilarious that she turned up though to secretly take photos. Can you imagine _'s face! Seeing the sister, then trying to ignore that the sister is even there....while in her peripheral vision _ can see FLASH SNAP FLASH SNAP :wave:! haha
What's the fucking go with her sister showing up and taking photos? How old is she? FIFTEEN?!
C'mon Zig...take it easy on the terms of photos she's like Obi-Won Kanobi...she's our only hope.
I find it hilarious that she turned up though to secretly take photos. Can you imagine _'s face! Seeing the sister, then trying to ignore that the sister is even there....while in her peripheral vision _ can see FLASH SNAP FLASH SNAP :wave:! haha
Maybe thats whats taking her so long to update us...she might be disposing of the body
Okay, sorry; I just got back from class. So here's how it went: I think I was a little awkward at first. He mistakenly thought I was a midwife, but I'm not. He bought drinks (my plan was for me to buy, but whatever). We sat at a little table by the door. It was kind of loud in there, so I was leaned over the table the whole time. Anyone who saw us - including him - probably thought I was all drooling over him, but really I couldn't hear him well.
I had told myself to keep the conversation light and just talk about factual things - where we're from, what our hobbies are, etc. Remember how I agreed with one of you who said to not talk about heavy stuff like politics and religion? But we ended up mostly talking about heavy stuff like politics & religion. He started it. He asked my opinion about homelessness and whether I give money to homeless people and why. So I told him all about it and he didn't disagree per se, but he presented an alternative perspective. It was a valid perspective and I really appreciated that we could have an intelligent conversation and not feel the need to agree with one another. He's wicked-smart, really intellectual, thought carefully about what he had to say. I find all that very attractive, but I haven't hung out with academic-types in a long time and I almost felt kind of intimidated. (The people I work with are medical professionals, so they're more about practice than theory.) We talked about biological determinism and his theory on how religion may have an evolutionary effect on male mating practices. We talked about the hierarchical nature of friend & sibling relationships in humans and how they relate to baboon interaction. We talked a little about family planning policy. (He brought it up, not me.) We talked a little about our families and very little about music. And all that in less than 2 hours.
So as far as I'm concerned we had a great & interesting conversation. I'm not much into small talk and I'm glad he's not either. And the conversation flowed pretty well. But I'm not sure if that was because of any kind of connection or if he just talks that easily with everyone.
He wasn't shy or nervous at all. A little more Joe Cool than I expected. A little bit of a hipster, you might say. I couldn't really read him at all. I'm not sure there was any chemistry between us.
So he was going to tell me his thoughts on something else when we both noticed the time and said we had to go and he casually said something like that we'd save that conversation for next time. It was funny, but as we were walking out he made a point to assure me that he's really very liberal. (I guess he thought some of the things he said about biology didn't sound very liberal.) I'm curious as to why he felt the need to let me know that. So we both walked in the same direction until we parted ways and he said it was good (or maybe he used another word; I can't remember) to meet me and I said something about maybe we could continue our conversation another time - and I can't fucking remember what he said to that. He didn't run screaming in the opposite direction though.
And then I called my sister and told her I was going to kill her.
I kinda agree with Zig...she had good convo, but was LATE to class.
i think she's more high on the fact that she asked a guy out, he said yes, and she had a nice time.
Prob thinking, "I don't care if we didn't click, I freaking asked a hot guy out and he said yes!"
I hadn't thought of it quite like that, but it's true. I'm just glad I talked to him, so now I won't wonder what that would be like. And I did enjoy our conversation. If he wants to hang out again, I'd enjoy that. If not, I'm happy to let it drop.
What's the fucking go with her sister showing up and taking photos? How old is she? FIFTEEN?!
Seriously. I am kinda pissed about that. I think she acted 15 because she was getting me back for when we were 15 and I showed up to one of her dates. But it wasn't my fault! I was a mere innocent passenger in a car with my mom, who decided to drive by where we knew she was on a date. We didn't know, though, that they were sitting at a table outside on the corner, and that there was a long light we'd have to stop at on that corner. And her date knew me, so we couldn't pretend it wasn't us as we sat there stopped next to them for what seemed like forever.
What's the fucking go with her sister showing up and taking photos? How old is she? FIFTEEN?!
C'mon Zig...take it easy on the terms of photos she's like Obi-Won Kanobi...she's our only hope.
I find it hilarious that she turned up though to secretly take photos. Can you imagine _'s face! Seeing the sister, then trying to ignore that the sister is even there....while in her peripheral vision _ can see FLASH SNAP FLASH SNAP :wave:! haha
Man, I'm quite proud of myself for how well I played it off. I didn't look at her once. I saw her walk in out of the corner of my eye and I can't believe I even maintained my composure. My back was to the room and I never turned around to see where she was or anything. Then, after about 30 minutes, I saw her leave out of the corner of my eye. I had no idea she took pictures until I called her afterward. She's all proud of herself for being so sly. I think she's a wanna-be spy or something.
I think so, too, but clearly the machinations of this will be our next big adventure. I didn't see anything about phone numbers being exchanged, right?
I think so, too, but clearly the machinations of this will be our next big adventure. I didn't see anything about phone numbers being exchanged, right?
Good point!!! Were telephone #s exchanged?
The thing I like most about time is that it's not real. It's all in the head. Sure, it's a useful trick to use if you want to meet someone at a specific place in the universe and have tea or coffee- but that's all it is- a trick. There is no such thing as the past. It exists only in the memory. There is no such thing as the future. It exists only in our imagination. If our watches were truly accurate, the only thing they would ever say is "Now". That's what time it is. It's "Now". - Damien Echols
____, do you get the impression he knows he is good looking?
Maybe. And/or knows he's unbelievably talented & brilliant. He probably gets hit on a lot. He didn't really seem cocky though - just more confident than I imagined. Had he seemed more vulnerable, I think I would have been able to relate to him more.
____, do you get the impression he knows he is good looking?
Maybe. And/or knows he's unbelievably talented & brilliant. He probably gets hit on a lot. He didn't really seem cocky though - just more confident than I imagined. Had he seemed more vulnerable, I think I would have been able to relate to him more.
I think so, too, but clearly the machinations of this will be our next big adventure. I didn't see anything about phone numbers being exchanged, right?
Nope, no phone numbers were exchanged. He does have my number, though, because I gave it to him yesterday in case he needed to reach me today after I had already left to meet him.
ok, then: "maybe she just wasn't into him"
is that better?
- Christopher McCandless
Lots of great advice here for us single ladies.
This thread ROCKS!
(yea, my life is a little boring at this moment)
Oh........well that is a bit disappointing.
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
I just quickly scanned the 8 pages looking for photos!
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
I kinda agree with Zig...she had good convo, but was LATE to class.
i think she's more high on the fact that she asked a guy out, he said yes, and she had a nice time.
Prob thinking, "I don't care if we didn't click, I freaking asked a hot guy out and he said yes!"
- Christopher McCandless
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
C'mon Zig...take it easy on the terms of photos she's like Obi-Won Kanobi...she's our only hope.
Post of the day!! Lol
★ 2009 - Sydney, Brisbane, Auckland, Christchurch ★
★ 2011 - EV Newcastle, Melbourne 1, Melbourne 2 ★
Maybe thats whats taking her so long to update us...she might be disposing of the body
I had told myself to keep the conversation light and just talk about factual things - where we're from, what our hobbies are, etc. Remember how I agreed with one of you who said to not talk about heavy stuff like politics and religion? But we ended up mostly talking about heavy stuff like politics & religion. He started it. He asked my opinion about homelessness and whether I give money to homeless people and why. So I told him all about it and he didn't disagree per se, but he presented an alternative perspective. It was a valid perspective and I really appreciated that we could have an intelligent conversation and not feel the need to agree with one another. He's wicked-smart, really intellectual, thought carefully about what he had to say. I find all that very attractive, but I haven't hung out with academic-types in a long time and I almost felt kind of intimidated. (The people I work with are medical professionals, so they're more about practice than theory.) We talked about biological determinism and his theory on how religion may have an evolutionary effect on male mating practices. We talked about the hierarchical nature of friend & sibling relationships in humans and how they relate to baboon interaction. We talked a little about family planning policy. (He brought it up, not me.) We talked a little about our families and very little about music. And all that in less than 2 hours.
So as far as I'm concerned we had a great & interesting conversation. I'm not much into small talk and I'm glad he's not either. And the conversation flowed pretty well. But I'm not sure if that was because of any kind of connection or if he just talks that easily with everyone.
He wasn't shy or nervous at all. A little more Joe Cool than I expected. A little bit of a hipster, you might say. I couldn't really read him at all. I'm not sure there was any chemistry between us.
So he was going to tell me his thoughts on something else when we both noticed the time and said we had to go and he casually said something like that we'd save that conversation for next time. It was funny, but as we were walking out he made a point to assure me that he's really very liberal. (I guess he thought some of the things he said about biology didn't sound very liberal.) I'm curious as to why he felt the need to let me know that. So we both walked in the same direction until we parted ways and he said it was good (or maybe he used another word; I can't remember) to meet me and I said something about maybe we could continue our conversation another time - and I can't fucking remember what he said to that. He didn't run screaming in the opposite direction though.
And then I called my sister and told her I was going to kill her.
Seriously. I am kinda pissed about that. I think she acted 15 because she was getting me back for when we were 15 and I showed up to one of her dates. But it wasn't my fault! I was a mere innocent passenger in a car with my mom, who decided to drive by where we knew she was on a date. We didn't know, though, that they were sitting at a table outside on the corner, and that there was a long light we'd have to stop at on that corner. And her date knew me, so we couldn't pretend it wasn't us as we sat there stopped next to them for what seemed like forever.
he really is mr sensitive pony tail guy
Man, I'm quite proud of myself for how well I played it off. I didn't look at her once. I saw her walk in out of the corner of my eye and I can't believe I even maintained my composure. My back was to the room and I never turned around to see where she was or anything. Then, after about 30 minutes, I saw her leave out of the corner of my eye. I had no idea she took pictures until I called her afterward. She's all proud of herself for being so sly. I think she's a wanna-be spy or something.
Thank you.
second date
8/08 - Ed solo in DC, 6/09 Ed in B'more,
10/10 - Brad in B'more
I think so, too, but clearly the machinations of this will be our next big adventure. I didn't see anything about phone numbers being exchanged, right?
Good point!!! Were telephone #s exchanged?
Maybe. And/or knows he's unbelievably talented & brilliant. He probably gets hit on a lot. He didn't really seem cocky though - just more confident than I imagined. Had he seemed more vulnerable, I think I would have been able to relate to him more.
Nope, no phone numbers were exchanged. He does have my number, though, because I gave it to him yesterday in case he needed to reach me today after I had already left to meet him.